From the office of Del. J.B. Jennings:
As State Senate candidates in District 7 vie for votes from Republicans in the upcoming Primary Election, Delegate J.B. Jennings is urging voters to pay attention to Al Redmer’s record.
“Al Redmer’s literature describes him as a ‘conservative’, but it is misleading,” said Jennings. “Until he decided to run in District 7, which is a more Republican and more conservative district than the District 8 he previously represented for 13 years, Al Redmer was a Republican who voted like a Democrat. While I always am happy when people strengthen their pro-life position, it was very convenient that Al became more conservative about the same time that he decided to run against me,” said Jennings.
In a previous campaign, Al Redmer was described in a Baltimore Sun editorial as being 100% pro-choice. Even Maryland Right to Life gave him an 80% pro-life voting record because Al Redmer had several votes against the pro-life position, in contrast to the 100% pro-life rating of J.B. Jennings. Moreover, Jennings noted, Al Redmer gave financial contributions to the election campaigns of noted pro-choice liberals, including Democrat incumbents Kathy Klausmeier and Pete Hammen, who are endorsed by the most powerful pro-abortion organization in Maryland.
Redmer has raised a lot of money for this campaign which will be used to mislead voters and distract them from his liberal record. “Voters should take a closer look at his record, and see the truth about how conservative Al Redmer definitely is not,” said J.B. Jennings. “In fact, I haven’t researched the matter yet, but I would love for Redmer to let voters know whether, as CEO of an insurance company, he allowed the company policy to provide abortion assistance under the guise of “health care insurance.”
For more information, please contact Delegate J.B. Jennings at (410) 241-9507/
worth checking out..
Vote with caution all your prior representatives
Del. Jennings should be questioning his Ehrlich endorsement who is pro-choice..Pro-Life voters should against pro-choice Ehrlich and Jennings who has given in on his pro-life stand by standing with Ehrlich.
When it comes to the man for top job, you can’t please all. Ehrlich has many great qualities and had Md in a surplus. I am also pro choice with good reason. I don’t think anyone should tell me what to do with my own body especially if its a high risk pregnancy. Sometimes pro lifers don’t get it. NOW what about the “MEN” who shrug at their duties of a parent when it comes to supporting their own kids? They should be jailed..
A child’s life is not “your body.” This 1970’s-era argument has been completely debunked by the incredible strides made in intrauterine photography that bears out what we’ve always known to be true: a life is created at conception. Any objective and discerning person can see that. Pro-choicers can’t claim ignorance anymore. You are simply justifying murder, which is much worse than being ignorant of the facts. And placing the blame on absent fathers, while this is a serious and solemn epidemic, does not rationalize away the act of pulling a baby’s brains out of its skull, chemically poisoning it, or burning it alive with saline.
Until men have babies then men can protest all they want. Their are very many reasons why a woman would or should terminate a pregnancy. Your 1st sentence is a joke. Your facts about brains are true but later on in pregnancy. Too many facts to discuss with you..
So…your argument is that men have no say in the matter. Huh. Interesting. I guess you must have really been hurt by a man in order to hate them so much that, to you, a father should not get to say whether or not his own son or daughter gets to live.
And the fact that a child’s brains are sucked into a vacuum later–that makes it alright. Glad I am about to read “Arguing with Idiots.”
then rino men like you should keep your pants zipped up real tight..
How do you know I’m a man? Marge, XYZ… your lack of logic is showing!
because women know what we go through to have babies while the men just enjoy themselves. I could write a book on why a women should have a choice. I don’t mind your name calling that i’m a murderer and all that. It shows us how insecure you are with the issues..What would you do if your 12 year old was gang raped or molested by a relative or knew that she could die if she carried full term or knew the baby was so deformed and mangled that the child would be in a vegetated state and in pain the rest of its life. What about the druggy women who have crack babies just for a check every month and they are abusive to the child because their habits are more important to them. Its a sickness and they lose the ability of rational thinking.So Rino think before you tell a women that they are just murderers.
