Major Mark Forwood, a 20-year veteran of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and commander of the agency’s Investigative Services Bureau, has been suspended amid an investigation of “improper conduct.”
Forwood was promoted to major and became a member of the sheriff’s command staff upon Jesse Bane’s election in 2006. He was stripped of his police powers this week pending the results of the investigation, according to Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Monica Worrell.
Worrell declined to comment on the exact nature of Forwood’s alleged improper conduct or the ongoing investigation.
Major Dale Stonesifer, Commander of the Services and Support Bureau, will assume Major Forwood’s command of the Investigative Services Bureau until the conclusion of the investigation, Worrell said.
Forwood joined the Sheriff’s Office in July 1988, according to a 2006 press release announcing his promotion. According to the press release, Forwood was the shortest-tenured deputy to be named to Bane’s senior staff.
Wonder how Bane is going to try to spin this one to make himself look blameless. He’s the one who anointed Forwood a Major. Just shows his lack of good judgment. And I’m sure his treatment of Forwood will be much harsher than the way he treats the criminals. Don’t thin Forwood will get many second chances. Hope this shows everyone that all the postings by those in the now under the Bane/Golding string are credible.
It seems that police officers do not get the innocent until proven guilty card like the criminals. Maybe we should wait and see how the investigation turns out before we burn Major Forwood or Sheriff Bane at the stake. I am no Sheriff Bane fan but no of us know the whole story. Set back and take a breath.
I find these postings (about Forwood) amazing in that it seems many already know what occurred, how long it was occurring, and how much $$$ was involved. I thought this was still under investigation and suppose to be confidential. I guess some just need to gossip (in the HCSO). But that is not why I am responding to Dimera’s comments. I find it odd that he thinks the Sheriff will try to spin this. I doubt very seriously that the Sheriff had any knowledge of the activity (assuming that it occurred) when he promoted the man to major. Based on Dimera’s comments, I bet he voted for Obama).
We should wait until the investigation is complete to see if in fact something “criminal” occurred and then make some judgements on the Sheriff’s response. As for Dimera, keep drinking that Kool-aid . . .
What is the latest on this issue? I think I saw Jesse headed to 1st Fridays tonight. Has he dealt with this issue?
Nope… The man is still sitting there collecting the bi-weekly revenue of a $105,000 / year salary. Must be nice.
Don’t be too sad One Sad Person. I’m sure if he did these things his time is coming. Then you and the rest of the “Bane Haters” (and perhaps Forwood haters) will be satisfied and have nothing more to talk (or write) about.
Is there any truth the the rumors that Jesse Bane and not business promoting Forwood to his position in the first place? My understanding is that Forwood was not qualified. If so, this really calls into question Banes judgment.
BlueKnife: Don’t know where Stefano is, but see my post below-38.2.1. Stefano, please verify the info in my post if possible.
You should read my response to Roadhouse . . . it applies to your type as well.
Mr. Dimera,
Do you ever get tired of bashing Sheriff Bane and the HCSO. You seem to know alot about the Sheriff’s Office. Maybe it time you step up to the plate and run for the Office of Sheriff. But we both know you dont have the balls for the job. All this is about you wanting to start crap. What a joke. I want you to know that I will not comment on anything else you write. I have said all I need to.
I’m deeply wounded that you won’t comment on anything else I write. Sucks to have the truth shoved in your face.
I have known Mark Forwood for the last 30 years. I think people should not judge when they don’t know what they are talking about.Mark is a well respected honest loyal person. The thought of him doing something wrong is like a april fools joke.
Loyal One,
I too know Mark Forwood and have for many years. I am deeply saddened by the things I am hearing (from reliable sources) and some of the comments here (from many unreliable sources). I wish the best for him. With that said, if he is culpable for these things, he needs to own up and pay the price. In the meantime, he has the same rights as anyone else and that is “innocence until proven guilty” (beyond a reasonable doubt).
Maybe it’s because what you say is insignificant . . .
Mr. Dimera is one of those who calls for a police officer when he hears the bump outside his house. He runs from fear and danger while we the police run to it. When you stand in a police officers shoes, then you can judge us. Until then stop.
Retired cop…respect and criticism do go hand in hand. I do, however agree, lets get the details before making a judgement.
Go Dagger.
Lets also not forget that “IMPROPER CONDUCT” may not be a violation of law.
Go Dagger !
So wait.. a police officer breaking the law and not acting like a law abiding citizen? In Maryland? No way.
I didn’t know Mark that well but I would like for everyone to reserve judgment until the truth is known. Mark I’m not sure if you read the Dagger or not but if you do my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope for the best.
Laughing along with JD. I totally agree. I love how the police in Harford County work. Why just yesterday, I was coming out of my neighborhood and wanting to make a left turn. The road was blocked up with traffic trying to get in the Harford Day school. A girl in a car, TWO cars behind me decides that she is tired of waiting for me to make my left turn. So she drives up the entrance lane to the neighborhood on the wrong lane, cuts in front of my vehicle, screams at us and darts off into traffic. All while there is a police officer sitting in the lane of traffic that I have been waiting to pull into. He just looks at her and then turns his attention back to the radio. Real nice!
He could have been looking at info on something more important like the missing 16 y/o girl. I hear they are hiring. You can write that ticket if that is more important than someone’s well being. Oh that’s right your worried about you and the fact you had to sit there. Sometimes when they u turns its because they are lost but took a more important call. What are your priorities. YOU.
amen as long as there were no children trying to get out worry about yourself. Karma will get her take the tag and right it down they cant do everything out there themselves. dont judge
Innocent till proven guilty? How about when the police treating you like a criminal in every situation? I have personally been pulled out of my car, forced to watch while they search my car for drugs that didn’t exist, forced to do a field sobriety test when I hadn’t had a drop of alcohol that entire week. All because I was admittedly speeding by 10 miles per hour.
