A public meeting to discuss increasing the tolls on the state Route 40 Hatem Bridge over the Susquehanna River brought together more than 1,000 residents of Harford and Cecil counties Thursday night to speak out against the toll hike.
Many of those present also protested against the proposal prior to the hearing at Perryville High School, carrying signs outside the building with messages including “Hold the elected accountable,” “Tolls are for trolls” and even one that called for the impeachment of Governor O’Malley.
While many government officials and representatives were present, state Senator Nancy Jacobs was at the forefront of the protest, leading a small crowd in chants of “Who should pay!? No one!”
The atmosphere inside the school was similarly hostile, with members of the crowd shouting out “thieves!” and “cowards!” when members of the Maryland Transportation Authority addressed the audience.
Prior to the public assembly, those attending were given the opportunity to talk to Transportation Authority representatives and were shown a video prior to the public discussion.
Under the current proposal, outlined on Transportation Authority handouts, phase one of the proposed toll increase calls for the Hatem Bridge toll to increase to $6 from $5 by October 1. The current annual decal program will be discontinued and changed over to the E-ZPass program. As a result, the annual fee to cross the bridge will increase to $36 to $10.
Effective July 1, 2013, the toll will increase to $72 from $36, MdTA officials said.
The tunnels and bridges, according to MdTA representatives, don’t receive direct benefits from the transportation trust fund, which is used for state highways. Instead, each acts autonomously with toll profits being put directly back into maintenance and upkeep of toll bridges and tunnels. The state officials said the Hatem Bridge hasn’t seen its toll increased in more than 25 years.
However, many residents who spoke in the public comments portion of the hearing said they felt that the toll increase was unfair to those who needed to cross the Hatem Bridge on a daily basis, describing the proposed toll as “highway robbery.”
More than 115 members of the community signed up to speak at the hearing, which drew far more attendees than any of the others held around the county in recent weeks. According to the Transportation Authority, just 22 people attended a hearing in Montgomery County, and 24 attended a hearing in Baltimore City. The largest hearing until Thursday night’s was held in Queen Anne’s county, and drew more than 600 people.
Representatives of the agency said they expect a hearing scheduled for June 27 at the Havre de Grace Activity Center to draw even more people.
Whoever quoted “Highway Robbery” told the truth! O’Malley is Maryland’s Obama- people travel back and forth over that bridge to shop and work. Bad enough that we’re paying 6% tax.
I have crossed that bridge half a dozen times in one day! If possible I will certainly be at the Havre de Grace meeting. Do we have an address and time? Thanks.
The next few meetings will occur as listed (all between the times of 5:30pm and 8pm):
June 20 Anne Arundel County – Severn Middle School
June 21 Baltimore County – Dundalk Middle School
June 22 Charles County – Dr. Thomas l. Higdon Elementary
June 27 Harford County – Havre de Grace activity center
more info can be found at mdta.maryland.gov
BTW if anyone thinks comparing Lil” Ho (O’Malley) to Big Ho (Obama) was a complement, you’re way off in left field. Pun intended. They are both Ho’s with a personal agenda that has nothing to do with concern for our nation. I surely hope Cap’n Jim will be attending in Hdg. He’s one who truly cares about this county.
June 27, 2011
Havre de Grace Activity Center
351 Lewis Ln., Havre de Grace, MD
As someone who uses the Hatem Bridge several times a week, I am upset about the rise in tolls too, but I do not like the idea of being hostile towards the MTA or Gov. O’Malley! Calling them thieves and liars WILL NOT help the cause, it will only hurt it! Whatever happened to civility in this country?! Do you have the right to be upset with the state over this? Yes. I know I am. Will screaming nasty things and being hostile help? No! If anything it will cause them NOT to listen to you and tune you out. So definitely keep up the fight against the toll increase but please, please, PLEASE lose the Tea Partyesque behavior and be civil! Is a little bit of maturity too much to ask for?!
Hahaha George you are too funny. While the left slings slurs like-killing babies and old people to get their point across, the Tea Party finds itself aligning with Pubs over Dems. Why? Because Dems love to spend other people’s money. As an Independent I too find myself aligning with the Pubs (something I never thought I’d do)to the point of changing my party affiliation just to get these money hungry charletons out of office. It’s easy to spend money when you don’t have to truly work for it.
Civility went the way of the dinosaur when the 24 hr news cycle started and all the 24 hr news channels started giving anyone with a loud mouth and an attitude their own show. It only got worse with the internet allowing people to tailor their “news” so that it agrees with their pre-existing agenda and views.
