From the Harford Campaign For Liberty:
Harford County Budget Hearing- January 20 6PM
Joppatowne High School
555 Joppa Farm Road Joppatowne, MD
The Harford County Government is funded by taxes that come from Harford Residents. Currently, there is a deficit in the 2012 budget that exceeds $26,000,000 (twenty six million dollars) and might be as large as $60,000,000 (sixty million dollars).
What is your personal share of the $26 to $60 million dollar shortfall Harford County currently faces with the upcoming 2012 budget?
How much in additional taxes are you willing to pay to the Harford County government? Unless a significant number of county residents speak out our property taxes and fees will increase dramatically.
We must stand together to make a difference. Harford County citizens need to attend a public hearing for the County budget to express their concerns budget being proposed. County Executive David Craig will be hosting this hearing TOMORROW, Thursday, January 20, 2011 at the Joppatowne High School. The session will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the school auditorium. The address is 555 Joppa Farm Road, Joppa, MD.
Much can be done to reduce the size and cost of Harford government such as combining “like functions” (i.e. internet technology, human resources, procurement) which are duplicated in both the county government and the school system. Outsourcing can occur in areas where qualified providers of services can provide competitive bids. Why are we paying for pensions and gold plated health care benefits for people to cut grass and clean buildings? This is a county government ripe for consolidation and outsourcing.
Join with Campaign for Liberty Thursday night in Joppatowne for the public budget hearing. Express to County Executive David Craig that real cuts in the the County budget must be made as current spending levels are simply unsustainable and that a $26 million dollar increase in the school system budget under the current economic conditions is simply irresponsible. Responsible, accountable government requires citizen participation. Now is the time.
Speak up now or just hand over your checkbook.
Factually this call to action is full of misrepresentations and lies.
The writer states “The Harford County Government is funded by taxes that come from Harford Residents. Currently, there is a deficit in the 2012 budget that exceeds $26,000,000 (twenty six million dollars) and might be as large as $60,000,000 (sixty million dollars)”.
The fact is that there is no deficit as the budget has not been passed and currently the county’s budget is balanced!!!. The forecasts are calling for a decrease in tax receipts partil;y due to last years decrease in property tax rate and the current decrease in property assessments, coupled with a decrease in income and sales tax receipts as well as the state’s diminishing contribution to the transportation fund allocated to Harford County.
The county executive has not called for increases in taxes but increases in fees for trash pick up and other fees may be in the offing to pay for improvements, compliance or bond funding requirements to keep our AAA bond rating.
This writer proposses that two different state agencies combine human resources, procurement and share pencils, I guess. Their proposal is quite disengenious as their mantra is “to starve the beast”. The county’s workforce has been reduced greatly and additional consolidation will probably lead to increased costs in training, decertification and federal/state noncompliance as most county jobs in their respective departments are either specialized, certified or plainly not tranferable to other depts. Outsourcing of IT can lead to security concerns, cyber security compromises, and other yet to be identified privacy,secutity/identification of client’s (taxpayers and citizens)information which can’t not be share with private industry due to federal and state mandates.
Your complete lack of understanding of the structure of govt agencies, their duties and responsabilities is outstandingly moronic. Go and run your private shop and consolidate the coffee shop with the paint shop and see how well your coffee tastes or your car paint job looks as you combine both. Rational proposals are welcomed and the taxpayer’s imput is needed to determine priorities, but make don’t make the mistake of mixing coffee and paint thinner as that could be a deadly combination.
HOW DARE YOU!!! How dare you argue against an honest red blooded American’s outrage and indignation with liberal trickery such as facts and reason.
Your ranting. That free speech that you are practicing is protected by our Constitution.
In answer to your rant, the county has a proposed budget, you are correct that it has not been approved at this time. CE Craig, will hear citizen input on what is and isn’t wanted, needed or wished for by his county taxpayers.
The consolidation of like services is something that needs to be seriously addressed. The fact that the Parks and Rec, Libraries, schools and county facilities all have separate lawn maintenance is one possibility…what about combining purchasing depts.? In a family budget, or in a small business, needs, wants, then wishes are funded. The county using OUR funds in taxes, needs to do the same.
The debt that the county is incurring is going to have to be funded by the taxpayers. The property taxes, the fees, the new additional funds will come from us, John and Jane Public. Speak up now to share where the funds ought to be spent.
