The following letter was received from Patrick McGrady, a Republican candidate for the House of Delegates in District 34A.
Governor O’Malley’s State of the State address provided me with an interesting insight into the view of government in Maryland.
There were several issues of concern in this speech, but the biggest was in the conclusion of the speech where Marvelous Martin expressed that government is the answer to the question of how to “create greater freedom,” among other things.
Government does not create freedoms. The United States Declaration of Independence says that the citizens of the United States are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…” Even our own Maryland Declaration of Rights says “We, the People of the State of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty…”.
The purpose of government is to defend the freedoms of the citizens. Every elected official, when sworn in, promises to uphold these documents. I encourage all of our elected officials to consider what it means to be free before working to create new laws and regulations that limit freedoms.
Patrick McGrady
The State of the State address can be found below:
Mama Mia! says
“The Purpose of “Petty Patrick” is to Promote Himself”.
P.S. Patrick does NOT live in the City of Aberdeen.
He lives with Mommy and Daddy outside of the City!
Note to Patrick: grow up, get your own place and pay some of those nasty property taxes that you continue to complain about!
Patrick McGrady says
Not only do I live within the city limits, I vote here as well.
Anyway, since you aren’t commenting about content, I suppose that you agree with my stance on the role of government.
Also, I commend the consonance of your comment, it’s catchy.
Mama Mia! says
Patrick, I apologize for assuming that you live with “Mommy and Daddy”, who DO live outside of Aberdeen. That being said, I can only assume that you live in one of your parents “Holly Rentals”? If that is true, that means you still don’t directly pay property taxes (although your parents do).
Also, I don’t agree with your stance on the role of government. It’s easy to try and simplify the role of government, but it doesn’t work that way (and it never will). Still, many of you continue the same old rhetoric regarding “big government”. Why? because it tends to work. Why? uninformed, or more likely, misinformed voters. What a shame. The same thing happens all of the time. Look at your City of Aberdeen! Look at Harford County! Etc…..
Finally, regarding my “consonance”: Even though I didn’t tap my consonancing skills this time, I appreciate the compliment just the same. Take Care Sir Patrick.
Joseph Caruso says
Mama Mia –
Whether a person owns or rents means they directly or indirectly pay property taxes. When a landlord does their rent calculus they of course factor in all their expenses including property taxes and pass through those costs to tenants.
Now you may yearn for more government, but I for one do not. Unchecked government growth sucks the lifeblood out of the economy and rarely delivers services on a cost-efficient basis.
I am supporting Patrick McGrady for the House of Delegates in District 34A and I hope you will too.
Mama Mia! says
C’mon Joe! Do you CHOOSE to not comprehend my post….or do you actually NOT understand it?
Either way is unacceptable coming from an articulate person such as yourself. Shame on you!
Are you’re trying to school ME on “direct” or “indirect” payment of property taxes, when I had already mentioned it in my post? You’re pathetic!
Also, I don’t yearn for more government, NOR do I yearn for less government like many of you do. I think our current system of government is good, but that some of the participants should be changed. But unlike many in the vociferous minority, I’m NOT willing to advocate bankruptcy AND anarchy to achieve the desired result!
Finally, I won’t be supporting young Patrick for the House of Delegates District 34A seat. In fact, I plan on supporting the incumbants (assuming that they are running for reelection to the same). I prefer experience (in office AND in life) over inexperience.
Besides, Delegates Riley and James have a positive track record, and have proven themselves be great representatives for District 34A.
Cdev says
Additionlly I will not support Ptrick as he thinks it is his right to leave his bill bopard parked in a park and ride and inconvienence those who wish to use it for it’s intended purpose. He also doesn’t mind abandoning his bill board, I mean car on the side of the road in violation of the law.
Patrick McGrady says
Come on Cdev,
Never have I left my truck on the side of the road. Perhaps you are confusing me for another candidate.
John Paff says
Cdev, Glenn Glass would be the candidate you are referring too. not McGrady. There will be several candidates on the Ballot in 34A you will have plenty to choose from.
Cdev says
My apologies. Then Mr. Glass will not have my support for the above reasons. He obviously does not fell rules apply to him, so why should he be allowed to make the rules!
