From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Harford County Sheriff’s Office is seeking information regarding the individuals seen in the photos in connection with a credit card theft. The credit cards were stolen from an employees purse from the Room Store in Bel Air MD on Saturday, September 4, 2010. The stolen card was used later the same day to make purchases at Toys R Us and Home Depot in Bel Air, as well as the Walmart in Abingdon, MD.
Additional photos of the suspects may be found at under the “ Help us Find” section of the website. Any one with information regarding the persons seen in the photos are encouraged to contact Detective Rothlingshofer of the Southern Precinct Investigative Unit at 410-612-1717.
I hate people like this if they want things they need to work for it like the rest of us.
Why work when you can collect unemployment? I’m living the high life on $300 a week!!
Especially corporations like General Electric: $10.8 billion profit, $0 paid in taxes. If you are going to steal, steal big.
Don’t blame the corporations. They play by the rules the IRS has set. I am bewildered why corporations are continually vilified? If corporations pay taxes, they have less money to hire people. Corporations employ millions of people and if they have to pay more in taxes they hire less people. I don’t think corporations should have to pay anyhting in taxes. It would encourage companies to stay in the U.S and create jobs here opposed to overseas. When more jobs are created, there is more of a tax base, more money in the pockets of the consumers and our economy will strive. Vilifing the corporations isn’t the answer. Taxing the corporations is not answer. Eliminating corporate taxes and creating tax breaks for small businesses is the way to stimulate the economy.
On the subject of the article, these pieces of crap should go to jail for a long time; but they won’t. Even if they are caught they will spend minimal time in jail…
The IRS needs to change the rules to close these massive tax loop holes. Why should they be able to have a mailbox overseas to be able to skip their fair share of taxes? The less taxes corporations pay, the more taxes I must pay. I would rather they pay taxes than I pay taxes.
As far as your argument that… “If corporations pay taxes, they have less money to hire people.” That is a myth fostered by FOX. The truth is the less taxes corporations pay, the more PROFITS they make and the more they pay their billion dollar executives. I don’t know about you, but my income is not based on capital gains who are the only people who gain by these tactics. These corporations got billions in Republican bailouts and all they did was enrich themselves. They did not hire many people, but their PROFITS were great thanks to the GOP and their media spin doctors.
Come on dude–
Big corporations are just as bad as big government.
And don’t blame it all on the Republicans. Yes, bailouts are bad, but the D’s all voted for TARP and HAMP and Stimulus. Bad, bad times all around. Let’s vote for people who want to do things differently, instead of beating up on parties.
FOX news, however, is a good punching bag. I agree with that. Taxes kill jobs. Period.
Corporate taxes are bad because they doubly tax income. For example, if you are (in your example) GE and you earn $1.8B in profits ( in the absence of tax loopholes) you pay a 30% tax on your income.
Once this income is earned, if it is passed to the shareholders, they pay taxes on that too- either dividends (taxed at between 10% and 36%) or in “capital gains” when the shares are sold (currently 10-15%, will increase with Obama tax hikes).
That’s the facts.
Bel Air Dude: What is your point? Businesses SHOULD pay taxes and so should those who earn money from shares. Those are two different entities. The facts are if you earn money you should pay your fair share. Why should I pay more in taxes than GE?
BTW, since I made less that $250K, I got a tax break this year. Thanks Congress!
I didn’t know big corps even paid people to come online and vouch for them like they do on the news. Obviously you work for a big corp. There is no way in hell that you are an average tax paying citizen and are sitting here saying it is ok that corps get billions of dollars in tax cuts while we middle class get milked out of every last penny by the IRS.
With today’s economy no one wants to hear this crap so go crawl back to what ever multi-million dollar institution you crawled out of.
Here’s hoping they get caught, convicted and serve a long time prison.
This incident happened on Sept. 4th. ….the article was posted Oct. 26th..why so long to get this kind of information out their?
Bel Air Dad….Why is “profit” such a bad thing? You must thinnk it is…whay else would you have typed PROFIT in BOLD? Why do you have heartburn with individuals or companies making a profit? Are you sitting on the union assembly line complaining about how “The Man” has held you down, how much money others are making and you’re not? Business owners take risks starting a company. If there was not an incentive to make lots of $$$$ nobody would start companies. That is why it is important to not tax corporations and businees owners.
Big Business indeed create jobs. Unfortunately they are mostly in China. I agree with Bel Air Dad: “less taxes corporations pay, the more PROFITS they make and the more they pay their billion dollar executives.”
Holy thread from the dead, spinster troll alert!
I think we can put two and two together here and note that Proud To Be Liberal and Corps are the same people…or at least friends whom care to fluff articles and comment ups and downs.