From Harford County government:
Bel Air native Kimmie Meissner will cast the first vote in Harford County’s Early Voting, which begins Friday September 3, 2010.
This will be the first time Maryland voters can vote prior to Election Day without applying for an absentee ballot. In Harford County, the meeting room of the Bel Air Branch of the Harford County Public Library will host the early voting center.
Voters may cast their ballot from Friday, September 3 to 9, except Sunday, September 5. Early voting hours are 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
The Harford County Board of Elections invited American figure skater, Kimmie Meissner, to be the first to vote during early voting in recognition of her achievements as a world ambassador of good will and as a role model for America’s youth. Ms. Meissner will be casting her vote at the early voting site in the Bel Air Library, located at 100 Pennsylvania Avenue, which is the street renamed as “Kimmie Way” by the Town of Bel Air in recognition of the Bel Air Olympic champion in 2006.
For further information about early voting, contact the Harford County Board of Elections at 410-638-3565 or
Way to go Kimmie, what an honor! Remember –
Kimmie is a Republican for your information Mrs. Nelson.
Kimmie is American, and so much more than a republican. Tom, all Harford County residents, Marylanders and Americans are proud of Kimmie! Speak Unity, for we are Americans even at election times.
Kimmie who?? She’s a no talent has-been. Time to take down that street sign.
1. I think he was referring to her only being able to vote in the Republican Primary Mrs. Nelson.
2. Red Ruffensore, I would like to see you walk into a Olympic qualifier without getting laughed out before they even knew what your event was, less actually win a gold medal in the Olympics. She is the greatest athlete to come out of Harford County so far, and likely will be the best ever out of here. I, for one, hope that the street stays like that forever. You clearly have o respect for the athletic ability it takes to be a better-than professional athlete.
Actually, I think Michael Phelps was originally from Harford County, or at least lived here for awhile when he was a little kid. My wife used to babysit him.
I agree she certainly worked hard for her achievements, but no Olympian can do what they do if not for an accident of genetics. Most professional athletes can be considered freaks of nature… faster, stronger, possessed of more stamina than average people. Outliers in a graph. An average person could train forever and never match an Olympian or pro athlete. That’s why I disagree with their outlandish monetary rewards.
Hmmmm… I wonder if Cal Ripkin thinks of Kimmie as “…the greatest athlete to come out of Harford County…”
She won a gold medal at the Olympics?? Only in your world. How about sixth place in her event? She did come in first a couple of months later in the World competition, a watered down version of the Olympics.
I’ll put Erin Henderson of the Vikings ahead of Kimmie as a greater athlete. At least he was born in Harford County. Time to make Rt. 22 “Henderson Highway”!!
Early voting. Huh.. You can vote for someone who then gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar and it’s too late to change your mind. Brilliant. But then, they’re all dirtbags so what difference…
@Thinkin of a new name, My opponent has 18 MD Court cases, 3 domestic violence charges, 1 for mis-using campaign funds, etc. speaking of that cookie jar! Shame on some people! God does not like ugly and neither do I!
This is why I hate politics. You have posted this how many times? Why you are doing so your oponents greated voters today outside the Library. I actually changed my vote for a particular office because I meet the candidate and he seemed more personable and had similar positions I found desireable to the guy I was planning on voting for. So stop the negative mess.
Refresh my memory, she was on the curling team…..
If Kimmie wants to get back to the Olympics she should tell the town to take the sign down because it looks too proud and, even though she knows it wont happen, tell them to put “Jesus Christ Blvd” on the sign. Catholics think that because they fulfull their mass committments and take communion that they are ok. It is a lie from below. Lets go Kimmie.