That applies equally to Democrats and Republicans.
There we have an accurate and concise history of modern political discourse.
I weep into my Federalist Papers.
Politics is as vicious and uncivil as it ever was in US history.
We just have the internet, 300 TV channels, blogs, instant video on iPhones distributed via Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. It’s nothing new, its just that events are instantly captured and played over and over again.
And remember we have had no duels in recent history or brawls on the House floor!
George, Excellent Comment.
Doing the “Rodney King” thing has no application here “can’t we all just get along?”
O’Malley and his LIBERAL Democrats Rob from the Rich and GIVE TO THEMSELVES. Busch and Miller have been in Office toooooooooo long. O’Malley also. PS. You do know O’Malley is Barbs replacement on the Federal Level. We are sc….!
In regard to “PLEASE lose the Tea Partyesque behavior and be civil! Is a little bit of maturity too much to ask for?”
What is Tea Paryesque? Obviously a shot at the tea party. What you said in your posting is correct, but then you went “stupid” with the tea party remark (which tells us what you are all about). How do you describe, for example, the union member behavior in Wisconson and other states? You should have kept it nice all the way around, but you couldn’t do that. Why? I’m thinking you are a liberal dem who supports the likes of O’Malley, Obama, and other tax and spend politicians.
I don’t get it, why are people still Ok with paying higher taxes and continue to vote for them.
By the way, have you looked at the salary and benefit packages of your state and federal representatives? Yikes, it could not get any better for the work that they do (but that is another topic). Wake up people ! ! !
I think we need a “Like” button on this page Rob, well said!
duh found the like button 🙂
Rob – You are throwing a tantrum about a $2 toll increase attempting to pay for maintenance of roadways while in the same post putting down the the people in Wisconsin were handed a 10% pay cut to fund a tax cut for the the upper 1% who have yet to use their tax cut to create a single new job.
Stop trying to be a freeloader and pay for what you use for once.
FREELOADER!?! Too funny! Count your individual taxes,including your sales, state income, and other taxes and you will see that ultimately you are paying over 50% of your income to the gov’t. That does not compare to freeloading to me-unless of course you are living off the gov’t dime.
@Anonymous, unfortunately the increase in toll is NOT going to pay for maintenance to the facilities that the affected commuters are using. I would be happy to pay for the services I receive. Please understand, I’ve always wondered why it was only $10 per year but now they want to bump it to 54 next year then 90 the following. The money is going to pay for a highway project in Montgomery and PG counties… where the people who are far wealthier won’t have to pay for it. So, who’re the freeloaders?
You certainly like the personal attacks don’t you?
You’ve told the admins to turn me off (since you don’t like reasoned discourse) and now you’re resorting to calling people jerks with whom you don’t agree either.
Man, real classy! So classy in fact, you can’t even come up with a unique and original name!
You sir (or madam) are a leftist! You hate ridicule, you through out labels, and then you run with your tail between your legs when you are licked.
Perhaps instead of being so ignorantly informed and a seminar commentator, you could actually engage in the reasonable debate that you claim to be for? That would be a nice start.
That was @ the dubious Anonymous.
And what do you think you are? One of the hackers from the group? At least they are for truth, freedom, and information that catches the government oligarchs in their lies. You just spew the lies for the overlords.
@ Patton- probably just some kid with just enough knowledge to be dangerous.
No, just angry over the fact that government spending is out of hand . . . and we (the taxpayers) are paying for it.
Check out what that jerk Anthony Weiner is going to get over a lifetime for his service in Congress . . .
I’m going to hit a few of these comments on WAMD in the next few minutes. Tune in on 970 am in Harco or online at http://www.khztv.com/wamd
Comments on the dagger may be read on-air!
“Tea Partyesque”
You really are stretching here. I have been to Tea Party rallies and obviously, you have not.
Did you watch the behavior of the unions in Wisconsin? The threats being made? I find it so hypocritical of the left, including the President, calling for a more civil discourse as they practice the very thing they condemn themselves.
Civil behavior begins with the truth and we could certainly use more of that these days.
What is your point. Teachers are supposed to be stoic when food is literally being ripped out of their families mouths to feather the bank accounts of the wealthy in the state? If it happened to me you’re damn right I would be out there protesting.
