The following letter was sent by Tony Passaro of the Bel Air Tea Party Patriots:
We are in the final days of the National Health Care Reform Debate. The Senate is debating Majority Leader Harry Reid’s health care reform bill all week —and a cloture vote, to end debate, is just around the corner. If Reid has his way, his health care reform bill will usher in the largest expansion of government in history, federalizing one-sixth of the American economy.
The time to act is now. In August we turned out to Congressional meetings throughout the country and stalled the march to OBAMA’S health care. With a final vote in the Senate imminent this is our LAST stand.
This time we press the Senate.
Freedom fighters from all across the nation are joining with Patients First, Americans for Prosperity™, Bell Air Tea Party
Patriots, the Alliance of American Patriots and others.. All are gathering in Washington, D.C. at the Capitol to make a stand. Come stand with us. The Old Maryland line is forming up to meet the enemy….We are unfurling our battle flags and banners….come join your comrades and stop Obama’s Health Care atrocity. Bring you flags, signs, banners, America needs you…..
Join Sen. Tom Coburn, MD., Senator Jim DeMint and other health care allies in the Upper Senate Park for this Senate Emergency Rally. Let us send a clear message to the SENATE:
Hands off Obama, stick your health care!
Let’s stop him cold…..
This crucial vote is imminent, many in Washington have forgotten they represent – the will of the American people. Make your plans now.
Your voice in needed more than ever before. We must tell the Senate and the rest of the Washington politicians they can’t ignore the voice of “We, the people.” It’s all or nothing; it’s time to show up for the final showdown.
So get in your car or paste this link into your browser. Make sure you confirm a seat NOW!!
Can’t make it to Washington on December 15th? Visit your senators’ local offices and take the same stand! This will likely be your last chance for YOU to make a difference in this health care reform debate. Please contact your Senators, by PASTING THIS LINK INTO YOUR BROWSER
Bus Departure Location and Times:
Buses: Dillion Motor Coaches
When: Tuesday, December 15 (one week from today)
BEL AIR – Green Turtle Parking Lot, @ 11:00 AM return @ 5:30 PM
SALISBURY – Boscov’s Parking lot @ 10 AM return @ 6:00 PM
Fare: $5.00 per Adult/Child, pays for lunch and beverage
Dave Schwartz’s AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY have charted several buses for us. You know how fast Tony can fill them. Make sure you confirm your seat A.S.A.P. for your friends and neighbors and your children. We are going to visit our Senator’s Offices after the rally. They are much plusher than the Congressmen’s.
Time is short CALL ,
Tony Passaro @ 443-350-0520
Silvia DeLong @ 410-382-4774
and make your reservations now before the crowd rushes in.
No one will be left behind but make sure you CONFIRM your reservations with Tony or Silvia ….TODAY!!
Tony Passaro
Nil Carborundum Illegitemi
Bel Air Tea Party Patriots
Alliance of American Patriots
OBAMA in big, scary capital letters…be scared of the BlackSocialistAntiAmericanHitlerite! He’s coming to eat the freedom of all good God-loving Americans!
You people are nuts. Your battle metaphor is laughable, bordering on lamentable. One can only pray that no real violence actually ever comes from your sensationalist calls to action.
Anyone find it Ironic a letter battling “Obama and the socialists” refers to each other as Comrades? Sounds a little Communist to me. A lot like a farm that deposed the farmer and the pigs ran from the house.
Response to “be very scared”:
Ya know, I rarely see a response from you guys that addresses the essence of the argument. Its always ad hominum. Either you’re in a smug cocoon of like-minded democrat/liberal ideologues and aren’t used to having to make a reasoned argument; or you can’t think of one.
Now I can’t say that I agree with the all of the positions or language or tactics of the millions (yes millions, no matter what Nancy Pelosi or Keith Olbermann would have you believe) of Americans who agree with the protestors.
But they may have justified concerns about a) stifling taxation, b)a crippling deficit that could force the treasury to overprint money and result in hyper-inflation and the catastrophic collapsen of the Dollar and those who use it, like us, c)government participation in the private sector that can destroy the free market, freeze out competition and cost trillions in inefficiencies that WE would pay for, d) a very real bias within the congress and executive branch for unfair wealth redistribution that hurts the very people that it proposes to help e)an unchecked presidential administration that has taken narcissistic arrogance, and intellectual dishonesty, and empty narrative to new heights.
