From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is seeking your assistance in locating the suspects involved in an armed robbery of the GameStop that occurred on Saturday, November 6th at approximately 9pm.
The first suspect is described as a bald black male approx 6’ tall weighing 180lbs. The second suspect is described as black male with shoulder length dredlocks weighing approximately 160lbs and 5’8” tall. It is believed that they used a late model white mini van. Anyone with information can contact Detective Phil Golden at 410-836-5430.

The Harford County Sheriff’s Office has also released a video showing the suspects in both the October 21 Aberdeen and November 6 Bel Air GameStop robberies.
Anyone with information regarding the crime who wishes to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. Qualifying tips submitted to the tip lines below that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $ 2,000.00 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
These guys are obviously geniuses, eh? Armed robbery to steal some video games, and the whole time being video taped.
Seriously, those guys are supposed to be 180 and 160 lbs… damn I must be made of lead.
If they wanted to really catch the guys they should supeona cell phone company records for all signal pings that occurred closest to the Aberdeen store location at exactly 10:40am on October 21st, both of these guys are walking around on their phones.
Sure you may get a fairly long list, but you can cross references names with pictures/criminal records etc to narrow things down a little. The may also be able to cross check that list with a list from the Bel Air robbery and see if the same numbers show up on both lists.
Greg – relax! This isn’t CSI. Who is “they?” You suggest “they” subpoena all cell phone co. records… Are you aware how many cell phone companies exist? Do you know how long it takes for phone companies to respond to subpoenas? On top of that, there are ways people get cell phones without having to use photo ID, and without using their true names. Your cross reference suggestion is decent, but there is far more work to be done. By the way, “pinging” of cell phones requires a court order, not a subpoena. I doubt a judge would agree to let you ping > a few hundred cell phones unless it was a national security matter.
My suggestion, you have an interest in law enforcement work. Take some college classes and apply for the job. Remember that TV cop shows are make believe!
Greg- I hope Taxpayer reeled you back in enough from “CSI Land.” NONE of what you suggest is ever going to happen.
Hmmmmmmmm….shocking. Can’t these ruffians just stay in Edgewood? Why must they darken the door of Bel Air? I mean, come on right? Maybe their homeys will snitch on them.
WOW – so apparently there is no crime or criminals living anywhere else but Edgewood? really I wasn’t aware of that, are you for real?
Oh I forgot since they didn’t have grenade launchers or rob a bank they must be from Edgewood. Darken the door of Bel Air ?!?! you are hilarious but scary in your thinking…
Thanks “HCSO” for putting the video and pictures out. Aberdeen PD put the first 4 and last pictures out a while ago, along with a Metro Crime Stoppers flyer of the same, since those pictures came from the Aberdeen Gamestop robbery. Its funny how its not news until it happens somewhere else in the county than Aberdeen, thanks Dagger.