The man murdered early Sunday morning in Bel Air was the stepson of an Edgewood man attacked by a group of teenagers in 2007, one of whom is now a suspect in the killing and was recently released from jail on charges stemming from the earlier incident, according to police.
Derrick Maxey Jr., 25, of Aberdeen was shot and killed in the parking lot of the American Legion on North Bond Street in Bel Air early Sunday morning, and police on Wednesday identified Rakim Muhammad, 20, of Parkville as a suspect in his murder.
Muhammad was recently released from prison on a sentence stemming from the 2007 incident, according to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and court records, which show he served 3 years and 6 months of a 10-year sentence, including credit for time served. However, Bel Air police said they have not confirmed a motive for the killing, and are focused on apprehending Muhammad.
Muhammad was the seventh suspect arrested in late 2007 in connection with the beating and stabbing of Gregory Simmons, then 44, at his home on the 1900 block of Eloise Lane in Edgewood. Bel Air Police Chief Leo Matrangola said police confirmed that Simmons is Maxey’s stepfather shortly after Maxey’s murder. Court documents show Maxey shared that address, and another on the 400 block of Holly Drive in Aberdeen, with Simmons, who was left paralyzed following the assault.
Matrangola said investigators have focused on locating and apprehending Muhammad, who remains at large and is considered armed and dangerous, and have not yet delved fully into his connection to the Simmons case or a possible motive for Maxey’s murder.
Muhammad, then 17, was charged with two counts of attempted first degree murder, two counts of attempted second degree murder, two counts of conspiracy to commit first degree murder, two counts each of first and second degree assault, two counts of wearing and carrying a dangerous weapon with intent to injure, malicious destruction of property over $500, and associating and participating with a gang.
Muhammad pleaded guilty to a count of second degree assault, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison, with six years and six months suspended. He served three years, six months of the sentenced, with 281 days of “jail credit” according to court records.
A spokesperson for the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services said a “Rhakeem Raid Muhammad” with the same date of birth was released from the Division of Correction on Mandatory Supervision on January 21, 2010.
From the Bel Air Police Department:
The Bel Air Police Department is asking for anyone with information of the whereabouts of Rakin Muhammad, aka “Black”, age 20, of Parkville, MD, to call 911 or 410-638-4500 to report his location. Muhammad is wanted in connection with the murder of a 25-year-old Aberdeen man that occurred on Sunday, July 18, shortly after midnight at the American Legion parking lot on Bond Street in Bel Air.
Bel Air Police & Harford County Sheriff’s deputies have developed information on Muhammad and a homicide warrant is on file at the Bel Air Police Department.
Rakin Muhammad is described as a black male, approximately 5’8” tall weighing about 130lbs, with tattoos on his back and both arms and hands. He is armed and dangerous.
Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Rakin Muhammad, aka “Black” who wishes to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. Qualifying tips that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $ 2,000.00 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637). Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Find this POS, give him a fair trial, and DO NOT LET HIM OUT!!!
Publish his mug shot so people know who the hell they’re supposed to be looking out for!
“Publish his mug shot so people know who the hell they’re supposed to be looking out for!”
LOL… you think that you’re going to run into him at Looney’s or Dark Horse? He’s hiding at one of his “cribs” in Edgewood or the city. Another wasted life!
Tom, I don’t hang at any bars, but I certainly do get around the county, and I was asking for the sake of everyone to be aware.
Thanks for the mug shots!
POS ha Coward Punk and so many more names I have for the man who killed one man and shot my little girl just because he was to much of a pussy to walk up and do his thing in the mans face. in stead like some clown walk up spraying bullets all over cause he don’t know how to handle his biz like a real man and now hides like some punk.
Show me his face and the cops will find me smiling over his body i wont run I’m not a bit**
1st off all u shoul hav been responsible 4 ur own daughter 2nd he iz a real man
He’s a punk, not a real man. A real man gets a job and makes something of his life. A real man doesn’t join a gang, commit murders, sling dope, commit assaults, robberies, etc, and attack others in a large group that results in paralyzing the victim.
He’s a punk and a coward and never should’ve been on the streets in the first place.
He might be a “real man” right now, but at 5’8″ and 130, he is going to be some “real man’s” bitch when he goes to lockup
i cant believe this is the only conviction this guy recieved Charge No: 10CJIS Code:1 1415Statute Code:CR.3.203
Charge Description: Assault-Second Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: GuiltyPlea Date:09/09/2008
Disposition: GuiltyDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Jail Life/Death:
Jail Term: Yrs:10Mos:0Days:0Hours:0
Suspended Term: Yrs:6Mos:6Days:0Hours:0
UnSuspended Term: Yrs:3Mos:6Days:0Hours:0
Jail Text: @ DOC, Boot Camp recommended, 281 days jail credit.
Probation Probation: Yrs:Mos:Days:Hours:
Supervised : Yrs:5Mos:0Days:0Hours:0
UnSupervised : Yrs:0Mos:0Days:0Hours:0
Probation Text: upon release
Probation Conditions: Probation conditions are not currently available online.
Fine Fine Amt: 0Fine Suspended Amt:0Fine Due:First Pmt Due:
Community Work Service Hours: Complete By:
Report To:
The others were not prosecuted.
What is wrong with our judges, and our states attorney, and our corrections system
Iont even kno dude, i neva seen nun dese people n my life.
Im the girl dat got shot.
Funny how parents put the blame they should bear themselves on others. What was your daughter doing out so late with a guy you’ve probably never met, to even put her in a position to get shot? At 15 I had a curfew… was either be home before the street lights come on, or come through the door with switches!
Please take responsibilty for your daughters behavior, and total disregard for herself and her safety. It was your lack of parenting that allowed her to be there in the first place. It’s your fault that she was shot, no one else’s.
I agree this girl had no buisness there. That still does not excuse the behavior of this scum bag. He deserves a life sentence.
I had a strict 11 pm curfew throughout high school (with an exception being made for school events like dances and even then I either had to be home once it was over or at a specific friend’s house…which my parents would verify.)
Even once I hit college, when I was home during breaks, my parents would give me a hard time if I was out really late (past 1 or 2 am) with friends (though they never tried to give me a curfew at that point.)
