Tom Szerensits and Macon Tucker, the principals of Aberdeen and Joppatowne high schools, respectively, will be removed from those positions and will not return for the next school year, a source familiar with the situation said Thursday.
Rumors about the pair’s departure began circulating Thursday, but it was unclear whether Szerensits and Tucker would retire, be moved to another administrative position, or were forced out by Harford County Public Schools leadership. However, speculation indicated that the move was related to the performance of the two schools.
HCPS spokeswoman Teri Kranefeld declined to comment on the rumors, citing law which prevents her from discussing personnel matters.
Of Tucker’s removal, Harford County Councilman Dion Guthrie, who represents Joppatowne, told The Dagger, “I think it’s a good move.”
Guthrie said teachers had complained to him about Tucker, who Guthrie said had a “standoffish-type attitude.”
Guthrie said he didn’t know Szerensits well and declined comment.
What about Aberdeen Middle? That principal needs to be removed as well!
Will agree with this statement completely. One child left AMS last year and I was never so glad to be away from a school. But it is not just the principal at AMS it is the whole administration. Very cocky and act like you are bothering them if you need to speak with them. Not looking forward to the next child going into AMS next year.
Am saddened by the loss of the AHS principal though. Have dealt with him on several occasions and find him to be very nice and accomodating.
Yes, Mr Szerensits is very nice, but he doesn’t enforce any rules-thank goodness we have vp Carlton Ford- and doesn’t seem to actually do anything at the school other then smile and hang out in his office. The school is run by vp’s who try their best.
The situation at AMS needs close observation. The principal has been there as the AP, and now as principal, for many years. This school has failed to meet state benchmarks three of the past five years under her leadership as principal. HCPS has had a pattern of leaving administrators in specific schools too long. Promotions from AP to principal frequently stay at the same school. These practices need to change. Those promoted from AP to principal should automatically move to another school. Principals and AP’s should not stay in one place for more than a few years. Familiarity has a tendency to breed complacency which we can ill afford.
Frankly, Tom Szerensits retired in place, years ago.
Mr. Szerensits is one of the most dedicated administrators in the county. He attends as many athletic events, concerts, recitals, Eagle Scout ceremonies, etc., as he can. He’s there early and stays late. He is in the halls talking with his students on a daily basis. He is supportive of his entire faculty and staff. This is sad day for HCPS.
As an Aberdeen parent, this saddens me. Previous comments about the VP’s handling discipline may well be true; that is one of the functions of a VP. I have had children in Harford County Public Schools for 12 years now. I have seen only one other administrator in the role of principal that so genuinely cared about the students in the building, and that was Bakerfield’s Joe Stevens. Mr. Szerentis can be seen in the hallways, at sporting events, concerts and many other outside events. When I had a concern that I felt I needed to discuss with him, his door was open, as was his mind. My concern was dealt with effectively and fairly. There are many Aberdeen parents who, like me, will be very sorry to see Mr Szerentis leave.
I am very upset and disappointed in the rumors about Mr Szerensits and agree wholeheartedly with the positive comments made above. He is a presence in the school, approachable for students and parents alike. Every event we have attended in the years our son has been a student in the SMA, he has been there, being supportive of the students. One made a comment about not enforcing rules, is this a fact? Not everyone knows what happens behind the scenes… Could it not be true that just as in the ranks of the military, part of the responsibilities of the Vice Principals is to handle the day-to-day discipline situations? I just talked to my son who is a junior about this and he is very upset as well as his fellow students.
I’m sure the comments are flying all over the social networks now! For those in charge of making this particular decision, this one is a mistake!
As a former graduate of AHS, I have to say that removing Mr. Szerensits from the school is a bad choice. He was always helping students like myself and was always present at sporting events and school concerts. He attended the SMA gallery walk every year I went. It just goes to show how dedicated he was to the school and to its teachers and students. I have had the pleasure of talking to him quite a few times in my 4-year high school experience and he is quite the good fellow in my opinion. He always seemed interested in making life for students as easy and as enjoyable as possible. Personally, I am quite upset to know he is gone.
Honestly this is saddening. I don’t know anything about Macon Tucker but I know Mr.Szerensits, a little, but its not necessarily their fault the schools do badly, most students in Aberdeen just don’t care about anything related to school. They don’t try, don’t do homework, and don’t plan on changing. Ultimately you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. Don’t punish the rider for the horses mistakes.
And also, who would become principle at Aberdeen for my senior year? Anderson? Ford? Neither are a good choice. I don’t get into trouble and I don’t think that would be a wise decision. Neither know how to connect with the students and neither would make my senior year a good one.
I understand what you feel right now. It must be sad since you are still in high school. I’d feel the same exact way if I were in your shoes. The man was a great principal and I wouldn’t have asked for another one. Simple as that.
Let this be a rally cry for Aberdeen High students and parents. He is your principal. Fight to keep him!
Oh, happy day!
Tom Szerensits isn’t being let go because his school is failing. He isn’t the rider being punished for the horse’s mistakes.
He is truly. Truly. The nastiest and laziest administrator I have ever worked with. He does what he wants, when he wants, without regard for others. He is cruel, inappropriate and he is an absolute bully. All born out of laziness and apathy. I cannot think of ANYONE in all of HCPS who deserves more to be let go.
There is FAR more to being a successful administrator than showing up for sporting events and being in the hall…that is one extremely small facet of being a high school principal. I know that Tom prides himself on his hallway visibility but what about the myriad of other responsibilities that actually require work? You know, putting that degree to work.
He LOVED to play the “my way or the highway” game without giving consideration to consequences. He baited central office, too many times to mention, just to see if he could, and he lost.
He wasn’t standing up for the rights of Aberdeen students. He was just seeing how much…or how little… he could get away with—a very fun and enjoyable game for him. Congratulations, Tom, on finding your answer.
Sometimes, if you are just patient, the truth will come out. Finally, Tomback has taken a stand to better HCPS.
This can also be said about the principal at Aberdeen Middle who also needs to go. A liar, manipulator, a back stabber. I hope something is done about her soon as well. Aberdeen Middle is also an under performing school.
I completely agree with this statement. Everything that you said is correct. I hope the Board of Ed is reading this. You have no idea how many teachers put in a transfer every year because of her.
Dear Former Teacher, Ticked teacher and hcps teacher should not be accused of libel when there statements are very true indeed. Apparently you are a part of the elite undone club. Nothing gets done.
This comment is utterly false,
Tom is the best administartr I have ever worked under and alwys supports his staff and is always looking out for best interests of students and staff.
His open door policy is something that should be modeled by principles county wides as many are so intraverted that noone really knows who is running the school, but Tom is alaways in the hallways and out to do more than just be seen: he is there to lend a hand if needed are offer support.
Truely a mistake that MR. Tomsack is making with this political bully move, he has no grounds to do so,. If there is a bully here it is Mr. superintendant, I bet he will try to replace both of them with some of his good ole boys from baltimore county nd wont even look to promote from within the county where he should because the pool is deep with qualified people here in harford.
i hope there is a loophole that allows both of these dedicated gentlemen to fight the system and win. The problem iwith education isn’t the teachers it is the top end leadership who fail to see the big picture and fail to keep employees happy
The reality is that the principals at AHS and JHS have presided over some of the worst preforming schools in the county for many years now. While Mr. Szerensits may be a caring man does not mean he is an effective principal. If not for the math and science program at AHS their state mandated test scores would compare with some schools in Baltimore City. Mr. Tucker has been the subject of complaints for years and his departure is long overdue – it is a wonder he lasted this long. Recent media reports about AP/SAT/HSA scores at JHS helped to show just how bad his leadership has been. Principals at other schools should also be scrutinized. While I have many concerns about Superintendent Tomback in this case he is doing the right thing. Hopefully these folks will not just be shuffled to other schools as principals.