What is laughable is that you are inciting a hostile protest over a $2 toll over a crumbling bridge, ignoring the fact that someone needs pay to fix the bridges you’re traversing, yet somehow trying to tell me that you are ‘better’ than a Wisconsinite.
No you’re 1000 times worse you hypocritical ass.
$2 toll, crumbling bridge… where are you? Do you mean the $7 toll that isn’t going to be used on the “crumbling bridge” but on highway projects for rich Democratic counties?
Y’know calling people names and then hiding behind an anonymous identity speaks volumes. Does it give you the sense of power that you otherwise don’t have? Either you are gutless and do not have the cajones to stand for what you believe in, or you are a passive-aggressive troller who looks to encite. Apparently you don’t mind the extra fees, but instead of being so selfish and ethnocentric in your weak critical thinking skill set-think about the fact that there is so much transience and poverty in both these counties.How it will affect those indigent folks who are barely getting by as it is. Don’t try to justify that taxes don’t affect everyone except the filthy rich who just don’t care about their fellow man. And, the volume of vehicles that traverse that bridge probably pays for any and all construction and/or reparations, salaries etc 4 times over already. Don’t be a sheeple. Big Ho and Lil’ Ho (O’Malley)do not have this country and state’s best agenda in mind. Wisconsin is a whole different ballgame. Oh and since you obviously need name calling to be comfortable- here’s one for you-moron.
“What is laughable is that you are inciting a hostile protest over a $2 toll over a crumbling bridge, ignoring the fact that someone needs pay to fix the bridges you’re traversing, yet somehow trying to tell me that you are ‘better’ than a Wisconsinite.
No you’re 1000 times worse you hypocritical ass.”
Perhaps if the State of Maryland would stop ‘borrowing’ money from the transportation fund ($600M), there would be no need to raise fees. The taxes paid into this fund are to be used to maintain roads and bridges.
Facts can be a problem. As for the Wisconsin issue – facts were in the way there too. Keep in mind most ‘Wisconsonites’ voted for Walker and still support him.
Also, there is no need for name calling. You do little to support your argument when you go down that road.
I have to ask-who is enciting hostility other than you? We as citizens have the right to dispute what our gov’t decides for us! Punishing Harford and Cecil county residents to support PG & Montgomery county issues?! We don’t like it-we don’t want it and we will stand against it!
@ Anonymous, this issue is not over a $2.00 toll. The issue is increasing the annual passage fee from $10 up to $64. This toll is not like the baltimore or harbor tunnels because they have free, alterative routes with in a mile or two that cause a minor inconvenience. However, the only alternative free route to the Hatem Bridge is 14 miles North to the Conowingo Damn, and 14 miles South to Route 40.
I doubt the Activity Center in Havre de Grace will hold the crowd that shows up. People are fed up with all the waste in government that leads to these toll increases. It was only a couple of years ago that the state built new toll booths across ALL lanes of the Hatem Bridge. The Dick Corporation had that contract for the new booths and the concrete apron. Before they had cleaned up the site they got the contract to demolish the beautiful new booths on the westbound lanes. They made millions under both contracts! Unbelievable.
I think the 620% increase for the Hatem Bridge is a calculated political decision. Harford and Cecil Counties traditionally vote Republican for state wide offices including Governor. These Democrats (including the leaders in the Assembly and Senate) have calculated that taxing the citizens of Harford and Cecil Counties will have no effect on them; they traditionally do not count on votes from Harford and Cecil Counties to maintain power in Annapolis. This could be called a “pit-fall” of one party rule in our form of government – Federalism.
First off, $36 is incorrect. The EZ-Pass boondoggle adds another $18 (bogus manufactured “administrative” fee – i.e. executive bonus fund) bringing it to $54 (plus $21 for the unit and a $25 deposit). So the initial outlay is $100 per vehicle, followed by $54 in 2012 and $90 in 2013. Who knows what they’ll make it in 2014 after they’ve had another wet dream of a new highway for a politically connected county. These reverse Robin Hood’s are going to steal from poor Cecil County to give to rich Montgomery and PG counties. They actually had the nerve to respond to my comment and tell me that the AVI is outdated technology… right I don’t see anyone using barcodes any more do you? The AVI doesn’t allow them to increase the “administrative” fees, get your credit card information on record, have your name and address, track your movements, etc… I have no objection to paying more for an AVI decal. I have no objection to paying MY way. That’s not what this is about. The MTA needs to pay for a project in heavily Democratic, wealthy, politically connected counties and alienating a couple Republican counties costs them nothing. The fact that a disproportionate amount of that money will come from a subset of Marylanders means nothing to them. Frankly I’d be surprised if these MTA stooges could even find Perryville without a GPS.
