The list of confirmed special guests attending Monday night’s Route 40 Republican Club Fundraiser in Aberdeen has grown to include Charles Lollar, Candidate for House of Reps, MD District 5; Dr. Jim Pelura, Maryland GOP Party Chairman; David Craig, Harford County Executive; and the featured speaker, former Gov. Bob Ehrlich.
It will cost you $40 to get a seat at a table at the event, which is being billed as “Dinner with Governor Bob Ehrlich.”
The event is Monday from 5:30-8:30pm at the Wetlands Golf Course in Aberdeen and the menu includes an Italian dinner, beer and wine, assorted desserts, “And of course ‘Hot/Cold TEA’.”
John from Bel Air says
BREAKING NEWS – I just heard that Mr. Wright will announce that he is withdrawing from the race for County Executive at Monday night’s fundraiser with Governor Ehrlich.
Kim says
Well now things are starting to make sense. I couldn’t believe that Ehrlich would actually go to the Rt. 40 Club since the club has been targeting moderate Republicans like Wayne Norman, Donna Stifler, David Craig, and JB Jennings with robo calls over the past year. I guess that the former Governor finally talked some sense into Steve Wright and has convinced the Club to stop supporting the wacko agendas of Rick Impallaria and Pat McDonough.
two cents says
Really! I heard that the gathering is for David Craig to announce that he is running for Governor and that Ehrlich is there to endorse him and they will both endorse Wright. Also Tony Passaro will be Craig’s Lt. Gov.
Joseph Caruso says
Dear John from Bel Air –
I feel compelled to gently correct your misinformation about who is running for Harford County Executive. The only Republican to my knowledge who has filed to run is Stephen Wright and that makes Mr. Wright the lead Conservative Republican candidate for the Harford County Executive office.
Additionally, I know that Stephen Wright holds Governor Ehrlich in high esteem and I believe we can be assured given the opportunity Governor Ehrlich will support Stephen Wright in the general election.
Finally, I can assure you with fresh first-hand knowledge and absent any equivocation that Stephen Wright is in fact running for Harford County Executive. Steve has my support and I invite all those who want efficient, thoughtful and careful county executive leadership and fiscally conservative management of our tax dollars join me. Voting for Steve makes sense for Harford County.
Bart says
I appreciate your commitment to Steve Wright. However, there is no doubt that Governor Ehrlich will strongly endorse David Craig on Monday evening.
Joseph Caruso says
Dear Bart –
Let me gently suggest that you carefully read my previous post.
I firmly believe once Stephen Wright runs as the Republican candidate for Harford County Executive in the general election Governor Ehrlich will enthusiastically and avidly support Steve.
Respectfully yours,
just kidding says
Steve Wright brings a lot to the political scene. He is dishonest, employs dirty tricks, master of the robo calls and most of all a destructive force to the Republican Party.
Joseph Caruso says
Dear Just Kidding,
I find Stephen Wright to be an honorable man and a fiscally conservative candidate that can offer alternatives to the status quo in Harford County government.
Regarding automated-dialer recorded messages or “robo calls” they are an accepted and effective tool to get information to voters used by people across the political spectrum. I politely suggest the next time you get one from anybody you simply hang up to avoid any further intrusion to your privacy or you could listen and make an informed decision about the content. The choice is yours.
Respectfully yours,
Hangin' Out says
You are the most “politely suggestive”, “gently correcting” and “gently suggesting” person that I’ve ever witnessed on The Dagger. Thanks for being so “kind and gentle”.
That being said, I believe that you are totally WACKED!
Joseph Caruso says
Dear Hangin’ Out –
Well opinions they do vary!
I am happy to report that I spent a motivating evening at the Route 40 Republican Club Fundraiser tonight with a standing room only crowd of conservative Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and other like-minded folks.
Stephen Wright – Rte 40 Republican Club President offered up a rousing event centered on conservative principles and electing candidates that will put those principles into action.
Delegates Pat McDonough and Rick Impallaria warmed up the crowd for the keynote speaker Governor Ehrlich. The Governor after exuberant applause and repeated calls for him to run for Governor in 2010 spoke about his vision for improving Maryland and the country. He pointed out that if States like New Jersey and Virginia could turn the tide and elect conservative Republicans – Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell that Maryland could as well. Now the Governor didn’t commit to running in 2010, but if tonight’s event is any indication of the support for Governor Ehrlich I wouldn’t bet against an Ehrlich 2010 campaign.
It’s events like tonight’s that cause me to be hopeful for America and proud to be a conservative.
Hangin' Out says
I’m assuming you realize that the crowd was a biased one.
Biased in a good way if you’re a Republican. That being said, Bob Ehrlich does not enjoy, OR deserve the reception on a statewide level that you say he received at the Route 40 Republican Club affair.
Hangin’ Out
Joseph Caruso says
Dear Hanging Out
The event was attended by not only by Republicans, but also conservative Democrats, Libertarians and Independents.
Ehrlich is well liked. You must remember he did get elected Governor of the Great State of Maryland and that mathematically it can’t happen without Democrats, Libertarians and Independents voting for him.
Bill says
I dont’t think it really matters what the former governor says since he doesnt’t really carry that much push anymore. Most conservatives can decide on their own which candidate they prefer. Ehrlich’s track record of endorsements is dismal.