Barbara Osborn Kreamer, a former Harford County Councilwoman and delegate in the Maryland General Assembly, has become the latest in the ever-growing list of those to challenge the residency and candidacy of state senate hopeful Art Helton.
Kreamer, herself a candidate for the Democratic Central Committee, filed an official “Complaint For Change Of Voter Registration And Disqualification Of Candidacy” against Helton in the Harford County Circuit Court on August 6.
Once again at question is whether Helton lives on his Darlington farm or the Joppa townhouse he bought a few years ago. Helton has filed to run for the District 34 senate seat, which represents the Edgewood, Joppatowne, Aberdeen, Havre de Grace, and western Cecil County region. Darlington is represented by the District 35 seat.
In early July, Helton successfully fended off a similar complaint from his Primary Election opponent Rovall Washington. Washington said he would not appeal the decision (and he hasn’t), but it’s unclear if Kreamer has continued the complaint in his stead. Washington insists that is not the case: “I am NOT involved with this case. She is not filing on my behalf PERIOD! There are more important thing in front of me.” Kreamer, who was in the courtroom during Washington’s complaint hearing, has not responded to requests for an interview.
For his part, Helton said Kreamer is carrying enough baggage and enough of a personal resentment toward him that it’s difficult to determine how or why this new complaint arose.
“M’s Kreamer has hounded my neighbors and they are not happy with her and have told her so. She has had some personal problem with me for years. I do not know the genesis of her problem. I do know she was removed from the Harford Democratic Central Committee by the State Democratic Party for cause. She has been disbarred from the practice of law. She had problems at her church and had a restraining order placed against her. I understand she has had problems with other work related assignments. I was not involved in any of these actions against her. Add all that up and you tell me what the problem is with M’s Kreamer. Top all this off she is now a candidate for Harford County Democratic Central Committee again,” Helton wrote in an email interview.
After the court ruled in his favor last month, Helton has little reason to believe this case will turn out any differently.
“I’m not sure whether the courts will look favorably on her case. I believe the Court has clearly decided this issue. From here on it appears to be more about harassment than any legal issue,” he wrote.
Washington, the source of the complaint against Helton last month, is running against Helton in the District 34 state senate seat Primary Election. During his administrative hearing, Washington came armed with photographic evidence, testimony from neighbors, and his own eyewitness accounts, which he believed proved Helton did not reside in the Joppa townhouse.
Among those items, Washington also listed the following in his complaint:
In the case of Barbara Kreamer vs. Harford Board of Elections, Arthur Helton was previously ordered to change his voter registration card back to his address at 3069 Harmony Church Road, Darlington, Maryland 21034 after trying to use his business address of 8 N. Parke St Aberdeen, MD 21001. In the order, dated November 17, 2007, Judith Armold, Designee of State Administrator, specifically states, “Any future change of Sen. Helton’s voter registration address should be supported by clear evidence of a permanent intent to reside elsewhere.”
Ultimately, the court did not agree, Helton continued on with his campaign, and Washington said he would also focus on the race rather than an appeal.
Washington said this week that he was surprised by Kreamer’s actions and, although he is not involved with her complaint, it proves the public is dissatisfied with the court ruling in Helton’s favor.
“I am surprised to say the least. Like I told you before, I have decided to push into fast forward with my campaign and have not concerned myself with my opponent since. This just goes to show that people are not satisfied with the ruling. If someone else wants to fight it, then that’s their right. I have prayed about it and I am spending my time making sure I crush my opponent in the polls. While he is carrying luggage back and forth from his mansion to town house, I’ve been endorsed unanimously by the UAW, IBEW, and Baltimore Ports Council. I also received a letter of recommendation from the Baltimore City Fire Fighters Union. I expect more endorsements this over the next week. I am looking forward to the Primary. He obviously has other things to focus on,” Washington wrote in an email interview.
Washington also said Kreamer may prove successful where he fell short.
“I do not think Ms Kreamer would file if she did not have the needed evidence and testimonies to navigate through the court room,” he wrote.
With all the talk of complaints, hearings, and appeals, Helton said he is keeping focused on his campaign, which is aimed at defeating Washington in September so he can move on to face Republican incumbent Sen. Nancy Jacobs in November General Election.
“I do not see my primary opponent when I’m campaigning. He has signs up and appears to be putting some of them up without permission from owners. I’m campaigning hard, meeting voters, and attending community meetings and candidate forums. I have been doing this for the past year and a half. I have not seen my primary or general election opponents doing much campaigning nor meeting with voters,” Helton wrote.
This woman is a total nut job. She and Dion deserve each other.
She would be a total disaster for the Democratic Central Committee just as she was in the past, when she got thrown off the committee by the State party. Someone needs to screw up REAL BAD to get tossed off the Central Committee. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity, and she is doing this to help get her name out there before primary day.