HCPS does not have seperate lawn maintenece. The building custodians do it as well as all the building up keep. The people you see mowing the lawn etc. That is the same guy/gal who does all sorts of other jobs for that building.
CDEV: The school system does have some grounds crew as well as having the janitorial staff cut the lawn etc. Dr. Tomback has reference that in Baltimore County this crew is much larger and that the inside verses outside maintenance are much more unique unto themselves. I think that having a janitor responsible for greens work is a mistake. Separating these jobs would allow for a more defined job and better suited employees for the task. I’ve done my share of both areas and I can tell you that most folks are good at, or at least enjoy at one more than the other. In the mean time janitorial staff are expected to to a proper job with less industrial tools than I have at home. It would be more efficient for these tasks to be distinct and the grounds crews that move from school to school could be suitably equipped to do the job right.
Your ranting. That free speech that you are practicing is protected by our Constitution.
In answer to your rant, the county has a proposed budget, you are correct that it has not been approved at this time. CE Craig, will hear citizen input on what is and isn’t wanted, needed or wished for by his county taxpayers.
The consolidation of like services is something that needs to be seriously addressed. The fact that the Parks and Rec, Libraries, schools and county facilities all have separate lawn maintenance is one possibility…what about combining purchasing depts.? In a family budget, or in a small business, needs, wants, then wishes are funded. The county using OUR funds in taxes, needs to do the same.
The debt that the county is incurring is going to have to be funded by the taxpayers. The property taxes, the fees, the new additional funds will come from us, John and Jane Public. Speak up now to share where the funds ought to be spent.
I’m not sure what the Constitutionality of free speech has to do with taxes, but then again I would be beyond surprised if you’ve actually read and studied the Constitution. Do you want to know what the Constitution actually says about taxes?
It says the government shall have the right to collect taxes, duties, and ext. to pay debts and provide for the security and general welfare of its citizens. I repeat, governments are suppose to collect taxes in order to provide for the general welfare of its citizens, so says the US Constitution.
Where in the constitution does it say that providing subsidies for emu farmers is a necessity?
How about where does it say in the US constitution that translaters must be provided in the Motor Vehicle Administration?
Taxes are not to be wasted and yet the money that is wasted on duplication of services happens often.
Knowing what and where my taxes are being spent is important to me. I do not want my taxes funding sex education in elementary schools. I do want my taxes to be spent fixing potholes. If no one shares concerns, the problems continue.
Since when do they teach sex ed. in elementary schools?
The first family life and human development course is taught in fifth grade usually. It is part of the state health curriculum but you must opt in.
The Constitution gives the right to the people through elected officials to decide what spending is necessary. If you don’t like what your elected officials decide, then vote for somebody else. But I can’t remember a single time in Harford County history that somebody has won a real office saying that they will cut education spending. So good luck on that one in making a real change.
@DAN Your characterization of the “General Welfare Clause” is a liberal/progressive expansionist interpretation.
The framers of he constitution did not intend for the federal government to be in the social welfare business. In fact they governed with few if any entitlement programs or personal federal income taxes for 85 years. The framers had a completely different idea about “General Welfare Clause” and the common good.
We are so very lucky to have you, clearly a Constitutional scholar and authority, to explain how our ‘Founding Fathers’ felt several hundred years ago. Thanks so very much.
@WATCHER My pleasure. Do you need to know what time it is?
That is simply not true. I’m guessing that you’ve gotten most of your information about our “founding fathers” and early American history from watching Fox New. If you had ever picked up a book like say “The Federalist Papers”, which explains exactly how the “founding fathers” thought or “Democracy in America”, a detailed account of early American life and politics written in the early to mid 1800’s you might know that at the time the US was the most liberal country there was. We gave our citizens free education, free legal representation, provided libraries to the general public (fee based at first but free later), provided money to some families of fallen soldiers and by the civil war a pension for all veterans, free land in some areas with help in clearing and settling. If you would take the time to actually read and think for yourself you’d know that what our founding fathers were trying to accomplish most was to get ride of the class system. Our whole country is founded on the idea that we’ll take the worst the world has to offer and we’ll feed them and cloth them and educate them and they will be great men.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
That’s America.
@DAN – While I enjoy Emma Lazarus’s sonnet affixed on the Statue of Liberty, it is not part of any body of US law, but I do like it.
Furthermore, you need to carefully read what I posted since it is in concert with the Federalist Papers and regarding liberalism in the United States in the 1800s you must be referring to a more classical form since progressive liberalism of the 21st century has little to no resemblance to it.