Sandy says
Mama Mia, Are you aware that Del. James traded her vote on the elected school board bill in exchange for voting as the House Leader wanted her to on the tax on computer work? She is as dishonest as they come and because of this I don’t think she has a chance at reelection. She had Ms. Hixon refuse to bring the school board issue to the floor for a vote, knowing that a huge majority of her constituents supported the bill. This year we won! And Ms. James has, hopefully, ended her career the next time she is up for reelection.
TThos says
Sounds great. Where do I sign up for freedom from idiotic signs during my 4th of July parade?
Grundy says
What signs do you mean?
MikeMike says
Big government works? Ha! Could have fooled me! Event most historians would except that the collapse of the Roman empire was in part because of big government. This is why the ideal of limited government has become so engrained into western culture.
But lets see if we can come up with a modern day example in support of your theory….States with big government…California, bankrupt. New Jersey, nearly bankrupt. New York, also nearly bankrupt. On the contrary, North Dakota is one of the most financially stable states in the union and also very limited in government power. So if you have proof outside of your statements, please provide it. However, I have a feeling that its more than likely that you are one of the many poverty level citizens of aberdeen that is just defending the government handouts you currently enjoy.
Mama Mia! says
MikeMike, you need to wake up. Relatively speaking, nobody lives in North Dakota! To be fair, you should compare like demographics my friend! And yes, big government works on many, but not ALL fronts (same as small government). It’s SO easy to try and simplify from the outside (armchair quarterbacking). Look what happened under Ronald Reagan (National Debt when through the roof). Look what happened under George W. Bush (same thing, AND a major recession). These are folks that poo-pooed big “gub mint” on a regular basis! Finally, you are an ASS to ASSume that I am a “poverty level citizen of Aberdeen”, enjoying some sort of handout (or handouts) from the government. To the contrary, I have worked for everything that I have. Including my home that I OWN in our middle class neighborhood. I pay my taxes (without complaining about it), and I have a loving family that respects me, as I do them. Maybe you should try to achieve the same. If you did, then maybe you wouldn’t seem so unhappy and arrogant.
Peace Out!
kalmia78 says
Government-funded snow removal creates freedom! Although, in addition to the historic nature of our weather this week, I heard the county budget for snow removal endured a 50% budget (due to the voluntary tax cut last year that Mr. McGrady supported) so I’m not expecting to get out of my house till the weekend.
I do not feel that government creating laws and regulations restricts my freedoms. However, given the political climate in this county, which is exemplified my Mr. McGrady, I’m very tempted to move. With the budget cuts we’ve already had in services over the past year (and upcoming ones as well), we’re starting to feel the impact in quality of life and I’d rather not be in Harford County as it continues to decline. Taxes pay for valuable things that we need (education, law enforcement, roads, libraries…I could go on and on). You can keep my $70 tax cut; I’d rather have the library open on Sundays. Needless to say, I will not be supporting Patrick McGrady in his attempt at election.
Grundy says
That would be a logical move for you, actually. As a member of the young socialists party in Harford County, you would gladly have a tax increase to absolve yourself of any personal responsibility.
While taxes pay for things that society needs, like roads, education, and law enforcement, there has been an overwhelming growth in government. I would also like for libraries to be open on Sundays. You should organize a private sector fundraiser, and I will support it.
Cdev says
So when the snow is cleared where are we going to make up the short fall in the budget from the under budgeting on snow removal?
Joseph Caruso says
Cdev –
We should make certain we budget snow removal funds every year for a once every 125 years storm that might occur?
We should always be planning ahead for all the unknowns and possible extraordinary events?
Cdev says
Yes but some wanted so bad to get a $50 break on their txes that we couldn’t even budget adequate funds for snow removal which strictly from a constitutional and county charter standpoint is not in there but they do it anyway!
Mama Mia! says
Sounds like Joe is advocating more taxes and bigger government!
Mama Mia! says
Poor Grundy….resorting to name calling. Your ilk seems to be using that word very liberally lately. It’s the latest boogeyman word (like calling good folks “Communists” a few years ago during the McCarthy era!) You can’t fool me!
Mama Mia! says
Well said Kalmia 78! Besides, where would we be without government? Anarchy! (and that works REAL GOOD!)
