From Scott DeLong:
Dear Editor,
The Tax Day TEA Party in Bel Air was a raving success. I would like to commend the many people who helped organize and plan it, and a big thanks to everyone who attended their first TEA Party.
For those who couldn’t make it, there was a huge crowd present – estimates were approximately 1200 people in downtown Bel Air. This was ai significant increase over the 500 attendees of the 2009 event. Many people were attending for the first time and that’s a good thing!
The message of the TEA party or Liberty movement is non-partisan. We want to achieve sane, responsible spending at all levels of government and we will achieve it through peaceful political activity. We want to return to the founding principles of limited government & the ordered Liberty of the civil society. We are a broad group of people – among us are poor folks & rich folks, healthy & sick; young & old, white & black & many others united by common bonds. We all want our children and grandchildren to have the same opportunities that we have today & leave them a nation in better condition than we found it.
By spending money, so much money that we don’t have- we are burdening future generations with taxes beyond belief & a mountain of debt which is unlikely to be repaid. America didn’t become great by being like Europe- let’s keep it that way. In fact, we should follow the path of our Founding Fathers and endevour to be as unlike Europe as possible.
If you would like to get more information about TEA Parties in Harford County, please visit and we will make sure you get information about upcoming events and news.
Scott DeLong
Bel Air, MD
Your message sounds legitimate and logical and if that is all there was to it, I’d be a avid supporter.
Unfortunately, your message is subverted by those who attend your rallies with sidearms, with posters that are extremist and profoundly disrespectful, who are quoted (at the Towson rally) saying that they were “getting their guns ready”, and by choosing as a leader a rabble rousing woman who is blatantly uninformed, inexperienced and a proven quitter.
Your message has become so extremist and is so glaring in the fact that your members were silent during the eight dark years of GW Bush and his incredibly incompetent administration, that most thinking people like myself, believe that your true message is simply anti Obama.
Frankly I am proud to have a President who is highly educated, well spoken and who is actually taking on the problems that have run rampant while GW Bush was on his crusade against Saddam.
When your membership moves away from the lunatic fringe, and its cause is truly as noble as your letter would lead us to believe, then give me a call.
I can agree with some of your points, particularly about Palin. However, you must admit that there will be a lunatic fringe as part of almost any movement. Did you speak out against the “lunatic fringe” when they held up posters of GW with a bullet through his forehead and blood running down his face? Did you speak out against the lunatic fringe that rioted during the G20 summit in Pittsburgh?
You will choose to see what you want to see (as will I, and everyone else in this country).
As for your “highly educated, well spoken” leader. I would argue that he’s a slick-talker that has surrounded himself with his own “lunatic fringe” of leftist radicals. But, I don’t expect you’d agree, or even contemplate that possibility. And that’s OK, since we’re all free to make our own judgment.
Doug, Have you attended any of these events in Harford County? You will find that our “leader” is not Palin, but is made up of people who have never- ever- been politically active before very recently and like Scott, are just trying to assure liberty for our children.
Let me reiterate – THERE IS NO NATIONAL TEA PARTY LEADER! This is by design. We are smart enough to know that people are fallible and will make stupid mistakes. There is no national organization, there is no national effort, and there is no funding outside of the dollars we toss into a pot to get a bus or yard signs.
Liberals used to acknowledge civil liberties and champion them as a cause. They also used to acknoweledge that a mandatory tax is a violation of civil liberties.
Hear me out- income taxes and other mandatory taxes are taxes for making a living or just being alive.
And please don’t attempt to tie extremists to the more than 1200 people that peacefully protested in Bel Air. No violence, no hate speech, nothing. We know that you and other liberals would just eat it up.
We agree that GWB violated civil liberties with his PATRIOT act and with increased spending. Bush was “highly-educated” as well. Stop looking back- let’s look forward. What problems is Congress solving? What problems are they creating?
What is BHO doing? Is he moving forward? Or are we entering a Euro-style socialist state? I would say yes.
To quote the admirable MLK, Jr. – “The question is not whether we will be extremist but what kind of extremist will we be.” -Letter from Birmingham jail.
One more for you. “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.” -Letter from Birmingham Jail
Who is Scott that you refer to in paragraph 1?
