Do you feel safe living, working, or visiting Harford County?
We all want lower taxes, better schools, and nicer amenities in our communities, but if we don’t feel safe in our own neighborhoods, none of that really matters.
Public safety transcends party affiliation, but this election season there are four Republican candidates vying for the opportunity to go head-to-head with Democratic Sheriff Jesse Bane in the General Election this November.
The Dagger caught up with those men – Steven Bodway, Jeff Gahler, Jack Meckley, and Roger Sheets – and posed them the same set of questions.
Those questions, and the varying answers of the candidates, are listed below:
In one paragraph, please give a brief biographical sketch of yourself:
I began my police career from Bel Air in 1973 when joining the United States Army as a Military Policeman. My first duty station was Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. I also served in West Germany and Greece. After serving for 6 years and leaving the military as a Sergeant, I served with the Department of Defense Police at Aberdeen Proving Ground in the Edgewood Area. In 1980 I was hired by Sheriff William J. Kunkel and graduated from the Sheriff’s Office Training Academy. For the next decade, I patrolled the Edgewood and Joppa areas of Harford County. In 1983 I was named “Deputy of the Year” stemming from an incident involving an attempted murder case in Edgewood. Upon being promoted to Corporal I was assigned to create and implement a Traffic Unit for the Sheriff’s Office. When promoted to Sergeant, I was assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division and later was appointed to Internal Affairs where I worked for 3 years. As a Lieutenant, I was the Watch Commander at the Southern Precinct in Edgewood and in 2000 was promoted to Captain. I commanded the Harford County Task Force for the next 5 years. In 2005 I commanded the Court Services Division and in 2006 was promoted to Major of Administration. In 2006 I graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a Masters degree in Management. On August 1, 2008 I decided to retire after twenty-eight years of service and dedicated myself to seek the top law enforcement job in Harford County. My wife, Leisa and I reside in Belcamp and we have two children, Ryan and Laura. We also have two wonderful grandchildren, Alexander and Emily. My son Ryan is a 6 year veteran of the Baltimore County Police Department. My entire career has been in law enforcement and I have been blessed to have served side by side with many brave men and women wearing many different uniforms and badges over the past 30 years.
I am a 33 year resident of Harford County and a proud graduate of North Harford High School and Harford Community College (A.A. degree). I received my B.S degree and M.S degree in Management from the Johns Hopkins University and have served the citizens of Harford County and the State of Maryland for more than twenty-six years as a Maryland State Trooper. During my career with the State Police, I have been honored to work for the citizens of Harford County as a law enforcement officer and operational commander for more than17 years. I patrolled Harford County providing a wide range of police services to a growing community, provided operational direction to patrol and investigative resources as a shift commander and served our citizens as the Bel Air Barrack commander, directing patrol, investigative and special operations resources within the County. Most recently, having obtained the rank of Captain, I served for three years as the area’s Troop Commander. In this role, I led State Police activities in Harford, Cecil and Carroll counties, providing a wide range of police services to a population of more than 500,000 citizens and daily leadership and support to 195 personnel. Although I have held numerous ranks and positions within diverse areas of the Maryland State Police, as a statewide police department, each position held had direct ties to the citizens of Harford County. I currently reside in Forest Hill with my wife, Sonya, and our two daughters, Shelby (12) and Sydney (8).
My name is Jack Meckley and I’m 42 years old. Not originally from this area, I joined the Army when I was 17 and was stationed here at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Prior to receiving my honorable discharge, I began testing for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. I was accepted and entered the academy in July of 1988 at the age of 20. Since January of 2006, I have been the Watch Commander of the 4-12 shift based out of the Edgewood Precinct. In my career I have worked in the following capacities within the Sheriff’s Office; Internal Affairs, Undercover Detective, Rape/Robbery Detective, Drug Interdiction, Honor Guard, Academy Instructor, Polygraph Examiner, Senior Drill Instructor, and a member of the SWAT Team for 8 years. During my career, I have received numerous awards and citations for my performance and duties to include; A Governor’s Citation, Maryland Sheriff’s Association “Deputy of the Year”, Harford County Executive’s Citation, a Unit Citation Award, a Exceptional Duty Award, 3 Merit Awards, a Valor Award, and the Purple Heart. I have both my Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Management from Johns Hopkins University.
I am a life long Harford County Resident. I have more than 40 years of Public Safety and Law Enforcement experience. I served 30 years with the Baltimore County Police, with over half of my career in Command positions. I lead many units of the department including the Crime Analysis, Crime Prevention, Personnel Unit, Honor Guard, and The School Resource Officer programs. I attended the Senior Management Institute at the John F. Kennedy School of Government and have extensive training and experience in law enforcement leadership. I have been active in the community in my church and am a member of the St. Ignatius Knights of Columbus Council 9729. I served on the Board at St Margaret’s School and was a two term President for the Home School Association. I spent more than 30 years working in the Harford County recreation programs and coaching youth sports. I am a life time member of the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company having served in both in EMS and fire suppression. I am currently the Security Director for LifeBridge Health in Baltimore. I served three terms as President of the Maryland Chapter of Healthcare Security and I am on the Board of Directors of the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety. I live in Bel Air with my wife, Kitty and we have four adult children and two grandchildren.
What is at stake for Harford County in the year’s sheriff race?
The Sheriff’s election in 2010 has garnered more attention than any Sheriff’s race in history and for good reason. Harford County is faced with many challenges to include the Base Realignment and Closure issues and other demands for police services. The top law enforcement official requires the leadership skills, decisiveness and ability to work with every public safety entity that serves Harford County. I accept the fact that the Sheriff’s Office cannot do the job alone. The best method to protect our citizens is to ensure that every resource necessary to secure the public safety is utilized. Every citizen of Harford County has a stake in their own protection. The people have entrusted their public officials with securing their persons and property from harm. As our county grows in population we must be ready to respond to every call for service to protect our citizens and their property from any harm. In addition, we remain conservative of our need to ensure that we are diligent with every single taxpayer dollar.
There is no more important selection to be made than who will serve as Harford County’s law enforcement leader. The law enforcement demands of today, although serious, will pale in comparison to those of the not too distant future if the opportunity to make positive and effective change is missed. Without excellent law enforcement and public safety services and a true expectation of living in safety, no community can expect to thrive. In our County, the person elected as Sheriff is not only is responsible for the law enforcement mission, but oversees Corrections, Court Security and Civil Process. Elsewhere in the State, many of these responsibilities have been separated from the Office of the Sheriff. These functions, properly managed together, create the four corners from which I plan to build an effective, efficient and responsive law enforcement platform dedicated to protecting our citizens and communities from crime and criminals. This year, voters will go to the polls to elect leaders in many State and local positions. Although they will be voting for everything from Governor to Central Committee members, there is no office that they will vote for that will have more of an impact and presence in each person’s everyday life than that of Sheriff of Harford County.
Quite simply put, the future of our safety is at stake. In my career I have learned firsthand that the actions, mis-actions, or even worse the in-actions of police officers and agencies can be forever unforgiving. Unlike other professions, we in law enforcement have very little room for error. Decisions must sometimes be made quickly knowing that they will have immediate and long-term effects on individuals and communities. Relying on the wrong leader to make these decisions could potentially put our communities at great risk for the next 4 years. The emphasis must be placed back on the simple concept that “bad-guys need to go to jail.” As the next Sheriff, I promise that the Sheriff’s Office will develop and maintain a relentless pursuit of the criminal element. I will be fiscally sound, and will promise to uphold my oath to defend both the U.S. and Maryland Constitutions.
Harford County is continuing to grow and change. The County needs new and experienced leadership to support the hard working men and women of the Harford County Sheriffs Office. The Sheriffs Office has been hit with a pattern of ineffective leadership that has lead to a decay in morale within the agency, and a loss of community support. The fear of violent crime, drugs and gangs is a growing concern in almost every community in Harford County. Without change, we will continue to see these problems grow.
Without effective public safety leadership we will see a direct impact on the day to day quality of life of our citizens and the inability to attract new businesses into Harford County. The gang and drug issues will continue to grow and have a direct impact on our schools and in our communities. Our taxpayers dollars will continue to be spent to defend the Harford County Sheriffs Office against potential negligence and mismanagement. What is at stake more than anything else is, we will loose the best men and women working for the Harford County Sheriffs Office as their frustration builds over the lack of effective leadership and growth for the agency.
What is the biggest law enforcement issue in the county right now, and what would you do to improve the situation?
The biggest law enforcement issue right now is manpower on the street and within the Detention Center. The Detention Center is undergoing construction of a new addition but lacks the personnel necessary to properly staff it. In patrol, the commanders responsible for your safety in their respective areas need personnel to get the job done. My platform of responsible improvements within the Sheriff’s Office involves returning deputies to the precincts, Task Force and Investigations. Currently, the Sheriff’s Office has too many sworn deputies performing non-police related duties. Harford County can no longer afford a continuation of mismanagement of personnel and we cannot allow deputies to do anything else except law enforcement tasks. My platform will make changes within 30 days and allows us to do what we do best, law enforcement. This plan will have a dramatic impact on the way we do business. In addition, our primary objective is to work side by side with our counterparts from the State Police, Federal authorities and local municipal police departments. Our relationships with the Fire and ambulance services is also a crucial step which creates cooperation among services and improves the quality of life for all our citizens.
Violent crime related to gangs, drugs and repeat offenders are the most serious law enforcement issues facing Harford County. Intellectually these issues appear separate but operationally they must be viewed as one. The answers and methods of addressing these threats to our safety are synonymous. A commitment to focus on that small group among our citizens who are responsible for the majority of the crime will have a major positive impact on the safety of our citizens and communities.
Single and narrowly focused crime reduction efforts on a particular geographic area CANNOT be viewed as a solution. The solution involves inclusion geographically and a big picture approach. Current efforts are comprised of a narrowly focused effort to address acts in one area. Regrettably, this “focus” has resulted in crime being more dispersed throughout Harford County. Displacement, or pushing crime from one neighborhood to another, offers temporary relief to a small area while allowing crime to take root in other areas of the County. My administration will aggressively pursue crime and criminals throughout Harford County and focus on the gang members and repeat offenders (often the same) who are responsible for the majority of violations.
My administration will strive not only to attack crime and criminals but to be the voice for our citizens and communities to call for more time for violent crime. It is important to remove violent criminals from our neighborhoods and to provide for effective incarceration. A comprehensive approach of enforcement and incarceration sends a strong message to criminals who may want to victimize our friends and relatives.
My commitment to safe communities begins with restoring positions in the patrol element of the Sheriff’s Office. Providing a more robust and responsive patrol force by reducing duplicative special units that have taken deputies from our neighborhoods is key to county-wide crime reduction efforts. The patrol force is the backbone of any proactive and effective law enforcement agency and the return of deputies to the main mission; equipped with logistical, operational and administrative support, will create a safer Harford County. Although most investigations are primarily assigned to patrol deputies, investigations requiring specialized skill, knowledge, and abilities will remain with dedicated investigative personnel possessing required expertise.
Without a doubt, the majority of the questions that I received as a candidate have dealt with drugs and gangs. Most of the crimes that continually plague and hamper our freedoms can trace their roots back to some type of drug activity. The vast majority of gang activity, home invasions, street robberies, burglaries, assaults, and homicides have one common denominator….drugs. Currently the Sheriff’s Office does not effectively deal with the street-level drug element, and that is something that I plan to change. Taking down the mutli-pound dealers is a great thing, but the truth is that those arrests do not have an immediate impact on the street-level drug dealers. Drug dealing in Harford County is not like in a movie or TV series, that is, it’s not maintained by one drug lord who runs the county’s drug supply. The fact is that Harford County is within close proximity (2-3 hour driving distance) of 4 source cities (Baltimore, D.C., Philly, and N.Y.C.). A source city is one where a person can easily purchase a bulk supply of any type of illegal drug at a cheaper price, and then break that drug down for individual sales back here in the county. So, one apartment complex within an open-air drug market here in Harford County may potentially be supplied by 4 or more lower-level drug dealers who can drive to one of the source cities at will to replenish their supply. As Sheriff, I will continue to target the multi-pound dealer in addition to targeting the street-level dealers and runners who are the ones involved in the gangs, the home invasions, and the homicides. Each arrest will lead to a complete debriefing which will potentially lead to information concerning these other crimes. This overt and covert approach throughout the county will help ensure that we are not simply relocating the problem. By never letting them breathe, my hope is that they will realize how difficult it is to set-up shop here in Harford County. I will also target the R.O.P.E. offenders, and continue to work closely with parole/probation agents to ensure that the recidivism rate goes down among these criminals. Posing as a drug addict, I have purchased drugs from over 400 people, and sat in crack houses all over the county. I have authored search warrants and wiretaps based on the probable cause that I developed while working undercover. I am confident that this approach will have a dramatic impact on crime.
The most challenging issue facing Harford County law enforcement is building collaboration, both within the County and with our outside law enforcement partners. The current leadership of the Sheriffs Office has failed to effectively connect with, and build relationships with the municipal police agencies, police agencies within the region, the State Police and our federal law enforcement partners. Issues like gangs and drugs while they have a local impact, must be addressed on a broader scale.
As the next Sheriff for Harford County, I will work closer with these other agencies and build a string collaboration for gathering intelligence and crime data to support a county wide approach to managing crime problems in our communities. I will also work to build a more positive relationship with our States Attorney’s Office to assure the optimum in prosecution for our most violent offenders. I will institute a number of new initiatives to help us engage our communities in the fight against crime in every community in Harford County.
Connections have recently come to light between the murder last month in Bel Air and the 2007 beating of the victim’s stepfather in Edgewood. Also, there has been a spate of shootings in Edgewood in recent days and weeks. If you were sheriff, how would you handle these incidents and deal this apparent pattern of violence?
One can never predict crime nor should a law enforcement officer ever drop their guard even when the climate seems calm and rested. Once again, Harford County has fallen victim to the criminal acts of those that have chosen a life of social destruction. The purpose of law enforcement is to deter crime but investigate it when it takes place and arrest those for the purpose of justice. The recent acts of violence is a testament to the need to implement a new methodology of how the police agencies conduct their strategies. The best method to combat crime is through intense intelligence with a common goal of sharing and implementing strategies. The recent criminal activity involves a few bad guys that create huge concerns for the good people that live here. Responding to this issue by additional patrol, issuing citations and turning up the heat on a particular community is a temporary measure and often hurts those that have no intentions of being involved in criminal activity. The smart method is to continually use our talent and technology through Intelligence sharing and implementing a coordinated effort to identify and reduce the chances of criminal acts taking place. Harford County possesses the tools necessary to make these strategies work but they need the leadership to make it happen.
Regrettably, the murder of Derrick Maxey, Jr. in the American Legion parking lot in Bel Air is a timely example that violent criminals are not being removed from our communities and effectively incarcerated. Records show that the suspect in this shooting served 3 years and 6 months of a 10-year sentence for a beating he committed in Harford County. Realizing that only a small number of people among us are responsible for the majority of the crimes committed, law enforcement must aggressively monitor violators and remove opportunity through efficient monitoring and incarceration. By focusing the County’s law enforcement resources on the individual perpetrators who are responsible for the majority of violent criminal acts a positive impact on the safety of our citizens and communities will be realized. My aforementioned (question #3) commitment to focusing on those violent and repeat offenders, working to ensure periods of incarceration that will actually serve to deter crime and restoring deputies to patrol to ensure they are in our communities effectively interacting with witnesses, concerned citizens, victims and criminals, is the basis of my platform to deal with the violent acts that have become all too common in Harford County.
In addition to the plan mentioned in the previous question, I plan on improving communications between the Sheriff’s Office and the allied agencies. The biggest obstacle that most agencies deal with in fighting crime is “intelligence.” The problem is that the road officers receive the intelligence and send it up to the appropriate people, but rarely do they receive any intelligence back. Compound that problem by adding different agencies within the same county trying to catch the same criminal using different reporting forms, radio channels, and databases. I propose that all the agencies contribute to one central county-wide database and that all intelligence is shared between the agencies. This will help our county to remove any governmental barriers that have been imposed by jurisdictional boundaries. We as law enforcement are not only dealing with home-grown criminals, we are also the line of defense against terrorists — both foreign and domestic. Intelligence is not too useful in law enforcement unless it can be analyzed and delivered in real-time. Otherwise we spend too much time looking at “what was” rather than “what could be.” That is the difference between being a pro-active agency and being a re-active agency. I am a deputy who has had my boots on the ground fighting side by side with other officers for the past 22 years and being elected Sheriff will not change that.
We have seen a pattern of failed strategies in addressing the issues in certain communities. The current Sheriffs Administration has opted to use a strategy that only has a temporary displacement effect on crime.
This very narrow approach, with out a more long term strategic plan that involves working with other law enforcement agencies, the States Attorney, County Government and our communities has lead us to this pattern. The gang members arrested and held in the Harford County Detention Center are now being released back into the community and are now seeking to re-establish their drug trade through violent crimes.
As Sheriff, I will work more closely to effectively identify and pursue the most violent offenders here in Harford County. We will present effective cases for prosecution at the state and federal levels to provide for maximum incarceration in state or federal correctional facilities. We will engage the communities to help us identify at risk youth and develop community programs to attack the issues of gangs and drugs.
I will work with the County government to support more programs for home ownership and reduce the number of poorly maintained rental properties that can often attract the criminal element to communities.
I’ve read all of your comments on questions asked here on this site, and I commend all of you for your years of dedication and service to Harford County.
I have another concern that I didn’t see asked here in this forum. “What would be your position on installing GPS in ALL patrol units here in the County”? In explaination, it’s my opinion(from experience)that it’s only negligence that has lead to your shift supervisors not being ABLE to keep a vigelance on their patrol officers where-a-bouts and the speed in which they are traveling, and what the circumstances are for speeds in excess of the posted spedd limits! Yes, I have personally witnessed, as well as had near accidents involving your Deputies disregaurd for the laws they are supposed to uphold.
