From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
President Obama’s Jobs Plan: Stimulus II
“Over Labor Day weekend I met with many small business owners on the Ocean City Boardwalk – a common theme I heard from those potential job creators was their desire to get government out of the way so that they could do what they do best: grow their businesses and create American jobs. President Obama’s newest spending plan is nothing more than a second Stimulus bill. Just like the first Stimulus passed by the previous Congress, it will not create jobs, but instead delay recovery, increase the debt and grow the size of government. I believe that common sense ideas like a balanced budget amendment, elimination of job-destroying regulations and making America energy independent will create American jobs and get us out of this recession.”
Fogdog says
These suggestions will not create immediate jobs. Not all of us are millionaires like you and can wait to see if you suggestions will work. You suggestions only help the rich like you get richer.
Why don’t you work at a free clinic to keep up you doctor’s license? Do you need to make an extra 130K from your part-time medical practice because you cannot live on the 175K government salary?
Snowandmo says
Geez! Who peed in your cornflakes? I’m no Republican by any stretch of the imagination, but Mr. Harris is right! Everything suggested by Obama will do nothing in the long run but increase out debt and push everything along for our children and grandchildren to deal with. You would rather have that?
Paul says
You are sad and pathetic.
Rob in Bel Air says
That’s nothing unusual for FogDog . . . he (or she) is still lost in the fog.
MrMarkN says
Gee Wiz! Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Why don’t you come up with some positive suggestions that will HELP instead of trashing every idea you don’t agree with?
Elsie says
Apparently, Mr. Harris, you do not have the “where-with-all” to actually comprehend what was said. If we had a more astute person in the office you now take up space in, perhaps there would actually be a chance for our country to do something!! There has to be someone who really cares what happens to our great nation and our citizens and apparently it is NOT YOU! If you ever take the time to READ and LEARN, you might just find out that government regulation has very little impact in hindering the success of small businesses. Their losses are due to fewer customers spending money. Because of not having enough government regulation, we were “wrung out” by the banking and financial tycoons — the wealthy just got richer and many Americans lost their jobs and homes.
WE (AMERICANS) NEED our government (i.e. CONGRESS) to get up off its a– and cooperate/support the proposal given by the President last night. Your attitude is disgusting and is THE REAL REASON why we are falling behind. The economy and jobs are KEY to our survival and success.
If your only reaction is to criticize, why not do your constituents a favor and step down NOW! Your type is not needed. If you can’t support the solution, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!!!
ALEX R says
Elsie, Please. People lost their homes because the banks didn’t have the chutzpah to tell Barney Frank and Chris Dodd “no” and because people bought houses that they knew they couldn’t afford. On top of that the mortgage bankers, after having their arms twisted to give financing to peple who should never have received it, then packaged the lousy mportgages and sold them to other institutions claiming they were great investments. And when it became obvious to everyone that people couldn’t afford their mortgages then somehow the government should wave a magic wand and fix everything.
Elsie, name me one mortgage banker that has been prosecuted by the Obama administration. Just one. And tell me what prison he is in and how much time he is serving. They are all laughing up their sleeves thanks to Eric Holder and Tim Geithner. Those two Obama cabinet members were handpicked and nominated by President Obama and confirmed by the Democratic Senate. Now they are throwing even more money at the banks.
Our great nation and its citizens need to learn personal reponsibility and accountability. Then charlatans like Frank, Dodd, Geithner, Holder, Obama, Pelosi, Reid and, yes, any of the Republicans and any of the sleazy bankers that are out there won’t have the ability to sell them snake oil.
When everyone says this is a free nation people need to understand that nothing is without cost. There is a cost for everything and the cost of stupidity and gullibility is the highest cost of all.
Snowandmo says
Bravo Alex! Well said!
Dale Neeper says
Well said.
Retiredawhile says
@ALEX R, While I agree with most of what you have to say, I am confused about how Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd went about twisting the arms of Banks and mortgage lenders to give unworthy people home loans. When and how did this occur?
ALEX R says
Check the legislation they sponsored or co-sponsored and check the transcripts of hearings of their committees.
