The long-running show “America’s Most Wanted” is in Bel Air this week to profile the July murder of Derrick Maxey, and assist in the search for his suspected killer, Rakin Muhammad, who remains at large.
A crew from the show was present in town on Monday to film interviews with members of the Bel Air Police Department and others connected to the case, according to Det. Sgt. Ed Smith. He said it was unclear how long the crew would spend in the area.
Maxey, 25, was gunned down outside the American Legion Post #55 on Bond Street in Bel Air during the early morning hours of July 18. A few days later, Maxey’s suspected killer was identified as Muhammad, 20, of Parkville. But Muhammad has eluded capture in the months since the attack.
“He’s still out there,” Smith said. “He’s still a fugitive out there and we’re trying to use every tool in our toolbox to find him.”
Smith said the segment could take about a month to edit and produce, and may air later this year. A written profile of the case and Muhammad dated Oct. 25 has already been posted to the America’s Most Wanted Web site.
Muhammad had been released from jail in January after serving three years and six months for second degree assault in connection with the 2007 beating of Gregory Simmons in Edgewood. The Dagger was the first to report that Maxey was Simmons’ stepson. Smith said that investigators are aware of the connection but do not currently believe the earlier incident was a motive in the killing.
“We don’t have anything solid that says this was planned out ahead or connected [to Simmons’ beating],” Smith said. “That’s not what we’re operating under.”
Smith said investigators believe Muhammad has been lying low since the killing, with no reported sightings of him since July. He said it’s unclear whether he was still in the area or had fled to another city; the America’s Most Wanted profile notes that he has connections in Philadelphia and New York and is an affiliate or possibly an active member of the gang “World’s Most Dangerous” or “WMD.”
Anyone with information in the case is asked to contact Bel Air Police Detective Bradley Helm at 410-638-4524.
They better spend some time at the sheriffs office. trying to solve some of the unsolved murders in Harford County,
Amen! However the HCSO is currently caught up in an election year, and the Commander of the HCSO Criminal Investigations unit is himself under investigation for criminal activity and has been sitting at home on full pay for over six months. Not a lot of direction going on in the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
Hard to solve crimes when the Commander of the HCSO Criminal Investigations unit is also under investigation for criminal activity. He sits at home, our tax dollars pay his salary, crimes go unsolved, and Bane tries to hide this until after election day.
last I checked, suspects were in custody or being pursued (which means their identity is known but they are on the run) for several recent shootings. Donald Cox III was even apprehended within an hour of the assault that he committed which ended in murder. Some people need to check their facts or keep their mouths shut if they have no idea what they are speaking of.
And the comanders don’t conduct the investigations, so Forwoods situation, as upsetting as it may be, is a non-factor. No one has changed how they police based on his situation. I work for the HCSO and I could care less who wins this election. Because I am going to continue to work hard regardless of who is in charge. As patrol Deputy you rarely see the TOP COP, and that is in any large agency. I just want it to be over so the distracted ones can get back to the job at hand, protecting our streets……
RetiredAwhile…yeah HCSO is probably better off that you have been retired awhile. Blacula also know as massengill (douche)probably would not have a clue how to solve a hangnail, let alone a major crime. But I guess after Nov 2nd, you and retired massengill (also a douche) ill be sitting back trying to find another patsy to run in four years when your current patsy looses. Go Bane!
Not retired from the HCSO.
Absolutely rediculous and obviously no successsful shakedown in your area for information on criminals on the loose.
These people are not sophisticated criminals! They may have records but are you admitting the law enforcement agencies in your area are not prepared to address the underground. These people are thugs. Are you telling me there has not been a successful infiltration?
Then, your investigative forces are worthless and the community is doomed and destined to diminish. An example of great economics for the next developer! There will be a revitalization beyond belief in 2020-2025. Your property values are doomed. Then an investor will come in a buy for cheap and the cycle evolves.
I am not vested in your community. However, I am an angry relative touched by the tragedy of the murdered Derrick Maxey, Jr. I don’t believe he was an innocent in this matter nor was I connected in any way but yet to learn of the murder of a distant relative whom I had never met. But, listening to the comments of your community over the last several months, obviously something needs to change. Think seriously about whom you will select to represent your community on November 2nd. Every voice should be heard loud and strong in this election. This is your opportunity to make a statement about law enforcement officials and who will represent you in the future
Good luck and God bless.