From the Bel Air Police Department:
Man dies from gunshot wound; second person is at Maryland Shock Trauma Center recovering from a gunshot wound to the leg.
On Sunday, July 18, 2010, at approximately 0147 hours, the Bel Air Police Department and Harford County 911 Center received a call of shots fired in the area of Bond and Lee Street in the Town of Bel Air. Officers from the Bel Air Police Department and the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene and observed an adult male with a gunshot wound.
Detectives from the Bel Air Police Department and personnel from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division & Evidence Collection Unit responded to the scene and found the victim deceased from an apparent gunshot wound in the rear parking lot of 115 N. Bond Street.
At 0159 hours, the Bel Air Police Department received a call from the emergency room staff at Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air. The staff reported that a 15 year old white female suffering from a gunshot wound to the leg was dropped off at the emergency room by a friend. At 0244 hours, the female victim was transported by medevac helicopter to Maryland Shock Trauma Center. Detectives believe that this female victim received her injuries at the murder scene.
The murder victim is identified as Derrick Maxey Jr., a black male, 25 years of age, with a last known address of Holly Drive, Aberdeen, Maryland
Motive for the shooting is unknown at this time. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Detective Bradley Helm at 410-638-4500 or Corporal Ruszala of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office at 410-836-5429.
Wake up Harford County, Jesse Bane welcomes criminals like Obama welcomes radical Muslims. How many more of these headlines do we need to see? Jesse Bane has grossly abused taxpayer dollars and Trust, but hey he sure is a nice guy.
Comments from people like “Braveheart” are depressing. He must be one of the people that hang out on Looney Corner.
Patrick – People like you with their heads in the sand are depressing. Jesse Bane has praticied a policy of befriending scumbags and displacing crime from Edgewood to other parts of the County. Bane has exploded the Policing budget without corresponding decreases in crime. He favors high paid positions to keep his staff financially happy but doesn’t give them authority to act. Bane is in way over his head. He was originally elected for all the wrong reasons – much like Obama.
I can add to that. What about the estimated 350,000 “illegal” aliens in md and many gangs like their ms13. The md media don’t tell you much at all especially the dwindling sunpaper, but ms 13 is hot as hell in md. O’malley turned this once beautiful state into a sanctuary hell of illegals and crime. Go to hell O’malley!!
I think it’s the Tea Baggers fault. They all whine and cry about paying for services,so when they are cut and things happens and in typical Tea Bagger fashion they blame the government
HAcoResident –
You use a vile sexual term to deride conservatives who are for smaller more efficient government that is accountable to citizens.
Explain how a shooting is the fault of some political group?
I missed that connection.
Go Dagger!
just an example..The media is so hush on gangs in md. They have to kill to belong. Its their initiation.
lol. so i’ll just note your name that you don’t want conservative taxing when it comes to your taxes. You have no problem with high taxes!! You forget what the Tea party stands for. TEA=Taxed enough already. Try and remember that and we’ll remember you..
Bane is off the hook for this one, because it was in the Town of Bel Air, which is handled by Bel Air Police Department. But I agree with Braveheart, Bane is ultimately responsible, after all, he is the main guy in law enforcement in Harford County. He takes such pride in saying how he is curtailing gang activity (when, in fact, it was Sheriff Golding who began the eradication of gangs) but all he is doing is redistributing these scumbags throughout the county. How long before there is a similar incident at Annie’s Playground, which has become a hotbed for druggies? All Bane is doing is swatting at flies–he may get one now and again, but they just find somewhere else to go. He is the one who needs to go.
Wake up! How can you blam Jesse Bane for a murder in Bel Air. How childish.
Please don’t feed trolls like “Brave”heart. Any person with sense – liberal or conservative – knows this tragedy has nothing to do with politics or who is running the sheriff’s office.
Bob – Is that the best you have Bob – troll. What position do you hold in the Craig/Bane hierchy of incompetance? You are probably an academic that works 25 hours a week for the state or local government.
Jesse Bane has praticied a policy of befriending scumbags and displacing crime from Edgewood to other parts of the County. Bane has exploded the Policing budget without corresponding decreases in crime. He favors high paid positions to keep his staff financially happy but doesn’t give them authority to act. Bane is in way over his head. He was originally elected for all the wrong reasons – much like Obama.
Noreen – Jesse takes credit for anything positive and is silent on all that is negative. Time for Jesse to come out of his Ivory Tower.
I don’t blame Jesse for murder. I blame his poor resource management and policing abilities for increases in unfortuante incidents like this in our County, especially in areas above route 40.
I wonder if your anger at the current Sheriff (who is after all, only another political toad) would be better directed at the Judiciary which takes the criminals that law enforcement gathers up for them to punish and simply turns them back out to re-victimize the community via dropped charges, plea bargains so I’ll get to the back nine, etc… How many times does someone need to be arrested before they’re handed a meaningful punishment? How can law enforcement live up to your expectations when they spend their time re-arresting the same dirtbags? Why can’t we have a system where the Judiciary is held accountable for their incompetence? A judge or parole board can release someone today who’ll murder you tomorrow… couldn’t we at least punish their mistake with tuna sandwiches for a week? I’m a firm believer that you can be a peaceful, law abiding, productive member of society or screw you, spend your life in prison… they’re not overcrowded until you can’t get the door shut.
Please explain how Bane caused this or could have stopped it? This happens in edgewood all the time, now it’s a bigger deal because it happend in Bel Air. I would bet my last dollar ehat caused this is drugs! plain and simple.
Well, it happened near a bunch of bars so it could’ve been over a woman, but since there’s no suspect yet and everyone nearby is probably saying “I didn’t see anything” it makes it hard to develop a motive.
The only thing showing in MD case search for the victim are a couple of traffic stops and a child support case.
I also fail to see how this has anything to do with Bane. There are certainly things he could be doing better, but blaming him for this is a bit of stretch, though I guess it goes along with Democrats blaming everything on Bush and Republicans blaming everything on Obama…
Perhaps you missed the guilty on the hand gun charge and the Nolle Process on the 1st degree atempted murder charge from 2008
Chuck2 while it is unknown at this time what the cause was, bottom line there is a 15 year old girl in serious condition. I find it somewhat ill founded on your comment that “this happens in edgewood all the time”. Has there been incidents in edgewood, yes and recently, but violence is not restricted to edgewood and has occurred in various communities in Harford County, which none can be abashed of. Whether its drugs, domestic abuse, or assault incidents have occurred throughout so please don’t take the easy route and lay Harfords lone crime within the Edgewood Community. I would think your research would be better than that. Crime needs to be met head on regardless of area, and no area is off limits. Residents need to make sure and hold not only civic leaders but each other to a standard of identifying and finding ways of making sure incidents like this are rooted out period. btw I live in edgewood and unfortunately one area has provided the hardworking community as a whole with an easy “there it goes again” genre to which folks blindly say “can’t happen in my area”..until it happens.
I agree, crime happens all over the county all the time. I’m real interested however there is nothing on the dagger about athletes at belair high placing their genitals in younger athletes faces…hmmmm…wonder why? And the school says they’ve been disciplined…what?…detention, game suspension? If this had been a route 40 corridor school…they would’ve been charged, labeled gang bangers, AND suspended:)
Henry you better look again. In addition to traffic stops and a custody case, he also has drug arrests, gun charges, assault, armed robbery, attempted murder charges. Some of these charges were dropped by prosecutors so he was not convicted of all charges.
You hate to drag victims through the mud, but very seldom are shootings random innocent people. Also the area where he is found in a little away from the bar scene so maybe a meeting place of some type when all the attention is on the bars?
I stand corrected…I only looked at Harford County, not statewide.
I also wouldn’t consider bringing up a victim’s criminal history as dragging their name through the mud. If someone’s a dirtball, then someone’s a dirtball.
Oh, and I do know exactly where he was found and yes, it was right next to the American Legion where they were having some sort of club night or something.
