The annual Farm Fair typically marks the high point of summer in Harford County. It’s a time to relax and slow down the pace of life, while enjoying the bounties offered by an agricultural and rural lifestyle – unless you’re an elected official or have intentions of ever becoming one. In which case, the Farm Fair gives you four days to shake as many hands and pass out as many pencils as possible, while reminding fair patrons for whom to vote in September.
This year’s fair was no exception. A team from The Dagger canvassed out across the fairgrounds with an ear to the ground for political ruminations, but the election chatter was so loud and thick we ended up fleeing with hands over our ears for fear of being deafened.
What follows is a handful of those stories; all speculative and open to criticism and clarification, but offered up from sources who would know:
ALL SIGNS POINT TO A DEMOCRATIC FEUD: Harford County Councilman Dion Guthrie and former state Sen. Art Helton’s feud dates back to the 2006 General Election, when Ann Helton was making strong gains against David Craig in the county executive race. Guthrie, a fellow Democrat, had arranged with Art Helton to have Dion’s political street team put dozens upon dozens of Ann Helton signs out at the District A (Edgewood/Joppa) polling places on Election Day. For reasons that remain unknown, or at least unspoken, those Ann Helton signs were never put out. Helton went on to lose to Craig by about 3,600 votes. And thus, the grudge was born. This is particularly troubling to local Democrats, who had been working hard for the decade or so prior to stomp out all the previous grudges between Democratic Party leaders in Harford County.
PLAYING THE WAITING GAME: You might have noticed that two of Harford County’s most prominent female elected officials, Del. Mary-Dulany James and County Councilwoman Mary Ann Lisanti, waited until nearly the last possible moment to file for re-election to their respective offices (Lisanti on July 1 and James on July 2). This was not a case of being busy with other things or just not getting around to it. Both women were waiting to see if there would be any late maneuvering by another prominent local female official – Sen. Nancy Jacobs. Speculation had been that Jacobs was once again on the short list of potential lieutenant governor choices being pondered by former Gov. Robert Ehrlich as he began his comeback campaign. Should Ehrlich have picked Jacobs for the spot (rather than Montgomery County’s Mary Kane), James and Lisanti were each prepared to launch a campaign for the next spot up on the political ladder – James for District 34 state senate seat that Jacobs would be vacating and Lisanti for James’ District 34A seat in the House of Delegates. As it turns out, all three women are running to retain their respective elected offices – although Jacobs was apparently closer than most know to getting the call from Ehrlich to join his ticket.
ALL THE KING’S MEN: After an internal coup of Harford legislators overthrew Dels. Susan McComas and Rick Impallaria as the president and vice president, respectively, of the Harford County delegation to the Maryland General Assembly, Impallaria took it personally. He has been working double-time this election season, not just on his own campaign, but playing the role of political kingmaker. Impallaria has hand-picked a Campaign for Liberty candidate to run against each of those who had a hand in overthrowing him in Annapolis. And when a worthy opponent arose to challenge McComas in Bel Air (former County Councilman Mike Geppi), Impallaria is taking credit for strong-arming him out of the race and protecting his House of Delegates compatriot.
A FAIR ENDORSEMENT?: The Route 40 Republican Club and the North Harford Republican Club combined forces recently to issue a list of endorsements that have caused a stir inside the Republican camp. The endorsed candidates were a.) identified before the Primary Election and b.) chosen by the clubs’ leaders and not the general members. That left at least one member, who also happens to be a candidate, out of the loop and paying dues to a club that decided to back his competition in the Republican primary.
REBEL RADIO: With all the brouhaha over how former Gov. Robert Ehrlich remained host of his talk show on WBAL 1090 AM radio show until June 26, when he formally filed the paperwork making him a candidate for governor, how is it that Del. Pat McDonough, who is running for re-election, has remained host of the “Pat McDonough Radio Show” on WCBM 680 AM, airing Saturday evenings from 8 to 10? Some Democrats are beginning to wonder the same thing and may ask for the State Board of Elections to help clear things up.
LASERS, ANTENNAE, AND CAT TREATS: County Councilman Joe Woods had the most impressive Farm Fair booth display of the year; hell, possibly of all time. Forget the fact that he had blisters on his hands after tying several thousand balloons (or that he built the balloon-inflation machine himself). Look beyond the small bags of dog treats, cat treats, rabbit treats, and bird seed he was handing out to passersby or the impressive mini-museum of medals, patches, and fire service commendations he had displayed under glass. Ignore the multi-colored laser light show on display within his tent. The most impressive part of Woods’ tent was what you couldn’t see. Woods eagerly took us around behind his booth and pointed to the 2-ft antennae attached to its top. Woods, who when asked about its legality quickly claimed he has his FCC license, had set up and was broadcasting his on wireless Internet hub. What this means is that anyone with a BlackBerry, iPhone, iPod, laptop, or other wireless device who came within a certain distance of Woods’ tents would be offered the ability to tap into the Internet for free. What’s in it for Woods? Those who took the opportunity to leech the Internet signal from his mobile set-up were first taken to the Joe Woods website before they could begin surfing the web.
TURNING BLUE WITH LAUGHTER: Part-time comedian-turned-Board-of-Education-candidate Tom Myers had some funny riffs as we chatted at the Democrat booth, but it was Sen. Barry Glassman who turned in the knee-slapping performance of the night. Within the confines of a small audience consisting of council president Billy Boniface, Del. Rick Impallaria, Sen. Nancy Jacobs and myself, Glassman proceeded to detail an uncharacteristically blue joke – with a particularly profane punch line. The indelicate joke (which you’ll have to ask him to repeat, because I won’t) had our group cracking up, mostly because of who delivered it.
– A prominent Harford County elected official very nearly entered the already-crowded Register of Wills race…and would have easily won.
– A flier was circulating featuring the now infamous photos of Gov. Martin O’Malley celebrating the Fourth of July with Del. Wayne Norman at his annual backyard barbecue.
– Any politician who was asked said the polls were looking good and the campaign was building momentum.
– There was the usual grumbling about how some candidates (mostly incumbents) got the best booth locations, but Sheriff candidate Jeff Gahler was disappointed the four GOP Sheriff candidates were split up into different tents. Gahler would have liked patrons to have been able to see and judge all of the would-be Sheriffs at the same time.
– The 2010 elections have definitely been “The Year of the Leadership Teams.” There is the Harford Leadership Team, the Conservative Leadership Team, the North Harford Leadership Team, and I’m pretty sure a couple others that I missed.
– The Campaign for Liberty set up shop, spreading the Tea Party message and handing out copies of the U.S. Constitution.
– In a Farm Fair first, several school board candidates were among the candidates displaying signs and introducing themselves to passersby.
– The Route 40 and North Harford Republican Clubs jointly endorsed a slate of nine candidates for the twelve open seats on the Republican Central Committee, leaving three spots open for voter-choice. With a total of 37 candidates in the running, there will be plenty to choose from.
Did you hear any interesting stories or witness anything worth reporting at the Farm Fair?
Would you like to clarify, correct, or expand on any of these political stories?
If so, by all means, let everyone know.
While perusing the political tents at the Farm Fair, I stumbled across a very crudely illustrated slate card for five candidates for the Republican Central Committee. Appearing to borrow its branding heavily from a pair of actual Harford conservatives, the group calls itself “Conservative Leadership Team.” The well-groomed, establishment-type Craig underlings add insult to injury by playing on the anti-big government sentiment in the county and pandering to Tea Party-goers for whom they normally have no use.
On the obverse of the bill is the list of five candidates. One of these candidates was recently heard stating he “pretend[s] to be a conservative” at various events in order to rally support, but that his true aspiration is to work within the Craig Administration. Another happens to be working directly for Mr. Craig, having earned a coveted position in his administration before his own 25th birthday–much to the chagrin of not a few seasoned county employees. Still another is a failed County Council candidate who works for Wayne Norman’s law office and campaign (if you ask me, a little too incestuous to be effective).
The reverse of the piece lists a bulleted “Leadership Platform.” Here it is:
“Repeal O’Malley Sales Tax.” Boy, if a spot on the Central Committee afforded me this kind of power, I’d have been candidate #38! I may need to brush up on my understanding of Central Committee powers, but last time I checked, the 12-member board doesn’t pass or repeal legislation.
