From Harford County Public Schools:
On Wednesday, August 31th, all schools and offices will be OPEN with the exception of the following 11 schools:
CLOSED Elementary
· George D. Lisby at Hillsdale Elementary
· Roye-Williams Elementary
· North Harford Elementary
· Youth’s Benefit Elementary
· John Archer School
· Aberdeen Middle
· Fallston Middle
· North Harford Middle
· Alternative Education Program at CEO
· Fallston High
· North Harford High
School will also be closed for our non-public placement students.
In addition:
· Gradual entrance for kindergarten will take place tomorrow (8/31/11).
· Pre-K will start on Friday, September 2nd.
· Early Intervention Programs will begin on Tuesday, September 6th.
Parents should expect some variations in bus pick-up and drop off times as we work through new routes this year. In addition, those students living on streets that remain closed may not have bus transportation tomorrow.
Thanks Harford County BOE we are in day 5 of no power and I had to send a teen to high school who hasn’t been able to take a shower because we have no hot water! She didn’t want to miss her first day of school, hopefully the birdbath and deodrant do the trick.
It’s summer for heavens sake – they jump into a cold pool whenever possible – a quick cold shower wouldn’t hurt a sole LOL
What about the students who are STILL without power!!! Not a good call this time HCPS!!
While I am sympathetic towards those who need to send kids to school who still have homes without power, I must say that I agree with the decision to open schools. It’s unfortunate that there are still some students without power at home, but the rest of the student population shouldn’t be held back because of that fact. When we were without power for an extended period of time in the past we contacted friends/family that did have power and they allowed us to do things like take a shower. Not trying to sound callous, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Yes, it sucks that there are homes still without power, and I feel sorry for the kids that still need to go to school under those conditions.
What? We are going to wait until all have power restored before we open the schools? Believe me, if I still had no power I would be fussing and fuming, whether or not I had kids. But when did we start closing schools because some people don’t have power? The school system made the right call. Definitely.
On the power front, I agree – where there’s a will, there’s a way. However, if roads are closed and the busses aren’t picking them up, how are parents going to get their kids to school? That was the FAIL in my opinion. That and sending teachers to schools with no power…to do what exactly? Aerate and overseed the playing fields?
If we are that worried about our children not having a shower in the morning shouldn’t the schools allow them to shower in the Gym facilities? There are work arounds for lots of things other than just giving up.
Crews are working around the clock and, of course, a decision has to be made at the end of the preceding day. Each family should always be responsible for their own safety first. If buses, cars, bikes, walking, or neighbors/classmates can’t work it out then those few students should probably stay home today. Teachers in closed schools may find that they actually have power at some point today. There is working plumbing and plenty of natural light in all the schools right now. The YMCA, area health clubs, and many neighbors have opened their (shower) doors to the community. My only suggestion to HCPS right now is that O.T.I.S. (HCPS tech) should see this as one more reason that every teacher should have a laptop. Today they could easily do their work on a battery that would last most of the day. The best I.T. departments work to assist & enable.
Showers can be found where and if there is a will. The Arena club opend their facilities for showers – everyone knows someone who has power whether it is a relative, friend or co-worker. As we now have power and some of my friends to the north still do not – we have had a few visitors to shower at our home. This is a time to step up and step out – we all faired pretty well as opposed to what it could have been – see the glass as half full and look for opportunities. Mine are not able to return to school today but it is important to get the children back into the classroom and besides do we really think that a lot will be accomplished today – I bet we parents have all the homework this evening with forms and such