As much of a pain as that 11 pm curfew was, it probably kept me out of trouble and I knew that their concern was my safety, not to make my life miserable. From the time I was a little kid my parents set clear limits and were clear about what the consequences were for going beyond those limits. By the time I hit high school I knew what I should and shouldn’t do and while I was no angel and did my share of stupid teenager stuff, I didn’t drink, didn’t do drugs, and avoided the thugs and dirtbags. Too bad too many parents today are more concerned about being their kid’s buddy rather than being a parent.
you act like he purposly shot your daughter , maybe if you would have actually watched your daughter she would have never snuck out of the house , whats someone her age trying to sneak out anyways , better make sure shes not having sex . i’d advice you to take her to the gyn . quit running your mom about this man cus he did nothing to you if your daughter would ave stayed home & been the little 15 yr old shes supposed to be she would have never got shot !!!!!
oh & was’nt that a threat that you could get locked up for , you threated him saying if you found him that you would be smiling over his dead body lol get a grip . guess now you’ll know to watch your kid .
who wouldnt make a threat had their daughter gotten shot. Her daughter being out with Derrick Maxey Jr. doesnt disqualify the fact that this loser went ahead and decided to go on a shooting spree nor does it justify him killing Derrick Maxey Jr. Its cowards like him who give the entire “black” race a bad name….and oh, by the way, i happen to be african american and i must say im totally ashamed. I happened to know of Derrick maxey Jr. and this clown had no right to take his life away. Unlinke this clown, he was making something of himself by going to school….This court system sure doesnt make any sense. As far as im concerned from what his record proves, he should have never been released anyhow. But then again, I have to keep in mind that when certain people get off the hook when they do things for the judicial system in return….hmmm i wonder why he served less than half of his sentence as well as for prior murder charges excluding the incident with the step father of Derrick Maxey Jr. and only received probation. Sounds a little fishy to me. It wasnt her daughter’s fault that she got shot regardless of her being out that late. God forbid it but if someone you are close to, your child(if you have any), or you got shot because you were at the wrong place at the wrong time, would you say oh its not the shooter’s fault because i was walking down the street at 2am(just a similiar example)…how about you place yourself in someone else’s shoes before you make statements.
Not even gonna waste my breath responding to the ignorance and hate spewed above. I’ll just say that I knew Derrick very well and he and the young lady who got shot didn’t know each other. D wouldn’t have been hangin out with a 15 year-old.
Not even gonna waste my breath responding to the ignorance and hate spewed above. I’ll just say that I knew Derrick very well and he and the young lady who got shot didn’t know each other. D wouldn’t have been hangin out with a 15 year-old.
A beautiful man lost his life, a young girl got injured and traumatized, and a young man who in different circumstances might’ve made something of his life has thrown it away and become another statistic. All around tragedy–families and loved ones are grieving for all the parties involved. Let’s not compound it by being petty.
correction: In no shape or form was i implying that it would be moral for ANYONE to take black’s life away. Im simply trying to get everyone to focus on the major issue. Rather than arguing about what Derrick did wrong and or how the mother is a bad mother, they need to be helping with serving some justice. Derrick losing his life was and still is the major issue. Everyone is so quick to be judgemental based on what another said not placing themselves in someone else’s shoes and its very pathetic and sad that some people(im sure all on here are grown) still dont have the aritmetic and knowlege of assesing this situation which should/would result in them seeing the Bigger picture. I would never wish death on anyone but everyone on this page is going into other areas that are not relevant at this point. We’ve already discovered her daughter got shot, was at a bar illegally, sneaked out, etc……thing is her daughter is fine now(Im assuming) and now family and friends are suffering from DJ’s loss…makes no sense.
Well this just about sums it up. A scumbag who should be rotting in a cell is out in public killing people. They should start charging judges with crimes when they let these guys off the hook and someone gets hurt.
Oh and for a major, WHOA, that apparently I am going to put out there that I haven’t seen any newspaper/media in print.
Rakin Muhammad was charged with about 12 crimes for his connection with a gang beating in Edgewwod in November 2007. If everyone remembers it was about 50 on 3, and the father Gregory Simmons was left paralyzed. One of the other victims was a Tiffany Simmons.
Just so happens that Tiffany Simmons is Derrick Maxey’s sister, and his (I guess) step father is Gregory Simmons. This was the man of Derrick Maxeys house growing up who was paralyzed less than 3 years ago by the same suspect.
Damn, you belong on The Dagger’s investigative staff if you got all this figured out correctly already.
Look at all the Nolle Prosequi charges! This list isn’t even complete!
Charge No: 1CJIS Code:2 0910Statute Code:CR.2.205
Charge Description: Attempted First Degree Murder
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 2CJIS Code:2 0910Statute Code:CR.2.205
Charge Description: Attempted First Degree Murder
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 3CJIS Code:2 0920Statute Code:CR.2.206
Charge Description: Attempted Second Degree Murder
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 4CJIS Code:2 0920Statute Code:CR.2.206
Charge Description: Attempted Second Degree Murder
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 5CJIS Code:2C0900Statute Code:CL
Charge Description: Con-Murder-First Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 6CJIS Code:2C0900Statute Code:CL
Charge Description: Con-Murder-First Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 7CJIS Code:1 1420Statute Code:CR.3.202
Charge Description: Assault-First Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 8CJIS Code:1 1420Statute Code:CR.3.202
Charge Description: Assault-First Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 9CJIS Code:1 1420Statute Code:CR.3.202
Charge Description: Assault-First Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 10CJIS Code:1 1415Statute Code:CR.3.203
Charge Description: Assault-Second Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: GuiltyPlea Date:09/09/2008
Disposition: GuiltyDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Jail Term: Yrs:10Mos:0Days:0Hours:0
Suspended Term: Yrs:6Mos:6Days:0Hours:0
UnSuspended Term: Yrs:3Mos:6Days:0Hours:0
Jail Text: @ DOC, Boot Camp recommended, 281 days jail credit.
Probation: Yrs:Mos:Days:Hours:
Supervised : Yrs:5Mos:0Days:0Hours:0
UnSupervised : Yrs:0Mos:0Days:0Hours:0
Probation Text: upon release
Probation Conditions: Probation conditions are not currently available online.
Fine Amt: 0Fine Suspended Amt:0Fine Due:First Pmt Due:
Community Work Service
Hours: Complete By:
Report To:
Report Date:
Charge No: 11CJIS Code:1 1415Statute Code:CR.3.203
Charge Description: Assault-Second Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 12CJIS Code:1 1415Statute Code:CR.3.203
Charge Description: Assault-Second Degree
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 13CJIS Code:1 5200Statute Code:CR.4.101.(c)(2)
Charge Description: Dangerous Weapon: Wear And Carry With Intent To Injure
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 14CJIS Code:1 5200Statute Code:CR.4.101.(c)(2)
Charge Description: Dangerous Weapon: Wear And Carry With Intent To Injure
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 15CJIS Code:3 4030Statute Code:CR.6.301
Charge Description: Malicious Destruction Property Value + $500
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Charge No: 16CJIS Code:1 0519Statute Code:CR.9.804.(1)(2)
Charge Description: Gang -Association/Participation
Offense Date From: 11/25/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 07-1001-90882-1Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Nolle ProsequiDisposition Date:09/09/2008
Sentencing Net Totals
Serve Time: Yrs:3Mos:6Days:0Hours:0
Probation : Yrs:5Mos:0Days:0Hours:0
Fine Amount: 0Fine Due Date:CWS Hours:0Credit Time Served:281
Someone please explain to me why it matters who is Sheriff for Harford County or anywhere for that matter if the judicial system is broken. The classic deterrence theory was that punishment was sure, swift and severe. No wonder these guys keep committing crimes they know the system is none of the above. Does anyone believe that this guy if caught and sentenced he will spend the rest of his life in jail?
I wouldn’t be too hurt if justice was served in the form of “death by cop.”
What does the Harford County Sheriff have to do with this conversation? The shooting happened in the Town of Bel Air. But I agree, these lenient judges are as much to blame as anyone.
The Sheriffs have alot to do with it.
Harford County only has one Sheriff. Do you mean deputy sheriffs?