Perhaps you should brush up on your reading skills. I never called you a murderer. I said you were justifying murder. Perhaps your misunderstanding is your conscience twisting your perception of reality. It comes down to this: you are making an innocent child a victim of his or her circumstances (i.e.: mom is a crack head, dad doesn’t care, etc.) Rape comprises about 1% of abortions, and even if a woman is raped, should a child that is (unlikely) conceived as a result of the violent act pay for his father’s heinous crime? That argument is a red herring. Additionally, by your failed logic, all women should be pro-choice. In actuality, more women are staunchly pro-life than are men. Abortion BENEFITS the men you hate so much–and the ones that SHOULD be punished for being absent–they get to write off their responsibility altogether while the mother suffers the agonizing guilt that comes as a result and has been documented in innumerable cases of abortion. Interesting philosophy on low-income, drug-addicted parents– just kill their babies. That will solve the problem. You obviously admire Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who was a white supremacist and advocate of forced sterilization and eugenics. She had a similar view of the “less fortunate.” Facts are stubborn things, Marge, and your arguments don’t contain them. You are using emotion to bolster your case, and it won’t work on me.
rhino your not right at all. You keep saying I hate men. Tell that to my husband and sons. YOu keep twisting the words. I don’t give a dang about who started planned parenthood and i don’t really care what you say. Try growing up in the inner city and watching the studs get away with all of it. No support for the child. the mom is left holding the bag and a great chance the mom has to go on welfare and the child is brought up in poverty. I’ve seen it all and you mr know it all don’t know a thing. I am firm in my pro choice stance and I don’t care if i’m the only one who feels this way. That is my choice as a woman to feel what I want to feel. I’ve noticed you before twisting words to prove your point and i refuse to talk to someone like that. nuff said with this one.
Again, I cite statistics and facts; you speculate and point toward anecdotal evidence that still does not justify taking the life of a child. I don’t understand how anyone who has watched the development of a living human being, and who has raised that person, could be pro-choice. You are right in that you can feel what you want to feel, but that doesn’t make you correct in your conclusion.
What do you think of the morning after pill. Suppose you had sex with your girlfriend with no protection and you were married? Do you think the sperm should be considered a child yet?
RINO there is a significant chunk of pro-choice individuals who agree that life begins at conception. I do for religious reasons (Catholic). I also think that it is not the place of the govt or myself to enforce those moral standards on someone else. It is there choice in my mind to do what I consider morraly wrong.
That’s an absolutely absurd question, Marge. Sperm is not a child. A child is conceived when sperm meets an egg. At that point, a life is created. Not before; not after. I didn’t think I’d have to be giving you lessons on basic human anatomy, though I don’t mind. The morning after pill is a chemical abortion and is destruction of life. Your one sentence makes no sense… “Suppose you had sex with your girlfriend with no protection and you were married?” Is she my girlfriend? Or is she my wife? I am not sure I follow. If I am married, I am not going to have a girlfriend. But if you’re trying to put me in a (yet again) hypothetical situation where I would have to choose life over death, I think you know my answer: I would not support my wife, girlfriend–whatever–killing my child. The “choice” comes BEFORE conception. Not after.
CDev: The ONLY responsibility of the government is to protect our God-given rights of LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (read: The Declaration of Independence; United States Constitution). If there is a “significant chunk of pro-choice individuals that agree that life begins at conception,” you’d better get on the horn to NARAL, NOW, and 100% of the employees at Planned Parenthood, because that hasn’t been their narrative. Concurrently admitting that life begins at conception and insisting that abortion should be legal is a callous rationalization of the destruction of human life. If you find it morally wrong, why is it not morally wrong for someone else to do it? Is morality relative?
because it is MY morality and I should not force them to adopt my religious views. BTW the life, liberty, persuit of happiness is not in the Constituion.
So morality is relative to you. Okay. Then how is it morality? And I’m quite familiar with the Constitution. I know “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” does not appear in it. That’s why I said “(read: THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; United States Constitution).” I cite the Constitution because it illustrates just how limited the federal government’s role is supposed to be. The tenth amendment is not very ambiguous on the matter of states’ rights.