JHS is a mess, and “The King, the King’s to blame!” Tucker does nothing but sit in his office and wrap the ankles of his beloved football players. He falls asleep during teacher observations and misspelled the word “principal” on a form he signed (He wrote “PrinciBal.” His incompetence has helped to drive JHS into the ground. Even with the Homeland Security Program, students shove each other to get into Harford Tech just to escape doom of the Mariners. I sincerely hope that the parents and students take full opportunity of their new future!
I am an alumnus from the 1970’s and was there when the school opened … spent five years there.
I am now well educated post University (Math and Science).
This is totally horrifying.
I am a 1998 graduate of AHS. I remember Tucker or as they called him Coach Tucker walking the halls hanging out with and befriending the football players and basketball players. The FB and BB players could do NO WRONG. If you weren’t an elite player you were subject to just about anything. Some of the players now can barely read or write some of those players that he left get away with every are in jail, murdered or they are now on the sex offender registery. Tucker is so self-absorbed, self-center. He let a male athletes sexually harrass several female students and when parents called to complain it was the fault of the females, no disciplinary action was ever taken against these athletes. In addition, when kids would get bullied and then jumped by several of his elite players and or their friends he would blame the victim, which caused several students to drop out of high school their junior/senior years. The principals of the elementary, middle and high schools should be people that actually care about the work that they do not for county notoriety.
This is for the people that have been brain washed by BRAC and or by pure ignorance.
It does not matter what High school you go to in Harford County each school is know for different things and something is going to happen no matter where you live…..
Fallston, John Carroll, Bel Air, CMW are known for having METH,COCAINE AND HEROINE ADDICTS….shall I go on…credit card fraud, i.v. drug use, a variety of STD and yes the BIG STD of them all, RAPE and teenage suicide.
Aberdeen, Edgewood, HDG, J-towne are known for marijuana, fist fights, not having enough food to feed their students,EJ & Erin Henderson, Jai Lewis.
When Tom worked at Bel Air High he was extremely kind to me and my child who was having difficulties. I have no idea what goes on at Aberdeen high but I have heard teachers tell me it is worse than a city school. Don t know but I do know that families and the students must be factored in with teachers and admadmimstrators. During a difficult period in my family life Tom was a stand-up Guy . I appreciate that to this day and wish him well.
All those things you heard are exactly that; a rumor. I absolutely loved my high school. I had a caring principal, and they were so diverse and I learned so many things from so many people. Unlike Bel Air, there are black people at Aberdeen and they’re not all preps. Everyone is their own person and they don;t get ridiculed for it.
Once again, Harford County shows its appreciation towards hard working employees. I don’t know Mr. Tucker, but I do know Tom. To humiliate him as he nears the end of his career is typical HCPS style. I say put one of the many superintendents in Tom’s position. Provide him/her with the same resources (or lack of) and let’s see the miraculous improvements he/she makes. Disgusting!!
Okay, I know Serentzis may be layed back and more chill at AHS insteading of ‘inforcing’ the rules cruely but that is exactly what Aberdeen needs. Mr. Serentzis is passionate and caring. He says ‘Goodmorning’ to me every morning if he saw me. If it wasn’t for Mr. Serentzis kind nature Aberdeen High School kids wouldn’t have any administraitor that they could trust. In Aberdeen if the VP says anything to you, it’s never anything nice, it’s never anything like ‘Good Morning’, If a VP knew you by first and last name, that’s never good. Serentzis makes the kids at Aberdeen feel safe to come to school, to come to him with our problems, to get so much needed second chances. As a student at Aberdeen I have nothing but good words to say to Mr. Serentzis he can’t be the blame for our ‘low performance’ he can’t control the kids of Aberdeen that have been through alot and just don’t care anymore. Mr. Serentizis is what’s important to Aberdeen and I know that to have someone like Carlton Ford be a head Principal means there will be much more stress and tension in schools meaning kids won’t come!
Look without someone like him around, I agree, the students will become a lot more stressed out. High school can be such a trying time for some people, and it takes a good man like Szerensits to keep some students from being driven over the edge. To enforce the rules is one thing, but I can bet that now the simplest offenses like using the bathroom while forgetting your agenda or something could lead to detention because you are ‘suspicious’. Or you could literally be yelled at ANYWAYS if you’re wondering the halls WITH a pass. There were only a few people that DIDN’T look at students with glares in their eyes, and Szerensits was one of them. Seriously, if you are going to enforce the rules, don’t just act like every single student is going to do something bad. Give them the benefit of the doubt…
Your spelling and grammar show how bad the school is – I see everyday “graduates” who can’t read, write or do basic math –
nice guys don’t cut it – results do – welcome to reality
Talk about an eyeful of log. How can you criticize another’s grammar when you neglect to use the most fundemental rules: end punctuation and capitalization?
Her spelling and grammar, don’t really matter. I have 20 year old coworkers who can’t spell “bottom” that went to Havre De Grace. Her spelling and grammar don’t matter it’s her opinion and for you to shoot her down like that is just ignorant. I had english teachers who would ask us how to spell words as they were writing on the chalk board.
go to any school in the county and ask 10 kids to write something like brianna did and you will see that it isn’t just the school in question that has grammer issues,etc. its everywhere, yes even at Fallston.
That shows that the parents at home are not doing their job reinforcing what is taught daily at school, but would rather totally pawn their childs future to the teachers who suffer with over crowded and under funded classrooms daily.
It starts at the Middle School, is she gone. AMS is a mess. You can’t make chicken salad out of chick crap. That is what AMS does just pass then through, let AHS deal with it. Sad day at AHS
Dear Mad Teacher,
Ask yourself this question? why aren’t all administrators removed from their buldings on a rotating basis every five years? Prinicpals should be able to be leaders in elementary, middle and High school. They are paid the big bucks to make decisions. This would alleviate the good old boy clubs, etc.
I have to agree with J to some extent. The role of the principal is to serve as a leader for the school and move instruction and students towards excellence. Are there more obstacles at AHS and JHS? You bet. They have huge mobility rates, a larger population of students living below the poverty line, and a greater number of special education students. What resources are they given to deal with these and the change the climate? NONE; they get what everybody else gets based on total student population. In contrast, Edgewood High IS changing its climate because there is a leadership team there advocating for additional resources.
With that being said, it is important to note Frosted Flakes and those who share the “it’s the kid’s fault” attitude that there are schools all over the nation that are changing the climate and making it happen. To default to “The kids just don’t want to learn” is a cop out on every level. It takes deliberate work and real resources, but it can ALWAYS be done.
To all the parents and citizens who are outraged at this decision (rumor as it may be right now), please realize that you can assist the leadership at at these schools and prevent future situations like this one by DEMANDING that the board of education acknowledge the obstacles for achievement in these schools and reallocate instructional resources, money for remediation programs, and additional staffing to these schools. For example, both schools have had low special education scores, but their SE student to special educator ratio is 20-25 to one. In other, northern parts of the county that ratio is 10 to one.
We have a board that has not yet figured out how to address the special needs of students in these areas of the county in any sort of sustainable way. Please help current and future leaders at these schools by being as loud and persistent as possible at board meetings until they do just that.
AHS does have some problems, but under achievement starts at the lower levels. When the Middle School just passes them through without being able to read or even do general math then it becomes the high school problem. If Mr. Szerensits goes, shouldn’t the Middle School principle follow.
Did anyone see the support from the students at the Sports for Life basketball game, this is a reflection of Mr. Szerensits. There are great things happening at Aberdeen, it is ashamed these aren’t reported. There are problems in all schools once again no raises for teachers, back door cuts to teacher health care, maybe Tombeck should take a cut in pay and give us the resources we need.
Can we say Everyday Math!
Tom Szerensits’ $100K plus salary was a waste of taxpayer dollars for many, many years.
Happy ReFIREment!
The comment made was real ignorant! & if you felt some type of way then maybe you should have made an initiative to help instead of co-signing!
