Bel Air Tea Party organizer Tony Passaro has issued the following call to picket Congressman Frank Kratovil’s Bel Air office over health care reform:
Frank Kratovil, self styled “Blue Dog Democrat” (a Democrat that purportedly votes Conservative) is in reality a “Yellow Dog” (a fake Conservative that kisses Pelosi’s Butt).
Kratovil is wavering on whether or not he should vote to support Obamacare….
Let’s help him make up his mind………
Come on out with the Bel Air Tea Party Patriots as we picket Frankie’s office on Main Street in downtown Bel Air (cattycorner and south of the Green Turtle) and remind him that his re-election depends on his voting AGAINST Obama’s Health Care Bill.
See you in front of Frankie’s Office on the 16th.
Tuesday, March 16th from 4-6pm.
I’ll be there to counter demonstrate these supporters of insurance companies against working Americans. They may be happy with the 35th worst health care and the most expensive in the world, but we can do better.
Support healthcare reform. The costs will keep going up with the status quo of doing nothing. Forget bipartisan support. The GOP is just the party of NO these days. Whatever happened to the compassionate conservatives? Actually, I don’t care if you’re a Dem or Rep, I just want someone to come up with a plan to help control costs. The Massachusetts (Romneycare) plan was a good idea but needs some tinkering. Healthcare reform is tied to the federal budget. Let’s do it.
I hope you teabaggers are paying attention to the beachtree estates bill, because something stinks about it. Why are we favoring a particular developer and builder?
Proud to be a teabagger sad for all of you who think this bill is ok with its bribes, backdoor deals , and all the junk including the IRS and school loans becoming nationalized is OK. I would not want one ethical person to do any other than vote no.This is unconstitional and hopfully the legal battles will prevail. But the liberal radical administration has covered their tracks as usual and they will have some loop hole. Whats next to crush our country?Amnesty and so on until our flag will look like red with a sickle . Get a clue . We could fix this without suck huge gov. take over .Wonder why they didn’t choose that route maybe because they have an agenda.
I thought the Tea Party was for fiscl responsibility? The student loan item saves money as it eliminates the private bank middleman!
Cdev, I really have to disagree with you. This is a big issue. Unless we are going to consider University education a god-given right, the federal government has no place being a lender.
The “middlemen” before were the investors- they chose to contribute money to fund student tuition so they would earn income in the form of interest. The federal government, in order to make the loans more appealing, guaranteed them from default.
To say that nationalizing the industry is fiscally responsible is off base.
You can’t have it both ways. If the Feds are backing “in case of default”, there is minimal to no risk to the investor. Sallie Mae is quasi-government anyway. Either make it fully bank operated with the necessary risk (and thus reducing college bound population) or allow the government to take the risk and reward for providing the loans (which would probably increase the numbers of those attending).
Pat the govt was always the investor in federal student loans! They gave the money to the bank who administered the loan for a portion of the loan we are removing the fee and bank.
US taxpayer –
I think we all agree that health care delivery and insurance needs improvement.
The problem is that the Senate Bill does nothing to reduce costs, will burden this and future generations with debt and taxes. The folly of starting with bad legislation and hoping it will be improved through reconciliation and future amendments down the pike is reckless.
We need effective health care reform that puts patients/consumers in control and has bipartisan support.
The TEA Party rally at Del. Krqtovil’s Main Street, Bel Air, office on Tues. 3/16/10, from 4:00 to 6:00pm is going to demonstrate to the delegate that the people of Harford county are not in favor of this particular Health care bill. The bill needs to be re-written, re-evaluated and finally READ. The Senate bill is so different than the House bill, that the delegates that vote for it will not even know what they are voting for due to its changing status on a daily basis. The bill, if it were as “wonderful” as our President implies, would not need to be rushed through both the House and the Senate. The bill doesn’t address the issues that need to be addressed. The costs, the coverage, the choices…all are not faced head on by the proposed bills. We the people need to let our congress and senate know where and what we want done. Take a few minutes and call, or email the delegates and the senate to let them know that this bill is not what is good for us.
The rally starts at 4:00pm.
Part 2 of the rally…..
The county council meeting starts at 6:00 pm and many important issues will be addressed that will impact Harford county for many years.
