From the League of Women Voters of Harford County:
The deadline to register voters for the purpose of expanding early voting locations from one to three has been extended by the State Board of Elections to August 1, 2011. A total of 150,000 registered voters are required. Harford County is within 1,000 registered voters to qualify for three early voting locations for the 2012 election cycle. Harford County is the only county in Maryland that is so close to the threshold to be able to take advantage of this opportunity.
is anyone surprised says
This is pure politics. The message here is that if at the end of the game you don’t get the result you want then just change the rules so you can. The only reason the deadline is being extended is to allow Democrats extra time to get the registrations they need to open a second early voting poll somewhere along the Rt. 40 corridor, which is where their strength is in Harford County. Very transparent.
not surprised at all says
Actually this would open two new polling places to be located in the southern portion of the county. While this extension applies to all political subdivisions in MD only Harford County has registered voter numbers close enough to the threshold needed for the possibility of adding extra polling places. A perfect way for the Democrats to try to gain some steam in a fairly conservative county.
Daddy Rabbit says
Yeah buddy! If we can’t get the slugs out too vote on election day, let’s open it up for two weeks so maybe I can drag some ignorant slob to the polls and he can vote a straight democrat ticket. That’s the only way we’ll ever have true progress!