As far as the national thing I would beg to differ. The $500 dinner Mrs. Palin spoke at was billed as a national TEA party and many of the events in DC have been billed as such. Maybe you should look at reclaiming your name.
Scott is the Author of the letter found above. Per the byline.
Also, I hate Palin. I agree that she has attempted to co-opt the movement. I hope my comments in the first reply have at least convinced you to review your stance on the TEA Party.
Come to the Campaign for Liberty meeting tonight at 7PM at the Knights of Columbus hall in Forest Hill. It is a lot of fun, and the turnout tonight is going to be massive. Come learn about the constitution and prepare to take back your liberty.
Liberals still care about Liberty, don’t they?
I am not a liberal I am an independent but yes I do and while I might be tempted to my wife and kids return home tonight when is your next one?
Also please note the following website;
When you criticize “posters that are extremist and profoundly disrespectful” and then praise a relatively inexperienced politician who has close associations with actual radical extremists and domestic terrorists as “highly educated, well spoken”, your comments become laughable.
Lunatic fringe? Compared to Alinsky and Ayres, Wright and Rahm?
However, when you describe part of a group as fringe, then declare the entire group to be tainted by this fringe, you simply show that your entire statement is pure BS and you have no desire to be a part of that group, regardless of the existance of the fringe.
Do you remember how to get home from here? Just keep turning to the left…
Not racists? Read what Meghan McCain said about your conference:
“McCain, the daughter of Sen. John McCain known for occasionally parting ways with the views of her Republican dad, was particularly scathing in her assessment of Tancredo’s speech on the opening day of the National Tea Party Convention on Thursday in Nashville. In the speech, Tancredo said people “who could not spell the word vote or say it in English” elected a “committed socialist ideologue” because the country does not require a “civics literacy test.”
“It’s innate racism, and I think it’s why young people are turned off by this movement,” McCain said. “And I’m sorry — revolutions start with young people, not with 65-year-old people talking about literacy tests and people who can’t say the word vote in English.”
She is NOT a Democrate.
U.S. Taxpayer
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and now Barrack Hussein Obama – Al desperate race-brokers. Pathetic…..
US taxpayer –
I get it that you agree with President Obama’s ideology, while many people do not. And many of the folks that voted for him are surprised by how he as governed as a liberal/progressive. Many would agree that a vote for Obama was a vote against Bush more than a vote for him and his far-left policies.
Where you see racism I see a disagreement with the direction the President has taken the country. Your tactic of insinuating racism with good people that disagree with government policy of those in power is reprehensible, self-serving and ugly. Your charges of racism say more about you than those that you intend to impugn. And for these false attacks you should be ashamed.
Joe you can protest the truth all you want. But this was from Meghan McCain not me. Your unwillingness to admit that some of the Tea Party members are opposed to the President because he represents the end of white man rule is just sad.
US taxpayer –
Ms McCain’s opinion notwithstanding, for you to characterize Tea Party folks as racists is beyond the pale, baseless and simply untrue.
Meghan McCain has no cred. She is a Statist RINO like her father. He knowledge of Liberty & the writings of the Founding Fathers, the Constitution & the Declaration of Independence could be written on the head of a pin.
If she wants to see racism she need look no further that the city of Phoenix in her home state. The state of Arizona took measures to defned itself from an invasion of illegal aliens. In effect, to enforce FEDERAL laws on the books because the Federal government has no interest in executing its power, a power actually enumerated in the Constitution for a change. The response? Violent rallys by illegal aliens & thier supporters which defaced government buildings & which attacked police with rocks & bottles.
You need to do better than that.
This misbegotten, racist law was passed by Republicans. You want less illegals, fine the people who hire them (that would be big business).
As far as Meghan is concerned and her knowledge: she graduated from Columbia. Where did you learn your extensive knowledge of the “writings of the Founding Fathers, the Constitution & the Declaration of Independence?” You are just like those Tea Baggers who can only attack the messenger and cannot present cogent arguments to support your point.
U.S. I actually have read & studied the Constitution, Declaration of Independence & the writings & bio’s of the Founders. The Constitution is written in plain language on a 9th grade level so that even you could understand it if you ever had interest to read it. It’s only 4500 words.