@PORTER While it is not a legal document it offers insight into the spirit and attitude of the country which the law is founded. When European scholars came to America they observed that never has the citizens been given so much by their government and resources made freely available to the public that true equality amongst men was entirely achievable.
So, back to taxes and how the gov’t spends the money. Whether it’s continuing to provide for decent education, work training, handicap ramps, legal documents in other languages, or for other services. They are all in the spirit in which our founding fathers first conceived our gov’t. Equality can only be achieved through equal rights AND equal opportunities.
I comletely agree there is a serious issue that needs community involvement. However, choosing to single out the benifits paid to county custodial workers which directly shows your ignorance reguarding their worth is not going to get things done. This judgmental finger can be easily pointed in the other direction. Taking away health insurance from a hard working family will only prove to increase our taxes in the long run. This county needs to stop wasting and be a little more creative with their solutions. Increasing a persons need for public assistance is not the way to accomplish this goal. Many county workers have gone years without even a cost of living raise. So unless you want to start taking on the responsibility of your buildings public restroom I suggest you start looking elsewhere. Keep in mind this would also include the health of your childs school.
The Internet: where reposting some guy’s press release verbatim is considered “reporting”. I guess David Simon was right.
The undercover politician “Frankly Speaking” is even over here in this blog doing a sad job at spinning the facts. If people in this state don’t wake up, it’s going to be costly. The same goes for the Washington crowd.
Rob-I am not a politician, but I am an informed citizen, taxpayer and voter. Maybe you should try to do the same instead of your rants, conspiracy theories and delusional/irrational thoughts regarding people’s motives for the way they vote according to your pre-conceived notions.
I do share the view that our state taxes are too high and don’t benefit the middle class taxpayer as much as they should, but I don’t think democrats are the only ones that pander to specific groups and agendas as clearly that’s how the political goes. For example.. Republicans have turned their eye away from holding businesses that hire illegals accountable for their actions. Recently a business owner in Baltimore County plead guilty to hiring and keeping illegals on his payroll and home for years, which was under the Bush administration and just a few months ago in his plea agreement has to pay a heavy fine and serve jail time for his disregard for federal hiring practices…that is the kind of thing we can all work towards, instead of just blaming one side and ignoring the other side of the same issue.
This article was written by a loser. Winners like me are glad to support our government and willing to pay more taxes.
Explain how diverting tax money from education is a benefit when this has been the active solution for the previous two years.
Explain how the calculation to derive a $60 million dollar potential budget shortfall?
Then read this;
@LIBERTY PATRIOTS FOR FLAG BEARING BALD EAGLES IS PATHETIC, why would spending more money on a broken and inefficient system improve educational outcomes?
RE: Matt Tabbai – He is a partisan leftist/progressive/liberal propagandist. And who cares what this hack thinks about any subject?
They’re not spending more money. They are shoring up the shortfalls that were used to reduce spending over the last two years. Namely classroom teacher salaries. Would you take less money to perform your job? Would you continue to do it when forced into the public arena for people to debate the value of your pay?
Again, I’ve yet to see factual basis for the calculations used to show the $60 million shortfall.
Campaign for Liberty is a partisan “rightist” group. So why do you care what they think? That would be the gist of the article if you took the time to read it instead of being angry just to be angry.
Once again, you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. Maryland schools are ranked at in the top of the nation. While there is always room for improvement, our schools are not “broken and inefficient.” And, as pointed out by Frankly Speaking, all local governments are being squeezed by current economic conditions – caused by unregulated Wall Street gambling and an unending war – that are depressing the tax base which is required to continue the services that make our community such a nice place to live and raise a family.
Thanks Kim. Good points to reinforce the quality of education we take as a luxury in this state and specifically in this county.
Doing a little research to compare to the proposed budget, I determined the following:
2009 County Population: 242,514
2009 Taxable County Population: 137,748
2009 Median Household Income: $76,620
2009 Households: 97,109
2010 Local Tax Rate: 3.06%
By my very rough calculations that would give the Harford County Government between $228 million and $277 million in gross tax revenues, assuming approximately 11% county population growth.
I have not dug deep enough to compare this to the proposed budget, but it is certainly more of a starting point than calling each other names.