“No Dual Office Holding.” This is an admirable stance until you consider the establishment of which this group is a part has been employing this method ad hoc (through wives, sons-in-law, staffers, employees, etc.) as far back as I can recall.
“Term Limits.” This point is interesting, considering David Craig will have served a full decade by the end of his last term should he be re-elected. These folks aren’t for term limits– term limits would put them out of a job!
“Limited Government.” Here’s another new revelation to the “Conservative Leadership Team,” who support a man who has expanded the office of County Executive to staggering levels.
“Demand Politican [sic] Accountability.” How can these people insult our intelligence when one works for Craig, another has strong ties to him, another wants to work for him, and still another works for Wayne Norman? Oh, and full disclosure: I got the hand bill from the Wayne Norman booth—the only place I could find it—hmmm…
The last bullet is perhaps the most curious: “Energized Central Committee.” One of these folks is an incumbent on a committee that took the summer off during the largest expansion of federal government and hence the biggest opportunity to seize on exploding grassroots conservatism this nation has ever seen. We see multiple examples of grassroots groups forming as a result of complete inaction by the current Central Committee, and the Committee will not change by electing this slate. This project is a transparent attempt by Craig, Norman, and the establishment to stuff the Committee with their apologists.
My advice: do your research, Republican Primary voters. Knowing whom to support on Central Committee is every bit as important as knowing whom to support for Governor, and these five candidates should NOT make your cut.
You knocked it out of the park & into the upper deck RINO Hunter. Keep swinging! We’re with you. I saw the piece to which you refer & almost doubled over with laughter. What a joke when ineffective incumbents, insiders & sychophants claim their aim is to “re-energize HarCo RCC.” Where have they been the last 4 years? Answer: Nowhere except snickering behind the backs of the real conservatives & Tea Party folks that have been doing their heavy lifting.
Is this subject taboo?
Just another exampale of how dirty Imp[allaria is playing with his buddies Tritt and Gallion. Impallaria was campigning for them at the Farm Fair. There is a disgustingly dirty flier bashing Stiffler and Norman, which is misleading. This pair is incompetent and in Impallaria’s Pocket (that shows their true Charecter). We need to keep Stiffler and Norman.
A disgustingly dirty flier? If that flier is “disgustingly dirty”, as is your characterization, then you ought to speak to your candidates about their voting records, because the flier simply lists their votes as delegates. The bills are numbered, and can easily be searched on the Maryland General Assembly website.
Dagger readers can see the content of the “disgustingly dirty” flier here:
The truth will set you free!
Why Jason Gallion would team up with this Tritt character I will never know. It’s worth noting that the webpage linked above by candidate Tritt is on his own website, not Jason’s or the slate’s.
Jason is a great guy and a hard worker. He will be a great advocate for our farms and the fire service. I do hope he gets one of the two seats, and I expect he will. It will be interesting to see which of the incumbents gets the other.
I would definitely vote for Jason Gallion…. if he wasn’t associated with Impallaria. He seems like a hard worker that would represent his constituency, but then he associates himself with Rick? That is the exact opposite of working for your constituency. Also, I have nothing against Dave Tritt, even though the Sheriff thing does seem a little odd. I have met him and he seems like a good guy, but I believe he was put up. I think it is funny that the C4L group takes those who they don’t like or put up to run and labeled them as “pawns of David Craig”, but they can openly support Tritt and Gallion who are actually pawns….
While Wayne Norman is not my favorite person, I think O’Malley being at his cookout is not a big deal. I guess he should start checking party registration at the door. Treating politics like high school is petty and just plain stupid. “Like OMG did you hear that Wayne Norman had Martin O’Malley at his party?”
i agree. But they all friends. don’t judge by the friends they keep.. impallaria is likeable just has to go. Long termers hasn’t done us much good..
If the candidate cannot defend their vote for giving money to Casa of Maryland or voting against requiring photo ID when voting then I guess they should not have cast the vote. I don’t buy the usual excuse which is often offered in these cases where the Delegate shifts the debate by saying “well the bill was 80% good”. That also means it was 20% bad & thus should not have received the Delagate’s support. I don’t see how you can not only call yourself a conservative but then crow about your conservative credentials as both Norman & Stifler did when they met a group of conservatives who went to Annapolis on the 1st day of session 1/13/10. They stated “They got it” & understood the concerns of those assembled & why they were there. Apparantly, they didn’t “get it.” If they are not willing to stand up for their votes then maybe its time for someone else to represent north Harford.
In fact, the question that should be asked in this election of both Norman, Stifler & any other delegate is this: if you are sent to Annapolis to represent the district, are you willing to stand up to the Federal government & assert the sovereignty of Maryland & defend the citizens of your district & the state against unconstitutional acts of the Federal government & other acts the Feds commit outside the powers delegated to it in the Constitution?? The repsonses will be revealing. Any answer other than yes to that question should result in the defeat of the delegate & their replacement with a Delegate that understands the concept of Federalism.
I agree. Check out some of their voting records before you vote..Mikulski voted for illegal aliens 96% of the time and voted democrat 100%. Is that the kind of leadership we need in md? I would vote the right way not any particular affiliation..
These names are some of many who voted with the illegal alien’s in md. I call them the ‘worst supporters” who went against the citizens of md.
Donald Munson, Leggitt, Ivey, Ramirez, Guittierez,Hammen, Frosh, Edwards,Gladden, Shuler, Barve, Cummings, valderframa..
O’Malley, Ruppersberger, Cardin & voted against the citizens of md. as you can tell.. Miller and Busch are for themselves not our citizens. The greed and corruption in md go hand in hand. Illegal aliens are voting..
Will somebody please tell the author of this piece that it is the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party? Part-time comedian-turned-Board-of-Education-candidate Tom Myers had some funny riffs as we chatted at the DemocratIC booth.
I’ve yet to see anything democratic with regard to the Democrat party.
Seriously! Democrats get so offended by that, because they want it to appear that they are the sole purveyors of democracy. They forget that our nation is a Constitutional Republic.
They love Democracy, as it is surely a better form of government than a republic. Just imagine populism ruling the day…
Every oil spill would mean hanging of the oil executives.
Each gun crime would yield a ban on all weapons.
And ultimately, the government would collapse into a pure socialist mess and consequently fail.
When those who are willing to vote to give themselves more money are greater in number than those willing to work hard for their fair share, the republic will fail.
your so funny. Look at who’s watch they fell on. I guess Bush did it. *rolleyes*..your assuming all the bad guys are the rich tycoons. Check again missy..Not true.
look no further than the millionaires in congress..including Dutch *signed all the bills without reading* Ruppersberger.. Bailouts helps..
lol .. I’m a long term democrat and the democrats of yesterday are long gone. I am leaning far right this year, But the republics not much better. They just more focused on trying to please the Citizens conservatively and we have to keep them on the right track..
Tom said something funny? I don’t believe it. Who wrote this article, his uncle?
And Tom, for the love of Harford County, please stop telling people you’re a comedian. It’s an insult to everyone in the comedy business.
Now onto more pressing matters: Tom, what flavors are currently in the Slurpee machine? I’m going to stop by and purchase one from you later today.
I would be happy to meet with you to discuss your allegations, RINO Hunter. I’m especially interested to know which of us you claim to have heard saying he “pretends to be a conservative.” Since you later reference Scott and myself as different individuals, you must mean either Chris Biggs or J.W. Walker. Both are strong conservatives, with no aspirations to work for the Craig administration. They’re both gainfully employed in the private sector, and happily so.
Scott Gibson has worked very hard, and performed admirably in reducing insurance and payroll for the county. He has significantly reduced the cost of government.
I did lose my initial race for county council in 2006, but I now have the support of my then-opponent. As from your name I assume you consider yourself a true republican, you know Abe Lincoln himself was a “failed candidate” 8 times. That hasn’t stopped me from working hard for what I believe in. I’ve worked for the candidate I considered to be the best for the job for the last 9 years, and believe I can help the RCC do a better job of that over the next 4 if you will reconsider your position.
I want to thank the Daggar for mentioning the Board of Education candidates. That being said I wish they would have mentioned our names and a bit more about this most important election. From the conversations I had many people are still unaware of their opportunity to elect Board members this year in Districts A, B, and D. As far as I could tell I was joined at the fair by school board candidates Tom Myers (District B) and Rick Grambo (District D) and I applaud them for their like efforts to educate the public in that regard.
