From the office of Del. McDonough:
Delegate Pat McDonough’s Baltimore County English Recognition bill passed the Baltimore County Delegation by a 13 to 7 vote. The legislation is the same as the proposal that passed the Harford County Delegation by an 8 to 0 vote. Both bills were authored and sponsored by Delegate McDonough. This is the first time in recent history that two local delegations have passed English Recognition legislation. Both measures face a difficult time as they move on for a vote in the House Health & Government Operations Committee.
The bills require the two counties to recognize English as the official legal language of the government. They mandate that no program can be created, policy instituted, or pamphlets or other materials printed in a foreign language unless they are also accommodated in English. Thirty states and numerous other town, cities, and subdivisions have passed the same law. The Supreme Court has ruled that the law is constitutional.
Baltimore County Executive Jim Smith vigorously opposed the English Recognition bill and attempted, through misleading testimony, to obstruct its passage. Mr. Smith has announced his intention to run for the Maryland State Senate in the 2010 election in the 7th district.
This is the same district that Delegate McDonough represents and the English issue is hugely popular. Candidate Smith’s attempt to derail the English Recognition bill could cause serious negative political consequences for his campaign to become a State senator.
The vote tally for the Baltimore County English Language Recognition bill (House Bill 865) is as follows:
Those voting in favor of the bill:
Del. Eric Bromwell
Del. Pat McDonough
Del. Rick Impallaria
Del. J.B. Jennings
Del. Wade Kach
Del. James Malone
Del. Steven DeBoy
Del. Bill Frank
Del. Susan Aumann
Del. John Olszewski
Del. Michael Weir
Del. Joseph Minnick
Del. Joseph Boteler
Those voting in opposition to the bill:
Del. Todd Schuler
Del. Dana Stein
Del. Dan Morhaim
Del. Jon Cardin
Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Del. Emmett Burns
Del. Stephen Lafferty
Absent for the vote: Del. Adrienne Jones
We pay your salary and you waste it on this?
Was there anything that was ever not in English as well? The wording doesn’t preclude Spanish just makes English first. I agree with Dave, what a waste.
Try getting out once in a while! There are plenty municipalities that publish in several languages. Not everone that isn’t fluent in English is here illegally.
-to hear this message in Spanish press 2 🙂
Delegate McDonough is the King of Pandering.
Seeing his “speak English” signs in parades is apalling and frankly embarrassing. I don’t understand how he has time to work on such nonsense.
Frankly I think these type of bills are great! There was an excellant article in the post today.
“Immigration issues are emotional and complex. But this must be recognized for what it is: political suicide. Consider that Hispanics make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico. Whatever temporary gains Republicans might make feeding resentment of this demographic shift, the party identified with that resentment will eventually be voted into singularity. In a matter of decades, the Republican Party could cease to be a national party.”
I sat this to the Tea Party – keep it up!
excellent not excellant
First I’d say the only numbers that mean anything are the 40 percent in Arizona… mainly because what Arizona does within it’s state boundaries is no business of any one else. Not L.A. city councils or activist school officials that would use children to further their own agenda – then claim it’s for their safety. I do wonder how many of the 40 percent are children of legal immigrants who by the polls actually support the law. All of this turmoil could have been avoided if the federal government had done it’s job. You cannot deny that. Every administration including this one has and will continue to let the border be a joke. We do NOT need any immigration reform legislation passed to close the border. A simple order to make it so is all that needs to happen. The federal government is already tasked with keeping the borders intact. It’s their job and they aren’t doing it – shouldn’t I get my money back? Your precious liberal democrats aren’t any more likely to close the border than the republicans they’ve replaced. They’re all the same. All this elation about the impending demise of the republican party is a waste of time while innocents continue to be victims of crimes in Arizona and other border states until the border is closed. Lives are being traded for votes. Why is it that law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to protect us are treated with such disrespect by those who believe they’ll use this law unfairly? What is wrong with wanting people to come to this country legally? What is wrong with punishing those who have not?
fedup says: “… innocents continue to be victims of crimes in Arizona and other border states until the border is closed.”
As I ststed before, the real reason there is so much crime is because of access to weapons. “The number one source for weapons that Mexican drug lords use is ARIZONA. In the past, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has shown that approximately 1% of the nation’s gun stores are the source of 57% of the firearms traced to crimes. Most high crime gun stores remain open and they are rarely inspected by federal agents: 96 of these high crime stores remain open and some that have shut down have reopened with virtually the same ownership.
Criminals obtain their weapons by getting “law-abiding gun owners” to buy them, and then shuffle them out to other criminals who use them for violence. And that’s why those laws are so important– when a police officer catches a guy for shooting someone, he just arrests that guy. Our laws don’t let the police track the gun back where it came from, all the way to the dealer who allowed all of these sales to happen.
Arizona has some of the weakest gun laws in the country and they flat out “lack common sense.” The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (named after James Brady, Ronald Reagan’s press secretary, who was shot in an assassination attempt on Reagan) released its gun-law scorecard for each state today, and Arizona scored worse than nearly every state in the country.
If you were serious about crime in Arizona, don’t you think someone should control these weapons?”
As I stated
I recently heard that James Brady has half a mind to return to Government service
Daddy Rabit, you are one sick puppy.
I don’t care if you close down every gun shop in the southwest. Millionaire, billionaire drug lords don’t need Arizona’s guns. It’s a red herring. They’ll get them somewhere else… they’ve got more money than the government of Mexico. They’ll probably buy them from the Mexican government. In the mean time, innocent lives of illegal and legal immigrants are lost. They kill and kidnap each other and the Arizona government is guilty of racism for allowing it to continue so long… only passing legislation when a prominent rancher was murdered. As yet, the federal government is still guilty because they’ve not done anything at all. Everyone is bashing Arizona and giving the fed a pass.
I got news for you…regardless of what gun control laws are passed criminals will still be armed. We get all the time here in Harford County with career criminals who can’t legally posses a firearm walking around with one tucked in their dip. These people have no respect for any authority or any laws.
When you have the Mexican cartels with virtually unlimited money they will get whatever guns they please no matter what laws are passed. Hell, a large portion of the cartel armies are ex-Mexican military or law enforcement (and they train the rest.) You think those guys left their former positions and didn’t take every gun, grenade, explosive, etc that they could lay their hands on?
You could make it illegal for anyone in the U.S. to privately posses any type of gun and all you do is ensure that the only people with guns are police and criminals (who out number and in some cases out gun the police.)
Henry says “…regardless of what gun control laws are passed criminals will still be armed.” That argument is fallacious by affirming the consequent; no matter what you do, it will happen. You base your argument on a conditional proposition: criminals will always have guns.
I don’t believe this. They must buy their weapons in America because Mexico has strict gun control laws. We need better control over weapons. There can be no good reason why someone needs an assault weapon.
US Taxpayer = RACE BROKER = Al Sharpton = The Reverand Jesse Jackson = Jeremia Wright = Professor Henry Gates = Van Jones = Louis Faracon = Barrack Hussein Obama = 90% Pull that lever
Ha, ha, ha , ha.