No it is not relative but the limited role of federal govt that you cite is exactly why I am pro choice. It is not my place to impose my morals on someone else!
Its nice that you came out of the closet on such an important issue. Seems like all are pro life. At least when their on a public forum..
marge we actually agree on a few other things we just disagree about the practical solution to the issue. It is almost impossible to agree or disagree with someone 100% of the time. At some point you will eventually agree with them. BTW while I do read sunspot and rarely post on it I am not OMAR. True again. I don’t post that often!
Bill. Too many politicians/campaigners are jumping on the pro life issues which is hot topic right now as with 2nd amendment & conservative values. Check out their voting patterns. What they sponsored and what not. If their new kids on the block, ask them questions and dig deep and hold them accountable. I’m a big fan of Harris, Dwyer, Rutledge, Stouffer, zajdel and a few others and they all know who i am and I continually have questions to ask and they don’t mind answering. The ones that dodge my questions or vaguely answer is who I worry about. As far as Harris & Dwyer goes, I’ve seen them in action in annapolis and they rock and roll for the citizens of md. I am proud to call them patriots. I often go to forums where they get together and compare notes and answer questions. I was at a forum for the guys running against Dutch. Some were ok and some were disgusting like Cardarelli. What a true liberal illegal loving democrat in a republican suit he is. He believes the illegal aliens come to america for a better life and we should help them. Doesn’t the $2billion tax $$ in Md last year count for anything while they take our jobs,have a drivers license and vote? If it all came out of Cardarelli’s pocket he’d worry big time. He is not a good candidate and if he wins, we will have another Dutch and Omalley twin.. Troy Stouffer is my guy. 1st timer. Great morals, honest, hard working, family man and is not afraid to speak out in support of Arizona law and wants all our immigration laws enforced and no tax $$ to illegal aliens. The others piddled out of it..
Are JB Jennings pants on fire?
Al Redmer has been endorsed by MD Right to Life in every election he ran in.
I question JB’s record on illegal immigration. When he owned a feed store, how many farms did he profit from that employed illegal aliens?
How much do the illegals profit from your purchases of fruits and vegetables at farmers markets?
i’d say illegal aliens had a job that paid $$ while most of them collecting welfare for their kiddies and taking jobs away from our families
they have a job don’t they?
can you repeat that question?
if JB hired illegals did you bother reporting him or do you just sit around and complain. Too much can be done even when our leaders like omalley,”viva la casa” Babs and Dutch who cater to them for votes. They are a sell out who sold their souls for votes of illegal aliens. Nobody has the right to complain about illegals working and scamming our systems unless they do more than Bit.. about it..
Why did Al Redmer donate multiple times to members of the Democratic Leadership like Kathy Klausmeier, Peter Hammen, Todd Schuler, and Mac Middleton? One donation, a mistake. Two donations, a problem. A half dozen donations, a very dangerous pattern.
Who cares that he moves districts to find somewhere favorable to run or that he opposed Andy Harris when Harris first ran. Al Redmer is a moderate who wants to go to Annapolis to work with Democrats to promote himself.
Desperate JB has gone negative. Now people see him for what he really is – not an aw-shucks good-ole-boy, but as an Impallaria clone and stooge. Too bad JB.
You ought to all look into your own backyards before you start calling people out!! Nothing at all wrong with JB… Whats the problem with you? Its politics time folks.. YOu all used to be used to it.Tonight you might possibly see jb and redmer sitting at the same table conversing. Don’t any of you ever go to their affairs? Instead of nitpicking, come out and ask both of them their stance on issues..That would be the adult thing to do..
Great way to get media coverage without spending money for it. Last Monday in the Baltimore County paper both j.b. and al emailed back and forth with the paper in between, happy to play along.
Folks, Look at the web site, District 7 gets the worst score for the environment out of the State. Jb – 18% / Al – 28% out of 100% Lifetime scores! Dan Riley got 100% so it is feasable!
Jb’s is a follower, he admitted he relies on his collegues for voting advise, he does not read the bills, however; he is polite when he tells everyone, NO!