And what will we say of Mr. Tomsacks almost 200K salary? hmmm… post the good things he has done for this county below, i would love to see someone come up with something legitimate
Does any one know the specific reason(s) for these two being forced out. A lot of speculation but nothing definitive. I can’t understand how a principal who had $10,000 stolen over a period of time right under his nose still has his job? I guess that doesn’t matter if the kids in the school are doing okay on standardized testing even though as others have pointed out it isnt neces
sarily a reflection of what is going in that school. Is Tomback going to bring in a bunch of Baltimore County personnel to fill positions?
Yeah, how about removing the principal who has 10-20,000 dollars “gone missing” from the school – my understanding he is ultimately the responsible person for all finances in the school and he is still there? Absolutely ridiculous – come on HCPS deal with the problems and get rid of incompetent staff!
This is an issue (all the people with connections to Baltimore County) with many people inside and outside the school system.
I don’t claim to fully understand HCPS’s decision to fire Mr. Szerensits; there are plenty of complicated factors to be considered and debated. But as an AHS junior, I know that my principal has shown strong commitment to the betterment of the school on many levels. He personally supports many good programs, like music and sports and science – and by personally support , I mean he actively attends, commends, and defends them like he means it.
For example, my amazing Jazz Ensemble class would have been axed without his personal lobbying. Another good example is Lightless-Lunches movement spearheaded this year by the Green Team, designed to save thousands of dollars each year on energy costs. All efforts had been shot down by the VPs and lunch supervisors until Mr. Szerensits personally walked into the cafeteria and flipped the light switch OFF(which was met with thunderous applause from the students). His involvement even goes out to the individual: When I won an award for a state writing competition in freshman year, he personally walked into one of my classes to congratulate me. If that’s not involvement , I really don’t know what is.
Mr. Szerensits was also one of the most personable staff members, who was always available to talk to students. His displinary style was certainly more lenient, but as ALUMNUS noted, his warm personality is often a stark contrast to some of the subordinate staff’s frosty glares. I, for one, will deeply miss Mr. Szerensits; his presence was a huge part of what makes AHS home.
The comment about additional school personnel changes and the missing 10K+ (Pat Mill) is also on target. One Aegis account had it at 10-20K. Yet no action has been taken by sheriff and HCPS. Nor have they done anything about the 2 vandalism events at PMHS and it is apparently known locally amongs the students who the 3 culprits are. Infact 2 or all 3 may have been the same in each event. What is the deal?
What people don’t realize is it’s extremely difficult to stop students from running off with school property. I could go into school and each day take one thing. Say a mouse one day slip it in my pocket no one would know. Then maybe tomorrow a remote. Then the next day a smart board pen($100-200). And so on. It hard to stop that kin of petty theft. What are you going o search every kid, everyday? You can’t really tie stuff down it’s nearly immpossible to stop the petty theft. So really it’s either deal with the costs or take away everything that’s not bigger then a chair away.
The theft at PMMHS has to do with cash not items. And I agree when are we going to see some action on these other issues?
there needs to be more to come, shake the whole admin up
The nice part about middle & high school is that children have between 7 & 10 teachers a year. . . that’s 49-70 teachers by the end of their time. They deal with roughly 8-10 administrators not to mention guidance, IAs, and school psychologists. If a child continuously fails, the common denominator (that’s the bottom number of the fraction for you Everyday math people) seems to be that child.
My grandson is a senior at Aberdeen. I knew Tom well before I had a student there and had already discovered that he is approachable and will take action in spite of the bureaucrats in Bel Air. AS my grandson has been a student there have been many opportunities to interact with Tom. Every single event was made positive for the school and for the student. All of the so called professional teacher who have commented here need to understand an old school principle. IT IS NOT ABOUT THE TEACHERS AND THEIR INTERACTION, IT IS ABOUT THE STUDENTS. The teachers are just employees in the factory. The students and their parents are the customers. Any business leader who forgets that runs the company into the ground, loses. Under the misguidance from Bel air, any administrator who tries to e satisfy the customer first loses.
I have known Macon Tucker on a professional and social level and feel the same for him. I can understand how the board would have trouble with him. He also thinks and acts about what’s right for the student. Shame on him.
I am deeply saddened by this action. Those people who wouldn’t know how to find the customer have gotten even with Tom and Macon. Congratulations, you’ve removed another key stone in the process. Watch it crumple some more.
As we move into the future there are a couple of items that ought to be considered: The two districts with the highest single parent population in the County are Aberdeen and Joppatown. The districts with the lowest per-capita income are Aberdeen and Joppatown. The two districts with the highest per-capita rate of rental property are Aberdeen and Joppatown. Using the scores establishing ratings has nothing to do whatsoever with these factors. Like a fricking robot, we calculate the column and the districts whic fall below the average are simply bad. All the good folks in Bel Air (both of you) need to realize that it wouldn’t take much to realize that you are guilty of racism and classism. Sleep well, enjoy your
Ester feast.
It is very easy for students to support and defend Szerensits because he did nothing to support his staff within the walls of the school. Students: you do not understand what a principal should do in a school and you are not supposed to him/her.
Yes, when he did come out of his office and walk the halls he never enforced simple rules, which is not a good thing. He did not properly support his teachers when it came to parent involvement either. He always chose the easy way out and that is not an effective principal. Many teachers in the building became lazy and apathetic because of his lack of interest, and I can say that some great teachers left that school because of the weak leadership.
Dismissal of Szerensits could be a great thing for the school depending on who the county decides to replace him with. And knowing how HCPS works, I do not have high hopes for his replacement. That school needs a lot of hard work to turn around and I sadly do not really see anyone willing to work that hard for improvement.
*Not supposed to like him/her.
Yes, I am very well aware there are two sides to every story, but at this point, unless you are telling me someone is MUCH MORE SUITED to take over as principal, there was not a good enough reason to change. Wait until next year to make the move. I still believe it was rather rash. And no, don’t tell me someone else should become principal JUST to enforce rules, because if rule-breaking was that big of an issue, install more security. This goes to everyone who has this ‘enforce the rules’ statement.
Now as Matt (personal friend of mine) said, none of us really knows every single aspect of a principal’s job. BUT: While we try to put ourselves in your shoes, try putting yourselves in ours for a change. Actually, a student SHOULD BE ABLE TO like the administration at a school. I know that isn’t always the case, but a principal’s job should also include making the school environment a safe, peaceful, and COMFORTABLE atmosphere. That includes being kind to the students. NOT acting like all of the students are suspicious of malicious behavior when they might just be getting something out of their locker or using the bathroom.
I know from experience (and yes, I was in the SMA myself), that I would get yelled at for being in the halls when I should be in class (I had my pass, of course). If that’s the kind of administration you want so the students are being treated this way, fine, that’s your opinion, and I respect that. But I feel like a positive, happy atmosphere would make for a better educational experience.
Alumnus, I understand where you are coming from but the environment in the SMA is very different than the rest of the school. The students are very different for the most part also. Honestly, Szerensits would probably be a great principal if the school was just the SMA because there would not be as many behavioral issues.
This is not a rash decision it actually should have been done awhile ago. And no, a principal is not there just to enforce rules, that is just one item in the job description. Szerensits was lacking a principal in many areas, not just rule enforcement.
You do not see him as a poor principal because you are coming from a high school student’s perspective, and I’m sure you are a good student at that. Anyone who has studied education understands the complexities of the role of principal and can see that it was time for a change at AHS.
Hmm. I can also see your point. At least now I have both sides of the story. What I meant by rash was making this change just before the end of the year, rather than during the summer. What I’m worried about is 1, how the new principal will adjust, and 2, what changes will be made. If these changes involve cutting on sports and arts fields, then I am completely against it. I heard the band finally got a lot better, and made it to state festival twice in a row now, and the orchestra (which I was a part of) made it to states four times in the last five years, and received superior ratings each time.
Sure, maybe Szerensits could have been lazy in some of the other aspects, as again, I don’t know everything about this incident. However, I’ll change my mind when 1, the proper educational resources are found (such as special needs), 2, the arts and sports will either be kept in high regard or funded a little more, and 3, I do not hear from students that the school became more of a “military base” than a school (sorry for the exaggeration, you know what I mean).
