From Sylvia DeLong:
Tax Day LiberTEA Party
It is way past time to cut spending.
Let’s Keep Harford County Solvent
Friday, April 15th
5 – 7pm
212 S. Bond Street, Bel Air
“Black Box” bldg – parking lot
This Tea Party will also be a festival with fun activities for children and adults pertaining to our government.
Campaign for Liberty Supports: Limited Constitutional Government, Individual Liberty, Free Markets, Sound Money and Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy.
For Information:
Move to Samalia
It’s Somalia
Not enough government? Not enough socialism? Move to France.
How about staying in America and working to make this a better place by getting us out of these stupid wars we’re in, stopping ILLEGAL immigration, getting rid of massive fraud & corruption in government and lowering taxes so the average man can keep most of his salary.
@ Hydesman:
“How about staying in America and working to make this a better place by getting us out of these stupid wars we’re in, stopping ILLEGAL immigration, getting rid of massive fraud & corruption in government and lowering taxes so the average man can keep most of his salary.”
You raise some good points. The wars our country is engaged in were waged by our elected officials. Many of whom have ties to corporate America in the form of Defense contractors. As for Illegal Immigration, again this is a symptom of a problem that our elected officials failed to fix, USA’s absolutely crappy Immigration Laws and the failure to make big business Execs go to jail for hiring illegal aliens.
@ Hydesman:
“How about staying in America and working to make this a better place by getting us out of these stupid wars we’re in, stopping ILLEGAL immigration, getting rid of massive fraud & corruption in government and lowering taxes so the average man can keep most of his salary.”
You raise some good points. The wars our country is engaged in were waged by our elected officials. Many of whom have ties to corporate America in the form of Defense contractors. As for Illegal Immigration, again this is a symptom of a problem that our elected officials failed to fix, USA’s absolutely crappy Immigration Laws and the failure to make big business Execs go to jail for hiring illegal aliens. How can you blame individuals for wanting to come to America to improve their lives and by getting a job to achieve the American dream?
As for the massive gov’t fraud and corruption you allege, please articulate what you mean. The last large fraud and corruption scam I see involved private business in the finance and mortgage industry, not the government. There is waste in the government much as in any large corporation.
You argument about lowering taxes is hear and understood. Have you complained to your elected officials about why oil companies make huge profits yet pay next to nothing on corporate taxes?
Your feelings are shared by many, but your anger is misplaced. Its not the government, its the elected officials who screwed it up for their own devices.
What world do you live in? The only massive fraud and corruption is by BIG BUSINESSES. You vote against your own best interests because Republicans ONLY support billionaires and NOT working families.
Making ridiculous blanket statements like that call every other rambling reply you have made into question. Haven’t you had you eyes open all these years, or is it just easier for you to simply continue to believe the lines fed to you by the Dem leaders?
Phil, He’s probably listening to his Woodstock album.
Just as you get all your facts from FOX
@Gary Ambridge If I want liberal/progressive diatribe I watch Ed Schultz, Lawrence O’Donnell and Rachel Maddow brain trust.
As Douglas MacArthur once said: “Old Hippies never die; their pony tails and beards just go gray.”
Good old Phil, still attacking the messenger instead answering the message with facts. Your tactics only confirm bankrupt thinking (or emotion laden demagogy).
Where do working famalies work…..???????
GO DAGGER !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Sylvia for the time, energy, and money spent on trying to bring our great nation, state, and county back from the brink of insolvency. If it weren’t for patriots like yourself, we wouldn’t have access to the prominent, influential organizations that have arisen over the past few years. The upcoming April 15 LiberTEA Party is more important than ever, count me in!
Please explain what your platform and ideas are. There appear to be too many nut-jobs such as that witch from Delaware and the hot chick from Alaska in the Tea Bag Party to take it seriously.
there is a tea bagging party going on? sorry, that was back in college..
If only you mentally impotent name callers were as sharp and savvy as you think…..thankfully the real backbone of the USA has woken up. Each and every day more and more folks understand how they’ve been lied to for many, many years. We’ve made a conscious decision to change the path of our country. There will always be those very few, feckless Neanderthals. Hopefully one day you’ll evolve to the intellectual level of the TEA Party class.
It is waken
So it is a Class now?
Evidently this is not a class as there is a chance that you could learn something in a class.