No. he will get a nonsense sentence as he did for all of the other crimes hes commited. The judicial system basically tells people that its okay to go around killing people and doing whatever you please when you have people like this going around doing whatever they wish freely. Im sure he’ll get caught and make a deal which im assuming he did from the beginning and be free to commit some more crimes….what a shame
this killer of Maxey used his own brand of ‘vigilante justice’ to take out a life…he doesn’t deserve any better…and we’ll (the taxpayers) will waste another bundle trying the guy.
but, the killers out there know we can’t beat them…we can’t know when they’re gonna let loose and kill someone else…and why?…why the killing…?
beats me…
listen this scum bag should have never been let out period, once they catch him they need to execute him, the system is completly flawed, and maybe its time we elect judges who wont suspend any jail time for violent crimes. lets get mr simmons on witness protection period and take care of him, he was the victim then and now, we owe it to Gregory i worked with him and he is one of the hardest working people ive ever met and stood up for whats right in this county. But people like muhammed need the death penalty
Don’t ever count on the Death Penalty in this state. Atleast not as long as Marty is in office.
Execute every criminal and the crime rate will drop. Plus its cheaper. And if a cop actually shoots someone he gets leave. Why. He did his job. A marine dose not get leave if he blows a person up. But I think the police should shoot any violent offender rather than fight him and get hurt. And a sentence should end with a period not a question mark. Good behavior my rear end. If you can good in enough trinkets on jail that one could be good enough for good behavior something is wrong. Oh well you get what you vote for.
That would be good enough in jail that one could get good behavior. Sent from mobile phone.
The screwed up part of this “early release for good behavior” garbage is that these dirtbags get their “good behavior” time front loaded so that the instant they first walk into that cell they already get months or even years chopped off their sentence. Then on top of that they get more “good behavior” credits for doing programs, working in the kitchen, etc. Once they “earn” that time it’s almost impossible for them to lose it.
Oh, and this piece of trash is with WMD and anyone associated with those scum should be locked up.
FYI costs taxpayers more to keep sustain prisoners on deathrow that in general pop.
Ah… as I predicted he IS a dirtbag AND we don’t understand why he’s walking the streets… Chuck the judge behind bars for 6 months in the hopes he’ll grow some balls (any word on who the judge is?) and find this waste of a life and harvest his organs to help decent folk that deserve a chance for a better life. I personally view the judge as an accessory to murder.
Just a few thoughts…
Is it possible now that mr. Maxey was turning things around? perhaps he was trying to leave when he saw this man there? Many people on here rushed to the assumption derrick was at fault for what transpired. Playing devil’s advocate…what if derrick saw this man and confronted him? Would you blame him? What if someone did that to your father? Sounds to me like this muhammed fellow was finishing what he started though.
Furthermore, that 15 yr old and her mother were berated on here. Is it now possible she was a TEENAGER who made a mistake sneaking out for a party? I know I did the same thing in my teens. I could have easily had the same thing happen…wrong place wrong time.
Some People seem to think these victims are trash and all rushed to assumptions, things look a lot different now don’t they???
One more thing, everyone who complained about Bane, is there no congrats for isolating the suspect and spreading the word on him within hours of the incident???
Just food for blog thought….
Which was my point at the beginning, no one knew all the details, and yet everyone was ready to make judgements and criticize the VICTIM. And some even BLAMED the parents, like they were never a teen who tried to get away with being rebellious at least once in a while. People shouldn’t be so eager to jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts first. People were degraded unnecessarily and family and friends that are grieving were hurt as well.
I thank you for sticking up for my daughter.
Yea she lied to me but I did the same and never got shot for it.
there are some many people talking smack.
My kids no saint but is a good person and very well loved.
I would still love to know why my little girl was at an american legion party where they were serving drinks at 1:30
she don’t look 18 let alone 21. but I know why my daughter is beautiful and no man cared in that bar to not wanna look at her.
To update those who do care she is doing well. In alot of pain but she is a real tough kid and will make it with lots of love.
this did more then damage her knee.
Again to those who care Thanks We Thank You
“I would still love to know why my little girl was at an american legion party where they were serving drinks at 1:30”
I think that is a question that falls squarely on your shoulders to answer, Mom.
Judging by the composition of your answers, inability to use proper grammar, and your admission that you lied and sneaked out at her age, i would say the blame lies solely with you.
Yes! Hey Mom, maybe you should know where your daughter is at 1:30 in the morning. Also did you ever think maybe the people she associates with may have something to do with what happened? When you hang out with thugs that participate in this behavior you place yourself at risk.
All of you on here bashfully talking about “the mom” simply need to get a life and focus more on the major issue that there is a criminal running around freely. Have you not seen his records? Her daughter being out at that time of the morning does not mean that it is acceptable nor a reasonable cause for him to shoot her nor Derrick Maxey….For the record, if you do the research rather than throwing judgements at the mother, Derrick Maxey was not at fault in this case and neither was the daughter. “Black” decided to shoot him as he did with others based on the prior incident where Derrick Maxey came in defense of his step father and because he was part of the family, he was attacked also. And another thing, Derrick Maxey Jr. was NOT a thug…unlike “Black”, he was making something of himself by establishing his life and trying to better himself by going to school full-time…All of you need to focus on the major issue rather than trying to tell the mother what she should’ve done or what you would have done. Nothing “black” did was acceptable and the mother is not at fault here regardless of what time it is. Im sure if the tables were turned and it was your child or children who lied to you and was in her daughter’s place, we wouldnt be trying to act as if “black” is the victim nor would you be blaming yourself with it now would you.
Glad daughter is OK, hope she recovers fully. “My kids no saint but is a good person and very well loved.” No she is not, if she was “… very well loved” you would know at all times where she was and she would never have left the house. Very well loved 15 y/o girls do not head of miles from home to parties with the kind of dirtbags were at this party. Face it your daughter was shot and it is because you are a horrible mother. Oh my am I being to harsh? Am I judging someone I do not know? You are damn right I am, I am a parent and I know where my kids go and who they go with. I stay in contact with them when the are out. I demand that they respect me and themselves. Apparently “THE MOM” does not do the same. Your lucky she could be dead! I can not comprehend why she is not in foster care!
listen The mother will not know everything even the best parents Dont know everything, youll be surprised when Your Child sneaks out or has a Beer in the Woods, Or smokes a ciggerette, or gets Knocked up this happens to any kid or teen so stop saying that you know what your kids are doing thats BS dont judge someone based on that. Get out there and start changing the laws and holding your judges accountable, and Parole and Probation accouintable now thats what a good parent would do, because maybe you know that your kids are at a 7-11 and the guy who just walked in the door decides to take them out, and the reason he had the oportunity is because he was released 7 years early buy the courts. I hope I dont see Your Kid in the News
What makes any parent believe that their kid will somehow be different than they were at that age. Here is a mom(?) who admits to lying and is then surprised that her daughter lies? Seriously?
Mom(?), you should have your head examined. You’ve obviously set a great example for your daughter to follow because she seems to be following it.
John ghave you ever lied to your parents, have u ever went somewhere u shouldnt, have u ever gotten into something or been at the wrong place. if you have whose fault is that is it your moms fault is nit your dad fault is it the places dault that u were there. Stop passing the buck
Please just stop!! I don’t wait until my kids are in trouble to spell out the consequences of bad behavior. When I got in trouble, I knew beforehand that I’d pay for it. These kids have NEVER had any boundaries. And the adults seem surprised they turned out like they did.