I love how Ehrlich was blasted for raising “fees” that were equated as taxes and the exact same bunch is willing to give Owe’Malley a free pass on this one.
Yep, a little bit of civility and maturity was too much to ask for.
Look in the mirror. You really don’t have a clue do you? Your comments display zero civility and maturity. There’s a psychological fallacy for what you are doing-can’t bring its name to mind at the moment. But it goes something like this- when you do it-its ok-and someone else’s fault bc they made you do it-when others do it-its also their fault. Have you considered therapy?
@George: I agree with your call for civility and maturity… maybe next time you shouldn’t include an insult?
You make assumptions about my political beliefs and my psychological state? Excuse me, but you don’t know me at all, and I don’t you. So don’t judge!
@ anonymous-I do not judge-just stating the facts as I see them in the context of your writing. Awww did I hit a nerve? Too bad so sad. You get what you give.
Agreed MTQ! You get back what you give. He’s about as passive-aggressive as it gets. Encite to try to confuse and diminish the issue. Why should anyone(including me need to get personal. Is it bc they really don’t know the subject matter?
Two weeks ago, I went over the appropriately named Hate ’em bridge with my van (with decal) and a small 500 lb utility trailer. I was charged a whpooing $15. In a follow up e-mail, I was advised by our “superiors” in the MTA that when hooked to a trailer, the annual pass decal doesn’t count.
Get this, when the increase goes active, the cost for a vehicle and trailer (3 axle total) skyrockets to $24.
Guess my family won’t be camping north of the Susquehanna any more.
@Appalled, now I’m curious… do you (or anyone else) know if the annual EZ-Pass fee will include your trailer?
Since the current one doesn’t, I highly doubt the EZ-Pass one will.
@ Amazed-When I used the traditional EZ- pass with my horse trailer, they just charged you double or triple depending on # of axles.
There’s always rt 1-horrible with a trailer of any kind-I see many back-ups and tragedies there if this happens
This is the solution to and easily-explained situation. Maryland is out of money. Democrats need to keep feeding the pathetic dependency class in order to stay in office. They tax areas like ours where they won’t be getting votes anyway. Maybe they’ll find that “missing” $54,000,000 in the Baltimore City schools system.
The people at the MTA that made the video need to learn where the Hatem Bridge is located. It is not in North East, MD as stated in the video it connects Perryville, MD with Havre de Grace, MD. Also, please verify your information, the tolls have been raised multiple times in the past 25 years to cross the Hatem Bridge or else I’ve been charged an increased price to cross the Hatem Bridge, just a couple of years ago the AVI sticker went from $5 a year to $10, now if that isn’t an increase in toll, what is.
Also, the citizens of these counties were promised many years ago that once the Hatem Bridge was paid for, there would not be any more toll to cross it. Still waiting for that promise to be fulfilled.
Well we can still cross at rt 1. Can you imagine the bottle necking and increase in accidents on that tiny bridge??? This will be a nightmare.
@ CHCC- thanks for clarifying those errors. I thought for sure I paid five dollars just a few years ago-so there you have it-typical propoganda from a democratic gov’t-tell the Sheeple anything and they will accept it.
Conowingo Dam is going to get tolls soon, then Normanwood Bridge .
@ wut-lol- 1 lane each way and narrow at that! I’ll swim my horses across the Susquehanna b4 I ever pay a dime to cross at rt 1! You’re taking your life in your hands with a rig, and I’ve been driving for 37 yrs-still gives me the willies and I say a prayer for horses every time I hit that curve-
So, does anyone know if there is any real justification (other than the very astute person who mentioned the lack of concern for Pub counties) for this to be happening? We should have real questions ready for the meeting, cover all bases-has anyone looked at the COMAR regarding this issue?
Wut, since the Conowingo Dam is an integral part of the Conowingo Hydroelectric Plant, I’d be surprised if the state could impose a toll to cross it … at least, not without Exelon getting a significant kickback from the state in the process.
Ring, ring. Is anyone home? Hello! Did you know that cell phone technology was actually invented in 1973? It must be obsolete, I’m afraid to look out my window because there must be pandemonium. How will they be charge? “The AVI was innovative tolling technology in 1976 but has become obsolete.” What hubbub!