These are at least concerns that warrant discussion, don’t you agree?
So when you respond to your opponents’ arguments by only seeking to nullify or marginalize your opponent….you’re really not accomplishing anything. Ans you may be proving to the readers that you have no argument. SO next time why don’t reach for an economics or civics book instead of your thesaurus.
Yes but that still leaves Hundreds of MILLIONS that don’t!
I’m one of the lucky ones, I have good health care but many people aren’t as lucky. I also consider myself a “freedom fighter”, at least that’s what I thought we were doing when I went to Viet Nam in 1966. So as someone who is both lucky and a freedom fighter to boot I firmly believe every citizen in this country deserves comprehensive health care and if it costs the rest of us a little more so what-buy one less cup of coffee or better yet drive one less mile you’ll probably break even or you may even make money?
Semper Fidelis
Paul: God bless you and thank you for your service to our country, and for the sacrifices that you made for all of us.
I don’t disagree with you on the morality of comprehensive health care. But, in my opinion, this bill and the approach taken by its proponents is not the way to do it, at all. It will have devastating effects on our economy and hamper our economic wherewithal to provide a safety net to those less fortunate than us. Plus it is a product of the way-too-cozy relationship that our senators (democrat and republican) have with the health insurance industry.
Also, it is an absolute fiscal fraud and lie. For starters, it matches up 5 years of cost (expenditures from 2016 to 2021)against 10 years of revenue (taxes, fees and penalties from 2011 to 2021) in order to claim that it is deficit neutral- that is pure trickery. Second of all, it relies on the assertion that we can save a half-Trillion dollars from reducing medicare waste and fraud. That’s a lie; and most of whatever medicare savings ARE achieved will come from reducing benefits; also, if there is THAT MUCH waste and fraud and inefficiency in Medicare, which is a government run program, then what does that say about the government’s ability to run a health care program. I could go on with many more reasons on why I believe this will be a disaster, but I hope you see my point.
Why don’t take a breath and start with tort reform, interstate competition for insurance companies, and the elimination of the health care deduction for employer-provided plans and see where that gets us (I think it will get us pretty far).
Also we should add price competition for doctors and hospitals and drug companies.
Obviously ‘Be very scared’ is a leftist who can’t argue his/her points and resorts to name calling.
PTB- You’re on the money w/ the TEA Party point of views.
Paul- Thank you for serving!
I will be in Washington on Tuesday. I’m sick and tired of representatives not representing We The People. I marched on 9/12 and I’m looking forward to actually going in the Capitol on Tues. You can’t beat the deal of $5 for a bus ride, meal, and drink.
Umm, actually I think there is a Democratic majority, the ones actually doing something in Congress right now, because they were voted into office. I think that’s how representation works, but I guess I’m wrong.
You know full well that just cause you have the position, (Senate or congressman), doesn’t mean you represent the views and wishes of your district. Far to long we elect on name recognition or party lines, falling for rhetoric not based in conviction. Its high time we have an ability to re-call Representatives who abuse their power, subjecting we-the-people to the whim’s of special interest’s.
One of the major causes of this citizen apathy is the dumbing down in our schools and the loss of what it is to be an American…verses a “world citizen” who happens to live in America.
GO DAGGER !!!!!!!!!
Actually doing something… like contributing to the downfall of our country? The Democrats are no different than the Republicans for the past 8 years. Increased spending/deficit, expanding federal government, giving the Federal Reserve even more power, impeding our rights, liberties, and freedoms with unconstitutional legislation.
Don’t be fooled by the bipartisanship. Whoever is in power does the evil work while the other party is trying to “save” us. Its all a smokescreen for the major powergrab going on. Notice how both Republicans and Democrats voted for the Patriot Act? All the representatives, with the exception of a few, are voting for unconstitutional legislation and don’t even listen to the masses of people calling their offices. As I recall they took an oath on the Constitution upon entering office. The Constitution delegates power to the people and limits the powers of government, not the other way around.