Can we at least have a little sympathy for Mr. Maxey. Your taking the time to look up someones criminal record when if it was your family you would be defending him too. Mr. Maxey might not have had the right start on life and made mistakes but guess what were all human. As far as attempt murder ect… NOLLE PROSSE Y HE WASNT THE SHOOTER HE WASNT EVEN INVOLVED!! I mean you sit and bash this man but dont even know him. If you did you would know that he has actually turned his life around. A full time student amazing father his daughter was his life. And lets not forget that now this man she called daddy who was her everything in which I no because I AM HER MOTHER shes never going to see him again nor remember anything but pictures because no one remembers being 2 yrs old. How about the fact that he has a child on the way in less than 3 months that he will never meet and I have to be the one to explain to them that daddys gone. Do you not care about how people suffer and then to read your rude comments its pathetic. Things happen for a reason but if Derrick wasnt a great person or was such a criminal where was his handgun to shoot back, he didnt have one. If you claim it was drug related where were the drugs there werent any and gang related yea then why one day he would wear blue and the next day red because he wasnt in a gang. He was a normal every day person who deserves to be treated like a victim and not a criminal. Please keep in mind that no one is perfect and im sure none of you are either. We have all made mistakes in life that oneday we regret.
I agree with you girlfriend. old or new records. it is a mans life and someones child, boyfriend, father, brother. all yall with negative remarks about this man are ignorant and with no fucking heart.
Welcome to the expansion of Baltimore City into the burbs. I hope you all can see, when it gets too dangerous for the criminals in the city, they simply move out to the burbs. Oh yes, and they bring their attitude and crime with them. And by too dangerous I mean, when the cops are on the winning side and the thugs on the losing end, the thugs begin to look for better areas to set up shop. Unfortunately this thug picked Bel Air this time. Drugs, prostitution, assaults and murder, welcome to the big time.
Okay well maybe Derrick was not a perfect person but he was a terrific father of one with another on the way. Who by the way was not from the city and has been residing in Harford County for years. All he wanted to do is go out for his birthday and have a good time which unfortunately turned bad I’m sure if he knew this was gonna happen he would not have left his baby girl who is his pride and joy. There was never a time you did not see her by his side holding hands walking down the street or at the playground. People should not judge others when they have no idea or just assume that it was drug related he could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though he is listed on Maryland Judicery case search he was NOT CONVICTED.
As seeing all the coments I would just like to state that Derrick was an amazing man. He has been in trouble with some traffice offenses but as you can see his other charges were Nolle Prose. Derrick was not only the victim this time but was also the victim then being robbed at gunpoint by 3 men. Unfortunatly, he was at the wrong place wrong time. Just so everyone understands he was not a drug dealer, gang member but a young college student trying to do what he needed to take care of his family. He was a devoted father and nothing mattered more but his daughter. If you only knew him you would feel the same. So please dont take the case search of his past where he was never convicted into consideration and try to make him out to be someone he is not. Again, He was an amazing person with a good heart and would do anything for anyone. Please remember HE IS THE VICTIM NOT THE CRIMINAL! RIP DERRICK MAXEY JR 11/21/84-7/18/10 Your children will never forget you!
What? No paens from the Baby Momma(s)????? This is simply another TFN event that happened to take place in an unlikely location.
In todays Sun paper : According to court records, Maxey was charged with attempted first-degree murder, armed robbery and related charges in January 2008 in Baltimore, but prosecutors dropped the case. Also that same month, he was charged in Baltimore with illegal handgun possession and, three months later, received an 18-month suspended sentence, court records show.
He was out to celebrate his November birthday in July? I believe he was convicted of possession of a drug other than marijuana. He had some serious charges that were dropped, and some other charges that he plead out for probabation. Not looking for a motive but I would have to question if he flipped on someone to stay out of jail.
I to have had some traffic violations but it appears he has Failed to Appear for court for every one.
Not sure where you come from but where I am from GOOD PARENTS don’t do crack, carry handguns, get involved with violent felonies, get taken to court for custody, out at 2AM with 15 year old girls.
And also part of his judgement was that he either had to get a job or go to school, guess he passed on the job huh.
I don’t think he was out with 15 year old girls. There just happened to be one in the parking lot when this went down.
Of course, what a 15 year old girl was doing out in the middle of downtown Bel Air at 2 am is another question.
His friends BIRTHDAY sorry only human and forgot the word friend in that sentence.
The fifteen year old girl was not with him, she was an innocent bystander who happened to be leaving in a car when shot.
Not to mention a college student at 25
Hey man, that is unfair. Pursuit of education, at any age, should be encouraged.
And your point, I know 40 year old college students, just trying to better themselves! You don’t have to be in a certain age group to be a college student!
First Off To All Ya’ll Out There Bashing Derrick Let Me Tell Ya’ll Something…. He Was Not Out With A 15 Year Old Girl He Was At Someone’s Party At The Bel Air Legion…. Secondly He Was Not Celebrating His November Birthday In July Cuz Trust And Believe His Family Made Sure His Birthday Was Celebrated On Time……. And Lastly If You Don’t Know The Real Situation Then You Shouldn’t Be Making Comments……. DJ Was Loved By Everyone Who Knew Him On a Personal Level And He Loved Everyone Back…. He Didn’t Deserve What Happened To Him….. No Matter How His Background Looks…. R.I.P Dj You Are And Alwayz Will Be Missed…. And Don’t Worried Yur Lil Gurlz Will Be Well Taken Care Of….. Love You Cuzzo….!
If I had a similar history of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and got to a party and there was drugs/guns/15 yr olds drinking/random thugs (who appearantly havo no names) I would probably leave.
You are right, no one deserves to die, I agree, but some people make decisions that increase their likelihood of dying.
Hopefully some witnesses have the guts to let the authories know who did this so they can’t kill anyone else.
You dont know my brother so dont speak on nothing he has done !! yes he made very bad mistakes but least he was willing to change !he was a wonderful person and a great dad you saying it like he deserve it because nobody deserves to get their life taking away no matter what choices they made my brother was the victim so mind your business
How can we mind our business when it’s all over the internet?
Well it seems that the ramdom “friends” who are posting know all the details about what happened. Maybe the police should talk to them. I love it how thugs are dirt bags are always “great, swell outstanding citizens” When they are killed. And the 15 year old was a “random bystander” Then why was she dumped off at the hospital and didnt call the police. Please all of you thugs and losers, keep shooting each other. Its less money we have to pay for your asses to be in jail. Not a sermon, just a thought.
It amazing how much these “family and friends”, seem to know. Now I am a little fuzzy on dirtbag mourning rituals, what do you do first 1. post comments on the web story about the persons death or 2. get the “In memory of…” decal so you can dedicate your 1992 civic to your fallen comrade! This @#$% is happening in Bel Air, making me miss Harford Square!
The point that everyone seems to be missing here is that there is an armed gunman on the loose in our community that doesn’t hesitate to open fire on a group of people in the middle of Bel Air. Regardless of peoples background or age, this was blatant violence that could have impacted any law abiding citizen on their way home from any of the local pubs last night! I’m sure someone knows more than they are willing to say.
Very well said! Thanks
Well said John! I completely agree with you!!!
An average of 6-9 murders per year, a majority of which occur in the southern end of the county. Braveheart, your an idiot. I suggest you move to Baltimore City or some rural hilltop in Montana, or perhaps you can run for Sheriff since you seem to think you can totally eradicate homicide.
If we could just figure out a way to prevent a homicide for a week per case, wouldn’t that be great. With all these “victims” just turning their lives around at the exact time they are killed, if we only had another week, they probably wouldn’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hell, maybe they would be at work.
This really sucks. Here we have a open air murder in downtown Bel Air, and all most on this board can do is either degredate or praise the victim, or make some sort of bullshit political connection. Only one other poster mentions the fact there is a brazen gun toting murderer on the loose. Other posters mention a gathering at the American Legion; what kind of gathering? Was the 15 year old at the legion too? Are there witnesses? Arrests? Too many questions, too many un-called for nasty nonsensical comments. It is indeed time to turn up the heat, but please remember that a life was taken.
This is to all of you who know exactly what happened by reading a paragraph about a shooting in Bel Air and need to put in your two cents worth about a man that you did not know because it happened in Bel Air and that is just not heard of! You sit there and criticize and act like you have a perfect life but have nothing better to do with your time than to sit at the computer and look up someone’s criminal background so that you can make judgement………YOU have no right! I would say that your life is pretty pathetic if you wasted this beautiful day away digging up dirt on some guy that got shot to death. Take a look at your own life before criticizing others and hurting those that do love and care for him and that lost him in such a tragic way, especially his children, also innocent bystanders.