Apparently not many have heard the mantra ‘you get what you pay for’. Our local taxes pay for exemplary schools, fantastic libraries, snow removal by a road crew that is clearly the best in the mid-Atlantic (just go to PA after tonight’s snow storm to see what I mean), a super police department, fire safety and protection, and parks and recreation programs that are utilized by countless Harford County kids and families. For some reason any mention of the reality that our taxes pay for good services gets drowned out by FOX-style rhetoric; it is a shame that so many people say the same things over and over again without taking a moment to consider the realities of our taxes and government. Harford County does a good job of delivering services, and while we certainly have room for improvements, you are never going to get them (or even maintain status quo) by cutting budgets and taxes. Do we develop roads, water, and sewer infrastructure as needed for BRAC? Do we maintain our great schools and libraries? Do we increase the police and fire protections available as our county grows? Do we build upon the parks we have and expand, making our county more attractive to new residents and increasing our personal wealth by allowing our property values to rise? Civic-minded people that care about their county and neighbors have a clear answer to this question, and it is not ‘cut spending at all “costs”!
Russell, do you teach your students the idea of proving a point through gross exaggeration? “You get what you pay for” is a simple phrase but far from a universal truth. If your taxes were doubled, would you be getting twice the services? Do you honestly believe that there is not room for cutting back spending and improving efficiency in all areas? Of course, there is the rich tradition of efficient, low cost government-run functions such as Amtrak, the Post Office, Medicare… uh, wait a minute. There must be SOMETHING they do efficiently!
And you really stooped to “FOX-style rhetoric”? What does that say for the other “news” channels who, for example, were quick to blame the TEA Party and Sarah Palin for the shootings in Arizona? Do you prefer the “MSNBC-style” of directly blaming individuals for the death and serious wounding of elected officials and citizens with absolutely no proof, followed by a total absence of apologies for this shameful display of partisanship? Would this perhaps be a good lesson for students? Shall I list the multiple examples of similar behavior from CNN, NPR, CBS and others, or is it only offensive behavior when it points at the left (and is spoken by the FOX commentators, by the way, NOT the news anchors and reporters)?
Take off your liberal blinders. Here’s change you can believe in – the change from a dollar we get back in services for every dollar the government takes from us. The rest gets sucked down that big black hole of government inefficiency. The status quo has got to go.
Phil while I agree that there are many things govt does innefficiently there are some it does quit well. Local government tends to be far more efficient as it has the greatest impact on people’s lives. You cited Amtrak, the Postal Service and medicare. Medicare no doubt is a waste and rifled with fraud and needs to be fixed. The Post Office is far better. You may say well Fed ex and UPS do a far better job. Your experience here would tend to support that. But when you consider the mission of the Post Office and UPS there are very different. The Post Office must supply mail delivery to ALL americans. No matter how remotely located. UPS and Fedex are concerned with MAJOR population centers. The person in the middle of unpopulated rural Kansas gets Postal Service and has a local post office. The Post Office has to provide this even though on paper it seems a waste of money to locate a post office there. If you looked around there you would notice that there is no Fedex drop off point and the closest distribution center is 100 miles away. Fedex has determined there is no profit to be made and no buisnesses out there, so they do not locate any drop point out there. Given that comparrison the Postal service is as efficient as it can get given the job it must fufill. Amtrak is pretty good as well given its mission.
That in mind is there places to cut from our local budget….Yes but not every department has places to cut and there are places we honestly need to spend more over time because the cost of doing the same thing has gone up. There is a middle ground here where we can cut the budget and pay for the increased cost of similar services. Cutting everything is not the answer like raising taxes alone is not the answer. We need to find that middle point.
@ RUSSELL KOVACH – Liberal/progressive horse pucky. You have absolutely no proof that we are getting the best value for the taxes we pay in fact I could argue that we pay a premium for as you say “a good job”.
Paying more in taxes will not attract new residents in fact it will encourage people to live elsewhere. What attracts new residents are employment opportunities and companies are not going to expand, relocate or locate in Harford County if taxes are cost prohibitive. Companies will choose low tax environments.
And if some alternate reality you were correct and the value of my property were to go up because Harford County is doing such “a good job” so would my tax bill.
When a buisness comes in to a place there are many things they look at. Taxes are ONE of those things. Schools are another. If you have low taxes and crappy schools to boot they are going to think twice because there employees with school age children are going to have to spend MORE money sending there kid to private schools, if they can afford to. This leads to employee dissatisfaction and less productivity. For the buisness that leads to either paying more wages which increases the cost of the product or inefficient operations which negates the purpose of relocating.