HARFORD received 15% while Baltimore got 85% of federal road money, and the military bases are in Harford Co. not very good, no matter how polite!
Rebecca with your attitude and political nonsense who in their right mind would vote for you. You justed turned me right off. Your whole is nonsense. Instead of telling people about all the nasty people in politics and what they’ve done, why not tell us what you will do to correct the problem. You aren’t worthy enough to sit in harris’ old seat gal. Grow up. Get an education and try going to church..
Marge Reford “you justed turn me right off” Do not be upset with the messenger, I was listing factual numbers provided by As for Harris he received 11 or 13% out of 100%
I plan to correct these environmental scores!
As a murder witness, I took a stand and helped pass the witness protection laws in 2007, to protect all citizens. has more information, Maybe, I could of prefixed the for you to understand better. I mentioned more than once that he is polite, I never said nasty, just the facts, mam!
Maryland is one of thr worst States for veterans, 40% of our homeless are veterans. I founded the American Dream Newspaper as an alternative to panhandling as a hand up – not a hand out!
The endorsements and more information about me can be found on this site, and numerous others. My number spells out paper at, 410 727 3728!
Tomorrow is the celebration of Defenders Day at Fort Howard, I am the Veterans Chairman for the National Fort Howard Park Project, please join us 10a – 5p!
There is only One God, as a military brat we were taught One God and Our Country, my Dad was a deacon at the church, my family built. A nondenominational church, I enjoy teaching arts and crafts at bible school! God Bless ya and speak unity!
As a ninth generation, I understand you may lack some class, as your statements articulate!
Now, Now, who is the nasty one, Marge?
Your guy is polite and his voting record is unacceptable.
As the Democratic Nominee for Delegate, I was inspired to change my position for our Districts sake; when I realized his score was a (0) zero in 2009! Lifetime score 18%
I grew up on the water and respect our environment! My Uncle, Del. Mike Weir was Co-Chairman of the Chesapeake Bay Commission, while I worked for the last 3 Gov’s in Annapolis. I encourage you to look up the voting scores at:
There is nothing wrong with my website:
Can ya be a little more specific?
you sure talk alot and don’t say nothing. You put words in my mouth while your website says absolutely nothing of importance. who cares who your uncle is or what you did to close down an illegal bail bondsman. I wonder how many other good deeds did you do that don’t amount to much. If your a candidate, tell us what you will do not who your related to or some piddly bailbondsman who is now out of work because of you. Why don’t you go into highlandtown and check all the business’s out for proper license. Mostly all are operating without proper license.. FYI I am a democrat voting R this time because i’m ashamed of all of them. They lie, cheat, steal and too much bs. They work for themselves and not our citizens. It is a shame that the few good democrats have to fall under this category of corruption.
I took your advice and looked up some voting records. check a few of them out. This is what I found. Mikulski. voted 96% of the time with illegal aliens and voted “NO” for border enforcement. Voted “no” to finish the border. Voted “NO” to send more troops to the border. Voted “NO” to make english the national language. Well i’m one democrat voting “NO” for all of them.
This is your uncle’s voting record. Weir, He voted “NO” to increase motor vehicle liability from $20k-$30k. Do you know illegal aliens are driving with $20k worth of insurance? Do you know how many accidents they are in? Do you know how far $20k goes when they disable someone or worse yet kill someone?
your uncle Weir Voted “NO” “Lawful Status” Requirements for ID Cards, Vehicle Licenses and Permits (Nay).. How dare him do this to us!!
Your uncle Weir has a 69% rating on environmental issues.. Do you think this is good?
