Calling upon their members to speak out a Saturday morning school budget hearing, Harford County tea party groups, local PTAs, and the teachers’ union are gearing up to make their respective voices heard. The public hearing will kick off a Harford County Board of Education budget work session, which is scheduled January 15 from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the HCPS A.A. Roberty Building in Bel Air.
Next year’s proposed school budget includes a salary increase for all 5,000 employees; $2.7 million to open the new Red Pump Elementary School in Bel Air; cost-of-doing-business increases; and several new priority items, including a pilot program to pay for students to take Advanced Placement exams. All told, the proposed FY12 unrestricted operating budget is $448.97 million, an increase of $26.4 million over the current fiscal year. The restricted budget is expected to decline by $12.2 million next year, reflecting the loss of federal stimulus funds.
“No more spending” will be the tea party message, according to Bel Air Tea Party organizer Tony Passaro. Word of a tea party turnout spread earlier in the week, prompting HCPS to post a police officer at a budget hearing Monday, but a large crowd never materialized. Instead, the push is on for Saturday, according to Passaro.
In contrast with the tea party message will be the Harford County Education Association, which supports the salary increases on behalf of county teachers.
Added to the mix will be the Harford County Council of PTAs. In an email to members, HCCPTA President Sandra Monaco-Burton urged parents to “Come share your opinion on the proposed budget–the BOE needs to hear what parents want.”
Anyone want me to bring popcorn to watch this circus?
The tea party consists of losers who did not receive an adequate education in critical thinking.
Fog sums it up, with such a enlightened view exhibited in the comment…what more can I say.
I have to laugh when I read that the HCPS felt a need to have a police officer posted at the meeting [because of the presence of Tea Party members] as if to expect violence. The fact is, if there’s violence, it will come from union members and not Tea Party folks. Libeals and the liberal media have done their best to make the Tea Party appear to be a pack of villains. It hasn’t worked. In fact, the Tea Party has made it very uncomfortable for liberals, including the top libeal in the White House. For the first time in his life, Obama is sweating.
Teachers and lower level staff at the HCSP do deserve pay raises but it must be done with existing funding. Here’s a novel idea: Something I have posted on other Daggar blogs – politicians at all levels (particularly at the state and federal level) to cut their pay, benefit package (enroll in Obama care – that thing most of them voted for),and cut their expense accounts. No more lavish parties, no more free lunches and dinners, no more trips on taxpayer funds, no more drivers (they can drive themselves), and cheaper hotels when in session. There is a lot of money that can be found . . . we just need to take it away. Another place to look for money can be found in the salaries, benefit and retirement packages of many high level Board of Ed types.
AS FOR THE TEA PARTY – liberals and politicians alike, get use to it, they are here to stay.
Most people have absolutely no idea how much tax payer money goes towards the salaries and benefits for current and retired politicians (including those in high level administrative positions, for example, Board of Ed). Why do you think many spend thousands, and sometimes millions of dollars, to get elected. Over their life-time (while in office and retired) what they get in return is much, much more than their initial investment (in getting elected). If you don’t believe me, look up their salaries, benefits, and retirement packages and do the math.
If there is anyone here who disagrees with me, please feel free to provide a better idea. Add to your idea the source of the money.
Why would anyone think the Tea Party is violent? That just makes no sense. It’s not like there are several well documented incidences where anything like that happened at meetings before.
The progressive hold outs are grasping…oh….seems a left winger made a death threat today at a town hall.
Go Dagger !!!!!!!!!!
and VET…hello
they just lie when they know we right.. lol. Its hilarious isn’t it..
The BOE members recieve a 5,000 stipend for serving. No one is getting rich serving on the HCPS BOE!
Board members receive $300 per month for their service to cover expenses. With the amount of time most put into what is actually a volunteer position the county is getting off very cheap. Perhaps the County Council should consider an equivalent pay structure. There are many that question the return on investment for their salaries.
I would think that the police presence was more due to the rumors of a large crowd in general (not necessarily that the crowd is Tea Party). The number of police posted at school events is usually increased for larger than usual crowds, and I would assume the BoE meetings would be the same. It’s just a safety/liability move, not a knock on the tea party.
I do agree with the rest of your post, however. If more people in the Tea Party would get behind the slogan of “smarter spending” as opposed to “no spending,” I think they would have even wider (bi-partisan) support. Most people, whether they are Dems or Reps, seem to lean fiscally conservative. Hardly any of our elected officials, whether they are Dems or Reps, reflect that fiscal conservatism (BOTH parties have been spending like it’s going out of style for years–Their disagreements are more about WHAT to overspend on, rather than the dangers of overspending).
