From the office of Del. Glen Glass:
To the many, many Harford County citizens who responded to the MDPetition Dream Act drive —- THANK YOU! To those who worked so hard on the Petition drive THANK YOU and to those of you who signed it THANK YOU!!
There were over 110,000 certified signatures which pushed this to a referendum vote in the 2012 election. The people of Harford County spoke and they spoke loud and clear. The citizens of Maryland are NOT divided on this issue. More than 80% of the people are against the Dream Act, the numbers are higher in Harford and Cecil Counties.
Our children and legal citizens deserve the lower in-state tuition rates. Those that are undocumented or illegal do not deserve this. We need to be sure to keep these positions available for our own children and citizens. Casa de MD is suing MDPetitions to cancel out your voice against this unjust law (SB167) and pledge to spend $5 million to stop this going to referendum. The people of Harford County and all of Maryland have spoken and asserted their First Amendment right ….“Freedom of speech”!
That being said, I also respect others opinions that are in favor of the Dream Act , even though we disagree on this issue.
For continuing updates on the Dream Act go to:
Thanks again and enjoy the rest of your summer!
Delegate Glen Glass
Harford & Cecil Counties
Way to go Del Glass, the people sure are against this, and have spoken loud and clear.
Good job. I’m thinking the reason for the high numbers against the Act in Harford and Cecil is because many living in these counties are taxpayers. The only Dream Act I want to see is Obama, O’Malley, Miller, and Busch unemployed.
I think it has a lot do with the coincidental timing of the Toll rate changes, which stirred a lot of civic activity in these two Counties around the same time as the petition drive.
Should be called the Nightmare Act.
Survey says doing the right thing is unpopular. Shocking.
Hey Anonymous,
“Survey says doing the right thing is unpopular. Shocking” – Don’t you mean ‘the left thing’?
Ironically, most surveys would say people support doing the right thing, and statistically it’s pretty well proven that people don’t do the right thing.
We can talk immigration reform, that’s a seperate issue. But there’s no way that it makes sense in any world that illegal immigrants should get a tuition break before any legal citizen of the country.
If we require residents pay state taxes without checking for citizenship or green cards then the morally right thing is for all resident pricing discounts should be equally accessible to all residents. My corollary is that illegal immigrants should not be ‘required’ to pay taxes if we’re going to actively stop them on the street and send them home as the right wants to do.
I’m fine with either but unlike the Tea Party, I have a moral compass that prevents me from taking money from those less fortunate to feather my own nest.
The thought of giving in-state tuition to out of state citizens is crazy, Noble, because they haven’t been funding our schools as a part of normal taxes. Anyone who has been paying taxes to support the school for a sufficient period of time and has dependents declared on their taxes who meet the admission standards to the school deserve the residency tuition rates. Plain and Simple.
I didn’t suggest giving in-state tuition to out of state residents, because that IS crazy, just for the reason you gave.
And in my opinion, you are right, the State shouldn’t be pocketing income tax from illegal immigrants who decide to file a tax return (why??). So, there you go, take no income tax, give no tuition break.
But, your argument and that entire discussion overlooks the fact that a VAST majority of illegal immigrants DON’T ACTUALLY PAY INCOME TAXES, because they don’t file, or as you yourself pointed out, are less fortunate and their tax load is forgiven by deductions, etc.
Now of course they pay State sales taxes just like the rest of us, more fortunate or not. But ah ah, so does anyone else in state, out of state, on vacation from Botswana, or whatever.
So we’re back to treating everyone fairly by not giving them in-State tuition.
I love how that worked out so logically.
It has nothing to do with illegals paying any taxes. It’s because they have lied, cheated, come across the border ILLEGALLY.
End of Story!
The problem with your argument is that the amount of taxes illegals pay in is much less than their draw on the system (via social costs – health, education, and criminal justice). Illegal immigration cost Maryland taxpayers about a billion dollars annually. Don’t believe it . . . look up the research, but also check hospital emergency rooms on any given day. Who is paying for it? You and me.
