From Maryland State Police:
Troopers are investigating a fatal pedestrian collision involving a 14 year old boy from Bel Air, MD who was struck by a vehicle while crossing the Route 24 intersection at Red Pump Road.
On Friday, September 17, 2010 at approximately 9:44 p.m. troopers from the Bel Air Barrack responded to Maryland Route 24 at Red Pump Road, regarding a motor vehicle collision involving a pedestrian.
Preliminarily, it appears that the pedestrian, identified as Joseph Paul D’Entremont, 14 yoa, of Bel Air, MD, was attempting to cross Route 24 from the Red Pump Road side of the intersection.
The pedestrian was walking towards the Bynum Road side of the intersection whenthe crash occurred. Although the pedestrian was crossing in a crosswalk it appears that the crossing signal was prohibiting pedestrians from crossing at the time of the collision. As the pedestrian walked past stationary traffic occupying the left turn lane of northbound Route 24, he was immediately struck in lane #1 by a 2005 Subaru traveling northbound on Route 24.
The Subaru, operated by Robin Monaco (19 yoa, White Hall resident), was approaching the Red Pump/Bynum Road intersection with a green traffic signal at the time of the collision.
The pedestrian was transported to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center where he was pronounced deceased by medical personnel. The operator of the Subaru was uninjured during the crash.
Alcohol was not a factor in this collision on behalf of the driver or pedestrian.
The roadway was closed for approximately two hours while investigators from the Maryland State Police Bel Air Barrack investigated the collision.
UPDATE: Teri Kranefeld of Harford County Public Schools said the school system is prepared to support friends and classmates of Joey D’Entremont Fallston High School this week:
Our crisis team is scheduled to be at the school on Monday and for as long as necessary to provide support to the students and staff in dealing with this tragedy. In conjunction with other county agencies, we will reach out to the family and help them in any way possible.
Very sad! You will be missed Joey.
i remember him singing in chorous for the first time everyone was amazed i remember since i met him in the second grade now all i have left are memories r.i.p joey you were a good man
I love and miss joey , Though no one want’s to belivie this , the very heartbreaking thing is , its true , all the things he did for other people , he was an amazing singer , & a great person , RIP Joey<3
joey was the sweetest and most talented person ever. he could put a smile on anyones face. he will be missed so much. i love you joey<3
I will always remember the respect Joey demonstrated when I saw him out and about. I last saw Joey when I was working for the Sheriff’s Office at the Fallston High Football game the night of his death. I head someone say, “hey Mr. Impallaria.” It was Joey and a couple of his friends. Joe and my son Ryan grew up playing football at Fallston Rec. They now play at competing High Schools and would be play each other on Thursday 9/23/10. We teased each other on whose team is going to get their butt beat. I told Joey before I left to have fun with his buddies and I would see him on Thursday. Little did I know that would be my last goodbye to Joey? During his short time on earth Joey touched many people especial my son, my nephew, and certainly me. My deepest sympathies go out to Joey’s parents and brothers. May God protect you and bless you!!
Joey u will be missed by everyone. the most talented person i knew a great football player and singer. rest in peace
let’s also say a prayer for the operator of the car, who had no chance to avoid what will last forever in their memory. Often times the driver is not at fault, and would have avoided the mishap if at all possible. Prayers to them as well.
Amen to that. I would be devastated if I was the driver.
God bless Joey and family!
Joey – All the kids miss you and love you! Our Blessings to your family. You are now an angel in the skying singing! We all love you thanks for touching so many lives in the short time you were here! REST IN PEACE
Joey was a talented, polite, impressive young man. He had so many friends. He was at our house a week ago and talked with us (two adults!) about football and music. We were so impressed by this young man. This is a huge loss for his family, friends, and the community. He will always be in our hearts. And I agree with Todd Holden when he writes we should pray for the driver whose life has also been changed forever.