Alumnus- what you don’t know about Mr. S. is how much he hates the SMA. He has fought the leadership and teachers of the SMA at every turn. Why do you think Mrs. Clem left? She couldn’t take the assault any longer! He thinks that the SMA shouldn’t exist, yet your scores are what has kept his school from being taken over for years!
Being friendly and an advocate for students is wonderful and I have always admired his dedication to what he considers “real” AHS students. I have watched this situation from the outside, with a unique perspective of seeing both of Mr. S.’s faces- the AHS principal and the SMA antagonist. The SMA is the flagship magnet program in the county and yet he does not show pride in this program. The SMA students, both past and present, should be optimistic that his replacement will support the program and allow it to florish.
AHS needs a fresh start. Why can’t the new principal be just as supportive of students, while also being an effective administrator? Why can’t the new principal be an advocate for students AND teachers by defending what is right, not just trying to undermine the SMA for his/her personal agenda?
I hope that Mr. S. lands on his feet. I don’t want to see him leave education. His heart is truly in the right place when it comes to students, however this does not mean that he belongs in an administrative position.
Oh, and Dave Yenson you have no idea what you are talking about. You obviously do not understand public education or the way schools work. The students are not customers, they are being given the opportunity to earn an education. You cannot ignore the teachers and expect things to run smoothly. You try to teach in that building for any length of time and you’ll realize that giving the students the impression that they are in charge and they are “the customers” makes it virtually impossible for learning to happen. What is “right” for the students is to challenge them to learn and think and better themselves, so they can move on after high school and provide better lives for themselves. By telling them that they are always right and do not have to work is perpetuating a lie.
Yes, there is an socioeconomic issue in Harford County in general but I do know that Tom did not do much to fight that problem. Making up catch phrases does not negate the real issues in the school. Aberdeen needs a strong leader who understands what the students in the area need, not someone who provides lip service but supplies no action. It would be interesting to know what “action” you think Tom took for the students.
And you should proofread before you submit a comment.
If this could be compared to a medical problem… the sicker you are the more resources you generally require. That’s going to be a higher medical bill. It takes soooooooooo much to work in the difficult situations which AHS and JHS are in, demographically. It takes sooooo much more time. Unless you have worked in these types of conditions, you don’t know. Good people leave because they get ‘used up.’ Why don’t we get more resources? Why is our ratio of special students to special educators so much worse than CMW? Why doesn’t my school get the Medical Assistance funds that I bill for? Talk about merit pay – I should already BE getting merit pay just for not leaving. ‘We here’ have to do more than ‘them there.’ Isn’t that obvious? Isn’t it obvious that teacher turnover will be high here unless we are given an incentive to stay? Isn’t it obvious that a principal literally can’t make THAT much difference in a school. He’s one guy. We need 20 of him. Anyone who has studied the problem knows what the research says. I don’t know much about Tomback, but what I know I don’t like. Holding people accountable for things they can only control with additional resources which you are denying them is not logical. Also, he should be ashamed of himself for allowing this info to leak. That was rude.
I find it shameful when teachers (former or present) place blame on the principle. Im so sick of the mediocre teachers who cant control their classrooms or dont take the time to solve teacher/student issues.
My son is a senior at AHS………..I have been more than happy with the principle and his assistants. Now the teachers….Ive seen more problems from them than a little bit. Maybe its the teachers that should be monitored more carefully. There are a few teachers that have excelled my expectations and to them I am thankful.
Yes, Dave Yenson. You have just made my case.
A principal of a high school should not function solely as a glorified Walmart greeter.
Regardless of what image you saw when he was chatting you up or shaking your hand…he had real work to do at that factory (and other factories he worked at through his shining career)…I mean school. Being glad to see you and politely making conversation with you does not translate to a superior job performance.
If you think that because he showed up at some SMA exhibits that this equates to his support of that program, you couldn’t be more wrong. Trust me.
The misstep? You can’t produce a product at a factory without a professional, respectful environment. Being nice to the kids’ grandparents doesn’t quite cover the scope of his professional responsibilities.
I shall sleep very well and THOROUGHLY enjoy my “Ester feast.”
I am glad the principle was at the functions and open and available to take comments and answer question when asked. I think that smiling face and the effort to be respected by children, that dont seem to respect anyone, is way more important than being in his office.
Here is what confuses me about this in general. We have heard all the reasons why he shouldn’t be fired: his friendliness and his passion for his school and its students. We have heard why it is difficult for Mr. Szerensits to bring AHS to the same level as schools like Bel Air and C. Milton Wright; its generally poorer population and neglectful middle school. We have even heard about how the reasons why Mr. Szerensits should stay, are not enough to keep him, due to his perceived role as a “glorified Walmart greater.” However, I am finding it hard to see what exactly Mr. Szerenzits has done wrong or has failed to do as principle based on this thread or any other resource that I can find.
I understand there is a possibility that I may not be searching hard enough or that, from my perspective as a successful senior at AHS, I may not understand fully what has happened at my school. Regardless, I am finding it hard for me to stomach the arrogance that is being portrayed by those who want to speak negatively of my one and only principal. With such a haughty attitude, I would think there is more to your arguments than dismissing those of those who support the man who has supported them. Yet, all I am hearing is ambiguities about him not enforcing minor rules (which let’s face it, I use my cell phone in school frequently, I often walk through the halls without a pass, and I don’t always follow the dress code exactly, yet I somehow capable of learning sufficiently enough to receive a score of 5 on six AP tests, manage a 2170 SAT score (perfect math score), and get accepted to Johns Hopkins and U Cal: Berkeley),and not getting along with teaching staff. Ironically enough, it seems like him and students get along fairly well, which makes me question who exactly is the odd-man-out in this situation?
I am not ashamed to say that I, Jon Smeton, could not be where I am today if not for Mr. Szerensits. I do not need to repeat the long list of reasons why he should keep his job as principle. I will not hide behind a pretentious attitude and a poorly-constructed pseudonym.
I will bear with you, and I understand if there is some unknown dark side to Mr. Szerensits, then maybe the decision is right, but I will not be convinced when all that is presented is a argument and a rebuttal. I would like to hear a counterargument. So I ask you BESTDAYEVER, why should Mr. Szerensits be fired?
So what were the Instructional Facilitators doing at these two schools if their test scores are so bad? I thought the IF’s were supposed to fix this. Weren’t they put there because of weak school administration? I heard they made as much as the principal did. If the principals are being removed what about the IF’s?
As in any school, if you don’t get support from your principal, it’s nearly impossible to accomplish any change. The Instructional Facilitators in both of these schools have worked and continue to work extremely hard, despite the fact that they are not supported by the superintendent and his staff and in several cases have been spilt between these schools and others.
Instead of placing blame…it’s time to get into these schools, get to the root of the problems and start getting to work on changing the climates that exist. It can be done…it’s not easy….but there are places that are on the right track in HCPS.
The IFs are there to support instruction and make sure that the teachers are preparing effective lessons. An IF cannot “fix” testing problems though. The IF at AHS is shared with other schools, so she is not even a permanent fixture at the school. And the IF at AHS does a very good job, in many cases she provides the only solid feedback that teachers receive. IFs are not at schools because they are doing poorly on tests.
I believe there is a plan in the works to remove the IFs from schools, which I do not think will be helpful but it will save some money.
The fix comes from helping teachers improve which translates into better student scores. The administrative team (principal, AP’s, dept. chairs) are supposed to be your instructional leaders. Those being selected for these positions should have strong content and pedagogy backgrounds as demonstrated in the classroom along with superior managerial skills. If not they shouldn’t be in these positions. If we had those kinds of people in leadership positions there would be no need for the IF’s. If those in leadership are not up to the task then they need to be removed. In the business world if I have to pay someone else to do your job then I don’t need you. The same should go for leadership personnel.
Dr. Tomback is holding principals accountable as the primary instructional leaders with APs as assistants in the process and department chairs as consultants on specific content areas.