The meeting is at the county council chambers and the council needs to hear what the citizens that live here in the county, that pay taxes in the county and that work with in the county want to happen within our county gov’t. All of the council members welcome the citizen input whether they agree with the citizen or not. The responsibility to direct and lead the county is a gift that we, as citizens give to the council. With our input, insight, and ideas, the county council will be better able to implement the will of our citizens.
The bills that will be addressed include the retirement buy out bill that will affect the budget and staff issues within the county.
The bill that addresses the transfer of county owned land to the board of ed for a new school and parks and rec facility on Shucks Rd.. The budget for the boe is impacted by it’s capital budget, hence the importance of the land transfer at this time and citizen input about the additional bldgs./parks and needs. If the school system is over capacity or under capacity, is now, the time to be exploring the new possible school sites? Over 54% of the county budget goes to the Board of Education in Harford county. Citizen input is needed to determine where, what, when, how and why the BOE needs or doesn’t need so much of our taxes.
Another bill that will be discussed is a bill 10-10, a bill that addresses an bond issue to the developer of Beechtree Estates. The bond is $14 mil. dollars and will be used for infrastructure of the the development and its’ surrounding areas. The bill needs to be seriously studied and heard by the county residents. This bill has major flaws in that it appears to pick and choose winners and losers, and who gets the funds and who gets the permits to build and what they have to build to get the permits. If the county and state are in such a dire fiscal recession now, is now the time to be investing in new bond based building infrastructure? Find out more at the website and at the council meeting on Tues. 6:00pm at the council chambers in Bel Air. It’s your money and your call.
You can get copies of the bill on the Harford County gov. site. Please take the time to read the bills, you will be paying for them for many years.
Didn’t the school issue get addressed? I thought the council picked the site for that school themselves.
Wait, Tea Party Patriots, didn’t you already “demonstrate” in front of his office when you staged his hanging? Is that a Bring Your Own Noose party?
It is really a bunch of baloney what Passaro is saying… face it, none of the TEA Party people voted for Congressman Kratovil to begin with. His election, much less his reelection, had nothing to do with people that identify themselves as TEA Partiers. Stop acting like you are somehow to voice of the people… nationally the TEA Party is mostly upper middle-class to wealthy people looking out for their tax rate bottom line above all else, and have little to no civic understanding of the sacrifice required to be a true patriot.
ProudDemocrat –
You have no basis for you ascertain that “nationally the TEA Party is mostly upper middle-class to wealthy people looking out for their tax rate bottom line above all else”.
Now, if you are trying to say that the 53% people who actually pay income taxes are trying to reduce their tax burden and demand that government be fiscally responsible then I agree with you.
Thankfully in the United States of America we have a constitutional republic that governs according to constitutional law which limits the government’s power over the citizenry and not a pure democracy that would trample over the rights of the individual.
Under our constitution we have the right to keep the fruits of our labor and savings and not turn it over by force of government to the government. And while you may think that you have a right under your perverted pursuit of a pure democracy and progressive ideology that you can steal from the producers in our country to redistribute that wealth to others I think you are sadly mistaken and corrupted.
Oh yes I do:
CNN now there is a trust worthy source.
P.S. The other part of my post referred to the fact that anybody who identifies themselves as TEA Party members almost certainly did not vote for Congressman Kratovil to begin with. Did you? Did Tony? Did McGrady? Can you find any? If you are a TEA Party member, then why did you vote for Mr. Kratovil? If you voted for Mr. Kratovil, then why would you identify yourself with the TEA Party (clearly Harris is more more inline with extreme conservatives).
If you are an independent centrist, then you certainly should not be aligned with the Tea-bag throwers… they are not centrist!
ProudDemocrat –
Two things:
1) great job not responding to my post about your progressive ideology and our constitutional republic.
2) conservatives are not centrists nor should they be and you are certainly progressive, not a centrist.
I am a progressive, and am damn proud of it.
The conservatives have spent decades bashing the moniker ‘liberal’, now you are trying to do it to progressive. They do not quite mean the same thing (something apparently conservatives do not recognize), they are certainly not bad things, and I am proud to be both progressive and liberal.
ProudDemocrat –
Actually the progressive ideology is detrimental to our constitutional republic.