My mother always taught me that if you don’t have anything nice to say, maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all. You are not his maker, you do not have the right to pass judgement on someone you have never met, there is only one man for that job.
Maybe you all should be more worried about the gunman who is still out there carrying a weapon around the streets of Harford County.
AMEN Laurie, to the families my prayers are with you.
Laurie Id like to say thank you! I could not have said it better myself. Id love to let you know that whether he had a criminal record he was still a victim. A victim that leaves behind a mother a father 9 brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nephews, and most of all his children 2 1/2 years old, and an unborn due to be here in october. He was an amazing person dispite a rocky time in his life, things were looking up for him. But again we cant all be perfect and have to learn from our mistakes in which he was. So I just want to say thank you from all of us for making the right comment and not bashing someone for their mistakes.
It took very little time out of my day to investigate the record of the “victim”. As a concerned parent, the kind that actually knows where his teen children are at all times, I do not consider it a waste of day to look into the kind of people entering my community and being involved in crime. I am sick and tired of hearing how some dirt bag is an upstanding citizen that just happened to get shot! I am in my 40’s and have never been shot at while attending any party, as a matter of fact I personally know no one who has been involved in a shooting. Fact is, people put themselves in these situations, not the economy, not society, not circumstance, people do it themselves! The way I see it, the shooter, the victim and the 15 y/o should have never been in my neighborhood, keep it below 95!
The mother of the 15 year old does an interview with WJZ –
According to the mother of the 15 year old Edgewood girl, she snuck out.
I think the American Legion in Bel Air needs to look at who is “partying” in their establishment (just one of several problems with this situation of course). What kind of liquor license do they have?
Just to make it clear – it was American Legion Post 55 on Bond Street, NOT Post 39 on Hickory Avenue.
This is the second murder at a party at a rental hall I know of, another occurred at Joppa-Magnolia Fire hall. I am not sure how liquor licenses are handled for private parties. I am in no way in favor of more regulation, but it might worth making everyone having a party at a hall get a temporary liquor license.
Same Promoter
Does anyone know if these “party promoters” have to get a liquor license for these events or if it falls under the halls license?
coincidentally, both murders occurred at birthday parties thrown for these dark thugs that were shuffled into edgewood/aberdeen through section 8 and public transportation by glendening/o’malley
Wow thats a little harsh dont you think! Im guessing your white since you state dark thugs, well I am too and so you know its 2010 society isnt racist anymore @$$hole. And just so you do know MR MAXEY WASNT ON SECTION 8 and wasnt shuffled here from the city either.
John hit the nail on the head with his post. Random, senseless violence is “way of life” to a lot of young people these days. Street status is measured by arrests and access to weapons. Once a thug, always a thug I guess. Unfortunately, these days, you can’t tell the players from the fans, when looking at the style of dress or listening to that incredible diction.
As good as John’s post was, the kewpie doll has to go to Colin. I laughed out loud in an otherwise quiet office. Sad but true. BTW Colin, the 92 Civic will have a modified exhaust system and a 100 pound speaker system in the back so we can hear it from a half mile away.
And to girlfriend, family friend and sister; your postings indicate that you all know more about this incident than was reported by the news. It almost sounds like you were there and witnessed the whole event. And yet you can chastise every other person who posted a negative comments about the “father of the year.” Step up to the plate. Call the Bel Air PD and render a witness statement. Oh wait a minute…..that would be snitching, wouldn’t it?
Glad you enjoyed it. I was not trying to make light of the murder more the “family/friend” reaction.
I moved out of Baltimore County due to crime, and ambivalent government, and the predominance of ignorance. I don’t want to sound like the nubee causing the stink but if you don’t clamp down on the drugs and violence murder will become a common occurrence. I know how bad it can get and no one wants it in Harford County.
@ Colin ~ Did you take the time to investigate the criminal background of the “Ted Bundy” victims too, cause they probably were all “dirtbags” as well!
Yes, some people put themselves in these situations, but not always. There are sick, disturbed people out there and there are people out there that “happen” to fall victim to them. No one said that this man was perfect, I personally do not know him, never met him, but he was someones son, father, brother, husband/fiance, friend! And those people loved him regardless of the fact that he had imperfections. If you do indeed know where your children are at all times and the kind of friends they hang out with, then you certainly do not have anything to worry about in the first place! Great that you have perfect teens, but you do not know what their future holds on any level. There have been people with the best education, degrees, and great family upbringing that have turned criminal in one form or another.
I’m sure the family does know a little more than the rest of us, it’s their business to know and be told. Truth is, nobody knows what really happened or why yet, the article states that it is being investigated! And don’t expect to know all the details anyway. Weren’t you ever told to not believe everything that you read and only half of what you see?
On another note, it is great to know that the residents of Bel Air are perfect and have perfect children and that gives you the right to make judement on anyone that is not directly from that area of Harford County! You better look around and stay on your toes though, I know several people that grew up in Edgewood that are living in your neighborhood/community! And there have also been incidents of people from Bel Air who have gone to other parts of Harford County and caused trouble. You might want to break out of your little bubble there and look at the big picture.
Regardless, again, you should be more worried about who was doing the shooting than who got shot, cause he is still out there.
I blame the parents! I have lived in Harford couty all of my 34 years. I grew up in Edgewood, went to school and played football at Joppatowne. My parents never allowed me to put myself into situations that may have resulted in anything like what happened in Bel Air. Thay knew where I was and who I was with at all times. I was exposed to alot of shady stuff growing up but knew If I made the wrong move my ass was going to be kicked by the people who loved me. I grew up, Graduated, attended college, moved to Bel Air and never looked back. Now I have two daughters who know I love them and that daddy is watching every move. This stuff does make me realize that the difference between route 40 and route 1 is really just a few miles. It may be time that we do look back and make moves before nobody wants to live on this side of 165.
And who are you to blame the parents??? You don’t know what the parents went through or how they raised their child! Everyone is a critic. Times have changed since we were kids, yes we feared our parents (in a good way) knowing that we would get our asses busted or grounded for an extended period of time, but parents did not have to worry about child abuse charges then. Now, the kids are taught that if their parents discipline them it is abuse, that they have rights! I myself have had one of my children tell me that they will call the police if I touch them. I have had to call the police on my child because he defied my rules and snuck out in the middle of the night, the police told me “we cannot make him stay home, we can bring him home IF we see him but we can’t make him stay once he is home and neither can you (me)”. He was 15 at the time! When they brought him home, and not because he was in any trouble, but because I had to file a missing persons report, they said right in front of him that HE has rights and that I cannot make him stay in the house! They also said that they cannot make him come home because there is no curfew and he wasn’t breaking any laws! I attempted to lock him in the house so that he would not sneak out after being grounded, social services was called and they tried to get me for child neglect/restraint against his will…… 15!! So, in all of my efforts to be a GOOD mother and do right by my children, he was very defiant and often repeated to me the things that he was taught in school about his rights and the fact that I already called the police and they did nothing! Society made these things happen. There is a difference between discipline and child abuse, but if you so much as smack your child in the mouth for backtalking, you are an abuser! They have made it too easy for the children to have control and the parents to be defenseless. But I’m sure you will judge me as well because you don’t know the whole story or me or my child. My son is a good kid, recently turning of adult age, but it was rough going through the teen years, as I’m sure any parent will agree.
Point being, I have made every attempt there is to prevent my child from becoming a “thug”, and I think I managed to accomplish that, but there were times that I thought, here I am doing everything, having called the police only to have them tell me they can’t do anything unless he is breaking the law! Trying to prevent that in the first place, I knew that in all of my efforts to be a good mother, if he had done anything, I, the parent, would still be blamed for raising a “thug”.
Good for you that you can now call yourself a Bel Air resident and criticize your hometown, which was once a great place to live! The difference between Edgewood, Bel Air and Fallston, is you have access to better drugs and no one suspects you of dealing because you come from an upstanding family. How many children have been found dead in recent years from drug overdoses or alcohol poisoning. Is that okay because they weren’t out shooting someone, or because they fell victim to drug abuse as opposed to being a drug abuser of their own free will?
