The fate of one of Sheriff Jesse Bane’s top lieutenants, who may face charges for undisclosed offenses, has become a late-election season political football as challenger Jeff Gahler has accused Bane of delaying the investigation for political gain.
Major Mark Forwood, the head of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office’s criminal investigations unit and a hand-picked Bane appointment to the position, has been on paid suspension since April while Baltimore County police pursued an investigation into an allegation of improper conduct by the 21-year department veteran.
Forwood’s attorney Augustus Brown said the investigation has concluded and the Baltimore County state’s attorney is reviewing the findings and would determine whether to file any charges. But some members of the community, including Gahler and Dagger readers, have questioned why the investigation has taken more than six months to run its course.
Bane told The Dagger on Friday that Gahler has played into those suspicions for his own political gain, spreading word that Bane has been delaying the outcome of the investigation until after next month’s general election.
Gahler made the same allegation in an e-mail to The Dagger.
“I have learned through sources close to the Sheriff that there has been a concerted effort to ensure the facts of this case remain quiet until after the election,” he wrote. “These sources fear absolute retaliation. For this reason, I must respect their position and keep their identities protected.”
Bane responded strongly to the accusation, calling Gahler’s public comments about an investigation into another law enforcement’s personnel “unethical” and accusing the Maryland State Police officer of distorting the facts of the situation with the election two weeks away.
The two men do not appear to have discussed the matter publicly. Instead, the two have dueled through campaign ads, flyers, web sites, and the media. On the main page of his campaign Web site, Gahler writes:
Harford County Sheriff Jesse Bane’s #3 Commander has been suspended for 7 months and continues to receive full pay and benefits. This while under a criminal investigation for felony theft from local businesses.
But Bane contended that Forwood is entitled to his pay and benefits while under investigation according to the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights, written into state law. To deny Forwood pay or benefits—or to outright fire him—could result in legal action against Bane or the department, the sheriff said.
“Do I like having to pay him while he’s on suspension? I do not,” Bane said. “But I cannot risk opening the county to a liability issue. Though they [critics] may find it distasteful, and I find it distasteful, it’s the law. And I’m sworn to uphold the law.”
Gahler in his e-mail claimed that Forwood could be exempt from that Bill of Rights at Bane’s discretion, but it was unclear whether that in fact true. He also said that the investigation had questioned Bane’s integrity, but there has been no indication that Bane has been the subject of police investigation.
“The taxpayers have paid the full salary and benefits of an at-will employee during an investigation that questioned the veracity and integrity of his actions and now those of the Sheriff,” Gahler wrote. ” The citizens of Harford County deserve to know the status of the investigation and that their Sheriff will do the right thing for the right reason. We all honor the Law Enforcement Officer’s Bill of Rights (LEOBR), the rights of the accused and a full, professional and ethical investigation, but enough is enough. The safety and security of our citizens have taken a back seat to the personal goals of the Sheriff. A $107,000 a year friend of the Sheriff, and an individual exempt from LEOBR rights (if the Sheriff so decides) sits home, providing no
support to our citizens, for over 6 months.”
Bane said the investigation into Forwood’s conduct is “complex” and expected that it would take some time. Bane met with a Baltimore County detective three weeks ago and was told at the time that “a few loose ends remained,” but said he had not been formally notified that the investigation was complete or that any charges were forthcoming.
“The investigation is going to take as long as it takes,” he said. “Whether it takes a month, two months, eight months, nine months. I would have preferred that it took one or two months, but it didn’t work out that way.”
Gahler challengedwhat he called Bane’s lack of knowledge about the current status of the Forwood investigation, and said a separate, in-house investigation by the sheriff should have been conducted.
“In this matter, there should have been a parallel administrative investigation conducted by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office,” Gahler wrote in an e-mail. “We must remember that the allegations in this case involve criminal actions. The position that the accused held has access to all things sensitive at the Sheriff’s Office and all things important to our citizens. The federal, state and local monies and equipment so essential to the operation of the Sheriff’s Office are at issue. A judicious administrative investigation should have been ordered immediately after the allegations came to light. If not, the citizens have not been served well.
Gus Brown, Forwood’s attorney, said he believes the investigation concluded very recently and awaits a decision by the Baltimore County state’s attorney on possible charges. Brown said he was not aware of the findings of the investigation, but said he believed Bane had backed away from the process.
“When the allegation of misconduct first arose, Sheriff Bane asked Baltimore County Police Department and the Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s office to take over every bit of the investigation and decision making process to prosecute criminally or not,” Brown wrote in an e-mail to The Dagger. “The Sheriff’s office, the Harford County state’s attorney’s office and the Harford County Law Department have allowed Baltimore County to handle the entire matter – soup to nuts.”
But that hasn’t stopped the rumor mill from churning. On Friday, chatter surrounding the investigation increased and The Dagger received a tip that Forwood had pled guilty to a charge of theft, and now also faced a more serious charge. The rumor proved to be totally untrue.
“That is not at all true. The matter is at the State’s Attorney for Baltimore County for review,” Brown said.
Bane took issue with more public comments made by Gahler, calling his discussion of an ongoing investigation by another law enforcement agency into a member of a third organization “unethical.” But, he said, the election season has apparently encouraged Gahler’s camp to level accusations against him.
“It’s kind of interesting,” Bane said. “What would I have been accused of if this had happened last year?”
Making one of those accusations, Gahler said that Bane’s selection of Forwood as the county’s chief criminal investigator is reflected badly on the incumbent sheriff.
“Under the command structure currently in place in the Sheriff’s Office, the incumbent is supported by his chief deputy and three majors. Each of the three individuals initially chosen by Bane to serve in these roles is no longer serving the citizens of Harford County,” Gahler wrote. “Major Forwood has been receiving full pay and benefits throughout this investigation. Recognizing the shortcomings of the current Sheriff, Major Bodway ran his own campaign for Sheriff and is now supporting my candidacy. Major Dennison retired and joined the effort of yet another Sheriff’s Office commander hoping to bring new leadership to the Office.”
Wow. Gahler is getting desperate with about a week to go. What a shame. He seemed pretty cool when I spoke with him at one of the political forums. Seems like he is just like every other opportunistic politician. Well, it won’t matter after November 2nd anyway.
Keep watchin’ Watcha! Here are the facts stated by the Bane team on these forums over the past week:
Murders up under Bane
Rapes up under Bane
Millions more tax dollars spent under Bane.
The excuses from the Bane team:
“These are crimes of passion that happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff can’t be responsible for those.”
“We spent money to put more boots on the ground and to raise salaries.”
Now tell us: Why is Bane hiding the conclusion of the investigation, of one of his top commanders that he appointed, until after the election?
Um, yeah. Pretty sure the “Bane team” hasn’t officially responded to your and everyone else’s nonsense. But thanks for playing. Time to go back to your Lego set.
Come back and play with the big kids when you get a clue.
Have a nice day.
I have read the exchanges on here between the supporters for each candidate and really thought it all just politics, but this story has me seriously concerned about what has been going on there!
I cannot believe that the Sheriff has not conducted any sort of internal review or accounting? He just handed the case away and that is it!! What did this guy have access to? Equipment? Money? This makes no sense.
First, with no surprise, I am a Bane supporter. That being said I want you to know that I am responding to you just to answer your questions; I don’t think you are police judging from the wording in you questions. They sound like you are a citizen with a legitimate question. And I know its hard to believe on here but I am not being a smart ass here or trying to bash you or Gahler. So here we go:
It is common practice among police agencies to allow an outside agency to investigate an officer/deputy who is being accused of wrong doing. Minor, non serious complaints are almost always handled in house. Something on a larger scale, such as this, is almost always handled by another agency to insure a fair, and legitimate investigation. That way no one can say the agency covered it up by doing it themselves. Almost always an internal investigation waits until after the criminal part is done. Not always but in most cases.
The second reason Baltimore Co. is handling the investigation is because the crimes occurred there. It is there jurisdiction, and Harford Co. has no authority to investigate a crime in Baltimore Co. and vice-verse.
Now why the case has taken so long…I don’t know. To say it’s politics or Bane playing tricks…again I can’t say. What I do know, from a lot of police experience dealing with courts, sometimes this stuff just takes along time to get everything in order. Depending on how complex the Major’s case is definitely plays a factor with how quickly you can build a case. There could be any number of reasons for how long it has taken. Heck maybe it is politics; who’s to say. But I guess the question I would have is how would Bane benefit from postponing the case. He did nothing wrong; the Major did. Bane or any other boss can not control what their personnel do outside of work.
Also, in reference to Major Forwood still being paid. LEOBR clearly stats that unless the accused officer/deputy has been charged with a felony then he/she are to still be paid. They can be suspended but they must continue to receive pay and benefits. Major Forwood has only been accused of felony crimes; he has not been charged. That rule/right is afforded to every police officer from a single strip all the way to command staff. Once he’s charged with a felony then yes the agency will immediately stop all his pay and benefits. Now for some reason if he were found not guilty (snowballs change in hell) then he would be entitled to receive all his missing pay and benefits for the time he was out. The key though is he must me charged and he has not as of yet.
I can say this with 100% certainty; It was a total shock to every member of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office of what the Major is being accused of. So to say Bane just picks bad members is just wrong. Major Forwood screwed up…big time. If he’s guilty he will pay for his crimes, and he should. He brings total shame and embarrassment to every one of us who wear the badge and serve the public. I hope this helps clear things up for you.
FACT = Major Forwood’s attorney stated the investigation has concluded.
PERCEPTION = Bane is clearly holding back comments until after the election to avoid the voters from better understanding how big his lack of judgement was when appointing Major Forwood.
NOTHING = Your certianty or uncertainty means zero because you have no facts and have only blind faith for your candidate. There is nothing wrong with faith. That gets many of us through our days and is what our country was founded on. Look what happened to our country after they chose faith in Obama over faith in God.
In politics fact and perception = reality. Faith gets you in trouble unless it’s faith in God.
My post was to answer Joe’s question, not to make a statement for or against. Your comments are so out of line they are just leaps of faith. BTW keep praying to your so called GOD. Fact…God aint going to help Jeff Gahler you ignorant prick. You guys can’t even just take what are facts. You have to twist them or comment on them. Everything I wrote were simple facts about how internal police invest. are done. And the fact that this was a total shock to everyone in the agency is 100% People either liked Forwood or didn’t. But to say “I saw this coming”…no one did. NO ONE!!! BTW, how does faith get you in trouble? I guess you never wished someone well and hope they did good. Thats called having faith my friend. Just like you have faith Gahler will win.
Gahler is a liar. And he is very deceptive. He knows Forwood is intitled to his pay and benefits during the investigation. But he is playing on the ignorance of the public to make it seem like Bane is doing something under-handed by paying him. Gahler, you’re an ass and you need to find another field to supplement your retirement. WE DON”T WANT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gahler, you have done a good job on making yourself look like an idiot this time. Can someone from MDSP speak up and clarify if your Superintendant can arbitrarily revoke the rights afforded by the LEOBR when one of your Troopers has not been formally charged?
Jeff Gahler, how many outside Jurisdiction investigations did you take over, or demanded be investigated faster in your tenure with the MDSP? I bet none. Sheriff Bane must be an awfully powerful person to have that type of power and control over out of county jurisdictions and States Attorneys. I can see why you want the job now. Sitting at your desk on Main Street, controlling all of the police and SAO operations in Maryland.
We all know that the top brass are at will employees, which means Bane can replace them with nothing other than a thought to do so. The fact that Bane has allowed this to go even the past few weeks since the investigation has been finished is completely telling that Bane wants this under the rug and out of the public eye until the election is over. I am glad he did not get his wish.
Priceless, can you not read the article above? Can you not understand the process? Gahler says that the Sheriff can suspend the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights? I lost a lot of respect for Gahler as he is desperately trying to make an issue out this. He(Gahler) quotes sources close to the investigation; why not say I have heard rumors from anti-Bane people. That is all the Gahler camp can do, cut up Bane without positive comments about Gahler.
That is not what is written above. What I read is that Bane does not have to follow LEOBR for an AT WILL employee and that he has not conducted any sort of internal investigation or audit.
Priceless, you know the process. You should also know that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Stop acting like you are surprised.
Bane does have to follow LEOBR. Your are reading what Gahler is saying and he’s totally wrong. You can not take away the LEOBR if you so choose. If that where the case the document would be totally useless. Thats like saying the Federal Government can take away your rights if they so choose on a case by case basis. Judge Plitt from the Cir. Court helped wright the LEOBR. If you have any questions I suggest e-mailing him or sending him a letter to answer your questions. Gahler either did not read the LEOBR or is being poorly advised. Those rights CAN NOT be taken from anyone who is blanketed by their protection. Hell if Gahler can’t even get his facts straight about LEOBR, how is he going to run the Sheriff’s Office?
Dale / Sam,
If it is true that the Sheriff does not have to follow the LEOBRs (which I believe is incorrect because of precedent set in the Sheriff’s Office), he decided that he is taking that route. Whether he has made the right decision, you make the call.
Correctional officers are not covered under the LEOBRs; yet, the Sheriff has the authority to extend those rights to the correctional officers. And he and previous sheriffs have done that (unless something has changed). So why would the Sheriff not extend the same rights to all the LE personnel at the sheriff’s office (if he in not required to do so legally).
There are a lot of experts here that know very little. It’s quite obvious.
(2) “Law enforcement officer” does not include:
(ii) an individual who serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority of a charter county;
Priceless we all know that the worst thing that the Sheriff could do to the as of yet uncharged Major Forwood is that he could get demoted back to Lieutenant. Even if the investigation is finished, is he not innocent until proven guilty, or innocent until at the very least charged?
To all the Bane bashers/Gahler groupies, can we please stop with the deliberate attempts to mislead the public? We cut through your lies with facts.
Not to mention he is being supported by a convicted felon, Ed Norris who attended his first fund raiser.
Hey dalat 68,
Just so you know – Ed Norris and Jesse Bane were pretty chummy at Main St Cigar a couple weeks back. I’ve got a picture of the both with my wife.
So what?
The only reason he is receiving pay/benefits is because he has not been charged with a felony. If he is charged with a felony, then he is not entitled to pay/benefits. But on the other hand he is appointed so why not fire him?
I agree. Unless you believe he is innocent. Hard to buy that the Sheriff of Harford County has been unable to see the evidence of the allegations against a senior commander. The Sheriff knows that Major Forwood serves at the Sheriff’s pleasure, and can be terminated at will. What’s the saying – it is what it is!!!
Gee, are you offended that Sheriff Bane has not informed you of the details in the case? Wow, you must be really upset that you have been left out of the loop. I’m sure when the time comes, the Sheriff will call you and let you know. Don’t be so hurt.
Who’s offended? Not me, and I don’t try to offend others. There will be plenty of Harford County residents offended and very disappointed with Sheriff Bane when the details of the Forwood case are public. It will not however be Sheriff Bane making them public.
Many of us are simply sick of the Forwood situation. It is no secret that this guy committed a crime that most other citizens would have been sentenced for already.
On top of that, there are many in the Agency need to pick up his slack. Gividen can strong arm some of us but not all…
Steel Dan,
I understand. To those of you in the HCSO who know what has been going on, and know that it is not right – you have my best wishes for a good outcome when all is said and done.
Steel Dan,
Now you know that is a lot of bull. Forwood is a Major and if there is any slack to be taken up, it will be by the other majors and perhaps a captain. The lower ranks are not impacted by this (work-wise). You will make a better argument by asserting it has had a negative impact on morale, but forget the “slack” thing, it’s weak.
Hey Retardedawhile,
It’s very easy to sit there and say fire the guy. The evidence is overwhelming that Forwood did something wrong, yes thats true. But imagine the lawsuit if by some dumb chance his is found not guilty. Or…omg…the courts screwed something up and he was found not guilty on a technicality. What ever happen to inncoent untill proven guilty you retard!!! You were a cop…obviously a DFC…Dumb FUCKING COP. Bane can not do anything untill eveything has played out and is offical over. Prime example is OJ. Everyone said he was guilty. Verdict…NOT GUILTY. Being a cop..or DFC in your case…anything that can happen will. So Bane is totally right in what he is doing. Stay retarded and shut up!!!
Well, thanks for your input Sam-52. Spoken like true stand-up police officer. Sheriff Bane should consider you for the next HCSO PIO. Hard to match your word skills!