Are you for real? The insults you hurled are bad enough. Second, the “real backbone” of the USA as you put it is the working/middle class, not the Tea Party. I like that a 3rd political party has challenged the status quo which has forced other politicos to justify their existence and more. That aspect is great. Unfortunately, we now have an impass with our elected officials thus our government is operating on the eighth (8th) continuing relosution instead of finding a solution to our country’s budet woes. All our elected officials have been poor leaders for most of the last century with total disregard for the public which took a back seat to political self-interest groups, regardless of party affiliation.
The Tea Party is as needs respectable candidates who can lead. I have no expectations of that however. There is no way anyone can seriously believe O’Donnel or that hot chick from Alaska are true leaders who will fix our country. You betcha, these folks are not exactly intellectual giants, more like mental midgets.
I don’t know who is smarter, the tea party or the birthers…maybe the are all in the same. You guys lack the intellectual capacity to think rationally and can’t congregate without being insulting to minorities, the presidential office and the american public. You pretend that you care for America, but your only care is your wallet. America is waking up to you guys, now that your leaders actually propose that the USA default on its debts? What kind of economic thought goes into that thinking?
I’m thinking that Frankly Speaking is one of those Americans that benefit most from tax and spend liberals.
I recommend that all the misinformed TEA Party haters try to seek out some reputable, reliable news sources such as “The Wall Street Journal”, “Investor’s News Daily”, “National Review”, and “The Weekly Standard” for starters. In addition, you may also want to check out some polling data, showing what the thoughts are of the majority of the U.S. population. Quinnipiac, Rasmussen, and Real Clear Politics are a good place to start. The TEA Party consists of FREE THINKERS. That is what really boggles the minds of talking point spewers. We make up our minds based on FACTS, not what someone else with an agenda tells us.
Funny all your reputable news sources are owned by News Corp. Not so balanced if your news comes from the same place. Why you loeft out Fox is beyond me!
Free thinkers get their news and opinions from multiple sources owned by different groups. This gives them a broad POV. They weigh this against all the sources to come up with their own opinion!
Cdev said, “Funny all your reputable news sources are owned by News Corp. Not so balanced if your news comes from the same place.”
Let’s run down the list:
– The Wall Street Journal is owned by News Corp. (FOX)
– Investor’s Business Daily (I’m assuming this is what K meant) is owned by Investor’s Business Daily, Inc.
– National Review is owned by National Review, Inc.
– The Weekly Standard is owned by Clarity Media Group.
Didn’t you used to be a teacher? Would you consider 25% a passing grade?
I guess if that’s your criteria, you must think K’s news is fair and balanced after all. Why didn’t you just come out and say that?
Clarity MEdia Group while it did used to be independent is now owned by……..News Corp.
When did that happen? The last time I checked, they were a privately owned company. Can you send me to a website that mentions this?
Sounds like somone has ingested to much MaddCow Burgers.
Go Dagger!
Thank you Phil, you got it right.
Maybe he should run for County Council someday.
I think two key words in this discussion are reading and watching. They really describe a major difference between the TEA Party and those that hate us. We mostly READ and make informed decisions based on logic and truth. Those that cajole and make fun of us are the WATCHERS. They view lots and lots of television and restate what they see. That’s called mimicry.
Wow Cdev, I didn’t know that “the Weekly Standard” and “National Review” were owned by Rupert Murdoch. I guess in good time they will. There are many, many books, too vast to mention, that are written by individuals. My point, which I’m sure you’re well aware, is that people who read and research multiple written sources are much better informed than those that get there one-sided libelous slant from a single television station.
That I agree that getting your news from multiple sources is a great idea. But as I am sure you will agree you need to check the ownership group. Even things that used to be independent are roled into conglomerants. It would be equally as bad to cite Time, AOL and Warner Bros., NBC etc.
“That I agree that getting your news from multiple sources is a great idea. But as I am sure you will agree you need to check the ownership group. Even things that used to be independent are roled into conglomerants”
Can you please reply with which independent “sources” you use to get your facts? The reason I’m asking is, I see you POUNCE on folks that mention conservative-leaning sources, but I don’t see the same from you when liberal-leaning sources are mentioned. Maybe I just missed the posts in the past.
Furthermore, I don’t care if the source is owned by a “conglomerant” (your word, not mine) or not. It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get just the facts when reporting, because the “facts” are reported by humans…which have emotions…which will ALWAYS lead to biased reporting…..I don’t care if it’s Fox News, MSNBC or the other alphabet networks. I’d love to see the voter registration cards for all of the media talking heads in the country. How many do you think are registered as “independent”?