The apple NEVER falls far from the tree. In this case it seems like an orchard of rotten apple trees that should have been ground up into mulch.
If your 15 y/o daughter is shot in a parking lot at 2am 9 miles from your home after sneaking out to attend an adult party with at least 2 men in attendance with criminal records (victim & suspect). Then you SUCK as a parent! Seriously, put all the facts together and you can not possibly think that this is a case of kids being kids. I do not disagree that the justice system is broken. But for God’s sake no one involved with this incident was a saint. We all judge others its human nature and as a parent we use those other people to point out to our kids what an idiot looks like and how not to be one. This is a horrible crime and the shooter belongs in jail forever, but the victims were not saints and let’s stop painting them that way.
Just because no person in this situation was a saint, it does not mean that they deserved to get shot. There is not one single person on this earth who can label themselves as being sin free….Yes her daughter was out after hours, yes she had no business being there….SO WHAT…get a grip. How do you know that your kids dont lie to you? Because you tell them not to or because you set consequences? Give me a break here.
“she don’t look 18 let alone 21. but I know why my daughter is beautiful and no man cared in that bar to not wanna look at her.”
What does this mean?
It means she has no idea how to parent.
John i feel for you when your kids get comes home and gets into something they shouldnt then we all can Say John doesnt know how to Parent. What about the Parents of Muhammed
A 15 year old girl out at a party like this with alcohol and men in their twenties will certainly be “well loved”. Repeatedly, in the back seats of their cars.
Justice will be served
stop pointing fingers at the victims, yes they had done things wrong, but they were the ones that got hurt. yes the girl snuck out of her house, and now shes a victim we can say oh its her fault for running the streets, and oh its the bars fault for letting her in, and oh its the moms fault for this and that, every kid has snuck out every kid has lied to there parents thats what teens do, the fact of the matter is this muhammed should have never been released period. The system failed
we the people the citizens of bel air and harford county need to stop passing the buck and start taking action, hold our elected judges acountable, hold your legislators accountable. Be involved with your Childerns lives, Stop passing the Buck, Yes the Girl was wrong for being out, yes the Bar could be responisble, yes the victim had a criminal past, however we as people need to look at the issue here the issue is Muhammed was given a ten year sentence he should have never been let loose, As for Mom, dont pass the buck on the Bar believe me teens use fake ids they sneak in through back doors, they lie they get what they want, dont pass the buck the fact of the matter is your daughter lied to you, and now shes a victim, plain and simple, Now as a mother you must build a relationship of responisbility and trust and do it yourself, be a leader help combat theese thugs and help to change laws to keep theese creeps behind bars. Now is the time and this is your calling, For the girl who got shot, your mom needs to kick your ass, and then you better be studying your ass off and getting far away from edgewood, and moving Mom out of the area period, Start hanging out with positive people who wont Go to a bar at 0147 am with a minor, thats the problem you need to realize that this guy and this crew will be back they have proven it. So you need to Excel and get the hell out of Where your at. And for the People of Bel air, just stay vigilant dont pass the buck and say oh its Jessie Banes fault, thats BS. Harford county locked this son of a bitch up and the Courts and the DFivision opf Parole and Probation Failed. Period. I think there needs to be a re evaluation of some of theese Probation officers and they need to loose there Jobs. I know guys for example who are on Probation with 2 or three DWI’s and are still driving on a suspended license every day, thats another accident waiting to happen.
at John: Then who’s fault is it? Not mine. Certainly not yours. Don’t blame the victim? That’s BS and you know it. The primary “Victim” in this case was a criminal, plain and simple. The 15yo “victim” in this case was a delinquent. If sealed juvenile records could speak. Go back to the duck test: if it walks, talks, looks, etc. Simply put, everone involved in the debacle was a POS. If one constantly puts themselves in those situations, it will eventually catch up with them. Do I feel sorry for the “so called victims” loved ones. Maybe a little at first, but after the families started using this forum to solicit sympathy and to try and convince us that the “victims” were:
loved by all
a good father
special in their own way
gettin his life back together
lied, but I did the same
a terrific and wonderful person,
my sympathy went out the window. I saw the “Mother of the Year” on the news. My first thought was that I didn’t know they had trailer parks in Edgewood. My second thought, after reading Mom’s posts, is that I wasn’t too far off of the mark. Pure Ghetto trash, the beneficiary of yet another silver platter that I paid for, not to mention the daughter’s medical care.
I’m Sorry John: That was not a rebuke at you, it was for STOP
mea culpa
I can understand where u are comming from to an extent yes i get very upset with people abusing the system, and the system allowing people to get away with it. No one deserves to be murdered in that extent period. I dont care if your a criminal yourself, I dont care if your from the trailer park it doesnt matter. What happened was wrong, Yes the girl who got shot was being rebellious does that mean she needs to get shot, or does that justify why she was shot, The young man that was murdered did he deserve to die because he made some mistakes in the past? As far as Im concearned after you pay your debts to society, and serve the amount of time you were supposed to and clean up your act, society should not label them as a criminal any more. Im not making excuses just look at the situation, The murderer was released from Prision almost 7 years early, was not prosecuted on about 10 or more charges, so it didnt matter what the victim had done, or where they lived, or who they hung out with if this Muhamamed was going to do anything he was free to do it. Suppose you go out to a bar one night and have a few drinks, you get a DUI and thats on your record, after you complete your probation is it right for people to say well hes a drunk, oh the reason why his kids got hurt is because he gets all boozed up. Come on
Judge Plitt was the one that agreed to the Nolle Pros – and whoever the State’s Attorney was. But I’m sure that way back then, they thought he had a bright future ahead of him, if only given a second chance…..
Maybe we should pull up that court hearing or trial and let the public know who the prosecuting attorney was, and Maybe we need to get ahold of the Corrections system and have them explain why they just murdered a 25 year old man. I understand second chances, however this Muhammed had how many charges against him Thats BS, I mean come on i can understand ok 20 years old kid gets an Assualt charge, Just One not attempted Murder, Not stabbing, then they can correct the behavior, but all those other charges you need a whole new outlook, he took years away from Mr. Simmons, Nowe this Bastard needs to Pay the Price, and not Just Muhammed ANYONE who is a Repeat offender, or someone who has violent crtimes or charges if convicted needs to serve some real time. The Repeat offenders even someone who violates probation and continues doing the behavior that got them in trouble in the First place needs to be set aside and say look This will not be tolearated here, This is disrespect top our Hardf working Honest people who stand for whats right.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who had stood up for my family. They have been through a lot over the past several years. Not only does my children have a grandfather who can’t go n the yard n play football or take them on walks but now they are going to live their life without there amazing daddy all because of one man
Give me a break.
give u a break??? how can u say such a thing! u have no idea what type of pain she AND his whole family are going thru right now! this man had ppl who cared deeply about him and have to bury their loved one over some bull!
Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect to get a different result. At some point, both “victims” should have known there were going to be problems created by their behavior, so why would they have put themselves and their families in this position? Selfishness or stupidity?
they dont care just like many in this society, Its all about me, its not about my neighbor, screw my neighbor, screw my parents, its about getting instant gratification, weather its money, drugs, sex, its all about me. They need to look at how what I do affects them, what you do affects me. people dont see it that way, but its all inter connected
I am a distant relative! I’m told the funeral for Derrick Maxey is today. I send my deepest sympathy to everyone involved BUT, less compassion. In fact, I know the great grandmother of this family. She was my babysitter when I was a little girl.
TIME TO BREAK THE CYCLE! A father of Children dead at 25 years old. A grandfather at 44? A teenage girl out having drinks at 15 years old?
Yes, I am a taxpayer too and have never sought government support nor have my children. And, I never had a pregnant teen, or dealt with gangs. My children were raised with dedicated, hardworking and involved parents. My children were fed spiritually as well as educated and to date are living productive lives.
Stop making excuses!!! This family is living a vicious cylce of distruction! PLEASE WAKE UP!!!
I don’t know you or my cousin Derrick. Take your children and run from this life. You are still young and the baby in your womb deserves so much more. Did you have the opportunity to spend time with the family in New York? Respectable!
Take the children and don’t walk, RUN… Forget what they say about his life and build your own for you and the children.
Education and a change of venue will suit you and the children well. Insist on it!
When you say you manage a multi billion dollar “corparation” you mean you are a shift lead at McDonalds right? Unless I missed something and these corporations want people who don’t know how to spell, use proper grammar, structure sentences correctly or capitalize random 3 letter words to manage their billion dollar business. Come on buddy.
hmm where do you work?
I’d like to think I understand that no parent and no child are perfect. I understand teenagers can be rebellious at times. But when did we as parents and as a community stop accepting responsibility for our actions? When did we stop protecting the ones that we love from harm? When did we start letting the streets of HARFORD COUNTY raise our kids? Why is it that we’re always looking back in hindsight saying our brothers, fathers, daughters, and sons never deserved this…that they were good people. If that were true, why are they dying? I know I’m a good person…I’ve never sold drugs…never picked up a handgun except for my time in the Army…stayed faithful to my wife and daughter…worked hard at a job I’m good at and that I love…and I don’t have bullets flying in my direction.
There’s no point in trashing the mother at this point. Honestly I do feel bad for her. Whatever she may or may not have done, or whatever type of parenting style she used at home, she’s now stuck with a daughter that will forever be scarred by this incident. I’m sure she’s trying to piece together the events of Saturday night and has tried to figure out where it all went wrong. I’m sure looking at the situation now she wishes things had turned out differently for herself and her daughter. The sad truth, though, is that I suspect this sort of thing wouldn’t have happened to her if she’d been on top of the situation at home. If I were her, I’d be asking myself, “why is my 15-year old daughter running the streets of Bel Air in the middle of the night with 20-something thugs?” These 20-somethings may not have been her real friends, but she put herself in a situation where she was hanging out with the wrong crowd. The only thing I can say is that I never stayed out until 1:30 in the morning when I was 15 years old. My parents always knew my whereabouts. I knew what I had coming if I ever was caught messing up, so I never bothered trying. When I did go out, my parents always asked where I was going, who I’d be with (they knew my friends by name). Did anyone even figure out which “friend” dropped her off in the emergency room? Did the friend even stay? Point is…my parents were involved in every aspect of my life. I may have resented them at times for that…maybe I thought they were nosy or not letting me have my freedom…but dammit, I was a kid. I thank them for keeping me out of trouble (I could have gotten into a lot…notice I used to live in Philadelphia on REAL streets).
The same goes for these maniacs running the streets of our county spraying bullets or pulling knives or whatever to settle a score. Where’s the involvement from their family? All these girlfriends and mothers and fathers or whatever going to bat on comment boards, but where was the support for them when they weren’t dead or going to jail? Where was the voice telling them, “stop selling those drugs” or “don’t join that gang.” It’s such a sickening idea if you think about it…calling someone a good person and saying how much you loved them after they’ve died while they were out busting caps and slinging dope when they were living. How can letting someone do that be love? It’s just not, folks…wake up.
It’s time to start getting involved with the people around us that we love and start showing them that there’s another way…and that starts at home. No sheriff, no message board, no jail is going to do that for the people we love. It’s up to us to start the change at home. It’s up to the community to start reporting crimes and get bad guys off the street sooner. I used to be a little satisfied when one of these “thugs” died. It meant that another dirtbag was off our streets. The sad truth is that in our fair county, we’ve got 2 or 3 more “thugs” waiting in the wings to take their place…waiting to get a bigger share of the Aberdeen or Edgewood or whatever other town’s drug racket. It’s like dogs fighting over scraps at a table…selling nickel bags or $20 rocks…ridiculous. There’s so much more potential for these folks.
Anyway…that’s my stream of consciousness for the day. I’m sorry these families are hurting. I do hope, though, that this hurt the families are feeling spreads through the community to the point that some of these parents and families start to see that their loved one could be next to take a bullet. All the wishing in the world and all the “he was a good person” comments won’t bring your loved one back. I’m talking to YOU friends and supporters of the victims.
I doubt any of what I said will have any effect…I’m sure we’ll be praising the death of another “thug” soon…but here’s to wishful thinking.
Well said but unfortunately, words lost. I have known this family for three generations. This is and will continue to be a vicious cycle.
It really is sad that people don’t have the oppurtunities and have to resort to a life of crime to make it. I don’t think people in Bel Air can really understand this.
Maybe the dam judges need to start putting these assholes away for the maximum sentence, rather than giving someone a sentence of 40yrs all susp but 4yrs. So they get 4 yrs in prison Wow that 4 yrs turns out to be actually less then 2 yrs…What a dam joke, our criminal justice system sucks. Maybe if these punks started to get the full sentence, they may start using their dam heads a little…
Then what about our great state of Maryland, Murder someone in cold blood with out worry of getting put to death, since Maryland is a bunch of pansies and wont execute. All that says is that is all right to kill someone. We need some dam TEXAS justice in this state, stop being a bunch of pansies kill the bastards. Start sending a message to the criminals.
I agree
I love this blog, thank goodness we can express our opinions. Not sure how ppl get so angry when others don’t agree with what they have to say?? Take it as education its always great to know what others are thinking.
I just want to say that not everyone from Edgewood are criminals or a non productive member of society. My neighbors and my household are hard working law abiding tax paying citizens. My children (all 3) do great in school and play sports all year and I keep them very busy with positive interaction at all times even though it may be costly. My sixteen year doesn’t like the rules but fears the consequences and she knows that great behavior is rewarded with success and bad behavior will not be tolerated. This may sound harsh but the streets are a lot worse, so as parents we have to suck it up and sacrifice so that our children have a chance to become young adults and reach their dreams we accept no excuses in our household. Unfortunately, the area has been the dumping ground for “affordable housing” relocation over the years…hmmmmmmmm now who could of been responsible and reap the benefits for that????? NO ONE IN EDGEWOOD OR ABERDEEN I ASSURE YOU.
For the “MOM” and other parents, dont be fooled we all need to protect and watch our children no matter where we live. As stated previously I grew up in Bel Air, know that there might not be the saggy pants drug dealer next door however there’s always the suit wearing briefcase toting pusher around the corner. Our children have to be raised and its our responsibility to do so. Yes, I will be relocating because as we know its getting worse and I cant take any chances and it is my responsibility to protect my children, but I will miss all the people and neighbors in the community that do care.