Retiredawhile says
@Alex R. Sub-prime and “liar loans” were in use long before Frank and Dodd were in positions as committee chairmen. We had a Republican Congress until 2006. Bush was President until Jan 2009. Any legislation that was passed by Frank or Dodd in 2006 thru 2008, would have been signed into law by Bush. The mortgage mess is due to a “lack” of regulation oversight, not legislation. Mortgage Brokers, Loan Officers, and Lenders made sub-prime and liar loans for one reason and one reason only “Money and Greed” Was it right to do so…No, but it was legal, and they did not get pressured to do so by Frank or Dodd. I am a Republican and a Conservative. I do not like Frank and I am happy that Dodd is gone from Congress, but they did not pressure anyone to be greedy!!
ALEX R says
Just Google it. Start here:
Retiredawhile says
@Alex R. I read the article you referenced. There is nothing in the article that states Frank twisted anyone’s arm to make them give loans to people who could not pay. I know people who (were) in the mortgage business during the time period of 2003 thru June 2006. Many times they marveled at the fact Lenders would approve loans to people who obviously could not pay for the loan. Their rational for processing such loan applications was that if they didn’t do it, someone else would, and they would miss out on the approx. $5,000 in commission and fees they would make on the average loan. Was it right to do so?…No…but it wasn’t illegal!! And I don’t ever recall them saying that they felt pressured to do it because of Frank or Dodd. Even now they do not think or feel that they were part of the problem we are in today regarding the housing crisis.
ALEX R says
Better read “Reckle$$ Endangerment by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner. Watch carefully for roles played by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Barney’s live in ‘partner’, Barney’s mother, FNMA, et al. Yes, Barney’s mother.
And, without any disrespect intended, if you really have been retired awhile and suffer at all from high blood pressure I would be taking a double dose of your medicine while I am reading the book. Fully documented and will make you want to put someone in jail. Actually, it will make you want to build a new jail because there are that many of them that should be incarcerated.
Snowandmo says
Respectfully disagree
Snowandmo says
My respectfully disagree was directed at Elise, BTW. I would also point out that since Mr. Harris is a medical doctor and therefore completed a significant amount of education, he certainly has the ability to comprehend what the President has proposed.
Edgewood Resident says
Elise, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it’s Obama’s bad ideas that are ruining us. He has just had one failed idea after another. If you would take off your blinders you would see that Obama has been in over his head since day one.
Snowandmo says
Exactly! I don’t hate Obama, nor do I think he’s a bad guy. He’s just a poor leader and desperately hangs onto ideal that have no chance of solving our problems and will, in fact, create more. I believe that he thinks these ideas will work and really wants to help people. He’s simply not a leader.
David A. Porter says
And you guys thought the last chimp in chief was a miraculous second coming of his father? He seemed to be caught off guard by just about everything that came his way except his overzealous, poorly thought out and phallic demonstration of “Shock and Awe” creating a two front war that we are still going to be paying the interest on well into the 22nd century. Glad you got “Your money” back… now if you just had the responsibility to accept the fact that you were paying down “Your debt” we’d all be happier.
noble says
I notice how Mr. Harris’ press releases have gotten shorter and shorter, because apparently even his monkey press intern is tired of writing the same thing over and over for almost a year.
-FJ says
If only Obama would hire a monkey… at least his speeches would be getting shorter.
noble says
The difference between President in the White House and freshman member of the House stuck in the basement with no windows.
Cathy says
Obviously, those of you who support Obama’s disastrous policies don’t know anything about business or economics. Businesses have to plan 3-5 years ahead, and what is hurting them is the uncertainty of the costs of Obamacare, all the regulations that have been issued by the EPA, NRLB, and many of the other Federal agencies. So, since they have all this uncertainty, they are not hiring. Consumers aren’t spending because they don’t know whether they will have jobs or not. Bank of America may lay off 40,000 people.
Obama’s administration has declared war on industry such as Boeing for building a new plant in South Carolina. They are being sued by the NRLB because these jobs are being created in a Right to Work state. Gibson Guitars in Tennessee is being told if their guitars are made overseas, they won’t be subject to federal interference. They are being singled out because of the imported wood they use in their guitars. However, the other guitar makers, using the same wood, are not being bothered. Is it a coincidence that they are Republican supporters while the other guitar makers are Democratic supporters or something more sinister? Wake up people, we have a dictator government on our hands, and it will only get worse unless we get rid of Obama in 2012.