Pledging to continue to serve Harford County citizens, and emphasizing the non-partisan nature of his post, Sheriff Jesse L. Bane was sworn in for a second term Thursday evening in Bel Air.
Despite the season’s first slick, snowy night, a crowd of more than 100 people gathered in the Harford County Council chambers to see Bane place his hand on his mother-in-law’s Bible, and repeat the oath of office after Clerk of the Court James Reilly.
Among those present for the event were: County Executive David Craig, Council President Billy Boniface, Council Members Dion Guthrie, Mary Ann Lisanti, Jim McMahan, and Joe Woods, District 35A State Senator Barry Glassman, District 35A Delegate Wayne Norman, Harford County Public School Superintendent Dr. Robert Tomback, Circuit Court Judge William Carr, and Register of Wills Derek Hopkins.
Representatives from several law enforcement agencies also attended, including the Maryland State Police’s Bel Air Barracks, Aberdeen Police Department, and the Harford County Community College Security Department. Former Sheriff Joe Meadows was present, as was Steve Moyer, standing in for his father, former Sheriff Ted Moyer.
Taking the podium, Bane said he had stayed up until 2 a.m. Thursday morning preparing a speech for the occasion. But he left the speech in his office—not by accident, but under orders from his wife, Lou Ann.
“It’s sitting in my office on my desk, not because I forgot it but because I have a boss, as every married man does, who said, ‘no speeches, just comments,’” Bane said.
Those comments were light on policy plans, which Bane said he felt were covered in depth during his campaign against Republican challenger Jeff Gahler. Instead, he recognized the dozen members of the Sheriff’s Office present in the audience and all those serving under him, as well as retired members of the department and the members of his campaign.
Bane saved his most personal words to thank his family for the sacrifices he said they have made during his 38 years with the Sheriff’s Office.
“I have spent more time in the office than at home, many family occasions were missed because duty called,” Bane said. “I have no regrets, but I’m thankful for them for allowing me to follow my dream.”
Bane also thanked Republican voters who were willing to cross party lines to return him to office, and reasserted the non-partisanship of his office.
Bane was narrowly reelected in the Nov. 2 election over Gahler, who had strong words about the Democratic incumbent’s record, and attacked his handling of the investigation of a top deputy, former Major Mark Forwood. The investigation, which began in April, concluded last month with felony theft charges filed against Forwood, who was eventually fired from the department.
“This was a very strange election year, as we all know,” Bane said. “You cannot win an election in Harford County unless voters are willing to cross party lines. I am here today because Republicans were willing to cross party lines…and I thank them for that.”
Bane followed by mentioning a number of the county’s top Republican elected officials with whom he works closely, setting up the night’s lightest moment.
After Bane asked, “Did I miss any Republicans,” McMahan deftly rose from his seat with a smile, raising a hand.
Bane paused as the crowd chuckled, before quipping, “Well, you were a Democrat at one time,” to a louder round of laughter.
He quickly returned to his message of non-partisanship to close his comments.
“I would hate to see future elections where we throw babies out with the bathwater because of political affiliation,” Bane said. “But Republican or Democrat, I love you all.”
PHOTO CREDIT: Christine Sullivan for ABC Timeless Portraits
The fact that there were only 12 employees present, those sitting along with him in the ivory tower, is very telling. Most of the agency was present at his first swearing in. This speaks for itself as to how the agency members feel about him.
Hi David,
What is your take on Moyer. He must smell an opportunity. Why else would he be there?
Representatives from several law enforcement agencies also attended, including the Maryland State Police’s Bel Air Barracks, Aberdeen Police Department, and the Harford County Community College Security Department. Former Sheriff Joe Meadows was present, as was Steve Moyer, standing in for his father, former Sheriff Ted Moyer.
Another four years of Mr. Burns. How much more can he screw things up in four years?
Yeah, real republicans,what a sham! Craig, Boniface, Glassman, McMahan all could have supported Jeff Gahler – a real fiscal conservative who would have been tough on crime. Instead Craig, Boniface, Glassman, and McMahan supported their liberal tax and spend buddy Jesse Bane. Jesse, I hope real republicans are watching and put an end to the “Republican Sham” that David Craig and his buddies continue to perpetuate.
