From Chief Scott Hurst:
The Susquehanna Hose Company will hold a presentation on our newly graded ISO Review. An ISO review determines homeowners and business owners insurance premiums. Every fire department in the United States has an ISO rating. We would like to invite you to our presentation on Thursday July 1, 2010 at 7pm at our Division 4 firehouse located at 911 Revolution Street.
hdgknowit.....ALL says
Great job by the Susquehanna Hose Company. They are truely the best fire company in the county. Some of these other companies in the sout western part of the county should take notes. The SHCO is saving the city millions in insurance premiums and the other “No Show ” companies are driving other insurance premiums up. Day in and day out these companies drop calls. The president of the Harford County Chiefs assoc. needs to start in his own back yard and get the shit cleaned up. If these shit companies don’t want to run calls, give them to the compaines that do. Great job again SHCO you guys are the role model of what these other fire companies should be doing.