youtube video of Joey in concert
Goodness i dont know what to say. Im shocked that you had to go but i know you went for a reason. We all loved you here and youll never be forgotten. No one will ever forget the fun-loving, hilareous kid you were! You were always so nice and no one had anything against you. I still am very upset and i just want you to know ill always have you in my mind! You were amazing and a great singer and everyone should know! Im sorry for all family and friends and for Robin who has to deel with this. You will always be in my prayers and God bless!
you were my brother, you didnt deserve to die. not this way. YOU were most likely to be famous. & you would have been but not this way. not your death in a newspaper. but i forever have our memories that noone can ever take away from me. i love you so much, one day we’ll be playin baseball n football again together.
you were my brother, you didnt deserve to die. not this way. YOU were most likely to be famous. & you would have been but not this way. not your death in a newspaper. but i forever have our memories that noone can ever take away from me. i love you so much, one day we’ll be playin baseball n football again together.
you were my brother, you didnt deserve to die. not this way. YOU were most likely to be famous. & you would have been but not this way. not your death in a newspaper. but i forever have our memories that noone can ever take away from me. i love you so much, one day we’ll be playin baseball n football again together.
forever missed. <3
GOD BLESS YOU JOEY !! and your family to . my riends and i are all deeply, deeply saddend my your death, i hope your family is doing well . you were a great kid with a bright future . i will always remember you . <33333
I have lived near this intersection for 41 years. Several times today I have been through this intersection to see Joey’s friends setting up their memorial to their beloved friend who is now gone. I know your friend is proud of the respectful and loving way all of you have conducted yourselves at this devastating time. Young people — please please know that life is too short and you never know when your time here is over. God bless Joey, his family, friends, and the young driver of the vehicle.
So well said, Mary.
joey<3 ; you will be missed<3 you were an amazing person, & everyone loves you & misses you. iloveyou.
Joey we all loved you and no one could say anything bad about you without regretting it the next minute you’ll be missed greatly and i doubt you’ll ever be forgotten. You’re like a fallston legend and it sucks you couldnt live up to your potential. french is gonna suck wihtout you <3 r.i.p. joey
eight on, right on<333 lova ya joeyyyY!
Joey was such a nice kid – friendly and willing to sit down and talk, even with adults. He was very respectful and comfortable carrying a conversation. I’m sitting here looking at a photo of Joey and my son Ryan sitting on the bleachers before a Fallston rec football game. My nephew was also friends with Joey; I can still see him playing lacrosse in our yard. I am so sad and sorry that this tremendous tragedy has occurred.
Joey’s parents just lost one of the most important people in their lives, and all you care about is french class? Are you serious? Are kids these days that delusional?
And this comment is from someone who in post 20 says that he asked for it? What is wrong with you?
I see nothing at all wrong with Emily’s post. It sounds to me like a friend who is going to miss her friend, especially in French class. It’s not about French class – she just knows that it won’t be the same without Joey in it and she will miss him.
It hurts to lose a friend at any age, but especially at such a young age. To Joey’s friends and family, I’m very sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was a fine young man and he will be missed.
If you were truly a concerned citizen I think you might say, “sorry for your loss” instead of flaming.
Ah, Hank. May God bless your little soul! It must take guts to neglect the fact that we all lost someone in our community and say that a “flame war” has started.
Memorial Service for Joseph Paul D’Entremont at 8 p.m. tonight at Fallston Recreation Complex.
Joe & Family,
Our deepest, heartfelt condolences from the Campos family. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
joey… we love you so much. you’ve brought us all together, but i would give myself up to have you back in this world.
[edit] Crossing a major road when signs tell you otherwise can only lead to trouble. I do not want to say that Joey deserved this, as no one deserves anything of this magnitude. I sure hope this serves as a wake up call for teens around here. Listen to a higher authority, even if it is your parents, teachers, or a red hand stating that it is not safe to cross the street.
May you rest in peace, Joey. Just think, if you followed directions, you wouldn’t be in the position you are in right now.