There is a town in Ohio called Woster, Ohio. Rubbermaid located a plant there. In doing so they made a huge investment in the local public schools to make the place more enticing to the employees. The High School has an indoor track, indoor volleyball and tennis arena, Indoor 50 meter and 25 yard competition pool for Water Polo and Swimming. A huge varsity and JV outdoor stadium for almost every sport as well as other large things not found in a typical High School in a blue collar town with a high school enrollment of l;ess then 1,000. Rubber maid paid for it. The sports facilities double as the town rec facilities. Rubber maid put them in to make the schools far more attractive so that their employees would uproot and move when they relocated out there. If they had not done that and the local govt was not willing to do it’s part to make that happen. I doubt Rubber maid would have located itself there and the town would be drasticlly different. My point is a big company does not mind paying taxes as long as the local services they directly recieve and indirectly recieve make a conducive atmosphere to them conducting their buisness efficiently.
If a company looks to move here but we have lousey snow removal forcing them to close or delay frequently when it snows they will lose productivity. If they have to pay some extra money in taxes to make the snow removal better then it is worth it to them as the productivity of the buisness will be higher thus yielding a higher profit.
You need to look at the WHOLE picture. Buisnesses do. When you say cut taxes or buisnesses will not come you are over simplifying the matter.
@CDEV – You are a complete jerk. Newell Rubbermaid moved out of Wooster, Ohio in 2003.
SO that negates the point as to why they moved there and what they did in the first place? At least I can make a coherent point without calling people things like a jerk!
@CDEV – It was disingenuous of you not to mention that Newell Rubbermaid closed their headquarters and operations in Wooster, OH eight years ago. It makes you a jerk!
I am sorry I did not know about that. I only knew the bit I did because my college conference championship meet was there every year. Closed or not it does not negate the point that companies look at more then taxes when locating a buisness.
As to your second assessment I will leave my posting history and mannerisms versus your clear violation of the board terms of Service to speak for that.
It also seems that rubbermaid announced the closing in April of 2004 Not 2003!
@CDEV – The beginning of the end of Newell Rubbermaid in Wooster, Ohio began with 850 jobs cut on December 10, 2003. They eliminated the headquarters on April 2004 none of which redeems your disingenuousness.
You need to stop your prevaricating.
Since you are the expert. WHy did they eliminate the plant?
Furthermore does any of that negate the point the buisness look at more then a tax rate? Or is this an attempt to avoid the unconfortable fact that you over simplified your original arguement by changing the subject?
@CDEV – This is about you.
You play fast and loose with the truth. You know little to nothing about economics, business, employment, property taxes or real estate and there interrelationship thereof. In fact what you think know, you don’t know. You are a pathetic wretch.
And of course,remember you posted the disingenuous prevarication (affectation intended).
I’m sure that eliminating the plant had absolutely nothing to do with the tornado that blew through and destroyed it….right?
You are the jerk.
@RUBBERMAID – This is about CDEV’s disingenuous prevarications, not Rubbermaid’s moving out of Wooster, Ohio.
The point is that you are attacking CDEV for leaving out information about the plant closing, but you yourself are leaving out information in your own counter-arguments.
Your name calling is childish.
Your arrogance is astounding.
Before you call someone a jerk…make sure you are not acting like one yourself.
@RUBBERMAID – Malarkey.
CDEV was triumphantly extolling the the success of Rubbermaid in Wooster, Ohio as an argument for higher expenditures on HCPS and justifying higher taxes on taxpayers.
Porter I was pointing out that buisnesses look atg more then tax rates but the value for those taxes. The closing of rubbermaid was not somthing I was aware of when I gave the example. Thus I was not prevaricating since that requires it to be DELIBERATE according to it’s definition. It’s closing was not germaine to my original point and when I looked up online I found out you where wrong about the year it closed and omitted that the reason it closed was storm damage from a massive tornado. I do not know if it was deliberately done by you or if you where simply unaware. I am giving you the benifit of the doubt that you did not know why. However the reason why negates your arguement that it’s closing had anything to do with taxes. On the original point. I also did so with out the need to call you names.
@CDEV Wooster, Ohio experienced a tornado that destroyed a Rubbermaid plant.
Newell Rubbbermaid not only made a decision to not reinvest in Wooster, Ohio, they also determined it would be better to move their headquarters to North Carolina. The excellent Wooster public schools didn’t keep Newell Rubbermaid in Wooster.
But the remaining taxpayers have to pay to maintain the schools with fewer tax receipts.
