The stabbing death of a legally blind Bel Air man was the culmination of months of conflict between him and neighbors in his apartment building, events which led him to keep a gun in his apartment—a weapon that was intended for protection but which became the cause of his death.
Multiple sources familiar with Ward and his apartment building on Redfield Road in Bel Air detailed to The Dagger a series of events which they said led to Ward’s stabbing death late Friday night. The sources spoke on condition of anonymity due to concerns for their safety.
In the days since Ward’s murder, those who knew him have begun to come forward with details of the circumstances leading to his death.
Since early this year, they said Ward had grown increasingly fearful of his downstairs neighbors, a pair of women and their houseguest, who sources alleged may have been running a prostitution operation out of the apartment. One of the sources claimed that two women who lived in the apartment had propositioned visitors to the building.
Among those who spent time at the downstairs apartment, according to sources, was 17-year-old Donnell Graham who, according to charging documents, entered Ward’s apartment Friday night in an attempted burglary. Graham allegedly stabbed Ward in the chest, back and head before fleeing the scene, and was arrested a short time later by Harford County sheriff’s deputies. Despite the arrest of Graham and charges filed against him of first- and second-degree murder, the investigation into the incident remains active, according to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
According to police reports, witnesses and residents of the apartment complex were able to quickly identify Graham as Ward’s killer, and provide his home address, just minutes after the murder. The rapid identification was a result of the witnesses familiarity with Graham, sources said.
According to one individual, Ward’s interaction with his neighbors was, at first, only a nuisance.
“Patrick hated the fact that they moved in,” the source said. “He couldn’t even sit on his balcony, they were bugging him for cigarettes, always asking to come over.”
At some point, another man in his late 50s, identified as David Bunner, took up residence with the women. According to a source close to Ward, he became leery of Bunner, claiming he had made threats against others in the building. However, the source said Ward maintained contact with the two women, Bunner, and Graham.
In the weeks prior to his murder, the source said the relationship between Ward, Bunner, and Graham became increasingly antagonistic. The source said Ward was hesitant to complain to law enforcement authorities for fear of retaliation. But over the next few months, he grew concerned enough that the source said he began keeping a gun in his apartment. In one encounter, Ward implied to the two men that he had a gun in the house.
Just a few days before his murder, sources said two younger girls from the downstairs apartment knocked on Ward’s door, and asked to visit. He let them in, but Graham was with them, and entered the apartment as well.
At some point during the visit, Graham asked to use Ward’s bathroom. The sources claimed that Ward later told friends that he didn’t hear the bathroom’s exhaust fan running, which comes on automatically with the light. Calling out to Graham, Ward heard his voice coming from further back in his apartment.
One source said the visitors left without incident, but that the encounter alarmed Ward.
“He doesn’t open the door for anyone, he keeps the door locked, he knows he’s a target,” the source said. “He was uncomfortable with them, these girls, but he thought they weren’t a threat.”
According to police, residents of the apartment complex reported hearing an altercation Friday night in Ward’s apartment. According to charging documents, witnesses told police that they were unable to enter Ward’s apartment through the front door, but were able to climb to his second-floor balcony. Entering his apartment, the witnesses said they saw Graham standing next to Ward in Ward’s bedroom. Graham fled the apartment as Ward collapsed, and the witnesses began to aid the injured man.
Graham was immediately identified “by numerous citizens” as the attacker, according to the first Harford County sheriff’s deputy on scene. Proceeding to the apartment, the deputy found a number of witnesses in Ward’s apartment, and two individuals tending to Ward. As the deputy helped aid Ward, another witness re-entered the apartment and provided Graham’s home address on Fairwood Road, a short distance away.
K-9 units led deputies from the crime scene to Graham’s apartment building, where “evidence related to the crime” was found. Graham was taken into custody and identified by witnesses.
EMS units arrived at the scene and transported Ward to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.
According to a source, on the evening of the murder, Graham slipped out of a party at the women’s apartment and scaled the building to reach Pat’s balcony. Bunner was not present at the time, the source said, and it was those present at the party who heard the altercation and went to Ward’s apartment.