I have never heard so many bazaar points in my life as to those in support of a toll increase. Over the last three years we spent $74 million repairing the bridge, but only grossed $12 million. Did we forget to mention that $74 million is a rare cost, that the bridge was basically reconstructed? This is like equating my monthly budget to my expenses in December. Unreal.
In 1918, only 1 in 13 families owned a car. Geez, must mean that crossing a bridge was hardly a necessity in 1926. Today, good families including teachers and military cross Hatem Bridge to support their families. People who serve this country and our youth, whom happen to be struggling to meet the demands of rising food and energy prices on incomes that froze several years ago.
According to the state, 90% of the traffic crossing the Hatem Bridge today uses the AVI decal. Really, that is an excuse to raise the toll and converting to the EZ pass system. Seems this statistic shows that 9 out of 10 families need to cross that bridge out of necessity and require this low cost AVI system. Seems pretty EZ to figure out.
What else do you have, let’s hear it? If the state is publishing these facts to support its case … it must be really weak.
How about the working, tax-paying families in Cecil and Harford County getting a handout for once. If the MTA needs money, raise the bus fair in Baltimore City. After all, they voted you in because they are in support of your outrageous policies … I’m sure they will be in strong support of increased fees.
Talk about feeling disenfranchised. I’m tired of helping those who don’t want to help themselves. From my obsolete technology …..Bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz
I hope the discuuions and comments at the future meetings will center on the impact of the toll increase and not on personal agendas and gisgruntled citizens about a lame duck governor. My car is neither Democratic nor Republican. It is my transporatation daily, for sustenance, work, medical treatment and even the rare moments I have for entertainment.
If we can’t concentrate on one issue here, how are we ever going to prove at a hearing that we are united and standing up for one thing, opposition to an unfair increase. I am not interested in the fact that others who are getting benefits across the state are not protesting the fact that we are carrying their share plus. Why dwell on how they didn’t say “No” to something that is favorable to them?
I am coming out to say , “Syop the madness!” If the MDTA operated in the red for all those years and accumulated this debt, then it was prolonged mismanagement and soemone wasn’t doing his/her job. That was not our mistake.
I like my AVI decal and it has worked everytime and I have used them for years. Yhe cost to manufacture and then maintain a tramsponder and the mounds of discarded ones cannot be economical nor environmentally froendly and we all know it costs more than a decal.If you’re already in a hole, who is funding the assembly of these and where are they being manufactures?
Please stay on point here. Fight the increase and save the other battles for a time when they are more relevant than the single issue to be addressed at this forum.
@ Fed-UpAll very good points-seems as though we are looking at a miniature rendition of our nation’s crisis. Let those that can, support those that won’t. I find it ludicrist that they are calling the barcode system outdated, since everything we buy in a store is barcoded. What is up with that? Does anyone think that the BRACK program has anything to do with this since thousands are relocating to the area? Makes for any easy windfall with the influx of that many people. What say you; those with anything worthwhile to say.
1Voice- I just cannot believe they are operating in the red. How many vehicles pass through in a day? Has anyone actually looked up these stats or are we just taking their word?
For someone who doesn’t have EZ pass currently, to purchase that unit and pay for their Hatem crossings through 2013, will cost @ $244. That same time period would cost $30 without the increase. Ok, so they say the bar code system is outdated, right? Well, how much money will be spent just “upgrading” the toll booths to the newer EZ Pass system? How much money is being earmarked to actually keep repairs on the bridge? Hey, how about this – what if all MTA and upper level Maryland politicians had an 800% increase in their taxes? Maybe that would cover the cost of our bridges?
I am proposing citizen rolling roadblocks on the approaches to the Hatem Bridge between now and “decision” time. Perhaps a Bay Bridge rolling roadblock would garner even more media attention. Anybody with me? Lets organize this!
I like the idea of rolling backups. The French won’t tolerate many things. They fought parking meters in Paris by sticking together and sabotaging the damn things at every turning. They jammed the coin slots with glue, gum, tar, etc. It wasn’t too long before the parking meters were removed. Maybe someone can help us figure out how to jam, block and or destry the EZ pass systems. There must be some simple solution. If we refuse to play by their rules they will have to change the rules.