Despite all of the advantages GPS technology presents the Sheriff decided he did not want his commanders and supervisors to have the ability to use that system. Several Union deputies complained (the majic word) to the Sheriff that the system would be abused. (Gee, let’s see who is working and who is sleeping…)
A supervisor would be able to get a snapshot of what Units are available to respond to an emergency or who were responding. Dispatching Units to key intersections or establishing a perimeter could easily be accomplished in an emergency. This is a great example of the Sheriff’s bad decision-making and how he cowers to the Union.
I must add to a comment (question) I made a moment ago. My concern about your officers speed is certainly for the safety of the citizens of the County or motorists on our roads, but I am concerned about the officers safety as well, being able to find him(her) or know where he(she) is at ALL TIMES. Now I am making these statements and asking these questions under the assumption that the truth was revealed to me upon my inquiry about the use of GPS. I was informed that GPS was not used, there in-lyes my concern.
Hey Mike, why don’t you take a ride along with these guys down in EdgeHood, and see what it’s all about.
I don’t need to ride alone, believe me I understand completely what the job intails. I am interested in starting from the beginning.
Also, take a ride along in a basic spelling class.
Still not sure which candidate you want to vote for in September? Come to the Sheriff’s Forum sponsored by the Republican Women. Thursday August 19th at the Jopa Magnolia Fire Hall. Doors open at 6:30, Forum begins promptly at 7PM.
Lots of good points made by all candidates. That said, all “Mike” is worried about is GPS and speed, the cars have had GPS in them for almost 5 years
Well it hasn’t been 5 yrs. but good guess. That is if I’m to believe what I’m told NOW by Sheriffs office, I was misinformed before by them which is what has caused me to be concerned in the first place. Apparently you done care if they run folks off the road. Hopefully it doesn’t have to happen to you for you to be concerned yourself. However thank you for letting me know how insignificant my basic concern is. Maybe I should not be bothered by the ones that are supposed to protect us, running down the road at speeds that could KILL US !
Mike, If you drive like you spell, I’d say it probably wasn’t the deputy’s fault in your so-called “close calls”.
Also, I know some deputies, so here is some information: Cops receive extensive training on driving at high speeds, so I’d worry more about getting out of their way than how fast they are going, since they are likely headed to a call. Also, GPS units are used by them and they have been for several years. And if you want GPS to track their speed, maybe they should also start installing them in all citizen’s cars and issuing citations that way instead. Do we really want to get that “big brother-ish”?
Mike, all recruits in the academy are put through extensive training in Emergency Vehicle Operations, this is done at a very modern facility in Sikesville Maryland. I was an instructor in this course in the academy. Deputies are trained in high speed course. They are also trained in a urban setting which has all types of traffic control devices as well as other vehicle traffic. The recruits are tested on every possible situations we can think of. The are taught vehicle dynamics, braking and even something as basic as parking. We even teach them how to check the oil and the tire pressure in the patrol car. As an instructor we pass the recruit and by doing so we certify they are trained properly. If they can not pass any part of the training they will not graduate, some have been washed out because of drivers training. When responding to a call cars are to pull over and yield to the emergency vehicle. Your comments of patrol cars running people off of the road are really out there. How many crashes have taken place over the last five years because of deputies responding to an emergency call for service? How many deaths have resulted in this? Do you know anything about police training and why we do it so many times and for so long? WEll it is because when your are under stress your revert back to your training and you use that training to avoid crashes. So before you start bashing these guys do you home work. This is not Mayberry, the Sheriff’s Office has a good academy and great dedicated instructors who teach there. I think maybe you have a few citations in your past and this is the reason for you beef with the Sheriff’s Office.
Never type without your glasses , you will spell like Mike.
I liked and voted for Bane, but was going to go with Bodway this time because he seemed to have the support of the deputies, and then he went and promised that Price would be second in charge and that just blew it for me. So now I’m back to Bane.
From what I hear from those who currently work for Bane, ALOT of them cannot stand him and have no respect for him. I urge you to find out more about some of the underhanded, unprofessional things he has done. Hopefully then your vote will change to someone who can lead the department better. Just my opinion of course 😉
There are also quite a few who aren’t all that thrilled with Bane, but think he’s still probably the best bet this year.
I’m still up in the air on who I’m going to vote for, but it probably won’t be Bodeway and most definitely not Sheets.
Hi Henry – what specifically makes Bane the best bet this year – the fact that he attends the most Community Events?
I didn’t say I agree with them, just that there are quite a few who feel that way despite what some people on here would have everyone believe.
Gahler and Meckely are the only Republican candidates I would consider (with a slight preference for Gahler at this point.)
Hey Henry, if much of your decision is based on political affiliation I’ve heard that Gahler hasn’t been a Republican that long. I’m trying to confirm this somewhere but maybe somone will have to ask him at a forum. Vote Meckley, a REAL Republican.
I vote based on the candidate and who I think is the best one for the job, especially for a position like Sheriff where I think experience, qualifications, etc are much more important than party affiliation.
I heard that Price supported Bane after he lost the last primary election to Cochran. Anyone know for sure????? If he did I’ll be voting for one of the others for sure!
Again, call Steve and ask him about this.
DAVE: What you heard is FALSE! I can personally attest to the fact that Joe Price did NOT vote for Bane in the last election.
It is a sad state of affairs when people have nothing better to do than tell lies just because they want to stir things up. It is part of what is wrong with our country today.
Please make an informed decision on your choice for Sheriff.
Did not vote for him, but did he support Bane or Cochran? A lot of Bane signs went on spots where Price had signs before the 06 primary.
So when Joe lost the election he took down his signs and Bane signs went up. And this means that Joe supported Bane because of the signs. Did he support Bane or Cochran? Your facts are a little hard to follow. Keep up the good work.
It was a question, not a “fact”. Are questions hard for you to “follow”? To be safe, I will slow down for you…Did Price S U P P O R T Bane (the guy who is the sheriff now) or Cochran (the guy who should have won)?…this symbol “?” indicate the presence of an inquiry and not a statement of facts.
Dave, you are really sharp.
I can tell you that Joe did NOT support Bane in any way, shape or form. Once Joe’s signs were taken down, it was the property owner’s decision to put up whatever signs, if any, that they wanted.
“A lot of Bane’s signs went on spots where Price had signs before the ’06 Primary”? Send me the names addresses and I’ll check those against the master list that was kept and I’ll get back to you. Don’t forget that a lot of people moved, died, etc. since the ’06 Primary. Ya’ think maybe “a lot of Bane’s signs” could be on those “spots”?
Enough said. This is pointless and could go on for days.
bib: I think you are confusing Bodway with Meckley. You say Bodway “seems” to have the support of the deputies; however, if you read postings on this blog and actually listen to the deputies, it is Meckley who has their support. Meckley seems to be the only candidate to have a structured plan for fighting crime, other than just “going after bad guys”. He actually outlines how he would go about doing it. He has “been there” himself and not just sitting behind a desk telling people what to do. I believe that the deputies cannot do their jobs properly if morale is low, which is the problem now. What’s wrong with liking your boss?
Well after the debate and Meckley’s comment on where drugs come from he may be looking for a job! For a man who wants to be the top law enforcement man in the county, he should never have said what he said.
I wasn’t there. What did he say?
Well if Bane does his job it should be in the Aegis this week and Jack may not be a Lt anymore. Then again, Bane does not follow the rules so why should his command staff.
Have your read Bodway’s platform? I mean really? It is phenomenal for you guys.
I saw a TV2 interview with Meckley that attacking street level drug dealers is the answer…not. The upper echelon drug dealer that brings the drugs into the community doesn’t give a crap about the next juvenile or 18-20 year old he sets out on the street to sell drugs for him. Its not the way it was when Meckley used to be in drugs. If you really think that this is the answer, then very little will get accomplished.
And Bodway and Gahler both have not just sat behind a desk….they have both been out there doing the work.
What is your problem with Joe Price? Before you count him out take a look at his background and education. Call Steve Bodway and ask him why he picked Joe to be his second in command. Steve’s phone number is on his web site.
Sheriff Bane will not get my vote this time. Unfortunately I will have to wait for the general election for my vote to count.
One of the deciding factors in my decision is Bane’s close association with Dion Guthrie. The two are joined at the hip and continually pander to the African-American vote in the Edgewood community, without which neither of them can win reelection.
Mr. Guthrie has developed into a self serving egotist who wants to control everyone and everything around him. If he really was such a “Champion of the people for the people” in District A as his campaign slogan claims he would not need all that big union and special interest money he gets from outside of Harford County to finance his (and Rovall Washington’s) campaign.
Time for new blood in both positions.
Obama/OMalley/JESSE BANE – when the independents and older conservatives actually want to take a look at what Bane has cost them over 4 years – their choice will be clear – New Blood is needed in the Sheriff’s Office. We need someone willing to roll up their sleeves – not someone that looks good on the Golf Course.
I guess bowlers, softball, baseball, soccer, hockey, going to the movies, shopping, getting haircuts, and lunch is all on your list. Get real.
I sincerely hope you are incorrect about Sheriff Bane who I believe is more qualified than any other candidate and is a good man. I do believe in your assessment of Mr. Guthrie who will use anyone and everyone to stay in which may be their downfall. It will be pitiful if we will be stuck with that egotistical, do nothing for the people “Champion” yet again.
I am quite accurate in assessing the embarrassingly close relationship between Bane and Guthrie. They are everywhere together. Guthrie was Bane’s MC at his fundraiser. When you also consider Guthrie’s association with Rovall Washington and Jansen Robinson and the questionable baggage each carries why would Bane want to continue his ties with Dion? Guilt by association and where there is smoke there is fire. Bane isn’t hanging around them to be the fireman he is as much part of that pyromaniac group which is led by Guthrie. Bane has made poor choices is his desire to remain in office and we must look very hard at these issues. For being the top law enforcement officer in this county he should know better.
yo Smigley…Steve Bodway is the one who plays lots of golf, not Jesse
A nice “politician” or a “resident golfer” – Neither makes a good Sheriff….
Smigley: So, if a Sheriff plays softball or, tennis or, likes to watch NASCAR, that would make him a better Sheriff? C’mon!
C’mon – Point being is that we’ll need a Sheriff that is hands on and will be an active part of the Sheriff’s Department. We do not need someone that will be out politicing or playing golf.
Smigley: I agree. NO politicking and NO playing ANYTHING when they are suppose to be working. I’m voting for the guy that plays golf (not while working, either) and NOT the guy that has been campaigning for the past 30+ years while working!
By the way, isn’t campaigning while in uniform and driving a County owned car (which taxpayers foot the bill for the car, gas and maintainence) with campaign material inside and being placed in people’s yards a flagrant violation of the Sheriff’s Office Policies and Procedures?
hey smelly~ Would you rather have them have old nasty drunk women shanking there booty on his website would that make bodway a good sheriff or some blonde hair dressers would that make him a good sheriff???
This story has more responses than any other story I have ever seen on the Dagger. I would ask any undecided voter who might happen across here to read every post and look for a pattern of outlandish statements, downright lies and now overtly sexist statements conveyed by the supporters of a certain candidate.
It’s getting there, but has a ways to go before catching up to this one:
Wow, if you play golf you can not be a good Sheriff, good one.
See answer above – next time I’ll spell it out for you.
HEY SMELLY see my answer above youd rather have bimbos on a website im 28yrs old i dont want to see the police gettin it on at a bull roast taking pictures with frizzy headed wrinkly women or blonde painted big boobed hair dressers on a website of a police officer that is going to run a police dept id rather see them play golf. Gahler and Meckly are a joke in my book. Id rather see the old school 1970’s police come back and get rid of the cocky lil 2010 crap they have and let vote this year. For you deputies voting for Gahler and Meckly you should just quit now, you dont want help you dont want someone to back you you want someone to party with you and let you do what you want. I want experience not some cop who thinks bashing the drug dealers on live tv is going to make them pack up and run smell me smigley
Welcome to the party EMT9091. Where have you been for the past two years that this campaign has been going on? Hopefully, if you are an EMT, you a little more timely caring for someone in need. Two days before the election and this is the best you have? Attacking the guests of the candidates? I will prefer voting for a cop who can muster a fundraiser with more than 50 supporters (and that is counting his committee members), an endorsement by the Aegis for his leadership potential and experience, an endorsement of a police union (FOP-34), overwhelming support of his current organization (MSP), and plenty of support from within the Sheriff’s Office (myself included).
You are yet another disturbing black mark on Steve Bodway’s campaign and, knowing Steve, you are an embarrassment. If your sexist rant is part of Bodway’s platform for 1970’s policing, than I know I am behind the right guy to move into the future and not hire back fools like you.
I am sure Gahler’s supporters will quit now, since you attack his guests at his fundraiser. I am sure that the fact that he has run a clean campaign, raising nearly twice the amount of money as the next candidate, received the host of endorsements outlined by Priceless, and is on the eve of winning the Primary, your vicious attack on women will cause his supporters to change their minds. Keep dreaming EMT9091. By the way, you are an embarrassment to the EMT title and if anyone knows who you are, I hope they share their disgust over your statements with you.
dude seriously (freedom of speech) secondly dont read if it you dont want to and thirdly im not in EMT. whats in ashame is the crap they put on there sites I can say what I want just like everyone else on here and i have been here for the last two years pal watchin and reading so again freedom of speech and dont read what i have to say if you dont like it DAVE. PriceLess same to you as well. I simply stated what I saw Im allowed to. I pay taxes just like you do so whats the prob your boy still won?
Henry, I agree, but maybe the point that HaCoD is trying to make is that if candidates can’t decide what party they belong to, or even worse, change political affiliations based on the political climate than this ” flip flopping” is a problem. That is, if it is actually the case. My two cents.
Frogtown & HaCoD,
I’ve known Jeff Gahler since the early 80’s and can confirm that Jeff has always demonstrated “true” republican values such as small government, accountability, hard work and fiscal responsibility unlike some of these pretenders that have been in office lately. I suspect that HaCoDep is one of Jack’s supporters trying to stir the pot.
North Harford Grad although HaCoD may be a Meckley supporter, which he obviously admits, and I’m a Bane supporter, he brings up a good point. It looks like you are a Gahler supporter that didn’t really answer the question at hand. Personally, I think this question will be important to many.
Frogtown – I think my comment is relatively clear – In addition to being a fine police officer – Jeff Gahler stands for small government, accountability, hard work and fiscal responsibility. If those are traits that you value as I do – vote for Jeff Gahler.
My contacts tell me he’s been a Republican only 3 to 5 years. My contacts are pretty reliable. Probably changed affiliation based on strong Republican voter turn out in Harford and when he thought about being a Sheriff. Again, for what it’s worth. It is important to me as I see “Republican” displayed on his signs, when hardly no one else advertises their affiliation and it appears that Gahler tries to broadcast how conservative and Republican he is. In other words does he really stand for what he wants you to believe, or, does he just want your vote. I believe the latter to be true.
I would have hoped that a Harford County Deputy would have had more Integrity and Intelligence than you. Another reason for a new Sheriff.
Your opinion is based on rumors and innuendo. Hopefully you handle a crime seen with facts.
If you took the time to know Jeff – you would realize that he has repeatedly demonstrated the charateristics that reflect a True Republican – Accountability, Results Oriented, Hard Work, Small Government & Fiscal Responsibility.
He has never been registered as anything but a Republican.
You clearly don’t know Jeff and your conjecture is laughable.
North Harford Grad – Crime Scenes? These people are running for positions that are now open to scrutiny and challenges. I’m saying the talk was out there and needed clarification because it is important to many and not laughable.
Hopefully next time you have a question about a candidate you’ll go the source rather than make allegations based on your “sources”. I hope you handle a crime “scene” investigation with more skill. Like I said, another reason for better leadership in the Sheriff’s Office.
Is it public record if someone changes the party affiliation? If it is this would be a good place to start.
I hate to say it, but maybe the sheriffs office needs someone from the outside as a sheriff. Someone that has new ideas and is not stuck in the old days. A sheriff that will get rid of old command staff that has been around for 25 or 30 yrs and promote some younger officers to these positions. They may bring new prospective to the dept, rather then the old 25-30 yrs vets that think we are still in the 1970’s….sorry it’s 2010.
These officers with 25 – 30 yrs in need to retire and move on with life and let someone else take the lead. Even if Bane does get re-elected he needs to move out some of the old and bring in the new. The only candidates that even have a chance in sept is Bodway and Gahler. Sheets is a joke, and Meckley maybe the deputies friend, but he doesn’t stand a chance either.
Harford Citizen: Can you give an explanation as to why you feel “Sheets is a joke” and why Meckey doesn’t stand a chance while Gahler and Bodway do? I’m not trying to be a smartass, I’m just asking what you are basing your opinion on. And Bane will never ever move out any of his good old boys so that’s out of the question. Watching paint dry moves faster than Bane.
It doesn’t seem to me, by reading your comments, that you people want a law inforcement officer for Sheriff, it sounds more like you want a slime-ball politician. You all are vote on the wrong race !
Harford Citizen. I was just curious to know why you thought Sheets was a joke; and Meckley a friend to the deputies. I met the candidates at the Farm Fair and again at the BBQ Bash. They all have impeccable credentials and naturally, they all have their take on things. And I didn’t walk away thinking any of them were more or less qualified than the other. I’m still not sure which one I feel the strongest about. Guess I was trying to get a feel for where you were coming from.
Why do we still elect a sheriff? How much do we pay the sheriff? Why do we make the Sheriff’s department and it’s deputies a political toss up every 4 years. Deputies on the wrong side of an elections outcome are punished. We’re not any better than Baltimore county. My feeling – get rid of the incorporated police in Bel Air, HDG, Aberdeen – don’t fire anybody – just assimilate them into a county police force and then appoint a police commissioner and take the politics and the money (run for a sheriff’s salary) out of Harford County crime fighting. I know this was knocked down years ago but I think it should be revisited.