One source told The Dagger that Graham sought Ward’s gun to commit other crimes. Police said no connection to a gun has been made in the case.
“At this time, we have no knowledge of a gun being involved in this crime,” Harford County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Monica Worrell said.
However, the sources maintained their belief that Ward did own a gun.
“[Ward’s] family has been told they have not found a gun,” one source said. “That’s an issue because we know he had a gun, so if it’s not there, it had to be taken from there on Friday.”
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office declined to answer multiple questions about additional details in the case, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation.
“This is an active ongoing investigation, and we can not/will not comment as it could hinder our investigation,” Worrell said in an e-mail to The Dagger.
A candlelight vigil remains scheduled for Friday night outside Ward’s apartment building on Redfield Road in Bel Air.
Shame they can’t just shoot him now.
The cause of Mr. Wards death was being unfortunate enough to have animals for neighbors, not having a gun in his apartment. The feeble mind of a criminal such as Graham, looks for opportunity to steal what he will not work for. If he had stolen Mr. Wards car, would you be saying that the car was the cause of his death? Graham is subhuman and to imply that Mr. Wards owning a gun caused his death is reprehensible. In America, our constitution guarantees a law abiding citizen the right to possess and use firearms, and this situation vividly demonstrates, they are necessary. The author of this article owes the family and friends of Mr. Ward an apology, for suggesting that ANY lawful action of Mr. Ward contributed to his death. Disgraceful.
It makes me wonder if it can ever be contained. The “new” Sheriff’s station (Hurray!) in Edgewood on Rte. 40 will hopefully begin to mitigate some of the violence and criminal activity that takes place there. Could it be that the massive effort to “clean up” that part of the county is pushing the criminal element into other, more affluent sections of Harford County that as of now have not been grossly impacted? I don’t know. I DO KNOW that my wife and 2 sons are quite familiar with the locations of my Remington 12 gauge and my (legally registered) Ruger revolver … and know how to use them.
This was one of the smartest, most thoughtful responses I’ve ever read on the Dagger! Good for you.
I thought this crap happens on the east side of 95.
Is everybody else missing that a blind man had a gun?
Thanks for the morning chuckle!! That would be scary!!But “legally blind” is different from actually blind and cannot see. They can see but are usually seen wearing “coke bottle” glasses. With this label, they are also usually intitled to Social Security but can live a perfectly normal life.
I saw it. Lots of crazy things go one around here, they let people without brains vote, that seems more dangerous to me.
Don’t forget..they let people without green cards get driver’s licenses and go to college at a discount here.
I hope the Federal Govt. is called to start an investigation on the rental practices at The Season’s. Section 8 rentals require a comprehensive background check to ELIMINATE persons with criminal backgrounds. Sad that every one of the people involved in the latest incident there all had criminal records. This is clear evidence that they are allowing anyone to move in just to insure their receipt of Federal funds. I am contacting the HUD people. I am sick of seeing my neighborhood being torn apart.
Who are you referring to? In the Maryland records there is no apparent criminal history that is obviously tied to Mr Ward or Mr Bunner. Juvenile records are sealed, so you can’t be referring to Mr. (if he warrants a title) Graham. And the two female residents below are not named.
Further, it is not a public housing facility, because Harford County has none. So it would have to be either Voucher (Section 8) or Project-based Section 8, which share very similar HUD policies. However, many policies, including those of criminal backgrounds are largely left up to the local jurisdiction (County/Town) or property manager to decide.
Even if there is a criminal background present, it may not be recent (within a period of time) or of a particular nature (violent or drug related) to prevent someone from being an eligible member of the household.
In most cases where a criminal background or activity is ocurring it is because the person is not listed as a member of the household and is residing there in violation of Federal guidelines and the terms of the lease.
And in many cases, where neighbors believe that a particular residence is assisted housing, it often is not.
It is pretty likely that there is no HUD oversight of this residence or that all applicable federal policies have been properly followed.
If you have other specific information you can share, I would welcome it. Until then, do not jump to conclusions or lead others to do so.