The public should also be aware that the school board positions will be at the bottom of the ballot, even below candidates running for the Democratic and Republican Central Committees, which is unfortunate considering the Central Committees have no legislative of budget authority, and the school board sets policy for the entire school system and controls half the counties’ budget (approximately 240 million this year) in addition to millions more in capital improvement funds received from the State. With so much authority in the hands of the school board I believe the office deserves a higher place on the ballot. As is a concern with long ballots voters may begin to loose interest and do not cast ballots for offices or questions near the bottom. I spoke with Harford County Board of Elections officials who indicated they would bring this concern the State Board for possible correction for the next election.
I encourage everyone to give serious attention to those candidates running for the school board. Carefully consider their motivations for running, background, experience, and skills necessary to be effective members of the school board. Mistakes here could be costly, not only to the counties’ fiscal health but to the quality of the education children in Harford County receive for many years to come.
Great work at the fair, Bob! How a candidate runs a campaign (active or inactive, positive or negative, respectable or disreputable) is a good sign of how they will lead; you’re the former on each! Keep up the hard work.
Thanks for the compliments Brian. My core values are honesty, integrity, commitment, and hard work. Values all those working for the public good should have but unfortunately all do not. Public service should be just that – SERVICE.
Thank you for the recognition and the kind words, Bob.
In addition to Bob Frisch and Rick Grambo, I also met and talked with Lorrie Warfield, who is running for the District D Board of Education seat.
I imagine in future election years, the Board of Education candidates will earn a higher place on the ballot and we will see more of them campaigning at the Farm Fair. As for this year, I was happy to come out and talk about my campaign to those who stopped by. Any opportunity to talk with anyone concerned about the state of education in Harford County is among my favorite things to do during this campaign.
Candidate, Harford County Board of Education – District B
My apologies to Lorrie. She must have been there at a different time than I was and I am sorry to have missed her.
I would also commend her for coming out to be seen and having the courage to stand before the public to be questioned by those she wishes to represent. This is one measure of any would be office holder. Are you willing to take YOUR time to meet and listen to your constituency? Are THEY worth your time? Are you willing to do the work necessary to get the job done? Appearing at the Farm Fair was not just about politicking as many would say but also about demonstrating your commitment to the people we want to serve.
Also in attendance was Jerome Foster, who is a candidate for the Board of Education’s District A seat. Sorry I left you out, Jerome.
I know these elections are non-partisan, but is there a way to find out what party the candidates belong to. A website maybe?
I call them and ask them and it’ll tell you on the ballot.. Vote with caution..I also call and ask them questions on many issues then make my decision
Bob, Rick Grambo oh his website promotes the idea of using public funds to send students to private schools and to fund home-school initiatives. Do you support such things? Mr. Grambo clearly is not a proponent of public education; I hope that you, teachers in our county, and the citizens of Harford County send a very clear message that this type of mentality does not belong on a board that is meant to best equip Harford County PUBLIC Schools to educate students, NOT equip the county with means to use taxpayer dollars to send kids to private schools or be home schooled.
I met Rick for the first time at the Farm Fair and we had a lengthy conversation about our respective views about the Board and the school system in general. I have had similar conversations with school board candidates Tom Myers, Lorrie Warfield, and Greg Seltzer. Each have our own perspectives in part due to our varied backgrounds, which I think is a good thing. We must be wary of a group think mentality on the Board, but at the same time be able to work together for the common goal of improving the quality of Harford County schools. From what I have heard so far I believe their primary motivation to run for the Board to be of genuine concern for the children attending our schools. How to accomplish that goal does present a difference of opinion.
I am not in favor of using public school funds to promote private school attendance. If our elected legislators in Annapolis were to approve such laws that would be beyond school board control. That said I believe such legislation should not diminish public school funding to accomplish that end but be funded through sources. Parents make choices they feel are in the best interest of the children which I respect and support, but that decision should not be at the expense of those attending public schools.
The same would apply to home school initiatives. The public schools are there for everyone and if parents choose not to utilize them that is their right. I would offer this caveat, which I have stated in a prior post in a different Daggar article, on a limited basis home school students should be able to attend certain classes that parents are not able to provide in their home school environment or obtain through other resources. I know that Harford Community College offers many courses designed for the home school community. Again, I say on a limited basis. Home school parents are taxpayers also and as such deserve an opportunity to reap benefits of a system they help to support. And if their limited use of school facilities advances the education of a child I will support it, because an educated child ultimately benefits us all.
Much in these questions and arguments revolve about school funding and other issues surrounding the separation of church and state, etc. Do I believe that there is waste in the school budget? Yes. Can the school system be more efficient in how it spends tax payer money? Yes. Can we get a better return on our investment in the form of a better education for our children, produce higher wage earners, make Harford County a more attractive place to live, etc.? Absolutely yes.
My apologies to Mr. Foster (also a candidate in District A) as missed seeing him on the three days and many long hours I spent at the fair.
It was a pleasure to meet you. Mr. Ron Eaton stopped by my booth and we had a brief conversation also. I am sorry I missed the others. Oh and I spoke to Tom Myers as well. Interesting young man to say the least!
Rick G
Rick, Nice to meet you as well. Hope my comments about the challenges increased your energy to make a successful run. Would very much enjoy working with you.
Just a brief not about all the politicians at the Fair. A “gathering” to say the least! The good people of Harford County come to the Fair for varied reasons. I suspect “meeting and greeting” politicians is not top on the list. Unfortunately, it has become a necessary evil in nearly every parade and public gathering place across this great land. Harford is no exception. I was pleased to talk with most of them, more about their issues with the school system, not about re-election.
Where do “Public funds” come from? I’ll answer it for you. We The People…..It is our money.
I am a proponent of education, whether it is public or private. Parents deserve choice. I choose to send my son to North Harford Elementary.
I welcome all who are interested to visit me at the Barbecue Bash in Belair. Most will find my message Uniquely American
Thank you,
Rick G
Yes but as a taxpayer and part of we the people I am paying for schools if everyone homeschooled it would cost more. I am also not paying for the redundancy of schools that don’t have to comply with local and state accountability standards. If the kids needs can be met at the public school that is where they go. If you chose to remove your child from the public schools that is your choice but don’t ask for your tax money back. The only private schools we the people should pay for are services for kids who have needs that we can not meet in the school setting we provide and would cost more then it is worth providing. For example Blind students have needs and we can not always meet those needs but if we place them in a school for blind students and it specializes in meeting those needs that is fine but not because someone simply does not like public schools.
If everyone decides to home school their children we have a major problem with the public schools!
Federal mandates, such as No Child Left Behind, hamper a teachers ability to educate the children. Why do you want a bureaucrat in Washington developing standards and programs for a child in North Harford?
I am not advocating extreme positions. I do support a parents right to home school or send their child to a private school. I also advocate LOCAL control of the public schools. The parents and teachers of a given community can do a better job setting up curriculum than a person at the federal level. Competition works.
If you read the Federalist Papers you will see that the Founding Fathers were very worried that the Federal Government would seize too much control over our lives.
Keep it local and allow parents to choose.
Rick G
I don’t want a Washington Buereucrat developing standards. I want local and state educators doing that colaboratively. NCLB sets no curriculum standards but rather insists that you have them and assess them and make progress towards meetting them.
That said Rick NCLB is only a unfunded mandate. The federal govt. holds your FARMS money over your head. the local BOE will be able to do nothing about this issue rather our state BOE. They could do like Utah and say we will save money on extra tests not give them and fund FARMS with some of the saved money.
My kids are in private school because that’s where they can get a solid education and love of God and country in a nurturing environment. If I had decided my son should wear his pants around his knees or my daughter should aspire to dress like a prostitot I’d have opted for the out of control public school system. I routinely meet parents that have moved to the private school setting to get their kids out of the public school environment. Both my kids have had classmates that were offspring of public school teachers and I believe that says something. I’d love to get back the taxes I pay for a service I don’t receive (even though some feel I’m not entitled), but I certainly don’t expect anything – particularly from liberal Maryland.. Regardless, I’ll continue to sacrifice do the right thing for my kids.
If you don’t like No Child Left Behind wait until your Governor secures the Race to The Top Money. The Federal Government will be creating test standards for the states before you know what hit you.