In the end, as a parent, all you can do is raise your children the best you can and teach them respect, responsibility, and right from wrong, but ultimately it is their decision what they do with that, not the parents! I don’t really think there is any mother out there who intentionally tries to be a “bad parent”.
To those who believe politics don’t play a part…Laurie just enlightened you. Accountability has been lost, and I am sorry Laurie, but parents and community are at fault.
It is a “what can you do for me” society and that is our fault for electing the tools we have now in “public service” making our laws that they will ultimately pick and choose to enforce through the judicial process.
Our “servants” have created a dependant system where parents no longer have to be held to what their child does. A CHILD at whatever age does not even have the mental capacity to truly understand their decisions. That is why parents have to make the tough choices for them. It’s called parenting. Those that are being friends to their children because that will make it all OK are in a dream world and totally blind.
For all those praising this “victim”, as was previously stated, be accountable and give statements if you have information. Otherwise, you are simply an enabler that just wants to spew off because you can. Do I feel for the family that is left behind? Yes, of course. But I also understand the situational dynamics.
I believe in Karma, and that there are no coincidences. Two parties with two horrible events happen set up by the same promoter? Hmmm. Retaliation for a past incident? Hmmm.
It comes back to parenting, community. What are you willing to accept as OK in your world? If you are OK with your children having rights that you don’t, or your kids being protected by the enabling government and not their family, then do nothing. We have that now. IF you want to take back your lives and community, then as a community and family, you have to stand up and take it back. Excuses abound, but the time has come to remember why we are Americans. It’s because we like to have our freedom and live without fear. A fragile combination at best.
I blame the parents just as much as I blame the daughter. I had a parent that knew where I was at all times. I didn’t dare sneak out or lie to her because 1) she would find out and 2) once she did, I wouldnt be leaving her side for a LONG time.
You, and alot of other parents, “parent” (term used loosely) with fear. My kids wont scare me by saying they are gonna call the cops. Heck, I’ll call the cops for them. You cannot be afraid of your kids. That is why they are kids and you are the parent. Set that up when they are little and you won’t have this sneaking out crap.
It’s time that people start taking responsibility in this case, otherwise it will happen again and again.
The whole fear of child abuse charges is WAY overblown. If you spank your kid you are not going to automatically get charged with child abuse. Go ask an actual police officer about that and don’t rely on anecdotal stories you hear or what your kid tells you. First of all, your kid doesn’t know the law, and second of all your kid is gonna lie about it anyway because it’s in their perceived best interest to have you live in fear of being arrested for child abuse. There is a huge difference between child abuse (which the police take very seriously) and disciplining your kid.
I grew up in Edgewood (parents still there) and attended Joppatowne High. You are right when I grew up my parents raised me to know right from wrong and when I slipped the corrected me in a manner that made sure I got the point! I moved to Bel Air for the same reason many others did, a better place to raise my family. I had a wonderful childhood and it makes me sick what has happened to the area. I can’t raise other peoples children, but I sure as hell can keep the bad apples away from mine. I
Reality check… this is the first murder in Bel Air in 4 years. This isn’t a growing problem or something that Bane needs to create a special task force for. Honestly, the Bel Air elite get a little frenzied when anything happens in their backyard. Crime travels occasionally – bad stuff happens in good, safe places sometimes, criminals have cars too. Don’t get your Yukons and Escalades in a pinch, Edgewood and co. isnt likely to overwhelm Willow Chase or Stone Ridge anytime soon. The crime probably wasn’t truly random – the victim had a checkered past (to say the least) and no matter how many friends or family post otherwise, he wasn’t out at Bible study at 2. That being said, party rentals in Bel Air to private “club” promoters have probably seen their final days.
You people are sick!!! Dj is the cousin of my big brother but I consider him my cousin as well. I will not stoop to your level and use expletives to describe what I think of how you have turned the value of his life into a nothing. He was a great man! No one and that means everyone is void of imperfection. Yes he has made poor choices in his life but what young person hasn’t? He was getting past that and if we continue to blame people for past mistakes no one would be able to move forward. This man has 2 babies who he loved with every breath in his body and family who loved him right back. Imagine you are out trying to have a good time and some (for use of a better word) “FOOLS” decide they are going to take your life. I’m not sure what occurred before they began to chase him but picture running for your life! Persperation forming because you are running a race against time for your LIFE!!!! Your children’s faces in your mind because you running for you and them. You have no idea when the bullets are coming or where they will hit, then your body drops! I hope you guys never have to experience the loss of a family member in this way because I hope the good lord gives me the wisdom and compassion not to diminish the worth of their life, by posting ignorant comments based on mistakes made in the past. Value life people and wake up! If you have nothing good to say, say nothing. Respect his family that mourns for his smiling face and caregiving attitude. For his 2 kids who will never physically see daddy again…Respect them.
“The cousin of my big brother?” Wouldn’t that make him your cousin as well?
Different daddies…
So at 25 and with a extensive criminal history and an open child support case he has two kids…tell me how exactly he was supporting those two kids that he loved so much?
Extensive criminal history…attempted 1st degree murder, handgun on person, possession of drugs. Not to mention countless traffic violations. How was this guy walking the streets?
The tax payers, thats who is paying for his two kids.
It is just a shame how you all are saying “my bel air this and that”!!! Down right just sad! I have lived in Bel Air for 20 years now. I know just as well as you do how these “thugs” as you people decide to call them are not being supported by us tax payers! Its you fellow Bel Air folks who are supplying them with your SUPPOSED TO BE HARD EARNED MONEY FOR CRACK! Dont act as if it isnt true either! if u ask Harford County Police ” How many crack heads are African American and how many are Caucasian living in harford county period?” you would have an over aboundance of Caucasians more than any other race and over 50% would be from Bel Air! even your dear little precious children from CMW High school and Bel Air High school are doing drugs! Its just a shame that you are all attacking this man yes he did what he did but why not talk about the little 15 yr. old who might i add was caucasian and did not even know the victim! What the hell was she doing out at 2 in the morning??? AND AT A BAR???? im a 62 year old caucasian woman who decided to retire in Bel Air not for the “serinity” history of the town. its just a shame to see all of my fellow towns people are all so nieve and down right racist! its sad! Your all saying keep it on the other side of 95 like you want Jim Crow laws enforced. Its a down right shame people. If your perfect in gods eyes be the first to cast a stone!
Listen Bel Air has Fights, Drugs, Homeless, Prostitution, stabbings, you justy dont here about it, I worked in the Bar district and Ive seen it all crack cocaine, heroin just like anywhere else, and Parents yes your 16 year olds are out there buying drugs at 130 am wake up they are
Child support case really cause I am the only one with his children and yes there never was one. Why because its not always about money I do just fine all I ask is that he was there and guess what he was and in everyway he could. His child was his life. And 2 children at 25 how is that such a horrible thing?? They are with the same mother at least he dont have children with everyone in harford county and posted in the aegis. O why dont you investigate that just to make sure hes not there since you have no life obviously no family because if you did you wouldnt be looking up a deceased mans record.
@ Laurie. A true liberal speaks. Why chastise Colin? The fact that he knows where his children are, knows who they associate with, etc is called RESPONSIBLE PARENTING. Period. I bet his children also share the same last name. I raised 4 children the same way, ensured they all graduated from High School and they are ALL productive members of society. Of course, there were a few hiccups along the way, but guess what? I did not make excuses for their actions and I accepted the consequences. Colin, myself and a lot of other people on this forum have the right to comment and/or make judgment on this incident. As long as my tax dollars are being used to pay for the health, welfare, food, cell phone, wireless internet, free transportation and education of the “under privileged” or illegal alien, then I can speak my piece. Until then…….what, am I crazy? There will never be an until then. So be it. As long as some people get every sustenance handed to them on a silver platter that I paid for I will continue to voice my opinion. Collectively, a lot of good, honest, hard working people are fed up with the liberalistic, politically correct society we have become. A lot of people have reached their limits of tolerance when it comes to the Criminal Justice System’s revolving door. That is exactly why a young man lost his life.
The good USA. The only country on earth where the poor people are fat. Must be all of that Government cheese.
Very much agreed.
@ B. Brown
I didnt know I had to break it down further for you but, he is my cousin as well. Obviously from reading that one would assume he is not my cousin by blood. I’ve grown up with him so I consider him my cousin.
