From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
On Saturday, at approximately 10:42pm, deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the KFC located at 2000 block of Pulaski Hwy. Edgewood, MD in reference to a robbery. Upon arrival deputies located an adult female behind the counter, who had been stabbed in the shoulder. Deputies quickly secured the area and rendered first aid until EMS could arrive. The victim was transported to Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, where she is currently in stable condition.
Initial investigation revealed that three employees were beginning to clean up and close the restaurant. As one of the employees was locking the door, two suspects forced their way inside in an attempt to commit a robbery. During the attempt, Suspect #1 stabbed a female employee in the left shoulder and both suspects fled the store on foot without obtaining any cash.
Suspect #1 was described as a dark skinned black male, with long corn rows, wearing a dark long sleeve top (possibly hooded sweat shirt), dark jeans, a dark blue NY Yankees baseball hat, black sunglasses and was armed with a large knife. Suspect #2 was described as a black male wearing all dark clothing with a black mask concealing the lower half of his face and was armed with a semi-auto handgun.
Detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Criminal Investigation Division are continuing to investigate the case. If anyone has any information in relation to this case they should contact Detective Chris Sergent at (410) 836-5428.
Anyone with information regarding this crime who wishes to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. Qualifying tips that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $ 2,000.00 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
This is horrible, but what’s worse is 150 comments about some rude people at a graduation and this poor woman got stabbed at work….let’s not get so involved with the little things, but more involved with our community and with reporting these criminals…Let’s also not start with 100 posts because it was in Edgewood – please this is happening everywhere….
second that Harford Mom
You forgot to add that you contributed to those 150 comments about graduation. It’s not a crime to be passionate or more concerned with one incident as opposed to another. You shouldn’t try to prioritize someone else’s feelings. Everyone who posts on The Dagger has a right to be heard. And if you’re not happy about it…. don’t read it. Not everybody here is going to agree with you.
I may not be an English Major but I’m smart enough to have the windows up and lock the doors as I roll through the Edge-hood. To be fair, you SAY you’re from Aberdeen, so I’ll mention that the Amtrak station is a good place to pack mace.
May be happening everywhere but you can’t deny that the Edgewood corridor has proportionally more trouble of this variety.
wow that was fast, you missed my point entirely..the fact that know one even commented on this nightmare for this woman, is that simply because it was in Edgewood?? I give up.
Let’s not forget that someone was recently stabbed at the Bel Air McDonald’s and someone was robbed at gunpoint at the Abingdon Target. The answer is that we all need to be vigilant because crime can pop up anywhere.
The police can’t stop an intruder, mugger, or stalker from hurting you. They can pursue him only after he has hurt or killed you. Protecting yourself from harm is your responsibility, and you are far less likely to be hurt in a neighborhood of gun owners than in one of disarmed citizens – even if you don’t own a gun yourself. My advice buy a gun…….
If your theory holds true, then the percentage of gun owners in Harford County is much lower than the percentage of gun owners in Baltimore City. Do you believe that to be the case?
Everyone has a gun in Baltimore, does not mean they are registered or legal. Most citizens in Harford County are abiding by the law and have their firearms registered lawfully. There is a big difference in law abiding citizens having guns as in Harford County rather than every street thug on the corner carrying heat. If I am carrying an illegal firearm, I am not as likely to help someone under attack because of the fear of arrest. If I am carrying a legal firearm I would be more inclined to respond because my cause is just and I am lawfully carrying. So the answer to your question is NO, I don’t think there is a smaller percentage of gun owners in Harford County than the percentages in Baltimore City, its just a matter of who has the guns……………What a tricky question……..
I find this to be extraordinary because the perpetrators were only a block away from the police station. It goes to show you that the criminals today are not afraid of police and with good reason. Edgewood should have stop light cameras at every intersection. Studies show that in cities across America, the use of identifiable cameras in hotspots of crime reduced the occurences by up to 75%. Since the Sheriff’s Department is more concerned with what their next 5 dollar foot long is going to be, maybe they should install cameras for areas they don’t frequent at meal times………..
Sexy, sexy, sexy Detective Chris Sergent……
Detective Chris Sergent you are very sexy.