The Harford County Health Department will offer the injectable H1N1 vaccine to pregnant women and children aged 6 months to 18 years, on Friday, November 6th at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., rain or shine.
Health Department spokesman Bill Wiseman said the clinic is restricted to pregnant women and children, who are among the prioritized groups recommended to receive the vaccine by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Wiseman said sufficient supply of the H1N1 vaccine was on hand locally to conduct a “sizeable clinic” on Friday.
The preservative-free H1N1 vaccine will also be available in limited quantities for pregnant women who prefer that form of the vaccine.
This is rediculous, washington lifted the ban on mercury for the vaccine, also it contains serilizing chemicals. Research the vaccine inserts. where 1 in 1000 will have severe to deadly results. This vaccine was patented by the two scientists who work for WHO, how convienient that they are the ones who set the pandemic level alert and then own the patent to the illegally approved vaccine. The vaccine approval form for the FDA was forged. THIS IS A EUGENICS OPERATION! READ AND RESEARCH!
Don’t forget your tinfoil hat!
Are you ignorant? Are you capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation? I have researched this topic more than you will ever be able to. If you want I would be happy to share my information with you, but only if you can be open and intelligent conversation. If you cannot then please take the shot. You will just be one more person buying into mass propoganda.
So you are saying that people are not really getting sick? that this ‘scare’ is to make money? While I believe that our society has seriously fractured our view on what should be important and focused it solely on making money. I find it hard to believe that this is the case with this flu vaccine. I know at least 5 people, personally, who have gotten sick this year. While I do believe the media tends to blow things out of proportion, this not being an exception. People are getting sick and should have the OPTION of getting a vaccine if they are at risk. Add a link to your findings on your next post.
I am saying that this is designed to make money out of a crisis, just like Rahm Emanuel says, “never let a good crisis go to waiste” although I have already proven to you below that the H1N1 virus was in the flu shot last year, so thats kinda weird isn’t it? READ AND INVESTIGATE PEOPLE! Don’t just sit behind your computer and call me an idiot, it makes things worse. Besides its already proven that vitamin D and oxydized silver CURES THIS! Don’t be confused with regular silver extract either that stuff turned a guy blue right? haha what propoganda
Wow is all I will say.
When does your movie come out? This script is hilarious!
On top of foil helmets I want locked file cabinets and all food products inseparately locked containers.
wow you are not creative at all
I agree with john doe on the FED comments, both charlie and Phil sound like them. It happens all the time on other forums. They have no real information or conversation ability just mindless unlogical comments.
Its not that I don’t have anything intelligent to say. The fact remains that the H1N1 is out there, my son in fact already caught it and thankfully is fine now. Wether you cure it with a shot or not most people don’t want to believe that conspiracies in the Government exist to such a level. I think if you truly believe all the things you are saying you should be saying them on a bigger platform then The Dagger.
How would you know I haven’t already done that. How would you know if I haven’t or have posted on every comment section on the planet. The real issue is people don’t want to think that their government is cutting corners, “conspiracies” aside. This is a dangerous shot, and I am sorry to hear your son contacted the flu. I am glad he is feeling better. On the other hand there is no reason for the hype and the massive campaign to vaccinate. I have talked to many MANY health officials about this, and 99% of them are concerned about the after effects of injecting so many people with partially or regularly radiated RNA of H1N1. These substances when expelled from the human body can actually cause the virus to mutate into a deadlier version and further sicken our country. CORNERS ARE BEING CUT, WHY? I want to know why it is when I question my governments motives as a patriot and a veteran, why I am demonized or called a kook.
Honestly I think you recieve such a back lash because your tone seems so hostile. That is why you are recieving all of these knee jerk reactions. I was actually interested in what you originally posted but then comments got hostile and yes it crossed my mind this guy is just a “kook”. I am not saying to tone it down just try to not be so quick to respond to the negative comments.
This has nothing to do with the fact that you are a veteran or a self-proclaimed patriot. This is like a script from a very poor movie. You need to realize that this administration is nowheere near intelligent enough to execute a plan like you describe.
Patriot, Do you have the proof about the FDA form being forged? Or where you read that at?
No actual proof other than the lawsuit being filed against the FDA for not properly approving the vaccine through clinical reports and correct government documents.
Look here,
Look here,
The documentation had to be falsified in order to get approval.