Come on people! Are we so insensitive that we cannot respect the right for individual’s to grieve? Give the family a break…let them grieve…and let’s use this energy to stop things like this from happening again. I don’t care where you live – above 95 – below 95 – whatever – a life, is a life, is a life and it should be respected.
Sure they can grieve, but coming to The Dagger after something like this happens to your friend or family member is probably not the best way to grieve unless you’re looking to do is get pissed off and pick a fight with someone.
And the reason we get pissed is because of people like you. We came here to see comments of love and memories of the people who knew him and knew that HE ISNT THE PERSON YOU THINK HE IS.
I didn’t know Derrick personally, but as a Baltimore City businessman, I’ve known a lot of young men like him. No job, no wife but he fathered kids, in trouble with the law frequently for drugs, assaults, etc., and frequently getting away with law breaking because of the inept City judicial system. Eventually things catch up with them. Unfortunately, Bel Air was the site where it caught up with Derrick. Murder is bad and murderers have to be caught and gotten off the street. But please, no crocodile tears for Derrick and those like him.
Why anyone gets on here to badmouth the dead is a mystery to me. That American legion is a hotbed for the wrong types of people on the weekend, as someone said before hopefully this will end the private parties there and elsewhere. The bigger problem is that a murderer is walking the streets. Blaming the governor or sheriff is the easy way out…come on now the only person at fault is the shooter(s). This story stinks and I have a feeling there is more than meets the eye here. Harford county citizens should focus more energy on preventing this sort of thing, rather than criticize a dead guy and some politicians. How about we try something constructive for once?
Matt just hit it on the head.
He hit it on the head, if he is actually willing to do that something.
Bane is as responsible for the man being shot as the the 15 year old girls mother is responsible for her child being out at 1-2am on Saturday night.
Real angry….live in Bel Air for a reason….step it up
What about Leo?
I agree where were the police where the ” 70-80″ people were gathering in the parking lot about to fight. This party should have never been allowed at the Legion. Bel Air is a quiet family town, and the trash throwing this party just needed somewhere to drink and do drugs.
The family made a mistake by posting on the dagger or any other online forum during a period of grieving. You will not find a great deal of sympathy for a person who had the type of criminal record that Derrick had. Additionally, Derrick is black and from the dreaded Rt 40 Corridor so that is mistake number 2 and 3. Mistake number 4 is trying to rationalize with the irrational (Colin, Joe, Bbrown, poster)Fear is an awesome motivator and now we must throw Bane and O’Malley out of office because little Bobby and Susie are in danger because Bel Air is above this type of violence. Self-righteous nonsense.
There is a murderer walking the streets of Harford County and I for one will be elated when he/she is found and brought to justice. Hopefully the Bel Air PD can do something about the American Legion Post 55 not to be confused with Post 39 and shut them down or slap a fine on them.
Contrarian: I happen to live in the dreaded rte#40 corridor along with a multitude of law a bideing, citizen’s. it’s no where near as bad as people think.
Aberdeen police are excellent. & on the Ball.
In any of my posts what has been irrational?
So, what’s the curfew in Harford County? How late can someone be out before they got shot? Where I’m from its safe to be out on a Saturday night/early Sunday morning and the police patrol around the bar area — why weren’t the police patroling the downtown area?
Jerseygirl – This was the first murder in this town in 4 years and by all accounts so far probably no residents of the town were involved. No curfew. But, what about the police? Every time I have ever been in Looney’s on a Saturday night there are always a lot of Bel Air’s finest who just seem to be hanging around. Some here have posted that the Post in question has had issues on weekends. Shouldn’t there have been more frequent patrols? I am not a law enforcement professional, but it’s not a big town!
And lets talk about these police of “HARFORD COUNTY” there was another shooting thank god noone had gotten hurt but 1 yes thats one patrol car came through twenty minutes later and just rode up the street and back and then left the area. All they are looking for is black men to kill eachother. Just like they did to the black panther party and every other black man which has tried to rise above these only means whick they are given to live in. Ive personally heard Cops refer to these young men as niggers to taunt them and harrass them by follwing their cars when they were not even doing anything. One night i was followed from my mothers home in edgewood to my private condo yes that i pay morgage for and not section 8! for no apperant reason i then leave my home about 30 minutes later after retrieving some night items to stay at my mothers i leave my condo to have the officer in a light blue unmarked follow me back to her home i hgad no idea if this was a stalker or killer of any nature. Well i get to the Edgewood precinct and i demand to speak to the head and i bring this to his attention i was then apologized to and said that my car fit the decription of another car! why didnt he pull me over or why didnt he run my tags?? driving while black mean you cant have a nice car and be a young and educatred person with the area that you are in may i add i am a graduate of Towson university with a Masters and no children! think about that!
It might be a bit of a stretch, but I bet your Master’s wasn’t in English.
Masters, doubt it! My 3rd grader could write better then that. When young black men are the cause of crime then you keep tabs on them, don’t blame the police they are playing the odds. You may very well be the exception to the rule, you only have your brethern to thank.
Shocked seems to have multiple personalities — see reply to message 22.1.1
HA HA HA!! such is the way of internet…”honorary” Master’s in Bullshit, and not even that good at it. good catch jerseygirl.
I will try try real hard not to be irrational. On your reply to post #22 you stated, “im a 62 year old caucasian woman who decided to retire in Bel Air not for the “serinity” history of the town. its just a shame to see all of my fellow towns people are all so nieve and down right racist!” (your words, not mine). Now in Post #30 you talk about yourself and life experiences of “driving while Black.” Just saying…..
And if you really had a “morgage” and a master’s degree in english, you would probably know that it’s a morTgage.
People in the black community serve as enablers for these young men who refuse to obey laws. It is terrible that a young man was killed and that cannot be changed, how about for once the black community steps up and says that we need our young people to make better decisions. Maybe that will save another child, someone’s brother, cousin, or father in the future. If I was 10 years old and heard people taking about what a good person such and such was, I would feel like his misdeeds were ok too.
Lets blame the police for black on black crime. The truth of the matter is there are some, some black folks (there are some white folks as well) who prefer to make money by illegal means than working a real job. I don’t know Derrick personally, but it is very evident that he has people who cared a great deal about him, its too bad that those same people could not help him make better decisions while he was alive.
When you come from a home environment where crime is not viewed as bad, it is not a surprise when bad things happen.
Hooray one more deadbeat monkey out of the way. Who will raise his kids now? Oh wait we were paying for them anyway. I hope the rest of his criminal family members go next.
And to the lady with the masters in bullshit..
Its blacks like you with your “white police are out to get me attitude” that make this country the way it is. You’re just as bad as that scumbag. I hope one of your own people gets you next and I bet you’ll wish the white popos were behind you.
I support the naacp. 🙂
Unfortunately, it seems my opinions get lumped in with morons like this! This is not a black/white issue it is a law abiding citizen/criminal issue!
Thank you. Why does everyone always have to make it a black/white thing. Black, white, red or blue it is what you are exposed to as a child, how you were raised and knowing the difference between RIGHT and WRONG. So many people pass judgement without knowing the facts and we don’t know the facts right now. For all we know he may not have been the intended victim either. WE JUST DON’T KNOW. Blaming the police, the “black people from Rt 40” or anyone else is just ignorance.
I don’t know either victim but I have lived in Bel Air all my life. I was raised not to be prejudice. There are good and bad people in every race.
I hate cans, I can’t believe you would wish someone death. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However being nasty doesn’t get you anything.
I would just like to say Im guessing your white as a comment from before its 2010 racism ended a long time ago. As the mother of his children, please believe my children will be taken care of why because they have an amazing mother and family. And by the way so you know I AM WHITE AS WELL!! So i dont appreciate anyone calling my children monkeys. But for your information I have an incredible job that takes care of my children just fine and will continue too! I dont need your tax dollars sir. And even if I did so what everyone needs a little help sometimes. You wanna tell me with the way the economy was if you would have lost your job and ran out of savings home in foreclosure you woulnt have went down to bond street and appiled for food stamps how about community action to get assitance to get your home out of foreclosure. if you say no please wish death on yourself for lying. And please watch what you say death is strong its harsh and believe me my family my children were going through enough considering that a man we loved is now gone what if it was your brother youd wish death too huh?? Yea right
Well here is my two cents…
Shocked: Have someone proofread your stuff from now on. You should have felt like the safest person on the road with your escort.
