From the Harford Campaign for Liberty:
LiberTea Party Alert!
Bring your kids and grandkids!
Join your Harford Campaign for Liberty for a LiberTEA festival this TAX DAY Friday, April 15, 2011 at 5PM at 212 S Bond Street in Bel Air!
April 15, 2011 marks the two-year anniversary of our Tax Day Tea Parties in Bel Air and Havre de Grace: join us again!
Join us for a kid-friendly festival on Friday, April 15 at 212 S. Bond Street.
This event is different from any TEA PARTY or Rally you have attended! Everyone is welcome!
The Harford County Campaign for Liberty is hosting a LiberTEA Festival on Tax Day – April 15, 2011 at 5:00PM until 7:00PM. The event will be held at the County Council Chambers office building located at 212 S Bond Street in Bel Air, MD.
This event is the 2-year anniversary of the unofficial kickoff of the Liberty movement across the United States. On April 15, 2009, more than 300 citizens and taxpayers stood in unity against big government spending and growth in the pouring rain in both Havre de Grace and Bel Air.
The name of this festival, LiberTEA, is a play on the words Liberty and TEA Party. The Liberty movement has been very influential in the past 2 years, prompting a huge flip in the US House of Representatives in the 2010 election and a growing conservative involvement in politics nationwide.
The office building at 212 S Bond Street is known as the “Black Box” and the property recently has been condemned by the County Government, prompting Harford County to plan to spend tens of millions of dollars on a new office building in Bel Air.
The LiberTEA Festival will include several patriotic skits and speeches on stage followed by a child-friendly carnival. Hosted by members of the grassroots organization, Campaign for Liberty, there will be games and entertaining educational activities for kids and adults to teach about the role of government. It is an all-ages event, and all supervised kids and grandchildren are welcome.
A couple exciting parts of this event will include:
– A skit about the difference between “government Santa” and the “real Santa” (or the difference between government spending and charity)
– A festival-type atmosphere with tables and booths for adults and kids to learn about our Government and our country
– A “cut the pork” demonsration.
Bring your families to learn about American history, American exceptionalism, and let’s teach a new generation about what it means to be free!
Campaign for Liberty’s mission is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy, by means of educational and political activity. Harford Campaign for Liberty meets every 4th Tuesday of the month at the Forest Hill Knights of Columbus Hall at 7PM.
Did you obtain and pay for the proper permits to assemble?
Who is paying for the clean up?
Who is pay for law enforcement for crowd control.?
I sure hope none of my tax dollars are going towards this event !
Do you have that block of text saved off into a file so you can easily paste it into a reply? You need to get some new material.
Does the “campaign for Liberty’s mission…to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty” include keeping the government’s IRS out of your personal medical business? H.R. 3, a bill now gathering steam in the Tea Party/GOP-led House of Representatives, would demand reporting of abortions to Internal Revenue Service auditors. This is not what I think of as “individual liberty.” This is government invading a women’s privacy, which is what Roe vs. Wade was about.
Why am I not surprised? I guess if the KKK could have parades and fairs in the 1920’s the Tea-Party can have one too. I wonder if the Tea-Party’s skits will promote their revisionist history like the Klan’s plays use to?
One can only hope. Have you attended many Klan plays? How does the Klan see revisionist history?
Thankfully to some historians I know exactly what they believed. Here are some of the main talking points for the Klan movement around the 1920’s:
– Strong Constitutionalist and strict interpreters of the Constitution.
– Limited Federal Government.
– Strong State rights and sovereignty.
– Against the idea of the US being involved in foreign affairs.
– Worried that the sudden influx of Catholic immigrants were here to do harm to the US.
– against minorities having equal rights, freedoms, and protections as the majority.
– Anti Labor Unions
– Anti Socialist
– Preached that the US was a Christian Nation built on Christian principals.
– Lincoln was an abusive dictator and not a great President.
How does this list compare to the Tea-Party movement? I’ll go ahead a say that obviously the Tea-Party isn’t against Catholic immigrants, but they do seem to be very wary of Muslim immigrants. And while the Tea-Party is officially not against minorities, they are doing everything they can to kill off any program that helps promote equality for minorities.
And here is the biggest similarity: They were/are movements that are based on fear.
I’m a minority, and I am wary of Muslim immigrants. I am not against Muslims. I am not against immigrants. But am I wary of Muslim immigrants when I know what has occurred within parts of the Muslim religious community with regard to the radicals, well yeah!!
All any of us need to know about Muslims was learned on September 11, 2001.
Timothy McVey @ Oklahoma City was not muslin and blacks tortured before/during the civil right movement were not attacked by Muslims. Spew hate and you get hate back. People should be judged by the content of the character not their religion, because if that is the measuring stick, then the Spanish crusades committed just as many atrocities as anyone in the name of Jesus Christ.
retiredawhile, nice way to build and repair relations by insulting 1 billion people that did not approve of 9/11 by making all of them guilty of the crime committed by 16 or so people. Most Arabic govts do not support terrorist activity as it threatens them as well. In fact, Mubarak used extremist around the world as a reason to keep martial law in place in Egypt, Yemen has a long history of abuse of its people and do not want terrorist activity either, Saudi Arabia is also against it and so is Jordan. In fact, the US has supported tyrants, Sheiks, and kings as well as dictators for far too long for low oil prices as well as keeping Arab countries off Israel.
