It’s a Wednesday night, and Glen Glass has just hatched a plan to quit his longtime job, move out of town with his dog, and hire his buddy to come along for the ride.
And he’s eager to get going with it.
Watch out Annapolis, here comes the newest delegate-elect representing Harford/Cecil County’s District 34A and he’s looking to shake things up in the Maryland General Assembly – even if he’s not quite sure how.
“I feel like when I was in Basic Training with the Army. A private, running around, not really knowing what’s going on,” said Glass, 45, an Aberdeen resident who was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army and went on to become a public school teacher before becoming interested in politics.
“I feel like that in a way, but not doing as many push-ups,” Glass added.
During an interview last week, while he met with his prospective aide (a “military man” he met during the campaign and who has “done some work for Mike Huckabee”), Glass was relieved to have recently found a house in Annapolis that could temporarily accommodate him, his wife, and his 100-pound pet Akita for the duration of the 90-day legislative session.
And he was downright delighted to learn of the $100 per day per diem that would help him afford the housing because, very shortly, Glass will join the ranks Americans who are no longer employed in a fulltime job.
Glass will be quitting the job he’s had for the last decade – selling recycled oil and antifreeze and occasionally driving a tanker truck for FCC Environmental – and will become a fulltime legislator when the Maryland General Assembly convenes on Jan. 13.
As far as he’s concerned, being a delegate will be his full time job from now on.
“My job as a state delegate will be first and foremost,” Glass said.
Glass conceded he’ll have to pick up a part-time job to make ends meet, whether it’s working in a temporary position for FCC Environmental, returning to the home improvement work he used to do, or finding something else.
“[FCC Environmental] won’t hold my job and benefits for me, but they’ll probably let me come back as a temporary worker,” he added.
While other legislators save up leave time or arrange for leaves of absence with their employers, Glass takes pride in walking away from his career for the sake of public service.
“The people who cast their votes, even if they didn’t vote for me, they’re my boss,” Glass said.
“I want the people to get their money’s worth with me.”
Meet the Mentors
Glass was the longest of shots to win a seat in the Maryland House of Delegates – having run several times prior without having made much of an impact, other than gaining a reputation for being the guy with the purple sign-covered cars parked in local commuter lots.
This go-round, however, Glass made some new friends and it made all the difference.
Glass credits District 7 Republican Dels. Pat McDonough and Rick Impallaria not only with helping him get elected, but as being mentors to him as he prepares for the session.
“Toward the end of the campaign, they decided to help me raise some money and Rick gave me a lot of advice,” Glass said. “I won by 1,000 votes, so they definitely helped me.”
On Tuesday, the Maryland Republican House Caucus met in Annapolis to vote for its leaders. Glass said Impallaria helped him cast his first vote.
“I can call him up and talk to him for whatever I need,” he added.
Reducing Tax and Crime Rates
Glass listed the top three local issues as “economy, economy, and the economy,” and he’s probably right.
“People are hurting and they need jobs. Up and down Route 40, small businesses are in big trouble,” Glass said. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, if you don’t have a job you don’t have hope.”
Glass said BRAC’s arrival at Aberdeen Proving Ground will bring new economic opportunities to the area, but he thinks there’s much more that should be done.
Specifically, he wants to figure out a way to implement a 5-year phase-out of Gov. Martin O’Malley’s 20 percent sales tax increase.
Glass similarly wants to get tough on crime and help implement legislative measures that will help reduce the crime rate.
“I want to eliminate parole for sex offenders and violent offenders,” he said.
To what effect?
“I think they would spend more time in jail. They did a crime and they’re going to have to serve the time for that,” Glass said. “I want criminals to make little rocks out of big rocks for a long, long time.”
“And I believe in the death penalty, absolutely,” he added.
“I Just Can’t Go for the Hotel Tax”
It’s been well documented that Harford County remains the only jurisdiction in Maryland without the authority to implement a tax on rooms in local hotels and motels – in fact, the man Glass booted from office, Del. Dan Riley, was one of the foremost proponents of the hotel tax.
Glass understands the benefits Harford could reap from such a tax – particularly if the revenue was funneled into local tourism efforts, as some have proposed. Yet he remains philosophically opposed to tax increases of any kind.
“I just can’t go for the hotel tax,” Glass said. “I think we need to create ways to promote tourism without raising taxes on our businesses.”
Glass asserted that, in Aberdeen, many of the motels and hotels are occupied by not by traveling out-of-towners, but by disadvantaged locals who inhabit the rooms on a permanent basis; as their homes. To implement a hotel/motel room tax would make it more difficult for them to afford keeping that roof over their heads.