I’m not picking on your uncle Weir. He probably did a lot of good but I picked out some very important issues he voted against. You keep bringing up everyone. JB your uncles, 3 governors that I could care less about.. I’m pointing out that your attitude sucks towards people whether your right or wrong. You draw your own picture of people and pounce on them. You have a website that sucks and says absolutely nothing about Rebecca and what she could do to help the citizens out. We are hurting and in pain without jobs and many people are losing their homes. How about mentioning that on your website. Who cares if you grew up on the water. I grew up in a house!! Talk about the sorry state we live in and how you can help. What has your uncle done to curb the estimated million illegal aliens in md. What do you have to say about almost $2 billion tax $$ every year going to them while they are on welfare and yet work our state jobs while many on welfare because of their “babies for profit” schemes. What do you think about $millions of tax $ going to Casa de md every single year. A communist supported group in md that our tax $$ are going to. A group that now has a multimillion $$ new building for illegals and 6-7 day labor camps throughout md where they send illegal aliens off to work day cash jobs. How About them getting welfare and voting with little or no id?? Do you need more ms rebecca? How ’bout talking about issues instead of ms rebecca and her 3 governors and her water living with her uncle weir. I check records and I vote with caution this year with an R behind their names..
Marge, Jackie, Coolnana, amdactivist
Why don’t you go get treated for your psychiatric disorders?
Rebecca is making it clear what she will do in Annapolis. She will vote for environmental policies that have put extreme burdens on businesses and stop job oppurtunities. She mentioned how she worked for the last three Democratic governors on the Chesapeake Bay Commission, but she didn’t mention how Paris Glendening went and got himself a water front house that is not illegal under the laws he pushed. Kinda funny how laws only apply to others.
But she is critical about the number of homeless veterans when she is wrapping herself around the same cloth of the current extreme majority in Annapolis that have done nothing to address this. Her Uncle Mike is down in Annapolis and is apparently doing nothing to help with the problems but she wants to continue on that line.
The reality is, a Republican in Annapolis in either chamber isn’t responsible for anything that has occured because there is a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and an overwealming majority in the House. If you want change to anything, you have to elect more Republicans to seats that Democrats currently maintain.
Electing JB Jennings or Al Redmer over Rebecca Weir Nelson won’t change anything because the Democrats will already walk all over the minority, and electing Rebecca will just take away one voice of opposition, but again, it won’t change anything by giving the majority one more seat.
It would be different if it was competetive in the Senate and Republicans were stopping ANYTHING, then Mrs. Nelson could make a point that JB or Al were obstructionists and would stop things, but she can’t honestly make that point.
Job opportunities were stopped 15 times last session, by JB’s NO’s!
Glendening was one of the worst Gov’s in our lifetime.
Kathleen Kennedy may have been our first woman Gov. if she would of been more forthcoming with this fact!
Your mission to maintain a voice of opposition, is yielding Harford County very little, to show for the tax dollars spent!
How about a voice of reason for a change?
Can you please cite the 15 bills that were killed due to JB Jennings no vote that would have brought jobs to Maryland?
Contact Ernie Grasco, at AFL CIO Union at 410 242 1300
he’ll be happy to provide bill numbers. He asked me to share this information and even checked the amount of no’s, while I was there.
Maryland has not been kind to our veterans. In Maryland 40% of our homeless are veterans.
No homeless or hungry veteran has ever asked or volunteered, if they or I, were democrat or republican. Our Veterans are American, our Heros.
I founded, published and shared American Dream Newspapers as an alternative to panhandling. A hand up not a hand out, for the homeless, disabled veterans, inspiring, honor, respect, and manly pride.
As the Veterans Chairman for the National Fort Howard Park Project, I know good people can get past their parties views, and get onto our values, as Americans!
My Uncle Died in Febuary. Marge compared my cousins score of 69% to jb’s 18% and al’s 28% for lifetime scores
I certainly am not my dead uncle, nor my cousin, please respect that I was elected as a nominee for State Delegate on my own.
I enlightened the Veterans Affairs Office, Veterans Chairman; Congressman Filner of numerous changes needed for our American veterans, in the State of Maryland.
Our veterans earned and are entitled to their income.
Sadly, our veterans are being held, not guilty of anything, (for up to three years, if they are deemed incompetent, for a court date), when they have mental problems caused by the numerous tours of war.
Speak Unity,
Ms. Weir-Nelson,
I called your guy, Ernie. What a pleasent fellow. He told me that there must have been a mis-understanding. While JB Jennings did vote against these 15 bills, they still passed, so JB’s no votes didn’t actually do anything, just as I said. But when I asked him where the jobs were from these legislations, citing the number of jobs that have been lost under the O’Malley leadership, he hung up on me.