Native I like your proactive approach! I think we should stick to our own counties since the impact will be within these boundaries.(Not to mention the cost of driving to the Bay Bridge:-( It would be best to give commuters a heads up though, if we can organize and get announcements on the radio etc-this may alleviate a lot of unsympathetic or unsuspecting drivers who are not interested in being an unwitting part of the protest. Everyone can meet right on rt 155 at the park and ride, and if it overflows there’s plenty of median all the way down the hill on both sides. An American flag on each vehicle might get the media coverage, and get gov’t to wake up to the fact that we have a say in what goes on in our state. Anyone else out there up for a peaceful slooooooow demonstration along rt 40? Heavens knows, at 5 o’clock its bad enough anyway. Wouldn’t it be a shame if all the lanes got bottlenecked by a few thousand cars? Or maybe we should walk. Anyone have any connections for lil car flags? Let’s face it– it really is about American citizenry and their right to be heard.
@LIN, I like the way you think. You understand the hardships of our local citizens, and make suggestions that are pratical and logical.
I agree sticking to Hatem Bridge is a good suggestion, as the commute to the Bay Bridge invalidates the citizens complaint that the elevated cost creates financial hardship. If we could afford the gas to this location, we should be able to adjust our budget for the rising cost. Getting the word out is the biggest challenge.
Personal contact to Harford and Cecil Counties larges employers might be a good idea too. Personal news bulletin and email announcments by their Directors of Communication might be nice. A date needs to be selected.
You metioned COMAR Regulations. Maryland has established a Website which outlines the regulations. It allows citizens to search key words.
They raise fees because they can. I think they underestimated the turnout in Perryville because attendance was low in other communities. This is partly because commuters can find alternate routes. However, a fourteen mile detour is in both directions is unacceptable.
Running with the ball as it were, another alternative might be to picket the toll administrative building at the Hatem bridge! There is plenty of parking, not to mention, just think of all the cars going through the toll booths whose drivers and passengers will see a throng of people with signs and may join the fight. Also one car can carry many picketers. Well,I’m in, either way. If anyone else is interested in either of these ideas please give me a shout @ freedomrunfarms@live.com so we can connect and brainstorm this idea. So many people are apathetic in today’s society. Do they feel defeated before they even start? Is it too overwhelming to comprehend the power of the people? A few years ago the company Synagro decided to grease some palms so they could dump biohazard,human waste and heavy metal waste in Susquehanna State Park under the guise of the politically correct term “biosolids”. The smell was horrendous for a mile in every direction, people got sick, and there was proof that 2nd and 3rd generation pathogens were created by the dew and sun including stapheococcous(sp?). By law humans could not have contact for a year! That meant in the state park supported by its citizens-they couldn’t go there. How crazy is that? A group of concerned citizens led by the courageous Jeff Lawson (who lived by the dumping site) decided this was not acceptable. When enough people contributed enough time and made enough calls and passed out enough fliers and challenged MDE, DNR and Synagro and kept digging for facts, we found the smoking gun in the Comar,and Synagro backed out and agreed not to dump. (examiner-2007) People in other states were literally dying from breathing this stuff and our local gov’t was best friends with this company- Donna Schiffler showed up (mainly for the photo op) to tell Harford county residents- it’s done, there’s nothing you can do about it, the contract signed for five yrs! ANY representative of gov’t who tell its constituency, there’s nothing you can do-should not be a representative for the people in any way shape or form regardless of their political affiliation… So hollar at me people, and let’s help Fed-Up get started on a movement that may very well make all the difference in our piece of the world. Its the American way.Its our state, its our country.Its our taxes…we do retain the right to be heard.
hahaha don’t think for one moment that Q & A for the COMAR is anything but a stroking for the public. To get to the meat of the COMAR, you need to dig deep,and no public official is going to help do it. It was a huge struggle just to get a copy.(Thank you Freedom of Information Act!)
@ FED- hahaha don’t think for one moment that Q & A for the COMAR is anything but a stroking for the public. To get to the meat of the COMAR, you need to dig deep,and no public official is going to help do it. It was a huge struggle just to get a copy.(Thank you Freedom of Information Act!)Our system works people-but only if you implement it.
F.W. Haxel on US 40 in Havre de Grace has automobile window American flags for @ $10. I’m thinking that with a little notice, they could stock up to accomodate a large demand.
Shouldn’t the people who actually use the bridge contribute to maintain it?
ABSOLUTLY Richard- The problem here is that the money will be going to other counties who have blown their budgets, as is explained in previous posts.
This is highway robbery!