Actually they took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Same point. Very true Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives and Liberals alike all are power hungry and don’t like to listen to the people. I remember the Coantract of America was broken and many other things that congress passed or forgot to pass.
My wife and I both work to support our family. We both have jobs that offer heathcare at a reasonable price. Why do we have it so good? Because we were willing to take lower paying jobs for the benefits. It’s give and take by personal choice. I’m sorry that hoards of people work and don’t have healthcare, but you know what? Lots of them make more money in their jobs because of it. Leave my family’s healthcare alone damnit! Go take a lower paying job that has it! We are paying for ours and you want us to pay for yours too? “Everyone deserves heathcare,” really? I tell you what, to all of those that believe that, why don’t you go down to the local drug corner and ask the dope slingers for some rock in exchange for the freaking insurance card that you, me, and my wife are going to be paying for! How about going on the sex offender web site and sending “congratulations” cards to all of those bastards who get to go for “therapeautic massage” on our dimes too? Hey, you know the guy up the street with the house that’s a little bigger, the car that’s newer, etc.? Why don’t you go offer to drive him to the doctor the next time he gets a little sniffle, c’mon why not? You’re already going to be paying his bill! Suck an egg Socialists!
I respect “lower paid jobs for health insurance” opinion though provincial, not his choice language but that’s one of the great things about this country that people died for you can say what you want without concern of “gov’t” retribution even when your view is nonsense.
McDonalds and many other lower pay scale corporations offer benefits. Those places also hire people with below average intelligence, provided they show some willingness to show up on time and are ready to actually work. Go work there, they’ll feed you too. Oh, but they may not understand a run on sentence, so keep your application short and to the point.
You may sniff and look down your nose all you want, native, but your attitude of “I got mine” is too simplistic and judgmental to encourage any active debate in this issue.
I “got mine” because I chose a lower paying job. I could go to a higher paying job and not have insurance under this plan, and have YOU pay for my healthcare. I choose to take care of my own.
You don’t understand the bill as currently proposed. I would not be paying for your health care, you would, without choice in the matter. Seems to me you would be happy about the leveling of the play field.
And, to further use the Tea Ba-sorry-P-a-rty rhetoric, fair competition would mean you would not have to choose between a low paying job with health benefits and a higher paying job without benefits. There should be a level playing field, so you Native, can find the best paying job for your talents without worrying about going bankrupt over medical bills. Also, I would like you recall the Walmart scenario. This is where Walmart decided to educate its employees on how to apply for state assistance rather than offer health insurance. And, rather than pass that savings onto its employees in the form of higher wages, they decided to sell their items at lower prices thus driving out competition from the local, small businesses.
A level playing field? As in I decide to work and pay for my healthcare, AND pay for everyone who decides not to work with increased taxes? Under this plan EVERYONE will have healthcare, even the millions capable of working full time, but choose not to. Who will foot the bill for THEIR insurance? The taxpayers, you know, people who do work! This plan will need tax subsidies the likes of which have never been seen in modern history. This will not be a slight jump in taxes, it will be crippling to middle America. We live in a Capitalist nation, NOT Socialist! Keep drinking the Obama/Pelosi juice.
Mr/s. Naive: How quickly you do not think of those less fortunate than yourself and your family. Keep in mind that due to the capricious decisions of the last administration, we are in the middle of the worst recession in our lifetime and at best a jobless recovery. There are plenty of people that are willing to work but cannot find jobs. Have a little empathy, especially during this holiday season.