And one more thing Ms. Weir… you were not elected anything, you weren’t even elected the nominee for the Senate seat YET… you filled out a piece of paper. Tomorrow night, unfortunately, you can say you were elected, but only because you were the only one on the ballot.
JB has no ideas on his own. He is told how to vote and now how to go negative.
JB knows that MD Right To Life has always been a strong supporter of Al Redmer, and they endorsed him for this election –
He is just upset that this senate seat is not being handed to him like everything else has been in his silver-spoon life. He may just have to find a real job after the 14th!
Marge or shall I say amdactivist, coolnana, jackie and many other names you have used….why do you keep changing names? We know it is you, We know you do not reside in Harford County.
CDev.. ROFL. go tend to your dogs…
I have
cd. Do you really think i care about you or who you think I am or not? But what I do worry about is your obsessiveness with me. You stalking me or you find great pleasure in trying to provoke me or do you think you look like a fool when you tell everyone what you think my real name is? You have to wonder what people are actually saying about the dork who has great pleasures stalking women and exposing them with their real id!! The table could be turned on you… But i have too much dignity and class to resort to such distasteful tactics.. So help your self cd and go take care of the only things that matter to you. Your dogs..
CDEV. I think you should look in the mirror when it comes to name playing. I remember your mouth on scumspot..Your the one who protects illegal aliens when they screw the system. Your the one who bashes any one of us who aren’t afraid to speak up when it comes to our $$ going to illegal aliens and our great pos leaders who cater to them. Your the one is who goes against our countries values and don’t g.a.s. when you know illegal aliens are taking jobs away from our families who are also losing their homes. I remember you very well. Shall I start posting your other names as well? I can’t do that but don’t tempt me..
J.B. Jennings: Hello…..! Not all Republicans are Anti-Choice. Some actually believe it’s not the Governments job to interfere in a citizens personal life decisions (sounds Republican to me!).
Al Redmer: Well….I guess I MAY vote for you over J.B, but I’m reading conficting posts right here on “The Dagger”. As I moderate, I look for Republician candidates that are pro-choice.
“Marge Redford”….You are one CRAZY “female dog”! (self edited to save Brian the effort) 🙂
Many intellectual people on this forum
Marge, Thank you, for sharing my cousin Mike Weir’s scores!
There is a big difference between 69% verses 18% for jb and 28% for al; wouldn’t you agree?
My Uncle served 28 years before my cousin.
And, how would anyone respond to such unhappiness that you write about? May I say your thoughts sound like alot of stinkin thinkin!
The bailbond opperation I closed down was in Edgewood and Essex Maryland, much more than a bailbondsman!
VOP of nonviolent citizens are detaining our neighbors for 45 days causing violent criminals to be set free for lack of space and causing Marylanders to lose Jobs, homes, etc…I want to correct this!
Marge, I founded the American Dream Newspaper as an alternative to panhandling for homeless, disabled, veterans. Our veterans are Americans, our heros, so much more than Dems or repubs. No veteran homeless or hungry ever asked or volunteered whether they or I were Dems or Repubs – WE ARE Americans. I also founded the Speak Unity National Initiative for amerICAN opportUNITY! We are the United States of America, working towards regaining our America the Beautiful verse America the Bully!
Harford Lifer is correct!
yep keep trying to justify the reasons your so s..p.. I don’t compare your uncle with jb. you do. Your uncle’s votes are worse. He voted for illegal aliens and against the citizens. and if you don’t think illegal aliens have a hand in our economy by taking jobs away from our families and collecting $2billion tax $$ a year from our citizens then you certainly don’t represent your people very well at all. I guess you and uncle weir do have something in common. You think alike and cater to illegal aliens.
Your not the only person in md that does good deeds for the homeless but you act like you stand out far and above all.. YOU DON’T. YOU won’t be elected unless you use your illegal alien friends to vote you in. Thats the only way omalley will be elected just like the last time. He had more illegal alien buddies than Ehrlich. Here’s a few o’malley tidbits. Typical of a lefty’s actions!!