Whatever happened to protect and serve? Seems like the only reason for police anymore is to be glorified secretaries at traffic accidents and to ensure their precinct gets a bigger budget by bothering the everyday citizen.
Until I see police actually following the laws they are supposed to uphold, my opinion will not change.
Thankfully I wont have to worry about that, since absolute power corrupts and there will always be people like this sheriff deputy making all the police that actually do their job and obey the law look bad.
If you are or were one of the good cops then disregard my rant — but if you honestly believe that police are justified in half the things they do then you are either part of the group breaking the law or you are simply dumb.
JD…I think the point you’re trying to make is that some police are lazy, dumv, whatever but the way you’re saying it is coming off as a typical “I hate all police until I need them”. The attributes listed above only apply to a small percentage of police, I feel like you know that and its just coming out wrong. Or I’m way off base and you’re actually a douche lol
JD let me take a minute of your time and tell you something about police work. 1st of all, police officers today have to watch and treat everyone as a threat until they know that you are not a threat, You see if every police officer wants to go home at the end of there shift.
2nd it seems to me that if you were stopped for speeding and your vehicle searched then you must have given the officer a reason to search your vehicle. Why bitch about how police officer do their jobs. Why dont you try to help make police officer, better. You see we can not make everyone happy and you seem to be one who is not happy. But be sure if you need me (Police Officers) we will be there for you.
I want to say something about Major Forwood is a very good man. I am proud to say he is my friend for over 20 years. I have worked for him and he always treated me fair. All I ask is that everyone please dont judge him, until you KNOW THE WHOLE STORY. Major if you read this please remember that my prayers are with you and your family.
Most police are law abiding and have to hold themselves to higher standards than the average person. Its not easy to do this and that is why occassionally, some in our ranks screw up. Police are not immune…neither are Priests, Doctors, etc… That said, you seem very angry at police in general and fail to see the good we do for society. We are far more than traffic cops. We handle complex investigations that you may never appreciate but enjoy the benefits of such as not worrying about armed drug dealers in you town.
RE: Major Forwood. Was this alleged misconduct as in not so serious, or is this a full blown criminal investigation about alleged criminal activity? 5$ says that Sheriff B will have to make a public statement very soon since this is an election year. Any updates?????
Why hasn’t Bane ever commented about the Forwood. Is there a connection. I heard that Bane hand picked this guy?
Yes, Bane did hand pick Forwood. Another example of Bane’s complete cluelessness and inability to judge character. Trust me, the Home Depot theft is just the tip of the Forwood iceberg that Bane doesn’t want exposed, especially with the election looming.
You seem to know a lot about Bane, Forwood, and the Sheriff’s Office. Do you work there, getting your information second hand, and/or just like to have something or someone to talk about (in a negative way). Perhaps you are the type that thrives on someone else’s grief?
When you use the word “hand-picked” you use in such a manner that it is out of the ordinary and fraudulent. The fact is, any chief of police, Sheriff, governor, senator, etc., “hand” pick persons close to them and people they can trust. Sometimes those selections backfire. Look at the dummy we have in the white House and the people he has “hand-picked.” He has made some poor selections and some were forced out quickly, but some are still lingering on.
In regard to Forwood, and the decision to proceed with charges, the authority is with the prosecutor and not Sheriff Bane. Five months is not a long time to conduct an investigation and until there is an indictment, Mark Forwood is entitled to his pay. For further information on this, look up the Maryland Police Officers’ Bill of Rights. Are you also critical of teachers who are not allowed to teach for some reason but still collecting a salary? How about that crook in NYC? His name escapes me, but he is the Congressman who has a number of ethics charges and tax related crimes against him. He is still in office, still collecting his six figure salary, and running for re-election. Any comments there? I do recommend that you read the U.S. Constitution and pay close attention to the First Ten Amendments and the 14th Amendment (more specifically, read the 5th Amendment and 14th Amendment and note the “due Process Clause” written into each). Perhaps it will be a first for you. Give it a shot pal and maybe you will wise up and pick another topic you know more about.
Major Mark Forwood / Jess Bane / Allegations of Improper Conduct
Does anyone have any intelligence on this situation? What are the allegations? Who is involved? Who is investigating? Are Bane and Forwood related?
rumor: theft scheme? Any thoughts?
If it was a theft scheme wouldn’t there be a criminal investigation instead of an internal?
As embarrassing as this is, I don’t believe this is a negative reflection on Sheriff Bane or the Sheriff’s Department as a whole. My contacts with the deputies have all been professional and positive. This are the actions of a single person and he will get his day in court.
This is a top position that Jesse Bane hired – how can this not be an embarrasement?
Braveheart…if you read my comment i said “As embarrasing as this is…” meaning this is EMBARRASING. What I’m saying that this shouldn’t be a negative reflection of the department as a whole. They are not all crooks…its the actions of a one.
I agree that this incident should not be a reflection of the entire Department. However, Jesse Bane hired this guy for a top post and I would think that Jesse would be and should be embarrassed.
Forwood: stealing expensive tools and returned for a refund and got caught? Rumor? I am not sure….
Most of the civilians throwing in their two cents should take a college level logic course. Using isolated cases to then say that you can’t trust any police officer is called a “hasty generalization” which is a false argument. Then getting angry because you think that a police officer has made a hasty generalization about you is called hypocrisy. The same people getting mad because a police officer searched their trunk turn around and blame the police when they don’t search a vehicle and it turns out their was a kidnapped little girl in the trunk. If you want the police to be able to prevent all crime, while only inconveniencing those that are guilty, and to be correct 100% of the time then you should start your scientific research on developing ESP.