This is such a tragic loss and for someone to even have the nerve to say something like “he asked for it” is just pure ignorance. How many of us adults have crossed streets when the little red hand is blinking because it looks safe? How about any of the other hundreds of things we do that seem safe, but aren’t? Is is completely disrepectful for you to say those things at a time like this. I am sickened by your total lack of compassion. This was a wondeful boy, with such an amazing future ahead of him. I can only pray for strength for his friends and family to get them through this terrible time, and hope they never run into a person such as yourself. You should be ashamed!
R u serious? How can u possibly sit in judgement of someone u don’t know.
Concerned Citizen… really? You should read what you wrote again. Your posts should be removed. This message board should be for loving words and prayers for Joey and his family!
God bless you Joey and to your family! We love you and will miss you very much!
Are you serious right now? Do you know how many people are killing inside knowing that someone they love and care about so much is gone..?Weall know he’s in a happier place now, but you have no right to say he deserved it. NO One deserves to go to heaved at age 14! he didn’t even get a chance to live his life. did you ever thing about that? Joey was an AMAZING person and a great friend, and he will be missed very much by everyone<3
That was completely uncalled for “citizen” His parents and friends do not need to read that he “asked for it.” You are a sad sad person to not care about the loss of a young persons life. Sure, he shouldn’t have crossed but we all do things we shouldn’t do. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Joey. I hope you all disregard the disrespectful and insensitive posts by “concerned citizen” and remember that whoever it is couldn’t even man up and write their real name.
Citizen – if you were so concerned, you would have refrained from cruel, hurtful remarks.
My prayers are with the family of this well-loved young man, as well as the young woman driving the car.
How could you say something like that. Joey did listen to higher authorities, for you to end your statment about authority with “or a red hand stating that it is not safe to cross the street” is like making fun of him; nd i DON’T appreciate it, and neither does the rest of his friends and family. Also there was no need for you to put “Just think, if you followed directions, you wouldn’t be in the position you are in right now”! we all cared very much for him and loved him, and we are already struggling enough together to get through this with help from him, we don’t need you making it worse!
I love you Joey, make sure you keep on singing and playing the piano, you were the nicest and sweetest guy anyone could have ever met. Can’t wait to see you again one day <3
This intersection is unreasonably dangerous. For a long time I couldn’t go a weekend without seeing a car accident. It got better when Red Pump was shut down but now traffic is entering in full volume from all directions again. I hope that nobody chooses to consider this an isolated incident. We need to get some additional traffic engineers to look at all the crash data and traffic flows and see what else can be done. Being more accommodating to pedestrian and bike traffic should also clearly be factored in.
Also, with the opening of Kohl’s there will be even more traffic through this intersection. I have told my son not to ever cross at that intersection, it is just too many cars going in too many different directions. When you consider that you also have cars paying attention to merging onto the bypass, it is just not a good design. I don’t know if there is a solution to fixing this intersection other than avoidig it completely. I can’t imagine losing a child, and my heart just breaks for his family and friends, as well as for the young driver of the car. This will affect her for the rest of her life. What a horrible tragedy for everyone. I will be praying for everyone involved and stressing to my son again to avoid that intersection. I just feel horrible for everyone involved.
ADMIN: Please remove the posts by Concerned Citizen. UNACCEPTABLE.
Following directions is an integral part of society. If one does not follow directions, then one simply can not function efficiently. My apologies if this simple fact hurts your feelings, angry reader.
Hello Mr. Perfect CITIZEN. I guess you have never made poor decisions in your lifetime. Maybe you lived in a land far far away. Well wake up because its not a fairytale here on Earth. Every human being makes bad choices at some point in life. We learn from these bad choices and this is what helps us grow and mature. My point is that you need to zip your lips because you are really taking this overboard. Joey was a very smart, talented and loving boy. How dare you talk to him in such a way and have such disrespect. Just keep your opinions to yourself and let joeys family and friends grieve. What is wrong with you?
I also request the self serving post by citizen be removed. I do not know the family but as a member of the Harford County community I would prefer to surround the family and friends with support and protect their fragile hearts from cruel people.
Concerned Citizen should have come to the vigil on Friday night in honor of Joey. He or she could have spoken to the huge crowd in person. Concerned Citizen would have been touched by the love and support…….or taught a tough lesson about respect.