Less fortunate? I believe in helping those who CAN NOT help themselves, or need a hand UP, not a hand OUT, it’s the ones who CAN and CHOOSE not to work that I have a problem with. To blindly say that the last administration caused this recession truly shows your partisan views. If you or your co-horts would care to do a little bit of research, you would see the recession began late in Clinton’s last term, then 9/11 happened 9 months into Bush’s 1st term, virtually crippling the economy over night, do you remember that? The World Trade Centers were completely blown up, you know, the financial hub of the entire Free World. Before anyone goes with the conspiracy theory that the Bush administration had anything to do with the attacks, remember, Clinton was in office during the first attempted bombing of the WTC. Please also remember that the National Security Advisor to Clinton (Sandy Berger) was caught stealing and destroying 9/11 related documents when the 9/11 Commission was getting under way. Could Bush’s admin have done more to help the economy? Absolutely. Did either Bush or Clinton cause the economic collapse? NO. I will tell you however, that the Bush administration warned the Senate about the looming crisis with the housing market, over extending credit, etc. and they (the Senate)chose to do nothing about it. Who is going to pay for this healthcare? It is a federal subsidy, meaning the working poor and middle class will pay twice. This plan can not and will not ever pay for itself, it will require a tax base that will cripple this economy into oblivion. How dare you suggest I do not have empathy. Do you know me? Do you care to know that I have a child with severe health concerns? Do you care to know that I dedicate my life to helping those less fortunate? There are programs for supporting people legitimately out of work, yes they need tweaking. There are programs for healthcare for those that can not get gainful employment through no choice of their own, yes those programs need tweaking too. Yes, our healthcare system needs an overhaul, but just because it does, does NOT mean that we need to pay for everyone across the board, This is a Capitalist nation, not Socialist.
I forgot to mention the huge portion of our society who work “under the table”. Under this new policy, those folks will have the best of both worlds too; no taxes and a free healthcare plan. Who is going to pay for it? The taxpayers, like me and my wife, who already pay enough. The new plan calls for everyone to have a healthcare plan, I really do not think that every single person deserves the same level of care. It may sound insensitive to some of you, but those of you who talk about making things “fair” or “even” do not realize that this plan will make the burden much higher on those who already bust their asses, and gives no incentive to go get full time gainful employment while contributing to the tax base. It actually fosters an opposite to “fair” and “even”.
So where the 600 dollar stimulus checks a hand out or hand up?
The $600 stimulus check was a weak attempt at pacifying.
pacifying who?
it sounds like you are very upset,native read your bible and everything will work itself out promise you..
I don’t need to read the Bible to know that God helps those who help themselves. I also don’t need to read the Bible to know about charity, I do more than you could imagine. I do not need to read the Bible to know that this healthcare bill is severely flawed to the point it will completely cripple the American economy, and that we will not be able to receive the high level of healthcare we pay for now. There is a huge difference between anger and a passionate belief. Just because you have a passionate belief that the Bible will answer all of your questions, does that mean I should suggest you are angry because I proposed that some people should not get something for nothing? I did not say that those that are infirmed or incapable of working should be without, only that I am not willing to sacrifice more of my hard EARNED income to go toward people who are too lazy to work, or too dishonest to pay taxes. Cuba has government run healthcare, so do Canada, and France. I don’t think you have to look up what kind of lives Cubans have, but try researching the wait times for testing, the lack of quality care, the inability to get appointments, and the inability to choose providers in Canada. Do some research on the French economy since the advent of their healthcare program. Now, take a look at the American run Social Security Administration. Do you still feel Utopia in the making?
Au contraire…I think you do need to read the Bible, as you seem to have quite the wrong impression.
Question: “God helps those who help themselves – is it in the Bible?”
Answer: “God helps those who help themselves” is probably the most often quoted phrase that is not found in the Bible. This saying is usually attributed to Ben Franklin, quoted in Poor Richard’s Almanac in 1757. In actuality, it originated from Algernon Sydney in 1698 in an article titled Discourses Concerning Government. Whatever the original source of this saying, the Bible teaches the opposite. God helps the helpless! Isaiah 25:4 declares, “For You have been a defense for the helpless, a defense for the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat…” Romans 5:6 tells us, “For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.”
Maybe you should have read my post. I didn’t quote the Bible, I said I don’t need to read it to know that God helps those who help themselves. I did not put it in quotations, nor did I attempt to cite it, I projected it as my belief. I also believe that faith without works is dead, and I will not attempt to cite the origin of that line either, I’ll leave it to you. I believe in God, and you beleive in Bible thumping, good for both of us, respectively.
Maybe you Should Have…….You say the defenseless, the needy, the helpless. I agree and we already have medicaid and other programs for those. Why do we have to destroy the wonderful healthcare system we have when we already take care of those who need it? If some are slipping through the cracks we can fix it, no need to destroy the whole system!