Racism is still alive and well on both sides of the fence. Both races are guilty of it, to deny that fact is ridiculous.
Let’s let the dead be mourned, and save the attacks for when we know the facts of the case. It’s no argument that he was no jewel, but he’s dead now. Focus on the murderer, and keep it from being a racial issue.
Baltimore City nolle prosse pretty much everything. They have an overworked system with little reward to those who try.
Murder is only the fault of the person who pulled the trigger, not a political figure.
Harford County has no curfew law. The police have no leverage but to call parents of kids who are out if they get caught where they shouldn’t be.
Family members of murder victims in these circumstances should not try to get sympathy at the Dagger. I am a white guy (but that’s European Amerian, formally) and if the roles were reversed and a white guy got killed with no criminal record people would find something to dislike me for.
VietnamVet….The dreaded Rt.40 Corridor was my futile attempt at satire. I am very aware of the “perception” problem along the Rt. 40 Corridor which is often fueled by fear. There is drug dealing taking place along the Rt. 40 Corridor and drug manufacturing taking place above the Rt. 40 Corridor. It isn’t proper to talk about issues above Rt. 40.(and my neck of the woods) your words..Fact is, people put themselves in these situations, not the economy, not society, not circumstance, people do it themselves! The way I see it, the shooter, the victim and the 15 y/o should have never been in my neighborhood, keep it below 95!
I find this statement (plus a few others) irrational and irrelevant in relation to the incident. I am entitled to my opinion as you are so I was stating my opinion. If my parents lived in Edgewood as yours do, I would try and make it a better place (community involvement, voting, volunteering)as a matter of fact my parents don’t live in Edgewood and I do those things. Good night.
I am doing the one and only thing I can, telling my parents everyday to get OUT! I do vote in my community, I am involved in my community, I do volunteer in my community! According to some on this site the Rt. 40 corridor is filled with fine upstanding people so why have they not made it a better place? Maybe the 15 y/o girls mother was out involved in the community, voting and volunteering and that’s why her daughter was out at 2 am getting shot! Seriously you wanna preach to me. Somehow insinuate that the problems of the world are my fault. I am the bad guy for pointing out that I do not want the kind of scum that commits murders or the kind of scum that gets murdered outside a party, as I have pointed out before 40+ years on this planet and neither myself or anyone I know personally has been the victim of violence at a party, in my neighborhood. I will not apologize for doing right by my family and I will not apologize for pointing out when the slime we all want kept outside of our community manages to ooze in.
Sounds like you’ve turned into a true Bel Air SNOB! No one wants violence in their neighborhood. No one insinuated that anything was your fault! I simply stated that you were too busy looking up the criminal record of someone who was the victim, target or not, and making judgements on the guy, the person with the gun is still out there running the streets of Harford County. Edgewood is not that terrible that you have to bash the hell out of the town. Not ALL residents of Edgewood are scum. Like I said before, I know people who have come from Bel Air to start trouble, there are drug problems all over, including Bel Air, look at the crap that has been going on at CMW. You don’t live in a perfect little bubble just because you moved to Bel Air, there are “scum” that live there too, no town is perfect!
Oh please, we have been in Edgewood for 7 years now and have had not one single problem. We LOVE the high school (esp since Ms. Santos came along) and both of our kids were taught right from wrong (one 18 and one 16). There are problems everywhere and this Edgewood/Aberdeen/Belair bullcrap is for the birds. You can live in the safest area, or what you perceive as the safest area and have these kind of problems. There is no way to keep it in just “one” area. So sick of my town being trashed, and believe me my husband and I try to get involved in helping our community, which I have seen a great improvement in the last few years. What it comes down to is you put yourself in this type of situation, around criminals, you stand the chance of something like this happening. Open your eyes, there are no absolutely safe places anywhere.
I am not preaching to anyone. I agree with your current post. I have been reading the dagger for 2 years but only registered a few days ago. Comments are taking out of context but that is online life. My point is and you can agree or disagree is that the problems in Edgewood are going to become the entire community of Harford Countys problem. I didn’t insinuate or say it was your fault? What good would that do? What good does it do when people post all day about “I have never gotten shot at a party”, “no one I know has ever gotten shot at a party”, “I would never allow my kids to do this”, “maybe he can pass along his used civic”. In my 40 plus years and currently a parent of teenagers I have never experienced those issues either. However, I know that if I don’t become a part of the solution then the problem is only going to increase. My kids are safely tucked in their beds right now (not out at 2am runnnig the streets) and they are enjoying their new school on 924 but how long before the problem moves North? It already has. If we sit and do nothing but complain and post online then don’t be surprised when the next murder happens in our beloved Bel Air. What then? Demand that whoever is Sheriff at that time be kicked out of office. Have a good day at work.
It is wrong for me to point out that neither I nor any of family/friends have been shot at a party? What I am trying to point out is that members of a community have a right to expect to be safe, and a right to point out when groups or individuals threaten that safety. It’s not racism, its a realism, we all know a dirtbag thug when we see one. They come in all colors and they are all a problem. I think the real problem is the number of people that have their “PC” blinders on. Some posters have pointed out that these “parties” have been a problem in the past, chances are no one spoke up them for fear of being called racist. Now a young man is dead. We need to shine a light on the undesirables and make it clear they are not welcome in our communities, I do it in my community and I urge the citizens of other neighborhoods to do it as well. I am not responsible for other peoples communities or children only my own and I will not be quiet! SCUM stay away! Party, shoot and murder in your own neighborhoods!
Contrarian….this is my neighborhood so why don’t you get out? What a fool you proved yourself to be.
As a born and raised harford county native..i’m embarrassed by this entire column. Retiring elsewhere is starting to seem like a better option everyday!
I don’t understand why you are embarrassed. For people voicing their opinions? I am embarrassed that someone like you could be my neighbor.
JD Shellnut for Sheriff~
Bane has got to go, his force does not support him. Hopefully he loses the election and if not good luck Harford County Good Luck
Defense: Is it really that bad. or are you supporting another candiate.????
Its that bad…enough said I support WHOEVER RUNS AGAINST HIM
OK People need to talk more then because he(bane) is always looking good…ok well his force looks good, but maybe thats because he has good people…GOD BLESS THE HARFORD COUNTY POLICE FORCE, THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO
I agree its not about Bane its about the Deputies that serve and protect every day..GOD BLESS THEM
Smokin: I can verify that everything Capt D said is true and then some. You said it best–Bane always “looks good” but that is the image he wants the community to see. Try approaching a deputy and ask himm who you should vote for to be the next Sheriff. If that deputy is being honest, he sure won’t say Bane. I’m in the ABBC, Anybody But Bane Club.
it is that bad. don’t ask a deputy while they are working because they could get into trouble for that. His people behind closed doors do not support him, they just can’t afford not to publicly.
Uhhhhh who is JD Shell Nut
I dont know who im gonna vote for but I do know that it wont be bane
Johnny, Smokin, Defense, etc.: Now you have to tell all your friends who have to tell all their friends and all the way down the line that the deputies just want to be able to do their jobs and they are not able to do so with Bane as Sheriff. And that’s the bottom line.
Blue, it’s not the voicing of’s the prejudice and regional stereotyping that makes me realize that my hometown is not what it used to be. It seems i’ve been living under a country rock. I’m as angry as everyone posting to this column and would like to see that anger focused in a direction that would contribute to a more productive outcome. You can call me naive, but i’ve never been called a bad neighbor.
The girl that was shot might be a little old for a black man in his twenties or thirties, but doctors should check to make sure she isn’t pregnant. I hope a child was not injured in this incident.
let me guess you looked up his criminal record and found that hes a child molester?? Yea right he didnt even no that girl she was just an innocent bystander who was young dumb and stupid. She made a bad choice that night and snuck out of her house to attend a party. you wanna tell me you were perfect when you were younger?? right!! And so you know the girl that is pregnate with his child shes of age his age to be exact. GROW UP!!
Not to be a Grammer Nazi but it is Know and starting a sentence you use a capitol letter. Only one question mark at the end of a question. You misspelled pregnant. There are so many more and so little time.