I agree wit 80% of what King says. I’m troubled over the “generalization”, “Most of the civilians throwing in their two cents should take a college level logic course.”. The implication is that knowledge is exclusive and “civilians” are not qualified to have an opinion.
Go Dagger!
I just HAD to read the comments on this story to see if there was any updated information. Obviously the public is only allowed to know that he did SOMETHING wrong but, unlike they do with regular civilians who are alleged to have committed a crime, they are not releasing the nature of the allegations or anything about his history. I find that to be rather amusing!! Had this been anybody other than someone who holds a public position. they’re whole life’s history and a full, detailed story about the allegations would have smeared the front page of the Aegis and the Record. I find it rather disturbing that a person who holds such a high office in our county has been accused of doing something bad enough to warrant suspending him, but the public is not being given any information about it!
As for all of the comments from the Officers above … you can not blame the public fully for the opinion that has been formed about Police Officers in general!! Sure, this is one case involving ONE individual but, there are many, many more stories that involve many, many more Officers so, the opinions have been formed over time and are not likely to go away just because a few Officers want to try to keep another’s name from being smeared through the mud!! I always see, and did just yesterday, Officers who are speeding down route 40, no lights on, no sirens but, if it was ME doing the same thing, they would pull me over in a heartbeat! Just like when they don’t want to wait at a traffic light or intersection so they flip their lights on and hit their siren and cut right through, then ten feet up the road, they turn their lights off! It makes me SICK! Cops truly do think they are above the law … and so, when one (or more) are accused of wrongdoing, it’s not very hard to believe it IS true!
So … just imagine having the same last name as the current one standing in accusation (he is my husband’s cousin but, they do NOT communicate with each other!! When it is found that he is indeed guilty … he’ll still have the same last name as I. I can only HOPE AND PRAY that whatever he has done won’t be too hard to live with, but, without a shadow of a doubt, he did SOMETHING!!
This comment should make Thanksgiving dinner very interesting
Let me enlighten you all. We, (The Police) work 8 hours or more and are not driving through the red lights “just because”. Now, not every call dictates using lights and siren, but we still have to arrive in a timely manner. Case and point, you call the police because there is a suspicious person in your neighborhood. You call back to say the person has left, but we still have to respond because you called on 911. SO, on our way to make sure all is well. We get 3 more calls on our post. We know we can handle yours fast because you said the person is gone. So , NO, we won’t sit at the red light for 2 minutes. YES, we will drive through it. Because if there are 5 lights on the way, that could cost 10 minutes or more. Time is critical in this job. Seconds could mean yours or someone elses life.
So if people don’t respect the police because they see them going through a red light without knowing the underlying circumstances than that citizen has some personal issues that they need to deal with before returning to public life. Everyone wants to say Eff the Police until they need the Police. Then all you hear is “call 911”.
Thanks for your service and a great post.
Its good to hear that cops put in 8 hours – I really feel better now that we are getting our monies worth…
@Braveheart, you’re welcome. because i know you don’t always give a full 8 hours at the Fry Statoin in Mcdonalds.
5-0 – Is it just you or does every Cop feel contempt for the general public? By the way – I hope you are a better speller when it comes to your reports.
You’d be surprised and by your spelling you clearly don’t know much….
@ Braveheart, one mispelled word is all you can attack. There is no contempt for the general public. Just people like you. Sorry you didn’t get the attention you needed as a kid. Don’t worry, we’ll help you make up for it.
You clearly have anger management problems, have contempt for a public that questions you, and have some ethics issues as well concerning the law. Hopefully you are off the street at this point. I’m guessing that you are out on a medical retirement.
Ms. T. L. Forwood, you do know that all police officers are required to get to calls in a reasonable time. And there are certain calls that require police officers to drive with their emergency lights and siren on. However, there are certain calls that do not require lights and siren and some calls that if officers are traveling with lights and siren may cause a suspect to flee the scene or may anger the subject. For example, recently their was a call for a subject that was suicidal and homicidal. This person had a rifle and was going to kill his wife and then himself and stated that if the police came he would shoot them too. Now if you were responding to that call, would you run lights and siren and give the suicidal person a chance to hear you coming? No, but you would also not drive with no sense of urgency in getting to this call. These types of situations do not occur every day, but similar calls do. Heated domestics that are not yet physical. I would not run lights and siren the entire way, however if I came to a cluster of traffic and still was a decent distance from that call, I would put my lights and siren on to get around the traffic to get to the call quicker before it escalates. Before you are quick to judge, I assure you that 99% of the officers you see that put their lights on to go through lights or get around traffic or even speed are not doing so for their personal benefit.
LOL!! Is ALL good! I’ve never met him so … no worries there. The holidays are spent with my family and we’re good with that. :~) My only hope is that the few people who do carry the Forwood name won’t have something too bad attached to it.
RE: {{{Forwood: stealing expensive tools and returned for a refund and got caught? Rumor? I am not sure….}}}
If this is true, that is VERY disturbing … considering the pay for the position he was appointed to is over $107,000 a year!! Would definitely make people wonder, huh??
Jesse Bane is allowing this guy to collect $107,00 a year for doing nothing…. Do I have that right? Does David Craig know about this. Why hasn’t David Craig commented?
Clarence, none of us have the right to collect our salaries while not working while being investigated for a theft scheme, among other things. Craig won’t do anything because he and Bane scratch each other’s backs. The “formal” excuse that Craig uses is that the Sheriff’s budget is separate from the county budget which is correct. But even if the budgets were together, Forwood would still be getting paid. Nothing like the buddy system, is there? Just goes to show that we need a new sheriff with integrity and not someone like Bane who cuts deals like this all the time to gain political favor.