Look here,
This was rushed. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY, when it is less deadly than the regular flu.
I posted a whole bunch of URL’s but it didn’t post. I don’t want to repost all of the URL’s and explinations. Can you just look up the courtcase for the FDA approval of the H1N1 vaccine an read how they approved it. It will tell you. I am tired of posting sorry.
There is a lawsuit happening as we speak for between the doctors and the FDA about its approval and safety and the way they filed for approval.
patriot223, not to lump you in with these scumbags, but those videos sure seem to have a number of great followers/commenters, like this one: “Jewish people are so damn lazy and sedentary that they suffer from diabetes more than any other group of people. They have historically offered NOTHING to the nations in which they FEED off of. They are natures version of human parasites. Not trying to be funny or cruel, just factual.”
I want you to distinguish between what someone is projecting as their oppinion and what is actually someone’s expert advice on vaccines. The jewish people have nothing to do with this.
My point is there are experts who feel the same way I do and I want all of you to research and choose for yourself!
Phil Dirt says: Don’t forget your tinfoil hat! PHIL DIRT IS A FED… Or a complete idiot!
agreed, almost not even worth the energy to reply to him. He will have his day.
Thank goodness I have the world wide web and wingnut conspiracy theorists to keep me straight. God knows what’d I’d do if I had to rely solely on my doctor with his medical training and professional judgement.
Your doctor is just telling you what he is told you idiot. He is compartmentalized. Do your own research and stop being a sheep that follows everthing everyone tells you to do. I don’t care about their credentials, tell him to prove to you it is safe with lab results!!
By the way, the word conspiracy theory is used by anyone who does not want to hear something that is contrary to what they are told or what their current manipulated world view is. You use that set of words, only then to show your ignorance in proper research. I have my background in research as a Nuclear Engineer and can prove it. Get of your sheep stand and become educated!
For some reason, I doubt the sentence “Get of [sic] your sheep stand and become educated!” would be written by a Nuclear Engineer.
Well when you type quickly it happens, I was just telling my background thats all. I work at Hanford and design nuclear safety equipment for WTP. At WTP on Hanford we are vitrifying over 12 million gallons of level QL1 waste. I graduated at WSU and got my MS at UI in Nuclear Mechanical Engineering. I stated ” Get off your sheep stand” because people are following propoganda like sheep to be killed at the slaughter house. I don’t always have to be proper and slang is often used on site as well to portray a point that is felt passionately about by its proponent. Please do some research and stop following blindly!!!
Who are you blindly following? Would you mind sharing some of this “research”?
What I want to know is how 223 thinks it’s a “Eugenics Operation.” That implies that the vaccine will have some effect on births? [:-)
I realize this is rank paranoia, but that was a new one.
Look here,
Squaline in this dose full sterilization. Also they are targeting pregnant women and children with mercury. I realize we get mercury in other sources, but not injected past our immune system and digestive system.
Look here,
Mercury limit suspended in washington and then they are targeting women and children AGAIN!!!! Mercury crosses the placenta and sterilizes the newborn. Don’t waste my time, I am a Nuclear Engineer and I know what I am talking about. I have fully researched this.
Look here,
Here you see that the original flu shot has mercury at large levels, and that there was LIVE H1N1 virus in the flu shot as of last year!!!! Look at the blue highlighted area. This shows intent to have a pandemic and to have later vaccinations as early as 2008.
Look here,
A TON OF LINKS on the supposed epidemic and its vaccine
Look here,
This talks about the CDC and Baxter having this stuff for years.
You guys don’t remember that baxter/bayer got caught last year putting aids in the blood given to hemophiliacs.
All I am asking is for you to do your duty as americans and research this before you take it. I have and I am very passionate about what I have found. This stuff is happening NOW. The rockefeller foundations are funding a massive vaccination movement right under our noses. Also let me ask you this, do you think that your government loves you? Do you think mainstream media loves you? No one else gives a rats ass who you are but GOD. Therefore can you really trust what anyone says when it comes to injecting a foriegn substance into your body?
Thank God you have nothing more powerful than an Internet connection to spread this “VALUABLE INFORMATION!”
How do you sleep at night knowing that the Government is watching you through your TV set and monitoring all of your thoughts?
haha, wow, crazy
PATRIOT223: Well, it’s a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there’s a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as the Pentavarate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.