Now can the tattoo’s on his back, arms hands etc. be described?
-Your house moves but your twelve cars don’t.
-You take your dog for a walk and you both use the same tree.
-You can entertain yourself for more than 15 minutes with a fly swatter.
-Your boat has not left the driveway in 15 years.
-You burn your yard rather than mow it.
-You think “The Nutcracker” is something you do off the high dive.
-The Salvation Army declines your furniture.
-You offer to give someone the shirt off your back and they don’t want it.
-You have the local taxidermist on speed dial.
-You come back from the dump with more than you took.
– You keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table.
– Your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat.
– Your grandmother has “ammo” on her Christmas list.
-You keep flea and tick soap in the shower.
-You’ve been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog.
– You go to the stock car races and don’t need a program.
-You know how many bales of hay your car will hold.
-You have a rag for a gas cap.
-Your house doesn’t have curtains, but your truck does.
-You wonder how service stations keep their rest-rooms so clean.
-You can spit without opening your mouth.
-You consider your license plate personalized because your father made it.
-Your lifetime goal is to own a fireworks stand.
-You have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say “Cool Whip” on the side.
-The biggest city you’ve ever been to is Wal-Mart.
-Your working TV sits on top of your non-working TV.
-You’ve used your ironing board as a buffet table.
-A tornado hits your neighborhood and does $100,000 worth of improvements.
-You missed your 5th grade graduation because you were on jury duty.
-You let your twelve-year-old daughter smoke at the dinner table . . . in front of her kids.
-You’ve been married three times and still have the same in-laws.
-You think a woman who is “out of your league” bowls on a different night.
-Jack Daniels makes your list of “most admired people.”
-Anyone in your family ever died right after saying: “Hey watch this.”
-You think Dom Perignon is a Mafia leader.
-Your wife’s hairdo was once ruined by a ceiling fan.
-Your junior prom had a daycare.
-You think the last words of the Star Spangled Banner are:
“Gentlemen start your engines.”
-You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels.
-The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down, depending on how much gas is in it.
-You have to go outside to get something from the fridge.
-One of your kids was born on a pool table.
-You need one more hole punched in your card to get a freebie at the House of Tattoos.
-You can’t get married to your sweetheart because there’s a law against it.
-You think “loaded dishwasher” means your wife is drunk.
-Your toilet paper has page numbers on it.
-Your front porch collapses and kills more than five animals.
-At some point in your life you’ve been too drunk to fish.
-The Halloween pumpkin on your porch has more teeth than your spouse.
this had to be a company with a federal contract huh?
no they have contracts with the department of veterans affairs, department of health and human services, department of defense, they our a company traded on the new york stock exchange, the company is not doing so well and really never did well. After having a glorified position i Had no future there, and my work did not really mean anything to me.
this guy Rakin Muhammad needs his balls chopped off.
Now you all understand what the police go through everyday on the streets. Even today my wife gets mad when she asks me questions and I tell her exactly what is going to happen or who the parties involved. She thinks I am negative but when I am right she looks at me and doesnt know what to say. If you want to know what really goes on in the streets talk to a police officer that actually works the streets, not someone with bars. Doesn’t matter if you like it, its reality. The police who work the streets know who the players are and what is going on daily. Once again thank you Harford County residents. I enjoy most of the comments.
Bane the Politician.
Where’s the great Jesse Bane – the great Gang Slayer. What a politician Bane has turned out to be. Disgraceful!
John your an idiot. I’ve snuck out of the house before unnoticed by 2 parent 3 siblings and a dog. My mom would kill me if she knew. And I did that cause I’m a Fire Fighter. I volunteer cause your life depends on it. And this girl is well love by mom. This may be the problem. Ask Thank You (Hc). He is right. Now some parents try there best. My parents can’t tell me nothing. Yet I know not to drink and I’m legal. Never snuck out to party. But parents can control what they buy 15 year olds to wear. And maybe mom got so upset that she couldn’t spell when $#!t on her daughter. The fact or the matter its the girls fault. I’m sure she knew she could get raped while drunk. But at least she still has her dignity and hopefully her virginity but it cost her a knee. As for the rest of you become a cop or firefighter try to help people who reject you. It plays with your mind. So its bad jokes that keep us sane, a brotherhood that looks out for you, and straightforward comments that keeps us going. You don’t have to like what we say but were trying to make the difference not you. And Banes has done good. Your alive and so is the 15 yr girl. We could sit back and watch if that’s better for you. You people could do so much to help become a cop what’s more important your pay or community. Volunteer at a Fire Department. Enlist. Take care of your own kids/family first. Give the mom some advice on how to help her daughter. Bad mouthing dose nothing. You learn to be a parent from a parent not from your parents. We’ve come a long way things have changed not to mention you don’t remember half of it. And just because it work with you dose not mean it will work with everyone. But with all due respect try whipping that @$$. And yes check the friends you can’t control school but you can control who’s at your house. Everyone else should have something good to say to mom now that we know what happened and can relate cause half off us can relate. If not fix your problems before commenting on someone else’s.
I seriously doubt this girl is a virgin, given the poor choices she makes.
You seem to be suggesting that sneaking out to fight fires is the same as sneaking out to party. This has nothing to do with being a fire fighter or policeman. The girl was shot because she put herself in harms way, and you can’t really make the argument that Mom didn’t know since she says she had done the same thing. Why wouldn’t the child imitate the parent?
teens do that stuff, they say they are going to the library and maybe they sneak into the woods to smoke a cigerette, a young teen girl would say mom im going over saras house to spend the night have sara cover for her and then go hang out to be with Tom. This is the real world teens do that. I think your right i think shes was banging one of the two because why would you just shoot someone in the knee cap, was this before or after the murder happened that she got shot in the knee cap? I think that she was screwin someone like Derrick. she had to have been why else would she have been there, shes 15 its not like normal 21 year olds and over hang out with 15 year olds, so an adult was tapping her and she snuck out and got caught, young lady you had best get tested for HIV, HERPES, any kind of std, because some of the folks at this party have multiple partners and multiple childern and if they are banging a 15 year old there is no telling what else there banging. And mom the reason your daughter is screwing a 25 year old is because she has No positive male influence in her life, she wants to be loved
To: they dont care- you are absolutely right
I seriously think you need to stop posting. To insult and question a 15 yr old girl whom happenned to get shot and inquire about her virginity is just plainly gross. I think sir that you are a prick of the hightest degree and lacks decorum, sense, manners and civility.
well i wouldnt question it and dont really care if she is or is not how about questioning a 15 year old whose at a Bar isnt that almost the same. think about it if shes running with the crowd shes giing something up and it sure is not money and its not fame
Becker – you are an idiot and a Pecker! This kid got shot for being in the wrong place at the wrong time by an animal that deserves to be 6 feet under. She certainly doesn’t need an ass like you making uneducated guesses about her character and ethics.
Right. The point is she was in a place she should never have been had her parents been doing their jobs and she made her choice precisely because of her character and ethics. You explain why else a 15 year old was out at 2am, that far from her home and how she would have known there was an event there. Maybe this will be a wake up call for her and her parents. Time will tell…
Forget the paycheck already. In leadership they teach you to use a dictionary and spell check. For this that’s not practical. He a supervisor not an English teacher.