I do truly wish I could have come, but I was not able to call out of work. I, however, have kept Joey, his family, and the driver in my prayers in hopes that somehow that may ease everyone’s pain.
Just to make myself clear, I did not intend to say that this poor boy “deserved this” or “asked for this”. My apologies if I came off as ignorant. No one in this world deserves to lose such a wonderful young boy like Joey.
I do, however, stand firm on what I said about following directions. Call it as you see it, weather it be rude or disrespectful, but all it takes is one bad decision to change everything.
You did come off as ignorant. Thankfully, you or the editor removed the first sentence from comment 20 and you clarified your intent. After the grieving process takes place, hopefully lessons will be learned.
You did come off as ignorant. Thankfully, you or the editor removed the first sentence from comment 20 and you clarified your intent. And, you’re right. No one knows why Joey decided not to obey the signal. As the grieving process continues, we are all hopeful that lessons will be learned.
I want to disagree with concerned citizen. As a teen I have made the same decision Joey made time and time again. And here I am posting this comment. It’s EXTREMELY sad that all you have to think about is RULES. Yes, he was in the wrong but WE ALL HAVE BEEN IN THE WRONG BEFORE. We all have crossed major roads before illegally. The fact of the matter is that he was VERY UNLUCKY. And for you to even bring that up in a time of mourning is PATHETIC AND CRUEL. RIP Joey, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Your excessive usage of capital letters does not enhance your point of view. It only lowers the overall perceived level of your maturity.
I had a friend who would always drive home from the bar every Saturday night. He did this for about 5 months before being charged with a DWI. The point is although most people do stupid things and get away with them, it is the unlucky few that lose in the end.
Concerned Citizen, Since we’re examining as you put it “perceived level of your maturity”, let’s continue on… while there may actually be a time in the future when a sanctimonious posting will not be met with outrage by those that have just begun the grieving process, even one with the maturity level of say a 12 year old should have an inkling that this isn’t it. I never met the kid, but it’s obvious these people are hurting so maybe the “I told you so” can wait. Besides, anyone who doesn’t hear about this and think, “hey, being more careful is a good thing”, isn’t going to be influenced by anyone else pointing it out.
Concerned citizen,
I have never witnessed such untimely, unthoughtful, and ignorant remarks than what you have posted here today. You, obviously, do not remember thinking as a child when you were 14, and certainly have no respect for the parents of this boy, nor the driver, who’s lives have been ruined. If we all could be as perfect as you, concerned citizen, I’m sure the world would be at peace. To even mention fault in this tragedy shows what kind of a person you are. I encourage everyone in this posting to ignore any further comments posted by this person, and continue to share your emotions with each other concerning your memories of this boy, no matter how you find yourself coping with his death. Unbelievable.
hey concerned citizen, you XXXsuck and you’re clearly not “concerned” with anyone but yourself. unlike most people on here, i’m not going to be nice to you and tell you that youre ignorant. youre a low life piece of XXX and im sorry if my language offends anyone here, but the fact that you would write such cruel things on something that happened so soon is absurd and i hope you die in a fiery wreck.
My heart goes out to this family,My daughters new him, he was a very talented your man,I watch video with him playing the piano and singing, he has amazing voices,
Don’t waste your time folks on “concerned” citizen, he is an idiot and insensitive on all the blogs–likes to soapbox, whenever he can. Whitney says it more eloquently, I suppose. Ignore his comments and Pray for the young man and his family in this time of grief, loss and hurt. I do not know the young man and can not even imagine the loss of a son at such an early age.
To all those grieving for Joey, please know that those who did not know him, or his family, grieve with you. This tragedy has touched the entire community and we are all overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support. Joey is in heaven watching over you all and enjoying what has been prepared for him by God. You will see him again. When you love, you must also grieve when things like this happen. I am so very sad for your loss. It seems that Joey was a wonderful person.
to concerned citizen. you did not miss-speak,you wrote the insensitive words.. Really A young man is no longer with us. Just stop commenting,you have done us all an injuctice here. god Bless the family~
PLEASE take a look at this wikipedia article:
This Concerned Citizen is a troll – Do not feed the trolls. Just ignore and move on. Some people get a high out of it.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[2] In addition to the offending poster, the noun troll can also refer to the provocative message itself, as in “that was an excellent troll you posted”.
