The following letter was provided by H. LeRoy Whiteley, Jr.:
January 20, 2010
Mr. Michael Steele, Chairman
Republican National Committee
301 First Street SE
PO Box 96994
Washington, DC. 20003
Dear Mr. Steele
SHAME on you and the deceptive practice you are perpetuating?? We just received a plain white envelope from you which through the window proclaimed “CENSUS DOCUMENT REGISTERED TO (My name and address)” At this time when we are expecting the Federal government to send us an actual 2010 census questionnaire and are being warned about census scams, you dare do send out such a notice as campaign literature. Its appearance congers up exactly what you intended — an official Washington document?? The plain white envelope with no return address only brings forth thoughts of the Spiro Agnew payoff days and brings more disgrace to the Republican Party. STOP THIS DECEPTION??
The questionnaire enclosed is a valid one with data we are all truly concerned about. Market it that way. Stop playing games and degrading the Republican Party. It already has enough problems without you creating more.
The public is getting tired of the ramrod tactics of the Democratic Party and we now have an enormous opportunity to capitalize on the energy of the public mood. GIVE US LEADERS WITH POSITIVE AND CONSTRUCTIVE SOLUTIONS. STOP BEING OBSTRUCTIONISTS AND THE PARTY OF NO?? LEAD THIS COUNTRY BACK TO ITS RIGHTFUL PLACE IN THE WORLD AND WE WILL GLADLY FOLLOW TO SUPPORT YOU AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO ITS GLORY??
H. LeRoy Whiteley, Jr.
Mr. Whiteley, I have received 3 of exactly what you describe from the Obama administration, questions followed by a request for money. Except the envelope is a slightly yellow color and in addition to the census info, also says official government document. Shameless! I sure wish we could get some politicians we could trust!
Sorry, but there is nothing that any other party can do to defame the republicans more than what they have already done to themselves. Try leaving god and nobless oblige out of campaigns and rhetoric and people might take you seriously again before the end of your lifetime.
Let’s face it…neither party is worth a damn. Can you say ACORN? Our political system is just as corrupt as the third-world governments that we spend billions to overthrow. The only difference is that we won’t admit it.
Tell Steele like it is Roy. He needs to hear from more folks like you. He does not get it yet.
The Republican Party is no longer the Party of Ronald Reagan or Dwight Eisenhower or even Nixon for that matter. It is a shadow of its former self. I guess you can call it the “Has Been Party” for all the good it has done….Fortunately the Tea Party Movement developed just in time to champion Conservative causes. And the Tea Party is doing a great job on its own with out the need for help from the now defunct and helpless Republican Party.
Thank God for that.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD…
Until I see “Tea Party” on the ballots instead of “Republican Party” I would hardly call it defunct.
I do agree that we desperately need viable 3rd and/or 4th parties. Unfortunately I don’t see that realistically happening any time soon. The current two party system is too entrenched and most people vote on the party line or for the incumbent because they recognize the name and don’t even look at any candidates that don’t have an (D) or an (R) by their names.
After waiting since the Goldwater election for a Republican president and congress, all I got was the Bridge to Nowhere, Medicare Part D and two unending wars. Like my grandfather said, “Democrats and Republicans are the same, they’re all crooks.”
We need a centerist third party to return us to constitutional government, but the current situation requires that enough Republicans get elected in 2010 to stop Obama and his bunch. Maybe the Tea Party people can take over and reform the Republicans.
Why arent the Libertarians making a big push for 2012? True, they have the reputation of being a bit peculiar. Maybe the Tea Party people could all become Libertarians and make them more viable.
Pavel314, We do really need reform. I think the best and quickest change we could make would be term limits. We shouldn’t have career politicians, that is not what our founding fathers envisioned. We need real people to govern for a few years and then move on back to real life.
What’s actually happening is that the Republican Party is taking over the Tea Party movement and using it for their owns ends rather than the other way around.
I agree on term limits but what do you think the odds are that congress will produce a constitutional amendment ending their life tenure? Calling a constitutional convention would get the job done, but would the people in state government do so, since most of them are probably hoping to get bumped up to D.C. down the road? Until we elect a majority of philosopher-kings to congress, we’ll have to do it the old fashioned way, throw them out in November. Reminds me of a bumper sticker from many years ago: “Don’t Re-elect Anybody!”
The odds, 0%. It just amazes me how some of these politicians get elected over and over. I know it’s name recognition, but people really must not be paying attention!
Pavel, a Constitutional convention would still require the assent of congress.