Nobel – check case search for Malachi Bodden and his brother. The two “resident” witness’s (violent assault charges)as well as Mr. Graham ( just released from juvenile facility) and Mr. Ward ( previous minor drug charge ). My heart goes out to the Ward family. And you are correct…our county officials are as well to blame for not overseeing these Section 8 housing areas.
There is “public housing” in Harford County and it’s name is Section 8. Check the crime statistics in this county for those areas. Someone is NOT doing their job.
Thanks for the additional info. As I said, the reasons these individuals aren’t checked are either:
1) They aren’t on the lease
2) The criminal background parameters aren’t breached
3) The unit is not assisted housing
or, 4) Staff haven’t done their job correctly. This, I can assure you, is actually the least likely reason. But it’s possible.
And my point was just to say use the terminology carefully, because “public housing” and “section 8” are two completely different things, governed by totally different Federal regulations.
Its truly unfortunate, but equally amazing that it takes a Murder in Bel Air to finally wake folks up to the Section 8 issues in Harford County. The problem is while we identify that section 8 has issues, we forget that its also used as a cash cow for folks who can easily get vouchers for substandard living and lack of oversight on properties. Get a cheap property patch it up and fill out an application for vouchers from the goold ol’ govt. Its kind of hypocritical and talking out of ones rear end when we scream for less government but jump at the fact to get vouchers as irresponsible landlords and property owners. I’m hoping the upcoming budget cuts start to reflect in the misappropriation of vouchers programs in Harford, especially Rt 40. If theres one thing I can honestly agree with is cuts to so many of these programs that have destroyed our country.
If something is consistently handed to you without question, then how can we expect people to pick themselves up. Politicians run on the fact of “vote for us or handouts will stop”..this to me is modern day slavery and people need to wake up. I truly hope the Harford County Council will now open of conversation of these voucher programs and specifically get an audit done for them in the county (to include occupancy rates, meeting requirements, etc). That is if they can stand up to the realtor lobby who love to float these properties in a down economy.
While I agree with most of what you said, I don’t believe there is any indication that the Section 8 program has any part or culpability in this matter. At least not yet.
And what do you mean by “occupancy rates”? I don’t understand what you hope to find from such an “audit”?
In support of Helen:
Quoting Noble “Juvenile records are sealed, so you can’t be referring to Mr. (if he warrants a title) Graham.”
News sources have access to Juvenile records.
“Graham is accused of stabbing 29-year-old Patrick Ward to death in his Bel Air apartment.
Graham has had several run-ins with the law as a juvenile and was just released from a juvenile detention facility back in May.”
Another local news site claims that Graham was at home eating pizza when the police arrived. Nice. And to think that the defense asked for this case to be moved to the Juvenile system. Do the crime, do the time, buddy!
My cousin used to live at Seasons. Glad she got out of there!
Good info. Typically for Federally assisted housing background checks are not conducted on minors.
Good fore you’ Helen it has too start some where keep the ball rolling.
I would like to know how this Bunner guy has taken up residence in the complex without undergoing a criminal background check or being added to a lease I guess the same goes for, Graham and Malachi Bodden. They threatened to evict me because the kids bikes were on our porch.
I am having a hard time believing this guys real name is even David Bunner, because I can’t even find any arrests for him. The night of the murder, this Bunner guy was walking around the neighborhood totally wasted, and talking incoherently. He should be put out, he is the next major incident waiting to happen.
Mr. Bunner has an extensive criminal background in Florida. Also very violent crimes, and yes The Bodden brothers also have extensive criminal backgrounds.
His full name is David Lynn Bunner and while maybe a war vet, he is extremely dangerous and has been known to be threatening to blow up buildings and has threatened nearly everyones life in that neighborhood. He has at least 11 criminal records in Florida. Remember he came from there 2 months ago. Pat said something to management and they did not take it seriously. He even has done extended time (over 5 years) for a crime in Florida. How he is still able to even be in this state, I will never know. People in this neighborhood have to stand up and take care of the problem, or it will get worse.