If we are talking,Canadian Health care. we are talking Big Trouble!
For those comments on “lower pay but got health care” I work for a company that does tons of talking about working for our employees, then after posting hundreds of millions in profits the last few years and paying out fat bonuses to management ; cut company contribution to health care to 0%. yes , we make decent $$, but we’re still needing 2 incomes to leave decently and afford a modest home. is the health care bill perfect, no; no bill that comes out of DC ever is , but at least it’s a step in a direction that needed to be taken. The costs need to go down and coverage needs to go up. For the last 8 administrations they all talked about fixing the problem, but none ever got anything done. DC will do what they were elected to do, make changes nad try to do what’s best for the people , if you don’t like it elect someone who will make a change to go back to what you would like. We have that choice. If you really don’t like it , make another choice, move….
“JD” I ditto your comment! Something and not nothing needs to occur. I believe the push for universal health goes all the way back to Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) and it’s about time it happens along with reform of the health insurance industry, drug industry and the medical industry. We’re real close and our legislature, who by the way have great health insurance plus many others perks we pay for, need to get behind this President and make it happen even if it doesn’t matter to them because they’ve already got the best our money can buy.
Sandy, if you think we have “wonderful healthcare,” you need to put down your Kool-Aid. This “wonderful healthcare” turns down many people who are not in need due to pre-existing conditions, making their only option expensive high-risk pools. Or what about working people who have decent jobs, but no employer-sponsored medical benefits? Maybe if you stop thinking about yourself once in a while and get your head out of the teabagger sand, you’d realize our “wonderful healthcare” is anything but.
Some of us can’t take a poster seriously when he resorts to homophobic insults.
My husband is self employed and I have a daughter who is growth hormone deficient, so I can assure you I know exactly what is out there. Her medication costs about $120 per day, every day. Our policy would not pay for it but in Maryland they have open enrollment once per year, in January, where self employed people can join any insurance that offers small business insurance as any small business without worrying about any pre-existing conditions. Just like when you start a new job. Of course she was diagnosed at the end of Jan. The drug company supplied us with her medication at no charge for 10 months. At that point they put us on their patient assistance program and we had to pay about $350 for the last month and then our new insurance kicked in. Yes, our new insurance is expensive, $1177.00, and we pay it all ourselves. It’s more than our mortgage, but we had to take that into consideration when we chose where to live. I wouldn’t trade out healthcare for the world. We can debate if it is more expensive here or in Canada or Europe, remember they pay for it with taxes. We can debate if we even want it to be cheaper. I want our doctors to be high paid so the brightest and best want to be doctors. I want the best equipment and the most up to date techniques. But there is no doubt that we have the best CARE, and I’m willing to pay for the best care for my kids.
So if you could have that same care but get a govt. subsidy to help pay for it would you be for that or against it?
There is no way that could happen, so I can’t truthfully answer your question. If I lived in the land of unicorns and fairies, where no one worked yet everyone was supplied with everything they wished for by their fairy Godmother, sure, I’d take free health care, free food, entertainment, whatever, but that isn’t the way it works here on planet earth. Just by giving that government subsidy you went and destroyed the free market and competition is gone. The best and brightest won’t be doctors because they won’t make enough money to make it worth their while. Like what happened to teachers, let’s be honest. Federal government interference ruined it for teachers with things like tenure. Each state has an insurance commissioner and staff and that’s all we need. There may be some things about our health insurance industry that could be fixed, try not to get that mixed up with our health CARE industry. If you change too much about the insurance industry you run the risk of harming our health care industry and that would be a huge mistake. It’s not by accident that people from all over the world come here for medical care, that we teach doctors from other countries techniques that we develope, that we develope more medical devices and pharmaceuticals than any other country. When was the last time you heard someone say they were going to the UK for surgery because their doctors are better than ours?
Essentially that is what the Senate bill is! No public option!
Cdev –
The Senate bill may not have a public option today, however it is not deficit neutral despite the CBO analysis, it will increase private insurance premiums dramatically, it does nothing to reduce the cost of health care, will put a tremendous strain on hospitals and doctors and will frustrate patients.