State Response: The State of Maryland has provided limited funding support to Casa de Maryland. In FY 2009, CASA received $1 million in capital funding for the renovation of a Multi-Cultural Service Center in Langley Park, Maryland and $33,000 in Community Development Tax Credits. And add this to the $1.4 billion last year to illegal aliens ‘NOT” including
The health care bills of illegals and we have the best supporter of illegal aliens in America!!
O’Malley worst governor 2008
Page 4
It is important to keep in mind that Maryland taxpayers pay the highest local income taxes in the country. Only 14 states allow local income taxes, and none to the extent of Maryland. Statewide, the rate averages 2.75%, almost one full percentage point higher than the statewide average in Ohio, the state with the second highest average local income tax rate.
The cost of immigration in MD. $1.4 billion tax $$ to illegal aliens last year not including their health care…
Maryland’s Martin O’Malley enacted a sweeping $1.4 billion tax package that increased
The corporate income tax rate, the top personal income tax rate, and the … – 32k – 20
The O’Malley Tax Heist 2008
Gov. Martin O’Malley called Maryland’s lawmakers back to Annapolis late last year
For a special session of the General Assembly. O’malley pulled off one of the greatest tax heists in history.
At the end of the special session, the top personal and corporate tax rates were increased by 16 percent and 18 percent, respectively. And the sales tax, which kicked in on New Year’s Day, jumped from 5 percent to 6 percent, a whopping 20 percent increase.
Gov. Martin O’Malley, approved a 50 percent rate increase for residential customers of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co
Somehow o’malley claims this Is a good thing
Using JB’s logic… JB Jennings pays money to an insurance company that covers abortions ergo JB must be pro-choice.
It seems as if both of the candidates have been endorsed, as in MDRTL believes that we would have a solid pro-life vote in the Senate. Shouldn’t this article be entitled “Del. Jennings Questions District 7 Opponent Redmer’s Pro-Life ENDORSEMENT”.
i just can’t understand why pro-abortion candidate Ehrlich gets a free pass from pro-lifer’s like Jacobs and Harris..they will attack others for being pro choice but turn a blind eye to Ehrlich…I am hoping all pro lifers for against Ehrlich or at least stay home to preserve their principles.
Bill because one issue or 2 isn’t important. Maybe all the pro choicers should not vote for the pro lifers.. You can’t not vote for a person for one or 2 issues. Its doesn’t work that way. all I hear is pro life and 2nd amendment issues. It’s more than that. What about the economy and illegal aliens taking our jobs. 30 million in our country that are working and/or on welfare.
In response to a written request clarifying Al Redmer’s voting record on abortion, Maryland Right to Life pointed out Redmer’s pro-choice votes and WROTE, “That would give him a 80% pro-life voting record.”
Voters should be aware of the truth. Indeed, people should question what political pressure (who made a phone call to them?) Maryland Right to Life came under. Regardless, Al Redmer is running tv ads claiming that J.B. Jennings is lying and misleading voters with his campaign. But everything is documented and on the record. Why isn’t Al discussing why he voted pro-choice, instead of attacking J.B.?
Why don’t you people check out your Constitition once in awhile before you vote simply on whether a person is pro-life or not? This is a federal matter and the Supreme Court will be the ones to change it which I hope they never do. But to continue this propaganda of yours when you should know full well that these candidates will NEVER have an opportunity to vote on that issue is ridiculous. Pick your candidates based on what they can do in the job they are seeking, not on an issue that will never come before them. C’mon guys, think.
however, if roe vs. wade was overturned, it would go back to the states and you need to have your candidates already in place.
And if the sky falls we need to go inside. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. GET OVER IT and mind your own business.
Is it true that Redmer voted for that lang-grab bill? That’s the one which allows the politicians to size your land and give it to a developer if they think he will use it more productively than you.
Is it true that Redmer voted for that land-grab bill? That’s the one which allows the politicians to size your land and give it to a developer if they think he will use it more productively than you.
Why not spend more energy taking care of the children we have in order for our young mothers to make the right choice?