Porter could that decision be based on the fact that a couple years earlier they where bought by an Atlanta based company? Now that they are being bought by Proctor and Gamble there is speculation they will return to Ohio.
@CDEV – It is your deceptiveness, false economic logic and specious Wooster, Ohio/Newell Rubbermaid example that I take exception.
It ain’t about Rubbermaid its about you.
Porter then explain how my Woster example is false, missleading, intentional deceptive (as you called it earlier). You are not debating the merits of the arguement instead you are using large words which are not always appropriate and calling people names. You have yet to show how my example is false and dispute my premise that companies look at tax value and not just low tax rates when locating buisness there!
@CDEV – You were busted. You should just admit your error and pledge to be an honest tax/spend progressive in the future.
busted in what way. I was ignorant of the fact the woster plant closed. I am a moderate not a liberal. I have socially liberal views and more fiscally moderate views. I personally think we should eliminate social security and medicare but until anyone is willing to do that we are not serious about our national financial situation. Why don’t you explain the problem with my Woster example? I suspect you don’t because you can’t so as you often do, you change the subject and call people names.
@CDEV It is Wooster, Ohio not “Woster”.
Porter-your opinion counts and as such you have the right to be heard and I support you in that. There is no quantifiable way to prove that the taxpayer is getting the best value for the $$$ paid in taxes, but the citizens/taxpayers will move if they consider Harford County less valuable than being someplace else.
Lets work to make thins more efficient, cost effective and maintain high level of services that the county provides and the citizens deserve. If you go by the metric that the county is gaining citizens, jobs, businesses, industry and economic expansion then you would have to agree that we are on the right track while keeping the county a safe, decent, sanitary and enjoyable place to work and live.
I don’t see many people leaving and quite frankly, more are coming with BRAC, new construction, retail, manufacturing and industry have expanded in the county in the past 10 yrs. This economic expansion will increase income tax receipts, business income and will probably reduce the county’s dependence on property taxes. There have been many economic benefit studies that show industry and business development increase revenue more that adding another subdivision which increases schools, water/sewer and all other citizen programs. It will also reduce sprawl as businesses tend to set up shop near people, not further away from population centers. I can see a further reduction in property taxes happenning once the economy rebounds and Harford County is prepared to handle the increased demands on its infractucture, schools offering career tracks in fields such as national security…perfect tie in to BRAC and computer science to support those add on businesses due to BRAC expansion. This would insure that many of our kids can live and work in this county instead of traveling to Howard, Frederick or AA county.
All these things are tied in and interrelated to form a perfect local economy is less a bedroom county and more of a working/living county.
All these things happen due to planning, preparation and tax dollars being used wisely to attract and maintain our good economic survival. It takes $$$ to make more $$$$$ in industry and govt sectors just the same.
2010 actual and 2011 proposed budget; for comparison:
the propossed budget for 2012 has not yet been released by the CE. What you see in the link is the 2010-2011 budget that was approved. Or am I looking at the wrong info?
GM filed for BK and is able to take the 40Billion loss off their taxes with the new GM. This company not only dit it cost the taxpayer billions in a bailout but now they get to double dip that benefit by writing off that loss in a brand new company. Where is the indignation when it comes to multimillion corporations pay no taxes, get bailed out and are made whole? At least, your local govt provides basic services for the taxes you pay which have decreased as a nominal property tax rate and lower assessments the last few years. At the same time, if you are poor, the state has homeowner’s tax credit to lessen your burden and you can deduct your taxes of your income tax. Is pretty amazing that these tea baggers keep crying poor and expect their roads to be plowed, childrent to be educated, receive emergency services at a lower cost and still complain about paying taxes….it can be assumed that is not really the cost, but the fact that they have to pay for things, who do you think you are…GM?
@Frankly Speaking,
I apologize for interrupting this smorgasbord of entitlement splash pool, but wanted to make a point of some problems with your previous bailout comparison. While I do not belong to the Tea Party, I am a concerned citizen who pays taxes and only ask that State and Federal Govts be accountable for the money-trail. GM was bailed out amidst the hail storm of rhetoric that the sky would fall if they did not receive TARP. What wasn’t echoed at the same time was the TARP Ford was almost forced to take just to save face with the American Consumer (the US wanted Ford to take the bailout as well so GM would not be the only one). GMs main problem has come from years of legacy union contracts and the mismanagement of vehicle lines. They did not “lean forward” to ascertain the need for Americans to drive more fuel efficient vehicles in the continued rise of oil. Does this sound familiar to you at the local level…poor management of contracts and growing cost of legacy pensions? Take a look at the visual change in Fords automobile line design over the last 7-10 years…do you see where Ford adapted..its obvious if you haven’t noticed. GM refused to do that while continuing to pump out overpriced and inefficient models not suitable for the new consumer economy. And let me caveat that by saying I’m a GM owner and love my truck, but not every American wants a truck and/or wants the gas prices that come with it. I use my truck for travel, hunting, camping, etc…therefore my demand drives my purchase as a consumer. I can blessed to be able to afford to do so, therefore I do.