It is unbelievably sad and tragic for the loss of a young boy. My thoughts and prayers are with the friends and family of Joey. However, let’s also send love to Robin, who’s life will be forever be changed as well. The circumstances were unavoidable, and it was a total accident. He was not speeding, nor was he using any illegal substances. He was just driving, following all of the rules. No one is to blame here. Let’s focus on that.
two young lives
How very true… Yes, that is a good point albeit sad, it is so true, thanks for remembering that…
Joey graduated earth school early. He is fine, but this sucks for the rest of us left here to deal with it. Losing one of my kids is the only thing in this world that I’m not sure I could handle. I wish eventual peace and comfort to Joey’s family and friends. I’m trying to help my kids feel their way through they’re first painful experience of the death of a peer. I don’t know how to do this, other than one day, hour, or minute at a time.
That is the best post of the day~ “perfect”
First of all, I’m truly sorry for the lost, but lets look at this as a lesson learn. Always make sure it is safe to cross any road. I know for a fact how dangerous that intersection is. I’ve responded on plenty of accidents there. The county needs to change it.
even though i didnt knoq joey that well he was still a great person to me. everything he did for his comunity and his school. his singing was incredible, he said he wanted to be famous. he is to everyone hes ever helped. its ashame simple things like this have some of the biggest consequences. he will be missed by all.
i love and miss you joey
MAYO :’)
P.S. i hope i see you again one day man.
even though i didnt knoq joey that well he was still a great person to me. everything he did for his comunity and his school. his singing was incredible, he said he wanted to be famous. he is to everyone hes ever helped. its ashame simple things like this have some of the biggest consequences. he will be missed by all.
i love and miss you joey
MAYO :’)
P.S. i hope i see you again one day man.
People should realize there is a bigger issue here.
First is parents lost a child. It doesn’t matter if that child was right or wrong in how he crossed the intersection.
Second is a malfunction crosswalk which taxpayers pay for. With all the spending of both the county and the state, these defects should be addressed.
Keep in mind these same people said there would be concrete barriers placed on the Route 1 bypass when the driver crossed the center line and killed a family. But instead they have placed “Headlights required” signs & have cut notches into the blacktop. Like this will STOP head on collisions.
Yes people this intersection is only a few hundred feet away from where this other tragedy occurred. There is little to NO enforcement of speed control on this area, even though a State Police Barracks is located right @ Rt1 business & bypass.
This should infuriate all county residents as well as ALL taxpayers. That being said. My prayers go out to the family and friends of this boy.
I was unaware the crosswalk malfunctioned?
It was not malfunctioning. For some reason that is beyond me, people believe that if they think something/someone other than Joey was at fault, that they will be more at peace. There is no reason to make up excuses.
To the family and friends of the beloved Joey: I would like to give my dearest and most heartfelt condolences to you.
Read ALL the info in regards to that intersection & you will find out that businesses in that area have made complaints in regards to the crosswalk not working correctly. It was not allowing pedestrians to cross. This is a fact and is documented. I stand by my statement that this is a KNOWN issue and is unaddressed and will wash under the table as many issues in Harford County as well as the State of Maryland.
I cant stress enough that I feel for the loss of a child and I feel for this family.
But I will state the information of the inadequacy of local government addressing repair and safety issues. Whether or not this is,could be, should be or even would be a pending lawsuit should never enter into it. That is entirely a matter for the family & should stay un entered into a discussion. Keep in mind how Baltimore City got away with accidental electrocution of a minor at a ballpark.
Your right. It is Harford County’s fault! They caused the death of Joey!
I know how this mother feels, I lost a child,she would have been 9 yrs old.My heart is with this family. I watched his video of him singing,voice of and angel, Now he is singing in Heaven.