ProudDemocrat says
Mr. McGrady, Do not run for office if you are unwilling to follow the unwritten laws of decency that guide how politicians refer to one another. If you wish to discuss our Governor, you should address him as Governor O’Malley or Mr. O’Malley. Politicians that are unwilling to even speak with civility have very little probability of working across the isle for the betterment of the people in 34A. I think we should hold our politicians to a different level of social decency. If I used the term ‘teabagger, or if Mr. Caruso or TP want to spout off using derogatory language it is their choice, but those running for elected office should be expected to be above that level of communication.
I have never seen your opponents Mr. Riley or Mrs. Dulaney-James use such terminology, and I would expect the same from you.
Dave Yensan says
Perhaps the following will be enlightening to you:
Searching For Intelligent Life On The Left
“by Burt Prelutsky
It’s easy to see why liberals are convinced that they’re superior to conservatives. For one thing, in nearly all cases, professors in the liberal arts and members of the mainstream media are left-wingers. But you don’t have to be very intelligent or even the slightest bit honest to make one’s living in either field. To be a liberal arts professor, the major prerequisite is a willingness to endure sitting in classrooms from the time you’re six years old until the day you die. Once you’re into your post-graduate years, you merely have to concentrate on your specialty, be it Elizabethan poetry or the mating habits of the loon. That hardly bestows genius status on anyone. In fact, if you spot one of these bores headed your way at a cocktail party, my advice is to either feign a case of the vapors or grab your hat and go home.
The requirements for working in the mass media are even less stringent. You merely have to be hired. If you work in front of the camera, it goes without saying that you do have to have nice hair.
While I acknowledge that being a member of these professions is not absolute proof that one is an ignoramus. But neither is it a sign of superior intellect. Least of all is it an indicator of wisdom.
In fact, just about the only thing one can garner about these people is based, not on their occupation, but their politics, which shows them to possess the intellectual curiosity and independent thought of sheep.
There is a reason, after all, that liberals will unquestioningly accept all sorts of claptrap. For instance, like small children covering their ears and chanting, “Can’t hear you!” they ignore the fact that the earth’s temperature has been declining over the past decade, that Al Gore has been lining the pockets of his parka with bald-faced lies and that the East Anglia emails, aka Climategate, prove that academics, along with “scientists” affiliated with the United Nations, have been promoting the global warming hoax for their own selfish purposes.
Liberals want to expunge the Second Amendment from the Constitution even though the data proves that wherever law-abiding citizens, and not just the criminal element, carry concealed weapons, the crime statistics quite logically decline. Because liberals ignore facts about guns just as they do about freezing temperatures, even as their teeth are chattering like castanets, they refuse to debate the opposition, preferring to merely debase them.
Liberals don’t even question their like-minded politicians when folks like Obama, Pelosi and Reid, insist that it is possible to add millions of people to the Medicaid rolls, lower the minimum age for coverage to 55, and simultaneously cut costs without affecting care for the elderly. I do seem to recall Obama’s stating that a massive savings would come about through the elimination of medical fraud, but you can forget about a true blue left-winger ever asking him how he intends to go about it; or why, after all this time, he hasn’t even begun.
Liberals can be counted on to oppose drilling for oil in ANWR because they’re so concerned about the caribou and about spoiling the ecological state of frozen tundra. The fact that drilling for oil in Alaska would no more bother the caribou than drilling in Texas annoys jack rabbits, and that anything that affects frozen tundra would obviously be an improvement, doesn’t faze these blowhards in the least. But, then, neither does the fact that ANWR is nothing more than a tiny speck in our largest state, or the indisputable fact that the overwhelming majority of Alaskans are in favor of drilling.
But, of course, there aren’t a lot of academic pinheads residing in our 49th state and the only time the MSM types ever set foot within a thousand miles of caribou is when they head north, panning for dirt about Sarah Palin.
If the only thing that those on the Left lacked was intelligence, it would be bad enough, but that wouldn’t necessarily make them insufferable. But their ignorance is compounded by their snobbery. I mean, when egotistical lunkheads like Joy Behar, Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, Henry Waxman, Bill Maher, Janeane Garofalo, Barbara Boxer, Barney Frank, Keith Olbermann, Al Franken and Danny Glover, are convinced that they are intellectually superior to Charles Krauthammer, Andrew Breitbart, Glenn Beck, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Rush Limbaugh, Jonah Goldberg, Ralph Peters, Michelle Malkin, Ronald Radosh, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter and Bernie Goldberg, you have to wonder if they also believe that the moon is made of blue cheese. But, of course, if it were, Al Gore would be out peddling Uncle Al’s Roquefort Dressing.