Girlfriend and Family you will never win a arguement with the 2\20 people who have moved into town from all over in the last couple of years and act as if they have lived here for the last 20. Damn it you people are killing me!
Not to be a GRAMMAR Nazi but what you meant to say was ” a capital letter” not “capitol” Capitol would refer to Capitol City, Nation’s Capitol, or Capitol Hill. And it’s spelled Grammar, not grammer. So you aren’t a Grammar Nazi, you are just as ignorant as the people you tried to correct.
Any updates on this case? Motive? Suspect? Caliber gun? Witnesses? Automobile description? Has the 15 year old been confirmed as having been inside the legion hall? Who rented the hall? Who was the DJ? Who was the promoter? How many people were in attendance? Was there a cover charge? Cash bar, byob, or all you can drink? Were there any fights inside that night? Who was in that building that night? Sign in under a pseudonym (fake name) and start spilling the beans, better yet, call Crimestoppers and get your $1,000 reward! Let’s see some real community involvement as opposed to the racism and political bullshit that has clogged up 90% of this comment section.
Somewhat of an update –
“Our investigation is centering on the idea that the murder victim was the intended target, but we’re still investigating,” Bel Air Chief Leo Matrangola said.
“We’re not sure if it was a grudge, or personal, or drug related, we just don’t know,” Matrangola said, adding, “it could be any one of those things.”
“This was an isolated case where someone had a non-sanctioned event that drew people from outside the Bel Air Community and things escalated,” Matrangola said.
Matrangola explained that the American Legion post 55 has a Class C1 liquor license that does not permit a promoter to advertise and conduct an event that involves the distribution of alcohol under that license.
“In this case that appears to be what they did,” Matrangola said.
Matrangola said he has filed a complaint with the Harford County Liquor Control Board, which will investigate the event.
Very interesting, “…there were 70 to 80 people in a parking lot after a party at an American Legion let out just before 2 a.m. Sunday. That’s when someone started shooting…”
70 to 80 people in the lot when this happened and there are no suspects?
If you witness a murder and you say nothing, you are an accessory to murder.
If you have intimate knowledge of events that took place that night prior to, during, or after the shooting, please call Metro Crimestoppers (no need to give your name, you can do this from a burner or pay phone)
Wow, some of these comments are extremely mean and disrespectful to a dead man. Derrick Maxey was a caring and loving person. I would know I knew him. However he is dead, meaning talking about his criminal record or his children will not bring him back. You guys argue and bicker over this as I’ve read in the comments but you ALL fail realize is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I’m sure everyone who’s posted can go on with this argument for days, maybe even months. But when it comes down to it there nothing you can do. You can rant and rave, protect and, defend but in the end he is dead. Derrick was someone very close to me and it has amazed me the things people can say about a dead man. The people who have looked up records good for you now you know who he is, but you can’t decide who somebody is just from that. It isn’t right and I’m sure you ALL know that. As for people who defend him. I am glad that you feel the need to even people who didn’t truly know him in real life, but in the end you are only enforcing the want other people have to degrade him. I’m not saying you shouldn’t protect him but what I’m saying is this will not solve the problem, this will not bring him back, and this will not change the mind of how these narrow minded people see him. I am not here to argue with anyone (I don’t think it’s even right for this to be on the internet even) but this is the world we live in. Some people don’t see the full picture, as I read in someone’s comments; there is still an armed man out there that is willing to shoot, that is willing to kill. And I’m sure he is not the only one. PEOPLE wake up and smile the smoke or flowers or whatever, shit happens, people die. This argument between was he a good or bad person is pointless. The only thing that matters is what you feel he was in your heart and nothing more. What others say or even THINK shouldn’t matter, I believe he was good and that’s all that matters. And as far as I’m concerned no one can tell me otherwise.
Derrick Maxey Jr.
You will be missed.
Wow, some of these comments are extremely mean and disrespectful to a dead man. Derrick Maxey was a caring and loving person. I would know I knew him. However he is dead, meaning talking about his criminal record or his children will not bring him back. You guys argue and bicker over this as I’ve read in the comments but you ALL fail realize is that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I’m sure everyone who’s posted can go on with this argument for days, maybe even months. But when it comes down to it there nothing you can do. You can rant and rave, protect and, defend but in the end he is dead. Derrick was someone very close to me and it has amazed me the things people can say about a dead man. The people who have looked up records good for you now you know who he is, but you can’t decide who somebody is just from that. It isn’t right and I’m sure you ALL know that. As for people who defend him. I am glad that you feel the need to even people who didn’t truly know him in real life, but in the end you are only enforcing the want other people have to degrade him. I’m not saying you shouldn’t protect him but what I’m saying is this will not solve the problem, this will not bring him back, and this will not change the mind of how these narrow minded people see him. I am not here to argue with anyone (I don’t think it’s even right for this to be on the internet even) but this is the world we live in. Some people don’t see the full picture, as I read in someone’s comments; there is still an armed man out there that is willing to shoot, that is willing to kill. And I’m sure he is not the only one. PEOPLE wake up and smile the smoke or flowers or whatever, shit happens, people die. This argument between was he a good or bad person is pointless. The only thing that matters is what you feel he was in your heart and nothing more. What others say or even THINK shouldn’t matter, I believe he was good and that’s all that matters. And as far as I’m concerned no one can tell me otherwise.
Derrick Maxey Jr.
You will be missed.
When people see something like this in a generally safe community they want to know how it could happen and why, they want to make sense of it. When it turns out to be a young black male from Aberdeen with a criminal record it makes more sense. “We don’t have a problem, its some other community’s problem that has intruded upon us.”
It would be nice if Bel Air could always insulate itself from nearby communities’ problems but that is not the case. As Bel Air continues to develop and offer more retail and recreation people from less affluent parts of the county will come here, and bring their problems with them. So it turns out that crime, ignorance and poverty in other parts of Harford County are indeed our problem as well.
I don’t doubt that Derrick was a loving father who was loved by his friends and family. Maybe he was getting his life together. But his record indicates that he has consistently made bad choices and it is reasonable to expect his ultimate fate was the result of these choices. Hopefully we will all know soon.
Yes dead is dead. In this case good and dead. Hey girlfriend maybe he should have been home with his spawn and preggers gf instead of out at a party. Defend him all you want, his record speaks for itself and he got what anyone who leads a life such as his deserves. We can all choose not to be criminals and that’s why most of us aren’t involved in or victims of violent crime. Your boy chose to be a hoodlum instead of a responsible member of society. Boo hoo.
Well said!
Didn’t you know they all had to go elsewhere once Tully’s closed?
Let’s rid this dog of fleas too before its worse.
Couple of questions for girlfriend:
Does Derrick also assume a father role with your other child, born to another career criminal, who you sued for support? Matter of fact is the other baby daddy still in your life, and was he at the party? Also very shocking that your child was born 39 weeks after baby daddy #2 had another child with a baby momma who is also suing him. I wonder how he celebrated the birth of his first child? Baby daddy #2 also has a pretty extensive record of violent crime.
Were you at the party?
Derrick has 9 siblings, at least 4 of which have different fathers, divorces, abuse, paternity cases, arrest records, jail time, assault charges on women other than their spouses/baby mommas.
This is the family/background you have chosen to bring a child into, not once but twice.
Where did Derrick work?
Whose Birthday was it?
One rumor was that there was an issue about a women at the party?
We should all buy the movie rights…This things about to get good!
Wow…. lets remember stupid ppl come in all colors and sizes just like criminals including trash. I am a Harford County native (raised in Bel Air and reside in Edgewood) who within a year will be relocating for the safety and welfare of my children (with my own funding). Its so sad to see your neighborhood go to Hell and the schools, some parents dont give a crap and neither do some teachers and thats just sad. Everyone please get it threw your thick head that the POLICE are not the problem they are working individuals who put their lives on the line…… Lets focus on the court system that slaps these idiots on the wrist.. Also, I would like to bring the slum landlords to the forefront who need to take accountable for the property they rent and what happens at the property. The slumlord should have a lien placed on their property when their tenants become a nuisance to the community and if its a sect 8 property it should be revocked. REMEMBER… the slumlord lives in places like Bel Air, North Harford and Fallston they live in your area you should call them out. Grievers: note that this is basically a social media site and ppl will respond. So if you want to remember your “loved one” you may want to do it in a more neutral setting(just saying).