Dan, I just ran into Art and he wanted me to let you know that your check is in the mail. You can send your thanks to his home or to his place in Joppa.
Phil, when you see your smarter brother Joe, give him my regards.
I thought joe’s last name was Dirt, pronounced “deer-tay”
How can anyone be an embarrassment to the democrats? They have done enough to themselves to simply be an embarrassment to the country.
regardless, she’s not cool…and re: Dave’s comment, o.k. dem party is shapeless, but why not lessen the load and start now?
If Kreamer is so nuts Art then why did she succeed before? The Board of Elections ruled that Helton MUST change his voter registration back to his Darlington farm and any future registrations must clearly demonstrate his intent to permanently live at the new residence. Art cheats the law all the time–hasn’t anyone followed his clients suing him? Harassment claims? Etc?
As for Washington’s illegal signage–I’ve seen Helton signs on state property! The guy has no shame whatsoever.
All of Washington’s endorsements are a direct result of Dion Guthrie carrying Rovall’s water. The endorsements are from unions that Dion has connections with and/or gets money from. Who do you think is funding Washington’s campaign? Dion of course.
Helton or Washington… this is like trying to decide if I want herpes or genital warts. Is this really the best we can do? And no, I don’t have the time…
Just go for HIV/AIDS and vote for Jacobs again.
Ouch! I didn’t want anything life threatening!
Pay attention here! We need Council leadership in Joppa/Joppatowne and Edgewood. We need someone who will work FOR the people. Not someone who takes time to worry about whether or not JOPPATOWNE shuld end in “E” or not. We need real LEADERSHIP to work FOR the people of Edgewood an Joppa/Joppatowne! VOTE this September and November for the best candidate who will work for you.
It seems that Mr. Guthrie is more interested in drafting surrogates to be his mouthpiece in the state senate and school board elections than he is in providing the leadership our communities want and need. Mr. Washington has a questionable background. I wonder how Dion’s union buddies would feel about Mr. Robinson’s union busting activities when he headed the Baltimore City Schools police department and his subsequent forced resignation from that position by the schools superintendent?
Kratovil’s brunch at “Helton’s home.” So does he live there or not? Sure sounds like it.
@FFRR – I totally agree. That’s why I decided to run against Mr. Guthrie in the Democratic primary on September 14th. I want to provide the guidance and leadership that this community deserves and not just politics as usual.
didn’t washington already embarass himself, kreamer and others a few months past?
why did up this dirt and look foolish again, and again…?
Barbara Kreamer: Get the hell out of politics, you are an embarrassment to the Democratic Party of Harford County! YOU were disbarred for questionable legal practices. YOU were removed from the Democratic Central Committee three years ago by the state party due to your inability to work with anybody else on the committee and your disbarment. You have no leg to stand on when it comes to electoral ethics! Get out of our lives!
And she still has higher ethics than Helton.
Then let her represent you Phil Dirt! GIVE US A BREAK
If the race was between Art and Barbara, she would get my vote. However, the dog that used to ride the skateboard in the Fourth of July parades would get my vote over Art.
Phil you must still be upset that wonder boy Hiob was unsuccessful in his run for Mayor in Aberdeen; perhaps you should seek political office since you seem to know so much and have such a strong opinion about current and former elected officials.
Why? I don’t live in Aberdeen and nothing they do directly impacts me. I don’t know Hiob, but I do know enough about Helton to not want him in state government.
Sorry about that thought you were involved in Aberdeen politics .are you in favor of reelecting incumbents and satisfied with the direction of Harford County and our State?
Dude. I love dogs. I hope that doggy eats cheese!
I was at the Young Democrats meeting in Bel Air last night. Ms. Kreamer was there and I swear she looked like a crazed animal that was about to got off like a rocket at any second. She left before the end of the meeting. Thank goodness. She is scary!
She shoulda brought her eyesaw with her.
That’ll teach ’em!
Skhe is more than scary – she is dangerous. Problem is the average voter doesn’t realize it. We have got to get the word out NOT to vote for her for Central Committee. No matter who else is on the committee, having her will paralyze them like last time. She was thrown off by the State Party and unfortunately there are no rules to keep her from running again. PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW.
Barbara Kreamer is a menace to society- St George’s Church had to bann her from the church because she tripped an elderly vestry member (on nominating committee) after a meeting because she wanted to stop her and talk to her about why she hadn’t been nominated for the vestry.
Barbara followed the vestry member outside the Parish House and attempted to stop her from entering her car someone had to intervene and physically hold her back while the vestry member got in her car. Barbara ran around to the passenger side and tried to enter the car, when she discovered it was locked she beat on the window.
Unfortunately the church could only have her banned by the court system for a year. Christmas eve that year members of the vestry sat in court all day for Barbara’s hearing. The judge ordered her to have a physical exam and psycological exam.
If anyone thinks that this individual is safe to expose to the public they should rethink their assessment.
Yeah, but does she own the skateboarding, cheese eating dog that someone was talking about?
