From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
At approximately 8:30pm Monday, Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a 911 call regarding a shooting that had occurred in the 500 block of Meadowood Drive in Edgewood, MD.
The victim, a 28-year-old male, John William Harris IV, last known address Washington Street in Hagerstown MD, was shot in the torso region of his body, multiple times on Monday evening, July 26, 2010. He was transported in critical condition by ambulance to University of Maryland Shock Trauma for surgery, where at last report he was listed in critical but stable condition.
The shooting is currently under investigation and there are several theories being developed at this time. It has been determined that this was not a random act of violence and was not domestic related in nature
Anyone with information regarding this crime is encouraged to contact the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division – Detective Nick Petrozzino at 410-836-5014 or Detective Tom Walsh at 410-836-5408.
Anyone with information regarding this crime who wishes to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. Qualifying tips that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $ 2,000.00 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637). Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Displaced Philadelphian says
Ugh…………… we go again. Skeet skeet bang bang.
Mr. Smigley says
Under Bane & Bodway’s leadership and $24 Million Budget Increase this is what you have – Increased Gang Violence & Bel Air Murders.
Al J Thong says
I agree. You would think that even with the bloated budget and top heavy staff altleast they could solve a shooting spree just a couple blocks from their edgewood sub station. Edgewood deserves better; the rt 40 corridor deserves better; and the harford county voters should know better than to re-elect the softest sheriff on crime that agency has ever seen. His deputies routinely clear calls without ever moving their cars. People will continue to die until a tough and savy sheriff is elected. Maybe Bane should see how Havre De Grace and Aberdeen cleaned up their streets with a fraction of his budget and manpower. Rudy and Walter got it done. Bane needs to go.
Henry says
Please back up your claim that “deputies routinely clear calls without ever moving their cars.”
That’s absolutely a flat out lie. The only calls that might get cleared without “moving their cars” would be non-911 calls where the caller called back to cancel and false alarm calls that are canceled by the alarm company.
If you have actual examples of deputies routinely doing that then please provide them. There are enough issues to criticize Bane on without making up stuff.
fedup says
I agree with Henry that “Mr Thong” makes a very serious accusation. The deputies on the street should not be confused with the political desk eagles nor should they be made tools to campaign for one candidate over another. They put their lives on the line every day and deserve better treatment.
BPB says
Another fine, upstanding drug dealer riddled with bullets. It will only be a matter of time before all of his family is on here telling what a great, misunderstood, good hearted person he was. I can’t wait.
Now more importantly, how is this the Sheriff’s fault? Did the Deputies go out and shoot this guy? You could put a police officer at every house in this neighborhood and these folks would still find a way to put a bullet in someone. Edgewood has been consistently awful for most of my life. That’s 30 years of Sheriff’s not being able to fix the problem. Last time I checked the Sheriff isn’t the one who builds or approves the section 8 housing that the less fortunate are living in.
That’s a bold accusation to make about our deputies. I find it highly unlikely that they clear any calls in the manner you described, and certainly not calls involving guns and injured citizens. True though, Aberdeen and Havre de Grace are much improved than they use to be, on a far less budget. I attribute that more to the street level officers than the administrators though.
concernedmom says
Please don’t blame the police men and women thats picking the wrong battle. “BPB” I hope you really don’t think everyone in Edgewood is a criminal the crime areas or problem areas are very small, that wouldn’t be fair to my children if you did so.
As posted previously lets get to the real issues one being the SLUMLOARDS who collect substantial income for providing substandard units to the “less fortunate”. Don’t get me wrong i absolutely believe that housing should be made affordable to everyone but at what cost??? “BPB” you could possibly live next to the landlords and beneficiaries of that system they are just as guilty and what about the DRUG BUYER where do they??? until these issues are addressed crime will continue to increase and spread rapidly
Ron says
Concerned Mom you are spot on with one of the largest ‘Elephant in the Room’ issues that needs to be addressed…. absentee landlords and the abundance of section 8 housing being utilized by tenants with repeat criminal records and violations. There have to be standards that dictate the occupation of section 8 with regards to public safety standing with the law. This issue can not be ignored any longer as landlords, who don’t even live in the area, continue to collect state subsidized rent while criminal tenants go in and out of these zones with no sense of personal responsibility. While we can’t paint section 8 housing with a broad brush of being crime ridden, I would love for the county to provide stats to residents of edgewood of current residents with active criminal records correlated areas of crime in recent years. I wonder if the county has even studied this or looked at it? Violations need to start being handed out for urban debacles that are not being kept up to code or within public safety standards of zoning laws. I have heard on the other hand that when this is challenged Realtors in Harford County pose opposition to this, wonder why? Thats not sarcasm by the way…thats an open ended question to get some insight as to realtors side of the story on push back on section 8 challenges and absentee landlords. I am civil and sometimes like to hear the other side to see where the disconnect is.
contrarian says
Ron…Harford County Government has a Housing Department as well as a Community Services Department that should be able to provide the statistical data that you are seeking. website will allow you to look up property owners. I am sure that you will find a number of owners listed as LLC or DBA.
Slumlords, Section 8, monthly low rental rates that aren’t section 8, property owners that live in the neighborhood but aren’t keeping their property up to code, lack of code enforcement and the lack of an enforceable RENTAL REGISTRATION PROCESS in Harford County are all symptoms of the crime problem. Until we have a process that forces every rental property to be registered with County Government then this problem will persist. Push for this legislation and watch and see who will oppose it. The Realtor Association and the Slumlords who are afraid for their families safety and outraged by all of this crime taking place in HC while endangering other families by providing housing to criminals….they will oppose it.