We elect the Sheriff because it is in this thing called the Maryland Constitution. Not surprising you would ask, you seem like an informed individual.
The police force is a Harford County issue and can be place on referendum. We voted on this issue back in the early 90s and it was voted down and the sheriffs dept remains. Maryland constituion has little to do with this.
If the county ever forms a county police force, the office of sheriff will remain as it is a constitutional office. This will allow us all to pay for two police executives. It will also allow the politics to be focuses on the county executive’s race who will be able to appoint a person with little or no police leadership experience to be your chief of police based on patronage. Don’t think it can happen? Explain how an officer became the chief of police for the Maryland Transportation Police. Don’t be so quick to give up YOUR voice on selecting your law enforcement leader.
If a county police force is created all that will happen is another government agency will be created. The Sheriff’s Office will still exist, though it would be significantly smaller than it currently is. In MD, the sheriffs’ offices are responsible for court security, local jails, serving court papers (protective orders, eviction notices, criminal summonses, etc.) In some MD counties the sheriff’s office is also the primary law enforcement agency (like in Harford County) and in other counties there is a separate police department (like Baltimore County.) There are also a couple counties where LE duties are handled solely by MSP, but I don’t think anyone thinks that the 3-4 troopers typically working the road in Harford County on any given shift can cover the entire county….
So instead of just paying a Sheriff and his command staff we’ll also be paying a Police Chief and his command staff not to mention needing additional facilities and support personnel like secretaries, IT staff, etc.
It’s not as simple to just create a county police department to take over LE duties as some people try to make it sound and I doubt you’d get Bel Air, Aberdeen, and Havre de Grace to give up their police departments in favor of county police department.
I think that you would need the approval of the voters in the incorporated towns to get rid of their police forces, and this guy would not be in favor of that in Bel Air. I pay extra taxes for town services, including police, and am happy to do that.
The demographics of Harford County have changed considerably over the last 20 yrs. We are not the rural jurisdiction we once were. Thus, I agree w/so many of you who are questioning the need for an elected Sheriff. At this point, Harford County needs a County
Police Department.
We have all seen the loss of productivity and declining morale every 4 years when politics becomes infused with law enforcement. So many of you have made astute observations: Deputies on the wrong side of an election outcome are punished; and we frequently get some good old boy elected who never mastered law enforcement management, or worse, has no experience in the field.
Other than voter apathy and an uninformed public, I question why citizens of Harford County have not pushed for a referendum to do the following: Eliminate the smaller police departments from the incorporated cities of Harford (Hdg, Aberdeen and Bel Air), and combine them into one larger county police department. The County Council could then appoint a police commissioner (nationwide search) who has tremendous experience. In terms of economy of scale, the citizens would get more police coverage for the money. Additionally, this would remove any political control of a police department by some small town Mayor.
Although what you say generally makes common sense, there are some details you need to consider:
1. There would still be a need for a Sherriff’s department to fulfill all the “non-police” work that they currently perform, such as process serving. You would not therefore be deleting a government agency, just re-defining their role, and, hopefully, vastly reducing the head count, office requirements and vehicular needs in that particular agency.
2. Stability within any organization is essential to its wellbeing, and disenfranchising deputies every time there is an election does not provide for stability.
3. One of the greatest strengths of a small, localized police force is shared knowledge. This means that existing police stations would need to be maintained, and stability of personnel within those offices becomes paramount.
Back in the days when I was a cop, working for a national police force, the first job you were ever given when moved to a new station was that of “Collator”. The collator took reports of sightings of known “individuals of interest”, recorded these, and became the fount of all knowledge within the station. This system solved many crimes, as the sighting of a burglar in the proximity to a subsequent theft, often led us straight to that person. You did the collator’s job until the next new addition to the station arrived to relieve you. By the time you actually got out on patrol, you knew a lot about some of the people you came across, and this helped you street judgment significantly.
The chief of police should be an appointed position – this allows the government to cast a wider net for the best candidates, and removes some, but not all, of the political pressure from the position.
The police force must never be revenue performance related, and government should stop considering police action as a source of revenue. The demand for quotas on traffic tickets, etc only de-motivates a good officer, and generally pisses off the public. (The MD transportation police are a great example of everything that is bad about this.) Furthermore, that revenue comes at significant cost; anyone who has ever been to traffic court must wonder about twenty officers sitting in the back of the courtroom waiting for their cases to be called, and remember, each of those officers probably have an assigned vehicle sitting outside doing nothing. Ultimately, it is going to be essential to address this issue for the wellbeing of the county and the taxpayers.
There is one monstrous wrinkle in the concept of a “County Police Force.” We have three incorporated municipalities in the county. Each of those has a responsibility to provide security for its citizens. We do this through the municipal police forces. Not one of those municipalities, in their right mind, would get away from having those forces. We only need to look at Perryman and Edgewood to see how well we would be served by the Sheriff. We already have a huge “them and Us” problem with respect to east and west of I-95. Bel Air might do OK with the County being responsible but Havre de Grace and Aberdeen would end up in horrible shape. There are actually a few really good people on this side of I-95 who would really crap on the parade if it were to start.
Very well said Dave. that’s exactly what it would be with a county police force.” them or us” Aberdeen P D keep up the good work!
I don’t disagree with you, but we now, more than ever, have to start seriously looking at how we utilize taxation, and how effective that expenditure is.
Bel Air spends 21.2% of its total revenue on the police department. Similarly, Havre de Grace spends 33.7% of revenue on policing. (Aberdeen are very coy about their numbers.)
If you. like me, are misguided enough to live in one of these municipalities, you enjoy the pleasure of a double taxation. My latest tax bill reflects that I am paying $3.81 per square FOOT on my property. Just look at your floor for a moment and see how small a square foot is!
This is not a question of big government over small government, it is a matter of DOUBLE government. I’m paying for security to the state, the county and to the municipality.
Currently you and I are supporting several law enforcement agencies; off the top of my head I come up with:
Dept. of Homeland Security
State Troopers
Sherriff’s office
Local Police
Transportation police
There are probably some agencies I have missed, but you get the picture.
The one thing we could do to rationalize this list is take out the municipal police and the law enforcement function of the current sherriff’s office in favor of a county wide system, with police stations spread evenly across the county.
Run properly, a county wide police force would be much more efficient and flexible. The caveat is “run properly”, and this means politically divorced but totally accountable in terms of budget and performance.
How do you get “double” tax? I own a home in Bel Air and both my tax bills are less then my only tax bill in Hickory by a good amount. Be glad for the town police they are just in town limits and can get to you much faster then any county police force would. If you like a county police force then please by all means move to a county that has one! I like having a say in who the Sherriff is.
Using your list as a starter, this is what the list will look like AFTER your county force is started:
Dept. of Homeland Security
State Troopers
Sheriff’s office
County Police
Local Police
Transportation police
more government….great plan.
Does anyone really think that the 3 chiefs of those police departments want to give up their positions or authority??? I don’t think so…
Quotas don’t exist, at least not anymore….they’re illegal. Some officers write a lot of tickets and some don’t. I’ve never heard anyone talk about needing to write more tickets or they’d get in trouble.
I have no idea how much, if any, money from traffic fines actually goes to Harford County and I’ve certainly never heard a single person in the Sheriff’s Office mention even in passing getting revenue from traffic citation.
As for all those officers sitting in the back of the court room for traffic court, hopefully that’ll start changing over the next several months. The state legislature passed a law that requires people going to court over a traffic ticket to actually request the officer to be there. Currently, the officer is automatically summonsed to be in traffic court unless the violator sends a form back in saying they don’t need the officer to be there, which hardly anyone does even though 99% of the people going to court over a ticket are pleading guilty and are just looking for a PBJ or a reduction in the fine.
And another thing…why do we elect a “Register of Wills”? How much will we pay this guy or gal? I heard $93K. No wonder we have all these folks putting up big signs. Is anybody in the county cognisant of how much of our $ are going to salaries?
I’d like to know – how much David Craig is making as county exec, Harry Hopkins as Register of Wills, Our county council – part time employees, Jesse Bane, and county employees/appointees within various departments.
If you go onto the Harford County Governmant website, on the left hand side there is a column that says “agencies”. Click on County Council. When you get to that page, there is a tab that says “bills”. Click on that and go to 2010. Look for Bill 10-15 “pay and classification”. It shows what grade each position is and then at the bottom of the page it shows the minimum and maximum salary for that position. Not sure if the Sheriff’s info is there. And that, folks, is where a great percentage of our tax dollars are going.
Bill 10-06 shows the County Exec and County Council salaries, which conveniently have raises built in! Nice job David Craig and Council. Screw the rest of us, but beware, elections are upcoming…..
If you want to know, go look it up. Too late, you sit and complain and Blue did it for you. Welcome to the American Dream.
Dave and Vietnam Vet,
You are both 100% right.
Did anyone attend the forum last night? If so, your thoughts?
Gahlor going to bring back howard Walters and we do not need that headache. I like Bane, Meckley not qualified it the equivalent of having Obama in Office inexperience, we dont need need that on a local level less alone on the federal level. Bodway he’s also a good old boy. Sheets has some promise an outsider looking in is what maybe needed.
Fuzzyblue – If you really are a cop than you are a dishonest one. Jeff Gahler has said unequivocally that Howard Walters will not be hired back. I believe Jeff addressed that question in front of the deputies forum.
Fuzzyblue is not a liar. What Gahler says and what Gahler will do may be completely different. Anyone who has had the misfortune of working with Howard Walter is not willing to take the chance that Gahler may be telling the truth. If Gahler is to be believed, why doesn’t he disassociate himself from Howard? Gahler has been told from the beginning of his campaign that the deputies will not have anything to do with him if Howard is around, yet he continues to keep him around as a “consultant”. Gahler is either very foolish or else he plans on keeping Howard. Why else would he ignore what everyone and I mean EVERYONE has told him? Howard Walter is vengeful, spiteful and will bring absolutely NOTHING but trouble to the agency. Talk about good old boys… Howard is their leader. Too many careers have been ruined by Howard and his lovely wife.
Gahler said that Howard Walter has not asked to be part of his administration or hinted that he would like a position. He never unequivocally said that he would not be bringing Howard Walter back. Sounds like you were there but didn’t actually listen. And he definitely did not rule out Teresa Walter. I don’t know about everyone else, but I would think the husband might have some pull with the wife. Howard Walter is a lot like Brett Favre. He just doesn’t know when to hang up his cleats and enjoy life.
questioning my integrity, I speak the truth. Just because Gahler stated that Howard Walters will not return it a ruse. It’s politics people. Tell the people whatever they want to hear and when your elected *** over them with false promises. If Gahlor does get elected he will be a puppet sheriff just has golding was. Howard will be the equivalent to Empire Palpatine and Gahlor his Darth Vadar. I like Meckley but his problem inexperience(Obama), Bodway good man but still the same good old boy politics if he gets in office. Sheets fresh eyes and an outsider approach that what is needed. I think Bane is a great social worker, nice guy and all but it police work, not social services
FuzzyBlue that was well spoken!
Fuzzyblue – Would you like to question me? Your propaganda is distasteful. As I said – you have no facts backing up your comments. Hopefully readers will see through your false allegations. Jeff Gahler has more Integrity in this toe nail than you have – period.
Ed, I sat in roll call after roll call and heard the comments made by Howard. I thought for my first year my name was actually a part of the male anatomy. Never any praise or encouragement. Just put downs and his vulgar B S.. Jeff has been told, I have told several people on his campaign but he keeps him around. Jeff is a good guy, honest and a very reliable. I do not question his honor or believe he is lying about anything. But I do know Howard is waiting in the wings for his time to come out. Howard has helped Jeff with this race, I heard Howard’s comments over the years about the State Police. This is why I wonder what his reason is for helping Jeff. Did he have anything to do with Jeff prior to the election? I doubt it. Again, I am not saying Jeff is a liar. I worked with him and know him to be a stand up guy. I just do not know why he would keep this association up knowing what he has been told that is all. If Steve had not run for Sheriff I would have gladly pounded signs for Jeff and done what ever he needed to win. The minute Howard would have came in the picture I would have walked away. Howard is not a nice guy!!!!!
My comments are not made out of desperation for the “Bodway crew”. I think Jeff has made a big mistake but only time will tell. Jeff I do not distrust you or think you are a liar!!!! I am long retired, there are many people at the Sheriff’s Office who have not had the pleasure of working around Howard and his sharp tongue. No one should have to put up with degrading comments like a lot of us did, no one. So you can see why I do not want him any where near the Sheriff’s Office.
When the candidates addressed the union, Sheets by far seemed the most out touch of all of them and I haven’t heard anyone who was there say anything differently. A prime example was his response to the question about improving agency morale. His solution? Give everyone a raise. While I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t be happy with a raise, that only brings a temporary boost to morale and does nothing to address why it’s an issue in the first place. Besides, with the economy still in the toilet and a reality of flat or shrinking budgets for the past couple years and probably for the next couple while other costs continue to increase means a raise just isn’t feasible right now and talking about giving one with no money to pay for it is just stupid.
Most of us weren’t at that union meeting and aren’t able to find out what was said. Can you give any insight as to the other candidates responses? Was Howard Walter in attendance?
There probably would’ve been a riot if Howard Walter showed up…I don’t think there’s anyone more hated overall within the Sheriff’s Office. That picture in the Aegis during the last election speaks volumes about how most of the agency feels about him.
For the rest of the candidates’ response to that particular question (or any of the others) nothing really needs to be repeated. I only pointed out Sheets’ answer because I find it curious that anyone who was there could possibly think that he’s a good candidate for sheriff and that was the first example I thought of that demonstrated how out of touch he seemed. He’s certainly done some very admirable things over his career, but I don’t think he’s the right man for the job (and outside of people working on his campaign I don’t think very many other people think he is either.)
Your union President should have told you all what was said.
fuzzyblue…sounds like sheets has your vote… he is already promissing the deputies a pay raise to increase moral, how can he do that? also his son has charges pending for filing a false report with the sheriff’s office!
Fuzzyblue, Vietnam Vet, David Roadhouse,
I supect that your are all probably three clowns working for one of the other campaigns. One of you is most likely the tool sitting in front of me at the Sheriff’s debate the other night. You know who you are – glasses – sort of laughing at Jeff’s responses. You are definitely a classless ass. Sort of like the clown running around in his truck shouting obsenities at voters with Gahler bumper stickers. You keep throwing your desperate lobs concerning Howard. Any concerned voter is free to call Jeff and he will set the record straight. What a bunch of cowards you are.
NorthHarfordGrad & Misty: My god, you two are overreacting just a bit. I am not saying that Gahler has no integrity. Howard is bitter that his plan to run the agency backfired when Golding decided not to run. He’s been planning a comeback for 4 years. Howard had to align himself with someone in order to do so, and he chose Gahler. Even if Gahler 100% believes that he doesn’t want Howard on board, Howard will find a way to weasel his way back in. This is not a disparaging remark against Gahler, it is statement of fact that if Howard was enjoying his retirement, there would be no reason for him to be hanging around Gahler. If Gahler was truly committed to not having Howard back, he should tell Howard to get lost NOW, before the primary election, because, as was stated before, no one who knows Howard would vote for Gahler just by the mere fact that Howard is still a presence in the Gahler campaign. If you two are so pro-Gahler and you really want your guy to win, you should tell him that he needs to disassociate himself from Howard NOW.
David Roadhouse,
I appreciate your points. Thank you,
I heard Gahler had a bull roast last night with 400 people in attendance and from what I hear the others struggle to get a few supporters to come out for them. Sounds like Gahler might not want to change anything to me.
I think my service record would speak other wise as to the word ”Coward” Gary Owen & Sem Per fi.
That’s a good one! Using “clowns”, “tool”, “classless ass” and “bunch of cowards” in a post to judge other folks! With friends like this, Gahler doesn’t need any enemies.
Phil Dirt,
If you think mocking someone during a debate and yelling obsenities into a car full of children isn’t the act of a classless ass than that clearly speaks volumes about you. What is more cowardly than posting false allegations anonymously?
I agree I think Gahler has the credentials to be Sheriff, but it not about his credentials it about his buddy Walters. Nobody is questioning Gahler Integrity. I think its funny how we can talk about people character in a chatroom and disrespect one another over view points with out knowing whose on the other side of the laptop or computer. If you like Gahler by all means vote for him, nobody is saying the man aint qualified for the job it about his association with an individual who is not liked. I personally like Gahler but I will not be fooled by Words. Actions Speak Louder than Words.
Fuzzyblue – I guess we’ll agree to disagree. Sorry if my response became somewhat heated. I hate to see a good man’s character questioned when I know it shouldn’t be and thats how I perceived your post.
Seeing these comments makes it even more clear to me we need a county police force and take this politics out of our law enforcement. Sure you will get some bad leaders once in a while – Baltimore city proved this with some of their police chief selections. But if they screw up too bad – fire them like O’Malley did with Kevin Clark. You all talk about morale at the sheriffs department being low – deputies have to hate this election stuff – they get their hopes up and their guy loses – they get punished. Take the politics and now the big time money out of this. Somebody said you run the risk of patronage with a county police force – well what do you thnk is happening with all this money being pumped in to elections – favors – now and later. This is absurd. Harford County is no longer Mayberry and we don’t need to be electing an Andy every four years.
county wide agency agreed, the county already have the police stations just convert the local town police stations into county police stations. response times will be much faster better service. politics has no business in police work
There are no “politics in police work” in Bel Air, so leave us out of your “solutions”. It ain’t broke here, so don’t do us any favors by fixing it.
Hi Phil
WAWA must have the Bel Air crime problems because most of Bel Air’s officers seem to be stationed there.
Hey Northhardgrad… stay up north. There is no WAWA in the Town of Bel Air anymore.
