From the League of Women Voters of Harford County:
A consortium of groups will be presenting a forum for women interested in running for office on Tuesday night, May 24, at the HEAT Center in Aberdeen. The event will start at 5:30pm with light refreshments. Then, the Harford County Commission for Women will host the second annual Women of Tomorrow Awards.
This will be followed by a panel discussion to help encourage women and dispel the myths about what it takes to run for elected office in Harford County, including state and national information. Panelists include Councilwomen Ruth Elliott and Ruth Ann Young, Aberdeen City Council; County Councilwoman Mary Ann Lisanti; Chair of the Democratic Central Committee Wendy Sawyer; Republican Central Committee Member Kim Wagner; Administrative Judge Susan H. Hazlett; District Court Judge Mimi R. Cooper.
Topics will include why women should run for office; how to run a successful campaign; challenges of being an elected official; balancing work and family. There will be a $5 cost payable at the door. This event marks the start of a series of workshops offered by the Harford County Commission for Women, the League of Women Voters and the AAUW.
Phil Dirt says
Like other groups and classes of people, as long as women treat themselves differently than other people, they will continue to be treated differently than other people.