Pay raises 4 all 5000 employes when most people r lucky to have jobs? Pay for students 2 take AP exams? Has any one ever heard of part time/ summer jobs 4 students? Increased cost of doing business increases?? What the heck is that? And all of this on top of a 12.2 million dollar budget decline. Anyone who works 4 the B of E and can’t survive w/o a pay raise should look for a new job. I’m sure there r plenty of people who would love 2 take their place. It just shows that many of the people in power r clueless about whats happening in our county/state and country.
How many of them hold teachers liscences and will teach special ed. Our county is having trouble filling the special ed, science and math positions. BTW these people are not jumping at the positions advertised on the BOE website. Some of which that have been there since October!
this is what fogdog has to say: The tea party consists of losers who did not receive an adequate education in critical thinking.
Are you just being silly or are you that stupid (to make such a “stupid” statement)? Whatever the case, if you have no problem paying higher taxes, write a check and send it to Annapolis (I’m sure O’malley is looking for money to give his three cooks a raise in salaries). Mike Miller (Senate President) is surely looking for a few extra dollars to treat his Senate collegues (the liberal ones) to lobster rather than crabcakes or steak (or both).
Come on, you are just kidding, right? No one can be that stupid.
Ninty percent of us are working making more money than ever. It is the ten percent that has a problem and are losers.
Today, there is no need for people to work as robots on an assemble line. Those that do work on assemble lines think they are worth more money than teachers, police, fireman and people in the health careers. These people because of their lack of desire to acquire skills needed in the future are now losers. An example is the Harley-Davidson assemble line workers who were making an average of $28 a hour. They went on strike two years ago. Many of them are now unemployed because they made themselves losers. Who would ever want to hire these people with their attitude.
You cannot expect a job to come to you. You must prepare for it and then find it.
yeah. Some people can be that stupid. lol. They love this welfare sanctuary state of stupid!!
Just have a question or maybe I’m missing something. First I do understand that the HCPS has forgone a teachers raise for at least 2 years…I understand that. But where is the money coming from for this proposed raise when Governor O’Malley is looking to do a cut across the board in Education AND look at putting legacy pensions on the backs of the county’s rather than the state. Just wondered if this was going to be a increase in property taxes for us this coming year or if this was some money found through cuts elsewhere. Not saying teachers don’t deserve a raise, just wanting to know which pot its coming from. It would seem if your boasting a raise you would let the taxpayers know they would be funding it. Its like me saying we’re all going to Waldorf and then passing the bill to my guest after the meal and stay.
No malice intended, just looking to see where the money would come from for a raise when the state is looking to balance the books. Every state in the Union is making tough choices…some of them are forgoing the tough choices but will eventually hurt them in the long run.
Just have a question or maybe I’m missing something. First I do understand that the HCPS has forgone a teachers raise for at least 2 years…I understand that. But where is the money coming from for this proposed raise when Governor O’Malley is looking to do a cut across the board in Education AND look at putting legacy pensions on the backs of the county’s rather than the state. Just wondered if this was going to be a increase in property taxes for us this coming year or if this was some money found through cuts elsewhere. Not saying teachers don’t deserve a raise, just wanting to know which pot its coming from. It would seem if your boasting a raise you would let the taxpayers know they would be funding it. Its like me saying we’re all going to the Waldorf and then passing the bill to my guest after the meal and stay.
No malice intended, just looking to see where the money would come from for a raise when the state is looking to balance the books. Every state in the Union is making tough choices…some of them are forgoing the tough choices but will eventually hurt them in the long run.
This is political posturing and an attempt by Tomback and the Good Ole Boys to improve there image. Nobody believes that there will be a raise. He is proposing it and knows the county can’t fund it but can look at everyone and say he tried. Plus since they lost the court battle over the health care, which wasn’t widely reported and the BOE was almost held in contempt, they will say your old health care plan or your raise. Either way he can point to the county council and say it was them not little ol’ me. It is the political game he learned in Balt. Co. This guy is all about these games from referal stats to employment stats to lying to the publics face and not really caring.
Taxpayers and property owners surely can’t take any more added to their tax burdens. Many in my family are teachers and they have a great job, decent salaries, much time off with pay, vacations and nice pensions. I was at that meeting and heard they haven’t had a raise in 2 years like this is a biggy or something. Be greatful you have a job and you haven’t been furloughed. Be greatful you still have your pensions. We are all struggling with the high cost of everything, food, utilities, gas etc. We don’t need more added. If you want to complain, complain to our elected officials who give $2billion of your tax $$ to “illegal criminals” on welfare using fake or no id’s while they work our jobs. They also get foodstamps, sec 8 housing, utility cost help. All this and taking your jobs. welfare fraud is at 30% in Md. Write Governor O’malley who has allowed his “new americans” to use and abuse the systems. Citizens should not have to support non citizens. These are not our ancestors from yesteryear.
marge-your hate spewing rants do not add anything constructive to the forum…illegal aliens can’t get food stamps, sect 8 housing or any other type of assistance. Federal law requires that applicants to all these programs show proof of legal status by way of birth certificate or naturalization papers or resident allien card/work permit/visa that allows them to stay in the USA. I know this because in my job I have to make sure these rules are followed and we are audited yearly for compliance. To be sure there are ilegal alliens with jobs in this country and they do get driver’s license and their kids do get to go to school, but none of your allegations are true.