But worst of all is the belief widely held by liberals that they are nicer and far more decent than those Americans who happen to be conservatives; you know, the poor besotted folks that those compassionate liberals are only too happy to label fascists, Nazis, racists and astroturfers. Their conviction seems to be based in large part on the peculiar notion that if you object to Obama’s transformation of America from thriving free-market capitalism to state-run socialism, you must be a bigot. However, when they dismiss Condoleezza Rice, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Ward Connerly and Clarence Thomas, as oreos and Uncle Toms, that merely proves that they, rather than DNA or pigmentation, can truly determine racial identity.
Ideologically, these moral cretins embrace the beliefs of Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh and Che Guevara, and physically embrace the likes of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.
These self-anointed intellectuals are people who think that those who believe in God and Jesus Christ, those who “cling to their guns and their religion,” are a lower form of animal life, while they, themselves, have no problem whatever accepting Obama as a messiah and, in the past, deifying the likes of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
Let’s face it, when you kneel in a church, you’re accepting that there is something greater and wiser than yourself in the universe. When, on the other hand, you kneel to a left-wing politician, you’re merely emulating Monica Lewinsky.”
ProudDemocrat says
Burt Prelutsky is a blogger that has no solid credentials whatsoever. He is spouting an opinion just as much (and with a little credence) as you are. If you want to fight something liberals are saying… why don’t you try looking at peer-reviewed literature, studies that compare what our government does to what other nations do (and to proposals from within our nation) to make some educated decisions about our way forward. The problem with you TEA Party types is that you have all emotion and absolutely no evidence backing up your claims and suggestions. Do not quote opion pieces, quote science!
Joseph Caruso says
ProudDemocrat –
Why don’t you argue against the wisdom of
Dave Yensan says
Great point, Joe. I purposely posted the Burt Prelutsky piece to incite such mindless nonsense as spouted by PD. To then tell us that Mikulsky, Cardin, et al are doing a great job tells us volumes about the ability to actually take facts, distill them and then reason an answer. PD is like the sheep who march along mindlessly because another sheep of the same flock told them to. I personally have yet to attend any tea party events, but am in great sympathy with the movement. The predominant messag of TEA is enough is enough. Just what is wrong and horrible about that?
Joseph Caruso says
Dave –
What the ProudDemocrat doesn’t understand is what makes our republic great is capitalism, liberty, freedom and the opportunity to succeed or fail.
We are not Europeans, we are Americans and as Americans we have lifted more people out of poverty domestically and the world over through Capitalism. No other nation or people has achieved what Americans have achieved.
ProudDemocrat says
What Proud Dem does understand is that our wealth comes in large part due to the fact that we are the world’s only middle-latitude country with 3 coast lines and a super-large plains system compliments of a nearly billion year old river flowing through the middle of the continent. This combined with the fact that our founding fathers had the foresight to forsake the religious underpinnings of European society and found a government system based on popular vote (which Europe has since resoundingly adopted) has made our country what it is today. Unchecked capitalism is (and always has been) devastatingly bad for the average worker, and that is why we do not have a true free-capital system (the more we move that direction, as in the past decade, the more things like recessions and depressions destroy what we have). Worker and environmental safeguards along with fair (not free) trade laws and progressive taxes keep our capitalistic system working, and make our country great. Sadly, too many Democrats are misguided with this, and support so-called free trade… gladly President Obama is a bit smarter and is pursuing country-by-country trade policies.
Mama Mia! says
Dittos PD!
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Gee I was kinda hoping Proud Democrat would abort himself. Now it looks like there is a second person that should have been aborted. Hey I am pro-choice. I believe all Democrats should be aborted
Not from Here says
So, according to this guy’s logic, you can’t be liberal AND christian or own a gun?
ProudDemocrat says
The problem is that you are looking for logic! There is very little logic within the TEA Party movement other than misleading angry Americans in such a way that corporate special interests are ultimately greatly benefited.
Dave Yensan says
Complete the thought PD. “The status quo is just fine, and anyone who speaks or even thinks any contrary thought must be called obscene names and derided for the audacity to think.