Progressivism is a threat to our constitution and advocates pure democracy with the intent to redistribute the wealth of producers to non-producers.
Joe the constitution gives the governmetn the right to levy income taxes!
Cdev –
With all due respect what’s your point?
My point is that progressivism is about taking wealth from one group of citizens and redistributing their wealth to another group of citizens.
Joe you said
“Under our constitution we have the right to keep the fruits of our labor and savings and not turn it over by force of government to the government”
I interpreted that to mean tht you do not believe the government is vested with the power to take the “fruits of one’s labor” AKA money. The fact is the government has that power and it is covered in the 16th Ammendment to the Constitution
“The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”
Proposed by William Howard Taft on June 16, 1909 and ratified by it’s requisite 36th state on Feb. 3, 1913
ProudDemocrat writes – “nationally the TEA Party is mostly upper middle-class to wealthy people looking out for their tax rate bottom line above all else”.
US Taxpayer writes – “Such people” “appear more likely than non-originalists to be white, male, older, less educated, Southern and religious,” (cited from the NYT)
Which is it?
P.S. US Taxpayer it supremely crude of you to use a vile sex term to describe patriotic Americans.
Cdev –
I don’t dispute the right of government to levy taxes.
It is with confiscatory taxation and unfairness of 47% of people paying no income tax that I disagree.
If you believe a progressive graduated formula is fair why don’t we tax at the top rate 90% the income of those folks that make over $700K a year and institute a net worth tax that would regulate people’s total net worth to no more than $2 Million with no loop holes/exceptions?
We need tax fairness.
Joe you cite 47% of the people pay no income tax is that the survey that lumped minors and dependents in the 47% figure?
The New York Times this morning had a good piece about Tea Baggers whom they identified as constitutioal “origialists.” The article stated… “A new study from Professor Persily and two colleagues, Jamal Greene and Stephen Ansolabehere, explored the political and cultural values of those who identified themselves as originalists. Such people “appear more likely than non-originalists to be white, male, older, less educated, Southern and religious,” the study found. They are less likely to favor abortion rights, affirmative action and marriage rights for same-sex couples, and more likely to favor torture and military detention of terrorism suspects and the death penalty. They are more likely to express morally traditionalist, hierarchical and libertarian cultural values.”
Cdev –
“In 2009, roughly 47% of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.” – Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer
[originally posted with link awaiting moderation]
“An astonishing 43.4 percent of Americans now pay zero or negative federal income taxes. The number of single or jointly-filing “taxpayers” – the word must be applied sparingly – who pay no taxes or receive government handouts has reached 65.6 million, out of a total of 151 million.” -Declan McCullagh
[originally posted with link awaiting moderation]
Take your pick what the number is of income non-taxpayers.
Don’t you think it is a problem when so many people contribute no income tax and some receive transfer payments in the form of income tax credits and these same people can vote to take more money from those people who pay taxes?
Joe it says owe not pay any taxes for example I recieved a refund of $1,000 therefore I owe no income taxes but I paid about $10,000 in taxes federally. To paint those who do not owe taxes as freeloaders is insulting.
Cdev –
I believe you are mistaken. Income tax liability is about what net tax a filer actually pays.
Yes Joe but your quote says OWE. I do not OWE anymore money. I recieved a refund but I still paid taxes.
Cdev –
It is not about income tax withholding it is about net income tax liability. The number at the bottom of the tax form.
I’ll fight the urge to once again say, “You’re wrong, Cdev,” and instead go with, “You are incorrect, Cdev.”
When determining the amount of taxes a person or household owes, the prepaid amount, whether through payroll deduction or advanced payments, is not considered. It is simply the gross amount of tax owed to the government, which may have been partially or completely paid prior to the end of the taxing period.
When completing financial disclosure forms, such as the FAFSA or other aid applications, the amount entered as ‘Income Tax Paid’ is this gross amount, not the balance owed.
As stated above, 43 to 47% of American households have no money coming out of their income or savings for federal income tax. If you think this is good, then you must not believe that all people should be treated fairly and equitably by the government, and the successful should be penalized for their success. There’s a name for this.
You should have thoght of that before you picked a “tea bag” to represent your movement. BTW, when you stop demonizing my side then you can talk (see Tony Passaro post.)