I presented my point in a cogent way. You just don’t understand nor do wish to understand. If the Federal Govn’t were doing its job the State of Arizona would not have acted. They are being invaded are increasingly the victims of violence, assaults, kidnapping & murder. Phoenix is the #2 kidnapping capital of the world due to the drug cartels operating with impunity across the boarder because the Feds refuse to excecute an enumerated power of the Constitution. You might, I say might, think differently if it were happening in your back yard. Oh, and by the way the legislation is supported by 70% of Arizonans. I agree with you on one point. The employers should be severly fined for hiring illegals. The state should remove the other magnets for illegals, public housing assistance, drivers licenses, welfare payments, free education at state expense, etc. The only people that have a problem with it are Liberals like yourself that do not live there. The state is obligated to protect its citizens. I find it interesting that here we have one case where you are not so keen on government power & you distrust the governments abilites to protect the citizens liberties though I would bet you had no problem with the governments abuse civil liberites under the health care “reform” bill…
Why is it that those of us who still believe in the Constitution are branded “radicals”, “racists”, and “lunatics”?
mike, because the other side has no facts or legal basis for their “argument”.
Doug –
So I guess you want the TEA Party to embrace President Obama, his new health care law, Cap & Trade and the coming tax increases all because you are “proud to have a President who is highly educated, well spoken”?
I’m sure that the Harford TEA Party will now put your number on speed dial so as soon as they become liberal/progressives they can call you to not only be a member but maybe even a leader.
Regarding your extremist charge against the TEA Party it has no basis in fact, enjoy –
“Associated Press still smearing Tea Parties”
Joe, I don’t think Doug asked the TEA party to change their view on those bills at all but he has a couple of good points. He did not claim all TEA partiers just the lunatics. It is not always that you have them but if you call them out and denounce them. Like the TEA Party in southern VA did with the individuals who went and vandalized the house of a relative of a member of congress. I disagree with Doug’s assesment of President Obama but find it hard to reconcile with the fact that for 8 years many of the people who proudly claimed to be TEA partiers SAID NOTHING and in some cases even supported the polocies that are so anti-TEA party. I like the fiscal conservative ideals but fear the TEA party has been either subverted by the GOP as a wing and will be destroyed or dump when they no longer are of assistince. I would feel that it truly was independent if they called out republicans too!
Cdev –
While the TEA Party is just a year old, conservatives complained about much of the Bush Administration and not to forget Congress’ wild spending through 2008.
The TEA Party as a populist conservative movement long-term remains to be seen, however short-term I think it will move the country decidedly center-right.
Now a lasting effect of the TEA Party is likely to be continued involvement in our political process by those in the silent majority. They now have permission to participate on an ongoing basis.
The Tea Party would not exist if we were satisfied with the performance of the GOP. Their inaction and lack of ability to control the growth of spending and power of the federal government spawned the movement.
As far as the comments about Palin, she is much more qualified than Obama to be President. Exactly what experience did he have at the executive level? Palin at least has a consistent record to run on and believes in greatness of America.
A consistent record?????? Seriously? She QUIT her Governorship midterm so she could sell books. She believes in the greatness of her bank account. Get real. Her only chance of seeing the White House is if she takes the tour.
Doug, as far as Executive Branch experience compared to Gov. Palin is concerned, I agree that Pres. Obama learned a lot when he was Mayor of… uh… I mean, when he was Governor of… um… oh, OK, when he was CEO of… well, you know. Damn good community organizer, though! (but I’m not really sure which community he actually helped to organize)
And I’ll assume that you weren’r reading the papers or watching the news when the knives came out and Alaska state government turned into a complete all-out attack on Palin’s ethics following the Presidential election. (If you consider CNN or MSNBC news, you really didn’t see this.) Continuing the battle with the not-so-loyal opposition, both Democrat and Republican, would have caused the government to grind to a halt. Instead, as someone who cared about her home state, she chose to step down and allow the day-to-day business of running the state to continue without the distractions of dealing with those who choose only to tear down, rather than build up.