And fuzzyblue…response times down ? HAHA, A county police force would be working that shit hole in Edgewood, so if your robbed in Bel Air, expect response times to be tripled.
Hey Domo
You must not get out much – your WAWA is right next to the Silver Spring Mining Station. You can find Leo’s Officers in there around 8:30 AM. In their defense – they may be off duty but 4 or 5 officers standing around in the back of WAWA looks bad….
That Wawa is actually outside of Bel Air’s jurisdiction by about a hundred yards.
Also, guess what? Cops eat too. I bet you take a lunch break at work too.
I agree with the call for a county police department. Some of you have questioned what will happen in the incorporated cities of Harford. These cities already have the infrastructure in place to join or assimilate. Their HQ’s would become precincts and the citizens of these sections in Harford County would be served the same as anywhere else in the county. There would be no more Aberdeen vs. us or who covers Perryman calls for service. The Sheriff’s Office would handle all matters concerning the detention center, court room security and process serving. This is all a relatively simple matter that has successfully been implemented in many jurisdication across the country.
Coledata, you seem to get the picture, but not sure why you went off on a tangent. No one is pontificating revenue generating, at least I think no one is, by a county PD.
Harford really needs to get in step with the times by eliminating the counter productivity of the Sheriff’s election. We need a “professional” Chief law enforcement officer to run our county PD without the “good ole boy” rhetoric.
Here’s to getting a referendum this fall!
The county does not own those buildings “infastructure” like you seem to think or the police cars or any other equipment. The county also can’t just disband the town police departments like you seem to think.
Bib – please re read…I said the cities already have the infrastructure, not that the county owns the bldgs. Obviously, the county can not disband the town PD’s. That is the entire point of a public referendum, which would allow the public to have a voice over this change. If the public voted it down, then it would not happen. Read, comprehend what you read, think and then speak. You’ll feel much better, and you will impress your friends.
You will have a county police department to fund, and a Sheriff’s Office to fund. New cars, new equipment, new everything. The Sheriff’s Office is not broken. Under Joe Meadows the department made positive change, he just let his power go to his head. You need a good leader to turn the morale problems around, the spending problems, and the micromanaging around. Do you have any idea how much money is spent on overtime for court? You show up and walk in and they tell you that you are not needed and you get an automatic 2 hours overtime even if you are there two minutes. Has Bane done anything about this? Why not make your court days your scheduled days to work? Then you will hear that this will short the shift. Well why not put the cops back on the street who are doing administrative jobs instead of police work. Bane has risen to his glory with this Community Policing Unity. I was in this unit at one time. Monday to Friday day shift. Really, how much crime is committed after three PM? All if the specialty units when I was there except for the Community Action Response Team work day work and no weekends. Poor management is the biggest problem at the Sheriff’s Office right now. I worked in a special unit and wondered why we were off weekends and holidays. Crime does take place on these days. You need a good manager at the top. A Sheriff who was a good street cop and knows how to get things done. Bane is not that guy, and a county police force is not the answer. And this good old boy crap is getting old to.
The Republican candidates meet with the Deputy Sheriff Union. One candidate was asked a very serious question by union members. That question was will you make us wear our hats? This was asked of Steve Bodway. The problem with the Union is they have to much say in what goes on in the department. This started under J. J. Miner who even had a special patrol area made for just him. And how Fred Visnaw ever became President is beyond belief. He should have been fired for what he did but he made a deal with Bane and kept the hearing postponed until after the election, and pounding signs for Bane helped also. When the Union President can bypass the chain of command and walk into the Sheriff’s Office anytime he wants you have a problem. The sad thing is that the pubic believes that if the Union backs a candidate it is the one this is who they should vote for. Well things are brought up at meetings to be discussed but the executive board makes any final decision, at least this how it was done when I was a member and J. J. Miner ran the show. Really don’t think things have changed.
He was also asked if he was bringing back some of the retired people to be in his administration. He said no and named his Under Sheriff who is Joe Price. And for the record Joe Price did not back Jesse Bane after he lost the primary. Gahler would not answer the question, but it is pretty clear he is bringing back some of the old fold from Joe Meadows administration. Meckley is also looking at a retired deputy to come back into the fold but would not answer the question either. One person answered the question. Sheets would not answer the question either. Wonder why a simple question like this would not be answered unless they are bringing back the good old boys. An outsider is the answer for you second in command. Joe Price is a retired State Trooper, a good person and was a good cop. Nothing fake about Joe, call the campaign and you can get a hold of Joe and talk with him. I know the people who the others want to bring back. All this will accomplish is more of the same. Now I will be slammed for backing Steve Bodway. Well, I worked there, I know what will happen if the Old Wood is brought back in because I was there for my share of elections. I watched as the Sheriff came in and the same people were kept on to run things. No growth just kept hearing well this is how we have always run things. Meadows did bring us forward but he did keep the deadwood on and this did hurt him. If he had cleaned house more he would have had many more accomplishments. Do we need all of these special units? Not all of them. Some yes are needed. So many of them are just vote getters, and in Bane’s case that is all they are for. Again this is just my opinion.
You make some good points, but Meckley did answer the question about who he’ll bring in as Colonel…John Dennison, who just retired as Major from the Patrol Bureau at the end of June. He did not answer who was going to be the warden because that person still works here apparently and he did not want any possible repercussions falling on that person (which is the same answer Bodeway gave for the warden question…Gahler and Sheets wouldn’t say who their warden or Colonel would be.) Meckley also emphatically stated that the Walters, etc would have no part in his administration in any form or fashion.
It was Gahler who said Walters would have no job in the Sheriff’s Office. Same video that Bodway’s crew should be reviewing.
Retired Cop,
I was there and Gahler did answer the question, so don’t lie on behalf of your candidate or if you are the candidate. Gahler said he wasn’t worried about picking someone until after the primary. If you are who you say, a retiree, then pull up the video on our website (unless your not a union member) and report factually on what was said. Problem is when you get caught in a lie, everything else that is typed above becomes questionable. Hopefully it was just a misstatement on your part.
Sorry priceless I got my information from a union member who was there. And let me tell you something, Howard Walters is not doing this because he loves Jeff Gahler. You know who I am. Teresa will be Under Sheriff and Howard will be back at the jail. Bank on it. I was a member of your union. When I retired I found out how much the union does for the people who paid dues all those years. NOTHING. Gahler had a good man helping him and this Trooper would have made a good Under Sheriff. He was pushed aside by the Walter machine and left the campaign. Howard is in this for some payback, and the union is on the top of his hit list. Remember that when you pull that lever for Jeff.
I seriously doubt Gahler would make such bold statements about Howard not coming back, on tape and in our hands no less, and then bring him back as Warden. I believe that there will be no Howard. Don’t know about the trooper thing, but he did say #2 would not be a trooper and that should be someone from within the S.O. I agree with that point and think Steve just picked Price in a attempt to offset the fact that Gahler is a trooper.
PriceLess: You “think Steve just picked Price in a attempt to offset the fact that Gahler is a trooper”? You can believe this to be a fact….Mr. Bodway had Mr. Price in mind as far back as early February and made his decision by late March. Mr. Price was not made aware of Mr. Bodway’s decision until some time later in April. It was NOT a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Knowing Mr. Bodway for over 30 years and Mr. Price for 40 years, the Deputies and Correctional Officers, as well as the taxpaying citizens, will be VERY pleased with them at the helm.
Terry & Retired Cop,
Get control of Retired Cop (whoever he is). His Howard Walter recipe is old news. Jeff has repeatedly stated in public that Howard is not coming back. Howards role is to get a Republican candidate elected – period. If the Bodway Camp wants to get in a slander/libel situation than we can certainly look into it.
Ask any deputy who I am and they can give you my name. I do not live in Maryland and I am not a spokesmen for Steve Bodway. I do have the right to speak my mind right? And again, he will be back your a fool if you think different.
Could Northarfgrad be Mr. Gahler?
It doesn’t matter if it is a sheriff’s office or a police dept. There is politics to every law enforcement agency. Only thing different is the Sheriff is elected so citizens can have a say in who leads. In a police department, the chief is appointed so citizens have no choice, politicians choose the chief. I would say Harford County is lucky to have a sheriff’s office.
the other side of the coin is that the Sheriff is not under the control of the county executive, thus the county has no control over policing priorities or any imput on crime reduction strategies. The Sheriff should just do court, jail and processing of warrants and traffic. A real police dept would in effect be under closer supervision under the executive and council such as it is in the local jurisdictions.
So your saying the law enforcement decisions of Harford County should be made by politicians? You don’t think law enforcement decisions should be made by law enforcement? In fact, the county does have input…they set the budget
most jurisdictions have the police answer to the executive dept and in our case their budget would come under council review also.
crime and punishment, we need more police men in HARFORD County. This county has evolved from a rural county. The problem for this count stems from the fact when the Shitty knocked down those low income projects, there trash came here. I Hate welfare, most of our problems come from welfare recipiants and drug abusers. Why do we the working tax payer continue to be extorted by these bullshit social programs. why, why ,why. WHAT EVER HAPPEND TO WORKING FOR WHAT YOU WANT IN THIS COUNTRY. why work when the government going to give it to you. Fuck bullshit.(sorry people i know this has nothing to do with the race for sheriff). I’M tired of paying for latisha and her 7 fucking kids, i’m not there daddy so why do i has a tax payer have to raise them. lol
fuzzbrains….I know of plenty of people on welfare not named Latisha. Steropying is just not really cool or fair specially when there isn’t any specific event to support it.
I don’t know what welfare has to do with the Sheriff election either. You’d be surprised how many non minority people are receiving social services in today’s economy too.
Assuming LOL is meant to indicate mirth, there’s nothing amusing by your vitriolic rant. While “Latisha” may have made some poor choices and is now dependent upon the welfare system, her “Fing” 7 kids had no choice in the matter and certainly do not deserve your disdain. The whole idea behind welfare is to assure those 7 kids do not go hungry and end up homeless or in foster care( a much larger financial burden to the tax payer). I might also suggest you review the percentage of your income that went in the past 5 years to pay for two pointless wars, as opposed to welfare programs. You may be surprised whose pockets you have been lining with your hard earned paycheck.
Ok Billy jean, you people must be bleeding hart liberals huh. Freedom of speech sir. and you crisco lighten up. God is this what America has become a bunch of over sensitive losers
Really, up until now no one has made any stupid racist comments. Get your bigotry to yourself and focus on the topic of the forum. I’m in law enforcement and those type of comments disgust me.
I meant “keep your bigotry to yourself”. Wow, Fuzzyblue must be rubbing off on me.
There was a debate 8/19/2010 in Joppa, the debate was recorded. The Womens Republican Club held the debate, check to see if you can see the video. This will give you a chance to see all candidates speaking.
The attack on a Harford County Sheriffs Deputy is despicable. Where is the outcry from the Sheriff and the Community? Today it is a kick in the head, tomorrow may bring even more violent attacks on the men & women who partol our communities. ” Evil prevails when good men do nothing” To stand silent on this issue smacks at failed leadership. What do think?
The bad guy was arrested. He is in Jail. What could the current Sheriff (who I do not support) done that would have changed this event? It was 4 in the morning, the Sheriff can not be out 24 hours a day……. police are attacked all the time, comes with the job. You seem to be using this attack for you own gain, that is sad.
You guys tweak to easy. I enjoy this site.
NorthHarfordGrad: I’m sorry if you think that Retired Cop’s “Howard Walter recipe is old news”. You obviously don’t know Howard or else you are pathetically naive. So is Gahler if he truly believes that Howard won’t be back. Howard is like a damn cockroach–you are never truly rid of him. Retired Cop has vast knowledge of the agency and its players and if you were smart, you’d heed his warnings and believe everything he says in his postings. I do.
Roadhouse, Retired Cop, Bodway crew
Jeff has made his position clear with regard to Howard. Voters and Deputies are welcome to call Jeff if they’d like to have that discussion again.
What is truly funny and sad is how desperate you have become.
No, what is truly sad and funny is how you have multiple people telling you the same exact thing and you cannot see what is hitting you right in the face, Gahler groupie. What you are failing to comprehend is that we have all heard from the horse’s mouth that Howard is not a part of Gahler’s plan, yet he continues to keep Howard on board, attending his functions, showing up at forums, keeping his foot in the door. Actions speak louder than words, so Gahler can say whatever he damn well wants, the fact that Howard is still there is quite telling. So you keep telling us to call Gahler personally and we’ll keep responding by asking why the hell is Howard still around if he isn’t a part of Gahler’s grand plan? You candidate has no credibility whatsoever when it comes to the Howard Walter issue.
NorthHarfordGrad: One little problem with your comment……the “Bodway crew”, as you put it, is NOT desperate and it would be greatly appreciated if you would cease and desist these accusatory printings directed at Mr. Bodway to further your cause, whatever that may be.
We have no idea who Retired Cop and david roadhouse are.
Know what NorthHarfordGrad? Maybe you are right after all. I just heard today that Howard’s wife is the one who will become Gahler’s second in command, not Howard. So technically you are correct–Howard won’t hold the formal title of Colonel, but he’ll be calling the shots from behind wifey’s skirt. (for those who don’t know, Teresa Walter is the Chief of Police for Havre de Grace Police Department). Also, should Gahler not get into office, she is looking at the Chief of Police position in Ocean City. Here’s hoping that Ocean City gets our problems!
Sheets has my vote!
Who is Ghaler choosing for his Chief Deputy. I would love to know that.
Can somebody tell us what the deal is with this Howard Walter guy? we on the outside of the sheriff’s department would like to know what gives with this guy.
Just saw the Bodway Dagger Ad for Sheriff – What a pompous and arrogant personality Bodway has…. Carries himself with an air of entitlement. Boring……
Congratulations Jeff Gahler on the Aegis Endorsement for Harford County Sheriff!
Just read the endorsement for the Sheriff’s race. Mr. Gahler has my vote! If you have not seen the paper yet, check out the endorsement here:
Getting endorsed by the Aegis is fine if you are looking to get the votes of the citizens born before 1935. No one else gives it any credibility.
Daveroadhouse – are they serving sour grapes there? Cause it sounds like you have had your share. Congratulations to Jeff on his endorsement. It is definitely well deserved!
Thanks Joe – I’ll check it out!
Okay…… I have been watching all of this on here between the GOP groupies…. I wonder why the Aegis, a left wing liberal news paper, would come out and back a GOP candidate or candidates. They backed Bane in the last election and have not printed anything remotely negative about him in the last four years. They printed a letter from a former Sheriff calling Bane out on his fabrication on the gang problems in Harford County…. And they never did a follow up story on this letter once. Do you think they just might be a little biased on their reporting? Now with the primary soon upon us they come out and support two candidates over the other two. They state that what the Sheriff’s Office needs is an outsider to come in and run things. This is the only reason they give. Not that one has a better platform or is more qualified or is a proven leader…… just that the Sheriff’s Office needs an outsider to run things. I have been watching the Aegis and they have not been reporting on the candidates or looking into their backgrounds like a real investigative paper would do. What makes their decision to back the two outside candidates a good one? I would think this decision would make more sense if they had gone back over the years and looked at how the agency improved when a new Sheriff came from outside. Then compare this to how things went when the new Sheriff was from within the department. Harford County has a Republican and a Democratic central committee. I have never seen any stories on the coverage of the meetings they have nor any reporting on what the candidates stand for at these meetings. If the Aegis had been reporting during this long campaign, I feel their decision to back only the two outside candidates would have been founded on something strong. I can tell from the debate recently held that the two top candidates were Gahler and Bodway. Sheets is an outsider but seems to dwell in the past a little too much for me. Meckley is young and eager but I don’t know if he is ready for the task of being Sheriff at this point. He seems to be too quick to blame all problems in Harford County on drugs. Meckley and sheets worry me with the statements on illegal immigrants in our County. They feel this is a moral and ethical problem with enforcing the law when it comes to illegals. I do not see why they would have a problem with this. If they are illegal and need to be deported until they can return to our country the correct way what is the problem? The families do not have to be separated, they can all go back together and then return as a family the correct way. I do not feel we should allow a crime to be committed and then not act on this because they have had anchor babies while in our Country. I wonder……. could the Aegis have a motive behind this? Could they be pulling the same trick that was pulled in the 2008 Presidential election? Give the GOP a weak candidate to support in order to get the person they support and share the same liberal agenda with back in the Sheriff’s Office for another four years. Someone from the Aegis has to be reading this blog. With all the statements made on here why are they not looking into any of them? I have researched all the GOP websites and may decision to vote would not be based on just the simple fact that the two best candidates are from the outside. I would hope that Gahler and Sheets would not take the endorsement from the Aegis too seriously and think they are sailing into an easy win. Remember guys, we have all watched the Aegis over the years……. don’t think for a second they are going to back any GOP candidate after the primary.
These endorsements were for the primary…They endorsed both republican and Democratic candidates in the races…..
To be fair, how can you say there was just the point about the Sheriff’s Office needing an outsider? The following three paragraphs cover the reasoning behind the endorsement and only the last one deals with the outsider issues (a point I happen to agree with). You must have missed the first two paragraphs, so here they are for you again:
In assessing the Republican candidates, we believe Gahler is the best choice for Republican voters. Our position is based on their experience and what the candidates said in published interviews, their campaign statements and literature and in answers to several well-posed questions at the Harford County Republican Women’s forum Aug. 19.
Our view that Gahler is the best choice is based on his experience, his vision for the agency — both on policing and corrections — and his leadership potential. He has demonstrated an understanding that the sheriff needs to take global view of the county and that manpower and money are finite and must be deployed judiciously. He’s stayed on his message that he will police the entire county and treat criminals as criminals, regardless of what neighborhood they’re operating in.
We would point out that if Republican voters — and all voters regardless of party, for that matter — truly desire a change in leadership in Harford County’s de facto police force, then that change should come from outside the agency.