I’ve read the research – it’s crap. The numbers are inflated by the cost of educating LEGAL citizens that through no fault of their own are children of illegal immigrants. It counts the cost of jailing an illegal before sending back which is a cost that will increase if you have your way and check citizenship with each broken tail light. We can relax immigration standards and it’s not going to be the reason that the deficit inflates. In fact, if we bring in more immigrants, let them buy all these foreclosed homes, and pay into SSI and Medicare the economy will be better off. One more example of the Misguided Tea Party and the racist Klan for Liberty colluding to hold us down while they let wall street rape us.
Ooooh! Anonymous did some research! So, what else did your mom tell you?
P.S. Blah blah blah Klan blah blah same old crap.
@Anonymous – Sell illegals foreclosed homes? Are you insane? I notice you didn’t suggest the illegals would pay income taxes, but would pay FICA/Medicare, is it because you believe they won’t make enough to pay income taxes and likely would get paid an Earned Income Tax Credit?
Where do you get your statistics? Where does this 80% number come from? Sounds like balderdash to me.
Im against this because they broke the law, how about a dream act that would allow War veterans from outside the state pay instate tuition, now thats a Dream, Also we need to cut some of theese scum bags off of welfare, get rid of theese bastards on death Row, and start taxing, the hell out of illegals, the tax evaders, the child support non payers, Why am i paying for an inmate to sit in jail who is going to die in 50 years, why not kill the bastard and give my child a Dream, why not tax and fine the companies who hire illegals, why not start clipping dicks when guys have 5 6 kids and cant pay for them. Lets get it together here
Getting pissed,
You have my vote. Unfortunately, liberal democrats are running this state and they see what amounts to “votes” from illegals and those who support illegal immigration. Wasn’t it the dems in Annapolis who voted to allow convicted felons to vote? Yep, more votes for the dems.
I’am getting real Pissed. I will second that vote. But it’s only a dream.
Dear I’m Getting Pissed – You are advocating a fascist policy no different than Hitler’s. I’m appalled, disgusted, and I will have no problem standing up and fighting against you and your friends – any time, any place. There is no way that I’m going to make the mistake of ordinary German citizens in the 1930’s as you Klan for Liberty neo-nazi’s try to enact your thousand-year reich. If you’re a true citizen with parents or grand-parents that fought in WWII and/or other family members that died in that war — you are a disgrace to them as well.
Oh come on, Anonymous,
“You are advocating a fascist policy” – You do know what facism is, yes? From Meriam-Webster, ‘a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition’. I read what Pissed wrote, and it doesn’t seem like facism to me.
“no different than Hitler’s.” – er, um…ok. So, Pissed wants to execute prisoner (more specificaly the ones that are incarcerated for 50 years) and is against illegal immigration and that is what Hitler wanted? What history book did you read?
“I’m appalled, disgusted,” – As am I, but obviously for different reasons.
“and I will have no problem standing up and fighting against you and your friends – any time, any place.” – Can’t we all just get along. Stop the violence. (Insert any other random silly slogan here)
“There is no way that I’m going to make the mistake of ordinary German citizens in the 1930?s as you Klan for Liberty neo-nazi’s try to enact your thousand-year reich.” – Wow, dude, seriously? Put down the crack pipe.
“If you’re a true citizen with parents or grand-parents that fought in WWII and/or other family members that died in that war — you are a disgrace to them as well.” – A disgrace to them because he/she wishes to exercise their 1st amendment rights and speak. Also a disgrace because they wish to prevent illegal aliens from remaining in the country. Yep, a real disgrace.
Now, that being said, it appears that Anonymous wants a socialist welfare state. I am against that.
Have a nice day.
If an angry mob brings about new laws after coming to power supporting “three strikes” killings, castrations and other forms of economic oppression to support their self interests it certainly meets all definitions of fascism. If my choice is to be a socialist or a fascist, yes, I choose socialist but I would urge you to re calibrate your compass. I assure you I’m not the extremist, just the guy holding up a mirror hoping you reflect on your true self for one moment.