I agree with your assessment of the TEA Party folks. I attended several of their rallies to see what they are about, and I concur, that most are on that lunatic fringe. They try to portray themselves as everyday Americans, some may be, however, there are a number of inside politicos attempting to pervert the focus of the TEA party to suit their own needs and political aspirations. Unfortunately, I can see many have blindly turned themselves and their cause over to these types of people. It sort of reminds me of how the Communists organized to overthrow the Czar, and the Nazi’s the German Republic. It all started out with overall discontent generated by a troubled economy, which was then fanned into overall rebellion by a few self interested opportunists who wanted political power. The parallels are very scary.
Robin hood,
Go look to steal someone else’s money. Very soon you and your entitlement faction will be out of power. “Self interested opportunists who wanted political power”, I think that was your quote – sounds like Obama, OMalley, Perlosi, Reid, and the rest of the liberal Elite.
Robin Hood –
You are supremely incorrect in comparing Tea Party folks with communists and national socialists since the Tea Party is deeply rooted in preserving and upholding the United States Constitution where those groups in Russia and Germany were decidedly interested in subverting their governments by any means possible.
So I guess you are against people availing themselves of their Constitutional rights when their positions are in conflict with yours? Since we have a government based on laws and not people the Tea Party activists have a right to oppose the policies of the current party in control of White House, Senate and Congress.
No Joe, the communists and national socialists were the government. They were subverting the people.
You obviously did not attend the Bel Air Teap Party. there was no lunatic fringe there. There was no hate speech. All we want is a return to limited consitutional government acting within is delineated powers. There is nothing to fear from that.
cnn and msnbc are actually news
unlike the rightwing unblanced fox news who ster everything that President Obama does so that it helps their numbers and get their viewers angery over lies that they want to hear.
Fox is an incumpitent waste of time that twists everything!!
Its sad that so many americans are so small minded to believe that cnn and msnbc are all liers but smericans are to scared to now the honest truth so the hear what they want to hear from fox.
And to all these tea party supporters,
You will always be taxed, wake up from your closed minded,right wing, gun loving, anti everthing obama minds and bulid a bridge and get over it, without taxes are government cant conduct manditory procedures such as a military with defends or freedoms all the time. President Obama is real sense is protecting your freedom and liberty you hold so dear, and if you do make more than $250,000 a year your taxes will go up, but based on what i see at tea party events, most of you dont. I got my tax returns back last week and for the first time in years i got money back from the feds under President Obama’s plan.
Finaly, the author says the Tea Party is non-partisn, than why do i see signs of obama is coffins and signs that say to get rid of democrats who are at all levels of government who dont have anything to do with the federal gov, this group is deniatly partisn. Not voting for democrats in november would push us back years and put our country in a deeper resession that we are finaly getting out of thanks to democratic policies inacted under President Obama and congress
Thank you
Ms. Informed, these days even the liberals watch Fox News more often than CNN or MSNBC. Those ships are sinking more quickly than Titanic.
And as long as you fall for the lies of the scared left such as “the TEA partiers don’t want to pay ANY taxes”, your characterizations should be regarded as a humorous attempt at fiction.
Informed: See my earlier post on propaganda statigies that are being used.
Propaganda Strategies Used by Fox and the Tea Party
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana
• Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people.
• All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed.
• The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses.
• The great majority of a nation’s thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning.
• This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.
• Do not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favorable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side.
• The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward.
• Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must of course be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula.
• In Germany (America) the propaganda which helped convince the people of the efficiency of the National Socialist (Republican) solution for the country’s political and economic problems was reinforced by an army of storm troops (Tea Party members) that weakened opposition through terrorism. Such methods made difficult and dangerous the promulgation of competing propagandas. The power of the Nazi (Republican) propaganda was increased further by the financial support of certain business men (wall street, big banks, for profit insurance companies) and by the political intrigues of Colonel Franz von Papen (Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc.) and other officials of the Weimar Republic (Fox News).
I am not saying that the Tea Party Republicans are Nazis, only that they are using proven propaganda techniques with people who are only able to see what they already believe and deny everything that they disagree with. You can present all the research and facts that you want, they deny them or they reply with Fox talking points. They are just like the people who deny evolution. You might as well talk to a wall.
I understand. You’re running scared because your tired, old, socialistic views have been exposed.