Winohunter, get over it..election is over…most public officials attend one anothers swearing-in ceremonies..
You’re missing the point Bill. Look at which officials were in attendance. And to reiterate my earlier point–yes, the politicians usually do show up. How small would the audience have been had they not been there? A dozen or so of Bane’s “chosen ones”. Rinohunter and RetiredCop are right. Do you know why Craig’s bloated inauguration “only” cost the taxpayers $10,000? Because the other $20,000 of OUR money came from the Sheriff’s Office budget to pay for the SWAT team, the sharpshooters, the K-9’s, the 27 deputies who worked overtime and so on. Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars Bane paid to Mark Forwood to sit home for 7 months while he continued to rip Home Depot off. This is NOT the way I want my tax dollars wasted.
Then it’s safe to say we will see Roadhouse for Sheriff signs in four years, oh wait that’s not your real name because you have an alligator mouth and a hummingbird A$$.
Wyatt Earp
See it’s fun to hide behide an alias.
T he election is over and it looks like Bane is following Gahler’s platform (fired Forwood, partnering with other PD’s and focusing on traffic deaths), so maybe we can survive for four years.
It is nice to know that Bane was able to garner some good ideas from Gahler. We will survive the next four years, but they will be more painful under Bane than it would have been with Gahler.
I wonder if anyone was there from Edgewood or Joppatowne celebrating another four years gangs, drugs, murders and night after night of reported shots fired? People generally get the governments they deserve but the poor folks along the rt 40 corridor could certainly use a real law enforcement officer.
As an Edgewood resident I was there, and I support Bane 100% As a long time resident I have seen things get better since he took office 4 years ago. The only people who don’t seem to like Bane are Republicans whe strictly vote down party lines.
Edgewood Resident, you know nothing. I am republican and voted for democrat Sheriff’s in the past. It had nothing to do with a R or D. Bane is not a good Sheriff. Lets see what is done in four years. I would say more of the same as the first four. Why do they spend so much money for protection for this big inauguration and then no protection for these people for the next four years? Seems like a big waste to me. That is what Craig (RINO) and Bane do best, waste money. Cant wait for the next Sheriff’s election. Already know a good candidate who is not a republican that is thinking of running. Id support him.
I have a question for Retiredcop . . . Since you are doing your finest (ineffectual at best) to hold Sheriff Bane responsible for all that has occurred with the Edgewood area, do you also believe that the commanders, supervisors, and patrol officers on the street should be held accountable as well? Yes? No?
Retiredcop, I have seen firsthand the decrease in crime, that’s not an opinion, that’s a fact. The crime stats show I’m right, so just get over yourself already.
Well, okay what dropped and where can I find the numbers? You kool aid drinkers speak but show no proof so lets see these impressive numbers from Monte Burns first term as Sheriff.
The only people who should be happy with Bane’s performance along the rt 40 corridor have to be the criminals. With a minimal police presence and no out of the car neighborhood walking patrols, the bad guys can do whatever they want. I wonder what kind of crime hasn’t been committed in the Joppa/Edgewood area this year. I wonder if Forwood “shopped” at the Edgewood Home Depot?
Al J thong, your an idiot… drive through edgewater village any night of the week and you will pass atleast 2 patrol cars!
Chris-What is your game? What message are you attempting to deliver? Black is white? Up is down? Edgewood is a safe place?
If you are lucky enough to see two HCSO cars in edgewood one of two things is happening.1 The officer inside is asleep. 2. The officer inside is clearing calls for service else where in the county without moving his vehicle.
Put a brief case in your hand this evening after dark and take a stroll down Hanson Road through Meadowwood and then through the Courts of Harford Square and I’ll meet you up at Lakeside Apartments if you make it with the appropriate medical support.
For the record Forwood was caught in Bel Air, not Edgewood. If the criminals are happy, that means they wanted to get caught and put in jail, which is what has been happening. Like I said, the stats show that crime is down. It’s a fact! I know the republicans aren’t happy to see a democrat doing a good job, but you just have to deal with the truth!
Who provided yo with the statistics that you talk about but don’t cite? You have to be blind, deaf and stupid to think that things are getting better in Edgewood.