Who is the owner of the property? Probably some rich developer with close connections to one or more people in county government. You can complain but the authorities won’t do anything because those Section 8 payments are part of their campaign contributions.
In the 1800’s, when a savage race looted and killed, the government sent the cavalry for protection and moved the savages to reservations. Now, the government pays to move the savages to your neighborhood and pays their legal fees when they rob or murder you. All with your tax money.
@ Pavel314, You spout some offensive revisionist history.
Never thought I’d agree with you but you hit it on the head. As I alluded to in my last comment, the voucher programs for subsidized homes is a profiting pool in politics here in Harford. I would even bet to say the same folks screaming for “less Govt” gladly cash those govt voucher checks for their residences containing trash in yards, criminals, etc. Hopefully the council will get off their cans and do some work instead of showing up for ribbon cuttings and shovel projects for more apartment development throughout the county.
Bunner has a restraining order against him from someone in the building he is residing now. It is for violent comments. You know, the same crap Pat complained about. Yet absolutely nothing is being done about it by the management at this apartment complex. It is absolutley shameful! I guess a few others will have to die on order for the police and management to actually do something?
Section 8 hasn’t been open to anyone except elderly and disabled since like ’06 or ’08 in Harford county. However thats not the case in Baltimore city, so when given the choice of where they want to live, one place they choose is Harford county. Lucky us, we get the trash from downtown shipped to us, like we need gangs, crime and more drugs. The rent they charge at the Seasons is astronomical so they are getting a deal with their vouchers, and the mamagement gets their steady rent payments each month. Meanwhile the neighborhood goes downhill and so do property values in the surrounding neighborhoods. I’ve heard people actually refer to the Seasons as the ghetto of Bel Air. It never used to be like this till they started taking Section 8, the facts speak for themselves.
A little bit of actual information can go a long way.
1. The Section 8 waiting list in Harford County has opened and closed several times in recent years, and most recently closed about a year ago. It closes to EVERYONE, regardless of age, disability or anything else. When it opens, Harford County follows policy put in place to prioritize applicants, and elerly and disabled are usually at the top of that list for most housing agencies. Are you suggesting that the elderly and disabled are a high crime demographic? That’s absurd. Also, Harford County, like virtually everywhere else in the country, has a residency requirement, meaning that you must be a resident of Harford County to get any kind of assistance at all. A resident of any other city or County would not be eligible. Yes, natural forces move people from Baltimore to the surrounding counties, but the availability of vouchers is not a major motivating factor.
2. A quick check reveals the rent for a 2 bed room at the Seasons to be around $1000 a month, which is about average for Bel Air. It’s not astronimical, or unusually low. Also, the Section 8 program is given maximum rent amounts from HUD, so it cannot exceed them or pay unusually high rent figures.
3. If this particular complex has problems it’s because they are not managing it properly. They aren’t handling complaints, repairs, doing background checks, evicting, and otherwise being a good property owner– all things the privately owned management company is responsible for. Often times these greedy owners do not enforce the terms of their lease because they don’t want to lose the “steady” rent payments you mentioned. If the community has problems, they need to be taken up with the management, and they need to be held accountable.
The great irony here is that everyone wants their cake and to eat it too. When you concentrate “affordable” housing in a small area, people complain it’s a “ghetto” (which is quite possibly true, by definition). But when you talk about spreading out affordable housing in less dense areas to prevent it being so concentrated, nobody wants it near where they live. So by default it becomes easier to concentrate poverty (and thereby foster it), than to deconcentrate it.
Yum. Cake.
There was a little discussion years ago about Section 8 on Baltimore radio. One caller said that PA does it better, with criminal background checks and monitoring – implying that MD just “lets ’em loose” in comparison.
And that would be an incorrect generalization. While the State of MD does manage some vouchers (through DHCD) for some rural parts of the state and other specific locations, the super vast majority of voucher programs are operated at the County and Town level by local agencies, each of which is able to set their own guidelines regarding those eligibility criteria. Some may be more stringent than others, or perhaps diligent, but the State of MD has nothing to do with it.
It takes a big man to stab a blind person