From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Officer First Class Timothy Helf has received an award from the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers Inc. for his lifesaving actions at an incident in January. OFC Helf, while off duty, was advised of a fight in progress outside the Clarion Hotel. OFC Helf arrived in the parking lot and quickly determined that several people been stabbed during an altercation. OFC Helf was able to disarm and restraint one individual that was armed with a knife. OFC Helf than turned his attention to the injured. Helf located in the crowd, off duty Officer Todd Duncan, who was suffering from several serious stab wounds to his legs. Duncan was working a security detail at hotel at the time alteration broke out. OFC Helf, by controlling the serious bleeding from OFC Duncan’s stab wounds is credited with saving his life. Helf remained with Duncan while he was airlifted to the Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore.
In all seven people were stabbed during the incident. OFC Duncan is well on his way to a full recovery.
good job!!!! now i know why they call you the “Perfect Weapon”
I’ve worked in the “CIRCLE” of Law Enforcement for a long time and have had opportunities to meet Ofc. HElf. One word describes him (okay maybe more) Professional, Manpower, Man-O-War, Turn Pike Tim, Gary, Trout Farmer, Perfect Weapon, Veteran, Light Foot, Tracker, and The hunter. From my experience Aberdeen is blessed to have a dedicated street level foot soldier like Ofc. Helf.
One more word “Chin strap”
Congrats chinstrap you’ve done it again. Lets not forget the display of courage on that fateful night in December of 2006 (The Town fire), how many lives did you save that night. I was there during the Christmas parade of 2009 and let me tell you Ofc. Helf played Santa by delivering an A.E.D. to the lifeless body of a fallen bag piper, he survived thanks to you.
I’ve lived in Aberdeen a long time and a crime fighter like you comes around once in a generation. This City owes a debt of gratitude to you.
Helf hope your reading this its awesome. I trained with this guy in the sands of Iraq and knew he was capable of such action. His name has been written on the walls of most porta johns in Mousl, the insurgents think if you close your eyes and shout his name three times he will appear. Great to see your doin well just keep on doin it man. 🙂
I once heard that Ofc. Helf gave martial arts instruction to Chuck Norris.
I heard Helf gives out buisness cards that says “I’LL call you”
Is this the same guy that those cowardly gang bangers spray painted death threats against? He must really train hard and be tacticly proficient. Is he single? He must work out I heard he reps more than most cops in his demographic.
I was there with the company(unit #1)when he performed a swift water rescue of a Jack Russel Terrier without ropes at the drainage pond by Demarco Park (The pond in front of Home Depot). This guy really goes 120% Please Ofc Helf post your work out routine online and let the little guys in on your secret. I want some calves like yours for O.C. fire week.
I looked up Officer Helf on google and it said “Nobody looks for Office Helf, He finds you”
Are we talking about the same Helf that won prom king at J.L. Ridgley High in upstate PA. He always wanted to be a cop, you always thought you were to short and skinny though. Guess your all growed up now. Good to see your livin your dream. You always said if you could dream it you can do it. Good to see the class of 1995 is doing well. Last I heard you were pitching in rookie ball for the Padres. I talked to Carl Higgs on face book and he told me about this post. If you get a chance look me up!
Hey is this the same Helf I field trained when he started in Aberdeen and when I finally let him drive the vehicle I told him to stop the patrol vehicle after going thru three stops signs without stopping. Is this the same Helf whose nickname in the park is “TOY COP”. Congrats little Timmy
Didnt they have problems with the cars back then
yea, the operator
I wish more could be done to make other officers emulate ofc. helf. just think there would’nt be any crime just peace,good old fashion peace. by the way i heard helf started “Unity In the Community” anyone know if thats true. i also heard he built a habitat for humanity house by himself. keep up the good work
Three years ago I was suffering through some tough personal issues, some of which was published in the local newspaper. Tru Boy, thats what I call Helf, caught some buddies talkin smack about me around the water cooler. Boy did he let them have it. Even after my wife left and I lost my job he kept pulling me up by the boot straps. Never told you in person but thanks!
Three years ago I was suffering through some serious personal issues. Tru Boy, that’s what I call Tim, never gave up on me even after some of my dirty laundry landed on the front page of the local paper. He believed in me when others wrote me off. Tim caught a couple of guys talking smack about me around the water cooler at work, boy did he let them have it. Thats a true friend. Even though I lost my job and most peoples respect you still cared. Never told you in person but thanks!
I remember when I served with Timmy in Iraq and the way he slept thru the mortars when they would hit in the morning and he would just rollover and continue sleeping with his laptop on him due to talking to his woman back home. I knew right there he was someone special and would always be calm in serious situations. Thank you Timmy for letting me serve with u. I hope I didn’t let u down.
Chris didnt you two share a bunk
I wish I could of, but the “don’t ask, don’t tell” was in place. And no my feeling wont’t be hurt…lol. But thanks for considering my feelings.
lyle why you so hard on chris yall know each other, seems like someones gonna get there feelings hurt. come on guys your veterans!
but seriously congrats to timmy
Is this the same Tim Helf I went to basic training with back in 1985? Congrats on your accomplishments. Not sure you remember me, but I was looking up several of our buddies from that Fort Knox class and saw this article about you. I’m still in and headed to Iraq myself. Write and say hello if you get a chance.