You shouldn’t point your finger at the Sheriff and blame him for the mistakes that Eileen Rehrman made with section 8 housing. I’m sure not everyone in section 8 is a criminal, but allot of criminals live in section 8. If you want immediate satisfaction, tear down section 8 (like Baltimore City did), and send them all to Cecil county. Or you could be more humanitarian and allow our guys and gals in blue to do their jobs, giving them the credit they deserve. Our Sheriff is doing a good job. You can’t blame him for softy Judges.
Rehrman, another Democrat right. So you say that another Democrat brought Section 8 housing to Edgewood and thats the problem. Don’t ya just love those Democrats. I read all of the posts and could not find any that blamed Sheriff Bane for bringing Section 8 housing to Harford County.
I suggest you round up all of the available cash you can get your hands on and buy up as much property in Edgewood that you can get you hands on. It will be worth a fortune soon!! Crime keeps going down and down and down in Edgewood. What a wonderful place live.
Edgewood Res, I am a republican, yet I voted for Sheriff Bane. Many other Republicans did too judging from the results of the election. I voted for him for the same reason you did…. Edgewood is much better now then it was 6 years ago when we moved here.
“Edgewood or Joppatowne celebrating another four years gangs, drugs, murders and night after night of reported shots fired”
Haven’t been in Edgewood lately have you?
The US federal goverment. The stats were all over this site before the election. I can’t help it if you choose to ignore the facts. It just means you are the one that is stupid.
The Sheriff’s Office, headed by Bane, provides those numbers to the FBI. Statistics can be used to say anything a person wants them to.
My point exactly. Figures lie and liars figure.
Edgewood Resident- If you believe its raining while I piss down your back; which one of us is stupid?
It looks like some are still debating the “sheriff” thing. Some are defending the current and recently “re-elected” sheriff while others are still throwing nonsensical jabs. On one side the sheriff is blamed for the high crime rates in certain parts of the county. Others are defending by arguing crime has dropped. As I have said before, crime is the result of many variables and cannot be blamed on just one person. The current state of the economy is often blamed on President Bush (mainly by despicable liberal democrats and people who are generally stupid) when many variables played into it. In fact, all of us can be blamed to some degree (for example, extending ourselves beyond our financial capabilities).
I’m thinking that the few here that are still critical of Sheriff Bane have an axe to grind, but are hiding behind crime stats to make their arguments. It may be that they were once employees that disagreed with the man one time or another, or it may be that they had a friend that was “canned.” Unfortunately, we often find that those who are “canned” (fired or asked to retire) do not tell their family and friends the whole story. They often leave out certain parts because it makes them look bad. Perhaps Retiredcop, Roadhouse, and some of the others should give us a little background on themselves to backup their claims and establish their expertise.
Al J Thong, answer this question for me. Why am I stupid because you are uninformed? As far as the stats go, they are not from Bane, but from the US federal goverment. Feel free to look them up before you post again so at least you will know what you are talking about. If the HCSO were doing a poor job, I’d be out there leading the way for the cries to replace him. I give credit where credit is due. The HCSO has been doing a good job, crime is down. I know there is still crime in Edgewood, but it’s gotten better. It’s not an overnight fix.
Edgewood Resident
Please answer a couple questions. What specifically are you referring to when you say crime is down? Are you comparing 2010 to 2009. What specifically are you talking about – what types of crime? Are you talking about rape, murder, aggravated assault, car thefts?
*Source: 2009 Annual Preliminary Uniform Crime Report :
Homicide down 33%
Rape down 9%
Robbery down 7%
Burglary down 30%
Theft down 5%
Vehicle Theft down 38%
Arson down 61%
Knwon gang member down 29%
Illegal drugs seized $5,153,174
Guns taken from criminals 262
This report is fron the US goverment, not the HCSO.
Edgewood Resident
Those stats are right from Bane’s playbook. They are for a small period of time.
Why don’t you compare Bane’s 4 years in office 2007-2010 with the previous four years 2003-2006. Wouldn’t that give you a more comprehensive view of Bane’s performance?
Edgewood Resident
Those stats are right from Bane’s playbook. They are for a small period of time.
Why don’t you compare Bane’s 4 years in office 2007-2010 with the previous four years 2003-2006. Wouldn’t that give you a more comprehensive view of Bane’s performance?