“Basically, you’re taxing the poor,” Glass said.
And as far as Harford remaining the only jurisdiction in the state without such a hotel tax, Glass said the county has an opportunity to put a positive spin on the situation.
“Harford County tourism could advertise having the lowest hotel rates,” he suggested.
I can’t wait for Annapolis to chew him up and spit him out. What a clown.
P.S. – the hotel tax will not affect Harford County ‘tourism.’ What attractions are tourists coming to see, exactly? And it will not raise ‘taxes on businesses’ since the tax is passed along to the people who actually stay in the hotels.
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Congrats on your victory. Now, get ready. I laud your interest in reducing taxes and crime. The reality of it is, that while increasing jail sentences, you will need more revenue to pay for all associated costs of inmates – housing, food, programs, health care, etc…
The Hotel Tax is reasonable. It will not hurt Harford. The hotels here will get plenty of business from travelers on I-95 and those going to APG regardless. Save your arguments for more important things.
You reference many of those businesses along I-40 that are hurting. Start convincing the county to attract business other than warehouses which pay low wages. Offer unemployed county residents free tuition at HCC. Think outside the box.
Who voted for this guy? Did people even research the candidates before they voted? I’m seriously embarrassed for my district.
Two things:
Brian, Glenn Glass didn’t “boot” Delegate Dan Riley from office (as you mentioned). Unfortunately, Marla Posey Moss beat Delegate Dan in the Democratic primary. This set up Glenn Glass’s victory in the general election over the very liberal and weak aforementioned candidate Marla Posey Moss. My opinion is that if Delegate Dan had won the primary, Glenn Glass would still be “Jed Clampet” with his truck loaded up and ready to “move to Beverly”!
Also, Delegate Elect Glass is abolutely wrong on many facets regarding his stance on the “Room Tax”.
Never in my life have I lost an election to Glenn Glass. Last time I beat him by 2400+- votes. I wish him well as a delegate and hope he works for the people who elected him.
First of all, thank you to all of you out there you support a common, middle class man like Glen who is not a career politician, but a newly elected Delegate who just wants to truly represent the people and help Harford County in any way he can. W.T.F?… not to admirable when you name yourself that and actually “The Beverly Hillbillies” TV Series was quite successful so no harm there. To everybody else who just thinks we won’t make a difference in Annapolis and/or are not qualified; all great leaders and game changers always get critized until history vindicates them. FYI, I am the “military man who worked for Mike Huckabee” and look forward to making a difference in Annapolis and really showing how much we care about the people and their problems and truly just want to be the common man’s voice. Thank you.
Adam Obest: Well…I find it interesting that the first word YOU use to describe Glenn Glass is “common”! (maybe so)!
Next is “middle class”. Have you seen where Glenn lives? Apparantly the “bar” has been lowered for the “middle class” (enough said).
And yes….”The Beverly Hillbillies” was a funny AND successful SIT COM! (but I would’t want “Jethro” representing me at ANY level of government!) Would you?
And pleeeeeaaaase….your comment about how all inexperienced game changers and great leaders get “critized” until history vinticates them.
When most “conservatives” blasted candidate Obama for his lack of experience, did YOU, as a “conservative” grant President Obama that same flexibility? (probably not).
Finally….so YOU’RE the guy who supported Mike Huck-A-Buck!
I guess it feels good to finally support someone that actually WON an election. Good luck Glenn (and Adam!)
Can we now call you the “Vinticator”?
Your word “vinticates” is actually vindicates. Those red squiggly lines under the word means that spell check does not recognize your spelling. In the future “What the F*^k” (WTF) don’t be a F*^k, OK.
I am simply too flabergasted to comment on Delegate Glass’s answers to the questions.
cheer up Patricia, and all the rest of you snide commenters. I can still remember the NRA sending us comments that Riley made to a gun control group yrs back. Seems as if what he promosed them was exactly opposite to what he told the NRA! I’ve had enough of politicians saying anything to get elected. Maybe we need some plane speaking man/woman in Annap for a change. Glass is a welcome change from the double dealing back stabbing career politicians that infest the state house. Good luck Del Glass. Any of our other ‘honorable’ reps care to quit and work full time for their constituents? I didn’t think so.
Typical propaganda from the opposition. My record on 2nd amendment issues speaks volumns. The NRA strongly supported and endorsed me as did all major 2nd amendment groups. There is also a speech I gave on 2nd amendment rights on U-tube.