To the Family of Joseph D’Entremont:
Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow;
I am the diamond glints on snow;
I am the sunlight on ripened grain;
I am the gentle Autumn’s rain.
When you waken in the morning’s hush;
I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight;
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there, I did not die.
How was the crosswalk a malfunction?????stop making an issue that is not there and trying to blame someone.There is no one to blame in this sad tradegy. Instead of finding an excuse why it happened and trying to point fingers, just put your efforts towards keeping that poor family in your prayers and hope they will make it through this tough time!
The crosswalk wasn’t working! Its an issue and don’t say its not!!!
I feel terrible for the family and friends of Joey but I love how all of the Harford County community has come together in honor of him! I heard even John Carrol students wear blue under their uniforms for him Monday, and I just cried when I heard that.
Does anyone know if they’re doing anything special for the Fallston football game Friday? I would love to go
Once a Cougar always a Cougar, we love you Joey!!!
My heart goes out to the family and to everyone who knew Joey. It was so terribly sad watching tv and seeing all these young kids attending a funeral instead of being happy and carefree. There is enough heartache as you get older, and they shouldn’t have to suffer through something like this at such a young age. Having said that, I’d like to say that it really is a shame that some of these young people haven’t learned a thing from their friend’s death. I drive through the same intersection several times a week and I have seen kids on bikes riding around the memorial and onto the shoulder of Rt. 24, crowding around the memorial bringing them terribly close to the roadway and what happened to me last night is why I decided to post. There was a boy screaming crazily with a poster reading “Honk for Joey” who jumped almost in front of my car waving his sign. He wasn’t alone and I’m sure I wasn’t the only car this happened to. Parents, your kids grew up a little this week but they are still young. Please tell them there are other ways to honor their friend that doesn’t place them in danger.
Thank You for saying that!!!!! The “Honk for Joey” sign is a silly way of honoring their friend. And I agree that they are getting dangerously close to causing a traffic hazzard.
I agree, it is silly, they should not mourn at all. I hate seeing flowers, posters, crying kids praying on the corners, balloons…what a traffic hazzard!!
… all the wonderful new grafitti covering the electrical box there. Those “mourners” sure are a respectful lot.
Are you serious? Grafitti!? I can’t believe the County lets these rug rats get away with posters that have well wishing messages on them….crosses…balloons…..BLAH!! I am truly offended!
My sons locker was next to Joey’s….what a difficult weekend this has been. The loss of such a wonderful kid. If anything remember this. Through his loss hearts are being mended…relationships are being restored…people are hugging and loving those they have despised for years…I have witnessed this first hand and I for one want to thank you Joey…although you are no longer with us….you have helped to work miracles through-out our community.
You post here with your referral like for some nobody energy company. Incredible. When we are all in a helpless state, you are concerned about making money. You really are something else. I hope you are next, sir.
“Incredible” You have nothing to worry about. This has been my login name for a long time now. I was at the Fallston Football game last night. Actually sat with the family. My son plays for the Varsity Team and his locker was next to Joey’s. I invite you to my facebook page to see the pictures for yourself.
Please feel free to contact me anytime.
Robert McArtor, Father of 2 students at Fallston High School.
I would be more than happy to share the grief my 15 and 14 year old has had to deal with for the past week….please…do not switch your electric rates since that is the only thing you are focused on.
Thank you
Smart ass. You should stop taking everything so personal. You should spend the energy you are taking to get back at me on your sons. They need comfort more than you do.
?? okay “Incredible”
Who wants the signs removed?
Joey, it’s been a month since you’ve passed and everyone still talks and acts like it happened yesterday. You’ve made the biggest impact on our fallston community. Theres not a day that goes by without me thinking of you. Your dad and family is being so strong for all of your friends who had to experience something so horrible at such a young age. Your songs are on iTunes. You had amazing musical talents and that’s all there is to it. The saddest part is that you didn’t get to live out your full potential. But it doesn’t matter, we all know you would have. Keep singing and doing the things you love up there, and keep watching over your classmates, friends, and family. We love you!