“I am not saying that the Tea Party Republicans are Nazis”
Really, you’re just losing track of all the labels that you are putting on the TEA Party folks. You called them ‘Republicans’ in your last paragraph, but only after you used the incedibly loooong previous paragraph to repeatedly call them Nazis. Of course, that’s probably the same thing in your slanted mind.
You are pathetic.
US taxpayer –
I can see from your opinions that you’re an expert in scatology.
Did you get your degree from the Socialist Higher Institute of Technology?
If you have ever taken a course in history or read anything on the subject, I think you would have recognized who developed these strategies. I did not say that because the Tea Party Republicans (or more likely Fox who is the master of the TPR) uses these tactics they are Nazis.
In my mind, the TPR are tools of big business. Do you remember who said “the business of America is business?” And do you remember what the outcome of that thinking was? My point of view is that, although big government is not perfect, big business is evil and one would be a fool to trust it to look after the regular guy.
As far as Joe is concerned, he is only able to make stupid comments without purpose. He only attacks the messenger rather than refute the point with facts. See “it (their point of view) must present only that aspect of the truth (their point of view) which is favorable to its own side.”
I’ve taken many courses in history and read many books on the subject, and I have encountered folks like you before who hide behind the idea that Big Business and Big Fox News are pulling the strings and controlling everything. They usually change their tune as they mature and gain real-life experience.
The rest of us know that Big Government is not an evil entity that is plotting to devour our liberties and resources. Rather, it is a dumb animal that (mostly) without malicious intent just happens to devour our liberties and resources, and it can and must be hacked down to size. Not eliminated, but controlled.
US taxpayer
My posts speak for themselves.
And while my comments may employ an economy of words they provide a terrific value.
Yes Joe. A C-mart of value.
their minds will never change
US Taxpayer
OBAMA = Rev Wright, Nancy Perlosi, Bill Ayers, Al Sharpton, Harry Reid, Barney Frank & Beans, Jesse Jackson and Henry Waxman.
Liberal Spenders, Criminal Defenders & Race Baiters, Social Equality through Entitlements & Wealth Redistribution, Control through Liberal Take Over of Our Court System.
No Thanks – Liberal Days are numbered……..
You are so blatantly misguided, I almost feel bad for you (almost). If you ever took the time to listen to Beck (your Colonel Franz von Papen), you would see how completely and utterly ridiculous your claims are. Beck has spent HOURS AND HOURS of time speaking out against the people you say he’s like. If you’re getting your “information” from Digg, Olbermann or The Daily Show, then might I suggest you grow up and do some of YOUR OWN research, rather than cherry-picking what you feel makes for “the truth”.
You’re so pathetic, I can’t believe I just wasted my time on you.
Propaganda Strategies Used by the liberal elite
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana
• Propaganda must always address itself to the broad masses of the people (Hope/unspecified Change).
• All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed.
• The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses.
• The great majority of a nation’s thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning(Obama’s perpetual campaign).
• This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood.
• Do not investigate the truth objectively and, in so far as it is favorable to the other side, present it according to the theoretical rules of justice; yet it must present only that aspect of the truth which is favorable to its own side (MSNBC).
• The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward.
• Every change that is made in the subject of a propagandist message must always emphasize the same conclusion. The leading slogan must of course be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula.
• In Germany (America) the propaganda which helped convince the people of the efficiency of the National Socialist (Extreme liberal) solution for the country’s political and economic problems was reinforced by an army of storm troops (Acorn/SEIU) that weakened opposition through terrorism. Such methods made difficult and dangerous the promulgation of competing propagandas. The power of the Nazi (Liberal) propaganda was increased further by the financial support of certain business men (wall street, big banks, for profit insurance companies) and by the political intrigues of Colonel Franz von Papen (Maddow, Matthews, Olberman, O’Donnell, Garafalo, Stewart etc.) and other officials of the Weimar Republic (the majority of news outlets other than fox news).
I am not saying that the Liberal Democrats are Nazis, only that they are using proven propaganda techniques with people who are only able to see what they already believe and deny everything that they disagree with. You can present all the research and facts that you want, they deny them or they reply with MSNBC talking points. They are just like the people who deny evolution. You might as well talk to a wall.
Funny how that works…huh?
That’s beautiful!
