From Rovall Washington, candidate for state senate District 34:
Attention: Citizens of Harford and Cecil Counties
On July 15, 2010 the residency of Art Helton was challenged in court. After a decision was made by a circuit court judge that ruled in his favor, the Washington campaign continues. We will not appeal the decision. Instead, we ask that the residents of District 34 demand a higher standard of leadership. One that resides within the district lines 100% of time, not just as a property manager, but as a true resident close to our issues. Our campaign is built on protecting the citizens in which we represent. For years, business opportunities have passed over southern Harford County and western Cecil County because people have neglected our desire to improve our community and have abused our trust for their own personal interest. I wish to stop this trend. As State Senator, I will have an unchanged focus. A focus which includes higher quality employment opportunities in our district and term limits for elected officials.
The Washington campaign has reached out to the Harford County Executive’s office connecting them with a green energy company to extend their operation in southern Harford County. When successful, this venture will provide up to 2000 green jobs for the local residents which will include job training necessary to fill those positions. The Washington campaign, in conjunction with County Councilman Dion Guthrie, has been in close contact with a major property management firm to help find and select businesses to fill vacancies in our district. This will bring more jobs to our community as well as help increase the quality of life.
Many people begin their political careers with great intentions but can become part of the problem by becoming a static part of government. I feel that individuals that wish to represent the public should be limited to the amount of time that they serve just as we do with the office of the Governor and the President of the United States. As State Senator, I will fight to bring term limits to state elected positions. Hence, I will also make my tenure the example.
Harford and Cecil Counties need new and improved leadership, leadership that is not acquired for self-gain. Henry Kissinger once stated, “The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been.” As State Senator, I will be your direct employee in Annapolis, helping lead our great state back to a position of unquestioned viability; as well as being available on the front lines within our towns and cities that make up our beautiful district. I will fight for my constituents every step of the way. From the small battles such as asking a court of determine one’s true voter registration address to finding new and better job opportunities. With your votes this September and November, I will lead you.
I am you. I am Rovall Washington.
Rovall M Washington
Maryland State Senate Candidate
Chair, Citizens to Elect Rovall Washington
Member, Joppa/Joppatowne Community Council
Member, NAACP
Could you please elaborate on exactly what the terms limits you mention will be? A single term or two? What positions should have these limits? County Council also? City Councils? I am very interested in what exactly you will do to fight term limits in terms of the language of the law that you will craft. I personally am unsure if term limits are needed in all areas. Please state your opinion and thoughts.
I have been trying to keep up with the comments of Rovall Washington and the public. I am also cunfused by the comments in this article. First of all, did the Courts not find in favor of Art Helton? Doesn’t that make Rovalls claims invalid? Second thing is we as voters set the terms of our elected officials. If they are doing a good job, why can’t we vote to let them continue to serve? That seems like something that should be our decision to make. I’m sorry, but I’m hearing a lot of diversions with the residency thing, and now the terms of officials, but not really hearing much of a plan. And you can’t make comments Mr. Washington, like your are going to make Edgewood a “High-End shopping district” without a plan. I am more than a little concerned that you do not see the importance of a Hotel tax for Harfod County. Don’t throw things out there that you just think we want to hear. We want to know what YOU are going to do to make thing better in 34. You will find that the District is full of fairly inteligent people. TELL US YOUR PLAN
The only thing Rovall Washington can do to make things better in 34 is to move to another district.
Then both Rovall AND Art wouldn’t LIVE in District 34!
There you go, mentioning Dion Guthrie again.
Dion’s sole purpose (although it could be considered “soul purpose”) in courting you to run against Art Helton is his desire to siphon the African-American community away from Helton’s candidacy simply because of his long-term dislike of Helton and his desire to be the King of the District A corridor.
Fortunately, it will not work. From the people I have spoken with in the district, they recognize you for what you are, and Dion for what he is doing. Guthrie is nowhere near as well liked in his district as he would believe, and certainly nowhere near as well liked as he would have you believe. It’s a pity you put yourself out there at his bequest, and you are getting the barbs while Dion holds himself above all of this.
Dion is using you, plain and simple. You do not have a snowball’s chance, and now Harford County knows your business and has formed quite an impression.
The smartest thing you can do is expose Dion for what he is… then and only then you might restore what is left of your shredded credibility.
Your right Mr. Washington,
District 34 does deserve a higher standard of leadership. However after looking at your financial standards, your leagal issue standards, and your family standards, I’m not so sure THOSE are the standards that District 34 deserves. I’m sorry to put it out there like that, but you are wanting to be our Senator. You had to of known that stuff would surface.
Dion should quit filing frivolous law suits. No Guthrie, No Washington!
I just have to laugh Rovall. Do you think that we are all stupid? You make acusations about residency, when your house that was just foreclosed on, isn’t in the District. It wasn’t until you recently left your wife and newborn child to move in with your mistress that you were staying in the District. You have a lot of nerve! You need to get things in your own life straight before you try to make decisions for other people. Heaven knows your decision making skills so far look pretty pathetic. Don’t try to preach to us!
CLEAN UP YOUR OWN BACK YARD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Does Mr. Washington’s vision of term limits apply to Mr. Guthrie since he has now served two terms on the County Council? Probably not since Dion recruited Mr. Washington and is in all probability bankrolling his campaign. After all, the evidence certainly suggests that Mr. Washington does not have the personal financial resources or political connections to fund raise enough cash to run on his own.
The same could be said for Dion’s connection to school board candidates Mr. McDonald and Mr. Washington, both recruited by Mr. Guthrie.
It’s blatantly obvious that Dion Guthrie not only recruited Washington, but most likely wrote this article as well. As an observer in court last Friday, I know for a fact this article was not written by Rovall Washington, who can hardly be described as an intellectual. His performance in court was at best a pathetic attempt at gallivanting as a “high-end” Hollywood attorney, however he lacks the ability to articulate a single coherent thought. Clearly this article would have to have been written by Guthrie or one of Washington’s other puppet masters such as Mike Hiob, or one of his mistresses
Now Guthrie has recruited Jansen Robinson the run for the brd of ed.
Washington is a hack, paid for by dion Guthrie and Nancy Jacobs. trained to tell ‘constituents’ what he thinks they want to hear. He sells more snake oil than cars!
NO guthrie is the hack.
Jacobs a close second. She’s way too partisan to get anything done anymore in Annapolis. She could have been good, but went down the party path years ago.
I don’t even want to comment on Washington. He had the wool pulled over his eyes long ago, he’s just a shady used car salesman.
Sign this petition to tell Mr. Guthrie to step back:
In case you weren’t aware, there is an alternative. I am running against Mr. Guthrie for County Council in the September 14th primary.
MANRAY for congress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOLY HELL…after all this back and forth bullshit…i am forced to vote for Nancy Jacobs just because she’s kept her ass out of this shitthrow…
my goodness folks…can’t we all just get along…
This is a pretty poor reason to vote for somebody; Nancy Jacobs has a rather poor record of representation for the citizens of 34 and Harford County in general. Voting for her simply because you do not like the back and forth between other candidates has the effect of hurting the citizens of our county because you do not like back and forth on Dagger (which very well may have little to nothing to do with the candidates themselves).
The only candidate’s who have been desperate enough to communicate on this website are Rovall Washington, Dion Guthrie, and Mike Hiob. These Men are pathetic and should not be voted for, just like No Show Nancy Jacobs.
When will Rovall get rid of his trash? Election laws say you need to get rid of all those eyesores you have plastered along rt 40 and Edgewood and Joppatowne. While you’re at it do something with all the Guthrie and Robinson signs.