Rick G
OK fedup that is your choice. Funding religious education is not the perview of tax money. What if it was someone else and a religion you disagreed with? Would you feel the same? There are monies for private schools from the state and federal govt. (the same tax money), the catch is that they have to meet some standards and follow some rules. The same rules public schools live by. If the school you chose does not waant to take advantage of that…
You do not get to selectively pay taxes for the services you use and do not use. I suspect you know that. I will likely never get a social security check but I still must support it.
Rick, it is our governor not just mine. I am not a fan of race to the top. It forces public school systems to spend money on initiatives and collecting data for those initiatives that will not improve classroom instruction.
I agree it is our government. Poor choice of words on my part.
Rick G
Cdev, I understand it’s my choice. I made it. Obviously, “Funding religious education is not the purview of tax money.” I never suggested it was. You ask how I’d feel if it were someone else or religion… why should I care? I’m no bigot. I understand I can’t cherry pick which taxes to pay so I pay to fund public schools just like the folks who have no kids at all. There’s nothing wrong with wishing things were fair is there? At least not until liberals have figured out how to tax wishing.
I’m sure the school receives any money it can beg from the state and I know they meet all guidelines.
Not being a smart alec. Just to clarify. Don’t specificlly know which school nor do I care to know. There are some school that chose not to get that state assistance because they don’t want to be confined by those regulations. I do not think you are a bigot.
The home schooled kids consistently test well above those educated in public schools. Its a documented fact. You are uninformed when you state the home schoolers do not have to meet state accountablilty standards. They do. In fact, the state has them under a microscope as they do not like the home school effort & would love to kill it if they could. Public schools need to step up the standards yet the kids turn out dumber every year. They teach to a test & when the scores are low, the test gets easier. Viola, give us a raise. Test scores improved 20% over last year! Success!!
The fact that the board of education consumes over 50% of the county budget with no accountability is a farce. How can the county possible get its arms around its budget when such a large chunk of it is off limits. This has to change.
The kids who are truly educated too. There are also alot of “home schooled” kids whose parent believe homeschooling is easy take their kids out for two years and when the acountability test comes and they know the kid has done nothing for 2 years they toss them back in the school system and they are worse then when they pull them out.
If by uniquely American you mean supporting vouchers and using tax dollars to fund private, religious, and/or home schooling; then I find your view decidedly un-American, and in fact unconstitutional.
That’s right… people who have their kids in private school (those bastards) and people who are sterile and the spinster down the street who never had a kid should all pay taxes to support the public school system. While we’re at it we should tax everyone to build special pet projects in ranking Congress members’ home districts… no wait we do that already. Who cares if it’s not fair: That’s the American way! …
So fedup by that logic I should not pay social security taxes and I should get money back for the services I do not use?
Well, Cdev it appears the Amish don’t pay Social Security taxes since they saw it as insurance… (which of course it is) and they object to it on religious grounds. So since they won’t receive, they don’t pay in… you and I won’t receive but we still have to pay in so Congress can raid it and use it somewhere else. We could always join up. They also seem to have been written out of Obamacare (along with the architects of that disaster) which I’m hoping will end up a legal snag for the program… Sadly they must pay property, income, and sales tax. It is unfortunate that so much of the tax money stolen from me is wasted because the people doing the spending are incompetent, corrupt or both.
What is your basis for that comment? What proof or statistics can you cite to support your flippant assertion? The folks I’ve met that home school thier kids are quite dedicated & determined that thier kids are not subjected to the culture & indoctination of the public school system. They don’t home school the kids on a lark & them toss them back like an undersized fish. Please provide some support for your points going forward.
A school voucher system is just returning to the taxpayers the money that they pay in taxes that e county doesn’t need to spend since they are putting eir kids in private school. That is not taxpayer funds.
Trenchtown Rocker,
Excellent post! Vouchers come with strings attached and do little to promote citizen’s choice. I do not support vouchers; I am a fan of Tax credit programs. Thanks for pointing out the difference.
Rick G
Vouchers are a trojan horse. Once the school accepts the Fed funds on the vouchers the Feds can start dictating to the school. Don’t fall for it.
I guess I’m not surprised that most folks don’t know about the School Board election. Many people I’ve talked to thought we already had an elected school board. People who don’t have children in public schools don’t take this very seriously either. Many don’t realize that the quality of our public schools effects everyone. Public schools drive our taxes and our property values.
In my conversations with people I have frequently heard, “But I don’t have kids in the school system.” When I explain how much of the tax budget goes to fund our school system they suddenly take notice.
As to your redress of our platform and our name; the Conservative Leadership Team name was arrived at independently. I consider the “true conservatives” you reference friends, and have no need to “heavily borrow” from their campaigning.
The RCC can in fact help to repeal the 20% sales tax hike. By purchasing ads and billboards, the committee can remind the public of the fallacies of the O’Malley administration and encourage public opinion toward activism and generate pressure on Annapolis liberals to reform our government.
Our slate consists of young, conservative Republicans who believe in working for what we believe in. Because of this, we have volunteered our time in Republican politics in Harford County for many years. That we staff current elected officials campaigns is because we care about the issues. If you and I have a different stance on the issues, I believe that to be an American right– but don’t pretend I have no opinion because I spend my time working for something you choose not to agree with.
David Craig is running for a second term, and is limited by term limits. That seems to me to be a point of the system working, not a detraction as you insinuate.
Our hand bill was at the Wayne Norman booth, the RCC booth (because we staffed it), the Ehrlich booth, and the booths of about half of the other Republican candidates there as I am proud to say we have most of their support. This item was originally “Hold democrats accountable,” but was expanded as all politicians must be in touch with the voters. Especially while our delegates are in Annapolis, the RCC should convey the opinion of Harford Republicans to our legislators.
The county bond rating was improved to “AAA,” the highest available. If the Craig administration were expanding outside of its means, this would not occur. Our slate supports a much more limited government, and will work to decrease the liberal social programs being established in Annapolis, and any that may arise in Harford.
No apologists here; we’ve been working for good candidates and important issues for years, and will continue to do so. We are leaders of active republican clubs in Harford County. No one can be everywhere, and I’m proud of our team and the work each of us has done in Harford politics in the last decade. We will continue to work for conservative principles over the next 4 years.
The recently passed Financial Reform Bill has a provision that the bond rating agencies will be held liable for their ratings. For that reason they did not allow their rating to be used for a recently proposed Ford Motor Credit debt issue. Ford had to cancel the offering. The rating for Harford County was before the Financial Reform Bill and was primarly based on the ability of Harford County to increase taxes. Because of the hundreds of million in new debt Harford County will have to pay millions in new debt service which could result in substantial property taxes increases unless spending can be cut. This was a matter that David Craig and the Harford County Council have not properly addressed for the years Craig has been County Executive. Looking ahead Harford County must reduce spending substanially.
I encourage everyone to review their FY 10-11 Real Estate Tax Bills. The State of Maryland requires disclosure of certain information about the constant yield calculation. David Craig did not provide that information and the constant yield on the tax bills is incorrect. Also in the letter signed by David Craig on June 1, 2010 he says the county property tax rate was reduced by 2.2 cents reducing it to the constant yield. That is not correct as it was reduced by 1.2 cents with the remaining 1 cents in the highways fund. Taxpayers who live in the Towns including Bel Air, Aberdeen and Havre de Grace received his letter but they did not receive the 2.2 cent county tax reduction. The town taxpayers received only the 1.2 cent property tax reduction because they do not incur the highway fund tax. Please contact your Harford County Council or local government official regarding this. David Craig made a deliberate change in how the constant yield is calculated that does not at all report what it is supposed to report. It is such a departure from the calculation used in all prior years that it cannot be used in the future because of such a distortion to the correct county and highways true constant yield.
Tritt is a real loser, running for sheriff with no law enforcement experience and pretending he has the intelligence to work in the General Assembly. Jason Gallion is going nowhere fast. He lost two city council races and now wants to be delegate. Is this the best we can do?
Wow, everyone seems to be bashing Tritt. Unfortunately, I don’t live in his District so I cannot vote for him. I find him to be candid, refreshing and most of all, he is not in anyone’s back pocket! For that reason alone, I would vote for him, but I also happen to thing that his stance on issues is just what Harford County needs. Too bad he didn’t win the Republican nomination when he ran for Sheriff in 2006. Things might be totally different there now.