What experience does Gahler have with Corrections? Also why is this Howard Walters guy such a big deal? It sounds like he is not a well liked person by the deputies, if so why does Gahler keep him around. Are you not judged by the company you keep?
Onthefence: You hit the nail on the head. I don’t know if you have been following previous postings or just the ones under this story, but Howard Walter is an egotistical, self-absorbed, power-hungry, hateful man, who wants desperately to control law enforcement in Harford County. He is universally despised by every deputy who has ever worked with him. He belittles, mocks, humiliates and debases everyone he comes into contact with. Rather than help you, he plots ways to bring you down. He brought nothing but shame to the agency. I know this makes him sound like an evil soap opera character, but this is truly the way he is. A few years ago, there was a photo taken of Howard walking down the street and the deputies lined up on the sidewalk with their backs to him. These deputies could have lost their jobs for that, but that act of courage on the part of the deputies shows what a total abomination this guy is. And for Gahler to keep him around, knowing all this from before he decided to run for Sheriff, makes no sense. All he is doing is alienating the employees of the Sheriff’s office. Not one person from the agency supports Gahler and I hope to God the voters realize this too.
There are plenty in the Harford County Sheriff’s Department that support Jeff Gahler. Jeff has had a great working relationship with many in the Sheriff’s Department.
Your baseless attacks on Jeff Gahler are evidence of your lack of character and integrity. If you are currently in the Sheriff’s Office – I suspect that you are probably deadwood that should be removed regardless of who wins the election.
Which candidate do you believe is best suited to lead the Sheriff’s Office?
Good answer Blue wave. You are wrong, Gahler does not have the support of many deputies, and you know it.
Great Point on Dear Onthefence,
This is all free space here to list the experience of the other candidates with corrections. Go ahead, free space, make use of it and fill us all in on everyone else’s experience with corrections, but please hurry! Voting has aleady begun and we all need to know what experience the others have overseeing corrections since you made it a point to say Gahler has no experience. If you cannot make a nice list here for all of us, then do us a favor and change your screen name from “on the fence” to “Inthecamp” and be honest about your effort. To anyone who reads this and agrees with me, please refer to “Onthefence” as “Inthecamp” in future postings. Here is another contributing name going down the drain!
You know…honestly…who really cares who wins! We will still have the same issues and problems. This is an ego trip for all of these fools running!! The idiots each need a hobby.
Brian Fitz: YOU will be the one who cares when you call 911 on a Saturday night and you get a delayed response because Bane has deputies sitting behind desks, 8-4, Monday through Friday instead of being out on patrol. I applaud these “idiots” because they are getting off their asses and trying to do something positive, unlike you whose way of handling things is to make foolish and childish comments. You are the one who needs a hobby, young man.
David Outhouse, Onthefence, Etc, Etc..
By any chance are you Mark Eaton, Terry Noye, or other Bodway members?
My bet is that he is one of Bodway’s guys that post on here routinely. You hit the nail on the head with your sour grapes comments.
William why does it have to be one of the other candidates “guys”. What I see on here is childish accusations against people by people who are uninformed. Also if you don’t agree with or say something against one candidate you are accused of slander. Look at the candidates and read about them. For me I am looking at a person who knows the operation of the Sheriff’s Office. I do not think it makes a lot of sense to put someone in there from outside the department who has spent his entire career in another agency. I am sure all departments have their own way of doing things, but that way may not work for the Sheriff’s Office. I think we should have learned after this last presidential election that on the job training does not work. And I do not think that the other candidates are not considering fighting crime in just certain areas of the county. What really makes me wonder is this Howard Walter fellow and why so many, including some of the current deputies do not want him back. If he is what they say he is then why would Gahler have him around. I can see a few people not caring for him but it seems like more then a few on here. I read the article in the Aegis after the debate and several times the Aegis stated that Gahler agreed with Bodway. Only one thing came up that Gahler had disagreement with……. something to do with a special rank or promotion. For me I want someone who knows the department, its traditions, and the people. They can come in and hit the ground running and not disrupt the day to day operations of the department. Think about it, a outsider coming in and wanting to change things to the way he is used to operating under a different agency. How long would it take to get everyone on board? How would this disrupt the day to day operations? People do not like change, I am sure the deputies are doing things the correct way. Now a new person from the outside comes in and wants to change things, this would be very unsettling to me. I know when new management comes in everyone thinks things are broke so they need to be fixed. I really think before they backed the two outside candidates they should have talked to some of the people who work at the Sheriffs Office or have worked there and since retired. Remember, these men and women have to work with the people we elect. They put their life on the line everyday for us, we need to really pick the best person for the job….. I do not think what the Aegis has done is very informative. Does anyone know if there is any more debates or public meetings in order to hear more from the candidates?
David Outhouse, Onthefence, Etc..
By any chance are you Mark Eaton, Terry Noye, or other Bodway members?
No Blue wave but I am one of them. I see when someone hits a nerve you resort to this. And if you know me please spell my name the right way.
Jeff Gahler Congratulations on AEGIS ENDORSEMENT! The AEGIS Made excellent points on why you are the right person for the job.
Five O,do you really think the Aegis is supporting any GOP candidate? The are a left wing liberal rag of a newspaper. They will not report anything negative on Bane, Remember they picked Joe Price also and he lost.
I seem to have made my point. If you have your own opinion on here against Gahler you have to be for someone else. Some of you can not make a point without accusations of being for one person. My view elect from within. Still waiting on someone to tell me what the problem with Walters is. Never saw anyone answer the question about Gahler’s party change. Is it true or not? Mr. Gahler you are on here, tell us the truth. I called the board of elections and it is private information. So come clean and let us know.
You keep asking what the problem with Walters (sic) is. Are you not reading anyone’s responses? I posted a lengthy response regarding this the other day. Guess you missed it.
Hey Roadkill
I “suspect” that you are part of the Bodway campaign – probably someone promised a job. It is so obvious that you clowns keep replying to each other’s postings. Very sad.
Sorry Onthefence,
Gahler addressed this issue in his ELJ interview. I agree with him 100% and think an outsider is exactly what is needed, this year more than ever. If you have not seen Mr. Gahler’s comments, here they are:
EJL: What do you offer the residents of Harford County?
Gahler: I offer the citizens an experienced and current law enforcement leader from outside the ranks of the Sheriff’s Office. One of the issues with the current administration is the cycle of focusing on executing internal agendas developed during years of service within the ranks of the Office instead of directing all efforts on combating crime. The benefits of electing an “outsider” to lead the organization were realized during the many years of truly moving the organization forward that was experienced during the years that the Office was led by Sheriff Meadows. Sheriff Meadows advanced the Sheriff’s Office into a modern police department during his years of service. The Office is again in need of an outside leader who brings with him, Character, Competence and a Commitment to the community and to those men and women who serve within the ranks of the Sheriff’s Office. These qualities are the theme of my campaign and characteristics that I have faithfully adhered to during my continuing service as a member of the law enforcement community.
If you want to see the entire interview, check out:
Barbie – whats your number?
As long as Howard is in Jeff’s Camp no Deputy will support him. If Jeff has not learned it by now he never will, the Sheriff’s Office has had enough of Howard, his crew and his ways. Jeff should have stayed with his original plan, but he did not. Now he will have to see for himself what his choice of company he keeps has done to him.
That is odd (and obviously RetiredCop is doing more campaigning than telling the truth) as I am a deputy and HCDSU member who supports Jeff and hope he can pull off the big win in November. I hear Howard, Howard, Howard! Look at who Bodway has surrounded himself with, a bunch of retirees wanting to come back a reek havoc (and get paid for it) and some active guys wanting to move on up at other’s expense.
Has Sheets gave any hints as to who he will bring back as under Sheriff?
All Sheets has said is that he hasn’t made a decision on who will be his under sheriff, command staff, or warden. If I remember correctly (and if I don’t then I’m sure someone will correct me…) he actually said he wouldn’t make those decisions until after being elected and that starting to pick his people this early was “premature.”
I did address this question at the meeting with the Deputies Union. I indicated that I will evaluate the talent within the Sheriffs office and would like to make the selection for Chief Deputy from within the Sheriffs Office. That will only come after I am elected. I did not name either the Chief Deputy or Warden, because I have not made a predetermined selection for either of those positions.
I think the Wardens position is going to be a very critical selection. The corrections job is a very difficult one and we need to find the right person in terms of experience and a good fit for the organization. I would want to include the correctional staff in identifying the selection criteria and the major concerns facing them in the future.
There has been much concern expressed by the Union and others regarding any of the Republican candidates bringing back former members of the Sheriffs Office. When elected Sheriff, I will look for the best person to fill the Chief Deputy spot. It will be a person who has a strong commitment to the Sheriffs Office and has the kind of leadership that will help us to meet the challenges of a modern law enforcement agency. My selection will not involve poltical expediency or political patronage. I don’t owe any favors and have made no promises.
This is exactly one of the reasons I am running for Sheriff, to reduce the impact of politics on the organization. Hopefully, this will allow the men & women in the Sheriffs Office to do their job most effectively.
I am open to the Union and all members of the Sheriffs Office to suggest who might best fill these positions. Regardless, the process will involve specific criteria and a transparency that will make this a fair and objective selection process.
So, you have no plan. You are going to let the Union run your operation. You have a great plan, seems like more of the same so why not keep Bane.
The answer is no? Who am I taking to Terry or Marc?
Marc, and who are you or will you continue to hide behind your screen name?
While I believe Gehler is a good man and do not question his integrity, I do feel he is leading people along and doing as Bane currently does, omitting important things. If you all think the Walters family will not be a huge part of HCSO you are fooled. I would find it hard to believe Teresa will not be asked to be a part of the top command staff. I had emailed him with very direct questions and although I was happy with his answers the Walters connection was just too hard to overlook.
For me the choice was between Gehler and Meckley and if you drive by my house there is a Meckley sign in it. I have spoken with numerous deputies and I myself had a very extensive talk as well as several emails with Lt. Meckley and he seems very committed and genuine about wanting to make a change in the department.
Hi Sandi,
I would just like to throw this out there for your thoughts; Jeff Gahler’s Policing and Leadership skills to date have been stellar. There is no reason to think that he would alter his decision making process going forward that would jeopardize the Good of the Department.
I do believe the Jack is a good man as well but my nod is to Jeff because of his Jeff’s platform and experience. They both are men of character with a passion for solid policing.
I read Bodway’s platform in 2008, it is amazing how much Jeff’s platform mirrors Steve’s platform……. just wondering.
In 2008, wasn’t Bodway a Major serving at the will of the Sheriff and making more money than the Sheriff? Seems like the feeling that there was some incident that lead to Bodway’s departure might have some merit to it and sure makes me think that Mr. Bodway has an ax to grind. I think getting rid of the political agendas, like yours is why so many will be voting Gahler this year. Thanks for helping out.
Priceless, no he retired, not because of any scandal. He just retired. I am sure if there was some “incident” it would be plastered all over here and the sleagis. Once again unsubstantiated claims, what the other guys do best. If you can not hang with the Big Dog just bark lies at him.
Oh, I see, he just “retired” from his “at will” high paying postion Jesse Bane gave him after the last election. Okay, I believe that now how much did you want for that bridge?
What is an “at will” position. What do they do?
Any position captain or higher is personally selected and given by the Sheriff. It can also be taken away on a whim by the Sheriff.
I just wish Jeff would come out and say openly (which he has not) that Teresa will or will not be a part of his command staff. It’s too late for my vote since I think this needed to come out WAYYY before now but I know others would would like some transparency and if he beats around the bush and wont answer direct questions now what would make the deuties believe he will be transparent and open if he was Sheriff……just some things for him to think about.
While we are wishing, I wish someone could come up with something new. Lies about Mr. Gahler and attacks on the Walters, sounds like there must be a great guy there if this is the best that can be mustered. Where DID your vote go, maybe to Mr. Bodway? If so, how much transparency did you get from the camp that supported Jesse Bane four years ago? I searched all the candidates in Maryland’s Campaign Finance Database and here is how the steadfast republican spent his money last time:
Search by Contributor Results
Results for Election Cycles between January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2006.
Donor Amount Recipient Date Received
Bodway, Lisa $10 Bane, (Lionel) For Sheriff 07/23/2006
Bodway, Steven $70 Bane, (Lionel) For Sheriff 10/09/2006
Bodway, Steven $150 Bane, (Lionel) For Sheriff 06/01/2006
Not speculation, just facts.
Do you hear the crickets?
Bodway’s crew is desperate now….
NorthHarfordGrad, answer me. Who are you? If Jeff is so down to earth, how did he let Howard Walter push is long time friend out of the picture…… Yeah, Walter aint coming back, right. Keep playing that card, the deputies will believe it anytime now.
Is this Terry, Steve, Marc, or? Maybe you shouldn’t have retired….
Retired Cop – if you are not Steve Bodway – what position have you been offered in the Bodway administration? Informed voters want to know….
I am Marc, I am retired since 2002. Do no want to be a cop, do not want to work at the HCSO. I am helping a friend who will do a great job. Now, if a court jester job comes up I am in for that. So NorthHarfordGrad who are you, dont think you have the nerve to put your name out here. Steve does not come on here, I know Jeff does. WE ALL KNOW SHEETS DOES.
Marc Eaton (Retired Cop),
You and your friends Joe Price and Terry Noye like to play your little games trying to pursuade readers with your innuendos concerning Jeff Gahler. If you are going to suggest incorrect things about Jeff then at least have the balls to use your real name. The readers now know who you and your friends are. I’ll continue to remind the readers that you, Terry, and Joe are most likely behind these silly little innuendos. I suspect that all three of you most likely have jobs waiting IF Bodway were to win.
Dear NorthHarfordGrad
Do not need a job. I am helping a good friend. Never said one bad thing about Jeff. Worked the upper end of the County with him. Terry has not been promised a job.. Joe Price has. If this is all you can come up with that we were promised jobs that is really weak. We had Ted Moyer, a retired Trooper. Ted is a good man, we just were tired of hearing how the State Police did things. We were not the State Police we are the Sheriff’s Office. Now, I do not believe Jeff will not bring Howard back. Howard will call in his marker on this election, and he will cause problems for Jeff like he did Meadows and Golding. So time will tell IF Jeff wins, but I would bet the farm I am right. I talk to people from the Gahler campaign, I know Howard’s Role. And who ever posted the comment about Steve giving money to the 2006 Bane campaign. I have a worthless piece of information for you. I was at a Bull Roast for Steve in Forest Hill and had a short talk with Howard Walters. Now, does this mean anything? About as much as Steve giving money to Bane. Again you can not come up with anything other then your childish rant about us getting jobs. You support Jeff, has anyone accused you of getting anything out of this? No. So come on give me something with substance and stop hiding behind your screen name, lets go out and have a beer and talk about this in person……. I will buy.
It sounds like after a year of you bashing Howard, you are saying that he supported the Bodway campaign too. Here we go, lets get started. Guess what? I heard Bodway is going to dump Price and make Howard the #2 guy. And yes, that sounds very much like the same situation. A steadfast republican, financially supporting a dem, then getting a nice cushy job and pay raise in return. Same thing as your interesting bull roast story.
Save your breath everyone. It WILL be Jesse Bane for four more years. He did well with the Republicans last election and will do the same this time.
Let’s see. Elect a man who can’t remember what he did yesterday; is vindictive to his staff; who can’t make a decision; who won’t let anyone else make a decision; who is the ultimate micro-manager; who has 0 leadership skills; who has failed to build effective bridges with the community; who is wasting taxpayers’ dollars; who never made arrests; who can’t recognize a gang member; who hires personal friends with no skills and pays them overtime for doing nothing; who misrepresents his educational background (more like lies) and pounds signs in uniform while he should be doing his job.
Fine, elect Bane and help to nail the coffin shut. He is destroying a proud institution for his own twisted personal gain.
The county residents and the officers of HCSO deserve real leadership.
Boy, it sounds like “recently retired” has some sour grapes.
Some of the other people posting need to grow up. Sounds like high school.
I too support Jesse. He was born for this job. He has worked for it all his life. He is making great strides and I will continue to support him.
You don’t have to like your boss to do your job. You don’t have to like your co-workers to do your job. Just do your job and quit bitching. There are so many on here that sound like the are currently with or were with the HCSO. So many of them just want to point fingers. Perhaps they were part of the problem and not part of the solution.
The HCSO is a joke. Not the deputies who are wearing stripes, but the brass. The command staff is nothing but a bunch of cutthroat babies who would backstab you in a heartbeat. But reality is Bane looks good on paper and he will win. For the next four years Moral will remain at the level it is now which is extremely low and Bane will harp on his specialized units which do nothing, but again look good on paper. To the police officers who are on the road every day, keep your head up and keep doing the outstanding work that you provide the citizens with everyday!
Here is the way I see it:
Steve Bodway: I met him at the farm fair and other events. Excellent man, law enforcement officer and very passionate about the job. He knows the ins and outs of the Sheriff’s Office and what their mission is as a law enforcement agency. He knows the political side of things, the budget side of things, the man power issues, the moral issues and areas that need improvement. He took care of his people when he worked at HCSO. Just because he was a part of the Bane administration, I think he probably retired because he didn’t agree with the way things are currently being done. Bodway has selected (and named) an excellent choice as 2nd in command, that being retired Trooper JOE PRICE, and former runner up in the last republican primary, losing only by 109 votes.
Jeff Gahler: Great guy but I am not so sure he would be the right choice. There seems to be a large emphasis on traffic enforcement. I think the HCSO already does a fairly great job of traffic enforcement, as almost every vehicle is equipped with moving radar already and the traffic unit does a fine job. Some disturbing things were Edgewood is what it is. Well, let me tell ya Edgewood is a source problem in this county with the majority of drugs and violence occurring in that area. I still dont know why Jeff wont name the 2nd in command, and apparently stated that this was not an appropriate question. I think we all know that Teresa Walter will be the 2nd in command. I also cant believe that he ditched his best friend for Howard Walter…why? Money? I think Jeff would do ok, but there are some areas of concern. While he is a captain in MSP, being a barrack commander of 15 or so people is a far different cry than being in charge of an entire agency.