Joe you just described HMO’s as they currently are. I think the Senate version is better but needs to remove the blockade’s to interstate competition so that essentially a company does not have a monopoly in a state as it does today.
Cdev –
How could read my post and interpret my castigation of the Senate bill as a description of HMOs?
How does my prior post castigating the Senate bill compare with PPOs?
Both do the following
increase premiums
don’t reduce costs
put a tremedous strain on hospitals, doctors etc.
frustrate patients.
Cdev –
The rising cost of health care is the primary reason for the increases in health insurance premiums.
The Senate bill will cause the cost of health care and the cost of health insurance to rise along with massive federal and state tax increases on taxpayers.
Oh and that deficit neutral CBO myth is just crazy talk, since the CBO must accept the Senate’s assumptions no matter how ridiculous when they score a bill.
Joe I am not debating the deficiet nutral part. There has been no bill and my insurance premiums have been going up. Competition by eleminating monoploies in states will lower that as well as creating an enviornment where docs and hospitals have to compete for customers will lower the price. Of course we have lobbies to prevent that from happening.
No it isn’t. Just saying no public option isn’t solving anything. The Senate bill is a cocked up piece of trash that is unread and unreadable. It will start taxing the shit out of us now and won’t really kick in until most of these Marxists are dead or retired.
The problem with the system is that it costs too much. Simple statement. Why it costs too much is another complete discussion. The fact that 30 million or 600 billion people will now have access to taxpayer supplied coverage does absolutely nothing to or for the cost of health insurance. Allowing cross state line purchases and eliminating or limiting the amount of damages that could be collected might have provided some solutions, but neither house wanted anything to do with that.
So Cdev, what you said about the Senate bill being “essentially” that, is like the bill itself, another load of crap.
Essentially it is a govt. subsidized private care for people in need. It limits the coverage you can get i.e. no abortion coverage etc.
Aren’t you Sandy from over the “Hill”?
I pray none of you are ever without health insurance and have to go to the hospital to be treated for leukemia because without health insurance I have no idea how you could pay for several rounds of chemo, hospital costs,labs,bone marrow transplant, costs, etc,etc. All this goes on for months and you’re still not sure if you’ll survive?
Obama Health care is free? A right of birth…like free gas and paid for mortages?
The same people, not choosing health care over the 200,000 dollar to expensive house will still be in the same boat. Except with more FICA out of their checks.
Go Dagger!
There is a lot of confusion about this legislation.
As I see it, everybody wants everyone to have medical care. The difference is who should be paying for it. The conservatives think that government shouldn’t be involved because they always screw everything up. That is an understandable assumption.
The liberals think that government exists to provide these services for people, and that we should fork over our money, rights, and freedoms in exchange for more people being covered with medical insurance. This is understandable as well, as there are lots of people with lackluster medical insurance coverage, myself included.
The issue of contention seems to be government involvement. Conservatives feel that given the opportunity to help another in need, people will help. Liberals think that people are inherently mean-spirited and will not help a brother in need without the force of government behind him.
We need to have a rational discussion about this without calling names or resorting to political jockeying to make a point. I understand that this website is not the place for this, but if you encounter someone with a differing opinion on this stuff, talk it out, and I believe you will find that you agree about a lot of things.
Great points, thanks.
Excellent point! A rational conversation also needs to include an informed and self researched person on both sides. Not some one spouting off the latest talking points from either side fo the spectrums PR machines!
I have health care insurance that we pay dearly for through Johns Hopkins Uniformed Services Tri-Care. Will I loose this insurance and be forced to buy into this health care package the Dem’s are trying to shove down our throats or up our a..? Wouldn’t it be simpler for those without health insurance to buy into an insurance policy much like Marylands uninsured vehicle insurance? I admit I know little if anything about all this. I don’t know who to believe.
Dear Reader. What you are speaking of is the Public Option which all the Republicans are screaming will compete against the health insurance companies and drive down the cost of insurance premiums. Which in turn will drive the health care companies out of business. And as you see, that has not happened in the automobile industry.
Premiums go down? Not in this economy. If anything they’ll go up. And the insurance companies which we all loath to hate will fold, forcing those with descent health insurance to take the gov’t policy. I don’t see any good coming out of this.
Yea George and the sky is falling!