It is a totally logical way of looking at primary school leadership, but it was not exactly the job some of the current principals signed on for many years ago. Some were either effective disciplinarians, others took the job as a building manager.
The bottom line is that this decision sets a precedence that those established principals who are unable to adapt to this new role are going to be replaced. This, I feel, is a good thing. It keeps principals striving to improve instruction in their schools.
Isn’t that what we should want as a community?
It’s ALL about accountability. The community should hold Dr. Tomback and the BOE accountable for their actions and whether those actions provide better a better education for all students. Dr. Tomback holds principals accountable. Principals hold teachers accountable. Teachers hold students accountable.
My hope is that if this story is true and these gentlemen are replaced that their replacements are skilled at changing school climate in the areas of need specific to these schools (special education, students in poverty, and high mobility) AND that they are provided by the BOE with the adequate resources and staffing to make change.
The community must make sure to hold Dr. Tomback and the BOE accountable as to whether or not they have done their part to assist these new leaders.
Then shame on the previous superintendents and BOE’s that let that happen. They were derelict in their responsibilities. The principals position is too important to fill it with those whose primary qualifications for the job were that they were disciplinarians or building managers.
As far as the BOE goes the community will finally have that accountability at the ballot box, and believe me we are watching closely. No more rubber stamping the superintendents requests. We are looking for something more than the same old same old. It’s too bad we will have to wait another four years to have a majority elected school board then we will have some real accountability.
We are also watching the superintendent and all the new people he has brought into the system. The school board needs to be on top of them making sure they are earning their keep. If not then the superintendent and his senior staff should be on the chopping block like principals and teachers. Because if they are not and the school board doesn’t get rid of them then we will get rid of the school board at the next election.
Unfortunately, Dr. T. isn’t giving teachers the additional resources needed to drive change. In many schools throughout the county (including schools that are not successfully meeting standards) he is reducing staff, increasing class sizes, cutting budgets and resources. He is supporting the implementation of goals (such as technology education) without giving schools access to the basic needs to achieve those goals (such as computer labs, whiteboards in classrooms, and adequate bandwidth at the elementary level.)
The technology SC is just one example. When school choice occurs for students from failing schools, the schools that absorb those students don’t get additional resources. Class sizes rise into unacceptable numbers, without any relief from central office.
Resources cost $. HCPS don’t have $, especially when certain people take pay raises and hire “friends” at a higher salary than the person they are replacing.
The public also needs to know that teachers are not getting any raises again this year, including their steps so that OTHER teachers won’t get FIRED. If teachers are willing to make this sacrifice, why isn’t the keadership at Central Office?
Problem is that a lot of the principals are not qualified to be instructional leaders. Good principal does not mean they were good teachers and vice versa
I want to know why the BOE or the superintendent is not looking closer at the people that are placed in leadership positions in these schools. The principal makes the appointments( department chairs, etc.) The principal is the almighty “GOD” in these buildings! Wake folks and smell the coffee! Good old boys club mentality! God forbid you rock the boat
A great many comments on this topic have talked about change. The comment from Stand And Deliver was;
“My hope is that if this story is true and these gentlemen are replaced that their replacements are skilled at changing school climate…”
Is the goal to achieve change? Look what we have after two years of the guy who occupies our White House running on a platform of change. I’ve had enough change for change sake at every level. The so called professional academicians have sought constant change. I think the theory is that a moving target is harder to hit.
Mr. Yensan,
The change I am referring to not “change for change sake.” Instead, I am very specifically talking about change in performance at schools where there is a pattern of inconsistent student performance. Aberdeen and Joppatowne are two schools with that problem. Our county and the leadership at those schools have yet to find a way to increase student attendance, performance, and graduation rates.
I agree that if things aren’t broken they don’t need to be fixed, but we have major issues at a few schools throughout this county. As of yet, we have not found permanent ways of raising performance at those schools and addressing the issues that are obstacles to success.
Mr. Yensan, the goal is to achieve sustainable excellence from ALL our schools and ALL our students. When that isn’t happening, change is necessary.
Try not to get too upset with some posters. They see the world through the narrow lens of FOX “News” or MSNBC. It appears that they are so consumed by party politics and ideological dogma that they are driven to blame the “other side” for most, if not all world’s problems, no matter what the topic. Actually, it is quite entertaining. As long as naive readers don’t think that these posts are in any reality, a representative sample of what most people think, I feel confident that we and the world will survive a bit longer .
Well, at least these people stand for something, instead of playing both sides of the fence, like some others do.
MORTY – If I recall history correctly, quite a few wars have been fought between those groups who thought their way was the “right” way. “You are either with us or you are against us.” I have my views, I just don’t have such a large ego as to suggest that the views of others are not worthy of consideration for ideological reasons. The difference between a typical politician and a statesman lies in the art of compromise. Just my viewpoint not an absolute. However, I do appreciate your comments and welcome others. Thanks.
If I recall history, the war in Vietnam was escalated by Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was one of the most corrupt non-ideological Presidents we have ever had.
A lot of people lost their lives because Mr. Johnson lacked the testicular fortitude to prosecute a war that he dishonestly created.
It is irresponsible to report “rumors” as news, and disrespectful to both of these men to slander them publically. After so many years of service, short of criminal activity, I would like to see each have the right to retire with dignity and in celebration of their long careers. Each among us has had professional highlights and low-lights. And, as public employees, they are certainly at risk to have all eyes on their every move. There is so much pressure for all school leaders to teach children, teach them well, and teach them better than ever. However, these men are someone’s children, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, and friends— FIRST and MOST importantly. Treat them with the dignity you would want someone to treat you and yours with in the face of devistating professional changes to their lives and reputations.
Thank you, Mr. Szerensits and Mr. Tucker for nearly 70 combined years of service to the children, families, and communities of Harford County. Be sure to celebrate the successes of your careers… and those of the children whom you have served.
On behalf of our community, I apologize that your circumstances were not handled with the respect and privacy you were due. And, if that is the fault of the school system, shame on those who didn’t manage human resources in a way that emphasized the value of humanity. I hope, for the sake of all leaders and educators in this small county, that any decisions about your livelihoods were not made blindly.
Regardless of how you came to retirement (if that is what lies ahead for you), be sure to enjoy every moment with the people who matter MOST: Your family and friends.
You have my regards and respect for the work you’ve done– often times work that no one else dares to do. I have no doubt that any leader that follows you will have a foundation worth building on and big shoes to fill in the eyes of more than a few teachers, students, and parents. The best to you both.
I agree that these men should be celebrated for all of the good they have done, however as public school employees, they must live with publicity. We can’t just celebrate the positive and ignore the negative just because it makes people feel bad. As I have said, I hope both of these gentlemen land on their feet and find some way to continue to advocate for students, but not as administrators.
do you honestly think that the sma really brought up the test scores that much? there are only 200 sma students out of 1700 that go to Aberdeen high. i loved my high school and my principal. he spent a lot of time behind the scenes doing that stuff that actually takes work. what do you think he does between 3 when schools over and those events he stays late for? sleep? no he doesn’t. he cares about that school more than any other teacher there. its not his fault that Aberdeen couldn’t meet the standards, its the teachers. half the teachers i had never actually taught their classes they just talked or screwed around. i had 2 teachers out of 21(i had repeating teachers for different classes) that actually cared about me and asked me how i was doing and actually took the time in class to teach things. not screw around on stupid assignments they printed offline. ive had numerous teachers who were coaches favor their players and give them A’s without them doing the work. they need new teachers not a new principal.
there is also so many students there that dont need to be. there are kids there that all they do is cause fights and bring drugs in. they need a separate school to go to and then the state would see that Aberdeen is not a bad school.