If you want to take a look into a magic crystal ball for what TARP will probably get you in the future…lets step back and look at the bailout of the Airline industry. Southwest Airlines and Jet Blue grasped a market and provided an economic boon amidst a down economy quarter after quarter. But what happened with American Airlines, Delta, etc….the Govt came in and bailed them out for their poor management and failure to adapt. They failed to let the free market do its job once again. So let me ask you have you seen recent Southwest Airlines commercial lately. American, Delta, and so on continue to rake consumers over the coals while Southwest and bargain carriers have continued to post profits. How did they do this…No baggage fees…the new “no change fee”…they utilize KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). That is not aimed at you but rather their model. What was the purpose of the bailout if they are continuing to raise prices due to high overhead cost..nothing has changed. Now for the awakening of the free market.
Who would have ever thought the state of Alabama would readily open its arms to the Asian Auto manufacturer of Hyundai…back in my grandfathers days that would be an outright slap in the face to the big three and the American worker. But here is the difference. The Free Market…Hyundai does not allow unions in their plants, but does provide highly competitive benefits to its American workers. Hyundai was provided lower tax rates to build a plant that produced over 3000 jobs. Hyundai could have went elsewhere but Alabama made it economically enticing for them to set up shop. Ford renegotiated with the unions to in a NJ Chris Christie fashion…loved it. So where is GM now…oh thats right the 40K Volt….so economical isn’t it. But to their credit they also have changed the line to come in line with more fuel efficient vehicles on par with Ford. And as a GM fan, disappointed with its plunders in recent years, the Camaro was reborn with over 25mpg…I applaud that and look forward to more innovation.
But none of this could have happened without renegotiation and forgone by unions in all these situations. Not to mention the firing of those responsible for the failure. The ultimate horror is the Free market was killed by rewarding companies for poor performance. Rewarding folks for poor performance…does that sound local yet.
While I don’t agree with everything the tea party portrays, and I caveat that by saying that not everyone in the tea party should be identified by the remarks or actions of one person in an interview, I do respect the surge of voices demanding accountability. You will never ever fix the problem of budgets until you control spending. Its a spending problem not a “cutting” problem. You can cut budgets all day, but if the spending is still comparable to open cash register you will never fix the problem. And as long as Harford County continues to kick the proverbial can down the street Harford county taxpayers will need to keep their ears to the ground and head on a swivel in watching your pocketbooks. Pickpockets come in all shapes and sizes…and yes even wear a suite and tie.
You do know that that most Tea Party folks did not favor government intervention in GM and their sham bankruptcy.
Porter-I am aware that most people were against the GM bailout, but it happenned anyway. The point was not Gm assistance, but use of the people’s money for a purpose direcly oppossed to providing BASIC services. The county needs to get back to providing these services be it road maintenance, transportation, police, courts, jail, planning and zoning or basic administration of local laws and responsabilities while looking to consolidate were feasible and efficient at the lowest cost to the tax payer possible. Simply calling for cuts will not be enough unless the county also continues invest and train its workforce which would include looking at its pay structure and benfefits.
Dear Dan,
It would appear you are the one in need of an education concerning the intent of the Founding Fathers. If you were the student of the Federalist Papers & the wrtings of the founders you say you are then you would know James Madison wrote this about the General Welfare clause:
“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare,and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare,they may take the care of religion into their own hands;they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parishand pay them out of their public treasury;
they may take into their own hands the education of children,establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union;they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads;in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislationdown to the most minute object of police,would be thrown under the power of Congress…. Were the powerof Congress to be established in the latitude contended for,it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
Mr. Madison also wrote: “Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.” Charity is a noble cause but is best dispensed from the people.
In short he says that your view of the General Welfare, meaning providing for everyone’s needs, encouraging indolence, leads to the subversion of the Constitution AKA tyranny.