ProudDemocrat says
Nobody is arguing that status quo is good… that is why President Obama if fighting for changes to healthcare and is fighting for a jobs bill. He is the very definition of fighting against status quo. Sadly your idea of fighting status quo means getting rid of liberals (you know, the intelligent people in society that brought us social security, Medicare, the weekend, OSHA to protect American workers, auto safety rules to help save the lives of countless Americans, and so on and so on.
About the only things of significance proposed by Republican administrations are the clean air/water acts (which I lavishly applaud, best thing Nixon ever did beyond ending a pointless war) and the interstate highway system (which can be argued to be a bad thing since it has done so much to our environmental and automobile culture, however clearly has been a major boon to interstate commerce).
Joseph Caruso says
ProudDemocrat –
You forfeited your right to instruct others on manners and civility by the derision and vulgarity you’ve afforded your fellow citizens.
Have a nice day,
ProudDemocrat says
Have I now… anybody running for government on the premise that that government is bad should be widely shunned by the electorate. Only the misleading ways of teaparty types and conservatives that use religion to convince Americans to vote against their economic best-interest keep such people in power. President Bush was a clear example of what happens when we let conservative and religious idealogy rule over common sence and common good. Our country has been severly damaged, and now the same powers that brought us to our economic knees are using the same destructive philosophy to get back into power. I only hope the electorate sees just how misguided and unAmerican your views are… only then will the US finds it way back to true domestic and international leadership.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Your an idiot.
Hope that helps
ProudDemocrat says
So eloquent. You must be part of the TEA Party movement. I know because you have the speaking ability of your true leader, Queen Sarah.
Gene Pool Cleaner says
Nah, I just like cutting through the bull crap and well………….. you are an idiot.
I do hope this helps
Mama Mia! says
Do you even have a gene pool? (human, that is)
Mama Mia says
Gene Pool Cleaner, YOU are truly and ass. But I’m glad to hear that you’re pro-choice. That’s the ONLY logical opinion of yours that I’ve seen in your ranting, name-calling posts.
ProudDemocrat says
Basically I out argued him, thus he is limited to name-calling to save face. Typical.
Sandy says
Proud Democrat, your mistake is in stating that President Bush is a conservative. Yes, he did have some conservative social views, but in general, he was a big spending, big government, liberal. From your post, and I am not being flip here, I don’t think you fully understand what true conservatives believe. I want little federal government interference in my life. I believe the Constitution is what makes this a great country and to see politicians, democrat and republican alike, ignore it is sickening. I believe in self responsibility. I do not believe in blaming others for one’s lack of acting in their own best interest. Yes, some people, most people, have a tough time making it out on their own as a decent, law abiding citizen right now. Economic times are tough. So what! Suck it up and do what you have to do to make your way in this world. I don’t want to hear excuses, everyone has excuses. Unless someone absolutely cannot work, my husband has a step sister who is severly mentally retarded, then drop the entitlements and get to work!
The most simple explanation I can give comparing a conservative to a liberal is this. A conservative will give to charity on their own. Be it family or not, they will decide if it is a person or cause they want to support. A liberal, on the other hand, decides what causes they want supported and then expects everyone else to foot the bill through tax money, not out of their own pocket. Prime example is when you see the celebrities gather to raise money for a cause. If they all reached into their OWN pockets they would have more money for their cause! Yes, there are some good celebrities out there who do this, but for the most part, they want us taxpayers to foot the bill.
So, the next time you see someone asking for money, or starting a new government entitlement program, think about why they need your money to support it.
Mama Mia! says
Sandy, you describe “W” as a liberal, but I bet YOU voted for him TWICE! What does that make you….Confused? And your assumptions (or descriptions) of liberals is incorrect. In fact, I consider myself a liberal on certain issues, but conservative on others. Stop trying to stereotype good citizens. I bet you consider yourself a good Christian. If so, start living the life that you preach! I bet that even I can pick and choose Bible verses that support my sentiments!
Sandy says
Mama Mia!, why so angry? Yes, I voted for him twice because I think Al Gore has a few screws loose and President Obama is a socialist. Why would that make me confused? I know exactly why I voted the way I did. I thought President Bush would protect us from terrorist better than Al Gore and I thought John McCain would also protect us better than President Obama. I also knew that President Obama would waste even more of our tax money than President Bush and John McCain combined! I don’t believe in more and more stimulus packages and I am completely against socialized medicine. I give President Bush credit for his Supreme Court appointments and for protecting us. But the funniest thing to me is why everyone wants to debate who was the better candidate, President Bush or President Obama. Everyone seems to forget that President Obama was running against John McCain.