If so, she’s got my vote for governor!
Long Time Resident has resorted to the lowest form of communication. If you don’t like the message, attack the writer personally. What and who Ms Kreamer is has absolutely nothing to do with a scum bucket claiming a residence of convenience.
It has everthing to do with it Dave Yensen! It shows the moral fiber of this small group that has been put together to knock out Helton. So much has been brought to light about how corrupt and wacked out this group is, you couldn’t possibly believe a word they say. It’s funny how Nancy Jacobs name keeps popping up with this group. And her signs are going up at the Rovall Washinton location. Although from your comments Dave, I would have to guess that you are a Jacobs fan, and a good friend of Mike Hiob.
Tell us, does that make you part of the little group?
In the words of Harry Truman “I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.”
I am resorting to showing that she is the pot calling the kettle black and she can’t go around pointing her finger at others she is not above reproach.
Funny how Helton tosses accusations isn’t it? Let’s take a look into his history of moving to where ever he thinks he can win an election. He can’t win in Aberdeen. Getting “favors” from a former tenent tends to do that. What about his apparent health problems? Must’ve been a miracle cure.
Now I’m not saying Kreamer is any peach herself. Infact I wouldn’t be surprise if this whole “new complaint” thing isn’t just a jilted ex-lover thing.
Come on Mike Hiob, Give it a rest! You lost, so take your ball and go home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a quick comment re: his “apparent health problems.” I don’t know Mr. Helton personally, but I did happen to observe him at the Harford County FOP fundraiser last evening. He was very subdued. Of course, that could have been in response to the lukewarm reception he had from the crowd when he was introduced…
He just sat at his table and then left early. (Definitely not “working the room” like most of the other politicians in attendance.) He looked pale and frail. Maybe he really does have a serious health problem?
It seems that in addition to his personal financial woes, Mr. Washington cannot seem to manage his political finances, either. If my political contribution to his fledging campaign went to cover a pair of Bank of America overdraft fees, I’d ask for a refund. What a joke.
The minutes of the Maryland Democratic Party Executive Committee for March 19, 2008 reflect that Ms. Kreamer was removed as a member of the Central Committee by a unanimous vote of the State Executive Committee.
The records of the Maryland Judiciary website documents the reported decision of the Maryland Court of Appeals disbarring her as an attorney on several grounds.
The records of the Maryland District Court system, found in Maryland Casesearch, show Peace Orders and Criminal Trespass charges against her.
Well I don’t see it on here, but I’m sure some of you have heard. Kreamers complaint was thrown out!!!!!!!!! Let me repeat that, THROWN OUT!!!!!!!!!
That is two Election Boards, and two Court hearings that have sided with Helton. I have an idea. Lets have an election and let the people decide who they want to represent them. Good luck Helton and Jacobs.
Rovall, you don’t rate. You don’t even get to be mentioned in the same sentance as these two. They have been around and serving this area for long time. You, well we found out all about you, didn’t we?
Classless act.
This morning I was roadside waving on Rt. 40 just West of Joppa Farm Road. A place frequented by several candidates during the course of the campaign season. There is a gentlemen’s agreement of sorts that opposing candidates will not horn in on a location where one candidate has already set up.
Today State Senate candidate Rovall Washington pulled to the side of the road some 30+ yards in front of and in clear view of my location and brought out a large Jansen Robinson sign (a school board opponent) and one for himself. Moments later Mr. Robinson arrived with others and began to wave.
Such actions demonstrate a lack of common courtesy and speaks to the character of the individuals involved. This behavior when considered along side Mr. Robinson’s questionable conduct at the recent candidate’s forum held at Joppatowne HS should raise questions about his fitness to serve in public office. If Mr. Robinson stoops to low tactics on such little things what kind of integrity can we expect of him on issues of major importance.
I have repeatedly stated that voters need to do their own homework. Look beyond the resume and at what the candidates actually do. Actions speak louder than words and Mr. Robinson’s recent actions speak volumes about him as an individual. Similar questions surround Mr. Washington. Voters also need to carefully observe what current officeholders who associate themselves with candidates of this nature.
Almost everyone I talk to expresses their disappointment with dirty politics and the get ahead at all costs attitude that seems to permeate much of the political landscape. This appears to be more of the same. In keeping with Mr. Robinson’s favorite quote, “If we always do what we have always done we will always get what we have always gotten.” I absolutely agree. So under the circumstances why would anyone vote for Mr. Robinson?
Bob Frisch
Board of Education candidate
District A (Edgewood, Joppatowne, Joppa)
I saw Rovall Washington and his brood waving signs for Dion Guthrie’s other bookend candidate yesterday. I guess he is getting in practice because after Tuesday he won’t have any need for his own. Please make sure you follow the rules and have your signs down within the 10 day limit. Then again, following the rules is something you, the bookend, and Guthrie have problems doing.