Gee Sam-52,
I’m ashamed of some of you deputies. Regardless of how you feel your language is terrible. Mr. Bane clearly has it in his right to keep Forwood, demote him, or fire him. You can either come to the conclusion that Mr. Bane is either very loyal or very foolish. Regardless of the election, we all have a better picture of what is happening in the Sheriff’s Office and a better picture of the character of its deputies – you included.
As you have probably noticed from the comments posted in this thread, there are significant problems in the Sheriffs Office aside from the Forwood issue. Hopefully, Deputies in the Sheriffs Offfice with the attitude of Sam-52 is minimal, but after reading many of the posts that may not be the case. This is a sad situation for Harford County, and a very troubling situation for Sheriff Bane.
The only real problem are people like you. Your gone, and good riddance. People like you keep trying to undermined Sheriff Bane and his efforts. Twisting facts, and slamming his supports. I can only hope I can pull you over one day. You’ll get no courtesy from me, you dont deserve it. Stay retarded, and keep Margaret on a lesh. She may be ashamed but I’m not one bit ashamed to stand up for my agency, no matter what kind of language I use or say. I’m proud of my Sheriff, and of the men and women I work with. I’m said to say that retarted guys like you once worked here, but were probally one of the useless ones anyway. I wounder if I can PIO still….hmmmm. LMAO
So, you think the only “real problem” is people like me. If only that were true! The HCSO not unlike many other organizations has real problems and saying it ain’t so will not make them go away. That said, no problem is unsolvable, ya just can’t bury your head in the sand and have it go away.
Now, about this Forwood thing. We both know that the LEOBR law in Maryland does not extend to the grade of Major in the HCSO. And both of us know why that is. The Sheriff must have the right to personally pick the immediate Command Staff, and the authority to let them go “at will”. Sheriff Bane knows this, and he would not want it any other way. No Sheriff would. You wouldn’t if you were Sheriff! So why is Major Forwood still on the payroll? I don’t know and I don’t care – I just know it’s not because of LEOBR.
You have every right to be proud of the HCSO, but, no organization is perfect so let’s not pretend that the HCSO is. Yelling and name bashing when someone suggests that improvement can be made is not the way to successful problem solving. At least not in any organization I was a member of. And for the record, I have never been a member of the HCSO. I am however a resident of Harford County who will vote, and even though you called me several colorful names, I still might vote for Bane.
As for Margaret, don’t know her, so can’t keep her on a “lesh” (whatever that is) but I do think her comments are spot on.
I have read some of your previous posts on this thread, and I know you have the capability of conversing in a reasonable manner. Why all the anger? The Forwood thing – it is what it is, you or I can’t change it, so why get all steamed up about it?
Now, about the PIO position, are ya still interested?
look, Retired awhile, a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty. The Sheriff shouldn’t be judging this, that is what courts are for. You know this, you are just trying to distort the issue.
So whats the distortion? That Forwood is not covered by LEOBR while serving in the grade of Major in the HCSO?
If you are a member of HCSO you know that is not a distortion. My guess is, that as soon as any of the Forwood case details are public, Sheriff Bane will terminate Forwood’s employment, and Forwood will still be innocent until proven guilty unless his day in court and the day all of this becomes public is the same day. Wouldn’t that be nice!! Does Forwood deserve his day in court like any other citizen – of course. However, his day in court and his employment with the HCSO are different issues.
Again, I don’t care if the Sheriff waits until Forwood is adjudicated in court before he dismisses him – but don’t hide behind LEOBR.
LEOBR as the excuse.
Then tell us the truth about the investigation close to the scene. I mean since your close to the scene and all.
close to the scene,
It is only you calling the public ignorant. Might want to read your post. Gahler is inquiring about facts that we all should have. These actions prove to me that Gahler is the only one of these candidates looking out for Harford County. Gahler has secured my vote.
Big Blue, aren’t you tired of posting with all of your different aliases? You dumb ass.
Go Dagger. Your next article should be one on how Bane has distorted a $20 Million Budget Increase as “Flat” and how Bane assures us that Crime is down although Violent Crime is UP!
Bane has proven time and time again that he tells nothing but partial truths which is hardly the Whole Truth.
The budget has been flat since 2007. Research before you post.
Watcher – Thank you for making my point exactly. Bane should be reporting his results based on his entire time in Office. $44 Million Budget in 2006 – $64 Million Budget now.
Agreed. But what I take issue with is when the budget numbers are distorted. I have heard Bane say that he has had zero budget increase in the last three years. This statement is true. His budget got a boost in 2007. No doubt. But has remained flat since. And lost in all of this is the simple fact that while Bane requests money, it’s the County Executive and County Council that approve it.
Watcher – I forgot you are big Bill Clinton Fan and his definition of the word “is”. It is clear that Bill Clinton and Jesse Bane have the same morales when it comes to telling the “Whole Truth” – few…..
Oh, BlgBlue. Now you are a fiction writer as well? I have never once, in any forum, claimed to be a Bill Clinton fan. I agree that you may have forgotten quite a few things (see list below). Your sad and pathetic attempts to stir up trouble on this site (and likely others) way keep you warm at night but everyone else can see you for what you really are.
TOP TEN THINGS BIG Blue (substitute any of his other handles here) HAS FORGOTTEN:
1. how to tell the truth
2. that it’s not ok to wear women’s clothes
3. the warm, loving embrace of a life partner
4. that coming across as small minded and opinionated ISN’T sexy
5. to draw the blinds when he gets dressed (see #2 above)
6. the words to “I Shot The Sheriff”
7. the place where he left his Sean Hannity Fan Club card
8. to fill out his Harford County Militia enlistment form
9. his left from his right (oh, wait. he CLEARLY knows that)
10. that come Election Day, Jesse Bane will still be the Sheriff
Have a nice day.
Bill Clinton couldn’t tell the whole truth and argued the definition of the word “is”. It is clear that Bill Clinton and Jesse Bane have the same morales when it comes to telling the “Whole Truth” – few…….
Did you just post the same thing twice? Seems like you are on the road to senility and thus, likely to forget more and more. So sad. If I send you some money, will you use it to buy a clue and/or a life?
So what has The Sheriff accomplished with 20 million more each year for the past three years than he had in 2006?
Again, it’s not $20 million more each year. Increase was in 2007. Budget every year since has been flat. Please go back to the children’s section.
Have a nice day.
Watcher – I did not go to the child section as you suggested, but I did read post 11. Now if post 11 is accurate, Sheriff Bane has worked a miracle by keeping 33 new officers working and continuing to pay all others an approx 10% increase in pay on a budget the reverted back to the 2006 level.
You can’t shield a 40% increase in spending. Maybe the Watcha should have been Watchin.
Don’t forget the increases in murders and rapes that came along with the millions in additional spending.
You can’t shield a 40% increase in spending. Maybe the Watcha should have been Watchin.
Don’t forget the increases in murders and rapes that came along with the millions in additional spending.
I just received a mailer that is a GROSS MISREPRESENTATION of Jeff Gahler’s experience sent out by the Harford County Sherrif’s Political Action Committee, Anthony Boer, Treasurer.
Is this the same group that has apparently endorsed a candidate for County Council who has admitted publically in the AEGIS that she is naive and has no experience? This kind of hypocrisy from our law enforcement officers is terrifying.
Let’s challenge Sheriff Bane to denounce this mailer today.
I got one today, too. That clinched my vote. I had been wavering between the two candidates but if Bane is backed by people who are so blatently false, I want nothing to do with him. That flyer got at least one more vote for Gahler.
There is nothing false about it below you will see the job description taken from the Maryland Department of State Police website. This is What Captain Gahler is in charge of.
The Automotive Safety Enforcement Division licenses motor vehicle inspection stations. This involves initial certification, routine inspections, investigation of complaints, and revocations. The Division also processes all safety equipment repair orders issued by police agencies to ensure compliance or vehicle registration suspension (Code Transportation Article, sec. 23-102).
This is a far cry from dealing with drugs,guns,violent crimes, corrections, civil process, etc. etc.
From what I saw in the aegis with that little article about the suspended deputy . Look to me like Mr Gahler fired the first shot, a weak shot, but still a shot. I think he finally getting some of his own medicine. Go Bane!,
I just cut and pasted this from Gahler’s website and this is just since 2005! I doubt anyone posting on here could come close to this sort of success in their own law enforcement career. No doubt the “Liar Flyer” is a gross misrepresentation of his achievements. Bane should be embarassed to have this thing with his name on it and if he had any integrity he would ask the union to apologize to the community. I say Gahler for Sheriff!!!
From Gahler’s website:
Experience & Leadership EDUCATION:
•School of Professional Studies in Business & Education
•Masters of Science Degree in Management
•Certificate in Police Executive Leadership Development
•School of Education
•Bachelor of Science Degree in Leadership & Management *Graduated with Honors
•Associates of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice * President’s List
•FBI and Harford County Sheriff’s Office, LEEDS – Law Enforcement Executive Development School
•Maryland State Police Inaugural Command College
•Mid-Atlantic Regional Community Policing Institute – PARTNERS (Patrol Officers and Citizens)
•Public Safety Training Institute – Law Enforcement Leadership & Performance Management Course
Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, Maryland
Adjunct Faculty 2008 to Present
•Instruct undergraduate level students in the Police Executive Leadership Program
•Teach communications for aspiring law enforcement and emergency services leaders
•Teach vital Team Building skills necessary for students in the law enforcement profession
•Prepare lesson plans and teach in an effective manner
Maryland State Police – Pikesville, Maryland
Captain – Automotive Safety Enforcement Division, Commander 2008 to Present
•Commander of 20 Troopers deployed to assist the citizens of Livingston, Louisiana, during Hurricane Gustav in September, 2008
•Chaired statewide inter-agency, multi-discipline, workgroup comprised of law enforcement, corrections, hospital security and heath care professionals, in drafting a statewide law enforcement model policy dealing with the security of arrested persons in EMS and hospital settings.
•Supervise the daily operation for MSPs Vehicle Safety Inspection Program
•Responsible for the regulatory management of more than 1,600 licensed inspection stations
•Responsible for the over 9,000 registered mechanics in the state of Maryland
•Prepare and manage the Division’s 5.2 million dollar budget
Captain – Northern Troop Commander 2005 to 2008
•Responsible for three Maryland State Police installations in Harford, Carroll, and Cecil Counties
•Responsible for the assignments and duties of one hundred ninety five (195) personnel
•Ensured each installation maintained daily manpower allocations for Patrol Operations and Criminal Investigation activities
•Coordinate a variety of enforcement activities with other law enforcement agencies
These items about Bane are typical politics, but I would think Bane would want to do some investigation of this matter, instead of turning it over to another county.
And then if he did he would get bashed for that. If you are against Bane then you will find something to hold against him no matter what he does. I think he did the right thing by turning it over and staying out of it.
This is the person who is suppose to be keeping us safe from criminals, drug dealers and gang members and everyone in the Sheriff’s Office knows what the deal is. He betrayed the public and Bane has rewarded him for it so far. I agree with Gahler, has anyone conducted an internal investgation to ensure there are not cases jeopardized with missing evidence or money?
Dave, get a life. Mr. Gahler is desparate and will say anything to get elected. Stop with the silly comments, it only hurts your cause.
This is the person Bane appointed to keep us safe from criminals, drug dealers and gang members!
Hey Bane has command staff that steal, live with drug user / sellers and lose the county tax payers hundreds of thousands of dollars in screw ups and they keep on going like the energizer bunny…
Holden – You are a goof…. If you and Neeper could objectively look at things, you’d see that Bane used poor judgement to protect a friend. Bane has negatively effected Department Moral and Agency Performance by keeping a criminal employeed at Taxpayer Expense.
By the way was that you or Neeper dressed up as the clown on the 1st day of voting?
RHINO Hunter, or CARUSO, as you are better known. Do you believe that a sheriff should treat persons as innocent until proven guilty? Apparently, you don’t. Go back and read the article. It explains the entire process. Sheriff Bane is doing the right thing. He is having this decided by people outside his control. This is not new, it is just a campaign issue for Gahler. If you would read the article, you would see that this has been around for months. No fault of Bane’s either. He is making sure that Forwood is getting his due process of law like any other American is guaranteed. IF Forwood is indeed guilty, Jesse Bane can take action. I would still ask that you folks tell us how Gahler will address those concerns that you all have with the Sheriff’s Department. In other words, stop mudslinging and produce something that is positive about Gahler.
Neeper – was that you or Holden in the Clown Outfit on Friday?
Caruso, you are the only clown on this site. Keep it up and you will lose more votes for Mr. Gahler.
A good source says it was creeper.
So high schoolish.
What? I don’t understand how it can be interpreted that the Sheriff is protecting someone by turning it over to another jurisdiction to handle anyway that they want. He cannot have any real pull with the State’s Attorney for Baltimore County–what in the world would they owe him? It would seem to me that if the Sheriff wanted to cover it up, he would have taken it in house and quietly have it looked into. I think you have it wrong (in my humble opinion).
And, as far as it taking so long, why not ask Baltimore County–or the attorneys involved?
The Sheriff had no choice to turn this over to Balt County or keep in house. This investigation was a Balt County case from the start. Last I checked the office holders in Balt County were Democrats. Do I think they owe Sheriff Bane anything – no. Do I think they would delay bad news for the HCSO in an election year at the request of Sheriff Bane – of course!
Can you see it in this person’s writing how misinformed he is? I’m being nice as always . . .
Why are you YELLING Todd? Has the Bane train derailed.
Admitted this week by the Bane team:
Murders up
Rapes Up
Budget Spending UP
Next to be admitted —> Investigation cover-up. Why on earth is Bane trying to hide this until after election day?
It’s like the folks who don’t read bills until after there written. In this case it’s Bane saying, ‘We’ll tell the public what happened after the election.’
Bane = politician.
The only new thing is that Mr. Gahler is using this as a campaign issue. Sheriff Bane has turned this over to an independent agency. An accused has rights, Gahler and his supporters know this. They also know the process when an officer is accused of misconduct. It is deceitful when this kind of thing happens, and people who know better use it to help their side instead of telling the truth.
So you support the cover-up?
You are the one who also defended increased murders, rapes, and spending under Bane.
Remember the excuse the Bane team put out: “These crimes happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff can’t be responsible for those. We spent more to put boots on the ground and to increase salaries.”
Bane now has one heck of a platform. His campaign speeches should say something like:
‘Support me and we’ll have increased violent crime, I’ll spend more money, and my appointees will steal from our local businesses.’
This election is a real hard decision……
Cover-up? Blacula1 you’re an idiot. The investigation is being handled outside the eyes of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office for just that reason. See that’s how one stops cover-ups…you allow someone on the outside to look in at what the problem is and investigate. This allows it to be impartial and fair. I really hope your not a cop, cause if you are you are just being a ass. You know turning an internal investigation over to an outside agency is common practice among all police agencies. If this investigation wasn’t then that would put up red flags for a cover-up. Also to say Bane is supporting his appointment to steal is a joke. No boss can stop what their employees do outside of work on their own time. Thankfully most of the good citizens in Harford County know this. I say most cause its obvious you don’t. Also if you are a cop you should know about something called jurisdiction. See that is where you are limited to where you can police. The crimes occurred in Baltimore Co…so they are doing the criminal investigation part too. Policing 101…heck I’m sure you had to learn that on your favorite TV show CSI. Grow up blacula1…stop twisting the facts, and realize your boy Gahler is not the man for the job.
It was you who already stated, “Yes murders are up, yes rapes are up, and yes spending is up.” It was you who stated, “these crimes happen under cover of darkness and the sheriff can’t be responsible. We spent money to put boots on the ground and to increase salaries.”
The problem with this investigation is that it is over. The defendants lawyer stated such. Jesse Bane surely has details to share but won’t until after the election as he knows his character will be further attacked when the full truth about the crimes of HIS appointee come out.
We already know from your previous admissions that Jesse Bane accepts ZERO responsibility for increased crime and spending under his watch. Why would anyone now assume that he’d take accountability for exercising poor judgement in his choice of appointing a criminal within his administration? It’s more than reasonable to say he’s hiding detail until after election day.