US taxpayer –
So I suppose you are a part of the group in the United States that actually pays federal income tax?
And whether or not you are in fact a taxpayer, you are crude and low by your use of a vile sexual term as an insult to people with whom you disagree.
Joe…if you get all riled up about the term “teabagger”, I sure hope you don’t have any friends named Richard that prefer a well-known nickname. Talk about wound around the axle; you mention it EVERY TIME you see it!
Porter G –
Your premise is a “red herring”. Your comparison is not analogous, however it is a weak and insipid attempt to justify a vulgar sexual term with the clear intent of disparagement.
It is shameful behavior that you seem to applaud.
Poor Richard
My dear ProudDemocrat….did you need to go to school to learn how to Bloviate?? Or does it come naturally??
So that you may get it I will use a pedagogical style for your benefit.
1. The TEA PARTY is for Health Care Reform, to be against is to be against Mom and apple pie. The system needs fixing, we agree….
2. The TEA PARTY desires reform but not in the hands of the Federal Government…based on experience, expecting them to get it right is an egregious error in judgment….here we do not agree. Giving our Federal government control over that much money is fraught with peril…here we may not agree, but you know I am right….
3. Tort Reform should be an integral part of any reform of Health Care…..but it is not in the current bill.
4. Medical Schools…to end the high cost of doctors, build more State run medical schools…about 200 should suffice. We need about 200,000 new doctors a year coming on line to ease the shortage.
5. Medical scholarships to fill the schools….provide free medical school if Doctor, upon graduation, signs on for 5 years community work…geriatric, natal, remote communities.
6. National pools vs. State sized pools would spread the cost over the entire population reducing cost like in the auto insurance industry….
7. “Assigned Risk” like in the auto insurance industry to cover “Pre-Existing Conditions”.
8. Large 24/7 Testing centers to spread the cost of capital equipment over 3 shifts and take the testing out of high overhead hospitals.
9. Permitting Pharmaceutical companies to write off their R&D in the year it is incurred so that new drugs need not carry the development cost….a new pill would cost .50 cents rather than $15.00
10. Non-smokers, non-drinkers, non-drug, proper weight, lower rates for people that practice good health.
11. Low cost exploratory and preventative testing…head off the problem before it manifests itself and requires and expensive procedure.
12. and etc, etc, etc…..try to come up with a few of your own….like better automation to curtail the amount of fraud plaguing the system. Organized Crime is alive and well ripping off the system by hundreds of million of dollars per year…
Hope this helps you to understand that the TEA PARTY PEOPLE are rational, sane and intelligent people trying to make America a better place by having less government…..
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD….
I love how you call me ‘bloviate’ by writing a page-long response to my paragraph. Nice!
Tony a couple of responses the House of Representatives passed legislation in february to deal with number 3!
4 is interesting you mention that. Most of our doctors come from overseas.
5 how is it you clim that people should not have incentivized charity by the govt. yet now you want to provide an incentive for charity?
6&7 you have claimed the Dutch system is unworkable yet 6 is the Dutch system and you have even called the Dutch system socialized medicine!
These people wouldn’t be able to spell TEA if their truck nutz depended on it.
When I pointed out that we, of the center to right mind frame, have taxation without representation, I was jumped and told that we are represented by the buffoons that the people from Prince Georges, Montgomery and Baltimore gave us. I was told to get over it. Now this clown PD claims that none of us have a right to protest to Kratovil. I think he’s right! Under the Harry, Nancy and Barry form of governance we have to learn to eat shit and be quiet about it.
I am doing what I can to put our selected officials on notice that the new health care monstrosity should be referred to as the Mikulsky/Cardin/Ruppersberger/Kratovil disaster.
Exactly where did I say nobody has the right to protest? Grow a sense of decency and stop putting words in my mouth. What I said is that Passaro’s premise that TEA Party activists supported Kratovil in the 08 election but will not in the upcoming election is flawed because the TEA Party people would not have voted for Kratovil to begin with.
Kratovil already said he is voting against the Senate health care bill, why the hell are you still protesting?
Plus he already voted against the original health care bill. Your rally will be about as useful picketing outside the White House in 1985 to protest the Vietnam War.