“Tritt is a real loser…” What was that about not posting personal attacks again? Have you actually MET Tritt?
What is your support for your statement other than your obvious personal animus toward Mr. Tritt? I’ve met the man & find him knowledgable. Can you tell us how he would be worse than the current crew from 35A? What have they done lately??
Tritt does not have a grasp of the job for which is running. Just like in 2006 when he ran for sheriff, He has bit off more than he can chew. How can you run for sheriff with no experience? Did I mention that he supported Bane both with his time and money after losing the primary? Does that sound like the kind of conservative candidate you are looking for?
Tritt becomes nervous and flustered when you challenge a position or inquire about his intentions in Annapolis. I am very weary about a man who filed for office at the urging of Rick Impallaria.
We need pragmatic conservatives in Annapolis. One who understand that they are in a super minority and have to be extremely crafty and have issues prioritized. Tritt runs to the right on every issues. In an ideal world this would be great but in Annapolis, which is far from an ideal work, you have to be practical not idealist. With his current attitude, he will get nothing done.
Tritt does not have any children in the public school system in Harford county.
Again, personal animus. Chad/Aaron/Bill (one person; two tops)–whoever you are–you are so ignorant of the facts it’s laughable. I I asked Tritt about this at the fair. He explained that he helped Bane because AT THE TIME, Bane was the best man for the job. The Sheriff neither supports nor signs legislation; he does not set political policy. He administers the agency–that’s IT. And in my opinion, the alternative in 2006 was a joke.
A “pragmatic conservative?” These terms are mutually exclusive. That you have caved to the idea that conservatives will always be in a super minority illustrates that you have no desire to change that. This is exactly the problem–at a time when we have a brilliant opportunity to shift the tide in this state, people like you just shrink back in despair, allowing the Left to win. There’s no fire in the belly, no principled stances on anything except continuing the status quo.
The drumbeat about Rick Impallaria being the puppet master belies the fact that Tritt and Gallion decided to run ON THEIR OWN. Impallaria likes Tritt and Gallion, yes, and it is no surprise given the shaky working relationship between the members of the current delegation. But really, before you go talking out your rear about speculations of Impallaria controlling people, get your facts straight. These boys aren’t the type to be shills.
You point is well presented. The Republican establishment in MD is content to be the happy losers. And why not? They have folks who will flak for them & bemoan the fact they “are a small minority so gosh what can we do?” They are happy to be losers & in the minority because they get their Delegate or Senator salary for 4 months work, their state license plate w/ preferred parking & all the other perks. And for all this they are required to produce ZIP! It’s a pretty sweet deal if you can get it.
The alternative requires hard work, taking advantage of a rising tide for conservative ideas when the Statist Dems are physically & morally bankrupt, working with other groups to advance the cause of lower taxes, less regulation, a more business friendly environment with more jobs & more freedom so we can chnage the direction of the state. For establishment RINO’s its all about them.
I would like to state that anyone on here bashing Tritt needs to sit back and think about what this man is doing. Instead of choosing to post anonymously on The Dagger and complain about local politics, he has actually stepped up to the plate and decided to stop bitching and start doing. He is doing so with no big name developers or deep-pocketed interest groups supporting him in the election. No matter if you are a supporter or a detractor, you have to give the guy kudos for doing what none of us have the gumption to do and that is to put your money where your mouth is. Good luck to Mr Tritt and to anyone else who decides to tackle this challenge to better the lives of the citizens of Harford County.
By pragmatic conservative you seem to mean conservatives that will sell out to get a few scraps from the table of the Leprechaun & his minions Bush & Miller. In essence they agree to vote for lavish spending increases as long as a couple of thier pet projects are funded. Wow! That’s the leadership we need. We need delegates that will stand up for Harford & call the establishment to account & go for the steak not the gristle tossed to us by them.
And by the way, I did not know it was a requirement to have your kids in public school to be qualified to run for political office. If that were the case half the politicos would be DQ’d. I don’t understand this slavish devotion to the public school system in the posts on the forum.
Wow, Level Village has a City Council now? Or did you mean to say County Council elections?
Here’s a practical Tea Party type strategy to create a “Citizen Congress”
A Congress of career politicians will never represent “We the People”, because their highest priority is getting reelected with the help of Big Money.
But “We the People” have more votes than “Big Money” has, and thus can end Congress as a career for professional politicians by never reelecting incumbents.
We can impose single terms every two years, by never reelecting Congress.
Always vote, but only for challengers. Never reelect incumbents.
Keep this up until Congress is mostly “one-termers”, a citizen Congress.
Then keep it up every election, to make a citizen Congress a permanent reality.
Every American’s only intelligent choice is to never reelect anyone in Congress!
The only infallible, unstoppable, guaranteed way to get a truly new Congress,
and a cleaned up new politics is
Nelson Lee Walker of
Thank goodness we have fresh, principled, honest people running for Republican Central Committee like TREVOR LEACH to keep the party and RINO’s in check!
I have met Dave Tritt on several ocassion and have the oppurtunity to hear address a crowd and to speak with one on one. He has no concept of the job of a delegate and has no real plans on posistion. He only has talking points thhat can be found on conservative candidate’s plam card. I would not vote for Tritt in a million year and would urge other to investigate this candidate and all others for which they have the option of voting. Tritt is not a serious candidate and anyone who says otherwise is blind to the issues at hand e.g. Jobs, taxes, and government spending. How can you vote for a man who an for sheriff with no experience and then runs for delegate. Is he just throwing darts in hopes of a hitting the target or does he just want to draw a government check? Show me some real leadership! I am totally disappointed in the “North Harford Leadership Team”. I’m voting Siffler/Norman.
This is the nasty side of politics that nobody likes, but if you want to vote for a buddy of Martin O’Malley then go for it. See, that is a fact. They are hard to dispute. But when you say Dave Tritt has no concept of the position, that is an opinion. They shouldn’t really sway people because it is just one person’s word. Please let us know which of Dave Tritt’s ideas you disagree with. You can make the lack of experience argument, but in a Republican Primary this year, that probably won’t be a bad thing.
I want to see proof that Wayne Norman is friends with O’Malley. One picture from an event that could be any event which the legislators were in attendance is libelous and irresponsible. Dave Tritt has no ideas. His website offers vague generalizations from which we as voters can derive one single plan. He would not know how to accomplish these noble bullet points and does not have the tact, intelligence or social savy to accomplish anything that is the shark pit that is Annapolis. I can see you are a close friend of Tritt’s and I’m sure he’s a nice guy to grab a beer with but not to vote for.
So your opinion is that we need someone who can get along with the sharks in Annapolis… Hmmm, I don’t think I want to vote for somebody like that. I want someone with principles. Inviting Martin O’Malley to your BBQ every year, helping gym connect with voters as a thank you for appointing Wayne Norman Delegate isn’t what I call principles. I call that someone who likes the Annapolis lifestyle and wants to get along with the overwhelming Democratic majorities in Annapolis. What is going to happen when they need Wayne Norman’s vote on something? Will he cave to his friends so that he can get along with the sharks?
Chad you certainly spell a lot wrong and have an unreasonably high amount of grammatical errors. It almost makes me think you are doing it intentionally to throw us off the trail of who you really are…
If your issues are jobs & spending then Norman & Stifler shoudl not get your vote. They vote for OweMalley’s budget. I can only assume you support them as you are a good party guy.
That’s a shame that you will be voting for Stiffler and Norman. We have a chance to get two REALLY Conservative delegates. They are supported by Harris, Jacobs and Ms. Hooper, former Senator Bob Hoopers’ wife. I am not sure what you mean by “no concept of the job”. Donna Stifler was a teacher and a mom. Norman is a lawyer. Neither of them had ever legislated before. Kind of a weak argument to try to convince people to not vote for someone. Being from North Harford I would love to have a farmer and a man of Dave’s character in Annapolis. I have their sign in my yard and I have told my whole family to vote for them, and I have a big family.
Harris does not support them. I will be voting for Norman. I will not be voting for Stiffler. Tritt and Gallion will not accomplish a damn thing in Annapolis. They will be two more of Rick’s minions, who will vote no and have no concept of how to champion the required legislation to restore Jobs. I am sorry that you can not see the character flaws in your buddy Tritt. North Harford needs better than Tritt/Gallion.
Of course Andy can’t come out and endorse them but behind the scenes he supports Tritt. I am not sure about Gallion but I think he is behind him too.