Voters in Harford County are smarter then your games and gimmicks. They will vote for Jeff Gahler because he is sincere in his concern for Harford County and his character, judgement, and moral fortitude won’t allow him to ignore what you’ve already admitted.
Face facts. No reasonable person supports more spending to end up with more violent crime and a sheriff who doesn’t think it’s is responsibility to fight crime. The Bane train has crashed. The unions will no longer be waited on hand and foot. The top RHINO’s in the county have erred in choice. The clown at the library supported the wrong person.
That wasn’t you was it Sam?
Wow…you are stupid. I never said those quotes…go back and read who wrote that. Keep drinking that MSP Gahler kool-aid. Forwood was appointed several years before this crime came to light. How does one even began to conect those dots to Bane. Again…and I did say this part before so you can quote me correctly this time…its was a total shock to everyone in the agency when this came out. Everyone from my unit all the way down to patrol was taken back. So keep drinking that kool-aid..perhaps your’ll start to see that space ship too…Gahler-1!!!
Todd Holden. You are correct, this has worked out best for Sheriff Bane. Do you believe all Deputies accused of wrongdoing should be investigated by an outside agency? Just so “chips can fall where they may”, or was it appropriate just in Major Forwoods case?
Why not?
The HCSO could do away with the IA Unit.
Says who?
All Deputies accused of breaking the Law outside of Harford County are always investigated by the outside agency until they are adjudicated. Once a finding of guilty/not guilty is found IA does an investigation. Even if you are found not guilty, you can still be charged with conduct unbecoming. I’m pretty sure this is SOP in Maryland, though Gahler’s comments about stripping LEO rights as outlined by LEOBR leaves me curious about what right the Troopers have.
A big part of the increase in the Sheriff’s bugget was in the hiring and training of 33 new deputies, and the pay increases of over 10% to everyone in the sheriff’s office to bring them up to the level of pay in the other counties in MD.
I’m all for paying our men and women in blue.
The problem is that Sheriff Bane didn’t enact any successful plans to combat the violent crimes in our county. As a matter of fact Sheriff Bane doesn’t think he’s responsible. The Bane team has admitted on these forums that:
Murders are up
Rapes are up
Spending is up
The excuse given is outragious and I can’t believe anyone wouldn’t think so. Here it is as a reminder: “These are crimes of passion that happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff can’t be responsible for those. We spent money to put more boots on the ground and to increase salaries.”
Again, I’m all for paying our men and women in blue what is appropriate but that excuse as to why murders and rapes increased is downright kindergarten.
How can anyone not wonder why Jesse is trying to wait, to after the election, to release more details about the conclusion of the investigation of one of his appointees?
no, you aren’t. You think that public servants are overpaid. You don’t appreciate the services that you receive or the men and women who deliver them. Admit it.
It was acutally 16% back in 2007 not 10%. But you are totally right. It nice to put up numbers with out the facts. On the surface, yes it looks like just a huge increase. What the Gahler camp isn’t putting in there are the reasons. More duputies, higher bills to pay…all that adds up to higher operating costs. Gahler is just backed against the corner…esp after that ass kicking he took at their last debate. Bane all but destroyed him. It just shows Gahler is way over his head for this position. I hear Aberdeen is hiring…perhaps he should go there. The like state-troopers being their police cheifs anyway.
I said the raise was over 10%, I didn’t say it was 10%. Can you read? 16% is over 10%, so what I said was accurate. I was unsure of the the exact percent of the increase, I just know it was over 10%. That’s why I wrote it like that.
Well with a name of “for the record” I was making sure you were totally accurate. Over 10% could mean 11 or 12. Gesh…I was adding to your cause chill out.
I am baffled at how many people know so much, but know so little. We have budget experts, legal experts, experts on ethics, and experts on politics. But what does amaze me the most is how so many people making posts on this site about the Bane/Gahler/Forwood issue (and the Sheriff’s race) can do so while wearing straitjackets. I didn’t think it was possible.
From the article, it does seem Gahler is getting desperate and is trying anything he can to get elected. I know that investigations can take an inordinate amount of time (if done right) and I also understand the police officers’ Bill of Rights. From what I can see (and know), everything is being done by the book. I believe Sheriff Bane has taken the right course on this. In terms of the salary Major Forwood is receiving, he is entitled to it until indicted (if that occurs). The legal scholars here should remember (in case they have forgotten) in this country, one is innocent until proven guilty. If Mr. Forwood committed some crime, and is found guilty, he will lose something much more valuable than a few months salary.
Baltimore County Police and the Baltimore County States’ Attorney’s Office has no stake in the Sheriff’s race; consequently, it’s doubtful Sheriff Bane has had any significant influence on any decisions being made by the investigators and/or the prosecutors.
People here need to sit back (including those wearing straitjackets), take a deep breath, and think about the collateral damage that will occur if Mr. Forwood did commit some crime and is found guilty. It is not just Mr. Forwood who will suffer; it will be his family, including his wife and children, his friends, the Sheriff’s Office, and the citizens of this county. For those who still want blood, perhaps you need to sit back and think about why you have this need.
I have yet to make up my mind yet on who I will vote for (sheriff). I know I won’t be voting for any democrats in the other races, but I will make an exception if I decide that Sheriff Bane is the most qualified. Personally, I do not believe Mr. Gahler is qualified to be Sheriff. A captain in the State Police is a far cry from the role of Sheriff in this county. Keep in mind that the Sheriff’s Office is not just about law enforcement; it also has the civil service responsibility and corrections. That’s quite a bit on one person’s plate. But given the fact that Mr. Gahler has decided to take on Mr. Bodway as the second in command is a plus since Mr. Bodway is very familiar with the agency. But Mr. Gahler alone will not cut it (perhaps the roles should be reversed – Gahler as number two). Still, I am undecided and nothing posted here will sway me one way or another.; I’m much smarter than that and I hope the voters in Harford County are also. Quite frankly, I just see most of the posts here as ridiculous and petty.
I agree with you. I, too, am voting Republican for everyone except Bane. He crosses both parties, and did the last election also. This site should be for polite, honest discussion to help people make up their minds on who to vote for. I apologize for any juvenile statements that I may have made in anger, but I cannot stand it when a good man is cut apart for no reason other than politics. Jesse Bane is a good man, and Mr. Gahler may be also. Neither deserve being crucified by cowards who hide behind handles.
Actually it was not yours that I was referring to. BigBlue comes to mind but there are some others. I agree with you, both Jesse and Jeff are good men and I wish the best for the one who wins. I will say that just like past sheriffs, Jesse has his faults. But so will Gahler (if elected). I don’t know if the perfect person exists (at least to the liking of some of those who post here). It reminds me a bit of the Obama/McCain race. So many people pinned their hopes on this new “guy” that noone knew anything about (and still don’t) and somehow made it to the political scene. He preached a message of hope and change, but that hope has faded and the change is nothing more than someone else living in the White House and flying all over the World on our dime. He led the lambs to slaughter without them even knowing it. There are those here that think Gahler is their hope and change (and maybe he is), but that remains to be seen if he is elected.
As far as domocrats, I’ve had my fill of the whole bunch in D.C., but especially in Maryland politics. I have this fear of Helton taking Jacobs and adding yet another to the gang of thieves and thugs under O’Malley (if he wins) and Mike Miller.
You are so correct.
Wasn’t it you that I saw on another forum that is against wasting tax payer dollars. RHINO’s….. You got to love em’. You so contradict yourself. On one forum you yell about wasted tax dollars yet on this forum you support Bane whose team now admittedly shares that Bane spent approximately 40% more of our tax dollars.
What did we get from it?:
Increased Murders, Increased Rapes, and this excuse: “these are crimes of passion that happen under the cover of darkness. The Sheriff can’t be responsible for those.”
You want to talk about Obama? You are the one trying to do all the fooling. You either haven’t learned from the presidential election or you’re supporting Obama too. That puts Bane in with the likes of Obama, Reid, Pelosi, & O’Malley.
I don’t remember the post you are speaking of, but if that is what I wrote, OK. But from what you write I can see that you still don’t get it. First, Bane’s spending should not be compared to the spending taking place in D.C. I can assure you that if the SO budget increased 40% and the county approved it, Sheriff Bane is not pocketing the money or spending it wildly on superfluous expenditures.
Second, the county has procurement laws that regulate spending by the county agencies. If you are criticizing Bane for his budget, then you also need to criticize the county executive and county council for approving it. Seriously now, do you really know anything about the SO budget and how the funds are dispersed.
Let’s take it a step further: Do you know anything about bugeting (particularly in government agencies)? If you are trying to argue that Bane’s budget increased by 40%, yet the number of deputies have not increased (I’m just using this as an example as I don’t know if any of the funding went for hiring new personnel) then you need to know more about this topic. The county decides what the funding will be used for. The sheriff does have some wiggle room for some spending, but if the funds are designated for new hires, then the money MUST be used for new hires. I don’t have enough time to give you more lessons on budgets, but I’m hoping you (and those reading your posts) get the picture. I’m guessing much of what you are posting here is hearsay and that you really don’t know anything about the Sheriff’s budget and spending.
Come clean and tell us . . . where are you getting you info? Other posts? Making it up?
Amen I agree fully.
Rob you are one of the few intelligent people to contribute to this post. Only one problem Gahler has stated that Bodway will be a part of his command staff, BUT NOT HIS NUMBER TWO. He claims to not know who that is yet. This is B.S. there is no way that he does not know who his #2 will be with less than a week to go. Nothing but lies and smear techniques. You are dead on about the role of Sheriff being much different than that of a State Police Captain.
Logic says no way to Bane. Do YOU support increases in Murders & Rapes while spending more money? That wouldn’t be logical. Your answer should be in the form of a yes or no.
I respect you support for your candidate (unless you are the canididate), but again, quoting the increase in murders and rapes does not help your cause. Do you truly believe these incidents occurred because Jesse Bane is sheriff? Come on now, you can’t be that stupid. What did Sheriff Bane do (or didn’t do) to cause these increases? Are you considering the increase in population in the county, the economy, and all the other things that cause crime? Of course not, it’s Jesse Bane’s fault. sounds like the dems in DC, it’s all Bush’s fault.
I highly recommend that you take some college-level criminal justice courses and learn more about crime.
Rob, you seem to be a fairly reasoned person. I am wondering however, why you seem to be so intent to defend an increase in certain areas of crime as if nothing could have been done to prevent said increase. Using your reasoning, had crime decreased Sheriff Bane could not take credit for the decrease. Perhaps you are correct – there is nothing that the Sheriff can do to prevent crime, it just happens. I do not share that thought. Yes it would be great if all citizens could take some criminal justice courses and become better informed, but having taken those courses many would discover that there is much to be learned about “crime prevention” and actions that can be employed by law enforcement to reduce crime.
Simply dismissing increases in crime as if there was nothing the Sheriff (no matter who is Sheriff) could do about it is a losing argument. I would think that Sheriff Bane, over the last four years has addressed civic organizations and talked about actions that the HCSO has employed to address and reduce crime – some of which worked and some that did not. I do not think Sheriff Bane told those folks that there was nothing he could have done to prevent crime.
Hey, Retardedawhile and yes4jeffy
How does Gahler plan to drop these rates. No one can answer this. I mean he says..”put more deputies on the streets, restructure the agency, cut spending” But how? How is he going to do this, you guys never answer this. What is his plan of action? It’s easy to say what’s wrong…but how? Bane was going to put over 60 more deputies on the road…that was cut because of the economy. Bane has cut spending…he gave up money back in 2008 – 09 when the county asked for money back. His budget was cut again this year, and his working with less then hoped for. So you guys keep saying he’s spending more and more. He’s working with what he needs. So how is Gahler going to do any better? That’s right, non of you dumb-ass’ can say how he’s going to do this is because he has never said how. He just says I’m going to fix this. That’s easy..but again…HOW?
Sam-52 and all the other pro-Baners–Why do you all keep asking what Gahler’s plan is when every at every forum, in every interview and insiders supporters on this blog, those questions have been answered? Doing away with bloated specialty units via restructuring which puts more deputies on the road. You are all supposedly so intelligent yet you can’t see what is right in front of you faces. He doesn’t need any other funding to implement this plan. As he has repeatedly stated, Gahler plans to review all the positions within the agency and putting those in uniform back on the streets where possible. Pretty simple. Then you ask how will the jobs that they currently do get done. That is the point–they aren’t doing anything! They are sitting behind desks thinking up projects to justify their positions. Anyone who works at the agency knows this to be the god’s honest truth. Yes, the budget has been flat for 3 years, but it was overinflated to begin with. Ask how many civilians left over from the days of Meadows are making more money than deputies, corporals and even sergeants–the answer is there are plenty of them. Meadows created positions for these ladies, rewarded them with high salaries and they continue to reap the benefits well after Meadows left. That is just one example. A juvenile division with a captain, a deputy and no one else. If there is a specialty unit, shouldn’t it have more than 1 member and 1 supervisor? It shouldn’t be a specialized unit–it needs to fall under a different unit. But then Bane wouldn’t be able to keep promoting people to captain so he needs to think up more and more specialty units. This is only one way Gahler is going to get the agency on the right path again. And what a mess Gahler is going to have with the new wing of the jail opening. Build it and they will come, but there is no additional staffing. Bane plans to open a facility 1/3 larger than what is already there with no new correctional officers. Anyone with even a small bit of common sense can see that this can’t happen for safety reasons. Poor decisions and non-decisions along the way for Bane. Just keep your eyes open and you will see plenty more.
david roadhouse,
you still don’t say what Gahler’s plans are? Again you say put more deputies on the road. But then what? Your not saying what’s he going to do. Is he going to form a zero tolerance policy? Is he going to target hot spots with the extra people? Is he going to use the man power to attack sector issues and how will he do that? You keep saying the same shit…put more deputies on the road. LOL…then what?
Those civilian spots you talk about with deputies in them…the do work dumbass!!! Planning and research, radio shop, installing vehicle equipment, court liaison, etc..they all have deputies who work hard. You take them and put them back on the road…you need to hire civilians still. So where’s that money coming from? I dare you to say I’m wrong about those positions and the deputies who work them. All of them work hard and are not just do nothings. I dare you to tell them that to their faces. All of those I mentioned can be done by civilians but you gotta pay them, and pay them well for the work they do.
Independents for Gahler
Lets get the Facts Straight:
Bane Budget Up 40% or $19 Million
Violent Crime Up 5.5%
Murder Up 28%
Rape Up 58%
Burgulary Up 12%
Arrests – Down
Deputy Morale Down
Forwood collecting $107,000 for nothing
Union President wants to Leverage Pay Raises
Previous Union President Sleeping On the Job
Jesse Bane spends the last Four Years Displacing Crime to Other Parts of the County.
Jesse Bane employs the Hug a Thug Program against Gang Violence
Thank goodness this election is occurring so we can see the truth about Jesse Bane.
Big Blue Caruso,
Is this list going to be posted again? You got your answers to those questions. If you don’t have something positive to say, why are you doing this? Keep it up, Bane supporters appreciate your intelligence.
I’ll chime in on this. Questions? We have only a couple big ones left now but we clearly have enough to make an informed decision based on fact.
Let’s see what has been answered so far. Here are some questions followed by the Bane teams responses:
1.) Have murders increased in Harford County under Bane? YES
2.) Have rapes increased in Harford County under Bane? YES
3.) Has the budget increased by approximately 40% under Bane? YES
To give the Bane team a fair shake here was the justification.
Question #1 & #2 :
“These are crimes of passion that happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff’s office can’t be responsible for those.”
Question #3:
“We had to spend more to put more boots on the ground and increase salaries.”
One of our new questions which really has all of us wondering is: Why is Bane trying to hide investigation details of one of his top commanders until after election day?
No substance . . . just the SOS ! ! !
Gahler never stated that Bodway was his number 2, he also led people to believe that he was elevating Meckley into Command Staff, until Meckley stood up and said otherwise. Gahler misled intentionally. He would not commit to number 2, and most state that Bodway will be the Warden at the Detention center. Deception from Gahler…./say it isn’t so! Stick with Bane, at least you know where you stand, and that the Colonel is educated and fair….no speculation there. Gooooo Bane!
Yeah, you’ll know where to stand alright. You’ll be with the unions and the likes of supporters of Obama, Reid, & Pelosi.