The great exodus taking place from Baltimore City to HC is encouraged and funded by Baltimore City as they help their citizens find affordable housing. The problem is that the residents bring their city mentality to the suburbs.
secret agent says
Many would be surprised at the lower than expected number of vouchers issued by the housing agency (not the housing department, which does not function as a rental agent of HUD). Most subsidized housing in Edgewood and Rte 40 corridor is project based, not housing choice voucher, thus not under the control of the housing agency.
Consider some of these points
Housing Agency issues vouchers that its clients can use anywhere in the county that a landlord wants to participate in the program.
Housing standards are required prior to approving a unit.
Criminal background checks are run on all adults in the household. If a client committs a drug, sexual offense or any other violent crime, they are removed from the program.
Slum landlords are not approved as unit rentals must be rent reasonable, units are inspected, and area concentration of vouchers is discouraged.
Most people being served by housing agency are disabled, elderly or low income.
Local taxes are not used to administer and run the program. The cost of these programs is not included in the county budget as the county does fund it.
concernedmom says
Rental registration works as well as code enforcement for those that wish to comply… just like any other law vs. violator…. the ones that can get away with do especially the LLC or DBA for some reason….. if a property is registered under an LLC or DBA you can always search the charters state page or pull the actual deed
cisco says
Ron-Harford county should have a rental registration system in place, but our council has bought the “less govt is better” and the private marketplace can police itself. It will be considered when the crime rate spikes unchecked by the proliferation of substandard rental housing and unchecked criminal tenants allowed to move in to the county while the taxpayer keeps paying the bill.
concernedmom says
oops sect 8 properties will be exempt from any local …..FEDERAL over rides state
cisco says
concerned mom-county has jurisdiction over rental properties. State can overide, federal does not have any law that would conflict with local/state.
concernedmom says
i’m just talking about Sect 8 inspectors conflicting with county inspectors
vietnam vet says
BPB I think you are correct. S.Fred ( Ex Mayor) at least supported the was’nt uncommon to find him prowling for druggies criminals etc.
He appeared to have the support of the police officers as well. & Chief Rudy. of which both were often seen rideing together.
get rid of section 8 says
get rid of theese section 8 housing thats allowing anybody who wants a free home to rent it, maybe the social services department needs to be looked at or the housing department, dont allow criminals to get free housing, make them work just like everyone else does.
concernedmom says
you can get rid of sect 8 housing all you want… in the end you will still have slumloards who dont even know there tenants names just as long as they come up with the rent…. Point— some sect 8 tenants are great tenants because they have non tolerant landloards, i want to address the slumloard
BPB says
Let me clarify my statements some. I don’t think that all of Edgewood is like that. Just specific areas. I agree that drug buyers are a problem, but they aren’t the ones out shooting up communities, the dealers are. Fortunately I don’t live near any of these places that we talk about. I agree that slumlords should be held accountable, but Id rather see the people of these communities held accountable for their actions.
concernedmom says
six years later ……. remember mr Guess
How come the Aegis, I like to call them the SLUGIS, never talk about the problems in Edgewood but when they do its the POLICEES fault. (Harford County, MSP, Bel Air, Aberdeen, and Havre de Grace) They especially don’t bad mouth Bane. The deputies work their butts off especially on 4-12 and midnite shifts down in Edgewood but if they start using the heavy hand all the MOMS for the drug dealers call Bane directly and complain and then Bane comes down on his deputies.
Ron says
Which Aegis do you get…just wondering. I must have the wrong edition.
Stefano Dimera says
Are you trying to say that The Aegis doesn’t favor Bane? Then you are reading the wrong edition.
U are kidding, right? U must be a liberal that lives in up north. They must have a different edition up there because the one I get bashes the police but praises BANE.
Stefano Dimera says
The Aegis will never print a bad word about Bane. Look back to the letter written by former Sheriff Tom Golding about Bane, as reported on The Dagger. The Aegis wouldn’t print it because it portrayed Bane in his true light–ineffective and clueless. Thank God for The Dagger.
Stefano Dimera says
contrarian says
secretagent….thank you for the information, especially the correct government terms. In my post I was pointing to the County Agency as a resource for information for Ron. I wasn’t implying that the HC Housing Agency was giving out vouchers or overly placing Section 8 families in Edgewood. Section 8 is a good program when monitored properly. I believe that all of the issues that were listed contribute to the problems in Edgewood but not equally and that should have been stated. All programs are flawed and that doesn’t exclude Section 8. Once the intial inspection and background check is over the tenant is free to do whatever until she/he is caught by the landlord or Housing Agency. Slumlords and below market rental rates is more of a problem then Section 8 housing.
secretagent says
heehee….. sorry didn’t mean to step on your big toe geesh…. your last statement about slumlords is exactly the issue, just soooo glad someone is seeing the real issue
secret agent says
do you mind not posting under my name?
secret agent says
clients are recertified yearly. in addition, tips from neighbors, concerned citizens, random checks and police efforts do turn up clients from time to time breaking the rules. Is by no means a perfect system.
other secretagent-can you change your name? Of all the names to pick either you chose the same as I or you are an idiot.
contrarian says
My big toe is fine it was that small pinky toe that you stomped on. Good night!