“Tritt and Gallion will not accomplish a damn thing in Annapolis… Rick’s minions…” – You are really upset by this campaign. Good luck to your team.
I just would like to know why you are so dedicated to Tritt and Gallion. Are you related to them? If thats the case, I understand. What do they say or plan to do that has you in their corner?
Great question Aaron and almost no crazy rants. You couldn’t help yourself with the related thing but anyways…
I support Tritt and Gallion because I think they will be and are stronger conservatives. I don’t really want them to go to Annapolis to “do” anything. I want them to stand up for real conservatives on every issue (especially the budget). If they don’t pass one piece of legislation that’s fine with me.
They call Ron Paul “Dr. No”. He votes no on everything and I think that take guts. I want legislators that stand for something bigger than themselves. I don’t think Stifler or Norman have that in them.
Stifler and Norman are qualified; I’m not going to play that game, I just want more Conservative representation.
Again, good luck to your team.
You are the first person to give me a solid answer. I agree with 85% of your argument. I too believe in “no” on most legislation, however, we need to do more than say no to new infringements on our liberty and wallets. We need legislators who will work to lower taxes and repeal regulation that kills business. We need to repeal old infringements. I do not see Tritt/Gallion being able to accomplish this. Neither have the vision or political savvy to work in the current minority or bring about a shift in the one party system in the state. I do admire your conviction ad active participation in the process.
I agree that they should plan on fighting Maryland’s anti-business climate. Most of the good jobs in this state are in the government or with government contractors. We need more than that.
I think the big question is have Donna and Wayne “work[ed] to lower taxes and repeal regulation that kills business … repeal old infringements” as you mentioned.
I might have missed a bill here and there but it appears that they have not established themselves as champions of these conservative causes.
I think four years is long enough if you are not going to stand up for us.
Thanks for the conversation. I want to model civility in these chats so that others might follow. I really dislike the campaign hacks that just spout off nonsense. Thanks again.
Might I suggest everyone take a look at Dave Seman for Delegate in 35A. Dave Seman is a small business owner with a plan to save small businesses and bring jobs back to Maryland. He is a solid conservative who will protect liberty by fighting the overreach of our State Gov’t.
I also want to add that personal attacks on any candidate are unacceptable considering the sacrifice these men and women are making for the community. I applaud anyone who choses to run.
Disclosure: I work for Dave Seman’s Campaign. I will be happy to answer any question or pass on concerns to Dave.
Might I suggest considering John Jones for delegate in 35a, somebody that has experience and considerable success working diverse legislative groups that is not being ‘controlled’ by anyone and that is open, approachable, non-combative, and well versed in the workings of functional government.
Just what we need… a Democrat. Jones is not an option, unless you want higher taxes.
Do you ever read what you right? Your flippant trashing of Mr. Tritt’s character shows you to not only a person who does not even know the man personally, also a person of low character out to personally trash a man just becuase he happens to disagree with you or your your preferred candidate. If you knew him personally you could not sya what you did. You can maintain that Mr. Tritt is not ready for the job & that’s your right to do so. However, Mr. Tritt is a person of fine character with a fine family & a good heart. That heart & character is reflected in his children who are the most polite & well behaved kids I’ve met in public. They illustrate the maxim of “by their fruit you will know them.” Mr. Tritt is a winner at life regardless of what happens in politics.
Would Mary Ann Lisanti had resigned from her job if ahe ran for Delegate since it is funded with State Taxpayer Dollars?
Why bother asking, she is not running for Delegate.
I have seen the pictue and it proves nothing. I need proof of the context of the picture and still I have friends who are Democrats. That doesnt mean I voted for Obama. I voted for McCain.
It was at Wayne Norman’s 4th of July BBQ. I think at Wayne’s house.
The picture is from Norman’s party that he has every Fourth of July. I’m fairly certain everyone in Harford County knows about it… it’s no secret. It’s not “any event which the legislators were in attendance.” If you want further proof, go right to the governor’s picture site and check out the date 07/04/2009! Here ya go: Pictures don’t mean that Norman sympathizes with everything O’Malley believes, but they DO show he likes the face time and to yuck it up with anybody to get what he wants out of them. He’s an opportunist to the max, and that’s even worse.
I never said anything about having to be friends with Dems in Annapolis, I was saying that Annapolis is rough and if you don’t have the savvy and intellect to navigate it you will lose sight of what is good. I see nothing wrong with inviting the Governor to a Party that included invitations to most if not all legislators. You are just looking reasons to elect your buddy, Dave Tritt. That must be a difficult task.
I agree, there is nothing wrong with having the Governor at your party, or being photographed with him. I am in several pictures with Governor O’Malley. Do I support him, NO lol. I was at Wayne’s party this year, in which Bob Ehrlich and Mary Kane stopped by. Point being – I just don’t see the big issue with Del. Norman having the Governor to his party. I wish all the candidates the best!
My comment above was not an endorsement of any candidate(s). Just my view on the flyer.
I am more interested in the voting record information contained in the flyer than the pictures.
Are there points in dispute?
Rick G
Yes, these points are disputed. The Characterization of these bills are not entirely accurate and the information is not presented in context. Wayne Norman may have voted “Yea” in Committee for speed cameras for any number of reasons including using it as leverage to pass or defeat other legislature. He then voted against this Bill in the house. This flier is nothing but tricks and dirty politics which of course is to be expected from someone working with Rick Impallaria. This should be alarming you all. Tritt and Gallion work with Rick Impallaria. What does that tell you about those two?
Your point is that sometimes the people we choose to represent us vote for bad things for good reasons?
How do you suggest we research candidates if voting records are off limits?
What criteria should a voter use to determine who gets his support?
Rick G
I was trying to demonstrate how the voting record in this flier is skewed. A committee vote is not the same as a floor vote. You are free to research voting records on your own , but Triit/Gallion/Impallaria are working their own agenda and this flier aims to smear Norman/Stifler. A true examination of Norman’s floor votes will demonstrate his solid conservatism.
Mr. G., please see the voting record:
Please do see the voting record. You will see how biased the Tritt/Gallion/Impallaria flier is.
We agree. The voters should examine the records for themselves. It is my guess that is why the flier contains the information needed to do so.
Can I ask why you continually use negative terms to describe Rick Impalleria.(Why does he matter anyway?) The link you provided shows his voting record identical to Mr. Normans on this particular issue.
It almost sounds like you have an axe to grind with him. Are you part of a campaign?
This whole thread smells pretty fishy to me.
Mr G,
I know you are an avid supporter of Tritt/Gallion. You attended their fundraiser and were seen spending quite a lot of time at the Table at the Farm Fair. Sounds like you have an axe to grind. Your post smell quite fishy.
I do not work for a campaign.
Why someone runs for office is a key issue in the election. Rick Impallaria has orchestrated Tritt/Gallion to run. He is trying to regain the power of the Harford Delegation. If you look as his criminal record you will see that he doesn’t belong making laws. I judge men by the company they keep. Triit/Gallion are involved with Impallaria. How can I support them(lack of vision and experience aside)?
Its nice to be noticed!
I love the picture the Dagger used, because we are all rolling around in the mud now.
You are right..I think there are alot of guys running for office for a job..Gallion,,works at a fruit stand and I don’t think he even owns any property in County, Tritt ran for sheriff,,delivers auto parts,,not sure he even owns property,,,Hopkins running for job..never held a full-time one…and the master Impallaria..out of work..full-time trouble maker…half the central comm candidates are wing nuts also..I see a sad future for GOP in future.
Well said.
Delivers auto parts? You are such a shill for Norman that it is crazy.
Tritt served in the Navy and now runs a small business that deals with office printers in the tri-state area.
Hopkins has been an auctioneer his whole life- which is a real job.
And Gallion has been a farmer his whole life- which is more of a job than most these days.
Why don’t we talk about the real issues here: the votes they will make in Annapolis or the way they will manage a county office.
Are you saying that Gallion and Tritt do not have college degrees, and they are running for an office that makes our laws? If so, I would like to think that we hold politicians to a higher standard than this!
Really? Do you need a college degree to know that spending more money every year is a problem? Do you need a PhD to know that taxes going up will drive families and businesses to Virginia?
Or maybe you do- but a college degree is only what you make of it.