The Bane Train derailed when his team finally told people that murders are up, rapes are up and he spent more tax dollars to achieve failure. What excuse have we been given;
“these crimes happen under the cover of darkness.”
That can’t be more laughable.
Big Blue, CARUSO, at least change your wording. You are supporting yourself with how many different handles on this site? Unreal.
Boo Hoo Neeper. You are clueless. I assure you we are all different people. You may not have enough ‘up there’ to realize that. It’s ok.
Stick to the facts that the Bane team has already admitted. Here they are:
Murders up under Bane.
Rapes up under Bane.
Millions more spent under Bane.
Remember what the Bane team said. “These are crimes of opportunity that happened under cover of darkness. The Sheriff’s office can’t be responsible.”
Good luck next Tuesday Neeper. Your team is going to need it after these admissions. I’m just glad I was able to help share them.
To add to it; now Bane is found out to be covering up an investigation.
Bane = Professional Politician.
I have a simple question…How? That’s it…no colorful metaphors, no opinions. No mud slinging…just a simple question. How? How is Gahler going to “fix” the issues you keep repeating over and over again like a broken record.
Rob aka Bleeding Heart Liberal: I see you are worried about the effect of Mark Forwood’s actions on his family, friends, citizens, etc. I don’t think it is up to us to be concerned about this–obviously Forwood wasn’t when he committed his crimes. Oh but that’s right, he hasn’t been charged with anything yet. I guess all the tapes from Home Depot showing him repeatedly ripping them off are to be ignored because he is innocent until proven guilty. And you are oh so wrong about Baltimore County having no stake in the Sheriff’s race. They are all politicians and the time will come when Baltimore County needs a favor from Harford County and Bane will be oh so happy to oblige. And everyone–please–at the pleasure of the Sheriff means at the pleasure of the Sheriff. READ POST #14 BELOW!!!! Thank you Bonnie for doing this research, but even though it is clear, you will have the Neeper and 1ManHamstePacker say that you are wrong. Forget LEOBR, forget rights, you have none when you work at the pleasure of the Sheriff. Ask a few deputies who have found this out first hand.
Including Sheriff Bane when he was a Major and the Chief Deputy. When Bob Comes was elected Sheriff, Major Bane was swiftly demoted to the grade of Lieutenant. I am not saying that such a demotion was appropriate – but Majors serve at the pleasure of the Sheriff and are not protected by LEOBR. No one knows this better than Sheriff Bane!!
Apparently not! Bane has no idea what LEOBR is. Just ask Tom Golding. When Tom brought the topic up to the incoming sheriff Bane, Bane just gave him his usual “Blank Stare”. He seems to do that a lot lately…
Recently Retired,
I’m sure the Sheriff consulted with the County Attorney and is taking the correct legal track in this matter. I respect Tom golding, but he has a distain for Sheriff Bane (probably because he (Bane) is Sheriff right now and he is not). We should let the thing take its course.
Would it be correct to do that without him being formally charged?
Correct? Legal – yes. Sheriff Bane knows that he can terminate Major Forwoods employment. Question is – when does he want to do it?
I’m guessing that Sheriff Bane is doing what he thinks is best for the agency and the county. I’m also believe (my opinion) that Sheriff Bane is not doing this alone. It’s routine for the Sheriff to consult with the county’s legal department on matters such as this. Doing it the right way from the start prevents years of legal battles later. The legal challenges would be much more expensive to the county than 6 or 7 months salary (Forwood’s).
The likes of Retired Recently and some of the others are not seeing this probably because their thoughts and ideas are clouded by their distain for Sheriff Bane (for whatever reason). Whether one likes the Sheriff or not, from my observations, I believe this is the correct course of action.
What kind of legal challenge could be mounted? Major Forwood is an employee who serves at the pleasure of the Sheriff. The grade of Major within the HCSO is an appointed position, and rightly so. The Office of Sheriff (an elected office) would be hamstrung if the Sheriff could not choose who the senior commanders were going to be.
Imagine you ran for Sheriff against the incumbent Sheriff and were elected. All of the current Majors serving the previous Sheriff,, and supporters of the previous Sheriff were still in their positions. Are these Officers protected by LEOBR and you can’t choose your own command staff? Of course not, and Sheriff Bane when he was the Chief Deputy and a Major at the time was removed by Bob Comes the newly elected Sheriff. Officers accepting the grade of Major understand this.
I am not saying that Sheriff Bane should have immediately fired or demoted Major Forwood. But I am saying that when Sheriff Bane is asked about this issue he should not hide behind LEOBR.
Rob, the conversation between Bane and Golding took place as Golding was briefing Bane prior to Bane’s swearing in.
I’ve never known the Bane to take any advice from the County Attorney. Many times in the past he has failed to notify the attorney on certain matters. (such as not notifying the attorney about the letter from the auctioneer.. he just wrote a check for the matter to go away)
Bane just does what he wants to regardless of the sound advice that has been offered to him. You think for one minute any sane attorney is going to advise for him to sit on allegations of theft by a Major? For Rob or anyone else out there that believes Bane is doing this for the good of the County you could not be more wrong. To drag this thing out only continues to produce a negative for the agency and the County. The Internal investigation should have been completed and if there was any justification for misconduct the Sheriff should have taken action. Either charge the Major internally, or fire the Major. Either way that would not interfere with any criminal charges that may be presented. Let’s face it, Bane has dropped the ball. Another fine example of his leadership and mismanagement.
What if the Major had been stopped for drunk driving in Balt. county? Would Bane just sit on the matter until it would go to court? The proper thing to do would be to conduct the internal investigation and render a disposition. Waiting 6 months or more for the matter to go to traffic court would be irresponsible. This issue with the Major is an alleged criminal matter. Bane needed to do the right thing but he has chosen to weigh the publicity about it against his election. Bane is corrupt in his thinking and the citizen’s deserve better. If the investigation at this point has uncovered any evidence that the allegations against the Major are false he would already be back to work. So take it for what is is.
You seem to know a great deal about the Forwood cases. Are you an actual witness and will be testifying in the case (or cases against him). Maybe you are one of the investigator s in the cases. No, that wouldn’t be the case because – the things you write and how they are written is an indication that you are not law enforcement (what LE officer would write these things and write so poorly?). What do you have to gain by your cruelty and hate? Come on, answer the question; what are you expecting to get out of this? Some type of gratification? I doubt it’s because you are some upstanding citizen seeking justice. What’s in your heart?
Me a liberal? Far from it my friend. I believe liberalism is a disease and something that is destroying this state and country. I am an unwavering conservative, but I also believe in fairness and rule of law. Where do you stand?
In regard to your statement “Forget LEOBR, forget rights, you have none when you work at the pleasure of the Sheriff. Ask a few deputies who have found this out first hand.” I believe you are being disingenuous on this one and should come clean. What law enforcement officers entitled to LEOBR not pursue their rights? If someone was disciplined and LEOBR were not invoked, the discipline probably did not fall under the LEOBRs or the individual(s) was/were still on probation.
You should stop your blather and come right out and tell us your motives for your posts here (Gahler supporter, Bane hater, just vindictive, thrives on another’s misery – you know the type)?
Rob in Bel Air
What does it matter what Roadhouses motives are?
Funny that the Good Ole Boys like Neeper, Holden, and you all have problems with people simply posting facts on this website that don’t align themselves with Jesse Bane’s political agenda. People have taken the time to research, whether it being crime stats, budget issues, or criminal law, and you Bane supporters can do nothing but say “foul” “whats your motive”, “who are you”. Address the facts.
Facts are the Facts. I’d much rather see the facts than a bunch of good ole boys like Ron, Holden, and Neeper say vote for Jesse because he’s a friend.
Bane may be nice to you but he is certainly not honest. All Jesse had to do is tell the truth with regard to Forwood, Visnaw, Budget, and Crime Stats and there would be nothing to write about.
Bane didn’t tell the Truth and he’ll pay for that mistake by losing the election.
Posting what some see are facts is one thing, but failing to followup with solutions is another. OK, crime is up, but is that Bane’s fault? How about the shooting occurring in Baltimore City? Is that the fault of the police commissioner? See, that’s the problem; they will blame Bane for the increase in crime, but offer nothing more. Why is crime up in Harford County? Do you know? Could crime be related to something more than who is Sheriff? Come on, be serious. Don’t buy this rhetoric you are reading here that include crime statistics. Bane nor Gahler can do anything about the things that cause crime. Has the population increased in Harford County? Is there unemployment and poverty? How about addiction? Have you given these any thought. Of course not because all you read is what some have posted here.
I will be the first to admit that I thought Visnaw should have been let go. In fact, I didn’t think he should have been rehired after he left for another job years ago. But that was a decision made Howard Walters (second in command at the time). And why the deputies kept him as union president, I don’t know. But when it comes to the budget and Forwood, there’s nothing more to say (because it’s already been said). Bane is doing what he thinks is right. Whether you believe he is doing a good job is your call. Just make sure you look at many of these posts with some suspicion.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Big Blue Caruso spends all day using different aliases to respond on this site. He is not smart enough to change his writing style, and as such, is easy to spot. An English teacher would have his number is about 5 minutes. Look at what he says and then go online and see how he distorts things.
No motive other than trying to get these guys (and girls) to finish it and tell the truth. They quote a bunch of statistics, but than that’s it. That is sooooo easy to do . . . hit and run. Typical political tactic. We are seeing it on the TV everyday as we close in on the election.
They should put up or shut up. I’ll help you understand this: They are obvious supporters of Mr. Gahler (their motives) and criticize Sheriff Bane for the increase in crime and spending more with no results. But they never tell us what Mr. Gahler’s plan is that will be different from Mr. Bane. What does Mr. Gahler going to do to lower the murder rate? The number of rapes? No answer. Is Mr. Gahler going to hold the deputies more accountable for crime in their sectors? Hey, now that’s a plan. If a murder occurs during a particular shift, he or she should be asked, “What were you doing when this occurred?” Gee, these guys are putting the heat on Bane for the murders, why not put some heat on the boots on the ground . . . some acountablility is not a bad thing. If they can’t prevent crime in their sector, perhaps they should be moved to another sector. Get the picture (or not)?
Roadhouse,I am glad a resident and a voter of our County had to look up what a charter government is. That should worry you a bit. Also, I am not a liberal, I am a thinking conservative. I support Jesse Bane. Tell us why you think Gahler will correct all of the evils you see in the sheriff’s office.
Roadhouse, I’m far from being a liberal. In fact I am a proud conservative republican and support the Tea Party movement. If I think Sheriff Bane has recklessly spent county money I will be the first to jump in as a critic. But I have seen nothing to indicate misuse of funds and I certainly do not rely on anything posted by some here.
Actually I feel sorry for you. You seem to be a very unhappy person. I hope and pray that if your candidate is not elected that you do not do something silly. Life will go on and you will adapt. Please keep in mind that if you are a county worker (hopefully not with the SO), the county offers counseling services at no cost to you and it remain confidential. Your foreman will not find out about it.
I do think you are correct in saying that the timeliness of the Balt. Co. Police investigation wasn’t up to Bane or else it wouldn’t have concluded weeks ago, it would still be pending.
I can only say that I must disagree with your assessment of the overall situation. How has this not been receiving more attention and has been allowed to be swept under the rug for six months. Even if you think that is an acceptable amount of time, the investigation has been completed for weeks and yet Bane knows nothing? What is the saying… I was born during the day, but it wasn’t yesterday!
read what the State’s Attorney said.
Help me, I see no statements from the State’s Attorney in the aboce story?
There has not been a decision made. Do you have information from a “source close to Gahler” otherwise?
The truth hurts and Bane and co are feeling that now.
I’m sure you come back with another excuse like the last one though. Lets remind people what that was:
Murders & Rapes increased because they are crimes of opportunity that happened “under cover of darkness.”
Will Bane’s team use a like excuse here. I can picture it now. ‘The investigation was concluded at night time and we weren’t able to read the conclusion. We were waiting for the summer solstice to happen and enlighten us.’
Bane is clearly unthical by hiding the conclusion and trying to postpone the release until after the election.
Hasn’t evey citizen in our country had enough of politicians like Jesse Bane pulling this non sense.
Vote for a law man not a politician.
Sorry, but it does not say that anywhere in the article nor are there any quotes or comments from the State’s Attorney. Please correct me if I am wrong. As I said, I was not born yesterday. I am not baffled by B.S. from either side and I remain displeased and curious that the police investigation was closed and the Sheriff does not have his finger on the pulse of this case.
What did the States Attorney say?
I see no statements. Keep trying creeper…
that is because you talk and don’t read
I’m sure you’ll post the statements from the DA found in the article Neeper….. Wait a minute. You can’t because they don’t exist.
Another attmept to put the derailed Bane train back on the tracks. The train left the station Neeper and it isn’t coming back. Don’t try to skew the public with your false information.
Unions + RHINO’s + BANE = bad news for Harford County.
Harford County,
Remember the bad news we’ve already had and the excuse they gave. Here is the Bane’s team response to increased Murders and increased rapes in Harford County: “these are crimes of opportunity that happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff isn’t responsible.”
Just because the Baltimore Co investigation is over does not mean that the State’s Atty has finalized the charges and filed them. Then the IA investigation cannot be completed until the criminal case has been adjudicated…This is because statements made in trial can be used in the Internal, and a guilty plea speeds it up even more. So, that said, it will all be done in time, but to avoid exposure to lawsuits etc, it will be done correctly. The wheels of justice turn slowly, no one is trying to cover it up, and due process must be provided. But, since Gahler cannot find anything to pick on, he goes into personnel issues that are yet to be concluded, and makes them public….how Un Ethical!!! Shocked, not coming from his camp considering who he is aligned with!
Nothing to pick on – lets review
btw – In another 10 Days you and the rest of your Union Buddies will be finally working..
Bane Budget Up 40% or $19 Million
Violent Crime Up 5.5%
Murder Up 28%
Rape Up 58%
Burgulary Up 12%
Arrests – Down
Deputy Morale Down
Forwood collecting $107,000 for nothing
Union President wants to Leverage Pay Raises
Previous Union President Sleeping On the Job
Jesse Bane spends the last Four Years Displacing Crime to Other Parts of the County.
Jesse Bane employs the Hug a Thug Program against Gang Violence
Thank goodness this election is occurring so we can see the truth about Jesse Bane.
Amen! Don’t forget the excuse though:
“these crimes happen under cover of darkness.”
Harford County — You can’t go outside at night anymore.
Vote in a lawman like Jeff Gahler not a politician like Bane.
Caruso, do you really think that voters buy in to your biased statements? Tell us what is Hug A Thug and how does it relate to gangs, as just one example.
From Above:
You will be on the bottom come next Tuesday! Crying in your beer waiting on Dan Scott to pick you up with Howwie at Grumpy’s. You are a disgrace to the air we breathe
Love how you union guys talk about the issues. Let me remind you of just a couple.
Murders up under Bane
Rapes up under Bane
Millions more spent under Bane
And now….. Is there an investigation cover-up? If it’s concluded, which the lawyer for the defendant says it is, shouldn’t we have some information from Jesse?
Is it possible that if not for Sheriff Bane’s policies, the crime rates would be much higher? How do you propose, or should I ask, how does Mr. Gahler propose that if he is sheriff, crime rates will go down.
Will he be able to stop all the murders? All the rapes? You made the statement, you quoted the statistics. So tell us. Put up or shut up ! ! !
There’s no cover up going on, it’s just your way of being rediculous and showing how much you don’t know. Sorry, but what you are writing in all your posts here just don’t make sense.
Wolfpack (Jesse Bane’s code name for union)
Are you proud of a Union that allowed its former president to sleep on the job with his radio off and keep his job?
Are you proud of Don Gividen and his message of leveraging the Taxpayers into higher pay raises for deputies?
Ae you proud that Forwood is collecting $107,000 for doing nothing and that other deputies are picking up his slack?
I know how you feel about Visnaw. Many of us never understood why Bane held on to him. Gividen seems a bit better but some of this pressure to put out signs is just tough.
Wolfy, How can the investigation be completed when Bane has stated he hasn’t even started one? Unethical is the proven record of retaining deputies who have severe integrity issues. Bane did it to win last time and he is hoping to hide it to win this time. From what I have seen with the illegal placement of the DSU signs and inappropriate use of the internal email system for Bane’s campaign, I imagine there is a lot more that needs to be addressed within the Sheriff’s Office. With the Union running the place, I know why you don’t want a change.