For the past 4 years at aberdeen high school, there have been few teachers that a student can turn to for support; Mr. S being one of those people. Ive watched kids get up and leave the school and do whatever they please. I’ve had teachers who let these students do these things. And i can understand how that eventually would be the bosses fault. But start from the root. The student who has no interest and is a lost cause (yes, no matter how much we lie that we’re doing something) can get away with what they want. Then we move to the teacher. Not every teacher allows this. but most that i have personal experience with, will give up on the student. A high school level can connect teachers with students better than any other grade. I spent most of my 9th and 10th grade years in the office. And that same time requesting and eligibility appeal from Mr. S. and in those times i realized that most of my bad actions were pointless. Mr. S helped me work harder and keep my grades up so i could continue to bring as much honor to Aberdeen, on the wrestling mats as i possibly could. In doing so, not only did i relieze how much Aberdeen and Joppa (through Joppa Wrestlers) were looked down upon, but that AHS was not a focus of HCPS at all. Taking a leader and role model from his post because HCPS is too fearful to cut the viruses from our school system, is not a way to solve any problems. I can assure you that after this year, the respect for authority in AHS will decrease lower than ever. And i cannot say it any happier that i am excited to be gradating and leaving AHS
Do you understand WHY the teachers don’t stop the students? It is because they would not be backed by the principal! Pushing that boulder up the hill for an eternity is exhausting, and sometimes the teachers just have that boulder roll right over them.
No teacher ” doesn’t care” what the students are doing. When they have been repeatedly beaten down by the lack of administration support, they have no choice but to choose their battles.
Please understand that teachers are just people. They have dedicated their lives to a thankless, underpaid, frustrating, and mentally exhausting job. Some teachers burn out… But that is a separate issue that doesn’t pertain to this discussion.
And these teachers have a JOB to do as well…..many mediocre teachers out there that should have chosen a different career.
Are you brushing off what this student is reporting?
AMEN. nail on head breakthough here. Techers can only go as far as their support, and unfortinately the support lies in the VP’s who do all the discipline. Too many times kids are given slaps on the wrists for 3rd or 4th offenses because the AP’s either are too backed up with referrals to del wth the minor stuff, or may even play favorites with some students they might be trying to help for whatever reason. Whta this does s teach those students that they can get nto trouble and the consequence will disapear, which then fosters the classroom attitudes and courage to simply walk out, etc. Some of these students even challenge the teachers and make comments like “go ahead, the office won’t do anything”, etc.
Look at it that way, not the teachers fault, an old saying states the the chain is only as strong as its weakest link, the discipline staff in this case being that weak link.
Marcus don’t act like you were the model student yourself. You have gotten up, left class, yelled at teachers, and you were not reprimanded for it.
You cannot tell me that it makes sense that all of you teachers in AHS did such a bad job and it was always their faults you were in the office, or ineligible to play sports so many times. The common denominator in all those years was you. Having one person take your side and make it seem like all the teachers are wrong is not going to help you later in life. It’s not always everyone else’s fault, that’s an important life lesson. That’s also not a good position for a principal to his teachers in either.
Leaving a class and being asked to leave are two different things. And yes i have been reprimanded for actions and they have been taken care of. there has not been a single time that I have not. As far as ineligibility that has not been an issue at all for over two years. No body accuses any teacher of my faults. Thats childish such as speaking negatively about your superior on an open forum.
Spent most of your first 2 years of high school in the office?
Sounds like a deep rooted personal issue, not the teachers. No teacher comes in to a class daily and says to themselves, “Today I am gonna find some reason to send Marcus to the office”. I have a good feeling that you instigated something daily to purposefully irritate your teachers to the point where you probably were in the office a lot.
I went to AHS because of the SMA but did not graduate from the SMA. The superintendent at the time wanted to kick me back to Joppatowne in my senior year of high school, even though I was fully invested at Aberdeen High School. I was highly involved with the women’s basketball team, SGA, latino dance, track, and other organizations. I graduated Aberdeen with over a 4.0 and received several full academic scholarships for my hard work during high school.
Mr. Szerensits did everything he could to aide me in my endeavors. When all of the other teachers were against me starting the teacher’s vs. student charity basketball game, he stood by my side in getting the necessary paperwork and approval for the event. He also was very adamant about me staying at Aberdeen after leaving the SMA and fought directly against HCPS to keep me there. I owe him a lot.
He truly believes in providing kids in Aberdeen with the opportunity to succeed. What some people might argue is a lax in rules/policies I see as a second chance. Instead of removing the principal, the community has to ask themselves what good are they doing. He was faced with the challenge of forcing education upon individuals who did not want to learn. At the end of the day, you can throw a book in front of a student but will they read it?
I am proud to be an Aberdeen Alumni and I would not have the privilege of calling myself one if it had not been for Tom Szerensits. As a 2008 graduate, I can honestly say that Aberdeen High School not only gave me the tools for a successful college career, but the quality of education I received was a solid foundation upon which I have been able to maintain a 4.0 GPA in my collegiate studies.
Alumni of AHS (aka J.C.)- Do you know why Mr. S. was “fighting” for you to graduate from AHS? He needed your numbers. Graduation rates and grades are very important to principals. A 4.0+GPA, plus an additional graduate who was heading off to college looks really good for him, especially when you were not associated with the SMA as a senior.
As I have said before in another post. He is an advocate for students. His heart is in the right place when it comes to many issues (like 2nd chances and basketball games), however please do not mistake this support as his sole motivation for keeping you at AHS for your senior year. The fact that you wanted to stay was something he could hold up and say was “evidence” that he was running such a wonderful school.
Quite often what the most popular principals do behind the closed doors is not in the best interest of the school they are leading. This does not pertain to just Mr. S. Unfortunately, this is a problem larger than AHS. Mr. S. just ended up being the admin. at a school that doesn’t have enough parent support of education, and it is failing. He ended up being called on the carpet for this mess. He doesn’t want to see his students fail, but he is the captain of a sinking ship. Popular or not, the job he needed to do isn’t getting done.
Hopefully he will find a way to continue to advocate for students while not being in a position of authority.
I respect everyone’s opinion regarding this matter. As a teacher at both schools I appreciate the hard work that both administrators have offered. Yes there are some positives and yes there are some negatives. However, when is it ever appropriate to slander any person or judge their professional responsibilities? These men have dedicated their lives to the education field through many obstacles and whatever decisions the BOE has with these men affect them and their families (as it is still a job and a source of income). I will not post my opinion because it is not my place nor is this the correct place to do so. However, I hope that those who read and comment on this issue realize their comments and views are respected however think about the forum in which to do so. Would you want your father, husband, uncle, brother, etc. to be judged and called names and disrespected by strangers? Just a thought.
One of the issues that can be found in Aberdeen is evidenced in the posts by many of the students is the principal vs. teacher problem. That kind of an issue cannot exist in a successful school. Marcus, you state that the teachers did not support you but the principal did, and that is a huge problem in the school as a whole. All administrators and teachers have to be on the same page as to how a school should be run and what goals they are all working toward. When that communication breaks down and no one really knows what to expect or what they are working for the environment becomes negative for everyone involved.
I stand by a statement that I made earlier: if you have never studied education then you do not understand how the system is supposed to work. Sadly, it seems that some people on this website who do have education degrees don’t seem to understand the process either. Maybe it’s a case of out-dated ideas, I’m not sure. The fact remains that no one is saying that Mr. Szerensits is a bad guy and did not give his best. Some people are saying that maybe his best was simply not good enough. Yes, there were a few students that he affected personally and helped, and that’s awesome. But what about the vast majority of them that never got that one-on-one attention? A principal has to make decisions in the best interest of the majority, not a few.
Another issue that the student responses show is the lack of teacher accountability at Aberdeen. Guess who is supposed to work to make sure that the teachers do their jobs? The principal. It all comes from the top down. When the principal does not do what needs to be done, then neither do the teachers and the students follow suit. Will it get any better without Szerensits? That’s hard to tell, but I do think this could be a positive change depending on what is done from here.
Overall, there need to be large changes everywhere in education all over the country. People are very happy to sit around and complain about the state of education, but no one is willing to change anything. I for one think change is necessary for growth, so let’s see what kind of positive growth can be made from this change.