Ok, people. Enough is enough. Theft scheme, yes. For over 4 years. At several different Home Depots. Internal investigation, yes. Criminal investigation, yes, through Baltimore County. Alledged cause, gambling problems. Does this ease your minds……..
Close to the Scene,
4 Years??? Any idea if Major Mark Forwood was gambling online while working for Jess Bane and the Sheriff’s Office?
well they did confiscate his office computer
Yes they took his office PC. And also conducted a S&S Warrant on his home.
NO … that doesn’t ease my mind a bit. That’s a disgrace to the county!! FOUR DAMN YEARS? It took that long for him to be busted? Why? Was he going into the Home Depots and stealing while he was in uniform so nobody would be suspicious? UGH!!!!!!!! So many people work hard for every single thing they have and do it honestly, making much, much less than 107,000 a year … so what if he was dumb enough to get hung up on gambling … that is NO excuse at all! I sure hope there’s no ease taken on him just because he is/was a cop! He deserves the same punishment anybody else would get!
You have him guilty already?
You’re assuming you now all the facts.
In response to 5-0 … that may be true in SOME cases BUT … when you see a cop flip on his lights and siren, go through a light or intersection, then go on down the road a little ways, doing the speed limit, just to pull into a store … chances are, he was indeed just using his position as a vantage point because he didn’t feel like waiting. I’m not saying every cop does it but, YES … many do!!! I have seen it in Harford County many more times than I’d like to have to recall! They’re not on their way to a call of any type … just in a hurry to get to the store! Yes, I have seen many do the same thing who turned their lights and siren back off and slowed down, then had to return them to on because they were needed after all, evidently. It’s not all of them, but it is many. Of course, I do indeed expect them to respond in a timely manner if I should need them to and, thankfully, they usually do. But … don’t act like the things I have stated are not true because I’m sure you know they do occur, whether any Officer wishes to admit it or not. I have a lot of respect for our Officers, Firefighters, Paramedics, and our Military but, wrong is wrong, no matter who it may be that committed it! Everyone’s quick to criticize every average citizen who commits any wrong but few will do the same about the officials, whether appointed or otherwise, including Officers …
Whatever Maj. Forwood did or did not do is being investigated through the proper channels. While I don’t know him personally, from what I do know about him he pissed away a good career if the charges are accurate. Whatever his problems, it’s a damn shame.
As far as police officers turning their lights on to go through a red light there could be many reasons for it (including just being in a hurry to get to the store.) The vast majority of officers don’t do that just because they want to get their coffee. And sometimes calls escalate and de-escalate while officer are en route. I’ve had plenty of calls that initially needed a normal response (i.e. no lights/siren) suddenly change to “get there asap” and then return to a normal response for a variety of reasons. You’re not in the car with the officer and you aren’t listening to the radio as disjointed, incomplete, and sometimes contradictory information comes across.
Good response ! ! ! How many times do you see a fire truck speeding down the road with lights and sirens, but then shut down, turn around and return to the firehouse?
point well taken.
I’m cynical. I have learned to give cops the benefit of the doubt. I have also had my experience’s with goofy cops. I often interact with cops as a trucker. That being said, each incident should be on a case by case basis.
I have seen the best and worst.
Go Dagger !
I have dealt with multiple criminals that have been nurses, construction workers, former/current military, etc. and never do we say, “those damn military guys always going around committing crime and thinking they are better than everybody.” The fact of the matter is that a certain percentage of people commit crime and a certain percentage of people become cops, just like a venn diagram there is an unfortunate overlap of people that do both.
Maybe the store that officer went into after having his lights on was the location of the call, ever heard of shoplifters? Businesses require the services of the police too. Some men/women in uniform have given their lives protecting the public and your biggest concern is who gets to go through the traffic light first.
I’m not sure what TL is talking about when he/she says that few are critical of officials like they are of average citizens. How many average citizens have a forum on a web page?
In response to 5-0 Please explain the concept of “professional courtest” most of the public is unaware of the frequency of its use. Example ! A police officer in civilian clothes driving his personal vehicle is pulled over for speeding after being clocked 25 miles an hour over the speed limit. When the officer questions the speeder the driver simply flashes his badge from what ever jurisdiction he is from (including out of state). Upon seeing the badge the officer usually says “have a nice day and be careful”
Am I correct 5-0 ??
Yes, you are correct. It’s like working for Macy’s, you get a discount at any Macy’s store in the country. Best way I can explain it, lol. However, there are cops that write other cops tickets. I have seen it several times. And VA State police don’t cut anyone a break……
All professional courtesy should be disclosed.
Go Dagger !
Why? What is the purpose of disclosure?
Cause its nice to know who got away with an offense that peasants loose licences over.
Go Dagger !
That does not make sense….
Richie C. Do yo also want to know about every senior citizen that gets a free cup of coffee? Every family that gets a discount on rent????
5-0 – Your quote “Richie C. Do yo also want to know about every senior citizen that gets a free cup of coffee? Every family that gets a discount on rent????”
Are you for real 5-0? The differences is the “law” of course.
Your comments about policing are scary to say the least. Wow!!!
@ Braveheart, yes speeding is a crime and not every citizen gets a ticket. Some get written or verbal warnings. Do you spit in public? Well that is a crime but I doubt you’ll be arrested or cited for it. You obviously don’t understand the ins and outs of the job and should keep your mouth shut on things that you have such little knowledge of. No one is cutting killers a break. I’m sure you have gotten off with a traffic warning before. And if you didn’t it’s probably because your attitude in public is just as shitty as it is online. There is no difference in a cop extending “professional courtesy” to a fellow cop or giving a citizen a written or verbal warning. And written warnings do not go on your driving record.
there are alot of officers that write warnings instead of tickets. It is at the officers discretion what gets written and what doesn’t. If you want that disclosed why not just do away with warnings all together and hand out tickets to everyone all the time? Is that a better solution? I really don’t know how you would like it disclosed…would you like a write up in the paper stating everyone that gets warnings?
