From the office of Sen. Barry Glassman:
Annapolis, MD – Northern Harford County State Senator Barry Glassman spent a good deal of time over the summer meeting with representatives of local farmer’s markets, market producers, and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), and the Maryland Department of Agriculture to streamline some of the regulations related to Producer Mobile Farmer’s Licenses.
Last week the Maryland Senate voted unanimously for SB 198 – Farmer’s Markets – Raw Agricultural Product Sale – Producer Mobile Farmer’s Market Licenses and SB 199 – Seasonal Farmer’s Market Producer Sampling Licenses.
The Producer Mobile Farmer’s Market License will permit producers who currently obtain an on-farm home processing license to also obtain a mobile license at the same time. The bill also spells out that a license or permit is not required to deliver pre-packaged foods to fill an order of a customer. Local Health Departments will still be the agencies responsible for enforcement of the regulations, but in turn they agreed not to create separate licensing requirements in each of their counties. This means that one mobile license will be good throughout the State of Maryland. The bill allows DHMH to create regulations to carry out the intent of the legislation. It should be noted that the bill does not require any additional licenses for any products that currently do not require a license. SB 198 is strictly intended to streamline the mobile license process.
SB 199 will allow local Health Departments to create a seasonal license. The license will be good for the entire market season, which usually incorporates spring and summer. Many local Health Departments currently require a vendor to pull a sampling permit every weekend or for every event. This bill will allow DHMH to create a uniform set of standards for a seasonal license and then each of Maryland’s counties or jurisdictions will have an opportunity to adopt a seasonal license which will allow farmers to operate under the same license throughout the whole farmer’s market season.
Both of these bills support Maryland’s Buy Local campaign and are aimed at streamlining and making Maryland’s regulations easier for vendors who sell at Maryland’s Farmer’s Markets.
The Senate bills have been reported to the House of Delegates and forwarded to the House Health and Governmental Relations Committee.
Just heard that Delegate Dan Riley is holding these two bills up on the floor of the House. Both of these bills passed the Senate 47-0, and went through committee. I understand that Del. Riley is using these as leverage to get through bills that he wants pertaining to gambling. But why would Del. Riley unilaterally take an action that hurts Harford’s farmers and Harford citizens that use farmers’ markets?
Farmers are just trying to make a living and sell their products to consumers. Stop standing in their way Del. Riley
I am for the farmers and voted for both these bills in the House. There are two bills I would like the same cuteosy from the Senator. One bill allows the student member of the Board of Education the right to vote on issue except those dealing with the budget and staff. This bill is supported by Harford County Public Schools and the Board of Education. The second bill is a Casino Bill which would allow charities to raise monies for their projects. The bill would help the American Legions, VFWs, the Lionc Club, The Moose etc. The bill was approved by Sheriff Bane and States Attorney Cassilly. Both bills are supported by the Harford Delegation.
Delegate Riley, I respectfully ask that you not use Harford County farmers as your own personal bargaining chip. And just to correct the record, you voted for these bills in committee, not on the House floor. You are personally preventing the vote on the floor from occurring.
The session is over four days. If the session ends without these bills passing the farming community, and those in the community who support farmers’ markets will hold you personally and completely responsible. No matter how you try to justify it.
Delegate Riley –
You need to cease in your reckless behavior and stop blocking the Farmers Bill.
You are correct I did vote for these bills in committee. I will vote for them on the House Floor. As far as a bargaining chip you may be right. It is not a personal bargaining chip. It is for the people I represent. It seems everytime a bill needs the senator’s support we in the route 40 corridor are ignored. Where was the support for the hotel tax. Did you talk to your senators about resolving this situation? We need the revenue from the hotel tax to help our economy just as much as you need SB198 and SB199 to help your economy. Lets play on a level playing field.
The senators have been dragging their feet on HB 980 and HB978. This all can be easily resolved. Its up to the senators.
Delegate, I appreciate your candor, and the fact that you admit that you are using Harford County farmers as bargaining chips.
Your comments above indicate an unfortunate and unnecessary willingness to pit one part of the county against another. But you also may not realize that you have a number of farms in your district, as well as two farmers’ markets, and thousands of residents that frequent them.
To draw a parallel between a hotel tax and a simple farmers’ market deregulation bill that everyone supports is ludicrous. And to use parliamentary tactics to kill these bills is the same kind of mindset that gave us the “Cornhusker Kickback;” a mindset that citizens reject.
yo…Hoyt…like father like son…stand up for what you believe, and maybe some of the politicians will take the lead…
or be left in the dirt come election time…
Mr. Riley,
You must realize that the damage you are doing to the farmers and the farmers markets is unbelievable. We need a consistant license for our producer only farmers across the state and the ability to have sampling at the farmers markets to help sell our products. How can you promote “Buy Local” when you are trying to barter with your bills over the casino nights and students getting a vote at the Board of Education. They are two entirely different issues and one should not prevent the other from passing and making our farmers more viable in these economic times.