Hey Anonymous,
“If an angry mob brings about new laws after coming to power supporting “three strikes” killings, castrations” – Where the hell did you see this? I reread the article and I can not mind that anywhere in it. If you are injecting into this conversation what a fringe radical may want to do, then let me know up front, if not, stay off the crack pipe, dude.
“and other forms of economic oppression” – If you are trying to say not giving hand outs is economic oppression, then, again, get off the crack pipe. I am in favor of assisting people, those that help themselves and those that are unable to help themselves, however, the current system allows for far too many abuses to be effective. Instead of giving money to those that stay at home and do nothing, give them a damned job and make them clean the damned streets.
“to support their self interests it certainly meets all definitions of fascism.” – Only for the radicals. Anyone that supports executions for “three strikes” is in need of a bit of help. Now, executing murderers and child rapists, and select other criminals, Im all for it.
“If my choice is to be a socialist or a fascist,” – I choose to be neither. They are both proven failures.
“yes, I choose socialist but I would urge you to re calibrate your compass.” – My compass is perfectly fine, thanks for the offer though.
“I assure you I’m not the extremist,” – Your assurances don’t really assure me much based on your arguments here.
“just the guy holding up a mirror hoping you reflect on your true self for one moment.” – One of those circus mirrors that distorts reality.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Blah blah blah Klan blah blah blah…
Not to mention the millions in taxpayer funds given to Casa de Maryland by the governor.
Its 80% in Harford and Cecil Counties because these counties have something in common-they’re all white.
“Its 80% in Harford and Cecil Counties because these counties have something in common-they’re all white.” – Actually, Harford county is 82.8% non-hispanic caucasian. Cecil county is 87% non-hispanic caucasian. So, not all white, just the majority.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Wow. Nobody can read anymore.
“The citizens of Maryland are NOT divided on this issue. More than 80% of the people are against the Dream Act, the numbers are higher in Harford and Cecil Counties.”
What that says is that 80% of Marylanders oppose it. Not 80% of Harford and Cecil County residents. The writer claims it is higher than 80% in those areas, which might invalidate your racist comment.
Or it might not, we can’t know.
To possibly know who’s right, we’ll have to either assume that all 100% of the white people in Harford and Cecil County are racist, or that your racist insinuation is wrong.
Hmm. I think I know which is more likely.
Again, I ask from where does the 80% figure come? Upon what study is his based? If our elected officials are going to quote percentages, they should be attached to credible research.
Totally agree. It’s amateur hour.
I agree with Ryan, the 80% needs to be explained in detail.
Dear Mr. Glass,
I have twice posted requesting from where your 80% figure came. I must assume since you have made no response that you are either fabricating numbers to support your agenda or you don’t feel that your constituents deserve your thoughtful response. Either way, I hope the residents of Harford County take note.
Ryan Burbey
As someone who disagrees with the ‘Dream Act’, I too would like to see where this figure of 80% came from. I have done some basic research and the only thing I could find relating to 80% and the ‘Dream Act’ in Maryland was that 80% of the signatures were validated, which isn’t the same thing as the headline states.
I don’t think Mr. Burbey is taking the high road here, however, as it appears he is baiting Glass. I think Glass, like all politicians, can get a poll to say whatever needs to be said. I would just like to see the specific wording of the poll and the data collected.
Heck, I conducted a poll, and 100% of the people surveyed was against the ‘Dream Act’. Of course, I only asked myself the question, but still, 100% said they were against it, so it must be true.
Anyways, have a nice day.
Luckily it’ll only take 51% of those who are willing to take the time to vote on it to send it either way… wow, putting it to a vote… what could be more fair? Why all the angst? If you’re for it, let them gin up big numbers – that way folks won’t feel a need to turn out for the vote… gee, 80% huh? I’ll just stay home… they won’t need me.
all of you are ignorant bitches.
ah…..resorting to name calling…..what a shocker.