Or perhaps you missed Thomas Jefferson’s opinion of the General Welfare: “They are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare…. [G]iving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please which may be good for the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as they sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please.”
And as for the other Progressive Catch All, the Commerce Clause Mr. Jefferson opined: “For the power given to Congress by the Constitution does not extend to the internal regulation of the commerce of a State (that is to say, of the commerce between citizen and citizen,) which remain exclusively with its own legislature; but to its external commerce only, that is to say, its commerce with another State, or with foreign nations, or with the Indian tribes.”
You clearly belong to the Progressive Collectivist cell of the body politic. Though you hold your views on govenment to be noble they are not part of the heritage of the founding principles of America. You have swallowed the progressive indoctrination of the last 100 years hook, line & sinker.
Stop flaying Fox News, those who support LIMITED GOVERNMENT & flaunting your faux intellecutal superiority on Americas founding principles & hit the Declaration of Independence, Consitution, Federalist Papers, Anti Federalist Papers in ernest. You might just learn something.
I’m always up for learning something new. I’m no cowboy academic who’s grazed a few writings at the behest of a TV personality. I’ve spent years reading and studying political writings from all sides with equal conviction. It’s been a while since I’ve studied political theory or political history in earnest, but I assure you I still remember a lot. Early in our history this country was called the “Great Experiment” because no other country had ever promised so much freedom and rights to so many of its citizen and ALSO provided them with equal opportunities. When most of Europe was still under the remnants of Feudalism this country made unbelievable large strides to do away with the class system entirely. When other countries offered nothing to their citizens ours was offering everything. I think you do this country’s history a great disservice by trying to twist it and make it fit in the idea of what you want it to be. Our founding fathers set upon the most novel political idea of the day that the station in life you end up in should not be predetermined by the one you were born into. I just don’t see how anyone can find fault in that.
The federalist papers are not the CONSTITUTION. If you use that logic then slavery and women’s rights along with fair housing, lending and commerce laws would be invalid and unconstitutional…the intent of wise men that believed that slavery was acceptable should come into question anytime you profess their high intellect and all knowing of what america would become in 240 years since. For any law that is enacted and found in direct contradiction with the Constitution, the Supreme court has the final authority to declare any law unconstitutional, thus referring to the original intent on the framers is just a historical prespective of that time, but in no way a way to determine the legallity of any law since.
Of course we know the Federalist Papers are not the Constitution. However, they are a clear explanation of the intent of those making the case for its ratiication & thus make clear the INTENT of the document. If you read the Constitution you will see that it makes zero reference to fair housing, lending laws or most of the powers the Federal government has assumed, some would say usurped. Those issues were never intended as Federal issues but left to the states.
You may also want to revisit the concept of Federalism. The Supreme Court is NOT the final word on the what is Constitutional. Read Article 3 again which outlines powers of the Supreme Court along with the 9th & 10 amendments. Read Jefferson’s & Madison’s Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions of 1798(the VA & KY Resolutions were passed by the legislatures & signed by the governors of those states in response to the unconstitutional Alien & Sedition Acts) a.k.a. The Principles of ’98. The states are the ultimate judge of whether a law is Constitutional or not & whether the United States has acted outside the boundries of the Constitution, assuming an errant decision by the SCOTUS. The states have the power to nullify unconstituional Federal laws/action. The states are sovereign entities that came together to form the United States & to delegate, not surrender, certain powers to the Federal government, not the other way around.
As Madison & Jefferson illustrated in the Principles of ’98 to have the Federal rule on the actions of the Federal legislature & the Federal executive is like asking your brojer to rule in a dispute between another party & yourself. The other party is at a significant disadvantage with regard to an objective outcome.
lending laws would be involved in interstate commerce. If that money is lent to someone in another state or sent to another state it is now inter state commerce.
Obviously you missed MArbury v Madison in civics. A state can not nullify a federal law. Where in the constitution is that power covered.
CinciNUTS-Are you saying that Brown vs. Board of Ed was an unconstitutional decison? JimCrow laws should still be on the books? You need to go back to Constitutional law class because you are missing quite a few admendments, rullings and stare decisis precedents which would make your arguments totally without merit or present context…in your world there still would be “separate but equal” doctrine which was indeed separate but in now way equal. The more you talk about stuff like this, the more I see you uncovering a sinister and dark agenda which in no way fits America, its Constitution on its ideals that all are created equal under the law.