Bane out of the closet?
That goodness for this election:
We need answers from Bane on:
Fred Visnow – Union President – Sleeping on the job with his radio off and kept his job? True or False? Would Don Gividen or another of the Wolfpact care to answer?
Don Gividen – Current Union President- plans to Leverage the Sheriff, Counsil, and the Taxpayers. Why do the police even need a union? It is not like they are a bunch of kids working in a coal mine.
Mark Forwood – Obviously this has had a demoralizing effect on the deputies that need to pick up his slack. Why has he not been busted back or fired?
Budget Blues – Why hasn’t Jesse Bane told us the truth? The budget has increased $19 Million from 2006 to 2010.
Crime Blues – Why hasn’t Jesse Bane told us the whole story? Violent crime is Up significantly.
Win or lose Jesse Bane and his Union Officials will have much to answer for.
Big Blue Caruso, at again. Changed your handle to female. You are pathetic. If you are going to use all of these aliases, change your wording. You give yourself away.
I do not think a senior member of the HCSO being investigated for criminal activity is a “personnel issue”. This sounds like a very serious issue of criminal activity for which a senior Commander is being investigated, and the public has every right to know the circumstances. Surely Sheriff Bane understands this. What is to be gained by keeping the matter quite?
I’ve heard of most unions referred to as wolf packs.
Banes team has acknowledged so much already like :
Murders are up in Harford County
Rapes are up in Harford County
Millions more tax dollars spent under Bane.
I’m sure he planned to acknowledge the facts of this investigation too. He just planned to do it after the election. Jesse Bane is a professional politician.
Vote for a law man not a politician.
The job of sheriff requires someone with political savvy to compete with the other county agencies for funding. The Board of Education is first in line every year at budget time. If you don’t have someone familar with the process and one who can interact with those holding the purse strings, you fall behind the rest. I don’t know of too many sheriffs or police chiefs who are out there fighting crime. it’s not their job. Enforcing the law is left up to those hired to do so.
Get with it Trigger88 . . . and stop being preposterous.
If Gahler is not a politician, he should get out now so hje does not run the agency into the ground (financially).
The current Sheriff must not be very effective in fighting for those funds. He has stated that his budget has been stagnant for three years.
Trigger is one of a number of aliases by a man named CARUSO. He thinks he is fooling everyone.
There you go.
Jesse Bane’s teams admits, “It’s not their job to fight crime. Enforcing the law is left up to those hired to do so.”
Jesse Bane doesn’t fight crime just plays politician. Bye bye Jesse.
Here’s what Rob says. Pay attention because he says Jesse Bane isn’t responsible, isn’t accountable, and can’t do anything about crime in Harford County.
Rob in Bel Air says:
October 26, 2010 at 8:49 am
Posting what some see are facts is one thing, but failing to followup with solutions is another. OK, crime is up, but is that Bane’s fault? How about the shooting occurring in Baltimore City? Is that the fault of the police commissioner? See, that’s the problem; they will blame Bane for the increase in crime, but offer nothing more. Why is crime up in Harford County? Do you know? Could crime be related to something more than who is Sheriff? Come on, be serious. Don’t buy this rhetoric you are reading here that include crime statistics. Bane nor Gahler can do anything about the things that cause crime. Has the population increased in Harford County? Is there unemployment and poverty? How about addiction? Have you given these any thought. Of course not because all you read is what some have posted here.
I will be the first to admit that I thought Visnaw should have been let go. In fact, I didn’t think he should have been rehired after he left for another job years ago. But that was a decision made Howard Walters (second in command at the time). And why the deputies kept him as union president, I don’t know. But when it comes to the budget and Forwood, there’s nothing more to say (because it’s already been said). Bane is doing what he thinks is right. Whether you believe he is doing a good job is your call. Just make sure you look at many of these posts with some suspicion.
Tell us, how is he better than Bane.
Don’t know that Gahler would be any better. I have not taken a stance on that issue. My point was Sheriff Bane has stated that his budget has been stagnant for the past three years – not exactly a great record of being able to compete for funds at the county level. I am not trying to promote or defend either person running for Sheriff. Rob, in his post, seems to feel that Bane would be better than Gahler in fighting for monies at the county level. I question his logic given that Sheriff Bane received no additional monies for the past three years and has made statements to that effect. I believe the Sheriff.
Jeff Gahler is the better candidate because:
Jesse Bane’s teams admits, “It’s not the Sheriff’s job to fight crime. Enforcing the law is left up to those hired to do so.”
Jesse Bane doesn’t fight crime just plays politician. Bye bye Jesse.
Reired awhile…given that the county was trying to cut the budget everywhere it could the fact that Bane was able to avoid having the HCSO budget cut is about the best anyone could have done.
Perhaps, but in his statements Sheriff Bane seemed to lament the fact his budget was stagnant for the last three years. Just the way the game is played!
I have watched with some curiosity the back and forth concerning the Harford County Sheriff’s race. I was content to not get involved and measure the passion expressed by both sides from a distance. However, besides the poor sentence structure, grammar and punctuation errors displayed by many of the writers, who I assume are police officers, I am appalled by the positions taken with little or no research. I don’t know any of the individuals involved, but relationships should not be confused with passion. People have perished for our opportunity to select the best candidate. This is an opportunity for us to pick an effective leader as our Sheriff and up until recently I was torn. I did read today’s article and feel for Major Forwood and his family. However; it appears Sheriff Bane could have handled this differently, protecting one of his appointments from further scrutiny, by taking an aggressive stance at the beginning. Not necessarily against Forwood, but for the citizens of Harford County by conducting an audit of all elements of the Department that could have been infected by improper acts. In this very website it was reported that Sheriff “Bane said once he is notified that the investigation is complete, he will order internal and administrative probes.” What? That’s like putting on the bullet proof vest after you’re shot. What exposure has my, as a taxpayer, Sheriff’s Office been exposed to and what will be done about it? We should know by now – it should not have gone unaddressed this long. Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman Monica Worrell, who read from a prepared statement, provided that “Sheriff Bane would like the investigation to come to a close as soon as possible.” It’s closed, how long now before we know if court cases will be jeopardized or funding sources will initiate audits. This, to me and many of the citizens I associate with, is an unnecessary delay and suspicious at best. After writing this, I believe I have made my decision.
A quick Google search, just because I had to know, revealed that the Law Enforcement Officer’s Bill of Rights (LEOBR) provides the following:
(2) “Law enforcement officer” does not include:
(i) an individual who serves at the pleasure of the Police Commissioner of Baltimore City;
(ii) an individual who serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority of a charter county;
(iii) the police chief of a municipal corporation; or
(iv) an officer who is in probationary status on initial entry into the law enforcement agency except if an allegation of brutality in the execution of the officer’s duties is made.
Another Google search, again just because I wanted to be accurate in my assessment of statements made, revealed that Harford County is a charter county (ii. above). The search results stated “The charter form of government separates the executive branch from the legislative branch. Usually, this form of government consists of a county executive and a county council. Maryland’s charter counties include Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Dorchester, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Talbot and Wicomico.” I did not know that – now I do.
My heart goes out to Major Forwood; it’s not about him directly. I assume he will have rough times ahead and if appropriate will answer for transgressions. Remember, this is not personal; it’s about the safety of our families and friends. The distraction from the job at hand appears to have been a miscalculation of luck, hopefully not more. It’s easy to circle the wagons to protect your camp but don’t forget the rest of us in the territory. Peter Drucker said “The spirit of the organization is created from the top. As I look at this from the outside, I can’t help but think of the Russian proverb; “A fish rots from the head.”
Thank you for the opportunity, I just became passionate and I care that the right things happen.
Bonnie, very well written. I did see a few mistakes in your writing. I must tell you to never assume. Do you know what assume means? Anyway, the investigation is not over. I will tell you it is an open case because Forwood has not been charged. Once he is charged, Bane will order an internal investigation. If Forwood is charged with a felony, he is then placed on unpaid leave. Bane did the right thing by having an outside agency investigate this case. I certainly did not want the HCSO to investigate their own.
I do not believe Sheriff Bane had a choice regarding who was going to investigate the criminal allegations. The alleged criminal activity took place in a county other than Harford. The fact Major Forwood was being investigated was probably news to Sheriff Bane as it was to Forwood.
Domo – Deputies know that Forwood is guilty. This is an air tight case. We’ve been pulling Forwood’s weight too long.
So, police are judges and juries also?
How now I feel so much better – all the deputies know he is guilty. OK guys, lets get the rope. What a silly and stupid statement by InternalBlue. they don’t come any dumber.
You are wrong here..”Once he is charged, Bane will order an internal investigation.” An Internal investigation should have already been ordered by the Sheriff. The Internal case will not interfere with the criminal investigation. In fact, if the Internal reveals misconduct the Major could be charged internally. A trial board could result. The Major in question is sitting home collecting a paycheck and should be doing the right thing by cooperating with the investigation. Bane should be doing the right thing by dispositioning the internal case in a proper manner. An internal disposition will not affect the criminal trial. Obviously Bane does not understand the LEOBR process or the scope of his responsibilities here. He offers excuses instead of taking action. It is obvious to any casual observer that the election is affecting Bane’s judgment or, if that is not the case he is mismanaging this case just as he does with everything else he touches.
Perhaps Bane is just waiting for the Major to resign so that this whole problem can disappear. Question is, how many more paychecks provided by the taxpayer’s will the Major collect?
I share some of your thoughts and concerns. I feel bad for his family, but also the agency and citizens of the county. It will surely put a black mark on the agency (assuming he is guilty of something).
It’s not unusual for an internal investigation to take place at the conclusion of criminal investigation to avoid any conflicts. This is a decision typically made by the CEO (sheriff or chief of police) of the agency. The decision to wait was apparently made by Sheriff Bane and whether it was a right or wrong decision, you make the call.
As to the numerous posts you are reading in this forum, many are not believable. Some are trying to quote statistics, for example, murders and rapes are up and blaming it on Sheriff Bane. The fact is, regardless of who is sheriff, these incidents would have occurred. If we want to use these statistics to judge the Sheriff’s effectiveness, would we not also have to ask, Is it possible that if it was not for the policies of Sheriff Bane, the murder, rape and robbery numbers would be much higher? (I hope the grammar is correct in that sentence.) It is similar to the argument the Obama administration is making about unemployment numbers: “Yes, unemployment is higher than we expected, but if not for administration’s policies, the unemployment rates would be much higher.” Personally, I don’t buy it and I am not an Obama cool-aid drinking fan. But, if you think about it, is it possible that the crime rates would have increased even more if not for the Bane administration. We need to be fair about this, but many here are not. If Mr. Gahler is using these statistics, he should put up (explain how Sheriff Bane caused the murder and rapes to increase) or shut up. Perhaps Mr. Gahler is one posting here under an alias. I hope not, but when one gets desperate, anything goes.
By the way, I know both men and both are upstanding citizens.
The other thing I would suggest to you is this: many of the posts here are the product of vindictiveness and hate for Jesse Bane. I believe this has been brought on by a few from the previous administration (i.e. Walters) who has a vicious distain for Sheriff Bane. I’m not sure why, but I know it’s there and perhaps some of the posts you are reading are by him and others closely associated.
As to who would be the better man for the job of Sheriff, it’s your vote and your call (each vote counts).
Well said. It’s nice to read a post without juvenile name calling, slurs, outright lies, distorted facts, misplaced blame, and political spin which is mostly what The Dagger has turned into recently. If this site existed 10 or 20 years ago god only knows what sort of garbage would’ve come out about various sheriffs. It’s too bad that most of the ones spewing this stuff don’t even seem realize that all they’re ultimately doing is alienating most decent people. Rather than talk about why Gahler would make a better sheriff than Bane they just air our a bunch of dirty laundry, innuendo, old feuds, etc that serve no one’s interests…especially the candidate they supposedly support.
Regardless of who wins I can’t wait for the election to be over. This sort of stuff is exactly why so many people don’t bother voting, hate and distrust politics and politicians, and just generally feel that it really doesn’t matter who wins because it’ll just be more of the same crap. Unfortunately the ones who suffer are the street officers and detectives who view law enforcement as a calling (and not a paycheck) and just want to do their jobs and the citizens of Harford County who have their faith and trust in the abilities of the HCSO undermined.
If the allegations against Forwood are true he deserves to be locked up for a long time and lose all his benefits, pay, and pension (and I don’t know of anyone in the HCSO who feels any differently.)
Voters – You can all read the Harford County Budget and MD Uniform Crime Report online.
Apparently some on this site find it acceptable that Jesse Bane uses Charts at the mall, farm fair, etc.. that cherry pick only the best stats for a short period of time.
Apparently some on this site find it acceptable that in interviews Jesse Bane consistently says that the Budget is flat or that Crime is down.
Bane and his Union don’t want the Voters to know the whole truth.
Pre Bane 2004-2006 to Post Bane 2007-2010
Bane Budget Up 40% or $17 Million
Violent Crime Up 5.5%
Murder Up 28%
Rape Up 58%
Burgulary Up 12%
Arrests – Down
Big Blue Caruso, you are a fool to think that people don’t understand distortion of statistics.
Totally agree ! ! ! Do the crime, do the time. Just have to wait for that one little thing that came down in a Supreme Court decision many years ago – that is – innocent until proven guilty (beyond a reasonable doubt).
You said..”It’s not unusual for an internal investigation to take place at the conclusion of criminal investigation to avoid any conflicts.” I ask, What conflicts? It is very unusual to not start the internal. It is a totally different investigation. A few years ago an Elkton police officer was charged for conduct violations by the Dept. When his criminal trial arrived the officer resigned. Elkton did not wait to start their Internal until after the criminal trial. So whoever thinks the Internal investigation cannot be ordered by the Sheriff is misinformed. In this case there is a criminal investigation by Balt. Co. and there should be an internal investigation already completed. Enough time has passed to have the internal matter dispositioned. This is typical mismanagement of a relatively simple matter. The Sheriff just has no clue. The citizens deserve more accountabuility and the deputies deserved to have this matter dispositioned a long time ago.
But Sandy, the proverb is incorrect: The fish rots not from the head but from within.
Thanks for pointing out the truth in another post. Let’s remind readers what that was:
Jesse Bane’s teams admits, “It’s not the Sheriff’s job to fight crime. Enforcing the law is left up to those hired to do so.”
Jesse Bane doesn’t fight crime just plays politician. Bye bye Jesse.
You are welcome, but please don’t twist or spin what I wrote. Sheriff Bane is responsible, but the enforcement activities fall on those assigned to do the job. From what you write, you seem to be a high-schooler and not even old enough vote. You may also be right and Sheriff Bane will be defeated. It’s up to the voting citizens in this county. Please stick to things you know something about, you won’t appear so foolish.
It’s against Bane’s nature to claim responsibility for anything….
I think you need to understand what you’re reading with regard to:
(i) An individual who serves at the pleasure of the Police Commissioner of Baltimore City.
While Major is an appointed position, He is still a pension earning Law Enforcement Officer. He cannot be out right fired. The most that could happen would be for him to be demoted to Lieutenant. Maybe that would have been a more appropriate choice considering that the other Majors have been pulling Forwood’s weight for the past several months, but that isn’t for any of us to decide.
Sheriff Bane has not done anything wrong here. It’s nice that you took some time to brush up on LEOBR. Other than the police posting here who already know it, you seem to have more knowledge about LEOBR than Jeff Gahler. I wish more people were like you on this site and would take the time to get their facts straight.
I think Bonnie was pointing out excption (ii) – an individual who serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority of a charter county; as she took the time to explain what a charter county means.
To me, and again to be fair, it looks like Gahler is the only one willing to point out that LEOBR does not apply. I am not sure why you would only use the one Baltimore City exception to the definition of a law enforcement officer under LEOBR unless you just wanted to distract from the facts provided by Bonnie. Yet again, not born yesterday.
Frank I accidently copied and pasted the wrong one. That doesn’t change the fact that while he is appointed to Major, he still can’t be fired. He could be demoted to Lieutenant, and the LEOBR rights would kick in at that point. If that wasn’t the case, Sheriff’s could promote Jr. Lieutenats to Majors and fire them with out due process. The system just doesn’t work like that. Thank you for pointing out my error, I hope this clarifies.