Look both sides use the same rhetoric and propaganda strategies. Anyone in my opinion who votes for a candidate soley because of the letter behind his name is devoid of any critical thinking skills and is just a sheep!
People should take the time to get news and opinion from MULTIPLE sources. Fox, NBC, whatever all has it’s place but to believe whatever you hear on one as the gospel; well you have issues.
I listen to Hannity on the drive home even though he made my blood boil sometimes. I watch to Bill Mahr even though his stance on organized religion I find sac religious. I balance what I hear.
One thing I heard from Jess Ventura tht makes sense is this. “People need to stop thinking of voting as a horse race. It is not about picking the winner. You should vote for the candidate who best matches your values and opinions and that doesn’t need to be a person with a D or an R behind their name. If you never considered voting for an independent then you are why govt. is so corrupt.”
So in summation people political parties are what is ruining govt and anyone who blindly follows the ideology of one.
Beck. Objective? That’s a good one.
That’s all you’ve got? Nice.
Just this week he criticized the Re-puke-licans and the Demo-craps for their behavior. Don’t expect you saw that posted on the Huffington Post.
He’s more objective than you could ever hope to be.
I LOVE this. You Tea Baggers are just pulling the GOP into the mire of radicalism. The farther right you move with your tests of Party purity and racists posts, the more moderates you move to the Democrats. You have labeled McCain as a RINO! Beautiful, keep it up. What ever happen to the glorious progressive party of Lincoln and Teddy.
Florida will be a great test of this.
Progressives are part of the disease that has gradually eaten away our liberties. Lincoln has likely turned over in his grave multiple times since the time Teddy was in office. It’s an affront to Lincoln to even compare the two.
I’m sorry I made an allusion that was over your head. The Teddy I was referring to is on Mt. Rushmore and was known as the “Trust Buster” and was Big Business’ nemesis.
That’s all you’ve got? Nice.
Just this week he criticized the Re-puke-licans and the Demo-craps for their behavior. Don’t expect you saw that posted on the Huffington Post.
He’s more objective than you could ever hope to be.
What part of my reply makes you believe you made an allusion that went over my head?
I can see by your reply that mine certainly went way over yours.
US taxpayer –
Your posts certainly say more about your lack of character than they do about the good people you intend to insult and malign.
Sticks and stones Joe.
My guess is that US Taxpayer is anything but that. I suspect that he/she is an entitled cheese line liberal with typical misguided anger. The mountain of success looks too hard to climb so U.S. would attempt to tear it down to level the playing field in an effort to make himself the tallest midget.
U.S.- watch Florida closely and learn.
Al J Thong –
The US Taxpayer employs enormous effort utilizing insults, invective and vitriol to malign conservatives that one must wonder what kind of “taxpayer” he is to have such contempt?
Is US Taxpayer simply a sales taxpayer, excise taxpayer or does ‘US’ pay federal income tax?
US Taxpayer – You are just on the peas in the liberal pod.
OBAMA = Rev Wright, Nancy Perlosi, Bill Ayers, Al Sharpton, Harry Reid, Barney Frank & Beans, Jesse Jackson and Henry Waxman.
Liberal Spenders, Criminal Defenders & Race Baiters, Social Equality through Entitlements & Wealth Redistribution, Control through Liberal Take Over of Our Court System.
No Thanks – Liberal Days are numbered……..
“And while my comments may employ an economy of words they provide a terrific value.”
That’s good Joe, I like that
“I am not saying that the [Republicans] are Nazis, only that they are using proven propaganda techniques with people who are only able to see what they already believe and deny everything that they disagree with. You can present all the research and facts that you want, they deny them or they reply with [FOX] talking points. They are just like the people who deny evolution. You might as well talk to a wall.”
[ie: Cheney, Ashcroft, Rove, Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld… talk about your propaganda! ]
Sometimes the shoe fits on either foot, doesn’t it?
Funny how that works…huh?
Face it folks, both parties have their own boatload of problems and they have good leaders and they have their boneheads too. As with most things in life, the best answers lie somewhere in between. The “my guy can beat up your guy” stuff doesn’t really accomplish anything and just goes on forever, as this conversation proves.
Doug, read back a little farther, you are repeating US Taxpayer, which is what I was responding to to make pretty much the same point you are making.