From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Join the Campaign for Liberty in attending a town hall event with the Congressman from the MD-1.
This is a public event–all are welcome. Please attend and tell Congressman Harris what you think the Republican Caucus in the House of Representatives should be doing.
Should they impeach President Obama for going to war without Congressional approval?
Should they remove funding for the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (Obamacare)?
Should the Congress cut the budget by 2% or more?
Should the Congress take steps toward cutting entitlements?
This is your opportunity to tell your Congressman how you want him to represent you!
Friday, March 25
2 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Bel Air Town Hall, in the Rotunda meeting room
39 North Hickory Avenue
Bel Air, MD 21014
From campaign for liberty, not from Andy Harris. Campaign for liberty is attending, not sponsoring this event.
Love how this was publicized in a good amount of time so people could attend! Particularly at a time that people could attend.
I guess it’s a good thing that President Obama didn’t take us to war.
Know the difference, people.
Discern, discern, discern.
BOB – Good point and well said. I really have a problem with the nuts and lunatics that seem to be running the show in both rings of the political circus.
Better yet according to his house page he was appearing Friday March 24th!!!