As far as quoting bible verses, what the heck are you even referring to? And who exactly am I stereotyping? I stated that was a simple description of liberals and conservatives, not anything in depth. Liberals generally believe in government programs and conservatives generally believe in self sufficiency. I believe I said President Bush was liberal on some issue and conservative on others, like you describe yourself. I’m not saying that means you agree with him, I have no idea. Maybe you do and maybe you believe the opposites of the issues as he does. I won’t pretend to know what’s in your mind. As a “good christian” I don’t judge others. I’m happy to debate issues, but I won’t pretend to know your thoughts and then insult your character.
Cdev says
FYI Bush did not run against Obama. He ran against Gore and Kerry!
ProudDemocrat says
P.S. whether or not I am ‘vulgar’ has no bearing on the appropriateness of Mr. McGrady’s comment. I expect more from elected officials, hence my support of true professionals like Delegate Riley.
Joseph Caruso says
ProudDemocrat –
Oh, but it does.
ProudDemocrat says
Well than, I am glad you are here policing the board, talking about freedom, and telling me that my voice is somehow not as significant as that of other voters. Truly American, you are quite a patriot.
Joseph Caruso says
ProudDemocrat –
I am quite capable of pointing out your hypocrisy, vulgarity and lack of civility.
You have little to no credibility. Shame is your incontinence.
Mama Mia! says
Joe, I didn’t realize that Proud Democrat was a bed wetter!
David says
Mama Mia!,
You’ll have to forgive poor Joe…he’s always getting his big words confused.
kalmia78 says
How was ProudDemocrat being vulgar? I had meant to mention the same thing and forgot; I thought PD’s comment was well-put. If I had been running for House of Delegates when Ehrlich was governor, I would not have written statements calling him “Blustering Bob”…or I supposed “Beloved” Bob would have been more in line with the implied tone of Mr. McGrady calling Governor O’Malley “Marvelous”. I don’t find that tone particularly productive in political discourse…although it’s a step up from Gene Pool Cleaner’s comment.
duganz says
Yansen, whoever wrote that article claims that all liberaps want to do is ‘debase their opponents’ yet the only thing i saw in that article is a self-proclaimed conservative doing nothing but ranting and, ahem, trying to debase liberals.
Not to mention that the person writing that article doesnt even understand what the second amendment means. Do yourself a favor and keep rhetoric and propaganda you happen to read to yourself.
The American government is just as corrupt as the governments we attempt to overthrow in the name of ‘freedom’. Not just one party, but every party. You are on the wrong planet if you expect any politician to even ATTEMPT to do ANYTHING they say before they are elected.
There are NO open channels for your everyday citizen to go through to be heard. If you call you speak to a glorified secretary who doesnt have direct contact with anyone, if you send a letter you receive a photocopied ‘thank you for contacting us’ letter that doesnt adress your problem in the slightest.
Long story short, public government figures couldn’t care less about the people they are supposed to lead. Instead they focus on lining their pockets while screaming ‘freedom this freedom that we remove your civil liberties to keep you safe so shut up and deal with it’.
ProudDemocrat says
I do not think it is fair to say such things about all government figures. I know Frank Kratovil quite well… and I know for sure he does. I do not know Mary Dulaney-James, but I have met Dan Riley plenty of times (and he had my son in class), and I feel VERY confident that he has the best interests of people in Harford County in mind when he legislates. There is no doubt that many politicians are self-advocates first and foremost, but there is also no doubt that many politicians are truly watching for what is best for society. Both Cardin and Mikulski are quite trustworthy, and I think Elisha Cummings is perhaps one of the most concerned legislators one could ever hope to have. Your blanket statement is quite unfair to the many, many, many hard working citizens who run for office for one purpose only… to try to make a better world for their fellow citizens.
duganz says
Yet those citizens that run for office to help people get beat by the candidate who receives funds from their personal interests and lobbiest support. It is all well and good to say ‘there are many good people’ in government, but that doesnt change the fact that the people who end up in office usually do a superb job of accomplishing nothing more than fattening their wallets and the wallets of their backers. Show me a politician that cant be bought and you’ll be showing me the next incarnation of jesus.