Bane has made some poor choices in the election of command staff Forewood, (Dehaven GED with little collage education) and many other less than wise assignments (Visanaw) and other union leaders who helped staff the last two elections. Stats are stats they can be pitched anyway needed to serve ones interests.
Bane get credit for being some sort of good guy but it is not the case. They waist million in tax dollars each year and the folks paying the taxes watch while the services they expect are all on the rt 40 corridor and the sheriff would rather be over there than even interact with his people…
I’m confused, I usually hear all the crime is in Edgewood, (or just Rte 40)the rest of the county isn’t a problem. So why are you now upset that resources are being used along Rte 40 to fight against crime – where everyone seems to say all the problems are !?!? where would you like the resources of the Sheriff’s dept to be…direct stupid people who insist on driving to the constant friendship shopping mecca during the holidays – really ?!?!
RinoHunter, those stats are right from the federal goverment, not from Bane’s playbook, I’m sorry but you are 100% wrong! You just can’t admit you are wrong. And as far as his preformance, lets look at crime stats under Bane and compare them to the previous sheriff, you’ll see crime is still down.
Sorry ER, repeating an untruth doesn’t really make it true. Where the hell do you think the federal government got their figures? Answer: from the Sheriff’s office. Any of us who ever worked in any government agency know how easy it is to disseminate false information.
Edgewood Resident
Why the hostility? The stats you are quoting are for a small period of time realative to the 4 years of Bane’s first term.
I’m pretty sure that I asked you the following:
Why don’t you compare Bane’s 4 years in office 2007-2010 with the previous four years 2003-2006. Wouldn’t that give you a more comprehensive view of Bane’s performance?
If you were to compare the 4 years prior to Bane in office with the 4 years after you would see that under Bane’s watch, violent crimes are in fact up a good bit.
It is unfortuante that the Dagger, the Aegis and the Sunpaper never really held Bane accountable for his crime record and his increase in Budget.
Ok Dave/Rinohunter, what official goverment stats do you have so show I am wrong? NONE!!!! I have facts, you have an opinion. There is a big difference between the two. So until you have some actual facts to back up what you are saying, just go back to the sandbox and play with eachother.
So Edgewood Resident, where does the federal government get the information that is used in their stats? I would think that the information came from the HCSO.
The stats come from the Sheriff’s Office for Pete’s sake. They are reported to the FBI for their annual crime statistics. The FBI only looks at very specific criteria for their numbers, some very broad and subjective. I don’t like whining about this anymore, but come on folks… there is a reason why people are still griping that Bane won. He is a nice man, but a poor leader. A lot of people know a lot of garbage here, but honestly… you can’t expect people to start saying who they are in this forum.
If Jeff Gahler didn’t botch up a few things with the union then he would have won the union vote. The union support would have put him over the top for votes. I’m not sure he was the best option, but he was a better option. He understands police work. Bane has not done real honest to goodness police work in over 30 years. If you think otherwise, you just don’t understand what you’re talking about.
Amen Brother or Sister!!!
Again, more of you posting opinions, not facts. As I asked before, let me see your stats that show I am wrong! Since none of you did that, and instead posted more opinions, that only means one thing! I AM RIGHT AND YOU KNOW IT!
Answer the question – where does the federal government get the information for their stats. The information comes from the HCSO AND YOU KNOW IT!!!
Because the federal government posts stats, they are not really the gospel truth. Sad but true. The stats originate in the sheriff’s office. If the base data is cooked the crap you quote is just that crap. No one can quote other stats because the folks in charge are doing the cooking. But all that said ER, you go ahead and think you’re right because we certainly don’t want to hurt your self esteem.
Again you have really said nothing that proves me wrong in in any way. You think I am wrong, yet have no facts to support your opinion. But let’s play you little game and say that the HCSO office really did “make up” all of these stats, don’t you think someone over the years would have blown the whistle on it by now? The answer is simple, yes someone would have! Think about it for a minute, do you think for 1 second that if what you said were true that someone would have used that against Bane in the last election? Don’t you think Boadway would have used that to his advantage in the election to help him win? You bet your ass he would have! But the truth is this isn’t happening, and you have no proof that it is either! Just accept that Bane won and move on.