Banes is a top notch leader and no one in any proffesion knows exactly what people will do or why!police are here to help and it is kinda of like the nra slogan better to have a gun and not need it than not to have one and need it! give these guys some respect they put there lives on the line each and everyday and they are human and make mistakes also!
How do we know that Banes is a top notch leader?
Does a top notch leader keep deputies with chronic sleeping violations on the job only because of his position with the the police union?
Does a top notch crime prevention leader cause crime to be “displaced” to other parts of the County rather than eliminate the crime?
Does a top notch leader continually look for more budget dollars without corresponding reductions in crime?
alpo308 – what is your definition of a “top notch leader” – Obama?
Thank you, thank you very much,
Bane is absolutely NOT a top notch leader. He throws smoke screens to make citizens believe that. Ask the majority of the deupties on the road and I am sure you will see that the people he “leads” do not respect him and they see his shady doings. I have zero respect for him as a leader.
You are however correct in that everyone makes mistakes and it is a shame this major possibly threw away a career if the allegations are true.
Seems like Bodway and Meckley have a decent following of Deputies as well as some Deputy support for Gahler. I’m not sure about the Roger Shitz fellow.
Does Bane have any Deputy support besides the ex union head?
Bane has none of his deputies supporting him, except those who don’t want to lose their cushy desk jobs. Look who is attending his fundraisers–big business, no one from within. Quite telling, isn’t it?
Stefano – Do you have any intelligence on the Roger Shitz fellow. He seems to be the only non-cop in the bunch…
The ex-union head supports the sheriff because he got everything he asked for. He ran the office. Look at his punishment when he was caught sleeping on duty. He taught the new president well. Because he now runs the office and determines the punishment based on like and dislikes. I don’t how he sheriff sleeps at night. Vote for anyone but Bane
What a shame if the story about Forwood is true. But, it is all about making choices.
That said, to those who are down on police. We are not perfect, yet we are held to a higher standard than any other profession. We try to be the best we can, and make lots of sacrifices that affect our personal lives and families, which the average private citizen never sees or hears about. We do a lot of good things, save lives, prevent crimes from happening and restore faith in communities. We endure crazy hours, work in dangerous conditions that pose serious potential for injury/death. Even though we are paid less than we should be for such a dangerous profession, we chose this as career and most of us wouldn’t change it. All I ask is please stop bashing cops over BS things that you probably have little if any facts about. Most of your concerns are based on assumptions and anger or other emotion. Try to focus your energy on removing pedophile Priests and corrupt/inept politicians.
Joe Bagodonuts: Thank you for your insightful commentary. Please clarify one statement though. In your last sentence you mention “inept politicians”. I assume you are talking about your own sheriff, correct?
Stefano D ” Please clarify one statement though. In your last sentence you mention “inept politicians”. I assume you are talking about your own sheriff, correct?”
No, I do not work for the Sheriff that you are referencing, nor do I feel he is inept. My comment on politicians is more broad based, referencing some in the state system who tie up bills in committee and fail to make things happen such as slots or strengthening laws against felons who possess rifles/shotguns.
Has anyone heard anything about this lately? It’s been over 3 months since this investigation commenced. So he’s getting paid and he has the summer off. Worked out nicely for the Major.
Bane, Bodway, & Meckley – Are these guys all part of the Bane problem? Seems like the whole Department needs to change.
The department needs someone from the outside the agency to win the election. The whole command staff needs to go. The citzens of Harford County are lucky there hasn’t been a serious situation because this sheriff and his commanders wouldn’t know how to handle it. The president of the union probably would since he runs the sheriff’s office anyway. The members of the command staff have no education. The sheriff said he wanted people on his staff to be educated but again he lied. He’s good at that. We thought the sheriff was a honorable man but we have learned he is just a politian and talks the talk. There’s no integrity inside this agency. Sheriff where is the fairness you promised. Vote for anyone but Bane. He needs to hang up his spurs and retire.
Bodway, Bane, Visnaw – are they all connected?
Bane and Visnaw are connected.
What is the connection between Jesse Bane and Fred Visnaw. I’ve read about Visnaw sleeping on the job with his radio off.
Whatever happened with Visnaw was 4+ years ago…he’s not even a deputy anymore.
My thought on this is that the people are calling for a new sheriff in town that will keep the politics out of the office.
Visnaw was about to be fired by Sheriff Golding for sleeping on the job, among other things. At the time, Bane was running for Sheriff. Being the union president, Visnaw went to Bane and promised Bane the union’s endorsement if he could prolong the investigation. That is exactly what happened. Bane won the election and gave Visnaw a nice cushy desk job doing nothing until he retired this year. Bane and the union are way too cozy. Henry, give it up. What happened 4 years ago is pertinent because Bane is still cutting deals today. Look at Forwood.
He’s probably putting a built-in pool in his backyard with all the equipment he stole from Home Depot.
I just recently turned 18 and now I can vote. I never knew much about politics until this years election. My friends father is a member of the sheriff’s office. Everytime I see him he tells me how discussed he is at the way the sheriff’s office is operated. I did a little research and when I see a deputy somewhere I ask how Sheriff Bane is and what I heard isn’t pleasant. I now realize it’s true. It’s disheartening to see our men in blue so unhappy at their jobs. The command staff at the sheriffs office has no clue how low morale is within the office. People can not wait till November when hopfully there will be a new sheriff in town. DO NOT VOTE FOR BANE!
Looks like you still don’t know a lot about politics if this is how you make your decisions on how to vote.
