From John Paff:
On April 11, 2011 the Democratic leadership in the Maryland General Assembly, to the detriment of Marylanders, chose the citizens of foreign nations over their own. When Governor O’Malley signs SB167 granting “In-State Tuition” to illegal immigrants, he will further entrench Maryland as a sanctuary state! Currently, it is estimated that Maryland spends over $1 Billion annually on illegal immigrants. Granting in-state tuition to illegal immigrants will further add to the list of reasons for migrating to Maryland, adding additional burden to the legal residents of Maryland who are trying to put their own children through college.
“We the (legal) people” of Maryland have decided to take action and bring SB167 to referendum on the 2012 presidential ballot. To prevent this bill from taking affect on July 1st 2011, we need to collect just over 15,000 signatures by May 30th and have a total of 55,736 signatures by June 30th. Last year , on a referendum petition in Montgomery County, nearly 60% of the signatures were declared invalid. For that reason our goal is to collect 35,000 and 100,000 signatures respectively. This referendum is not being led by the Maryland GOP, but rather a bi-partisan effort of groups and citizens all across the state! The rules for collecting signatures are very specific, so if you plan to collect signatures please read them very carefully! You can find the petition, as well as, all the rules and talking points at The referendum campaign is chaired by Delegate Neil Parrott (Dist.2B) and Honorary Chariman Delegate Pat McDonough (Dist. 7). I, John Paff, am the Harford County Coordinator and can be reached at for further information. All of Harford Counties Republican clubs, as well as, Campaign for Liberty will have copies of the petitions on hand at their monthly meetings.
A select few have made a bad decision for Maryland and her children, now is the time we make our voices heard!
John Paff
Harford County Coordinator
Where do I sign?
I have two children that will be competing for attendance at Maryland Universities in a few years and it disturbs me that someone that has not been paying taxes will have the status of those who support the system with every dollar we earn. I don’t want to see ANYONE turned away from a hospital, and I think it’s perfectly acceptable to have multi-lingual choices on things llke privately owned ATMs. Using tax dollars to make a “better life” for those who are here ILLEGALLY is debatable in the best of times but come on… We’re all paying the price right now and this equates to taking food off of out children’s plates. No ifs ands or buts! In a time when all programs are being scrutinized and funding is being pulled from programs this is despicable regardless of what your political affiliation may be.
Wait, you mean the people who are paying taxes but don’t generally reap many of the benefits (Social Security, etc.)?
That’s where you sign. Print out a few, follow the instructions, and let the Maryland Constitution do the rest.
I’m all for anything we can do to make MD less attractive to criminals.I can’t believe the Dems in Annapolis tell us we have a one billion dollar plus budget deficit then give away millions of dollars every year to illegals (criminals, new Americans whatever you want to call them).MD is truly a wacky world.
While we are working on the in state tuition, let’s also defund Casa of Maryland
You can also contact Delegates Norman and Glass for information.
I spoke with Kari Snyder at Delegate Parrott’s office. She told me that Paff was not the Harford County coordinator, and that there is no leader.
What good is Paff if he can’t tell the truth about something so trivial?
This will be a SMACKDOWN on O’Malley come November 2012. He is throwing EVERY CITIZEN, under the bus, regardless of political party, just to get his new voting base…We need to come together and unite as citizens..CITIZENS FIRST. Let’ s show O’Malley what we think of his “Dream Act” and his “new Americans”….
If you’re going to play the “I’m a really political person” game, please keep up with the details. First, O’Malley isn’t even up for re-election in 2012. He won his second four-year term in 2010, meaning that he will be governor until 2014. Second, Maryland has term limit laws in place. Since O’Malley is in the middle of his second consecutive term, he can’t even run again in 2014 ANYWAYS. But you go ahead and put the “smack down” on a guy who not only ISN’T running in 2012, but can’t run in the next gubernatorial race.
I left (you actually admit that),
He may be referring to the referendum. Many signatures are being gathered to put this so called “Dream
Act” on the ballot. This way the citizens of Maryland can vote on it rather than a bunch of liberal tax and spend democrats looking for a large block of voter support. While O’Malley will be touring in Asia (on taxpayer money) and trying to build up his resume for future office, there will be those who are working to defeat this bill. If the bill goes up in smoke, it will be a GREAT smackdown to this spoiled governor.
I’m sorry you received some bad information. I have spoken to Ms. Snyder about this. She was not aware that before she was publicly on board I was asked to be the coordinator for Harford County. Feel free to check with her again.
Thank a liberal when you see them, they gave us our Governor.