Jack Meckley: I like this guy, but he needs a little more experience. I look for him in about 8 years and really wish he would put support behind Bodway. I saw a channel 2 news interview with him, and I dont think attacking the street level drug dealers is the way to go. You must chop the head from the snake. I know this from past experience in drug enforcement back in my days of law enforcement.
Bane: Things always look great on paper. Lack of commanders having a say in anything, micro management. Very nice man, but being a nice man doesn’t always translate into “effective” law enforcement.
Dear Canon41 (new ALIAS)
Here is the way I see it:
Gahler – Increased traffic enforcement at a time when the County is on an ungodly rate of fatal accidents. Right on! I guess saving lives is not an important enough issue for some candidates (are you really making such a statement in DEFENSE of your candidate?).
Gahler – Endorsed by the Aegis, supported by Gov. Ehrlich and supported by Mr. Cochran (who WON by 109 votes).
Gahler – As a Barrack Commander, Mr. Gahler oversaw nearly 60 personnel (your comment as to 15 shows the disrespect for the men and women who SHARE police responsibility in Harford County) AND as a captain, he oversaw nearly 200 police personnel across three counties, probably a 10x larger a force than any of the other candidates have experience with. Based on your own logic, the others cannot compete.
Canon41 – More negative campaign propaganda and not doing your guy much good. Lies bite you and you have alienated any trooper who reads your post from voting for Mr. Bodway. Please keep up the good work!
Thanks for setting the record straight for us Dave!
15 TROOPERS!! Nice to see they think so little of us.
As a member of the Sheriff’s Office I will reassure you that there is no ill will or disrespect toward troopers. Do not take the above comments as speaking for those of us who actually work there.
Let me tell you something about Jesse Bane. He is not a nice guy like many think. He’s vindictive as hell. If you double cross him he will never forget it and given the opportunity he will screw you and ruin your career. Just recently he attended a meeting and during a power point presentation he decided to take a nap. Is this the type of sheriff you want to run your county police force. A man who can’t stay a wake for a important meeting. Vote for anyone but Bane. Why hasn’t anyone asked how many deputies this man as terminated or why a Major is still getting paid and marked administrated leave not using any of his leave. Why because they are friends and the sheriff is seeing what he can do to help him collect his retirement. Isn’t this what the good old boys do for each other. How long does it to complete a investigation.Bane will stick it to you. He’s friendly to your face but a mean man if he doesn’t like you.
How about the fact that he lies about his own educational background? He says he had a degree in criminology but he does not. He fabricates just about everything he reports. He reports 38 years of Law Enforcement experience, but his actual Law Enforcement experience is little to none. He may have been in the Sheriff’s Office but he did not perform any law enforcement work. He has not made an arrest in well over 30 years (if at all). He was afraid to work nights and afraid to work the streets. He never was a crime-fighter like he would like everyone to believe. What a joke.
You know, I think a qualification for sheriff should be his or her ability to make an arrest and process the prisoner from start to finish. They should know the job from the top to the bottom. I think that would leave Sheets and Bane out.I never heard Bane on the radio in 22 years. I would imagine people on here do not care if there next Sheriff was a cop or a paper pusher. I would rather have someone who remembers what it was like to work the streets and maybe he would be more supportive of the people who do. NorthHarfordGrad, did that without bringing up any names are you proud of me now? Please state your name.
I think it is important for a sheriff to understand the dynamics of police work. The current sheriff does not, but pretends to. His deficiencies in this area are quite evident.
Regardless of the level of experience a sheriff has to be a leader willing to go to great lengths to understand the critical issues the officers face today. We don’t need a sheriff who caters to the malcontents of the office. For some reason Bane elected to entertain that route. He focuses on the needs of the few rather than the needs of the many. That applies to the citizen’s as well.
We don’t need to keep a pretender in office. We need a contender with a plan to address the serious and overlooked issues we face today. We need someone who will make decisions, not avoid them.
If the sheriff had been the Captain of the Titanic it never would have left port and never would have sank. Unfortunately his lack of decision-making skills is sinking the sheriff’s office. There are of course some supporters who think that moving backwards is progress…
I agree with this statement.
Welcome back Liar31. We missed you.
Dave Roadhouse
REALLY?!?!? I mean really?????? “If you double cross him he will never forget it.” Advice coming…DON’T DOUBLE CROSS PEOPLE!!! Be a man (or a woman) and stand up for what you believe in! It is called integrity! That way you will not be forced to do something as spineless as “double crossing”!!! is this serious? I am in a state of disbelief over this post! If Jesse fell asleep, it must have been a powerpoint prepared by Dave Roadshouse.
Calm down OMGRUkidding me. What I mean to say is that if you “CROSS” Jesse Bane, not double cross. My bad. Now you will go on to tell me not to “CROSS” him. My definition of “cross” as it pertains to the Sheriff is to disagree with him, be at odds with him, not share the same philosophy as him, not share the same ideas as him– you get the picture. Sorry I caused your feathers to ruffle. And yes he truly did fall asleep at a meeting. Call up to Northern Precinct and see if you can get anyone to verify. Oh, that’s right, they can’t for fear of CROSSING Jesse Bane.
David –
The two things that Jesse Bane “had” going was that he was a nice guy and the Dave Neeper Fan Club. At least he still has the Dave Neeper fan club.
Canon41 (Marc, Terry, Joe, Steve & Crew)
At least get Jeff’s experience correct – see post 43.1. Good night boys I gotta get back to the card table….
Uh oh, NorthHarfordGrad, I know who you are! Now I know why you will not answer my question about your true identity. I worked with you in Jarrettsville I know your good guy but now it is time to let everyone know your real name. Drum roll please. I know I was promised a job. Stop apologizing for your people, your behind their actions.
I hear only crickets, I think NorthHarfordGrad has left the room here. His name will be on the ballot Tuesday. Ethics, ethics, ethics………. A candidate should not hide behind a false name. Is this honesty and what you want in a
Hey Marc Eaton (Retired Cop),
You keep guessing because the year wasn’t 1983 and why was it again that you retired? Were you injured in the line of duty or was it something else?
You and the Bodway Group keep trying to spread your rumors and innuendos.
Right you are, a candidate (insert your guy’s name here even though we know all too well who it is) should not stand beind members of his committee throwing out lies as you have been busted on here for already. You can sell your lies as “mistakes” (see above posts 23.2.2 and 37.2.1), but people can see the truth and know it does not come from your writings. Please continue, if you go long enough, someone will forget your previous conflict with the truth, but I’ll be sure to be here to remind them. You are an embarrasment to Bodway and HE should tell you to stop.
Um, NorthHarfordGrad, what was 1983? And yes it was in the line of duty injury. No one needs to know my injury and I wonder if that information is protected? So if you know please feel free to put what you think it was on here. Did not think you would stoop this low, you will make a fine Sheriff. Keep denying who you are. I know who you are. I have asked you several times for your name and you will not give it. What are you hiding? I know what it is! People are right about you, you have really changed since the last time I saw and talked to you. Too much Walter influence.
Hey Marc Eaton (Retired Cop),
1983 was the year Jeff graduated from NH you moron.
Stop trying to bring Jeff down. I’m here to keep you from spreading innuendos and false rumors. You must feel the Bodway Camp is really desperate. I think it says something about Steve Bodway to allow you to keep posting garbage.
Marc, if you are healthy enough to publish false facts about an honest man then maybe you are healthy enough to go get a job and stop sponging off the taxpyers. You are just pathetic.
Go Hawks!
I have no idea what year your graduated has to do with anything. I worked with you in 1986 to 1988 in the upper end. And I worked for my retirement, the same one every Sheriff’s Deputy gets. Now you are name calling. Wow, stand up guy. For the record I have worked since I retired taking nothing from the public. So you are really working hard to discredit me, why is that. I guess I am hitting to close to home for you. And again, no real name, I am not speaking for Steve. I speak for myself. Again, if Steve would not have run I would have supported Jeff UNTIL I SAW THE WALTER FAMILY. This alone would make me jump ship. You can ignore this fact all you want and claim you have the support of all the deputies you want to. The do not trust anyone who hangs with Howard. Now will Jeff apologize for your name calling. No, not unless he is told to. And moron is the best you could do. What is you real name bud. What are you hiding from? I find it funny you are not willing to give us your name. It is because you are who I said you are. Good luck Tuesday. Moron, wow. Really a classy guy.
Retired Cop (Marc Eaton),
You say you worked with me and then in the same paragraph you are asking who I am. Is this some kind of riddle? You have implied that I’m Jeff Gahler. I’m not Jeff Gahler. Is that clear Marc Eaton, I’m not Jeff Gahler.
I’m NorthHarfordGrad, my job is to keep you from spreading innuendos and false rumors. You must feel the Bodway Camp is really desperate. I think it says something about Steve Bodway to allow you to keep posting garbage.
I feel sorry for you Marc.
Marc Eaton (Retiredcop),
By the way, you have left a long list of posts that clearly show that you do well discrediting yourself. Really, very sad indeed….
hey NHHS grad thats my dad you just tore apart on here and you really broke my heart. This posting on here got way out of hand and after reading what you said my heart sank. My dad is my hero I was proud of his line of work and what he did. What you just through out on here about him discrediting himself was wrong this posting on both was out of line. Its none of your buisness nor all of harford county why he retired, he doesnt sponge he works and has a job. I hope that your children never have to read what others post about you after 22yrs of praying your dad makes it home at the end of his tour. Im 28yrs my dad is my everthing. the HCSO was my second family howard use to hang my brother and i from his door or chase us around and give us candy. Im proud of what my dad was and is. Police dont get the credit they deserve for what they do. I dont know who you are but you really broke my heart with what you said. you werent me for 22yrs. So what you all want the same thing for your guy to win but does all this shit have to come out like this. Please dont ever bash someone else the way you did, i pray if any of you do that there children dont have to read it especially a policemens daughter. “Do Not Judge”
Please do not judge them until you have walked a mile in their shoes.
These men and women you are so quick to abuse.
For behind the badge is a Father a Mother that has a family of their own,
they plan to return to when their duty is done.
They miss birthdays and holidays and the list goes on. Just to protect your wife your son.
The pay is bad the days are long and still they put the uniform on.
So think about it if you would, for just a moment if you could,
the horrors they face every day are the ones we pray never come our way.
They hold a child as he dies and comfort the mother as she cries.
And yet you complain about a speeding ticket you obtained.
Many have paid the ultimate price, giving up their life,
to Serve and Protect you and I.
So please get a clue and do not judge them until you have walked a mile in their shoes!
Again, and as I posted to RetiredCop above who apologized for his mistake, I was there and Gahler did answer the question asked by our Union. Gahler never questioned the appropriateness of the question, but said he wasn’t worried about picking someone until after the primary. Please find a Union member and check the video to see who is spinning lies and in this case it is Canon41. For everyone else, please say good bye to Canon41 because I doubt they can retort facts so it is easier to make up a new name and try again.
I heard the statement was made after the fact. I am pretty sure everyone knows it will be Teresa Walter, and that is why the question was not answered. People are just sick and tired of Howard Walter in this county. No one is spinning “lies”. The 15 was an analogy. I like Gahler, but everyone has an opinion, obviously you like Gahler. Its ok. As to traffic enforcement, I just think there are more important issues to deal with off the top. Your opinion may differ. No one is bashing MSP. And by the way I support whatever republican candidate wins the primary. I am an outsider looking in at this whole thing. And I remember way back when, when we had a trooper run our county agency and things just didnt really work out so well. If Gahler wins, I hope he changes this.
IF YOU ARE ONLY “PRETTY SURE” then maybe, just maybe, YOU SHOULD WATCH THE VIDEO like PriceLess suggested.I also just checked gahler’s handout and will point out that traffic is the 6th item of a 10 item platform. Swing and a lie, strike three your out!
Thank you for making that very clear and, oddly enough, no more Canon41 lies so far!
We must make certain that we pick the person that has the best chance to beat Bane. Bane has aligned himself with Dion Guthrie (District A councilman), Rovall Washington (State Senate candidate), and Jansen Robinson (District A school board candidate). All are of questionable character based on widely reported issues about their professional and/or personal lives. The fact that Bane would even associate with these people raises serious questions about his judgment, or is he so beholden to these three to try to win the African-American vote that he is willing to look the other way. His pandering and graveling in Edgewood is so obvious and very unbecoming. In either case it does not speak well of the sheriff.
I decided that Big Blue is really a big yellow. I give Mr. Sheets credit for signing his name, something that none of the rest of you will do. Reading your comments is very interesting and SOME of you are informed and obviously intelligent(but not big yellow). But folks how do I take you seriously when I don’t see you have the fortitude to put your name to your beliefs? As I said to Big Yellow several times, he could be the biggest drug dealer in the county.
The other thing that hits me is I have been to believe that these candidates are all wonderful. Yet, listening to you tear each other’ s candidate to pieces really gives me pause for concern. I know many you are doing what you think is best, but then I think a lot of people voted for Obama for a change. They got it. As a lifelong Republican, I almost always vote and support the Republican candidates. But not always. A label doesn’t tell the entire story. By the way, disregard what Big Blue Yellow says. He is a windbag and repeats the same things over and over.
Hey Neeper
Obama – OMalley – OBane – Oh My
Big liberals – Big Budgets – Lack of Results!
You can’t disregard the facts – Readers please see the Harford County Budget for the facts!
Big Blue/Yellow,
If you have a dictionary, look up the word “fact.” A fact is something that can be proven or disproven. If I say that blue is the prettiest color, it cannot be proven or disproven, and therefore is not a fact. In your ad nauseum list, you cite only one fact- the budget. The rest of your list is your opinion, such as calling Bane a “social liberal.” You need to learn the difference because you act as if you are giving facts instead of your opinions.
I don’t recall if it was you or, someone else, that asked for more facts to help you decide who the most qualified Republican candidate for Sheriff of Harford County is, go to Or, let me know and I will drop off, or meet you in Bel Air and hand you one of Mr. Bodway’s flyers. His very informative flyer came out long before any of the other candidates, one of which copied some of Mr. Bodway’s platform, nearly verbatim, for use in his own flyer.
Do your own analyzing of the candidates from factual information to come to a legitimate conclusion. Granted, all are nice guys but, only one has complete familiarity of the knowledge, skills and abilities to efficiently and effectively command the Sheriff’s Office and Corrections operation. This man also has the education, know-how and plan in order to right the wrongs of the internal strife that has gone on far too long.
This is not a mud-slinging narrative…..just stating fact.
Big Blue/Yellow
NOw do you understand what a fact is? NOw give us some and tell everyone who of the Republican Party candidates is the best and give facts. Your list is your opinions (other than the budget amount). Eighth graders know the difference between facts and opinions. You are entitled to your opinions, but don’t try to push them as facts.
Big Blue/Big Yellow,
Tell us what you are for, not what you are against.
Terry, you are trying to muddy the waters. That may be a fact, but is not a fact is that Jesse Bane fits that definition. If you are going to debate, use logic and intelligence, not third grade tactics. Are you a former deputy?
Dale Neeper: I was a Deputy for 31 years and started work there several years before Jesse. What the public does not see, or hear about, is how Jesse runs the office internally. From what I have heard, directly, over the past several years is that Jesse that there is no chain of command structure anymore, he won’t let the commanders command, certain hiring practices are questionable, and there is no punishment matrix in place. This meaing that a Deputy that commits an infraction of the rules and regulations, whether knowingly or not, will receive a different form of punishment than another Deputy that commits the same infraction. One of his campaign promises when he ran for office in 2005 was that he will take the politics out of the Sheriff’s Office. Politics is running rampant within. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
Granted, Jesse is a “nice guy” but, it is time for him to step down to allow progression in the Office and return it to the once proud group of men and women it was years ago. He’s had two chances at it, once under Dominic Mele as CUndersheriff and currently as Sheriff. A law enforcement agency must not be run by a micromanager using fear or, “I’ll show you!”, tactics. As I said in a previous entry, I will not resort to mudslinging, just stating facts.
These are but a few of the reasons that I strongly support Steve Bodway. Former Sheriff William J. Kunkel and Senator Nancy Jacobs have also publicly endorsed Steve.
Dale Neeper: Why must you personally attack others? I am NOT muddying the waters, nor am I using 3rd grade tactics. My decision to endorse Steve was, in fact, made using logic and intelligence.
Yes, I was a Deputy for 31 years….shot at twice, stuck with an ice pick, hit with a baseball bat and a 2X4, thrown through a plate glass window and on and on, all while protecting the citizens of Harford County. You, my friend, do not intimidate me one bit.
I started work there several years before Jesse. What the public does not see, or hear about, is how Jesse runs the office internally. They are seeing and hearing only what Jesse feeds them through the Aegis and through his campaigning, which he has been doing for many years.
From what I have heard, directly, over the past several years is that Jesse has no chain of command structure anymore, he won’t let the commanders command, certain hiring practices are questionable, and there is no punishment matrix in place. This meaning that a Deputy that commits an infraction of the rules and regulations, whether knowingly or not, will receive a different form of punishment than another Deputy that commits the same infraction.
One of his campaign promises when he ran for office in 2005 was that he will take the politics out of the Sheriff’s Office. Politics is running rampant within. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
Granted, Jesse is a “nice guy” but, it is time for him to step down to allow progression in the Office and return it to the once proud group of men and women it was years ago. He’s had two chances at it, once under Dominic Mele as CUndersheriff and currently as Sheriff. A law enforcement agency must not be run by a micromanager using fear or, “I’ll show you!”, tactics. As I said in a previous entry, I will not resort to mudslinging, just stating facts.
These are but a few of the reasons that I strongly support Steve Bodway. Former Sheriff William J. Kunkel and Senator Nancy Jacobs have also publicly endorsed Steve.