Harford County needs to abandon the concept that the Sheriff’s Office should be out enforcing laws. You need a professional police Department to take over those duties. The Sheriff’s office should be providing security at the court houses, housing prisoners, and serving summons and let law enforcement up to professionals. Most jurisdictions have done away with this problem. A lot of posters have negative comments concerning police officers. Too bad not many take the time to post the positive interactions with the police.
How does a petition get started for a referendum on a Harford County Police Department. I would sign and contibute. Bane, Bodway – both HCSD insiders. Gahler – ex state police of transportation dept – same outcome as Ted Moyer in 4 years? Knock it off and out. None of these guys knows how to deal with an urban/suburban municipality with drugs, gangs, etc, etc. How could they considering where they’re from and what they’ve done. Get a county PD so we can get some real change from outside Harford. This cowtowing to unions and politicians has to stop.
What does this have to do with Major Forwood, who is still getting a paid vacation until he can retire? Any updates?
Tonya, you are not very bright i see. Even though they have the title “sheriff officer” doesn’t mean that they are just stuck in the court room. Actually about 90 percent of the road deputies work the “road”, meaning they are law enforcement officers. I dont see how changing there title to [police officer is going to make any difference. They all attended the same 28 wk police academy that im sure you couldnt pass. Also a large number of the Harford County Sheriff’s office deputies are laterals from Baltimore City PD. So I dont see what point if any that you are trying to make. So do you think a “police department” like Bel Air, Havre De Grace or Aberdeen would do any better??? If so then you may want to consider that all those “police officer’s” are trained and thought by the deputies at the Sheriff’s office. they dont attend a special police departments academy, no they go to the Sheriff’s office. Even though they have that title, they have the same power, duty and responsibility as someone who works for a PD. Plus they can police the entire county as most PD’s are restricted to there town limits.
What are you talking about? All tonya was saying is that the sheriffs office should be doing the jobs traditionally designated to sheriffs offices (the roles she outlined). Harford county sheriff does not to the traditional job of a sheriff. They are more like county police officers. Personally, I believe that they do do the traditional roles, but they also do police enforcement because only aberdeen bel air and hdg are actual “towns”. Everything else is unincorporated. And harford county is not large enough to have a HCSO and a HCPD
get rid of the cozy sheriff’s dept – and maybe the Forwood problems would go away. after a sheriff gets elected – who is he or she really accountable to until the next election. Not like David Craig could walk in and say Jesse you suck – you’re fired.
Yes Forwood a criminal and an idiot. I have talked with many deputies who share the same opinion and its sad that the actions of one dumb@$$ will bring a black cloud over the Sheriff’s office.
Forwood must have been cleared. I don’t see any criminal charges on him. Since this article was written 5 months ago, can someone tell me that he was cleared, and hence someone owes him an apology?
He has not been cleared, that is the point. Bane is playing his little game of dragging things out and when the investigation is over (yes, it’s been over 5 months) and Forwood is indicted, he will by then have enough time that he can retire and get all the cozy benefits. If it were you or I, we’d have been fired at the first sniff of inappropriate behavior. Bane needs to apologize to us since it is our money that he will be wasting when Forwood gets full retirement benefits.
Actually Stefano Bane has nothing to do with how long the investigation taking. The case is being handled by Balt. Cty and they are the ones who will do the charging. So you cant let someone go even though you know they are guilty, if its not offical they are innocent until proven guilty. So all you can do is suspend him with pay. there is nothing else you can do until Balt. cty finally purses criminal charges on him. And Forwood is not close to retirement and he will not be getting any retirement or benefits once everything is finalized. Again people facts!
Dear Dagger – why haven’t you done any follow up reporting to Jesse Bane and Mark Forwood? I’m told that we are still paying Forwood. This seems incredible. What is going on?
Is this Forwood guy on leave – why is he still being paid?
BK – I’ve asked about this from time to time over the last few months and gotten the same answer we reported in April and that “really???” outlines above: The investigation, which is not being handled by HCSO, is “ongoing” and he has not been cleared or charged. As far as being suspended with pay, that’s the standard in these cases, however long the investigation takes.
I’m not necessarily satisfied with that answer, but I’ve held off on doing a non-update update as some of our competitors have done until I can get more. Given the interest shown here in the story, maybe it’s time to revisit it and push for just that.
Regarding Major Forwood, at a Deputies Union meeting last Tuesday, a deputy questioned Bane about it. Bane said that if he fires Forwood, he and the agency would be sued. Not one person in the room believed him, but of course, no one wanted to call him on it or THEY would be fired the next day. HCSO may not be handling the investigation, but no doubt Bane is telling Balto Co to stretch it out, or, in the alternative, it is finished but conveniently lost in the black hole of his office. In any event, it will not be concluded until Forwood has enough time in to quietly retire and go away. This is yet another misstep of the Mighty Bane. Bane doesn’t want to look foolish at any time, but especially with the election weeks away. Definitely time for the Dagger to sink its teeth into this one and don’t let go until you get the real answer and expose Bane for the fraud that he is.
As unfortunate as this case is to the respect for the Sheriff’s Office, you may want to brush up on your policies and LEOBR. Forwood has rights afforded to him. If he has not been officially charged (as indicated in Maryland Judiciary Case Search), he can not been suspended without pay. Additionally, if the Sheriff were to terminate without due process, the agency could be sued. In my opinion he should be pushing papers somewhere until he is adjudicated. Not to play devils advocate, but this is how every other recent high profile case has been handled, why should this be any different?
You seem to know a lot about Bane, Forwood, and the Sheriff’s Office. Do you work there, getting your information second hand, and/or just like to have something or someone to talk about (in a negative way). Perhaps you are the type that thrives on someone else’s grief?