I use all sorts of sources from all sides of the spectrum. I read AP stories but also read News Corp. I then look for a balance between the two. I read blogs, op-eds and columns too but I take them for what they are, opinion. My biggest pet peeves are when people get their news from sources which in reality are all the same like per say the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post and claim they diversified. I also am annoyed by people who take an editorial or Rush Limbaugh and call that news and not recognize that it is opinion. I also do something like look for independent verification such as actually go to the articles source material and verify. Especially when it is not meshing.
Thank you for providing the sources you use for gathering information. I also use several (Reuters, Fox, AP, WSJ, Bloomberg, BBC, NPR), but unfortunately they’re all tainted with biased reporting in my opinion.
You’re correct in stating that it’s up to each individual to find the middle ground in what’s being reported. I just don’t think that most folks do. They latch onto a reported “fact” and run with it. We appear to be the most polarized as we’ve ever been as a nation, at least in my lifetime.
I think alot of this polarization is due to mega conglomerates owning huge chuncks of the news media. I also think it is a lack of basic news consumer skills on the general population.
Like you said some people are taking what they here as fact when in fact it is an opinion or has no actual basis. My motherin law found out ABC, Disney, ESPN, Lifetime etc. are all owned by the same company. She was shocked.
Why is it no one’s list of media sources here includes anything outside the U.S.? Why not CBC or BBC (which is not just for news on the fairytale wedding of Price Humperdink and Princess Buttercup) or any others?
Since we are on credible News sources…I know 3…..of course there is The Dagger….News Corp and its units…and the new RichieC Blog. Google “Getting It Right, American Politics”…
I’ll put the link in the next box…as it may take a few days to post.
Go Dagger !!!!!
Limited Constitutional Government – could someone from the esteemed Campaign for Liberty please tell me what that is? Is it like when you require the Constitution be read at the opening of Congress but leave out all of the parts you don’t like, like the “three fifths of all other Persons?” Or, when you rally around Second Amendment but dismiss the Preamble’s “promote the general Welfare.”
Campaign for Liberty Supports: Limited Constitutional Government, Individual Liberty, Free Markets, Sound Money and Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy
When some of us read “Promote the general welfare”, we don’t interpret it as “Generally, promote welfare” as in government handouts (redistribution) of my money that was forcibly taken.
The biggest government handouts are to big business Phil. You conveniently forget to mention that during your FOX based rants.
Promote general welfare, not provide general welfare.
I am not from the esteemed Campaign for Liberty, but it would seem that Limited Constitutional Government is that which “I” feel appropriate and not what “You” feel is appropriate.
It seems that anytime anyone does not like what government is doing, then government is ‘out of control’, and needs to be reigned in.
When one says ‘Limited’ with regard to government they mean limited to that which they agree with… not what you may think appropriate, unless of course you agree with them!
@Kim and Retiredawhile, The definitions you seek are readily available online. However, I quickly found: Limited constitutional government is that the government should be as big as is absolutely necessary to carry out the duties specifically assigned to it and no larger. Are you aware there are over 2 million federal employees? That’s not counting the post office. I find that the liberal causes of helping our fellow man and social justice to be noble ideas… unfortunately most liberals while happy to reach into their pocket to support their cause are equally happy to reach into my pocket and take whatever they deem necessary to assuage their own conscience.
OK, over 2 million. What should the number be to qualify as limited government? For providing services to over 305 million people, 0.7 percent of that number (2.1 million) does not seem such a large number. No matter how limited government is, when they get into your pocket for funding programs you do not personally support, then government is not limited in ones mind.
@Retiredawhile, I never used the term “limited government”, but the number of workers required depends on what the federal government is constitutionally mandated to do. That is the real question in so many people’s minds. There is a nice little site called which proudly states: “The average annual federal workers compensation, including pay plus benefits, now exceeds $123,049 compared to just $61,051 for the private sector according to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.” Now, since over the years I’ve dealt with and requested help from a. my senators, b. the state department, and c. INS and have never found any one to be of any real use I have a problem with the whole “pay them twice what the average person makes” thing. Maybe a better question would be “of those 2,000,000 people how many are actually involved in providing services the federal government is mandated to perform”? Obviously it is incapable of closing the borders and therefore fails the constitutional duty of both domestic tranquility and common defense.