From the dagger website….. How is The Dagger different? The Dagger is more than a blog, more than a forum, more than a traditional newspaper.
A couple of sincere questions. How long will the dagger run a story before it has out lived its shelf life? Case in point….this shooting in Bel Air has evolved from murder, attempted murder, outrage, rage, RACISM, taunting, sympathy, fear, politcs and into pure speculation…damaging speculation. There are some posters currently speculating that this child (a child with no guidance or parental support but still a child) is not a virgin but someone who was being tapped (I am assuming that means having sex) with the 25 year old man. The story has been reduced to trashing a 15 year old.
Local politics….Is there a staff or volunteer person dedicated to truly covering local politics and politicians? The Washington/Guthrie saga has certainly gotten its share of press while more important (in my humble opinion)”political” stories have gone unnoticed or possibly noticed but selectively ignored. I tend to believe it’s more of the latter.
here is the thing she wouldnt be at a club or bar without getting in from someone, usally how a legion works is that you can sign someone in if your a member, or rent the hall for a set price, the person who rents the hall agrees to certain things, this is not the first time shes been at a club i guarantee it. How did she gety there who did she ride with? She was with someone that got her there apparently they were over 21 or they wouldnt be able to get in, if they were not 21 then thats another issue, Why would an over 21 yr old bring an child to a party with adults thats not the cool thing to do, so you best believe that who ever put there repuatation on the line was getting something in return. The other isssue is if shes 15 I know that Most adults at a party would not even talk to a 15 year old, The question is who brought her here, was it another teen in the bar? there is alot more to this. I think that there was alot more teens here because why would she hang out with people she didnt even know. Why would an adult show off a 15 year old as a friend. Mom really ask your self those questions. Where is Dad?
Another excellent point
I agree that there is something missing from this story, I believe that the girl knew where she was going, this was planned and well advertised event meaning that maybe someone rented the legion because they could easily bring in minors, and there would be lack of security and this would be an easy place for theese thugs to do there business, I think she was a target because she was with Him or close to him, I think if Derrick was the only target then Noone would have Known who did it, but he wanted attention, he showed his face, Hes young and stupid and he will get caught, already left way to much evidence, and why shoot someone is the knee cap whats that all about, If your a real Man turn your self in, tell the familys that your a real punk who cant handle life, Brother turn yourself in you will get caught, and thats what you wanted was fame or Respect, But once you get to the Cell you dont have no respect, because you put a bullet in a Little girls leg you dumb ass. You Killed a Man who you stabbed the Father in the back. You will get no Respect on the streets only people will Fear you and then they will hate you and your done they will snitch you out so fast, your a little punk, just wait till you get to that federal cell where your a little bitch for the rest of your life. this was senseless you coward
Contrarian: The staff of The Dagger is entirely voluntary. These people have families, full-time jobs, responsibilities, etc. They cannot cover each and every event that happens in Harford County. I believe they cover breaking news and events that have popular interest throughout the county quite effectively. Obviously, the murder at the Bel Air Legion has struck nerves throughout the county, that’s why people are still posting. If you don’t like the format, and you just want dry information, read news stories on the internet. I can’t even advise that you read the Aegis as their stories are biased and contain a lot of erroneous information. If you are concerned that stories are stale or the staff is missing something, why don’t you become a contributor instead of just grumbling about what you think The Dagger should be?
Stefano…I asked a question and I appreciate your answer. It’s possible that you misinterpreted the tone of the post but I was simply asking a question. However, I may look into becoming a contributor so thank you for the information. I agree wholeheartedly on your description of the Aegis. My post was more of a concern…..there is so much happening in the world (and Harford County)that I was surprised to see this story still running as a major headline. I follow several online blogs and the information changes daily if not hourly. Noted……that the dagger staff are volunteers with family, jobs and responsiblities. Thank you.
Sorry if I misinterpreted your post as criticism. I’m sure The Dagger staff would welcome you as a contributor. You have seen occasional submissions by Todd Holden, Cindy Mumby, etc., who are not on The Dagger staff. Look forward to reading a story of yours soon!
Stefano has the right read. I’m glad we’re part of your daily newsgathering routine, really. But we’re not the Huffington Post, I don’t have a multi-million dollar budget and a staff of dozens to assign out for hourly updates. Also, a lot of those sites’ “information” is just columns and opinion, we’re trying to publish actual news–and Harford County news. You can get someone pontificating about BP anywhere. We do the best we can with extremely limited resources and I think we punch way above our weight class. But, we’re aware of the same issues you bring up and while we’ve had this story up for a little while now, we also had it up two days before anyone else.
That said, we welcome anyone who wants to contribute their efforts to do some reporting and writing and help us cover what we’re missing–e-mail us at and let us know what you’re looking to do. At the very least, contrarian, shoot us an e-mail at that same address and let us know what you think we’re not covering. On both counts remember we’re focused on NEWS content, not unprovable opinions about local events and people. That’s what the Forum is for–and we encourage you all to create your own items on their and discuss them.
We can agree to disagree on Stefano’s read of my post. I will send an email this weekend to the address posted above and share some of my ideas.
I meant his read of our situation, not your post specifically. But good, we look forward to your e-mail.
i think i seen this man does anyone else out there know what kind of tattoos he has?
think i seen him hes not a real big guy can anyone tell me something about the tattoos
Alot of ya’ll seem to have lost sight of the real issue at hand. There is a killer on the loose and all ya’ll can think about is why a 15 year old was out at that time of morning. Also to ya’ll bashing her mom ya’ll should really be ashamed of ya’ll selves cause that girl could of lost her life that night just as well as my cousin did. Harford county really trips me out, ya’ll so stuck on what ya’ll expected from people but ya’ll not looking at the bigger picture…. My cousin has a baby girl and another one on the way, he was going to school to better his life for him and his family. He was loved and adored by all his younger brothers and sister, and from personal experience he was love and adored by me and my baby…. I hate when people can sit back and judge others when they don’t really know the whole story….R.I.P Derrick AKA DJ Gone But Never 4gotten….
Man of the year! Derrick was shot in New York City a couple of years ago and took months to recover then. I guess one could assume he was in the wrong place at the wrong time again, 200 miles away from home? This kid/man(?) has caused so much pain for his family. In fact, I’m relieved. At least we know where he is now! Yes, we want the killer apprehended but more importantly, we want the lame and lazy to take responsibility. Keep 15 year olds off the street and in a decent home with proper guidance and support. If you can’t raise a child in a proper environment, then don’t have them. The problem is too many babies having babies with no real supervision or parenting experience.
Man of the year! Derrick was shot in New York City a couple of years ago and took months to recover then. I guess one could assume he was in the wrong place at the wrong time again, 200 miles away from home? This kid/man(?) has caused so much pain for his family. In fact, I’m relieved. At least we know where he is now! Yes, we want the killer apprehended but more importantly, we want the lame and lazy to take responsibility. Keep 15 year olds off the street and in a decent home with proper guidance and support. If you can’t raise a child in a proper environment, then don’t have them. The problem is too many babies having babies with no real supervision or parenting experience.