When you use the word “hand-picked” you use in such a manner that it is out of the ordinary and fraudulent. The fact is, any chief of police, Sheriff, governor, senator, etc., “hand” pick persons close to them and people they can trust. Sometimes those selections backfire. Look at the dummy we have in the white House and the people he has “hand-picked.” He has made some poor selections and some were forced out quickly, but some are still lingering on.
In regard to Forwood, and the decision to proceed with charges, the authority is with the prosecutor and not Sheriff Bane. Five months is not a long time to conduct an investigation and until there is an indictment, Mark Forwood is entitled to his pay. For further information on this, look up the Maryland Police Officers’ Bill of Rights. Are you also critical of teachers who are not allowed to teach for some reason but still collecting a salary? How about that crook in NYC? His name escapes me, but he is the Congressman who has a number of ethics charges and tax related crimes against him. He is still in office, still collecting his six figure salary, and running for re-election. Any comments there? I do recommend that you read the U.S. Constitution and pay close attention to the First Ten Amendments and the 14th Amendment (more specifically, read the 5th Amendment and 14th Amendment and note the “due Process Clause” written into each). Perhaps it will be a first for you. Give it a shot pal and maybe you will wise up and pick another topic you know more about.
Charles Rangle is his name.
Hi Rob,
Good points on the process. However, I think the issue with Forwood is Jesse Bane’s poor judgement in making the hire. We wouldn’t be paying a criminal Forwood for nothing if Bane would have made a better choice. Us in Harford County have higher standards and expectations for our Tax Dollars than those in DC, New York, and California.
Stefano Dimero, you do not read anyone’s comments other than your own. You and some others are making comments that are nothing more than innuendos. If you a policeman, then you know that people are proven innocent. No matter what happens, in your mind the big crime of it all is that Bane did it. You hate him that much?
If he is continuing getting paid bring him in and have him earn his pay doing something. Have him watch cameras down in Edgewood. The sheriff has everyone on light duty doing this so why not him. A homicide could be investigated in a shorter time then this case. They are just buying time at the sheriff’s request. If you can’t see that shame on you.
Does any one know if Bane stayed awake during the debate at the union meeting. Did he have a senior moment. You know he’s very forgetful. I can tell you he will get the unions endorsement because I heard he has the union president in his pocket. Why do you think the president got a K-9. The K-9 position was not posted they just gave it to him. A warning for those of you who tell the union president things secretly about Bane. Their not secrets. He goes right to the second floor and tells him. So be ready for another crappy 4 years with Bane.
Bane and the Union are cozy. However, there are members of the Department that are disgusted with Bane. Jesse Bane and Fred Visnaw really left a bad taste with many. School unions, municipal workers unions, and police unions – they are all a joke….
Now that’s funny
Donnie Gividen
President Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union
I think that a Union Endorsment these days will spell trouble for whoever receives it. The National News has been running specials on the Teachers Unions and how they have become a major impediment to improvements in the Education process.
It is not the teachers unions that stand in the way of school improvements. The truth is that teachers know that most of the stuff that politicians and education bureaucrats try to foist on classroom teachers is a bunch of crap. If you really want to straighten out schools let classroom teachers run the schools. Classroom teachers know how to educate children. It is the other self serving groups that actually stand in the way with the politically correct social agendas they want taught at the expense of real education.
another view
I agree that the best Teachers should be allowed to Teach and be paid for it. On the flip side poor Teachers should be fired and certainly not given the same raies as the best teachers. Tenured teachers that no longer have an interest in teaching should be fired.
Unions, especially in the public sector, serve no purpose but to cozy up to Politicians so that they can deliver votes for raises and other perks.
Unions serve to protect their members from abuses at the hands of greedy employers. That sometimes includes government employers.
Many of those teachers that no longer have an interest in teaching find their way into administration, which is where I see many of the problems coming from in education. They could not hack it in the classroom and now they are telling classroom teachers what to do. Streamline administrative positions leaving no place for these people to go but out the door.
Good teachers are not afraid to have people come into their classrooms to see what they are doing. Let other classroom teachers do peer reviews, you would get honest evaluations.
Some jobs do not lend themselves to individual raises. Police should not be paid based on the number of arrests they make. Some police may not work in areas that present arrest opportunities but that does not mean they are less trained, responsible, or as dedicated as others working in high crime areas. We cannot look at all jobs as if we are producing products. Kids are not products and we should not measure them simply on the score they get on the HSA, SAT, or some other test that does not measure their ability to think. These types of evaluations are too superficial and not the true measure of the student or any specific teacher.
Rob from Bel Air, good comments. These guys all think they know better than their boss how the Sheriff’s Office should be run. That is characteristic of humans. HOwever, most of us don’t get to choose our boss. The thing that bothers me about all of it is that they seem to forget that the Sheriff’s Office exists to serve and protect the citizens of Harford County and not to cater to disgruntled deputies who think they know better than the Sheriff how to run the department. I happen to believe that a boss doen’t have to be liked to be effective. I worked for many bosses who weren’t popular, but did their job well. Perhaps, some of the deputies would choose to go to Baltimore City or Baltimore County, where the people don’t choose the boss.
Dear Rob, keep citing passages from the Consitution. I think you are all impressed with yourself because you passed 6th grade civics class. And The Craig, your name itself is disturbing. However, if you will look at the last election, almost every deputy to a person supported Bane. The past 4 years have shed a different light on him. You are right, you don’t have to be liked to be effective, but he is totally ineffective, thus disliked. Sadly, the deputies do want to tell the boss how to do his job because he can’t. Every single deputy posting on here isn’t wrong about the man.