Terry, I didn’t address the rest of your comments. I commend you for having the guts to say who you support. That is more than most have done on this site. Instead, they have chosen to hide and do character assassinations of Bane, and each of the candidates that are running. I respect your decision to be positive. But having seen his literature and the site you mentioned, I see nothing that makes me believe that he would do as well or better than the current sheriff. I respect you supporting your candidate, but I cannot.
The only thing that I can tell you is to call Mr. Bodway and talk to him. His phone number is on the bottom of the back of his brochure.
Double-check Mr. Bodway’s educational background and military background. You have obviously missed those important items, as well.
Jesse claims to have a Bachelor’s degree from U of M in Criminology.
Funny, I remember him telling us at his first roll call attendance, as he introduced himself, on the evening shift that his Bachelor’s degree was either in Sociology or Psychology. Never once did I ever hear him say anything about a degree in Criminology.
Many of the other posts are on target, like it, or not. Character assassination? No. Just stating what they know.
I’ll be away from this blog site until sometime after 9/30/10.
My problem with what you wrote is that you tried to make a fact out of a wikipedia definition of the word bane. That definition was not written about Jesse Bane. You know that. You muddy the discussion I was having with Big Blue/Yellow, who doesn’t know the difference between a fact and an opinion. I think you do. I don’t deal well with BS, and you are too smart to think that intelligent people would buy that analagy as a fact.
I appreciate and respect your opinion. I asked Big Blue/yellow about five times to give his opinion on who the best GOP candidate was, he never did it. He also was critical and negative so I asked him to tell what he wanted, not what he didn’t want. I would be interested in your reply to what I have said when you return.
Dale Neeper
Weren’t you some kind of shop teacher at Harford Vo Tech. You have a big mouth. You want facts, go look at the Harford County Budget. Look at the facts and you’ll see that your buddy Jesse Bane increased the budget by 50% $20 million from $44 million to $63 million. The guy is pissing away our tax dollars through abuse of overtime and too many administrative positions. Not opinion you moron, these are facts that I think Mr Sheets, Mr Bodway, Mr Gahler and Mr Meckley would agree with.
You are a simple idiot. You are a parrot that keeps repeating “hey I know the guy”. Jesse’s days are numbered especially when the public learns about all of Bane’s misteps over the last 4 years.
Neeper, you are simply pathetic. Glad that you aren’t teaching anymore.
Dale Neeper: I agree with BigBlue. Every time I go on here, you are constantly condemning him with the same mantra–tell me your name, tell me your name. Give me facts, give me facts. I guess it doesn’t occur to you that you are doing the very same thing you are accusing him of. Hypocracy? As Sarah Palin would say, you betcha. I think that you truly must have OCD because of this repetitious behavior. Do us a favor and leave. Do us a favor and leave. Do us a favor and leave.
Jesse Bane has also done a remarkabale job with the money – by cleaning up gangs in Edgewood. What would you rather the money go for – prolife rallies?
I have pointed out to Big Blue that, other than the budget, he is giving his opinion. That is fine with me, that is what this site is for. But don’t call opinions fact. If all you have gleaned from my e-mails is what you said above, then you cannot read well or chose to misrepresent what I have said, just like Terry did. I am a conservative, but not a blind one. I vote for whom I think is best, and to me, that will be Jesse Bane. Now if you don’t have anything to say, you leave, you leave, you leave.
Big Blue/Yellow
No, I wasn’t shop teacher, I was a Government teacher for 11 years. What were or are You?
Regardless – I’m glad that you are not teaching anymore. You are simply a bully at this point. You have a big mouth. You want facts, go look at the Harford County Budget. Look at the facts and you’ll see that your buddy Jesse Bane increased the budget by 50% $20 million from $44 million to $63 million (facts). The guy is pissing away our tax dollars through abuse of overtime (facts) and too many administrative positions (facts). Not opinion you moron, these are facts that I think Mr Sheets, Mr Bodway, Mr Gahler and Mr Meckley would agree with.
I suppose you would rather have crime higher again…
Harford County deserves responsible government at all levels including the Sheriff’s Office. Less Dollars catering to the Deputies Union with more efficient policing. It can and it will be done.
If you people had your way no government dollars would be spent on anything. Then when a crisis happens, you are the first ones to say “where is the government? What is Obama going to do about it”. You can’t have it both ways……
Big Blue/Yellow
I congratulate you on talking about the budget. You are now dealing in fact instead of your vague accusations. As far as the budget is concerned, 55 deputies have been added in four years. A new precinct building has been located in Edgewood, and deputies have received raises. NOw, big idiot, crime doesn’t care what you pay in taxes, what the CPI is, what the stock market is doing, what the GNP is, what the employment rate is, etc. Are you going to deal with it or are you going to live in Baltimore City. These problems need to be dealt with now. This gang activity is being seen in schools, in fact, a lot of school problems begin in the community and carry over to schools. And, by the way, these problems are not just in Edgewood, for those who are uninformed. It is a reality that we have to spend some money if we are going to get this stopped. Otherwise, we will be living in Baltimore City or Baltimore County, areas where a lot of you left.
Dale Neeper – Typical Liberal Scare Tactics to Justify a $20 Million increase. Jesse Bane is a liberal Spender just like his brothers OMalley and Obama. Your efforts to conseal the truth just won’t work.
Neeper – don’t you need to hit the track and let off some steam. You sure are an angry man. Your loyalty to your friend is admirable but blind loyalty doesn’t help Harford County.
Sponsored by the Citizens of Harford County destined to stamp out the liberal plague….
Oh, BigBlue. Too funny. Liberal plague actually made me laugh out loud. I love you people who complain about too much spending, etc. You’ll be the first one to complain when the police department takes five extra minutes to get to your house when you’re squealing about something. Get over yourself.
Big Blue,
If being a bully means I want to cut through the BS, then I am.
Again, you know a lot about me, tell us about you. Are you afraid? Of what?
Really…. It’s just a wedge issue to continue to promote the agenda of hate and fear. I fear alright, what they may do to my country
I just had a very disappointing interaction with a Harford County Sheriff’s Deputy (last night) that makes me think there’s a problem at the top.
Keep defending Bane. He sucks.
I repeat. We must make certain that we pick the person that has the best chance to beat Bane. Bane has aligned himself with Dion Guthrie (District A councilman), Rovall Washington (State Senate candidate), and Jansen Robinson (District A school board candidate). All are of questionable character based on widely reported issues about their professional and/or personal lives. The fact that Bane would even associate with these people raises serious questions about his judgment, or is he so beholden to these three to try to win the African-American vote that he is willing to look the other way. His pandering and graveling in Edgewood is so obvious and very unbecoming. In either case it does not speak well of the sheriff.
Big Blue/Big Yellow
You never answer any of my questions. I am done. Remain in your delusional world.
I need to ask/say something.
I am not bashing here, just a mere question/statement, whatever ya guys want to call it.
I got a Gahler advertisement in the mail. Why does it say not to allow deputies to make $65k in OT a year? Why attack the pockets of hard working police officers who need to make money? Does everyone realize that much of this overtime is made on reimbursable details? I am pretty sure most of it is. If an OT slot is open why not allow the officers to work it? There are many cops on here who really have to agree with this…seriously guys. I dont think there is an officer on here who would turn down overtime, especially these days.
There are many reimbursable overtime areas that occur in the Sheriff’s office such as: CSAFE, Hot Spots, Gang grant, Harford Mobile Village OT, eradication, OCDETF, HIDTA and that is only a couple that I can think of. Now, these all appear on officers checks, not a separate check. So when Overtime reports are read…or obtained, it looks like that officer made all that money from the Sheriff’s office, when much of it is actually reimbursed and not taken from the budget. I didn’t like that statement being made on the advertisement. I think this is personally attacking the pockets of officers, and trying to make things look worse than they really are to the public.
I would also like to know about the fiscal responsibility? I am at a cross roads in a lot of areas in the office here, and I am by no means a budget man. But, I don’t know where fiscal irresponsibility is really happening? Yes, apparently the budget was increased, this happens everywhere, in every government all across the country. The hiring of more personnel requires a substantial budget increase. I do believe that there are many administrative positions that can be filled by retired and/or civilian personnel for a 1/3rd of the cost.
Also FOP Lodge 34 is the Maryland Transportation Authority. To clarify to the public. I think the advertisement should have stated that, although just saying FOP Lodge sounds better.
I just don’t think the advertisement is as accurate as what it leads the public to believe, and it came out at a time where rebuttal to the advertisement could not be countered by the Bodway or Meckley campaigns with other facts. My opinion.
This is going to be a tight race, and we will find out on Tuesday, but it is week one in the NFL and I have Directv..thats right!
Ask those deputies who work the road if they are the ones making this kind of overtime. The answer is no, that is where it should be spent and I know Mr. Gahler fully agrees with that. I have witnessed him put his MSP career on the line to support keeping his troopers safe when the powers to be wanted to cut the bottom line.
As to the endorsement, I am glad that fellow police officers recognize the qualities that Mr. Gahler will bring to the Office. I hope citizens are lead to the understanding that that police officers who serve this State and Harford County have decided to support Jeff Gahler on Tuesday!
As to the NFL, GO RAVENS!!!!
Your logic that run away government spending is ok because it happens all over the Country really gave me a “chuckle”. We don’t need that kind of leadership.
You really are not a budget man. Pick up a Wall Street Journal and read how state and local governments around the Country are going bankrupt. The Federal Governments “Stimulus Giveaway” has kept many afloat for the last two years. Run away, unaccountable, and irresponsible spending has led to a burden on Taxpayers that can no longer be supported. Governor Christie’s efforts in New Jersy have been commendable and well received.
I was at the Joppa/Magnolia debate and these issues were covered in detail. Jeff Gahler has brought a breathe of fresh air to the Sheriff’s race by recognizing the tough issues and showing a strong desire and ability to deal with them.
I can assure you we don’t get this kind of overtime and I would love to know who does!
So the question remains… who is making $65K per year?
How much money did troopers under his command make?
Why not just put that the FOP Lodge is the Transportation Authority… don’t want the public to know that they have no influence over the HCSO?
A budget increase doesn’t mean “out of control spending”. I means you have more money to spend. The county government approves it.
Why increase traffic enforcement when people are getting shot by people… well… not in cars. Let road deputies keep their radar units and enforce it when they have time, and keep manpower where it needs to be: not writing tickets for stats.
Does Gahler have a plan to get the new jail manpower where it needs to be? Does he understand the dynamics of how a Sheriff’s Office operates?
I’m sure Gahler is a nice guy, just don’t think he’s right. I’m sure to all of the readers wearing brown and green, though, I’m wrong.
Wasting my time,
It is ashame that you are just now investigating these questions. If you would have read a little bit and went to one of the Sheriff’s debates you would have realized that Jeff Gahler is clearly capable of effectively leading the Sheriff’s office. At one time in his career Jeff was in charge of the state police for Harford, Caroll, and Cecil Counties. Like I said, Jeff Gahler clearly has the experience knowledge to effectively lead and manage Harford County into the future. I’d be surprised if the debate were not on the web somewhere – you can see for yourself.
Thanks for the tip. By doing my research I discovered that the FOP Lodge is a MdTA Police Lodge. My research also concluded that an increase in traffic enforcement is not what our county needs right now. I’ve also not found anything to really indicate that Gahler has a plan for fixing the problems with Corrections manpower. I’d like the public to know that a huge portion of deputies overtime is reimbursable from outside the agency. Let them work and make money for it.
Apparently I looked in the wrong places for the answers, so if you have them, just enlighten me. You seem to know all of them.
Ok Marc, Terry, and Steve – one more day of this and you guys can all take a break….
You do realize that more arrests are made, more drugs seized, more guns recovered, and more warrants served off traffic enforcement than any other action an officer can take? How do you think criminals get around?
I know there are a few officers who do traffic stops just for the stats, but most are looking for something more. Do you really think anyone cares if someone is driving around with a tail light out or a tag light out? No, but it’s a reason to stop that car and find suspended drivers, drugs, guns, drunks, wanted people, etc.
I’m fully aware of that fact. But just putting a traffic unit car in a neighborhood where the neighbors are complaining about teenagers speeding in the afternoons is taking away from where that person needs to be.
And I disagree… way too many officers want numbers from writing paper, not stopping cars to look for more. Those who are looking to take a stop further are doing it anyway.
I agree with comments made by the time waster.
A very good question is the jail and manpower at this jail. They have 70 slots to fill, does Gahler have a plan for this?
As far as the overtime, I work here, not command staff either, no where near it, and I have been here a long time. I know who gets OT. I believe that Patrol makes the most overtime. Your point is mute about this.
I would also like to hear about the overtime made by troopers under Gahlers command? Numbers please? I have a number in mind, a large number. Why post this on information your flyer without posting how much troopers made under the command of Gahler. Once I get confirmation, I will post this number and where it was made. And I will get it sir.
It is ashame that you are just now investigating these questions. If you would have read a little bit and went to one of the Sheriff’s debates you would have realized that Jeff Gahler is clearly capable of effectively leading the Sheriff’s office. At one time in his career Jeff was in charge of the state police for Harford, Caroll, and Cecil Counties. Like I said, Jeff Gahler clearly has the experience knowledge to effectively lead and manage Harford County into the future. I’d be surprised if the debate were not on the web somewhere – you can see for yourself.
Ravens5, did you really write “But, I don’t know where fiscal irresponsibility is really happening? Yes, apparently the budget was increased, this happens everywhere, in every government all across the country.” Thank goodness you are not the Sheriff.
NorthHarford. Well, I work a lot so I cant make every debate, but I assure you that I have seen a lot and read a lot. You are not answering my question, just telling me it is ashame. I know where Jeff has been in his career, and please dont think I am putting him down either. The Sheriff’s Office is a whole different ball game, and the jail is a very big part of it. I am asking the question, obviously you are in touch with Jeff, so I was looking for an answer.
As to the fiscal irresponsibility please explain? Seriously. I can think of a couple things that were purchased and I was like what the hell, but then found out they are on grants and paid for typically by the feds. A lot of new deputies were hired which is a large expense, and we had a raise I believe like 4 years ago, which increased the budget. I dont buy the overtime thing. Even if an officer made 65k in OT, I would be willing to be that 2/3rds of that came from reimbursable details.
So I was just looking for some answers here.
What up Marc Eaton..long time no talk
You are a joke Ravens5 and should be embarrased to have posted your “questions” here the DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION. New name, but I suspect routine writer. If you are an example of the informed voters, than no wonder our Country is in the can. Oh, I forgot, you had to “work”, I hope nothing important ever happens again while you are working so you don’t miss it. Hopefully you are “working” and obviously won’t be able to vote since you are so clueless, you’ll probably vote O’Malley for Sheriff.
your a putting a bad name to my old stoppin ground. are you mr gahlers bff
If you were at the Union meeting as I was, than you heard the board ask Gahler why he requested the overtime figures and his response. As you are making such late and lame statements, I will assume you are no deputy or at least no deputy who went to the meeting or made the time to watch the video on our site. Obviously he knows what he is talking about and made some effort to be intelligent about it. I’ll trust his facts over your “I believe” or “would like to know”. If you want the troopers numbers, than make the same effort and go get them unless you are just too lazy.
Give it up guys, no one is changing their votes based on your poorly timed attacks. Gahler has run an outstanding campaign and this is the best you can muster on behalf of your candidate. Pathetic and a fine example of why a leadership change is needed from outside the Sheriffs Office.
to ravens 5 ”
that a boy! a man who is rank and file finally great comment!
Why the hate? I asked a simple question about it. I got a advertisement in the mail and read it and had some concern about it. As for the meeting and the video, I was there, and watched the videos, and in fact I think I sat right near you. His advertisement said to ensure that no single deputy makes 65k in overtime per year. His video said if its justified then pay the overtime and he is a supporter of that (not quoted). I have no problem with that. I am looking for that answer about the 65k question, and why there is a need to publish that in a advertisement to the citizens, yet say that if it is justified then it is ok and you agree with paying it. It is just a damn question Pricecut, not an attack.
To Dave and Joe Davis:
I don’t know what the hell both of your problems are, but I am not attacking your candidate for sheriff. I have noticed on this forum that when people ask about Jeff, or have questions you guys attack. You don’t answer the questions. Believe me I am not trying to change any voters minds on the DAGGER one day before the election…really, if you really think that then just wow. I am not attacking Jeff. I like the guy, I had a few questions/concerns. You guys have to remember that Jeff is an outside guy, and this agency has not had good dealings with Troopers as Sherff in the past like Moyer.
In my opinion you are not representing your candidate very well, as seems to be told to everyone else. I don’t think I have ever attacked him. I asked legitimate questions that I had not heard an answer to. Sorry if I was working Joe Davis. I also am not using new names, first time on this thing.
Dave do I know you? I think I do. You live in the north end of the county?
Just vote for the best person for the job. The one who is currently dealing with the problems hands on. One who is not running for revenge or one that isn’t afraid to announce his number 2. Vote Jack Meckley!
I really dont think Bodway is running for “Revenge”, and I think Gahler wont announce number 2 based on where she/he works currently, and maybe one other reason…which I think we all know. Fair is fair on that, but I would hope that if Gahler wins the primary he would announce this.
Meckley needs a little more experience. Given another 4 to 8 years, more time manageing the budget, not just a shift budget, I think he would do ok.
I really dont think Bodway is running for “Revenge”, and I think Gahler wont announce number 2 based on where she/he works currently, and maybe one other reason…which I think we all know. Fair is fair on that, but I would hope that if Gahler wins the primary he would announce this.
Meckley needs a little more experience. Given another 4 to 8 years, more time manageing the budget, not just a shift budget, and a little more public speaking, I think he would do ok. Politics is a big part of the sheriffs office, like it or not.