ProudDemocrat says
Oh man… I so disagree. But to that end, it is very clear that many people in elective service do meet your description, and thus we REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED to have public financing of congressional (and presidential) campaigns. Without such public financing, and without removing lobbyist from firms that buy advertisements as well, we will never move away fully from the situation you describe. That being said, I feel there are more truly good people in government than bad by far… but the bad is sensationalized and thus we hear so much more about it…
Patrick McGrady says
You know what they say- 90% of politicians make the other 10% look bad.
Mama Mia! says
Who is “they”? The ones on the outside looking in?
The vast uninformed? The vast misinformed? Tea Baggers?
Stop spreading the misinformation, and MAYBE “they” won’t say what you claim they say.
duganz says
Very true about lack of logic. The fact that it has gone on this way for so long shows the complaciency of the nation. These people that we elect consistantly change bills to include provisions for things that the public will wholeheartedly object too, but have no idea that its there until it is too late.
The simple fact that they can get away with it by lying through their teeth is enough to disgust any free thinking human being.
In example: A bill goes before congress that could potentially break us out of the ‘recession’, yet in the fine print some money grubbing politician with large enterprise backing has entered ‘In addition we will be lowering taxes for those who hold 95% of the wealth in our country where we will raise taxes for the rest of the population.’ Said politician then promotes this bill with a violent furvor. Bill goes through, screws the general public and by then it is too late.
If no one else is sickened by the false pretenses that our government uses to get their way then I truly feel that this country is going to fall harder than Rome.
First Citizen says
The back and forth of this post goes to show what is killing this country. Sterotypes and Absolutism on issues. Blindly following the ideology of the Party above all else on both sides.
This country’s current government was founded was founded on the principle of compromise. This was done due to the failure of the Articles of Confederation and it’s me first design.
These compromises were debated and developed by people who looked at their role as a responsibility-not usually sought-because of their achievements in their community. Ben Franklin often refused positions of leadership in the 1760’s because he felt that he had not earned those positions. They were not done by career politcians-getting rich in public service, like a recently retired on from this state-looking for more power and the next sound bit on a cable news channel.
Most of all, it is We the People who have abandoned our basic responsibility to be the final check on the system. The blind voting based on single issue canidates or party affiliations or meaningless media lables of liberal or conservative instead of careful vetting of canidates for their positions and our lack of oversight for their actions is the problem. Instead of carrying out OUR job as citizens we are standing on the bridge of the Titanic pointing fingers at each other.
Instead of playing the blame game or calling each other names, stand up and take responsibility for the situation WE THE PEOPLE have let grow…
Cdev says
Also worthy of note the founding fathers never meant any of these elected positions to become someones primary job.
Patrick McGrady says
I am proud to say that we agree on this point! This is one of the big issues with government today.
How do we resolve this?
Joseph Caruso says
Patrick –
Maryland could copy Texas. The Texas legislature meets for 140 days every two years.
Patrick McGrady says
The Maryland legislature meets for 90 days annually. This makes sense for the sake of budgeting. I was referring to the DC elected congresspeople who are in session for an entire year, and can choose when to take breaks.
To me, this gives them the impression that they need to pass legislation to justify their existence. We don’t need so many stupid laws. I was watching Colbert last night for some yuks and he interviewed a Congressman from Chicago who proposed legislation that made it illegal to hunt from aircraft.
I am not joking.
Cdev says
Term limit your public service in any office or like WV and the gov. mansion. Limit consecutive years to 8 of every 12.
Another idea would be to pay them less. So that they would require nother job in order to fufill their service.
Patrick McGrady says
The result of lowering their pay would be that the Campaign organization that they use to get elected would pay them a salary, and it would be far greater than the pay they receive from the People.
I agree with self term limits, whole-heartedly.
Mama Mia! says
Well….one of the biggest items in Newt Gingrich’s 1994 “Contract with America” was TERM LIMITS. But, with the continued hypocricy that only the Republicans can get away with, they “dropped that ball” as soon as they became the majority party. They are truly a party of NO ideas. In fiscal terms, I would describe the Republicans as ideologically bankrupt and morally without compass!
Joseph Caruso says
Cdev –
You’re absolutely right.