From the office of U.S. Rep Andy Harris (MD-1):
Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Andy Harris voted against the most recent Continuing Resolution (C.R.), the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year. The House worked on this legislation because the previous Congress was the first in history not to pass a budget. This most recent C.R. continues federal spending at unsustainable levels.
“I thank Speaker Boehner for his leadership and efforts to reduce spending, but because President Obama and Senate Majority Leader refuse to honestly and seriously confront Washington’s spending addiction, this budget just doesn’t go far enough to build an environment for long-term economic growth and job creation.” said Rep. Andy Harris.
The $1.05 trillion discretionary spending level this year will mark only the third time in United States history that the federal government will spend in excess of $1 trillion on discretionary spending.
I think Trump has some interesting ideas on the economy.
Ive penned my take on them in Getting It Right…American Politics
Hey Andy;
what are you doing for the citizens of MD, not the republican party, not the tea party , not the local tight a$$ club.. but the citizens of MD that include many lower income families that get help, blue collar workers and the Federal workers and contractors. Just askin….
One More Former Student
What is it that you would like Andy to do for you?
Hey ONE MORE FORMER STUDENT Andy’s vote is respective of taxpayers and citizens since it forces our government to stop spending more money than it takes in.
Currently the Federal government spends $1.40 for every $1.00 it takes in through taxes. Spending is unsustainable and must be stopped.
As soon as they cut all the tax breaks, all the deductions, subsidies to industries that make billions. Then we should be on the way to a lower tax rate and a balanced budget.
and Andy needs to remember that a large number of the MD voters are in the catagory of Government service ( civilian and contractor) and that he needs to understand and look out for them as well.
Things are financially tough all over. So why did Constellation Energy give Shattuck 44% annual increase in compensation for last year? Unbelievable. The private sector is out of control. Why aren’t you budget hackers screaming about overpayments to execs and the need to raise their taxes?,0,3370037.story