ConcernedMom that is very well spoken. aside from the fact the police work very hard to arrest the criminals, the judges set them free.
This guy likely is not would have been a live today, if he had been in jail where he belonged.
you hit the hammer on the head concernedmom about section 8 properties and absentee landlords not enforcing standards which allow criminal elements to stew. Although Harford County needs to get off its tail and start revoking the section 8..period…no excuses.
yeah the Government should only provide asistance for the handicapped, disabled vets, woman with newborns, the elderly or mentally handicapped not everyone who Wants a house and doesent want to work
I’m amazed at the amount of hatred being spewed here. No one knows any of the facts, the case is under investigation, and the victim and his family are being crucified on this message board.
Dagger used to be a good place to get local news and have intelligent debate, but it’s become filled with hatred and nastiness. I’m removing it from my bookmarks and I won’t be back.
Juls: If that’s what people are feeling, that’s what they’re writing. Obviously you don’t understand what a blog is all about. It’s not about what YOU think should or shouldn’t be written about. You are very immature–“I don’t like what people are saying so I’m going to take my toys and go home”. Goodbye and good riddance. I guess that’s too hateful and too nasty. Too bad.
As with any right, freedom of speech comes with a great responsibility, the responsibility to not spew blatant hatred at an entire group of folk because they have a different color, creed, religion, economic status, etc. A majority of posters on this board come across as either redneck racist or ghetto racist; is this really what this community is comprised of? Where are the realistic solution oriented folk?
Who pulled the damned trigger?
I hate cans…you might be the dumbest Harford citizen on here. So easy to judge and preach behind a monitor. I would be willing to wager you have skeletons worse than Mr. Maxey in you closet. You know, the whole Elliott Spitzer type. Everyone is free to make their own opinions, but you disrespect our entire county with you obvious ignorance. I would be amazed if you can respond with anything remotely intelligent, hope you can find your way in life before you meet the real “judge”. Go back to your dark computer room and never come out, that’s the best you can do for Harford county!
Matt please specify which part of my statement was inaccurate? The part about african americans in this county being arrested 9.1 times more than any other race for violent crimes? The part about Mr. Maxey being a violent criminal (because YES you can be judged by a lengthy criminal history, deal with it, you can’t sit here and say you would want a sex offender living next door to you so dont be a hypocrite).
You can say I am racist if you want, but in reality I have close black friends, you know the ones that have jobs, dont spread their seed around without being able to support kids, that dont sell drugs and kill people. However there is a difference between contributing and responsible black members of society (a minority in their own race) and the hoodlums that currently occupy certain areas of this county and nation.
It is sad that even on an internet forum some of you act like you have to be politically correct about how you truly feel inside. You would not want Mr. Maxey or anyone like him living in your neighborhood. You would not want gangbangers, wearing their colors and flashing their signs sitting outside on a porch while you are next door playing outside with your kids.
They are animals. They do not regard human life the same way other races do. That is proven by NUMBERS. NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. Yes there are exceptions but as a whole the black race has a bad name and that is THEIR FAULT. Some idiot on here said it’s not their fault, its how they were brought up…well guess what..their parents are BLACK TOO. So are the family members, the billion cousins and nephews (irresponsible procreating once again) that choose to follow the same life of crime.
You all say what you want but the bottom line is Mr. Maxey deserved to die in prison or on the streets and he got it. And you know damn well if any of you (except his trashy baby mommas) drove by a group of Mr. Maxeys with your kids in the car you would make sure your doors are locked and speed up a little.
Oh and Matt, assuming that I am stupid because I have an opinion about a taboo subject is ignorant on your part. Or that I have “skeletons” in my closet? I happen to be very well off in life and with God. You are a hypocrite and a liar if you are going to sit here and be righteous. I’m sure you accept everyone regardless of their actions and faults…riiiiiight. I hope that answer was “intelligent” enough for you, I wouldn’t want to lose any sleep tonight lol
I also have close black friends but because they are close friends I don’t consider the color of their skin and would never then continue on to describe them as “animals” as you do. Instead of a racist, I find that I am a “culturalist” in that I abhor the cultures that encourage violence, racism, indiscriminate procreation, lack of a sense of parental responsibilities, etc… I have also found that it produces what for lack of a better term I call an “asshole”. Rest assured “asshole” knows no racial, political or geographical boundaries. Also, while you are correct that I may be nervous passing a crowd of Mr. Maxey’s, I have seen as many white individuals that make me just as nervous. I see no easy solutions to the problems being described here while America’s (so called) justice system remains a revolving door where criminals with dozens of repeat offenses are turned loose on the unsuspecting populace. I suspect that when the murderer is captured he or she will have a list of prior offenses that will leave us all wondering why they were on the streets to begin with – and no one in the justice system will be held accountable.
You are clearly a racist. Your belief that responsible members of society are a minority in their own race is completely false. Your claim that “as a whole the black race has a bad name” is ludicrous. These statements are simply indications of your personal bias and lack of awareness of the opinions and attitides of the world around you.
If you could manage to interact outside of the group of bigots you most likely associate with, or put down your John Birch Society newsletter for a few minutes, I recommend you open yourself to what is actually going on in the world around you. Crawl out of the primordial ooze from which you mire yourself. You are a relic.
This never would have happened in Baltimore County – Cockeysville midnights Cpl Mike Hill. Good guy Good guy.
rumor has it, the shooting was all over a game of HORSESHOES. Yep a game of horseshoes! Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee
I beat you in a gamne of horseshoes, You owe me a watermelon! Tennessee!
So far this summer–
Within blocks of the street where I grew up there were 4 murders in one weekend. On my way to work, I drive by and see these makeshift monuments to the dead.
I walk to lunch up Charles St. to the Stable, Minotos and Eddies, within hours of walking by, an off duty cop shoots and murders a military veteran on that street.
On Saturday, I spent the morning walking from my home, visiting the farmer’s market, getting iced tea on Main Street, returning books to the library, and walking home past the parking lot where someone was murdered only hours later.
Any one who thinks that their neighborhood is different= that senseless violence can not happen when bars close near their homes is mistaken.
You don’t know what race I am, because it doesn’t matter. I am just someone who hopes that the Bel Air murderer is brought to justice before shooting again and who prays that peace will be restored to our streets, no matter where they are and no matter what color skin in is on the people walking on those streets.
Hakuna Matata!
What a wonderful phrase
Hakuna Matata!
Ain’t no passing craze
Way to go Bel Air PD. A suspect is in custody..
Not in custody. Just identified him.
…and imagine that, the suspect they have named was previously charged with 2 Counts of Attempted First Degree Murder, 2 Counts of Attempted Second Degree Murder, 3 Counts of First Degree Assault, 3 Counts of Second Degree Assault, 2 Counts of wearing a dangerous weapon, 1 Count of Destruction of Property, and 1 count of gang association. All Nolle Prossed for a plea on one count of second degree assualt, with all but 2 years in jail suspended. And judging by the fact his conviction date wasn’t even 2 years ago, he was let out early. Super.
To all that made my childrens father out to be some type of criminal I hope that you read the update on this article and see that the past was in the past. Again Derrick was an amazing person that made mistakes, and has lost his life due to foolishness that a group of young people. So at this time not only has my daughters almost lost their grandfather and has to see him everyday in a wheel chair they have lost their daddy! This sounds like a retaliation to me because he was guilty. So all in all DERRICK MAXEY JR was a VICTIM that DID NOT deserve to die, but to continue moving forward in life like he was. He really was changing alot of things around. And I hope he knows that no matter what his friends and family will never forget all the good he has done, and what an amazing daddy he really was. RIP Derrick—I LOVE YOU!
Uhh all in all he was still not just a victim…overall he was still a criminal and had he not made the life decisions he did he might be alive. This one occasion of not committing the crime doesn’t make your dead bf a good guy. Enjoy the govment cheese.
P.S. he did deserve to die, it just should have been in prison.
I love Domo and horseshoes, go watch Smokie and the Bandit. short timer to get there, I am east bound.
All I have to say is u don’t know my cousin… he was a good man…. all u people talking shit on this blog just know that karma is going to bite u in the ass hard.. all ur going off is some bullshit court record… just remember this every has skeleton in there closet