The fact that Nancy, Harry and Barry are putting unbelievable pressure on any free thinking official is more than reason enough to hold Kratovil’s feet to the fire. Those three “Progressives” are in the process of perverting our entire system. Just look at how Harry the great has thrown out all rules in order to defeat the will of the people.
If thats true, wouldn’t it make more sense to go hold protests outside of the White House and Reid and Pelosi’s offices instead of a Congressman who has already voted against the Health Care bill one time, and is committed to doing it another time? (not exactly lap dog behavior)
I guarantee you none of the Tea Party folks will give Kratovil a single ounce of credit when he votes against the bill, they’ll just find something else to cry about, because that is the only way for them to stay relevant.
It is important demonstrate to Kratovil that this Health Care bill must be killed.
Mr. Kratovil can do more by using his influence with other representatives encouraging them to vote no on this reckless legislation.
Asking a freshman congressman to exert influence is asking for alot more then he may be able to do. His act of voting no is the extent of it. If you want “influence” you need seniority. To have haad that the GOP purge of our previous congressman is damaging. Gilchrest would have had a tremendous influence if he had not been purged by our former governor out of spite!
Cdev –
We disagree.
Its encouraging to see that Mr. Caruso has a strong grasp on how the American political system works.
First term congressmen are virtual Ted Kennedys when it comes to their massive influence on other peoples votes.
Obama can’t even convince a bunch of Democrat congressmen to vote his way, you really think Kratovil has the power to change someone’s mind?
Wake up!
The Undertaker –
Obama is having a hard time convincing folks to vote for his health care bill because it is insanely bad legislation.
Kratovil would be convincing his peers to do a noble and righteous act in voting no on the senate health care bill.
Also, to be fair I’m a Republican in Roscoe’s district and definitely agree that the current Health Care bill is a horrible idea. I’m just trying to make the point that the Tea Party people should spend their energy protesting other public figures instead of a Congressman who is voting against Health Care and who has proposed legislation that expands penalties on companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens, and believes in the PayGo system and drastically cutting government spending.
Actually Kratovil is on Dick Morris’ list of 19 Congressmen who need to be watched as their vote is likely to switch to the wicked witch of the west style.
Of course the only opinions who count on Kratovil’s job performance and the only opinions who he should listen to are the residents of MD-1!
I see, except for the usual sophomoric remarks, you did not find any real problems with the TEA PARTY Health Care Reform plan….that augurs well.
By the way, why, my learned friends, does the Obama plan need 120 new Government Bureaucracies????
Well it is because the Obama plan is not about Healthcare Reform but about a reason to expand the grip of the Federal Government….
1. Kratovil lies when he said He might not vote against the bill. He is a trained Pelosi dog and must be kept in check.
2. Liberal vs. Progressive vs. Communist vs. Socialist. Shit by any other name still stinks.
3. Number 6 is not socialized medicine….just like national sized auto insurance pools is not socialized auto insurance.
4. Tort reform has been stalled by the Democrats who are getting a hand out (taking a dive) from the Trial Lawyers Association.
5. The proposals I made will come in under 500 million…and reduce Healthcare costs by 52%. What is wrong with that??
Tony Passaro
Bel Air
nothing and I agree that 6 & 7 are n ot socialized medicine it is a big way the Dutch system works which you have claimed will never work here!
I also fail to see how responding to you on some points is sophmoric?
It is not your responding but what you state when you do respond that is Sophomoric.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, Md
In what way was it sophmoric or as it means immature? I did not call people names I had well thought out ideas and responses. You do not have to agree with it but it does not make it sophmoric. Sophmoric is if I said “you idot” or “you are stupid” as others tend to do!
It is your opinion that the responses to your OWN bloviated posts are sophomoric. Your bombastic style of alarmist writing in your letters and posts weakens your cause by making you look like a pompous jerk who speaks down to those who disagree with you.
“did you need to go to school to learn how to Bloviate?? Or does it come naturally??”
“So that you may get it I will use a pedagogical style for your benefit”
— Really, Tony..? Please talk down to other people more…that will really serve to help people “understand that the TEA PARTY PEOPLE are rational, sane and intelligent people trying to make America a better place”
John Carpenter
Bel Air, MD
How refreshing a real name and address…..good for you.