I am deeply saddened by the inability of some writers to focus on the matter at hand and not to use this forum for insults and personal vendettas. The same writers repeatedly disregard the topic and derail discussions about relevant issues for their own rantings.
I am railing against an increase in tolls on the Hatem bridge.
I am guessing that even as I write there is a factory somewhere with an advance order for over 150.000 new transponders for Harford and Cecil County because someone believed we would sigh, pull out our credit cards and say. “That’s just the way it is”.
When AVI decals doubled in price a few years ago to $10 that was to take care of maintenance.During that time, with bridge construction ongoing, if you scraped off a sticker and turned it in, a complimentary one was given to you. According to the MDTA video, the deficit has existed for sometime. How could “freebies” being issued reduce the debt?
This lack of judgement has lead to this attempt to recoup losses by burdening local residents with a deficit they did not create.
I refuse to sit by idly while blatant mismanagement of public funds continues and wait for another inaccurate projection of finances triple the costs for crossing to support the ICC or any other road improvement project funded by people who can’t afford to travel to that part of the state.
Stand up for yourselves and for those who can’t (such as the VA users at Perry Point)and say. “No”! What are they going to do, close the bridge? And for those who think it doesn’t affect you, wait until the rigs have to pay these exorbitant fees to deliver, food, fuel, etc. Or will you “cross that bridge when you come to it?” You’ll be sorry you stayed at home instead of taking action.
Comar Website:
Keyword Search: tolls
Table Search: Chapter 11
Wow Fed Up- I was really pleased to see the link you put out, thinking that yay the gov’t is displaying some transparency here. Then I went to the site-
Here is what I found- 01 Scope.. This chapter applies to the establishment or modification of tolls, certain fees, mileage rates, pricing periods, frequency of use, and commuter programs that apply to Authority highways.
When I clicked on link to the left
to follow it-this is what I found:
.01 Scope.
This chapter applies to the establishment or modification of tolls, certain fees, mileage rates, pricing periods, frequency of use, and commuter programs that apply to Authority highways.
Just a duplication of the description:-( Funny though, other chapters have complete detail of the regulations. Is it possible that someone pulled the plug on the information available due to the issue at hand? Or did I just miss it? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Lin
You are not dealing with a very bright individual. Couldn’t you tell that in the writings?
@Rob In Bel Air. I hope that you weren’t referring to my intelligence, or lack thereof. This would be offensive, unnecessary, and inaccurate. My postings are among the few that have valid and reliable information. Until my posting began, not a single person questioned the states intention or researched its circulations/literature. Not one person knew how to locate current COMAR or mentioned how to obtain a copy. Not a single person, made an attempt to invalidate the states position. Not one. My postings incited curiosity and further research. I avoided personal attacks, kept my thoughts clean, and supported good decisions while propelling the cause forward. I encourage you to do the same, please share knowledge, input, and ideas from your personal experience. As Lin stated, knowledge is power and the protesting citizens are in search of anything that helps their cause.
@ Fed Up- Uh not my place really to comment but I think Rob was referring to young Tom Myers. Check out his very impressive (cough cough) interview at the above listed link-he is the one being interviewed. 🙂
Yep. Based on the comments . . . that’s what I believe. But I could be wrong.
@ Rob and Fed Up- I posted 2 comments last that are still awaiting moderation. Probably because they contain a link that turned up on U-tube submitted by President of the Young Democrats Club of Harford County, Tom Myers. If I post the link, this post will also have await moderation; so instead I will just give you the title. This clip gives a graphic depiction of who is representing the Democratic Party in Harford County.It is funny because it is true. I really urge everyone to do as Tom Myers himself advised and Google him and watch the u tube clip entitled-Couch Talk Lite.
ps is there a law enforcement officer on this thread? Because this crazed young man actually posted the following to someone on a different thread Myers Moment:Congressman…
“By the way, one more comment from you that personally attacks me and I will post your IP address on here.”
I,am not on any of these sports teams we call republican & democrats.If people would focus on what it does to all of us who live in harford county.We could have 5000 people out protesting.All you guys do is blame black folks and mexicans for your problems.It should not take such a small group of about 25% population keeping a nation of people down.If you think that it is?We are done as a country!
Aww outkast why do you make that call? As an Independent I look at both sides of the story. To place blame never creates a solution. I went out on a limb and posted my email address for anyone interested in being proactive against the unfair decision to rape our county to support other counties. The apathy is very disheartening.I hope everyone will at least take the opportunity to attend the meeting at the activity center to voice their displeasure-with valid arguments in hand.The system works, but we have to have citizen involvement to make it work. That is what this country was founded upon. This is not a race or cultural argument, though some are trying to muddy the waters by trying to make it so….