2 million fed employees, does this count the armed forces? the post office is suppossed to be a self sufficient entity, not dependent on govt funding. We are also a county of over 330 millin people and the money it takes to pay these salaries is a paltry amount in the whole scheme of things. We spend over 600 for armed forces alone, easily the most in the world and 10 times more than the next country, China. Where is the tea party indignation about this since actually millions more jobs depend on the millitary complex to make a living without really contributing any productivity to the free market sector as their production can only be used by the armed forces.
$600 billion, not county two unfunded wars which have been put on the nation’s credit card. Best estimates show that cutting every fed employee’s salary by 10% would save $3 billion from federal budget. Nickle and dime the american worker and you still get no meaninfull reduction in spending. On the other hand, if you have those making over 250k pay their fair share as it was during the REAGAN years, then the nation gets back $800 billion that right now is suppossed to trickle down by way of supply side woodo economics.
@Frankly Speaking, anyone who considers a quarter of a trillion dollars for the yearly salaries for federal employees (who are paid at double the rate of private sector employees) a paltry sum is someone I must take my hat off to. I too would like to see everyone pay their fair share… considering the average federal employee income there must be hundreds of thousands of them that fit into your 250k+ category.
Will the group who is holding this rally on government property obtain all the proper permits to gather?
Who is going to pay fort he cleanup?
Who is going to pay for law enforcement if they are need.
“Who is going to pay fort he cleanup?”
– I’m not involved with the event, but I wouldn’t think this is going to turn into a Madison, WI union rally
“Who is going to pay for law enforcement if they are need. ”
– See comment above
Can’t comment on applying for permits, but if they need them then they should go through the proper channels to get them.
Well stated Pizzle. Unlike almost every other group, the TEA part events in the past have had no trash clean up needed. The only disturbance of record is when some ill informed liberal wants to start trouble.
Hardly well stated. The should be paying their own way (just like any other organization would have to) to assemble. I don’t want my tax dollars spent to support their event about how they want my tax dollars spent.
What tax dollars are being spent for this event?
Don’t know if any. But worth asking, right?
You’re the individual who tossed out the line; “I don’t want my tax dollars spent to support their event about how they want my tax dollars spent.” It would appear form your comment that you know that tax dollars are being used to support the event. Where is some source to back that up?
By the way, I don’t want my tax dollars used for a myriad of things but don’t get much say in that either.
Yensan – If I could explain this using monosyllabic words and crayon drawings for you I definitely would.
All I’m asking, and I think it’s relevant, is if this Tea Party related rally/gathering/posse/pow-wow/hootenanny/whatever will be the recipient of any Harford County tax dollars for law enforcement, sanitation, etc.
Because if they are, I would cry hypocrisy.
I don’t profess to know the answer. This is why I asked the question.
I can’t dumb this down any more for you. Sorry.
I bet Watcher wouldn’t care if tax dollars were spent for Obama to come into town to campaign for his reelection. Oh wait; taxpayers have been doing that since the man first announced he was running for president . . . millions and millions of dollars. Where are you with that, Watcher?
Tea Party supporters are among the best-behaved. They have to because the media is looking for anything, regardless how small, to report on it (in a negative way of course). Compare that to the Washington Mall after Obama’s swearing in and the unions trashing state houses.
Watcher, you need not worry about the Tea Party costing you money; that is, unless you are a big time beneficiary from the likes of Obama and tax and spend liberals. Then you might havr something to worry about.
Rob – the last time I checked, the Office of the President of the United States (or POTUS to make it simple for you) is afforded the same benefits regardless of who is in office. I don’t care if Air Force One flew President Bush back to Texas, or President Clinton to Arkansas, or President Obama to a vacation destination. It goes with having the toughest job in the world whether I happen to agree or disagree with the person who holds the job.
I have never once suggested that Tea Party members aren’t well behaved at their events or upstanding regular members of society.
But the simple question that I asked, and you pounced on me about, is if a group whose message is about fiscal responsibility and ‘no new taxes’ is being responsible to not have taxpayers pay for their event.
And I will state, again, that I don’t know the answer. But rather than just attacking me and assuming I’m a ‘tax and spend’ liberal (which is so beyond silly), maybe you or someone from the Tea Party could just answer the question.
Let’s all calm down a minute. Having a 3rd political party has woke up the other 2 lazy ass parties and forced them to walk a tighter line. That part is good.