Per their web sites, Gallion earned an Associates degree and Tritt served in the Navy for 8 years.
That’s enough for me.
Let me get this you need to have a degree to run for Office. Our Founding Fathers, wanted a government of the people and that meant, farmers, business men, and labors could and should govern our country. Let’s see Gallion “farmer”, Tritt “business man”, and Hopkins “business owner” I believe that makes them eligible for the job. Let me give you a great leader that was self-educated and put pride in Our Nation, President Andrew Jackson. Oh, Bill there were people out there who foolishly looked down on him and even mud slung at his wife. But history reflects the great accomplishments of a man with life experience, rather than a degree from a college.
Norman has not been elected and Tritt, Gallion, and Seman have a right to challenge him for the office. Let him earn the position by being elected by me and the others in my district. I see people trying to bloody Tritt and Gallion, because they seem to be a strong organization with down home values. Delegate Impallaria may not be your ordinary attorney in Annapolis; he is one of those common men elected to represent the regular Gail and Guy in his district. It is unfortunate that there are snobs that only believe the elite should rule the weak. That was not the design set down by those great men in Philadelphia!!!!
Let me get this you need to have a degree to run for Office. Our Founding Fathers, wanted a government of the people and that meant, farmers, business men, and labors could and should govern our country.
That is so correct. I’ll take a working man with good common sense any day.
This is a truly unfortunate attitude to have. I have worked with non-degree engineers and scientists and many of them I would take over a room full of degree holding “professionals” who will immediately insist on a staff of underlings to get the same job accomplished while they polish a chair in irrelevant meetings. Trust me, an advanced degree does not an intelligent individual make… except in their own mind.
Seems the folks with all the degrees & the alphabet soup after their names keep making all the same mistakes. Then of course we are told that we need to retun them to office so they can fix the mess resulting from decison related to their previous superior political insight, which they got in college of course.
All this talk about a college degree being required to hold office is beneath those that hold themselves to be the smartest guys in the room. Why don’t you & your folks just bring back the poll tax then? We can’t have all those pesky “little people” being involved in decision making don’t you know? Why they’ve not even graduated from HCC, hrumph, hrumph….
Nowhere did I say a person should need a degree to run for office. I would hope however that no candidate gets elected to the House of Delegates in modern times that does not have a degree. And, despite the typical hysteric exaggeration that we have come to expect from conservatives, I said nothing about a PhD or anything of the sort, but I would expect my representatives to have at least a Bachelor’s degree.
BSmeter – what is your reasoning for at least a Bachelor’s degree? The World is full of very succesful individuals who have no degree.
It is fair to say that the majority of professionals in this country have a Bachelor’s degree or above. My point is not to say we should never elect anybody that does not have a degree… rather we are electing a representative to make, modify, and implement our laws, and for that I personally would expect at minimum a professional degree. Again, this is my personal perspective, but I feel I am not speaking from a position of ignorance here; our sheriff for example should have law enforcement experience as surely as our law-makers should have a level of professional or law experience (that is one of many qualifications that I would look for as a voter, sorry if this somehow offends any of you).
Bill Gates & Paul Allen were a college drop outs. Degrees mean little. Most folks do not work in the fields in which they received their degrees. A degree only proves a person is trainable. Stop with the snobbery.
BSmeter: You use an example that someone running for Sheriff should have law enforcement experience. Let me point out that Joe Meadows, arguably the best Sheriff this county has ever had, did not have any law enforcement experience. Conversely, our current Sheriff does have a bachelor’s degree, does have law enforcement experience (all of it from behing a desk), but he lacks sound judgment and common sense. I think experience vs. no experience, degree vs. no degree is not a valid argument. It depends on the person.
I immediately discount any post that refers to “wing nuts”.
Of course by “wing nuts,” we must realize that “Bill” means “those pesky conservative thorns in our side who won’t just succumb to the whims of our hand-picked group of people who care about nothing more than advancing their political careers.” Darn those guys for actually having convictions instead of appointing friends to offices or switching their voter registration when they see the political tide in the county shifting! How dare they!!!
Note the difference between the Tritt-Gallion piece, which dissects the actual voting records of the incumbents, versus the base personal attacks on this blog coming from the other side, absent any substantiation or any coherent attempts at defending the aforementioned votes (i.e.: funding for Casa, increased government land acquisition, and deficit spending). Gallion is puzzlingly being attacked for being a farmer running for office in a heavily-agricultural district (?), and Tritt for being a businessman who has, despite the bumpkin characterization he is receiving from some on this blog, successfully raised a family of eight children. True, neither Tritt nor Gallion could ever aspire to such greatness as becoming a bill collector, but I digress.
This elitist attitude coming from the establishment that a candidate must be degreed is fingernails on a chalkboard to true conservatives when it perennially emanates from the Left. We should be just as sickened when it comes from a bunch who seem to believe the ruling class is crowned eternally and should never receive a challenge in a primary.
Let not your hearts be troubled, friends of the Constitution. The negative commentary on this page does not signal some great Harford County GOP crackup; it is merely the desperate flailing of one or two bloggers using varying pseudonyms and intentionally misspelling words to create the illusion of multiple voices. They are most likely the employees or political sycophants of the establishment, trying to garner the favor of their candidates by (poorly) defending them and therefore justify their jobs.
RINO Hunter – Well said!
Bill – you are a real piece of shit for judging someone because of their occupation.
I just heard the most amazing story. I was told that the Dion Guthrie camp thinks that Art Helton got me to run (and is supporting me financially) for the Board of Education in District A (Edgewood/Joppatowne/Joppa) against Mr.Guthrie’s supposed chosen candidate, Mr. Jansen Robinson. Mr. Guthrie also escorted the first BOE candidate to file in the district, Tony McDonald, to the Board of Elections office to fill out the paperwork.
How these things get started I do not know. First, I do not know Mr. Helton – I have never spoken to him. Second, I filed after Mr. McDonald but before Mr. Robinson and I had no idea he was going to run. Third, I have had no official contact from the Helton campaign regarding my race or any other. However, I did have the pleasure of speaking with Mrs. Helton last evening, at a candidate meet and greet in Bel Air, when she approached me to ask questions about why I was running and my positions on various education related issues. She then very graciously gave me some advice about running a campaign. I found her to be a very warm and charming person. Even though Mr. Helton was at the same function I never spoke with him. Lastly, I have not received any financial assistance or offer from the Helton campaign. At the same gathering I also had occasion to speak with Mr. John Henkel, who is running against Mr. Guthrie in the Democratic Primary, regarding our respective campaigns.
I want to dispel any false rumors that may be circulating. Especially in light of the fact that Mr. Helton is running against Mr. Rovall Washington, who is openly and actively being supported by Mr. Guthrie.
Since this is a non-partisan position I have actively engaged citizens, elected officials, and candidates from both sides of the political aisle. I believe that when it comes to the education of our children politics should take a back seat.
The decision to run for the school board was entirely my own. I think I have the skills, experience, commitment, and integrity to be an effective school board member. My interest in the position is based on my desire to help make Harford County Public Schools one of the outstanding school systems in Maryland, ranking with the likes of Montgomery and Howard Counties. To do so the Board must always put “kids first” when making policy and budgetary decisions. If we do that the rest will fall into place.
Dion just figures that if you didn’t come to see him first and kneel down to kiss his ring, then you must be in cahoots with Helton.
Megalomaniacs can be like that.
What did you think of the Henkel guy? I wanted to come to the event last night, but work got in the way.
We didn’t really have an opportunity to talk to John that much. Mostly about why we decided to run in our respective races, family, his involvement in the Joppatowne parks and rec program, etc. My impression was that John is a very down to earth guy, not pretentious at all. He did invite me to put a sign in his yard, which I graciously accepted.
You missed a excellent opportunity to meet as many as 25+ different candidates running for state and local offices, a great turnout for the locals to meet us want-to-bees. Maybe next time. Kudos to Russ Kovach for setting the whole thing up.
Thanks for the kind words, Bob. You made a good impression on everyone I spoke with last night. I’m happy to support you in whatever way I can.
@DaggerDan – I’m happy to swing by your house and meet you in person to discuss District A. Drop me a line.
I had the occasion to attend at meeting to the New Harford County Democratic Club last evening in Aberdeen. I was treated very warmly by everyone present and I did have the opportunity to finally meet and speak with Mr. Art Helton and renew my acquaintance with his lovely wife Ann. I enjoyed every minute.