As to my comments, they drew first blood.
AS for your lecture, save it for the Boy Scouts….
And thanks for keeping the debate livley.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, Md
“As to my comments, they drew first blood.”
Elaborate please!
Additionally explain how the following are not sophmoric as well?
“a fake Conservative that kisses Pelosi’s Butt”
“See you in front of Frankie’s Office on the 16th.”
At least growing up I was taught the appropriate way to address someone in the House of Representatives was “Rep. Kratovil” or “The Distinguished Gentlemen from Maryland” Maybe that was just the manners I was taught by my elders?
I think the TEA party should change their name to W(H)INE because most that have actually spoken out, seem to be nothing but a bunch of complainers that should have been protesting eight years ago when their friend Bush was in the White House driving this country into the ground. But then again, as long as the right-wing conservatives are ruining the country it’s OK. Thank you to Mr. Passaro for finally cementing what myself and many other people suspected what the teabaggers are really about.
I think Mr. HdG Reader, that you would find that many of us were protesting against unneccessary wars, huge spending increases, and the PATRIOT Act.
But you let your mind be clouded by this fool who stands for nothing but himself. Please keep an open mind about liberty before giving away all freedoms to government.
So you agreed with Micheal Moore? At least on those points?
If Michael Moore thinks like me, then yes.
He is against the war because he wants a utopian society. I am against war because it destroys liberty at home and abroad. We eventually have to pay back all the money we borrow to finance it, and that will come in the form of taxes.
The PATRIOT act was the largest usurpation of civil liberties since the Alien and Sedition acts. Bad news bears.
And spending, even on health care, will increase future taxes.
Thanks for the post, including your homophobic sexual reference.
Stay classy, HDG Reader!
Just like your Mr. Passaro
Why anyone pays attention to Tony Passaro is a mystery to me. I am certainly no fan of the Tea Party but there must be a better spokesperson in the ranks.
Kratovil has little chance of reelection no matter how he votes so I hope he does so with his conscience, as his constituency seems pretty evenly divided.. As for him being a Yellow Dog Democrat, I have always understood that to mean a democrat who would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a Republican, not a fake conservative.
Bill I am actually rolling laughing as I wholeheartedly thank you for commenting on why anyone would listen to Tony Passaro. His own Tea Party doesn’t think he speaks for them. Lemmings one after the other going off a cliff…”the sky is falling”.
Hi Tony: (feel free to share my comments with your list, if you want)
Reading through the comments from the liberal left makes my blood start to boil and my head start to ache.
These people are SO misinformed about so many things, it’s hard to read their responses. Ignorance is bliss. Stupidity rampant. Moronic is common.
They don’t understand who the TEA Party people really are. The MSM has characterized us as upper-middle class and wealthy so that’s what these people repeat.
They don’t understand how our government is supposed to work. They don’t understand the Constitution and what our forefathers wrote, let alone what they meant.
They don’t understand that most of us didn’t like what Bush did to expand government during his 8 years in office. They forget that their solution to Bush was Kerry and Edwards. I can’t even image where we would be with that brain trust in power. However, as it turns out, Kerry would have inherited the economic collapse of 2007-2008 (since it all started with Carter anyway, it was just a time bomb waiting to go off) and the republicans would have had a very easy time cleaning out Congress and the Presidency in 2008.
And to your “friend” Ron, all I can say is – THE SKY IS FALLING and why are you to stupid to see it?
The SKY in this case is our Democrat Republic and our Constitution which the Democrats in Congress and our great President is trapping in the name of Change and Hope.
I hope this kind of change comes to a end quickly, but I know it will not. Next up on the Socialism agenda is Cap and Trade, which will put us into a depression. Then it’s Amnesty for all Illegal immigrants! That way the dems will have a majority of entitlement voters to guarantee that they will have a majority on voting day. Sad, very sad.
Dems in Congress and the President should ALL be impeached for violating their oath of office. Does Ron know what that means? Doubtful.
If the dems are able to keep this egregious health care bill and then get Cap and Trade and then get the Amnesty for Illegal’s, it will be the end of the country as we know it.
Now where did I put that KoolAid?
In patriotism,
Move to Somalia
There’s a useful comment.
The Kool Aid is right next to the Mission Accomplished sign.