Another dead man just trying to better his life, eh? Please…give us a break. As for the girl, I think we all addressed that, too. Grow up and stop shifting the blame to others. The love his family had for him should have kept him out of trouble. I guess that love wasn’t enough for good ole “DJ”. Stop wasting time blogging and go find the killer. I’m sure Derrick’s friends know who pulled the trigger, but you know the old rule…don’t snitch!
My feeling exactly. There can be no resolution without positive change. And, from what I can tell from the friends and few family members on this blog, change is far far away. How many more will blog about the number of babies you have or the three he has left behind for me and the rest of american taxpayers to care of for the next 18-21 years. That is unless they are gunned down in the street pior.
what do you mean give you a break? A break for what…Apparently you did not know him nor were you nor your family hurt in any sort so what the hell do you need the break for. As for J griffith, i just wonder how perfect you are. I happened to know Derrick Maxey(DJ) personally and he was a good person. Who gave you the authority to judge him or anybody else for that matter. All i have to say for your ignorance and stupidity is to choose your words wisely because on Judgement day, you will be held accountable for every last word you decide to use. It almost makes me thing your either, a friend or family of “black” or took a part in the situation that happened prior to Dj’s murder. So what if he did this or he did that. He didnt do a damn thing to you personally and you weren’t coming out of your pockets to take care of him. If you have an issue with paying taxes, make your complaints with the federal governement. Him nor his family created the tax law so stop complaining. Youre not the only damn person in the US paying tzxes….i pay them also….every working person does.
Education, money, status, neighborhood, big $$ SUV, clothing, BIG 6,000 sq. ft. house, talk to kids about drugs, friends, kids are in sports, laughing, going on vacations together. Then you go to sleep and everything is perfect, seems perfect. Then your daughter sneeks out at midnight because her friend is crying about breaking up with her boyfriend and needs someone to talk to. Your daughter goes to Wendy’s/McD’s to calm her friend down and sneeks back into the house at 3:00 am. You never even knew. Thought everything was perfect. Anything could’ve happened and if it had while she was out, YOU are judged by everyone else who thought they were a perfect parent as they have no idea what THEIR kids are doing.
DO YOU REALLY KNOW what your kids are doing behind your back?
Even though your parents were educated, went to church, high profile gov. job, strict, loving, didn’t YOU lie to your parents at one time or another?
There is a lot of judging going on here. Each person plays a part and has a responsibility. Anything can happen at any time. The only person, first and foremost, who should be judged right now is the Judge who is in a PAID position and let this person out out jail.
What was he doing out of jail?????????????
No I did not lie to my parents and sneek out of the house because they would have smacked the stuff out of me!
Like this.
I live a good distance from the community where these shootings have occured. In fact, I reside in a totally different State. The only reason I chimed into this blog is because one of the people murdered is a distant relative. I refer to the person murdered as a distant relative because I distanced myself years ago from a family devoid of any sense of responsibility, respectability or promise for the future of generations. Section 8 has little to do with the criminal elements that besiege a family. Nor, should a parent make excuses for children missing in the middle of the night.
There is no excuse for not knowing where your children are at 2:00 a.m. Unless, one is subject to heavy drink or drugs, who could sleep so soundly to not know if their children are tucked safely away in bed?
In any case, section 8 does not determine the direction or outcome of a family living in proverty. So many case studies have proven successes and individuals who have gone on to lead productive lives and have positive impact on their communities. I am one of them and am proud to know others who chose to escape the elements by means other than drug trafficking and immediate gratification of $$$ SUVs, 6,000 square ft. homes, etc. And in turn, have contributed by reaching back and being an example for many young women to escape and change the cycle. Why is it that we constantly look to shift the blame from ourselves and our own destruction to others? Section 8 housing and slum landlords are not the blame for our lack of survival or destiny.
jgriffith….. we all have control of our future and what road we decide to take in life doesnt matter if you grew up in the projects or in the Hamptons…… i believe in no excuses if you had a bad childhood reach up and grab onto something positive(i pray that “girlfriend” listens to you). I also do not believe that Sect 8 housing is the culprit. However i do believe that if the slumloard should raise their standards…. note… i know great Sect 8 tenants and neighbors as well as good landlords. We all have to do better, as you stated “reach back”.
concernedmom… we are on the same page. Many of my family members share our position and have dismissed this situation as well as severed ties with this extension of the family – unfortunately, for those and the innocent children left behind. But, at what point do you stop putting in the effort with no indication of a break through. I do hope the killer is apprehended. Emotionally, I am done. Best!
This is ridiculous! A career criminal is out and about killing people, a 15 year old will probably be another statistic soon, a family is mourning a loss, a man is paralyzed, multiple people are hurt, violent crime is on the rise and you are debating grammar and spelling?!?!? Give me a break! If everyone quit their cat fighting and insult hurling and did something proactive about these terrible situations then maybe you all wouldn’t be so heated over stupid ass shit!
Ummm I know Derrick and of course no one deserves to be killed but he was not this perfect boy you all are describing he sold drugs had guns started fights and other trouble!! I was his neighbor forever he bought illegal sawed off shot guns and I know for a fact sold cocaine lmfao yall trip me out. The boy that killed him will get what he deserves but how can u blame the mother of the little girl that her daughter got shot all kids sneak out and go to parties and according to everyone she wasnt there with derrick they dont even know each other so get over your selves foreal and at the end of the day all families were hurt by this including the murderers family his mother lost a son also he will never come home! But Im so tired of derrick getting put on a pedastool like he was this great guy who was going to shool and taking care of his kids.. First of all he always denied those girls maybe not to his family or his ugly ass baby mother but to the rest of the neighbrhood he did and then he def didnt claim Jessicas ugly junky ass. yes shes a Junky I know ppl who has served her cocine I was there lol! If you werent involved in drugs and gangs this tyoe of problems wouldnt occur! Some innocent ppl are killed but Derrick was not one of those! You live on the streets you Die on the streets everyone knows that! So Everyone STFU already it happens My sons father was killed on the streets of harford county and even tho he was a good man he was involved in stuff that resulted to his murder so who are we mad at ourselves them everyone Karma comes back just keep it in gods hands! God dont like Ugly!
Idk who this jgriffin is & I know I’m mad late but your a waste of life on this site judging a man you never ******* knew your not related to my family cus we don’t speak like that yeah my brother wasn’t a saint but who is judge him for his bad mistake why is that anybody business he was a good father & he was going to school to let you guys know I hate ppl who talk out their asses y’all know nothing about Derrick Maxey except what talk read ! Someone’s child brother nephew cousin bestfriend & father was taken from this earth because someone was being a pussy! I’m pretty sure this jgriffin character is somewhere lonely!!! Don’t judge my brother when I’m pretty sure you have sins of your own
&& as for j9 you don’t know shit either mind ya ******* business at the end of the day my brother did what he had to do ! No he wasn’t perfect but he so I’m pretty sure you’re not either may denied his kids but even in doubt he still took care of that lil girl mind ya damn business!
Even took care of a kid that wasn’t his my brother wasn’t perfect but y’all not bout to dog him like he was the ****ing devil ! If y’all don’t know him personally never hung out with him ! Never been around him only going off what you hear & read go **** yourself ! He’s never took anybody life ! & he didn’t deserve for his to be taken !