From Havre de Grace Main Street Inc.:
The Chesapeake Group has been hired by the City of Havre de Grace and Havre de Grace Main Street Inc. to develop a five year Economic Revitalization Plan focusing primarily on the Havre de Grace Main Street District and Route 40 business corridor.
The Plan will identify current impediments to the economic well-being of the City’s business climate and prioritize initiatives, programs, and funding necessary to optimize the economic viability of the Main Street District and Route 40 business corridor.
The Chesapeake Group will facilitate a public meeting on Monday, July 26, 2010 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Havre de Grace City Hall to gather comments and input from Havre de Grace residents and business owners.
The finished plan will be the road map for economic development projects, policy, and funding within the City of Havre de Grace. Additionally, the plan will address key issues including a downtown parking study, directional signage plan, zoning recommendations, and specific business recruitment for healthy buisness districts.
Public participation is essential in developing a plan that will have the most benefit to our citizens and businesses. Please plan on participating.
*This study has been funded in full by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Community Legacy grant program
Build an Ann Taylor Loft!
How about STOPPING all development that blocks the water (like the VERY ill-advised condos and town-houses built in areas that could attract TONS of visitors to the town). Towns now a days do not seem to have an eye towards the future whatsoever, just look at the load of cash from a developer and bite on exaggerated calculations on tax base. Can you imagine how nice it would be if the city planners in Havre de Grace had thought about making the town more along the lines of Mystic or similar New England towns that can sell their location and water-based opportunities? Granted, this type of development usually requires a great amount of forward thinking and open-mindedness…
and we need a Trader Joes!