When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
I’m just sayin’…
Bob, Bob, Bob, if you ONLY knew.
“Father forgive him, for he know not what he do”
Phil Dirt and Startin’ Something,
My second response was meant to be a bit tongue-in-cheek because of my supposed involvement with Mr. Helton, which I explained was ludicrous.
As a candidate I will speak with anyone and everyone because in the end I believe that publicly elected officials represent everyone and each should at least be heard. I have and will continue to attend all manner of political gatherings because school board members represent all citizens.
Not to worry. I remain unaligned/affiliated with any group or individual. That said, I will be happy to accept endorsements from groups and individuals if they truly believe that I am the best candidate for the position.
When it comes down to it I do not believe parents care about the political persuasions of their childrens’ teachers (as long as teachers remain apolitical in the classroom) so long as they are qualified and competent.
This is in keeping with my views about those serving on the school board. Raw politics should take a back seat when it comes to educating our children. Board members should be elected based on their qualifications, commitment, and character. Not their political connections.
Thank you Bob. I do feel a bit relieved about your intentions and candidacy.
Startin’ Something –
Great! Now take a serious look at the school board candidates in every district. This position is too important to leave to people who are not qualified, are looking to use the school board as a stepping stone to other political office (notice I did not say higher office), or those wishing to use the board as a platform to push outside agendas. You can easily find them in each school board district race. We and our children cannot afford to have these individuals elected to the school board.
In my own race (District A) I believe you would find that I am the best candidate for the position. Look me over, I am not hard to find. And as I do not know if you can vote for me you probably know someone who can. If so, please pass the word. Thanks.
Bob, thanks again. Your words are sensible and very considerate (my humble opinion). Unfortunately, I cannot vote for you, but I am very willing to promote your candidacy on the occasions that are appropriate.
Best of luck, we need more candidates like you!
Startin’ Something,
Thank you for the kind words and your support would be much appreciated.
I take the school board position very seriously and intend to dedicate myself to use all the skills I possess to see that HCPS take our place among the premier schools systems in Maryland.
“Bill” and “BSphincter”-
Obviously you have not done even the most basic homework on these candidates. All I did was look here:
and here:
It’s scary that people like you and Chad/ Aaron (the same guy) might even have the power to cancel out my vote.
A degree is not required nor merits someone’s election. I do not know much about Dave Tritt. I have only met him once and seems like an average conservative. Jason Gallion is another hardworking candidate. I tend to judge candidates on their plans and grasp of the position and issues. It seems to me that while these two are well intentioned, none of their literature, websites, or stump speeches contain any solid plans or grasp of the situation they are getting themselves in. I could be WRONG and will continue to follow their campaign. Correct me if my impression is incorrect.
I own a shop in Jarrettsville and need a candidate who can be business friendly. I have seen some of Dave Seman’s campaign info and am curious of his plans and would like to learn more. I have not talked to him. I have only heard second hand about him. I would love to hear what the political wignuts and solid conservatives have to say on this thread about this candidate. Is he worth my vote?
Stiffler and Norman should be judged on their records. I’m not happy at all. See for yourself.
Can we please try to be civil on this thread? We all care about our communities. We need to take a deep breath and realize we want the same thing.
The New Harford County Democratic Club had their candidate forum and vote on endorsements last night. No real surprises but one message was sent loud and clear – Dion Guthrie was given the back-of-the-hand by the membership. His personally chosen candidate for State Senate, Rovall Washington, was crushed by Art Helton in a very lopsided vote. Mr. Washing did not even appear at the meeting to make his own case.
In addition, Dion (a two time County Council incumbent) could not even earn the club’s endorsement. He tied with his primary opponent, John Henkel (a relatively unknown with no political experience or bankroll) 27 to 27 votes. This led the club to make no endorsement for the District A race. While not a win for Mr. Henkel this is surely a defeat for Mr. Guthrie. It would appear that Dion’s attempts at empire building have backfired and he has become a very vulnerable candidate despite his healthy campaign war chest, filled mostly by interests outside Harford County. The final straw appears to have been Dion’s recruiting of Rev. Tony McDonald (a Republican) to run for the Board of Education seat in Dion’s council district.
If Dion wants to be returned to the council he may have to decide to concentrate on his own race and stop worrying about Rovall Washington. All of this will not be lost on Democratic voters or those Republicans running for Dion’s seat. I am sure they can already smell the blood in the water.
Are you kidding us or simply that unaware of the reality? The New Harford Democratic Club is a puppet organization with Helton firmly pulling the strings (he is a board member and his wife is the Vice President).
Having this club endorse Helton is like having the Vatican come out in support of the Pope.
You know, I keep hearing this, and in my 6 or so years of attending club meetings I have not once felt any pressure to support a Helton over anybody else. He does not control the club, nor is it a puppet for him. What is fair to say is that those of us who are active with the club have certainly come to know Art and Ann Helton, and in that sense they both have a clear advantage when it comes to endorsement over a newcomer. On multiple votes this week the club did not endorse the asterisked ‘board recommended’ candidates, and in the case of Rovall Washington vs. Art Helton it did not at all help Mr. Washington that he did not show up to discuss his candidacy and campaign.
Phil Dirt, you are absolutely, positively, and without a doubt CORRECT!
Absolutism is the first block on the road to ignorance. Are you a member of the club? Are you an executive in the club? How do you know these things? What qualifications give you the right to make such conclusions?
Proud, just curious – who founded the club?
Sounds like a pretty small club…
Who cares? As it exists now, the (several hundreds) of members are not under some sort of ‘mind control’ to vote in any particular way. There is no question that those who are active in the club know certain people better than others. There is no question that the Heltons are active with the club. So what? If you are a Democrat that is concerned with what so many people are suggesting, I would recommend joining to club and seeing how it runs. Otherwise we are simply discussing outside perspectives, and as we both know outside perspectives almost always lack accuracy.
Progressivism is the road to ruin and totalitarianism.
The obvious answer is “I care” since I asked the question. You know the answer, and your non-answer answered my question completely. Thanks!
P.D. Simple explanation that even YOU may understand (but probably still won’t admit): INFORMATION!
I am aware and therefore not surprised by the Helton/Washington vote, but the Henkel/Guthrie vote does stand out. Art does not control everyone in the group.
That’s probably true; most men can’t control their wives.
Therefore, U = (M – 1)
U = [Under Art’s control] and M = [Membership of NHDC]
I was handed a Dion campaign piece yesterday. There is a photo of him driving Cal Ripken at Cal’s last game as an active player. First, the caption has Ripken spelled as “Ripkin.” Geez. As the legend goes, Dion had Cal sign a baseball for him, which he immediately turned around the next day to put on eBay as the last baseball signed by Cal Ripken as a player. Anyone with first hand knowledge to confirm this, jump in now.
Pretty much sums him up. That might be why he got such a rude awakening at that Dem meeting this week. It is time for him to go. Vote Henkel.
Did you see the latest Dion political advertisement on this site? Dion espouses to represent the “Joppatown” community. You would think he would spell it correctly – Joppatowne.
The Route 40 Club is Rick Impallaria’s weapon of mass destruction. He uses it to carry out his twisted agenda. Impallaria, whose record is longer than our state budget, is working to control elections. He threatens all who challenge his mighty wisdom. He has propped up Tritt/Gallion in efforts to restore himself to the throne of the Harford Delegation. When some would not subjugate to the King, he endorsed himself and his candidates through the RT. 40 Club. These endorsements violate the bylaws of the club and are defintely unethical. When will Harford County wise up ? When will they kick the wife beater out of office? When will they protect themselves from a tyrannical ruler? When will they champion Liberty?
Well said Hunter Hunter
I’d love to see Impy offer a bill requiring random drug and alcohol testing for State Delegates and State Senators twice while in session and twice during the rest of the year.
This would also be good for Norman, since every time I see him he is drinking.
Thanks Harco Teacher. I will take a second look at Tritt/Gallion and see if I misjudged them.
No problem Aaron. I can’t guarantee anything with Tritt or Gallion, but I am willing to give them a try. If they too fail to represent Conservatives, I will vote against them in four years as well.
just sayin’….the photograph that heads up this article is terrific…well done…excellent image, considering most of the comments herein contained…
keep up the good work Dagger…