My kids go to a different school but the situation isn’t much different than either of these schools. Test scores might be better but that isn’t because of the principal or the teachers. Teachers complain because referrals end up in the garbage and the get NO support from the principal. He doesn’t even know what is going on in the school. This is the fault of the superintendent. Why is one of the better principals in the school system at Fallston where they have a high achieving population and they have the lowest student/teacher ratio?
Some other thoughts to consider in this uproar….When you have a system based on accountability ‘by the numbers’ you have to sacrifice something, and in education that sacrifice is sometimes the human element. The people that continually approach education with a business model have forgotten that important component. What business will be successful without a consistent raw product that they can count on? If a business continues to receive materials of varying specs they quickly look for a new supplier. Yet teachers and schools are expected to take students with an enormous range of aptitude, talent and learning disabilities and produce a common end product. Sometimes a score on a test is just an indicator of how well the student was taught test taking skills as much as whether they know the information. Accountability ‘by the numbers’ also applies at the administrative level. There are many instances where a student should be disciplined- but administrators have to report their numbers of suspensions, referrals, and expulsions and will usually opt to not have a paper trail of offenses so their schools end numbers look better in the eyes of the central office. Unfortunately, many students (and teachers as well) regard an administrator conferencing with a student instead of being assigned a documented detention or suspension as getting away with no consequence to their actions at all. This starts teachers on the “Why bother sending them to the office if nothing is going to happen” campaign and promotes the bad attitude of the student who tells teachers “Go ahead, send me to the office, they won’t do anything”. I try not to write a referral unless I know it’s the kind of offense that forces an administrator to take action. Some days at the high school level, maintaining discipline and keeping students on task is such an battle it’s exhausting. I don’t know if Mr. Szerensits and Mr. Tucker were truly ineffective as some people are saying. Perhaps they just became exhausted and stayed too long? If that’s the case, it would’ve been nice if things could have been handled with a bit more of that missing “human element” and not a sledgehammer…just have them gracefully announce their retirement this year instead of embarrassing them in their communities.
What happened to the comment regarding Councilman Martin? What’s the matter? Truth hurt?
Well said! I completely agree!
I love how almost every single comment on here is commenting on someone else’s grammar. Does that really matter? None of us are perfect. I’m not going to sit here and bash on teachers, vice principals, or principals. I’m a proud student of Aberdeen High. I see what goes on in the building every single day. I don’t agree at all with this! You say he doesn’t enforce rules, and thats not necessarily true! Enforcing rules isn’t the only job of a principal. Mr. S makes our school comfortable, no matter what dumb mistakes STUDENTS make, he’s always someone there to make you smile. He’s a great man, and all of us students mean a lot to him! We won’t let him go without a fight.
Grammar matters, if a poster’s comments lack it, people dismiss or ridicule them with good reason.
only people who oppose their views but have nothing else to respond with, so they grab for the grammer card.
What you are all doing is assuming that there has to be a reason for firing these two principals. The fact is, when you work in an oligarchy like HCPS, there doesn’t have to be a reason for any decisions, and there certainly doesn’t have to be a rational reason. There just has to be a whim of a High Ranking School Official (HROS, capitalization intended). That’s how HCPS is now being run.
Why do freshman have to take LCW? It’s not a state mandated course. Answer: the whim of an HRSO. Why are there now career pathways? Answer: the whim of a HRSO. Why do principals and assistant principals get moved around at random? Answer: the whim of a HRSO.
Maybe an HRSO didn’t like the cologne that one of these guys was wearing. Maybe an HRSO had a buddy that was looking for a gig. Maybe one of these guys didn’t say hi to the HRSO when he saw him in IHOP. Who knows?
Ultimately, the reason these guys got canned? For the same reason most other things happen in HCPS: Because a HRSO decided that’s how it would be. So that’s how it is.
its funny because what you are saying would be considered illegal to do for the reasons stated. you cannot fire somebody because you dont like how thier cologne smells, violateion of their personal rights set forth by the constitution. just cause a buddy wants a job you cannot fire someone for no reason, in this system there has to be a documented reason that warrants dissmissal.
This is a politcal play by the super to try to cause enough of a guano storm to cuase these two gentlemen to decide on thier own to hang it up. If they do not, the county cannot fire them, unless there is something major that has not been revealed yet.
Mention of the schools being poor preforming and that being a reason is also inncorrect because of this simple fact: The 2011 HSA tests have not come out yet, nor have the students taken them, so the only way that would be legit is if the scores allready came out and there was a continual sign of decline. If that was the reason both would have been let go last year after the 2010 scores had come out.
Education is a game, and you have to play aggressively and stand your ground, or bend over and kiss arse (oh thats to get promoted)
I hope and encourage both of these gentlemen to fight this ill timed injustice and not let them turn this supposedly democratic, tax based system into an oligarchy.
Hey Harco teachers need a real union, WAKE UP AND THE SMELL THE COFFEE! Discrimination exist! Rascism exist! Look at Washington! It maybe illegal to not like someone for their cologne but it happens! Walk in the real world
Mr. Szerensits has, and always will be, passionate about his job, and very specifically AHS. He has undoubtedly ruffled feathers, refused to be a ‘Yes Man’, and made supporters and adversaries a like, as evidenced on this site.
But you see, that is what people do when they really care about their job, and your school, and your kids. Mr. Szerensits is an exemplary principal. Plain and simple. This disgraceful treatment of a passionate individual is the mark of a poor choice by the Superintendent.
I call us all into action. Let your voices be heard in support of Mr. Szerensits. Show him the same level of commitment and compassion he has bestowed upon you. Don’t let him go without a fight.
Teachers get overwhelmed trying to teach in an overcrowded and under supplied classroom, and its only going to get worse. Money for supplies has no accountability for what it is spent on, so one class may recive nothing that was ordered and essential for teaching and another class could recieve 5 times what is needed for that year. This is a cycle that needs to be investigated as far too many times my children have had to either buy things or bring in money for things that the school should have provided but didnt.
One time I called and spoke with the teacher about the issue because it seemed ever time there was a lesson I had to send in $5 or go buy common supplies. The teacher spoke frankly and honestly when addressing this and told me that they had ordered everything that was essential and required for the next school year, but the head of their department did not order anything for them but spent the money on some other class specific and non-essential supplies. The head bought more of things that were allready available at the school for use and bought things for favored teachers in the subject area, and chose not to spend an equal share on everyone in the department, leaving a few without supplies for the next school year.
Hmm…. if that money was divided fairly and all teachers were allowed to be equally prepared to educate students, wouldn’t that help improve everything in question here? I do not see why the county doesnt give each teacher a prepaid debit card with their share of the budget for supplies on it and allow them to independantly purchase their own supplies, keeping reciepts/invoices as to prove every penny spent was legit. Think about it, for example who does a better job and takes more care in washing your car, you or some shmoe at the carwash who is being paid to do your car and 100 others that day? same scenario with supply orders, who would do a better job? you who knows exactly what you need to survive, or your deptartment head whom orders for 10-20 people and has no idea what individual needs go with each class.
Doesn’t appear to fit in this comment page but it does, it shows another angle of responsibility where someone of unsung power and influence at a school is screwing it up and it filters back to be a possible factor of the blame on the head guy, unfairly
Chew on that for a minute
Oh forgot one more thing. When speaking about someone be polite and use the correct spelling of their name.
Also, just out of curiosity, and I know this isn’t in my right to ask, but are you in all seriousness drunk?
To respond to dmichaels76 and others who believe that this was an arbitrary decision, it should be known that Dr. Tomback went into schools and observed principals providing observations to teachers. Dr. Tomback sat through a lesson with the school’s observation team (an AP and the principal) as well as a few other officials from central office. They sat and watched the post observation conference the principal had with the teacher. They listened to the principal’s suggestions on how the teacher could improve instruction. They got to see first-hand the instructional leadership going on.
This is a new practice. Yes, the ate Dr. Haas would go into classrooms. Yes, she would visit schools. But there was ever that notion of evaluating the leadership like Dr. Tomback has done. I just thought that bit of information might be helpful in this dialogue.