Thanks. I did learn a great deal in my Civics classes and a few classes afterwards. And I am glad that you are paying attention and learning something new about the U.S. Constitution (perhaps a first for you). Your parents will be proud. In regard to your comment about “every deputy posting here” they don’t speak for the agency and I doubt very seriously that every deputy dislikes Sheriff Bane. Many of these same “every deputy” that Roadhouse is quoting are typically those who go through their entire career as “DFCs” and never bother to seek higher promotion. These are the deputies who know nothing about the budget or about the decisions that are made in regard to the budget (sometimes some are tough decisions and sometimes they are based on politics – that which occurs in every other governmental entity). However, what many of these same deputies (that Roadhouse is referring to) do know is how to make as much overtime as possible at their convenience. These are the same deputies who will complain about anything they disagree and make an issue of it without knowing all the facts. When it comes to the Sheriff’s Office and its members, I think the people need to look at the salaries, benefits (health, retirement, car, equipment, etc.), and the opportunities available and think, “What are they so unhappy about – they are lucky to have a job and benefits they have.” They need to suck it up and stop worrying about this election and Mark Forwood, and get back to doing what we (the tax payers) are paying for – THEIR JOB.
You mention that deputies should stop worrying about Major Mark Forwood. If people aren’t aware of this, they should be. He was appointed as a Major by Bane to command the Criminal Investigations Unit. Since he is currently sitting at home collecting his full pay, who is commanding the Criminal Investigations Unit? This unit has several units under it including the Gang Task Force and Intelligence Unit. With the current incident at the jail with the recent murder suspect, do you think that may have been “GANG RELATED?” There seems to only be two Majors on the department so who is running the detectives unit while Forwood is at home waiting for Baltimore Cnty. to get off their $$%$!@! The other Major can’t possibly have the capabilities of running all the units and patrol. With Forwood at home with full pay and benefits the Sheriff can’t replace him or appoint anyone to that position. Wow, a great management decision!!! Yes, Forwood is entitled to his LEOBR rights. This does not relinquish the Sheriff from utilizing him in other capacities. Have him posted on the desk to work the Midnight shift at Belair, Edgewood or Jarrettsville where they are paying civilians to answer the phones and open doors. Have him shredding papers like all the civilians have their volunteers doing. Just have him do something to be worthy of his $80,000 a year plus salary while he awaits his due process. It is a little suspicious that Baltimore Cnty. has had his case since way before April because they make sure that they have evidence in hand before sending it to the press. It may be that it is getting close to Election Day. Do you think the charges are being held due to the upcoming election at Banes request. Just another round of bad publicity under his tenure with the department.Hmmmmm? One last thing….Bane stated in his pre elective state that he was taking the politics out of the Sheriffs office. Well I hate to say it but it has never been this bad. You have the union president getting all the perks of being a supervisor, a union president and now being given a K-9 dog.I am sure there were patrol deputies that may have been interested in that position. K-9 is utilized quite often for searches of vehicles, homes and areas. This is a unit that has the potential of overtime. Bane should have looked at the cost of overtime when he gave the K-9 to a Supervisor and not a deputy. We are in a recession? Look at the budget for crying out loud. It is obviously cheaper to pay a deputy than a supervisor for the same job. In the surrounding police departments, the K-9 position is a full time position. K-9 handlers don’t hold any other supervisory position. Which job is suffering? How can he wear so many hats? Guess it doesn’t matter when he is being held in the palms of Jesse Bane.
Hey David,
Can you tell us where we can get more information on the Jesse Bane Fred Visnaw connection. I really think it is important for the Taxpayers to understand the relationship between Jesse Bane and Union Presidents past and current. I’d like to know what Visnaw was investigated for. How did the investigation effect Visnaw’s ability to police?
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
David Roadhouse, why is my name disturbing? Do you think I am David Craig? I am not. You mention that the deputies supported Bane 4 years ago and now they don’t. That is the history of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. Each 4 years the incumbent sheriff is not popular. Is that giving you any insight on the real problem? The Sheriff is doing his job, perhaps not the way you would like, but the way the community likes. The community will express their preference again in November. You know what, no matter who wins, you will be displeased 4 years from now. Someone has the job, and someone else wants it. The Sheriff’s Department seems to line up on the side of the newcomer.
“The Craig”
Great leaders are generally respected and somtimes even loved. Bill Kunkel and Joe Meadows fell into that category. Jesse Bane has increased the Sheriff’s Budget by 50%, $19 million, and catered to every union demand and still doesn’t have the respect of the Deputies. Why?? Because he has no great leadership attributes – he micromanages, he takes all the credit and defers blame. Jesse Bane is a politician.
Big Blue, I agree with Bill Kunkel and Ray Fulkner too, but the department had maybe 100 deputies at the heighth of Bill Kunkel’s tenure. Today, we have numerous divisions, a large detention center, much more technology, and a hell of lot of immigrants from Baltimore County and Baltimore City. Now, tell me about Joe Meadows. How could the deputies support or respect a leader who never was a policeman. He was an assistant states attorney. However, if you saw him in uniform, which he did not earn, he was decorated like he had served in Iraq. What hypocrisy. Then, there was the matter of the sexual harassment. I attended meetings with him where I heard him in a public use the “F” word. He laughed and apologized, and his henchmen did likewise. I know that even the Vice President of the U.S. did it too, but it demeans the office they hold. Tell me how much they respected him?
Where in the world is Carmen San Diego
Dave, you hit the nail on the head…… Any other member of the agency has to study and prepare for a board to be considered for a specialized unit, but if it’s an election year and your the union president you get what you want… Wonder what that does to the moral of the deputies that took the time to test for that spot, only to find out that the union president was put on to top the list, “just because”.. Got to love politics
Has anyone heard any recent news on this case? It seems it has been kept away from the public eye, which is just wrong.
Has anyone heard any recent news on this case? It seems it has been kept away from the public eye, which is just wrong.