@Frankly Speaking
The 9/11 comment is not mine. You need to address your comments to Daddy Rabbit. Nonetheless, I remain wary of Muslim Immigrants, and I stated why.
@Dan, I would be wary of any religion of a billion plus people that can’t, or more realistically, won’t rein in a minuscule minority of its members who get a thrill out of committing violence and murder under the banner of the religion. I doubt any extremist is capable of reading the Koran in its original text yet they are happy to commit atrocities based on what someone else has told them it says. Muslim countries’ church and state are intertwined, so their governments are either complicit or incompetent. The citizenry of virtually any other country would see these acts as abhorrent and would demand the government do whatever was necessary to curtail such behavior. Why don’t we see any real action on the part of the “peaceful” Muslim world to end extremism?
That’s basically the exact points the KKK made against Catholic immigrants. I’m sure they thought they were well justifed in their fears too.
Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic and I am very wary of her!
I forgot one of their main points. They were big supporters of Prohibition due to their religious and moral convictions. So, they were perfectly willing to pass laws to prevent “sin”.
Okay everybody, repeat after me: “A Liberal Is Someone Who Would Give You The Shirt Off Of, Uh, Somebody Else’s Back.
Pay for your own stinkin’ abortion, Sweet Cheeks. Leave us out of it. (By the way, would the “doctor” be interferring with the unborn’s right to privacy?
When I saw the last pea party meeting in Bel Air, they looked like a collection of losers.
Try working… It pays.
Work does pay. It pays for the 60%+ the gov takes from our salarys to pay for useless wars(Afganistan,Iraq, Libya),700 military bases all around the world, foreign aid to our enemies (Egypt. Pakistan), free health care, food & education for illegals,billions in pork barrel projects and lets not forget the billions our elected officials can steal while treating themselves like royalty on our tax dollars. I’m for any group which can bring some sanity back into gov.
As I was saying in another blog, like it or not, Mitt Romney is probably going to be the next president. He looks thin and in shape on tv and brings his points across well. He is also a successful businessman who knows economic issues a lot better than Obama. He is kind of liberal but at least not as liberal as the current president. He is a Mormon so he has to be better than someone who denies God by insisting that a cross be covered before a speech. If he sways back and forth on abortion, at least he will leave the cross uncovered. He has been told not to run with a woman, which the American people dont want as president or vice president. The biggest thing for most American voters is the economy, such as gas prices. I dont see why they wont vote for him over Obama, at least most of them. He will have my vote, and I will pray that he doesnt support abortion or a national health care system, even though he had a state system in Massachusetts, which he is staying away from at the moment. He definitely knows business better than Obama. I wonder if he could give me a big job in D.C.?
You just named 3 reasons he would make a good president but in the current GOP he has zero chance of getting the nomination for those exact reasons!
Well cdev, maybe Romney needs to back off on abortion and national health care to get the nomination. Dont be surprised if he does and after the nomination we find him swaying a little more in those directions. Not that I want him to support those issues, but he isnt stupid. I dont see any of the other candidates being that great for the Republican Party. Gringich isnt going to win. Some of the other candidates are too down home. I dont know much about the man from Minnesota. Sarah Palin is more crazy than Lucy on “I Love Lucy” and, unlike Lucille Ball, may need a mental hospital for a good rest. I think Romney may have the best chance. We will see.
I wonder what Mitt Romney thinks of government employees who waste the government’s time and resources posting partisan political positions on government time.
I wonder what his “Assessment” would be.
Well Morty, I am not sure what Mr. Romney thinks about anything. I do know that God doesnt want us to be grumpy.
The Republicans are in a tough spot. In order to beat Obama they need someone who can pull independent voters that voted for him last time, and a moderate candidate like that will find little support from the Tea-Party.
All the sniping you see in these comments is just what the plutocrats want, to divide and distract us from the real issue. Every working person is being cheated by billionaires, who have persuaded both political parties to begin a discussion of balancing the budget AFTER deciding to extend their enormous tax cuts. (We seem to forget that the tax cuts were justified by the fact that by 2000, the budget deficit had become a budget surplus.) Considering expenditures but not revenues is not really balancing at all. And ten years of experience shows that their new rationale, to produce jobs, doesn’t wash.
OBSERVER – Finally, someone on this blog that is not high off of partisan BS. You offer a breath of pragmatic, independent reason. Thanks!
A guy like Romney has a big advantage over the president. There are many people who will vote for anyone but Obama. The GOP has to be careful in not picking someone too extreme but someone who appears young and intelligent. Romney appears to be that man. He can pull in moderate voters. He isnt too extreme for liberals, although many will still vote for the president. And, dont forget, all the Tea Party people will vote for him. Would they vote for Obama? Of course not. Romney will be the lesser of two evils. They already have the Tea Party votes, so they dont need someone anywhere near to the extreme right. This is the best shot a party has had to oust an incumbent in a long time, and if they are careful, they can get the job done. Romney needs to run with a man who also looks young and intelligent. I hate to say this, but it probably shouldnt be a black man. Because a black man cant do a good job? No. Because it looks like the man was picked just to compete with Obama in race, and it looks too pandering. If a black man is picked, let it be a man on fire for God. A woman would be a disaster. Mr Romney speaking intelligently on financial issues should win him the election. The president cant debate with him on business. The GOP needs to be smart and nominate Romney.