Don’t forget that when Joe Meadows ran for Sheriff, he had absolutely no experience. He wasn’t even a law enforcement officer. No one thought he had a chance, yet he beat the incumbent Robert Coomes and went on to be arguably the best Sheriff the agency has ever had. If I had the choice between “new blood” and “old blood”, old blood (Bane) hasn’t shown much and in fact, not only has the agency not grown and thrived, it has completely stagnated. For all his supposed experience, he is clueless. I’ll take my chances with youth. Yes, mistakes will be made but it will be a learning experience for our next Sheriff–Jack Meckley.
Oh that OT / yearly earnings number is 137k made for the year, under his command. Trooper is retired now. I think this is A LOT of OT, kinda comparable to 65k…dont ya think? This should have been when Jeff was Troop commander and Zeller was barrack commander.
Now I understand that it is fine to make the money if it is available and you want to work that much, yeah a lot was probably reimbursable. I would never take money out of an LEO’s pocket, we dont make enough as it is. Point being, do not state that you will stop allowing deputies to make 65k a year in overtime when troops under your command are making comparable numbers. This is being taken as it is printed in color in the slegis and in the mail advertisment. I just think it is a poor choice of words and needed to be elaborated on in a different fashion. It was fashioned to go after the citizens, without them knowing the full story behind it. You can not argue with that.
Now Dave and Joe Davis, this is not a smack down on Jeff. It goes back to my original questions / comments. I expect full retaliation because you guys seem to know best about everything, and if you didnt it would seem the universe has tilted. You cant smash me for who I support because I have not said who I support, nor have I led onto who I support, I may support Jeff..who knows. So please dont try and say I am mudslinging and being another bad representative for the bane, bodway or meckley campaigns. This seems to be what you guys do in the aforementioned 60 or so posts. Joe, arent you the retired trooper working at APG now?
I would also like to make a comment to Jeff. Please be weary of the Aegis. I know they endorsed you as the republican candidate, but be ware, if you should win this thing, I have a bad feeling they will revert to Jesse Bane and support him in full. They have been Bane supporters forever.
Which one of the Bodway comrades is this Terry, Marc or Steve?
Desperate, desperate, desperate….
I pretty sure that Jeff is not in charge of the State Police and does not make the rules on how they spend our tax dollars. I know this because I used to work for him at one time and he was not wearing eagles on his collar. The Sheriff does control the budget completely and is in charge of these decisions and expenditures. I applaud him for wanting to act fiscally responsible.
That’s the worst response I’ve ever heard. Really. If he has nothing to do with how they spend their overtime then he must not have any budget experience at all.
Thanks for clearing up any confusion I may have had.
Ok Marc, we know your mind is made up or something like that.
I don’t know who Marc is. I have made up my mind and you’ve been a huge part of that. I’ve come to the conclusion that Gahler does not have the experience to understand the dynamics of the Sheriff’s Office or the plan to address the real problems that the county is facing. Harford County does not need fewer specialized units or a bigger traffic unit. The units present need to be motivated by the upper administration to do their jobs well, and supported from the top down. Officers need to be free to make money that is available. I don’t know who made $65K but so what… the money is going to go to someone.
I’ve also come to the conclusion that his biggest and most vocal Dagger Press supporters (This is where you come in) have no real idea about his ideas either. We obviously all understand police work, so lets not BS around with the semantics or acting like one knows more about it than the other. I’m sure Gahler is a nice guy, but not right for the Sheriff’s Office.
Wasting my time – You sure sound like one of Bodway’s guys….
Bodway has to much bad history at the Sheriff’s office and it would be just a matter of time before he would start flexing his powers. I don’t think the deputies want to work for someone who is more concerned if your were wearing your hat then your safety and well-being. Gahler on the other hand i hear is a decent guy, however we all know the real reason why he didn’t want to tell the union who is number 2 was. There is to much bad history there they wont go away anytime soon. Everyone knows its Teresa Walter and everyone knows if you get her you get Howard, who is the worst possible thing for this county and for the Sheriff’s office. Thats the only reason that he hasnt announced it yet. All of Havre De Grace knows and its funny that most of them are going to vote for her so she can leave there office. That speaks volumes in terms of your currently employees don’t want you. I just think Gahler has aligned himself with the wrong group and even if he wins the primary, with that backing he has no shot in the main election verse Bane.
In response to Meckley’s inexperience, you only mention public speaking and budget issues. Most would agree that at the debates he has handled himself perfectly fine in explaining his views and the budget has been cut so bad you can’t really manage it. All you can do is just try your best to stay afloat. The main purpose for them is to bea leader and police this county. He is the only one dealing with the current problems hands on. He is not getting any intel second hand or from the PR person. He is out there on the streets and easily has more street experience as a cop then the others do. People want to work for him at the Sheriff’s office, they trust him and nothing raises moral more then working for someone who you truely want to work for. I think this county needs a younger mind offering up ideas outside the box. The old way still hasn’t worked so why should we start expecting it to work now. Honestly we all are going to have different opinions on every candidate, all we can just hope that whoever gets elected is a stand-up guy and he does the right thing. Stay safe!
To all of the candidates and their supporters…. my observations
I have read with great interest what has been said from the different camps. I commend Joe Davis for usisng his name. I understand why current deputies won’t use their real names, but I don’t understand why retired deputies and supporters don’t. To me, that destroys credibility in what you say. As policemen, I know you have guts, but apparently, when it comes to stating what you believe, you don’t believe you should give your real name. I listen to you all cut each others candidates, why would anyone be positive about them? As Republicans, you shouldn’t be so aggressive with each other.
As far as the budget is concerned, I do not believe any of the four will do any better than Jesse Bane. Crisme doesn’t stop because budgets are tight, taxes are high, or we want to cut budgets. There are ultra conservatives who budget cut. Where? Police salaries? Not letting officers take home cars? Not staffing the Detention Center adequately? I would be willing to bet that Mr. Gahler and Mr. Bodway’s Johns Hopkins degrees were in part paid for by the tax payers. Should we cut that out? I think all of things that I have mentioned should be done. I want the best educated, not just trained, police officers possible. I want them paid well. Few people would be willing to put up with the crap they deal with day after day. Having said that I would like to conclude with the following: I am a conservative, but one who thnks. I am indebted to the great work and dedication of our police, and I vote according to whom I think is best.I am sure that Mr. Bodway, Mr. Gahler, Mr. Meckley, and Mr. Sheets are fine men and would do fine as sheriff. But, we have a good sheriff, and I have seen, read, or heard anything that would change my mind.
Dale Neeper: Obviously you have no respect for the deputies who are currently working in the Sheriff’s Office. They cannot give their names because there will be hell to pay if Bane wins re-election. You pay no attention at all to what the insiders are saying. You are just dismissing their posts as innuendo or opinion because they can’t sign their names. All these deputies can’t be wrong about Bane. You stated that you haven’t read, seen or heard anything that will change your mind about Bane. You come off as a crotchety old geezer because of your stubbornness. You are the fool for being oblivious to what is right in front of you in these postings. Take off your blinders, man.
Joe Davis:
Is a Troop Commander NOT in charge of his/her budget and do they NOT have to watch overtime? If they are NOT, then what budget experience does he really have? According to you none. I beg to differ with you. I have been in this game quite some time myself. Do you know how the Sheriff’s office spends its “tax” dollars? You seem to, so please enlighten the constituents. Joe, you are not, nor have ever been a part of HCSO. Once again, I revert to the concern I had on him printing that in his advertisement and the reasons??
North Harford Grad:
Really? Its none of the above, I promise you that 100%. I know Terry, I know Steve, I know Marc, I know Meckley, I know Jeff. All stand up guys. You fail to realize that we just asked questions or posted comments.
There is no desperation here. It is what it is for who wins, we have no control over that. I merely asked a question / posted a comment, non derogatory at that, and not posting in “favor” of one candidate or the other. You, Joe Davis and Dave are the ones who seem to fuel the fire with anyone who has a question or comment. You guys are always the ones who seem to bash other posters on this forum, and never seem to answer the questions. Have you guys taken the time to get to know Steve Bodway or Jack Meckley? If you asked questions about a flyer that Bodway or Meckley put out, I wouldnt hammer you.
Just to ask North Harford…are your initials JK or TM?
Post 69:
You obviously have not worked with Bodway. Through the rumors you hear about the hats are BS. I worked for him on patrol and I never wore that stupid hat, and he was out on the streets such as Meckley is. I can also say the same for Jeff. He really did work the streets of Harford County for years, stand up guy. My only concern with Jack is that he does lack some experience, like I said 4-8 years with a little more experience. There are many things this agency needs to progress into the future. I believe that each Republican candidate has those qualities to do this.
As to the comment about Gahler and no.2, yeah, we all know this was a very bad allignment with the Howard Walter regime. There were some very bad times when Howard was here, backdooring and low down dirty politics. I think Jeff would have been much better off without, and may have gained more support from within. People working here are afraid of Howard and what he may do or may not do. And to North Harford Grad, Dave and Joe Davis…you CAN NOT argue with anyone of us on this, you were not apart of that.
Post 70:
Dale, well said. I never was trying to bash a candidate, nor have I said who I support. I merely had a question about some black and white print that came out that I was curious about. North Harford, Joe and Dave all seem to take things personally. I stated fact, and Joe still beat around the bush on it stating that as a Troop commander you are not responsible for budget..that just makes no sense. I didnt agree with what was on Gahlers flyer in the mail and Aegis and wanted clarification. I dont argue his education, nor do I argue Bodway or Meckley’s educations. The only problem I see, is what you dont see on the inside, and if you did, those facts may change your mind. I am not talking budgets either. Other than that, well said. Within 36hrs we will know the outcome, then other descicions will have to be made, alliances formed.
But onto a bigger issue: Within 10hrs we will see Revis Island sink into the Sea of Boldin
Post 68.2.1
Time Waster:
Hey I agree on the specialized units. The current units need to be realligned with an acutal mission.
The units I think of on this case are CART and GSU. They are a patrol, uniformed presence working the streets. They just need more of a mission, and what Time Waster said.
I cant see getting rid of the School Policing Unit, warrants, BOSE etc. I can see nixing the juvenile unit. The School Unit is huge, and I think that would be very bad to eliminate that. They handle a ton of calls / complaints and provide security for our children. I think a street level drug unit needs to be added such as Baltimore County has. They have SIDVID units, precinct level drug units that fall under command of their main narcotics unit. I also have other ideas to bring to the next Sheriff that could bring this place into the future, make us proud, make the public feel safe, and make a serious impact.
Hey North Harford
You would feel really bad when you find out who we are. You keep saying we are Marc, Terry or Steve. Not the case at all. I know who Time Waster is, it is very obvious that you think we are Marc Terry or Steve. Perhaps Really?? is Marc Terry or Steve…ha. This is funny my constituent. You are so far off the mark you are on Revis Island, but thats a bad place to be, because it is sinking into the Sea of Boldin.
Marc – how many different log ons do you have? Do you have conversations with yourself – thats weird…..
Only one my fried, just one. Still waiting on your name. Again the childish comments, you have no class. NO wonder you hide behind your screen name. I think people read a lot into the fact you are supporting Gahler and will not give your name after asking for others to give theirs. You only attack us for supporting Steve, all you have is we were promised jobs. I think people see you have nothing. The voters will decide. Hey after Tuesday will you tell me who you really are? Or keep hiding. What was it you said in an earlier post have the b—s to identify yourself, but you wont. I love it. It seems other people are asking the same question about you, ps. you for got to call me back today after we talked.
Marc – Did you call me? Does your ladder go all the way to the top?
Boy, you Bodway guys really tweak easily….
North Harford
We are calling you out. Respond.
North Harford…you think everyone that posts or asks a simple question about Jeff Gahler is a Bodway man. You are funny dude, really it is quite amusing. Cmon man…id yourself.
C’mon Ravens5 – you identify yourself first….
Where you wanna meet. Me and the Time Waster will respond
Marc – Go to bed – you obviously need your rest….
Interesting reading your comments and I will not bash any one. I know Jeff and he is one of the best cops that I have ever worked with. He has great interests in all of the people that he supervises and cares about them greatly. I read about overtime in regards to Jeff and can tell you this was used in manpower on the road to keep the troopers safe. He understands that you can’t function with 2 to 3 troopers working the county alone. He had the guts to stand up to the administration and pay troopers to work overtime. He monitored the overtime use but when you are so understaffed you have to make a decision to pay some money to keep his troopers safe.
The best thing to happen is to have a great outsider come in and correct the problems of the agency. I thought when the first outsider came to the MSP that we were doomed. In fact this man came in with fresh eyes and corrected the problems we had. He turned out to be one of the best leaders we ever had. Best of luck to all.
Not doubting you, well written. So if someone in HCSO makes 65k a year, whats to say that is not done to fill our manpower shortages, or that this overtime being used is from grant money. We have a lot of grants here. The quote stated by him isnt very clear, “to stop the current practice of allowing deputies to make up to 65k in overtime per year”. That statement in itself is catering to the public who doesnt know about the manpower shortages etc. It needs to be elaborated on. I would like to talk to Mr. Gahler himself about what he exactly meant by that.
Hi Ravens 5, we are going to kick some Jets but tonight! I don’t understand the comment but I know Jeff, does not stand in the way of any officer making overtime. The only concern in overtime is that the officer is fit for his regular duty when he reports. I have seen guys work so much overtime when their regular shift arrives that they are not fit for their own safety. They are so damn tired they can barely function. I know that Harford County was allotted much more overtime than the MSP. To get overtime in the MSP you have to damn near kill someone. That is why I feel Jeff should be commended for standing up to administration when he had a real concern for the safety of his troops and paid overtime. He took a great deal of criticism from the upper management but he stood his ground. Go Ravens
I’m not a police dept employee, I just stumbled across this site finishing my research for tomorrow. Thanks to football I have the floor. I’ve been a republican since before I could vote–in elementary school I agreed with republican values in my staunchly democratic household where I was asked what I could possibly know as a 10 year old about government. I’m suspcisious of anyone who just “turned” republican close to a possible election. Jeff Gahler may be a great guy who could be a great sheriff, but if he wants officers to show up for work alert for their own safety THAT is what his platform ads should say. I prefer that cops who are risking their lives every day they choose to go to work to protect and serve harford or any county citizens be paid overtime if they deserve it (notice I said “if they deserve it”, but a sweeping statement not to pay them implies that no cops deserve it under any circumstances, doesn’t it). As a citizen who speeds “within reason” (as I’ve observed that over half the population does) I’d rather cops drive above the speed limit to cover more miles during a given shift than fart around the roadways with people holding them up because they’re afraid they’ll get a ticket. Harford Co cops do a great job of covering the streets in my opinion, so not sure what increased traffic enforcement is supposed to be about. I prefer Sheets. His background and experience will likely make him a sheriff who delivers something this county hasn’t seen; something really good. I hope that if Gahler is elected he has more to do than guard overtime. If I had to risk my neck just to go in to work–and I’m not considering driving in traffic with lousy drivers who can’t drive well at the posted speed limit let alone over it to be in the same capacity of risking one’s neck– then somebody had better pay me overtime and be happy to do it. If the deputies aren’t happy, if the people who know what’s going on behind the scenes and between the walls every day of the week aren’t happy then the person in leadership needs to go. It doesn’t get any simpler than that (I’ve got cops in my family, I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE but it would be common sense anyway). Here is our opportunity to make sure that happens. I’m not impressed by what Banes has done and he’s had plenty of time to create an impressive record, so why should I or anyone else expect he’ll do anything any different just because it’s a new term.
Another pick for Gahler for Sheriff:
Dear Jeff,
We are all proud of you! You are a great friend, great family man, and great cop. We know you will be a great Sheriff! God bless and best of luck tomorrow!
Thank God today is the primary. Maybe all of this inane chatter will go away and the Dagger will become interesting again. This Sherrif’s race has brought out some of the most rediculous comment I have ever seen or heard. Long live the next king.
hey, Stefano,
Joe Meadows was the best sheriff we ever had? Is that why he had to resign? You want to vote youth for a change? How does Obama hit you?
Don’t get personal. I am not crochety and I don’t consider myself old. I highly respect police. I want good wages for them, I want the best equipment for them, etc. I am different than a lot of Republicans in that I am willing to pay for these things. If you bothered to read my other emails you would know this. But remember one thing, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office is to protect the people, not to cater to every deputy’s views of how the department should be run. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t think they know more than their boss. State your opinions but don’t give me a bunch of crap. And…please read my previous emails.
Hey, Stefano,
I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
NorthHarfordGrad (Jeff Gahler) Congratulations on your win. You never did tell me why my retirement was being discussed during your campaign meetings. Save your breath on telling me again that this is not you Jeff. Sounds like you and Howard will make a great team…… Shame on you…..
Hey RetiredCop,
This is not Jeff Gahler yet again.
Don’t you have something to shovel other than this? Isn’t your pot stirred at this point?
I’ll remind you once again that Jeff’s law enforcement career has flourished without Howard Walter. Jeff’s career will continue to flourish without Howard Walter. Howard will have NO influence and No job while Jeff is Sheriff. Howard simply offered help in the campaign because Jeff has the best chance to beat Jesse Bane. Jeff has his own ideas for the agency and I wouldn’t be surprised if he were to sit down with Steve, Roger, and Jack to toss around some good ideas.
You can get on board and help defeat what may be one of the most liberal politicians in Harford County in Jesse Bane or you can help perpetuate an inefficient bloated police agency from the comforts of your out of state home.
The choice is yours my friend.
North Harford Grad your Gahler propaganda posts are beginning to gag me. I do have to thank you for persuading me to vote for Bane with your less than effective bullying tactics. Hmmm, could this be a possible indication of how it would be in the Sheriff’s Office in the slim chance your dream would be realized?
Deluded Aberdean: You put up a good fight, but you finally succumbed to NorthHarfordGrad’s bullying. Shame on him for telling the truth and forcing you to vote for Jesse Bane.