Voters can see through these gimmicks and games Jug. Good try though. The Bane train has been derailed.
Admitted so far by the Bane team right here on the Dagger forums:
Murders up in Harford County & Rapes up in Harford County because, “these are crimes of passion that happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff can’t be responsible.”
Budget up approximately 40% because, “we put more boots on the ground and increased salaries.”
The latest and greatest admission yet from the Bane team is, “It’s not the Sheriff’s job to fight crime. Enforcing the law is left up to those hired to do so.”
You know the investigation cover up is coming out next. Bane is trying to wait until after the election and that can only mean the details would be bad for Bane. The defendants lawyer stated the investigation is over. Bane, we are finished with your dirty tricks.
All those admissions can be found right here within the Dagger forums. These admissions can be found from the union folk, the RHINO’s, and the ‘Pelosi like’ crowd of Rob in Bel Air, Dale Neeper, Monster, Sam-52, & Watcher.
How do you feel about Sheriff Bane doing what you said could not be done?
Real sherrifs wouldn’t put it to a vote; they’d meet on Main Street at high Noon, revolvers at their sides.
Of course, real sheriffs would also know how to spell “sheriffs”
LOL, you beat me to it ! ! !
The above comments from “Information” “From Above” “Yes 4 Jeff” are really getting on my nerves. he/She obviously feels that if they throw in misinformation/propaganda every other comment that Harford Countians will believe him/her. Lets go through the crime stats for you again clown! Every year the FBI compiles crime statistics by each law enforcement agency in the country and publishes these statistics in the Uniform Crime Report. The FBI rates crime in a jurisdiction by selecting and analyzing categories of crime that they feel are quality of life indicators in communities. These crimes include not only the two categories (murder and rape), that you keep focusing on, they also include Robbery, Aggravated Assault, B&E, Larceny/Theft, M/V Thefts – they are defined by the FBI, not me and not YOU. It is common knowledge that the criminals committing the robberies, burglaries, M/V thefts, etc. have already committed a violent crime in their past or are likely to progress to the violent crimes status unless caught. The ones I’ve interacted with in my years of service definitely aren’t thinking about the different categories of violent and non-violent crimes when they are captured. They are only concerned about getting enough money, through theft or other subversive means, to support their drug habits, and they will normally do just about anything to keep their fix alive.
To add more clarity to my post let’s get into more detail about how the crime rate is determined by the FBI. In order for objective comparisons to be made of different jurisdictions with different population sizes you need to get them all on a level playing field. The FBI accomplishes this by taking the total number of Part I crimes, averaging in the population of a jurisdiction, then multiplying by 100,000. This figure is referred to as a jurisdictions crime rate. I thought it would be interesting to use the crime rate equation to compare the crime rate of the previous sheriffs administration to that of Sheriff Bane’s past tenure. In raw number terms the actual difference of Part I crimes between 2004-2006 and 2007-2009 is 111, a .6% decrease in Part I crimes under Bane’s leadership. When you factor in the population growth between the two periods, the crime rate during the former period (2004 – 2006) is found to be 7,515.8. The average population of 234,000 was used for that comparison. The crime rate for the latter period (2007 – 2009) is found to be 7,221.5. The average population of 242,000 was used for that comparison.
By factoring in the crime rate, there was found to be a 3.9% reduction of Part I crimes between the time frames compared. This reduction is in Bane’s favor. Everyone, but the clown, I’ m sorry to be longwinded but i feel it is important to be transparent to give you the truth so you can come to your own conclusions about the crime. I have concluded from my research that Jesse Bane is the man I’m voting for as these stats are significant in my mind. Countians don’t be fooled by the Gahler Groupies with unqualified numbers. Their untruthful, misleading comments and tactics really paints an ugly picture about politics! Do you really want people like that running law enforcement in the county?
Aberdeen, Watcha, Monster, US Taxpayer, CDEV – whoeever you are today
Unfortunately liberal rags like the Sun Paper and Aegis will not print facts when they will hurt a Democratic Liberal like Jesse Bane.
Voters want Facts and there is nothing not factual about the following.
Pre Bane 2004-2006 to Post Bane 2007-2010
Bane Budget Up 40% or $17 Million
Violent Crime Up 5.5%
Murder Up 28%
Rape Up 58%
Burgulary Up 12%
It’s Bane’s nephew, the Aberdump cop.
Oh my, Aberdean is Jesse Bane’s nephew. Is he in line for a job with Jesse or David Craig?
My guess is a job with the RHINO.
Unless of course he uses a ‘poisiton’ at HCSO to get what he wants in Aberdump. He’s a snake like that!
If I was Gahler I’d be embarrassed to have some of these clowns posting on here as supporters…
Oh, you are getting angry now and using bad language too. Keep talking, you are helping Bane more than you know.
The only clown I saw was out holding a sign with Bane’s name on it. I believe anyone can see the picture within the Dagger coverage.
Folks are using this thread to discuss the Budget of the Sheriff’s Office….duh!!!
But given that it has been opened, what value do you place on the lives of your family?
I place a high value on my family – and other members of the community! That is why I want the money given to the HCSO used in the best way possible to protect my family – and other members of the community! What seems to be at odds on this thread is whether the money was used wisely and produced good results. There seems to be some disagreement in that regard.
Go ahead and keep posting over and over again under many names. It still doesn’t make your ‘stats’ correct.
Please provide a source for your numbers. I have below.
Taken from the 2009 Preliminary Uniform Crime Report (released May 2010)
2008 6
2009 4
2008 66
2009 60
2008 245
2009 228
Aggravated Assault
2008 562
2009 595
Breaking or Entering
2008 1155
2009 810
2008 3663
2009 3471
2008 403
2009 251
Motor Vehicle Theft
2008 127
2009 49
2008 6100
2009 5419
Total % Change -11.2%
Rob from Bel Air,
You are dealing with people who are so hateful, your words go over their heads. There is one individual, who used the name Big Blue on other sites, who is a guy by the name of Joseph Caruso. He has used 15-20 different aliases now to support his hatred of Bane. He doesn’t realize that sentence syntax, spellings, names,style give him away as the same writer. He is a teabagger who only wants to get rid of people he sees as big spenders. He sees Bane as such. Yes, I know a number of people have tried to explain the budget to him, but he goes back to his same statistics. He knows nothing about Mr. Gahler. I have asked him numerous times to tell us all how Mr. Gahler would correct what he sees as wrong with the Sheriff’s Department. He always responds with insults, innuendos, and his canned statistics. I think we are answering the same guy 50 times. Thank you for doing so, because I would hate someone who lives in this county to think his information isn’t distorted.
Hey Neeper –
I hope Joe reads some of your nastiness. You definitely owe him an apology.
Thank goodness you don’t teach our children anymore. What was it you taught, home economics? Do you even know how to balance your own check book?
Why was it you left the school system? Anything we should know there?
Big Blue Caruso,
Why don’t you look online. Why did you have to go into Rehab?
I defy you to show any nasitness that I wrote about Mr. Gahler. That is not me. It is you that does that. You should apologize to Sheriff Bane.
Big Blue Caruso,
You are a big liar who tries to say that I said things that I didn’t say. You distort, not in the interest of anything other than supporting your ideas. I can respect different points of view, but you are so slimey and viscious. If I can keep you talking long enough, the people will see what you stand for and how you behave. Better use your 21st handle.
Bane is a less than forthcoming man – I’ve proved it over and over. Bane should be apologizing to the Voters and others he has misled.
Mr. Neeper
I have just read through your posts and I am not enjoying your derogatory comments about me especially since I have not posted any opinions under any pseudonym on the sheriff’s race whatsoever.
You are telling me that you haven’t posted on this or other Bane-Gahler sites. I am surprised because one reader on the Hanley vs. McMahon site identified you as joseph carusso.
The reason I sign my name is so that people know what i SAY, UNLIKE YOU WHO USES COUNTLESS HANDLES AND WILL NOT SIGN ANYTHING. You are a bore who will not answer questions. I actually feel sorry for you, and I think I have had enough of you. Because I sign my name, you have tried to tell lies about me, rather than deal with your support of Mr. Gahler. How sick a person are you? And, by the way, you or any other person knows where to find me. I hope they do.,
Sounds like you are making vague threats Neeper. For safety sake I’m glad this is a public forum. These forums should be kept clear of postings like yours. It’s a typical union practice to make threats or give the perception of a slight threat. It’s clear you are very good at that.
I was responding to Watcher’s tongue in cheek comment regarding Big Blue and me in the octagonal. I am not surprised that you are scared, you should be. You offend everyone, using a variety of names. I know it is you, Big Blue. Everyone does. After the election, you can feel proud that you helped to defeat Mr. Gahler.
Bane and his Union don’t want the Voters to know the whole truth.
Pre Bane 2004-2006 to Post Bane 2007-2010
Bane Budget Up 40% or $17 Million
Violent Crime Up 5.5%
Murder Up 28%
Rape Up 58%
Burgulary Up 12%
Arrests – Down
Taken from the 2009 Preliminary Uniform Crime Report (released May 2010)
2008 6
2009 4
2008 66
2009 60
2008 245
2009 228
Aggravated Assault
2008 562
2009 595
Breaking or Entering
2008 1155
2009 810
2008 3663
2009 3471
2008 403
2009 251
Motor Vehicle Theft
2008 127
2009 49
2008 6100
2009 5419
Total % Change 11.2%
So now I’ve given you numbers and supplied the source. How’s about you do the same or please do us all a favor and shut up.
Have a nice day.
And by the way, that should be Total % change -11.2%
If you all think Gahler did not get this information from an inside source you are wrong. The Unions are backing Bane, but many more of the people inside the agency do not want him back. Bane’s loyalty bucket has a lot of holes in in. THEY DO NOT WANT FOUR MORE YEARS OF THIS GUY.
If you all think Gahler did not get this information from an inside source you are wrong. The Unions are backing Bane, but many more of the people inside the agency do not want him back. Bane’s loyalty bucket has a lot of holes in in. THEY DO NOT WANT FOUR MORE YEARS OF THIS GUY. I find it very hard to believe it has taken Baltimore County this long to do this investigation. Jesse, enjoy your retirement, you should have done this after sinking the Mele ship many years ago. You are no cop, never have been. Time for a real cop to run the show. Voters have to decide do they want four more years of hug a thug, or four years of jail a thug? Let the men and women of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office go out and do the job they are trained to do. Let them do this without their hands tied. Give them a leader who knows what it was like to fight with a bad guy, arrest him, process him and take him or her to jail. Not someone who only reads about it in reports and crime stats. I know what is like to work for a supervisor who micromanages your every step, makes you not want to do your job. I did have many supervisors (Rick Williams, Roy Mitchell, Jordan Watts, Steve Bodway, Gary Vernon, and Paul Wilkinson) who let me do my job and made me want to go out and be a cop. When you know someone has your back it is a pleasure to do the job. When you know your every move is being watched when complaints come in your guilty until proven innocent, the job is really hard to do. Time for a change at the Sheriff’s Office. Jesse, you four innings are up, time for the new relief Sheriff to come in and save the game.
And by the way, all of you Bane supporters at the Sheriffs Office, you know who I am. Don’t post on here with a screen name, get my cell phone number and have the guts to call me okay.
Marc Eaton, you amaze me you say working here you are guilty until proven innocent yet at the same time you bash Sheriff Bane for not firing a Major who has yet to be charged with a crime. You Gahler supporters are conducting a such a smear campaign and so many lies you cant keep your own Sh!% straight. Thank you for all that you do to prove to the smart voters of Harford County who the best man for the job is go Jesse go.
@ Really,
I tend to disagree with some of RetiredCop’s rants, but that doesn’t diminish the respect that I have for him or his years of service to Harford County and our brothers and sisters in blue. It is in poor taste to call him out by his name on an anonymous public forum. I think he has said in previous posts to contact him if you know him which you obviously do. If you are brave enough to post his name, why be a chicken $hit and not post yours?
He’s posted on here who he is (on another article, though I don’t remember which one and you’d have to wade through a lot of garbage to find it.)
you amaze me
THANK YOU JUGHEAD. @ really I dont know who you are hide behind your name. You amaze me you coward. You know so much about him lay it on me i have a lot of time on my hands and would love to here what you really have to say.
Do any of you really know whats going on. Gahler was Ed Norris’s right hand man. Gahler knew of the many things Norris did and he continues to support him. Gahler was under a Internal Investigation with the State Police. He was moved to his current position as a state repair supervisor for his involvement. Jeff don’t throw MUD when you have a big closet of dirt. There are many things that could get personal but the only real ones to suffer would be your family.
Sheriff Bane has done an outstanding job with managing the Sheriff’s Office and budget in a very tough economy. Many police agency’s had lay offs and furlough days all hurting the general public and police protection. HARFORD COUNTY NEVER SAW THIS AND HAS NEVER HAD PUBLIC SAFETY COMPROMISED. ALL UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF SHERIFF BANE. VOTE BANE FOR SHERIFF NOV 2nd
Outstanding? At who’s expense? The Sheriff hired more officers while other County workers were furloughed or terminated. He has used up money that could have went to the schools. He just has no clue.
Then were does this excuse the Bane team put out fit in? “These crimes happen under cover of darkness. The sheriff can’t be responsible for those.”
Sounds like we’re compromised at any time after dark.
Trigger 88, alias Big Blue, and countless other names: you write worse than a middle school student. In fact, most school students know to use unbiased facts and not to mudsling to try to prove a point.
Neeper – You are a parrot. I have no idea who Trigger 88 is.
What’s biased about giving the Voters the links so that they can look up the facts themselves?
What is bias? Your unbiased love for Jesse Bane. You are so blind you don’t even want to look at the facts.
You’ve got some real issues Neeper. Thank Goodness you don’t teach anymore.
Big Blue, you are a jackass.
The politics of destruction. That’s why I will never again vote for Republicans.
Here’s another stat for you. In 2004, the five year percent change in crime was +6.2%. In 2009, the five year percent change in crime was -8.3%
There was indeed an uptick in crime in 2007. Bane’s first year. And it has gradually decreased since then. You know, when he got more money to better fund his department.
Stats courtesy of:
Proving you clowns wrong has been thoroughly entertaining today. For that, I thank you.
Have a nice day.
So if all police agencies were to get more funding crime everwhere would be down? Is it that simple? Your understanding of the dynamics of crime don’t add up.
The union bosses always want more money. If Bane would have decided to better equip the officers to combat crime, and had he put resolutions in place to combat crime, maybe he would have had a reduction in violent crimes. It still wouldn’t have mattered because of the excuse the Bane team already put out. Let’s remind people of the excuse;
“These crimes happen under cover of darkness. The sheriff can’t be responsible.”
Is your excuse now going to be that you made up the excuse? Games, gimmicks, trickery, untruthfulness is becoming the norm for the Bane team.
There is no mis-information here. Murder rates, rape rates, and a 40% increase in spending can all be independently verified by any citizen as they are all public information. How can anyone in their right mind support increased rapes and murders just because petty crimes decreased.
Admitted so far by the Bane team right here on the Dagger forums:
Murders up in Harford County & Rapes up in Harford County because, “these are crimes of passion that happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff can’t be responsible.”
Budget up approximately 40% because, “we put more boots on the ground and increased salaries.”
The latest and greatest admission yet from the Bane team is, “It’s not the Sheriff’s job to fight crime. Enforcing the law is left up to those hired to do so.”
You know the investigation cover up is coming out next. Bane is trying to wait until after the election and that can only mean the details would be slap at Bane’s judgement. The defendants lawyer stated the investigation is over. Bane, we are finished with your dirty tricks.
All those admissions can be found right here within the Dagger forums. These admissions can be found from the union folk, the RHINO’s, and the ‘Pelosi like’ crowd of Rob in Bel Air, Dale Neeper, Monster, Sam-52, & Watcher.
**Pay close attention to their postings. They love to deflect from whatever you say and they so often mention government in a positive way. It’s almost like they are singing in the footsteps of Obama. We’ve all learned where that gets us…
Yes, obviously they have not looked up the definition of “Bane” in the dictionary….
1.a person or thing that ruins or spoils: Gambling was the bane of his existence.
2. a deadly poison (often used in combination, as in the names of poisonous plants): wolfsbane; henbane.
3. death; destruction; ruin.