REST OF THE WORLD: So who’s in this Pentavarate?
PATRIOT223: The Queen, the Vatican, the Gettys, the Rothschilds, and Colonel Sanders before he went tets-up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee beady eyes! And that smug look on his face, “Oh, you’re gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!”
I loved your Austin Powers movies!
Wow. Take a deep breath, brother. Just not in public, as you might contract the pig disease.
I don’t have to worry about contracting that, its all hype to get you to take the shot. I have my working immune system as do you, It just needs to be fortified, without vaccines from large profit driven big pharma.
In fact, vaccinations are a very low-profit proposition for big pharma. If I have my story right, in most cases they receive nice tax incentives to produce vaccines.
HAHA, Dell is helarious, funny stuff man, what are you talking about?
I like how dave waits till there are is a no reply option to post his reply.
In reply to you dave, I have posted research and I will not be posting any more until someone asks for it. People need to find things on there own and NOT try to follow what im saying. You will find the same things I have and have to make your choice. Vaccines are huge profit, especially when the hype is SOOO large that countries are changing policies in order to purchase them. This means that there will be further profit from ramped production. Do you even understand? I posted here at this site knowing that people would blindly call me the names that have been mentioned. I don’t care, I just feel that as a citizen I have the duty to tell people what I find. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. IF YOU LEAVE IT, PLEASE TAKE THE SHOT.
I will be setting up an appointment to go and recieve a sample of the shot for independant testing. My doctor has agreed to let me pay for the shot and take it for independant study at TRI-CITIES LABORATORY.
I have set up a time to pay for the shot and instead of taking it, I will be having it tested for all ingredients at tri-cities laboratory. I will then have the information from the source. Will you people then pass on the shot, most likely not.
here is another source you might find interesting.
Patriot kinda reminds of Gene Hackman’s character in Enemy of the State….
Interesting isn’t it, how noone replying to my posts, have actually commented on how they read the information that I have posted. I could have posted mickey mouse’s picture 30 times under different URL’s and everyone would still be calling me crazy. Now I know why our society is lost, people cannot carry on a logical conversation about a tough issue, we have entered the true life version of the movie, “idiocracy”. Well I hope you guys follow NANCI PELOCI’s word and take the shot, of course she was the one that said ” Americans are useless eaters”.
It ain’t dangerous…
I post documents and you post a times news article. Ok, I understand that people get their information from the news. It’s ok. I will NOT be taking the shot. I hope that none of you get poisoned from this. I’m sorry to bother you with my quest for truth and justice. I will still post the TOXICITY REPORT from the lab.
Forgetting the ridiculousness of this conspiracy theory, and assuming that it actually is true, could you please explain why in God’s name anyone in our government would want to do this?
Why dave I think we have reached a point where we can communicate freely. All “consiracy theories” aside. I think that set of words is used by all to discriminate against people who seek truth. Anyways, If someone is doing this on purpose, usually the only gain would be power or money. I did not say that our government was involved.
when an organization like WHO says something our government jumps. And when who says something BAXTER/BAYER jumps in saying they have the cure. There are many MANY people though who have confessed to wishing that we had Eugenics and population control, Our lovely Eric Holder is one of them. He is our new surgeon general. Read his book.
I won’t go into what I believe, because it would take a year to explain it, but I believe someone is allowing poisoning to occur, it may be baxter (who has already been proven to poison people), or WHO, or our government. I don’t have that evidence, but there is evidence that this shot and others are DANGEROUS. SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE don’t you get it? By the way Eric Holder says that OREGON state is the best state in the union because they still have the right in the law books to sterilize institutionalized citizens.
Patriot, I know this is going to drive you nuts, but I think certain people should be sterilized and I’m not going to get into who I think should be or why in this forum.
Because they’re all in the pockets of big pharma, of course.
Personally, I’m not getting the shot (or the regular one.) It has nothing to do with any conspiracy theories or wacko religious ideas. I’m healthy, I have a strong immune system, and I very rarely get sick. I come into contact with a lot of different people from all socio-economic backgrounds, but I take sensible precautions like washing my hands regularly or at least using hand sanitizer and gloving up when appropriate. Honestly, I’m more concerned about getting Hep C or HIV from some dirtbag drug addict who decides to fight me than I am getting the flu.
you my friend are right. If we have a bunch of healthy people, when why are we being pushed soooo hard into taking these shots. If you look at who has died, they were extremely unhealthy or had terminal conditions. There is an reason why we are being attacked with such mass propoganda. Why would someone want to spend soooo much time and money to prove to someone that its the only way to keep yourself from getting sick.