Yeah i’m a racist and hate monger but every single word i post is the absolute truth. Call it names or whatever but i’ve been an activist in md for many years and know what i’m talking about. I guess Ms faulkner was lieing. I can produce more social workers names but won’t because they would be fired also. It took me many months to rent a home in baltimore city and all I asked for was a credit report, proof of income. Every single one of them were mexicans with kids and they all claimed they working but no proof yet all had copies of their monthly welfare checks or letter from social service. Don’t assume because people don’t agree with you that we are wrong. You need to research some excellent organizations like “numbers usa”, “FAIR” Congress uses ‘Fair’ also.. and others..,
I guess they aren’t voting either. If you think i’m wrong, you need to check Md general assembly website..You have your head in the sand.. Do you really believe that their birth certs or other docs are legit? Do you not know that more than a million received a drivers license in md using fake id’s? Do you not know that they are operating business’ with little or no permits. We recently found illegal aliens operating a bar for 6 years by using the previous deceased owners liquor license and other permits. I believe you are just unaware of whats happening in our country. You want to believe what your saying but not true.. Illegal aliens are also working many state jobs. Had a boss who does most of the hiring tell me he hires licensed contractors through the bidding process. Whoever these contractors subcontract their jobs too is none of his business.. I hate to disagree but i am right on..
Marge-links from sites that believe what you believe are not a fair and balanced way of looking at the facts. I guess you can believe what you want, but the facts are that no housing assistance can be obtained without proper proof of residence and legal status. Medical providers can’t deny treatment to anyone who shows up at the ER due to FEDERAL LAW the same for schools. Just because you see “mexicans” as you call them renting and working does not mean that they are mexicans or illegals.
If there is a shortage of Math/Science (or what ever other area) teachers year after year, should these positions be the ones that get raises? Are these more difficult areas to teach? Is it fair to pay a gym or history teacher as much? I don’t know. Does supply and demand apply here?
Good point. Special Ed is harder to teach and experiences greater burn out due to the extra demands on the teacher. Science and Math is a result of the practical applications. When you factor into the required science and math courses you have someone who is marketable in another occupation paying more money. WHen I took my Praxis Tests at WVU it was in a large lecture hall full of Phys Ed and Health teachers one chemistry teacher and me the lonely biology teacher. I was the only secondary ed bio major to graduate in the entire state of WV that year. 2 Secondary chem majors and 1 Secondary Physics major. Math had similar numbers.
Every year there are at least 10 vacant funded positions for correctional officers at the detention center that are not filled. The starting pay is 39 thousand pluse benefits . The money for these positions goes somewhere in the sheriffs office or the general fund. It’s been an on going cash cow. It could go the the school system to hire teachers. The correctional officers have been working short staff in the most dangerous job in law enforcement for years and the money for their sacrifice should at least be spent on the kids. If not on them to staff the 40 million dollar add on to the jail..
Or the unemployed americans who are haveing trouble finding a job could step up and take this job. I remember a person on this site who was an unemployed economist. I suggested a job at wawa as they where hiring and he was to good for it. SO perhaps these unemployed people in these bad economic times should take the jobs as secrataries on HCPS’s website that have been there since october in some cases or the correctional officer etc?
@Cdev It is time you used spell check before you post comments.
If there are ten vacancies at the detention center (DC), it is likely that a large portion of that money is used to pay overtime to staff the jail at safe “staffing” levels. But if you pull the money from the DC, and hire ten new teachers, that means the 10 positions at the DC are now eliminated (the money is gone from the DC budget).
If the opportunity comes about that 10 persons qualified to fill the correctional officer (CO) positions come available, they cannot be hired because the money was pulled.
The money is probably being used for other things until they are able to hire additional COs. However, it takes time to recruit, hire, and train new COs. Besides that, it takes 10+ applicants to find one qualified candidate. Unfortunately, the candidate pool is low; people are benefiting more by not working because of the benefits extended the government. Why work if you do not have to …
The bottom line, leave the money in the DC budget and try harder to fill the CO positions.
Hard to take you seriously when you make up facts. Of you really had teachers in your family-or talked to them you would know the errors in your post.
Just cause you can be anonymous on the net doesn’t mean we can’t see your full of it