“Crookedness and truth (straightness) are in their nature opposite and cannot dwell together more than frost and fire; for one who has become awakened, and practices the way of straight behavior, a false and crooked way of speech is not becoming.”
I foresee a spike in traffic on the Conowingo Dam.
Will someone please give young Tom a dictionary?
Negative . . . I was referring to the one making the “racist” issues against Lin.
He is an example of your young future democrats. God help this Country.
@ Phil Dirt- You said-
Let me get this straight: if someone calls a black man and a white man the same derogatory name, they are a racist?
Uh, Tom, wouldn’t this – treating people of different races equally – be as far from racist as one could possibly be?
Thank you Phil for understanding where I’m coming from. No one could have said it better!
SO PEOPLE!!!! We the People! Now that all the naysayers, hate campaigners and misguided youth have had their turn at being heard its time we re-focus on the issue at hand and support Fed-Up in his endeavor to make our voices heard. Otherwise we are giving the haters what they want. This is a common ploy used by the radical left to disrupt and dispel action. Does anyone know when the deadline for this decision will be? Will anyone really take this issue to heart and stand up for their right to be heard? Should we implement this plan b4 or after the meeting on the 27th? We need a starting point to formulate and organize. Should we consider that meeting as a place to distribute fliers to announce a peaceful demonstration? At least there everyone that shows up will have the same agenda in mind(hopefully).
Any ideas? Let’s not let petty differences dissolve an opportunity to stand united.
@ Fed-Up- I thought you formulated your strategy and went ahead with your plan bc I was heading home from Baltimore last night around 10pm and 95 southbound was at a standstill from 152 all the way up to 22. Not sure what the issue was, but boy did I feel sorry for those folks 🙁
Correction: To support Native in his idea of a peaceful demonstration. Credit where credit is due 🙂
I have a good one. How about we set up a toll booth on the southbound Harford sides and collect County tolls from people who don’t live in Harford and Cecil in the lane right of the booth, and Harford and Cecil residents can drive through a lane left of the booth where the booth operator hands the money back to the resident!
LOL Too Funny Noble! But your idea does have a certain merit, If Harford County and Cecil County residents show proof of residency when purchasing an AVI sticker,and AVI stickers are only available to H/C county residents then even though it would not be a win-win situation for the toll hike, it would be a fair compromise.
On a more personal note-are you Noble Hamilton? I took care of your ex-wife Clyda. What a lovely woman.
Nope, sorry.
FIGURES DON’T LIE LIARS FIGURE!!!! they Figure you would’t notice the shaft O’Mally would like to stick it to you After all he’s still in office. Besides Dan Rodrick at Baltimore Sun Thinks we Should pay our fare share WTF!!!! they don’t live here they need to stop shitting here. This bridge has payed for itself time n time again We already went from 5% tax to 6% tax how much more can we take.
You said a mouthful ‘Sick of it’! Hope to see you on the 27th at the activity center. Meantime we should all be flooding O’Malley’s office with phone calls and emails! And the news stations, and Facebook and Twitter and whatever form of mass communication allows us to speak our mind.
Lin and others,
Unfortunately you will be wasting your time. O’Malley and most of the other Dems in Annapolis do not care what you or I think. They will do what they want and we can do nothing about it. They will stick it to us over and over again yet there are enough idiot voters in this state who will vote them back into office (over and over again). Get ready for higher tolls.
A thought is a thing. If we sit back and let it be, it is our own fault. Apathy will destroy this country from within. If people do not take action in addition to venting frustrations on a forum,then they are part of the problem. I hope everyone assumes their patriotic responsibility to stand against what they believe is wrong and take the time to appear and voice their opinion at the HdG Activity Cntr on the 27th! See you there!
@ Native-! How about this idea-when the rolling blockade hits the toll booth-nobody has any money-nobody….how much do you think they would lose in tolls if hours went by with each person having to slowly resolve their dilemma individually with administration
Another wonderful example of how the system works if people will just get involved.-
Madeline Pickens
YOUR voice made a difference!!! After all the phone calls made last week, the House of Representatives rejected attempts to include horse slaughter plant inspections in the 2012 Agriculture Appropriations Bill! A big THANK YOU to everyone who lent their support!