Why? Well, my daughter hasn’t gotten the H1N1 vaccine, but she gets the seasonal flu vaccine every year, including this year. She has severe asthma, she works in a childcare center, and she goes to college. All breeding grounds for the flu. She had the flu once and it was pretty scary, hasn’t had it again since we started getting her the shots. Could be a coincidence, but with all those kids she teaches everyday, I kind of doubt it.
Sorry your daughter has asthma, I have it pretty badly myself. I use an albuterol inhaler and I am usually sick every year. All I have had to do it change my diet and exercise in the last 3 years and I have not had any of the problems I have had. People grow out of things and grow into things. My wife as been diagnosed with allergies now just after having shots. Just because she seems different does not mean its related to the shots. Have you had a chance to look at the Shot label I posted above, It has mercury and Live H1N1 virus in it as of 2008. I would advise you to make some changes.
DW, I understand your frustration with ignorance. I myself have thought along those lines. We must understand that due to the variance of opportunity in this country, due to corrupt leadership throughout time, our citizens have a variance in aptitude and values. But we must hold strong to the constitution our forefathers gave us in that everyone are equal and have rights. Our rights are lost everyday.
This bill:
is a bill going through every house and every senate in every state as we speak. This bill was brought about due to this “PANDEMIC” and allows the detainment of ANYONE, if they will not take the shot or conform under ANY NATIONAL OR STATE EMERGENCY. Washington state is voting on a bill much like this.
Now you tell me if there isn’t anything to this vaccine or the take over of our country and rights.
By the way, obama declared a national emergency for a flu that is less responsive and less deadly than the normal flu. what does that tell you?
Bills such as this allow them to detain us without council, go into our homes with out warrents, and have total power all under the “Emergency” title.
MMR Vaccine, Smallox vaccine. Kids can’t even go to school without a chicken pox vaccine! That’s the most ridiculous one I have ever heard of!
Sandy I am sorry to say you are wrong. It is illegal as of now to require your child to have a vaccine to go to school. They are only required to have a Vaccine record. Within washington state Vaccine records there is an exemption form. There are also Exemption forms at the main secretaries desk at your local school. Please become educated on vaccinations. THEY ARE NOT THE LAW we have rights as citizens.
You have to have more of a reason than I don’t want to have my kid vaccinated. Either a religious reason, or a medical reason. You, of course, could lie, if you want to play that game, and I would if I believed as strongly about this as you do. Without vaccinations we would still have polio. I would suggest you spend some time in the hospital with a child who can’t breath because of the flu. Watch your daughter’s lips turn blue and her O2 levels drop into the 80’s. Watch as the nurse’s adjust and adjust and can’t bring her levels up. Listen to that cough that just is so bad that she can’t stop long enough to even take in what little air she can. Watch helplessly as you and her doctors think she really might not make it through the night. Spend 3 nights thinking your child will die of the flu, and then think about how you feel about a vaccine that could have saved her life.
I am sorry to say this bill is going to take our rights SANDY
I do think they over vaccinate our kids and would only dream of vaccinating them of something deadly.
Maybe Sandy needs to come over to my home and watch movies of my normal, happy, developing baby boy and movies of him after his vaccinations… eye contact, no more trying to speak, just sitting, spinning objects with no life in him.
Maybe those of you that think the Government is all ‘for the people’ can help my now 12 year old Autistic pay for all his therapies that are required to hopefully give him some sort of ‘typical’ life.
Please…..people ….wake up! Are people in todays age still so blind sighted that they are rushing to get injected with toxic chemicals into thier and thier childrens bodies??
Do the research…..and you will find that behind all this H1N1 hype is the almighty dollar. Always has been and always will be that way.
To avoid the flu….keep your immue system built up naturally.
Please….do the research and think for yourself! Do not be a follower! You have rights! Stand up and speak for yourself!
I feel so sorry for you, I wish more people could see that this 1790 technology is killing our kids, both mentally and physically.