After Hurricane Irene had moved on and the sun rose on Sunday morning, local photographers Matt Spearman and Dean Nicewander grabbed their gear and headed out to document the damage left behind in Harford County.
The following photos were taken by Spearman, who was able to convince some Verizon contractors to give him access to the closed portions of Wheel Road for greater visibility of the destruction.
Nicewander, of Nicewander Photographic Services, rode along with Officer Jason Neidig of the Aberdeen Police Department on Sunday morning as the storm was making its exit. Most of his shots were around the city limits, including a house on Maxa Road, which was cut in half by a fallen tree. The residents were all okay, Nicewander reported.
Great pics Daggar ! ! !
I agree!!!!!!!!!
AWESOME pic is and explains why it is taking BGE so long to get things up and running in so many places. What a mess and for you folks who thought there was too much hype on Irene maybe now you understand
Cool pix. Thanks for sharing.
Great collection of photos.
Nice photography, thank you.
Love this online news. Great pictures.
Thanks for posting our images Brian.
Nice pictures. Thanks for showing the police at work.