Patricia you are a quinkunx.
What an unfortunate bad joke on district 34, going to be another two years of our delegation doing nothing to benefit the citizens.
Hmmmm … let’s give Glass a chance. I’m actually kind of tired of those who believe everyone needs to be a stuffy, professional politician. What happened to the common Joe representing their fellow citizens? Does Glass need to behave in a professional manner? Absolutely. But does he need to be in the elite club of politicians? No. He needs to represent his people’s interests.
Glen Glass may not be a politician, but he has already sold out to Del. Impallaria, check the campaign finance records! So he won’t be making his own decisions. Mr Glass has specifically stated on numerous occasions that the only issue he cares about is Pro-Life. The rest is being force fed to him by Impallaria!
I would expect that Glass’ votes will most of the time be the same as Impallaria’s since they are both conservatives.
Impallaria helped get a conservative republican delegate elected and conservative republicans should thank Rick.
Well I guess it hurts Patricia when your chosen candidate is not selected by the voters. Your wet behind the ears candidate was out worked by the old dog. Glen has conviction and wants to focus on doing the right thing for the people. I must agree with the DCFATBOY on this issue.
Complaining about the win for Glass is a waste of time. He is here to stay for at least 1 term, so make the best of it.
Mr. Glass, I hope you take this job seriously and focus on what really matters to the county residents: Crime, the Economy, Education and Transportation. I’m happy you see the light regarding crime reduction. People need jobs and they need less of a headache getting to those jobs, wherever they may be. You have got to focus on widening Route 22 and Route 543, which are becoming gridlocked beyond anyone’s nightmare.
Can the guy just move his ugly truck off the state park and ride lot? I’m sick of looking at it.
Mr. G,
Harford needs more tax revenues. Why not require all landlords of rental property in Harford to register and be licensed to rent. Then you can charge them for their use of county gov’t services…a modest user fee or whatever you wish to call it. Fair way to charge those who use more services and make a profit at other taxpayers expense. Then, you can also offer amnesty to those who refuse to register at first before fining them massively! Offer neighbors incentives/rewards…they will let you know who the landlords that get paid in cash are and avoid paying income taxes.
Glen Glass is a state delegate and not county executive or on county council. Your suggestions are misdirected.
Glen, Glen, Glen…you haven’t even started and already you disappoint me. Get us a motel tax and do it right away! You want to find money, but without raising taxes on our businesses. The motel tax will not be paid by these businesses, merely collected by them. You are concerned about the disadvantaged poor who will not be able to continue living in our motels. Seriously, Glen, how many do you think are living at the new Hilton Garden Inn in Aberdeen, for example? And as far as local tourism using “lowest motel rates” to attract visitors, what tourism do we have that would attract anyone? “Save 3% on your motel while you visit Steppingstone Museum!” “Visit Ripken Stadium this holiday season – no parking problems and no occupancy tax on your motel room.” Already I’m wondering why I voted for you!
Paul from Aberdeen
Hotel tax will not fix revenue problems in Aberdeen, since what you have is a Cal Ripken problem.
All the City of Aberdeen needs to do is file Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy and reject all Cal Ripkens agreements and simply affirm other city obligations. Cal will beg the City of Aberdeen to let him keep his businesses and will have to fairly compensate the citizens who are currently subsidizing Cal.
File Chapter 9 or change the city’s name to Calberdeen.
Oh come on, Porter! How can you say that after everything Cal has done for Aberdeen, like taking the museum from downtown and putting it in his stadium, and… uh… maybe some other stuff.
Cal sucks tax dollars out of Aberdeen taxpayers pockets.
Where was Del. Glass a public school teacher?
Glass was a teacher for 1 year in Baltimore city…They ate him alive like Annapolis will.
Ripken did not take the museum from Aberdeen, the building was sold to the bank, by it’s owner. Cal saved the museum by moving it to the stadium!
PACA sounds like Rick Impallaria!
I never heard that the museum had to move because the building was sold, but saved it? Really? Didn’t he move it to a part of his stadium where the public can’t get to it without buying a club level game ticket? If that’s your idea of saving it, we look at things differently.
Paca is no Impallaria! There can be only one, Rick Impallaria.
How about getting rid of that eyesore of a truck you have had parked at the park and ride at I#95 and 152 since summer!!!!
I think Garmin and MapQuest have already started using Glen’s truck as a landmark. Wouldn’t the park and ride look empty without it?