The degree of detail you provide suggests you are possibly in central office leadership. Your tone also suggests that you support the superintendents’ position on these particular moves. That said you must certainly understand that watching one classroom observation and related post observation would not be the only reason for these moves. I hope there was more to it.
I am not in a position of central office leadership; I added that comment because I wanted to provide some insight as to one of new things being done to increase accountability. I’m not sure if people in the community were aware that this ws done this year.
Like you, Observer, I hope that it was more than just a single observation that went into the recent decision. I do like that central office staff is going out into schools, seeing teaching, and observing principals. I think that these trips to schools ought to be done several times a year. It is hard to make decisions from 102 S. Hickory Avenue without checking in at the schools where the decisions become reality.
I am amazed at the response that this story has created. I, again, encourage the community of Harford County to serve as the accountability piece for EVERY educational decision that is made. That might mean asking the hard questions of the BOE and not stopping until you get adequate answers.
But it cannot simply be done when the controversial decisions du jour are made like this one or redistricting. It is not enough to only speak up when YOUR community or YOUR child is affected. It must be constant, and it must help ensure that ALL schools and ALL students are being provided the best education possible.
And it doesn’t have to be everyone at the meetings all of the time. You can send a neighborhood representative who reports out to the rest of the community after board meetings. Each month that duty can rotate, and if a decision is being made that you think is going against the educational needs of students in the county, you can mobilize.
It is the duty of the Harford County community as a whole to make sure that the BOE is helping all Harford County students succeed. Please hear this call to action.
We are in complete agreement on the need for greater, and consistent, community input to the school system. In addition to the community asking the hard questions of the BOE, the BOE needs to ask hard questions of the superintendent and central office staff. The only one that appears to be doing this is Mr. Frisch. It is becoming obvious that this is making some in HCPS, as well as others on the BOE, uncomfortable.
If you can tell us worthless parents how to get the BOE or HCPS to listen, I would appreciate it. I have seen very little in depth questioning from board members over the years. I am thrilled to see Mr. Frisch trying to hold superintendent accountable but he needs help. I see a lot of cheerleading especially from the female board member. It’s great to hear good news but HCPS has a whole PR department that does that. How is a parent supposed to get their legitimate concerns dealt with?
ETHEL! You must go higher than the board and HCPS and take it to the State Department of Education. When the State Department tells you to go back to HCPS and complain tell them you will do no such thing. You tell them they won’t listen and if the State Department of Education does not listen you tell them that you will go even higher and involve every news media oulet you can possibly find. If you know any HCPS teachers then ask them in confidence all of the hidden secrets that they know about in the school system but can’t say a word or they will be fired. Then you take those secrets to the media and expose HCPS and don’t look back. It took student letters from North Harford Middle and the media to fix problems of mold and what not in their school. HCPS has to be exposed before it will do anything. That is exactly how you get things done as parents of HCPS students.
In the 2014 election 6 seats on the board will be elected seats while three will be appointed. This will help in the long run; if the folks on the board aren’t delivering, vote them out.
Last month, Governor O’Malley appointed the two replacement members:
You are not “worthless” as you suggest. Continue to be loud and be frequent with the voicing of your concerns. When that fails, begin writing Governor O’Malley’s office en masse. Also contact Dr. Grasmick’s office; she is the state superintendent.
Everybody has a boss, and if you don’t like the results you are getting, go to the manager!
With me going to AHS I think is is very wrong our principle has done everything for us students ! It is not his problem that the stupid teachers don’t teach us like they should be we need to do everything that we can to help him keep his job you could not ask for any one better !!!!
JAYCEE!!!!! “Stupid Teachers.” Please do not go there. I am not saying all of the teachers are good teachers but most of them are. Please put blame on the previous superintendent, the current one, director of secondary education, a few of the BOA members as well as the parents of all the students who do not take their education seriously. Education starts in the home. When students have no fear of consequences at home then they come to school with that same attitude. Walk a mile in the shoes of a teacher before you make comments. Teachers are doing more than just teaching students. They are raising them as well. By the way, please re-read your post. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are taught in elementary school. I find it hard to believe that all through your school career that even your elementary and middle school teachers were “stupid” and never taught you anything.
Am I one of those “stupid teachers” who won’t teach you like you should be taught? Are you paying attention, taking notes on what I am teaching you, doing all your classwork and homework, asking questions about what you don’t understand, staying after school or coming during homeroom when you still have trouble? Or are you listening to your iPod, exchanging text messages with your friends, complaining when you are asked to put the phone or iPod away, talking with others in the class, not doing all the work you are assigned, not seeking help outside the 90 minutes you have my class, and then getting angry at *ME* when I won’t answer your question about how to answer #5 on the UNIT TEST?
Is every teacher at AHS fantastic? No, and you could say the same of every school at every level in every state in the country. Are there some who have gotten lazy or beaten down and don’t put as much effort into their jobs as they could? Absolutely, but again you could say the same of every other school in America. When a student has problems in my class and is a model student in every other class, you might believe that I’m the problem. When the student has problems with every (or most every) teacher they have, then I am no longer the problem, the STUDENT is the problem.
The only thing that will change AHS is if a new administration comes in and decides that they aren’t going to worry about how many referrals get written, or how many parents complain about their child not getting special treatment, or how many students get suspended. Instead, the new administration MUST decide to remove EVERY STUDENT who shows a consistent desire to cause trouble, to ignore the rules, and to disrespect the adults at the school. You want to turn things around? You need to do what Joe Clark did in “Lean on Me”; remove the chronic offenders. Everyone gets second and third chances, they always do because that’s what we do as educators. We forgive and move on. However, no student deserves 20 chances to continue to mess things up for everyone else.
You sure hit the nail on the head with that one. Everyone wants to blame the teacher. Many forget that education is a two way street. Too bad so many students have either lost or never had a work ethic and that too many parents want to abdicate their parental responsibilities to the school system or want to be their child’s’ friend instead of being real parents. In either case it requires WORK, learning that everything is not just given to you, and that perseverance is necessary when you don’t get what you want the first time you try.
It is obvious from your statement that it is you who are the stupid student.
For all of us in support of Mr. S, please visit the link below. Eagle P.R.I.D.E.
Mr.Szernsits and some of the students have been working lately on a program to help upcoming freshmen to achieve their true academic ability. I, being one of those select students (based on grades and activity with school), he has an amazing idea. He wanted all of us to brainstorm (for months on end) on way to create a sort of “big brother program” for those who need help coming up. We would all act as mentors towards them and it would be student run which would allow for much more diversity and respect from the other students, they would be able to listen and connect easier. So all of you assholes (including the new Super Intendent) that think he isn’t doing his job well is inanely wrong.
You would think that after working for HCPS for 37 or so years they would at LEAST have the respect to let Mr.Szerensits retire when he chooses. Yes, Aberdeen High has a horrible reputation, But Mr.Szerensits is EXACTLY what keeps our school from becoming WORSE than city schools. He has been a huge support system for countless kids over the years and has an approach on discipline that make him both likable and stern at the same time, like a father figure. People in our school listen to Mr.Szerensits because they have a deep appreciation and respect for him. I guarantee that bringing someone new in is going to cause complete chaos. They won’t be able to handle us and earn our trust like Mr.Szerensits did. Good luck keeping this school under control now HCPS. You really screwed the pooch on this one.
As a 2008 Aberdeen High School graduate, i LOVED Tom. he was amazing helped me in many ways possible. Aberdeen High School is NOT worse then a city school i’m sorry to say. yes i had my fair share of issues there but i wouldn’t have picked another high school to go to or graduate from if i could have. I graduated in the 2008 class, and i work at walmart right now, and i still see him come in and talk to me. remembering his students. taking care of as much as he can, dedicated to that school.. i think he should stay!!!
mr.Szerensits deserves to keep his job. he has always done a good job. even though im only a 9th grade student at AHS i’ve heard from other students and parents and teachers that he’s a awesome principal and that he deserves to keep his job