4. Obsolete . that which causes death or destroys life: entrapped and drowned beneath the watery bane.
He sure has lived up to his name!
call me pappa, alias big blue along with the other names he hides behind: you are wrong
Callmepappa: Blah, Blah, Blah. Why don’t you attack everyone a little more. You post a lot, but you don’t say a lot. You are a junk writer.
There is no reason why the HCSO Internal investigation could not have proceeded while Balt. County handles the criminal investigation. If the Internal invest. reveals misconduct the Major could be charged if Bane wants to invoke the LEOBR process for his friend. Depending on what is offered to the Major a Trial Board could result. In many cases the Trail Board proceedings are delayed by the defense until any criminal proceeding is dispositioned. But, the Trial Board Chairman could insist and schedule the Trial Board prior to the criminal trial. In this case there has been sufficient time for a thorough investigation and a recommendation forwarded to the Sheriff. From what I have read Bane stated he is waiting on Balt. County to finish their invest. before he initiates the internal invest. Something is not right there.
If this were a normal theft investigation with a common person the charges and trial would have probably already happened. If not Bane himself would be asking, why not? at his infamous CompStat meetings. So I suspect Bane himself has interfered with the normal internal investigation for obvious reasons. This alone demonstrates Banes’ lack of judgment in doing the right thing. By suspending the Major there had to be good probable cause to believe the Major had either participated in misconduct or criminal activity.
Everyone should be asking why the investigation is taking so long. Balt. Co. certainly has the resources to investigate a criminal matter. When video and other material evidence exists that strongly suggests the Major initiated a theft scheme any competent investigator should have closed this case some time ago.
This is going to be really ugly when the story is public. Sheriff Bane did not want to deal with this issue prior to election day. To many questions to be answered and decisions to defend. Should we blame Sheriff Bane for the actions of Major Forwood with regard to criminal activity? No. However, the Sheriff’s actions after he was aware of the circumstances leaves many questions regarding what he is willing to condone within the Sheriffs Office. I guess the Sheriff has concluded that if he is elected to another four year term, and the public finds out the Forwood story after his election, he can live with it and four years from now the public will not remember. Probably a correct calculation on his part. It is what it is!!
Retiredawhile, You are a little late. It has been public for sometime. Do you read?
Nope, I have not read the details. Tell me, what did Major Forwood do?
I think the Sheriff is late for taking his sweet time to disposition this matter. Had he acted swiftly to properly address this he would not be open to criticism now. And no, the details of this case have not been made public, so Pollution Control you have fired a blank.
Yep, you are right Recently Retired. Both of us really know why the Sheriff is “late” with the Forwood issue. But did you expect anything more from him? The Sheriff has disappointed senior management within the Sheriffs office with his reluctance to address this matter in a timely manner, and it will reflect in a negative way on all of them when it is public.
Where has all the backbone gone?
Joe Meadows for Sheriff!!!
Pollution Control,
Big Blue, do everyone a favor and just leave. You won’t discuss anything rationally and resort to derogatory comments. You are a poor excuse for a political debater, and for that matter, a human being. After the election is over, you can feel very proud that you helped to defeat Gahler.
Thanks so much for pointing out those stats on Jesse Bane. It is funny, he came to our Community Meeting and never even mentioned the rise in Violent Crime. I appreciate you taking the time to research.
Shirley Sheppard
Shirley, you had better learn how to spell Streett. Perhaps Big Blue will check his map next time.
Big Blue, you are so stupid that you can’t even spell correctly something you made up. What a fool!
Why were you let go from the school system? Does it have anything to do with your wild rants and ramblings. Why are you such an avid Bane supporter? Does he visit you in an asylum?
Big Blue, that is all you can do is make stupid remarks. Do you think that buys support from the public?
Can anyone explain why the charges are undisclosed?
Because he hasn’t actually been charged yet. Once he’s officially charged they will be disclosed. If some of the rumors I’ve heard are true (and I hope they aren’t) there’s more involved than just a theft scheme at Home Depot.
Also consider the criminal cases the Major has been directly involved in during his career. His credibility has been shot. Once this passes through the courts you can be some convictions will be appealed. Corruption and corrupt practices tarnish the good work of the honest officers. Why Bane would assist the Major by dragging this matter out is a mystery. The County has now paid well over $50,000 to the Major who has been sitting home doing nothing. I would rather see another officer on the road doing what is expected by the citizens. Time to put this matter to rest and move on. Any other respectable Sheriff would have done this already.
Big Blue,
thank you so much for championing our cause. Are you available to hold office in the future?
Big Blue, I think you are wonderful Keep up the good work. Are you available as a candidate in the future?
Big Blue, what a hero for the public. Keep up the good work. I know who I am voting for Sheriff. Are you available to run for office in the future?
big blue, you are correct. Could you post the statistics one more time. Your logic and intelligence has convinced me.
Big Blue
you are leading the fight. keep it up. you are dynamite with your information. U R the kind of person we need in office.
Wow. How sad that BigBlue is now posting congratulatory emails to himself under additional assumed names. Big Blue = Sybil
I have heard many time over that Bane is the man and they keep saying it’s because of his 38 years of service. Then why does Bane not respect staff members with 25 years of loyal service with spotless personnel files. When you talk to him about staff problems he says it’s the Colonel’s job to hire people not his but we are later told we serve at the pleasure of the Sheriff sounds like double talk to me. If some people think Bane is their choice for Sheriff because of his experience (all of which was in administration) then they should tell Bane to respect training, loyalty, education, and character which he doe not and the Agency would be a much better place to work …
The Colonel just echo’s what Bane says. He lost his coconuts a long time ago. Few respect him and most are shocked at his performance.
Big Blue, you have quite a following. It must be those statistics you show over and over. Do you really believe that anyone is stupid enough to believe this?
I want to see Neeper v BigBlue in the octagon.
Watcher, I feel juvenile responding.Yet, there is something in me that wants this uncontrolled idiot silenced. It isn’t because he supports a different candidate than myself, but rather his insane way of trying to distort everything that is said, without providing any positive support for Mr. Gahler. I have always been a competitor, I would enjoy that octagonal event. He may not change his mind about Gahler, but I guarantee his attitude and behavior will change. I told him where he could find me 6 days a week. But, he is a coward, and operates as one. You notice that he does not give his name.
Neeper / Watcha for Sheriff & Deputy Dog
Big Blue,
Please see 39.1.1
hey, big blue,
where are you? still trying to make names and congratulatory messages? Just remember, if you are going to have them come from a particular town, be sure to check the spelling. By the way Big Blue, I know Dale Neeper. Go to the Harford County Public Schools website, and they have a story on him and his induction into the Hall of Fame. If you want to know more, just ask. He doesn’t mind.
Neepers turned into the Creeper… Spooky…. Oh its 10/31..Boooooo
Deputy walks into Bane’s office and says “Sir I’m getting screwed over I need your help”. Bane replies I’m sorry I can’t help you or your family. Deputy says “Sir I worked on your campaign in 2006 when you needed my help” are you sure you can’t help me? I would not ask if it was not very inportant? Another reason so many staff so many members of the HCSO think he is out of touch. Sure he has the Union’s backing but not the rank and file boots on the street or the hallways of the jail. You can argue the stats all you want but the truth is we need a change…
Oh come on . . . really. Try another tactic as this oneis silly.
Apparently Bane has never screwed with you. You would feel differently if he had. Bane is a very insecure person who feels threatened by other educated persons. If anyone even looks at him sideways he marks them for his wrath.
Another scenario as above: A deputy is being held accountable for poor performance by a supervisor. The deputy complains to the Sheriff who then calls in the supervisor and admonishes him for “picking” on the poor deputy. Before Bane even knows anything about the situation he labels the supervisor as being bad.
If you know anything about Bane you would know that he does not let his commanders and supervisors do their jobs. He is afraid of upsetting the Union troops for any reason.
He is just twisted. His management style is pathetic. He repeatedly lies to the public and since he controls the press no one can effectively challenge him. Too bad the citizens don’t realize how sick a person Bane really is.
It is absolutely amazing that a person who has avoided the duties of a police officer for the majority of his career can claim that he has 38 years of law enforcement experience. I never saw him make an arrest or write a ticket. If all deputies were to perform as he did during his career no one in Harford County would get arrested. In fact, they would all be holding hands with the thugs and would be afraid of upsetting them. Most certainly no one would work nights or be working Edgewood. Bane wants everyone to believe he knows all the answers when it comes to combating crime. Fact is he has never walked the walk. Sad.
Do you think it was wise of Bane to expend 70,000.00 in salary money to a Major under inditment for theft. Spend millions on overtime and not fill vacant positions…
He’s not indicted ! ! !
Yikes ! ! ! I can’t believe this is still going on. You have some quoting raw numbers of crime (forgetting the crime index – probably because they don’t know the difference) and you have those quoting budget increases but forgetting that the Sheriff’s budget also include the detention center. For those quoting the 40% increase in budget, have you figured in the increased costs for things at the detention center that include medications, medical costs, food, clothing, electrical, repairs, etc.? Of course not. Your focus is strictly on the law enforcement side. Let’s also include the cost of the civil division. That seems to be left out.
What about the cost of fuel to heat the detention center, but also to fuel the vehicles. Oh, and let’s not leave out police vehicles that each deputy gets. Here is a suggestion for those on this site, who may be sheriff’s deputies (I hope in my heart it’s not the likes of BigBlue and Trigger whatever – of course they could be one in the same) and who are so concerned about the increase in the budget: turn the cars in and go back to the way it was and how Baltimore County police operate. This will bring that budget way down and make those so concerned about the budget happier. In fact, I think that is a good topic for the county council to take a look at. Imagine the money that can be saved. That will shut up those on this site who think they know so much about budget issues.
With that said, I am not here trying to advocate for one or the other in this election. I know both men and I will make my decision when I’m in the voting booth. I do truly believe that many here are doing a disservice to Mr. Gahler by trying to use crime statistics and budget issues against Sheriff Bane. I’m guessing that many quoting these numbers have never been involved in the collection and/or analyses of crime data (based on how the numbers are being used here). No one is accounting for the migration of people, increase in population, the economy, and a number of other factors. One writer on this site responded to one of my posts and suggested that the Sheriff (and police in general) could implement crime prevention. That person is exactly correct, but crime prevention strategies do very little to stem a murder or murders.
Crime prevention may work to prevent rape and sexual assaults by informing the public how to prevent becoming a victim. However, there are a number of factors beyond the control of the police that lead to these types of assaults. First, many rapes and other sexual offenses are committed by persons known to the victim. In other instances, the offenses are the result of victim precipitation (at least to some degree).
There are way too many variables that come into play for one to try to argue the increase in crime and try to blame it on one person; yet, it is being used here over and over again. It’s easy to cut and paste a bunch of numbers, but people here are falling short of fully explaining them.
The bottom line: Regardless of who will be our next sheriff, the murder rate and number of rapes (and sexual offenses) will be the same (or higher) as the population and demographics of the county changes. It’s not a pretty picture, but that is what should be expected (and it is what it is).
One last thing: Commissioner Bealefeld (city Police) was credited one year for the reduced number of shootings and murders in the city. The commissioner is a dedicated man and is probably doing his best. But look at the city today, the number of murders is now at the total number of murders that occurred in 2009 and we still have two months to go. Is the Commissioner falling down on his job or is it something else that is contributing the increase in shootings and murders int he city?
Maybe those throwing around Harford County’s crime numbers can explain the delimma occurring in the city (or not).
Hello everyone! Hopefully by greeting both sides of this argument I won’t get attacked. Many of you may know me or a member of my family. We are life long Harford County residents who, at times, have been active in Harford County politics.
The amount of determination and passion exhibited for each candidate is a testament to the dedication of the citiznes of Harford County. Isn’t this what democracy is all about?
Rather than spout stats, excuses, name call, or just wonder who anyone is; let me offer this insight.
Jesse Bane clearly, and admittedly, has a large base of support from the unions.
Jeff Gahler clearly has put together a strong grass roots organization of Harford County consrevatives.
I know who both men are as does many who are probably posting on these forums.
When I made my decision who to vote for as Sheriff I didn’t look at stats, excuses, or what anyone posted here. I looked at who was funding each campaign. Wherever the money comes from will determine who the elected candidate will support the most.
So, I ask all Harford County voters; Do you want the Sheriff supporting the unions or the citizens of Harford County? Your answer to that 1 question should steer you in the right direction.
God bless all and good luck Jeff.
Fred Amoss
Street, MD
Life long Harford County Resident
Well said Fred.
The Sheriff definately has a track record of giving the “Law Enforcement Union” everything they want. Problem is the “LE Union” only works to serve themselves. They don’t work to “serve” the citizens. Somewhere that interest was lost. When the average citizen is having a hard time buying groceries the “LE Union” efforts only go to self-serving interests. The Sheriff has never gone against the “LE Union” despite plenty of logic that would dictate otherwise. He did not fire the LE Union President for his sleeping on the job and falsifying documents. A good example of the Sheriff’s poor decision-making is demonstrated when a solution to a problem is supported by 99 officers but when one LE Union officer opposes it the Sheriff decides to not adopt the solution. He favors the needs of the few instrad of the needs of the many. He does this all of the time. His “management” is dictated by the LE Union. Yet the Sheriff asks the citizens to re-elect him. What has he done for the citizens?
In his kingdom it is “LE Union” first, himself second, and the citizens last.
Since you know fred, on what road does he live? I know, 12 Madeup Lane.
Thanks for giving us your name. Since you have the guts to do that, on what road do you live. I live in Street also.
I couldn’t find you in the phone book.
Hey, if I post a lot of nasty comments, unsubstantiated BS and other stuff, will one of the candidates please send me a commission? I can be bought, no matter who is running. I will always vote Democrat, but I will sell my posting services and type in whatever nonsense is required.
Thank you for your support. But please, send money!
LOL. We can help you with that disease you have (voting democrat). How much counseling do you need and how much will it cost? I bet there are some here that would be willing to buy your vote. BigBlue and Trigger something are getting worried and and desperate and will do anything to get their guy elected.
Rob: You got me. I’m just having a few chuckles. I know there are important issues and candidates. Easy does it and I hope to see some non-BS on the Dagger boards. Here’s to the campaign.
You were born yesterday if you think there will be no clowns, lies, and county back door deals if Mr. Gahler is elected.
New Poll Tonight
Gahler leading in the Polls 46-44….
Early voting about over
The Clowns, Lies, and County Backdoor dealings couldn’t stop real progress…..
Please don’t post false information like this. You are only going to give false hope to team Gahler.
In 2009 there were 4 murders, so far in 2010 there have been at least 5 murders and the year is not over yet. I’m going by what is reported as a murder or homicide on The Dagger and The Aegis.
Joseph Carpientieri, 71, of Edgewood, MD that occurred on Sunday, May 2, 2010.
Charles Shourds, Jr, of Beaver Dam, Kentucky in Joppa on April 29, 2010
James Roderick Adams of Edgewood, MD. attacked on September 23, 2010 and died from his injuries on Thursday, October 7, 2010.
Shakir Derrick Wingate, age 16 of the 1200 block of Clover Valley Way in Edgewood, MD on October 2, 2010.
Deborah Elaine Burgess of Street on August 7, 2010
That counts as an INCREASE, 5 is more than 4 and the year is not over yet. I would like to see the numbers on other serious crimes so far this year, then we (the voters) can see just what is increasing or decreasing.
Public perception goes a long way and the perception is that Edgewood (a Sheriff Bane pet project) is a demilitarized zone. There are plenty of good law abiding folks in Edgewood, but the perception is that the few knuckleheads running rampant are just looking to make more people victims. 3 murders in Edgewood alone, 1 in Joppa, eastern Harford County looks like it’s crime ridden and the population in this county tends to be higher in the eastern part of the county.
I like having a municipal PD, I don’t quite understand when the Sheriff’s Department handles something and when the State Police handles it but I suppose the crime numbers get pulled together for the unincorporated areas.
Well, if you have any suggestions on how any police officers could have prevented some of those murders feel free to chime in.
If I remember correctly, Carpientieri was murdered by a former tenet he had evicted who came back later and killed him.
Shakir knew the thug who killed him and the only way an officer could’ve possibly prevented that one was if he just happened to be driving by when it was about to happen. That suspect was picked up about an hour later.