The problem is many folks are over reacting to the Tea Party’s howl for slashing government and even destroying it. Most people have no idea of the potential unintended consequences of shutting down the government. It makes no sense to have this budget impasse to “prove a point.”
Both major political parties must accept that cuts are necessary in areas such as corporate loop holes/handouts and entitlement programs. That said, there are many necessary services that the fed gov’t provides which no state could ever begin to fully tackle (by their own choice): such as the Fed Aviation Admin (FAA), FDA, Border Patrol, Customs, Social Security etc… These are just some areas that are vital and have inadequate funding as is.
Ask yourself why does Exxon and other large corporations continue to have record profits year after year when the average citizen is barely able to get by? This so called attack on gov’t employees is another load of crap. Civil servants have pensions, but that was all built into their salary package, much as corporate execs have bonuses and stock options. Why should gov’t employees be asked to balance the budget through their concessions only? Why can’t all the finance companies that accepted gov’t handouts be forced to accept the government employee General Schedule pay system instead of letting some 30 year old kid who graduated from Hopkins earn $250 for trading other people’s money?
There are so many more things to discuss, but the bottom line is, shutting down the gov’t will be a disaster. What point would this prove?
Good point. May dad worked for Bureu of Public Debt during the 90’s shutdown. He was considered essential because he was on the team who had to go to work everyday and run the mandated calculation for defaulting on debt and when that would occur. He said they could pinpoint that date with accuracy and actually had the checks for all the T-bills cut and signed and ready to deliver in a week if it did not end. The interesting part is that the work they did then would not have been neccesary had the shutdown not loomed. Sure they have to calculate the debt cieling threshold but the pay out orders would not need to be processed and special delivery plan had to be paid for and money spent to ensure it could be done. My point is that there expenses incurred in a government shutdown which most are unaware that is money that gets flushed down the toilet when all is sorted out. So a shutdown ends up costing more money.
the tea party supports keeping taxes low for gas and oil through subsidies as well as tax breaks for big agriculture outfits and lower corporate taxes (GE just got $5.6 billion refund)and actually pays no corporate tax and the same goes for General Motors….at the same time, they would like to cut off school lunches, cut medicaid benefits for the elderly, poor and disabled and energy subsidies for heat/oil for the poor. It seems to me that it is not really about cutting the deficit and budget reform, but more about supporting things they would like and cutting those that they just don’t care about….If you would really like to have a national debate about reducing debt and balanced budgets, then anything that the govt spends money on should be on the table for revision and downsizing.
@Frankly Speaking, Gosh, where did you find all this material? Is this the official platform? Is this all posted on some official Tea Party website of what they’ll do when the whole group of aunts and uncles and grannies takes over? Should I arm myself in case they come for my pets? How on Earth did these corporations get these breaks when we have a Democrat president and Senate?
I can’t believe you’ve forgotten Geo. W and the GOP congress for 8 years. How quickly they forget!
What the tea party cuts will do is compound the health problems in the very states that support these cuts. For example, the rate of Gonorrhea in the US is: Mississippi 246.4, Louisiana 204.0, South Carolina 185.7, Alabama 160.8, Arkansas 156.2(per 100,000 population). But I suppose that is not important if it saves a few bucks in billionaire tax breaks. Talk about cutting off your own nose to spite your face.
george bush “the village idiot” came up with the tax breaks and subsidies for his energy “big oil” buddies.
frankly Speaking
As you put it, George Bush “the village idiot” came up with the tax breaks and subsidies for his energy “big oil” buddies. Actually, George Bush has been replaced with a much worse “village idiot” the one – Barak Obama. In regard to the Bush tax breaks, many middle-class Americans benefitted from the cuts. I know I did . . . and I don’t own an oil company. And guess what, the big oil companies and many other companies (for example GE) are getting major tax breaks under Obama. How do you explain that?
Rob-the tax code was written before Obama came into power. I wasn’t talking about the middle classs————but big oil, agricultural and corporate tax breaks which are protected by republicans instead of the energy subsidies for the poor, disabled and elderly and school lunches for the kids. If you read the post I had, I was talking about all items being on the cutting block, if you are really serious about reducing spending, not just social programs that provide a safety net for the most vulnerable, how are they less deserving than GM,GE, Exxon and Conagra?
Funny that the party of “family values” doesn’t really care about anything other that their backers, big business and iindustry. The tea party is a complete joke and will eventually go the way of the green party and no one would be happier that mainstream republicans for that matter.