I just hope you consider your next campaign and how this will affect you!
this is easy…vote Riley out…for his own admisisons of deception…and vote Hoyt in…simple…Hoyt comes out the winner, at least here in Dagger…for just putting the truth out there…
i support the farmers…they’ve had a rough time…and most are as honest as the day is long…more honest than most politicians…no matter what party…
bullshit is bi-partisan..
The Senators from your district are constantly killing legislation that will help citizens liviing in Mr. Riley’s district. Your Senators always kill the hotel tax. Vote against bills to help our veteran organizations and charitable organizations. St. Joan of Arc wanted the Casino Bill to help fund the school’s operations but the Senators said NO! Politics is a two-way street. Both sides must give a little. Finally someone is standing up to the Senators. Don’t blame Mr. Riley, Blame Senators Glassman,Jacobs, and Harris,
Can you explain to me how you can not support the farmers, but you can vote to give an organization who’s main goal is helping illegal aliens $200,000? How does your voting to give Casa de Maryland $200,000 help the residents of your district? the farmers and the residents of 34A need SB198 and SB199 out for a vote! TODAY!
Maybe if you in district 35 paid equal real estate taxes things could be better all around. The tax on the average home in Aberdeen is higher than many of the farms in Darlington, Level, Forest Hill,Madonna etc. Your senators vote down bills important to us.
God bless Dan Riley for standing up for his costituents. By the way, have you checked Riley’s record of support for the farmers over his 8 years in the House? It is impressive!
Where are you getting the idea that all of those who support agriculture are in District 35? No question that it is more rural. But District 34 has farms too, as well as 2 farmers’ markets and thousands of citizens who Buy Local.
And why do you keep saying “your senators?” Last time I checked, we all have only 1 senator. District 34 has a senator too.
I’m not questioning Del. Riley’s support of farming in the past, but his support for it RIGHT NOW leaves much to be desired. And it will not be forgotten.
Actually I live in Abingdon, Half of my family lives either in Aberdeen or moved to Level, because they could no longer afford the taxes in the city limits. I frequent the farms in District 34A for all my fruits and vegetables (at least for the ones I don’t grow in my garden)As well as purchasing hay for my daughter’s miniature horses. I understand that Del. Riley is fighting for his bill, but penalizing the farmers and the people of 34A who support those farmers is not right!
It’s time for change! (coming soon)
You tell ’em Hoyt.
I find it amazing the Catholic Church in aberdeen of all people need casino nights to survive…They need to go back to bible class instead gambling class. I belong to St. Patrick’s and I am ashamed they pushing gambling in the name of the Father.
You raise a good point James, which is that the two bills that Del. Riley wants passed in the Senate are not universally supported. That is to say, there are arguments on both sides. But the farmers’ market bills that he is using as “bargaining chips” are supported by everyone. They passed the Senate 47-0. Do you know how hard it is to get something through the Senate 47-0?
How is it that we have politicians who can scuttle good, simple pieces of legislation that everyone supports, while we pass legislation in Congress that significantly affect our economy and lives, and that most Americans oppose? Is Dan Riley planning a run for Congress, because he’d fit in well with the current lot.
Thank you very much Delegate Riley for putting your foot down and making the Harford County Senators pay attention to all the needs and concerns of Harford County citzens. The Students of Harford County have deserved this Bill for many, many years and a few senators should not stand in the way. Thank you for continuing to support our education system. I have full confidence in Delegate Riley that all four of these bills will be on the governors desk, where they belong before session is over.
Actually Dave it has not been a few senators standing in the way of the elected school board. It is a known fact that the #1 opponent to the Harford County elected school board was Del. James. She fought as hard as she could to prevent an elected school board. Del. Riley is hurting all of Harford County by preventing bills 198 and 199.
Thank you so much Mr. Paff thank goodness you are running for the house of delegates since you have absolutly no idea what you are talking about! The bill in question for the board of education has to do with the student member and furthering the rights and voices of the students and does not concern an elected school board. This would also be why Delegate James supported this bill. Also if you think that the senators are not hurting Harford County by preventing the students from voiceing their opinions, you better think again and count on not getting their votes and many more! Please continue your campaign because you seem to be doing so well!!! may i suggest attending a Board of Education Meeting. They are generally Monday nights in Bel Air(a town in Harford County). If you have any further enlighting moments please take time out of what seems to be a very busy schedule to share it with the rest of us.