From the office of state Sen. Nancy Jacobs:
At the recent Joint Commission on BRAC I asked about traffic problems at various locations, particularly Route 40 during rush hour near Aberdeen Proving Ground. Some constituents have complained about congestion there since all of the workers from Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey have now transferred to our area. I have just received a response regarding one area of concern from the State Highway Administration. It appears that there will be a bit of relief by late September and more when final construction is complete. I thought the people of Harford and Cecil Counties as well as employees at APG would like to hear what State Highways has said in its response. I am forwarding their e-mail below with attached diagrams.
Senator Nancy Jacobs
Minority Leader
Harford and Cecil Counties
Senator Jacobs:
Thank you for bringing this important matter to SHA’s attention. SHA’s District 4 traffic engineers have finished their review along US 40 from MD 715 to MD 7. The Greenway Business Park development project (striping plan sheets attached) will add a continuous lane from the ramp at MD 715 to MD 7. This work will begin soon with the interim phase completed by the end of September. The interim phase will shift traffic on US 40 to facilitate the widening of a culvert structure and base widening on US 40. During this phase the developer will stripe a ramp lane from MD 715 that continues thru to MD 7. The ramp lane will tie into the right turn lane in the vicinity of the Budget Inn. This will remedy the situation once the interim phase is implemented (end of September).
In the final phase the developer will shift traffic to the ultimate configuration which will include a continuous ramp lane from MD 715 to MD 7. As in the interim phase the ramp lane will tie into the a right turn lane that continues to MD 7. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention. If you require additional information, as always, please feel free to contact me. Take care.
David W. Peake
Metropolitan District Engineer
District Four – Baltimore and Harford Counties
State Highway Administration
U.S. 40 Interim Striping Plan
U.S. 40 Proposed (Final) Striping Plan
Very surprised this work will be accomplished. The current setup allows Police to pull over 10 drivers at a time who are trying not to obstruct the flow of traffic by moving to the right.