I don’t know much about the Shrouds murder, but that sounds like it was purely domestic related. She took a shower, grabbed a gun, and shot him while he was sitting on the couch watching TV in her apartment.
There is usually only one deputy working anywhere near Street (and that deputy is responsible for covering a huge area) and that one also took place inside a residence. That one was also domestic related, I think.
The Maxey murder (which you didn’t mention…I’m assuming because it happened in Bel Air and was handled by BAPD) could’ve been prevented had the DOC not released Muhammed 6.5 years early from a 10 year sentence.
Please enlighten us if you have any suggestions of what the HCSO should’ve or could’ve done to prevent any of those murders. The unfortunate fact is that the police can do very little to prevent certain murders…especially if it’s domestic related. All they can do is do a thorough investigation and give a solid case to the SAO to make sure the suspect is sent to prison.
I was only stating a fact that murders are up by at least 1 in the county and that the year isn’t over yet. I don’t put much weight in to statistics because statistics are much too easy to manipulate.
The fact that there is 1 deputy in Street who covers a large area simply supports the notion that troops haven’t been a supplement to routine patrol. Is there mismanagement at the top or with one of the top aides? This adds to the perception that there are not enough deputies to go around or that they are on assignments out of public contact. Perception goes a long way and perception is what most voters use, not facts, but perceptions.
Big Blue,
you are a wonderful person to take time to help us all. I don’t know why peopel are doubting you. We need mor peopel like you. keep up the good work.
farest hill
Big Blue and all your other names,
I have been reading with a great deal of interest how you ignore talking about how Mr. Gahler would correct what you see are the shortcomings in the Sheriff’s Office. I asked for this information about 2 weeks ago, and you refused to answer then as well. People like Watcher, Rob from Bel Air, and others have asked you the same question and all you do is make a derogatory comment and repeat your biased list. Do you really believe that you are helping your candidaate? We both know that you could care less about Mr. Gahler. Your concern is to get Bane out of office because you see him as a big spender. Despite the attempts of many on this site to explain to you those budget numbers, you refuse to discuss them intelligently. If you were in my class, you would get an F, not because you have a different opinion than mine, but because you don’t support “your” candidate at all. Mr. Gahler deserves a lot better than you, and Sheriff Bane doesn’t deserve a sicko who just wants to attack him. You are a disgrace, and I wish you would go back from wherever you came. True Harford Countians, no matter where they are from, do not act the way you are behaving. You have made this site useless for anyone who really wants to discuss issues intelligently. Your behavior has demeaned Mr. Gahler, and unfortunately, some of his supporters. Some of these postings, anyone can see are you taking many different names. Do yourself, Mr. Gahler, Gahler supporters and interested citizens a favor and fade away, or at least change your act. If you don’t, you can congratulate yourself after the election in that you helped defeat Mr. Gahler.
The facts and figures I have posted are accurate.
I have given the Voters the websites to check those facts and figures.
My purpose for putting those facts and figures on this website is to simply provide accurate facts and figures to the Voters.
If your buddy, Jesse Bane, would have told the whole truth about the Budget and Crime stats than I would have never needed to post the facts.
With regard to numbers I have presented, Jesse Bane has told half truths. This is undisputable.
It is as simple as that Neeper. No distortion, just the facts.
By the way, I’m a Meckley supporter.
Thank you Big Blue for the information. I think my mind is made up. Could you tell me how the Sheriff spent all of that money?
Elizabeth Anne,
Please see the Harford County Budget. The link is
The answers are there. The fact of the matter is that the Budget increased 40% $19 Million from 2006 $44 Million to 2010 $63 Million.
Budget up and Violent crime up. Sad.
Big Blue,
I am glad that you are researching this information for us. Where did all of that money go, do you have any idea? Would love to hear from you.
Dagger – why are Monster’s posts not being mediated? He is clearly making unwarranted personal attacks on people.
10.28.10 3:04 attack on Callmepappa
I think you should look up the definition of “mediated.”
what does it mean?
They can remove my comments, I probably deserve it. But, they should remove Big Blue who uses abreviations like POS and spellings like shixt, and calls people Pricks. They can remove me, but Big Blue is still an asshole.
Hey Monsta, I’m comin for ya boy….. You are one spooky dude….
Happy Halloween…..
Big Blue,
When you complain about me to the Dagger, ask them to look up the number of handles that you have used. They would have that information you dumb cry baby.
Monster, please don’t stoop to Big Blue’s level. We support Bane, and are not against anyone. Big Blue makes it easy to want to retaliate for the underhanded things he does, but don’t do it. Sheriff Bane would not want anyone on his side doing that. I appreciate your efforts, but I hope you understand what I am saying.
you are getting soft on me? This obnoxious dude (Big Blue) needs someone to tell him off, and I want to do it. I will think about it.
Big Blue and your other names: boo hoo, boo hoo, boo hoo, no one likes me
hey Big Blew, no more congratulatory postings to yourself?
You all need to take a break. I am trying to be objective about this election. I will say that I haven’t heard any reasons for voting for Gahler, only why I should vote against Bane.
For all of you Bane supporters out there just remember he is a Hypocrite and he threw many of his 2006 campaign workers under the bus. He will sell you out or turn his back on you when you need him so beware. I am very dissatisfied the Forwood case and the lack of hiring of Corrections Officers for the new 40 million dollar expansion of the Detention Center and how some of the union members are presenting the hard working honest staff of the HCSO….
Another Rob from Bel Air, you are a phony and a fraud. This is Big Blue again. Besides Big Blue, to hire staff for the Detention Center will cost money, you are against that. If you are going to make up a name, choose one that is different from someone who posts on here. Rob from Bel Air has a brain.
Well if Bane had better managed his budget the last four years maybe he would be in a better position to hire staff for the new facility. How many LE officers has Bane hired the last two years vs. what he has hired for corrections? Where is his priority? Well we know it is not corrections. Four more years of Bane means four more years of mismanagement and wastful spending. And he smiles and waves just like Nixon did 30 some years ago. He just doesn’t say “I’m not a crook…”
The mailer from the union is a shame. Don’t they think people will see it for what it is. The union has forgotten how Bane threw certain members under the bus after the last election and rewarded staff that campaigned against him. He will turn his back on them he has a very short memory…
There was old man named Big Blue
He had so much hatred he didn’t know what to do
So, he went on line and posted the same old thing
Misinformation, lies,and innuendos did he fling
He had so many different names so that no one would know
That he was an old dude by the name of the Great Caruso
You have to feel sorry for someone like this
Because he is so afraid, everyone calls him Sis
I hope Big Blue has his say
Because he is going to be sad Election Day
There is nothing false about it below you will see the job description taken from the Maryland Department of State Police website. This is What Captain Gahler is in charge of.
The Automotive Safety Enforcement Division licenses motor vehicle inspection stations. This involves initial certification, routine inspections, investigation of complaints, and revocations. The Division also processes all safety equipment repair orders issued by police agencies to ensure compliance or vehicle registration suspension (Code Transportation Article, sec. 23-102).
This is a far cry from dealing with drugs,guns,violent crimes, corrections, civil process, etc. etc.
I cut and pasted the following from Mr. Gahler’s website and Ionly went back 5 years! Obviously his experience far exceeds what you want to give him credit for accomplishing. I wonder if any of you posting on here could come close to his accomplishments to include his current assignment commanding a statewide unit?
From Mr. Gahler’s website:
School of Professional Studies in Business & Education
• Masters of Science Degree in Management
• Certificate in Police Executive Leadership Development
School of Education
• Bachelor of Science Degree in Leadership & Management – Graduated with Honors
• Associates of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice – – President’s List
• FBI and Harford County Sheriff’s Office, LEEDS – Law Enforcement Executive Development School
• Maryland State Police Inaugural Command College
• Mid-Atlantic Regional Community Policing Institute – PARTNERS (Patrol Officers and Citizens)
• Public Safety Training Institute – Law Enforcement Leadership & Performance Management Course
Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, Maryland
Adjunct Faculty 2008 to Present
• Instruct undergraduate level students in the Police Executive Leadership Program
• Teach communications for aspiring law enforcement and emergency services leaders
• Teach vital Team Building skills necessary for students in the law enforcement profession
• Prepare lesson plans and teach in an effective manner
Maryland State Police – Pikesville, Maryland
Captain – Automotive Safety Enforcement Division, Commander 2008 to Present
• Commander of 20 Troopers deployed to assist the citizens of Livingston, Louisiana, during Hurricane Gustav in September, 2008
• Chaired statewide inter-agency, multi-discipline, workgroup comprised of law enforcement, corrections, hospital security and heath care professionals, in drafting a statewide law enforcement model policy dealing with the security of arrested persons in EMS and hospital settings.
• Supervise the daily operation for MSPs Vehicle Safety Inspection Program
• Responsible for the regulatory management of more than 1,600 licensed inspection stations
• Responsible for the over 9,000 registered mechanics in the state of Maryland
• Prepare and manage the Division’s 5.2 million dollar budget
Captain – Northern Troop Commander 2005 to 2008
• Responsible for three Maryland State Police installations in Harford, Carroll, and Cecil Counties
• Responsible for the assignments and duties of one hundred ninety five (195) personnel
• Ensured each installation maintained daily manpower allocations for Patrol Operations and Criminal Investigation activities
• Coordinate a variety of enforcement activities with other law enforcement agencies
dave you seem to know so much about Gahler’s history perhaps you could fill me in on the internal investigation that led Captain Gahler from commanding a troop of 3 counties to being put in charge of repair orders. Seems like a big step in the wrong direction as far as career paths go.
The other Dave
Assigned as a Division Commander does not seem to be a step in the wrong direction. If you know Captain Gahler’s assignment was a result of an internal investigation, then you must know the details yourself. Otherwise you are just spreading BS. So the previous Commander of the Automotive Division was removed as a result of an internal investigation and Gahler was assigned to clean up the mess. Is that what happened? Sounds like a plus me – not a negative!!
might be a good idea to limit each person to one post a week on any one given subject or column. Thus the overbearing bullshit of certain types would be minimized and offer space to others who might be turned off from commenting to the Dagger. Over and over again, whether it’s criticism of Jesse Bane or anyone else is boring and tedious.
The union thing is a big disappointment to me I payed union dues for 25 years and when I retired they could not even send a card. Then I did over 100 days of volunteer work and did not even get a thank you. The whole we take care of our own seems to be a bunch of crap and I don’t put anything past them..
So, Big Blue, is the union running for sheriff? So, why do you mention it?
The Union has Funded Bane’s entire campaign.
Once again Big Blue with more lies. Anyone can go to the state website and see exactly what contributions are given to any candidate. The Aegis just did a big article in Friday’s paper about candidates spending. I think Bane raised over 100K which he is spending. Learn some facts before you post.
I can’t help but try to reacclimate myself to the political scene this season. I’m getting pretty old for this sort of forum but this old bird is ready to chime in. I appreciate my friends from the Amoss and Ford family’s for encouraging me to participate in this debate.
For those of you who know me you know the Wilson’s are long time frinds of Harford County. Although we typically refer to ourselves as Independents our farming roots are surely more conservative.
Unions, henchmen, threats, and liberal ideas have never suited Harford County well. There are many great books about Harford County’s conservative history available to the public at the local library. Sheriff Bane, as nice of an old bird that he is, isn’t the best candidate for Harford County.
The more Liberals & Progressives we elect into office the more Harford County loses its heritage of conservatism. There are so many great things about Harford County and it was all built on the back of conservative values.
I’ll bet my tennis court that Jeff Gahler will make a better Sheriff for our communities. Sometimes to fix what is broke we have to trust what made us so great. Let’s fix the increases in crime and spending which have occurred under Jesse Bane by trusting in Jeff’s simple rules of integrity, responsibility, and accountability. We’ve seen Jesse let the unions off the hook with too much!
K Wilson
Street, MD
The 100 year old white farm house, near the old Highland school, with a pond, tennis court, barn, and a fair amount of acerage.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us, Kathryn. This will all be over soon and I hope for everyone’s sake that we just sit back and truly think about who will best lead the Sheriff’s Office, not about who has the most endorsements, who has the most friends, who raised the most donations, etc. Vote with your heads as to who will best serve the great citizens of Harford County.
Kathryn, what is the name of your farm? Tell me and Stefano. I live in that area, and I don’t believe that you exist.
Sounds like you have way too much time to go about “tracking” people down who disagree with you.
What is the name of your farm? I live in that area and I don;t know you and have never heard of you. What is the name of just one of those books on conservatism in Harford County. Just one? You gave yourself away with that. Not very bright.
On Election Eve, Harford Sheriff’s Office Major Forwood Charged in Theft Scheme:
about time to give Big >Blue a time out from this column…doncha think? I am a Republican, proud of it, like some Democrats and will vote my conscience, but enough of that, just shut up the over worked debating of B.B. for a little while. then after the election, let him or her or them bitch about something else.
Gahler lost.
He can go back to the auto shops and making sure “t”s are crossed on repair orders.
That mailer was phenomenal. Sure it was dirty but I enjoyed the fact that it ruffled Gahler so bad that he PERSONALLY went on Facebook and went off about how the mailer was “illegal”.
It wasn’t. I’m an attorney-at-law and this particular mailer was not illegal.
That said, beneath Gahler’s post were others wishing the Bane team could come “play some football” so they could “put a beating on them”.
Read between those lines and I see Gahler endorsing physical attacks on Bane or his supporters since it is Gahler’s Facebook page (personal one NOT political page) and he should have deleted all of this and refrained from calling the mailer illegal.
Bane never once used a PERSONAL Facebook page to whine about Gahler or allow anyone to comment about putting a “beating” on anyone.
THAT’S professional.
I know Facebook exists but if you are running for office, you would be wise to not allow your buddies to post junk on your page because it shows the company you keep and by not deleting it makes it seem as if you endorse their sentiments.
Gahler lost.
There is joy in Mudville and Bel Air, Aberdeen, Churchville and Joppatowne.
No joy in Edgewood since the Gang Task Force will still be working.
See, if Gahler had won he would have killed the Gang Task Force and put more deputies on the road to write tickets for missing tail light violations instead.
This is because deputies that supported Gahler are too afraid to work in the ‘hood and would rather pull over white kids in Bel Air for speeding than to dare having to check out the goings on behind Giant in Edgewood.
Heck, a lot of deputies used to be in Baltimore City but ran to Harford County because they wanted EASIER jobs.
Gahler was going to make it easier and take the deputies out of the ‘hood and have them write tickets in the suburbs. Would have made easier jobs for the deputies and increased revenue but eliminated zero crime unless Johnny Smith not wearing his seat belt is going to harm more people than guns and drugs in Edgewood.
Gahler lost.
Bane won.
It’s fantastic.
Gahler can blab about this 3% margin but being close doesn’t count.
Winning does.
IC York,
Are you saying that Sheriff Bane hired “a lot of Deputies that ran from Baltimore City for easier jobs in the HCSO”? How are the jobs in the HCSO easier? What is Sheriff Bane doing about all of those Deputies that are on easy street? I was not concerned about the quality of Deputies prior to your comments – but now you have me worried!!
Think about what you have said!
I went back and looked at Mr. Gahler’s Facebook page. Mr. Gahler said that signs were being placed illegally, nothing about the mailer being illegal. If you doubt it, here it is:
“They are illegally placing misleading campaign signs all over public property and now they are sending out mass mailers describing Jeff Gahler as a car mechanic.”
Obviously and honestly, your comment is either a mistake or a lie. Please let us know which one it is.
ALSO, I am disappointed that the Dagger would let your posting remain. Not because of the content (although false), but because of the offensive and juvenile username that you think is cute. It is a shame if you are not an employee of the Sheriff’s Office, because your attempt at humor brings an unfavorable light on the entire office. I hope at least it is deserved.
Thanks, Big Blue, for helping Jesse Bane to win the election.
Mr. Caruso, thanks for helping Bane get elected.
Monster –
One more time I have posted no comments whatsoever on the sheriff’s race.
I don’t really think those posts were by Caruso. Just based on what he’d been posting in other topics he generally used better grammar and spelling, frequently sounded more pompous, and usually had at least some idea of what he was talking about. Big Blue and his multiple personalities mainly just sounded like an idiot.
In any case, the election is over and it’s time to move on. Who really cares if those posts were by Caruso or not?