As of 8:48 PM on Tuesday, November 3rd, here are the Aberdeen election results:
winners in bold and italics
Michael Bennett – 982
Michael Hiob – 739
Barbara Kreamer – 139
City Council:
Ruth Elliott – 1236
Bruce Garner – 1123
Ron Kupferman – 967
Sandy Landbeck – 1077
Trudie Norman – 285
Zenobia Todd – 439
Ruth Ann Young – 1014
I am done with the poor voting in Aberdeen. It is sad to see the low number of turn out for these elections. I will no longer vote in the City Elections.
Bennett is a joke, another two years under the wings of Art Helton
Maybe JR needs to run. Apparently, he has it all figured out. I can’t understand all the negativity – no matter who won, there will always be those who are unhappy. If you are unhappy with the way things are running AND you have a SOLUTION, go talk to the city council and the Mayor.
JR is right. bennett as Mayor is a joke!the people of Aberdeen have been Duped.
Duped? Who would you rather see in the office, Hiob who talks just to here himself talk. I have been to council meetings, at most of them I was waiting for him to start refering to himself in the third person. I do not cater to parties I believe in the best person for the job, but someone who is in it just for the limelight (Hiob) is not who I want in office.
I for one do not feel ‘duped’ whatsoever. The policies that Hiob promoted, especially those concerning annexation that we voted down in the past cost him this election. And the idea that Bennett is a ‘stooge’ of Art Helton is immaterial. Whether or not he is, if he is promoting positions that are supported by the majority of Aberdeen residents, then what difference does his connections to Mr. Helton, a very involved member of the Aberdeen community, make? If in the future Mr. Bennett’s relations put him at odds with the votership, then we turn him out. If in the meantime those associations assist both him and the city, so much the better.
What a poor election result. Bennett did nothing in his two years. Elliott and Young are a joke at coucil meetings, both ramble and talk about the most useless things. Oh well Aberdeen will continue to lose out on BRAC related revenue.
Elliott is the only one that speaks for the city and has its best intrest’s in mind. Kuperman, Hiob (joke) have held aberdeen back for years. Both have been taking money from “special intrest” groups and putting in pockets for a longtime. They got what they deserved. Hiob would have never been re-elected even if he was running for a concil seat. I do agree with one thing. BENNETT stinks. Elliott should have run for mayor!!!!!!
I agree People. Ruth ws the only one who gets things done. I complained about a pot hole for almost three months and when I told Ruth about it she had someone out the very same day. Aberdeen can finally get back to what it stands for. Thank God Hiob and Kupferman are gone. All they wanted to do was have progress, well I for one don’t want any progress. Aberdeen used to be a nice place to live and Ruth will bring that back!
Mayor Bennett deserved to be re-elected and will have a new council to work with on the issues that matter to the city of Aberdeen.
Again, the voters of Aberdeen rejected the candidates of the special interests, greed, and un-controlled development
Real Voter,
Can you tell me who these special interest groups that supported the defeated are? Can you contrast them to the special interest groups that supported the election winners who live outside the city yet spent tons of time and money (which goes unreported) to ensure that the candidates they wanted won? Isn’t that the very definition of special interest groups?
Thanks, look forward to your response.
The special interests groups are the developers who attempted to hijack Aberdeen City Hall with campaign money (Hiob had tons more than Bennett and certainly spent it on his campaign materials), a candidate that did not know any better and did not care, and most of all — undue influence over the political process. Hiob was bought and paid for by those who really do not care about the citizens, but only their interests.
Bennett’s campaign supporters included mostly those who either live in or do business in Aberdeen….and have done so for years! I spoke with voters all day — and they voted for Bennett for his honesty, integrity, and accomplishments as Mayor…the voters were not fooled!
Mayor Bennett’s campaign ran on actual accomplishments and a record of success…and the voters responded to his efforts.
Wouldn’t Mayor Bennett’s accomplishments be the same as Hiob? Isn’t Mayor Bennett’s vote equal to each other council member? Outside the water deal, of course, which successfulness is still TBD.
Hiob did not have tons of more money than Bennett. Just tons of more money that is forced to be reported. How many signs lined Rogers Street (on city, commercial and CSX property) last night for Bennett?
Is pushing for the building a monstrosity of a commercial complex next to a historical landmark and neighboorhood within the city that is unwanted by the community the the same as being “bought and paid for by those who really do not care about the citizens, but only their interests”?
Unwanted by some, others see it as bringing in high end leasable office space that will bring jobs to the town.
Unwanted by those that live in the city and would be affected directly. They should be considered before any other outside interests, including developers. Unfortunately (depending on your point of view), outside developers have locked up at least 3 council votes this election.
There is plenty of other areas for commercial development in Aberdeen. In fact, some areas have recently been approved by the council.
Couldn’t have said it better myself real voter!
Bennett doesnt deserve the job and now aberdeen will get what it deserves and will suffer, a peice of s*** mayor for a peice of s*** city.
Hiob was the right choice the voters of aberdeen couldnt realize that, i guess negitive campagining does win even though people say they dont like it.
We got the worse possible council and mayor are city could ask for, good luck Sandy Landbeck, your gonna need it.
Thank you Council President Hiob for your hard work these last 6 years!
Hiob stinks!!!! Ask him how much money he took from and put in his pockets from the Wetlands deal that will never go through. He will be in jail one day.
You dont have any idea what you are ranting about…
Although the outcome wasn’t what I preferred I think we need to try to get as much done with the council we have to work with. As it has been said before Aberdeen deserves the council that they get. I hope that this council can push for more revenue to take the burden off the taxpayers backs.
All of the people that are complaining about nothing being done should probably get off their couch and try to get on the council themselves. Then you will see how difficult it is to change things when you are one vote out of five.
In shouldnt have taken a whole term to come up with a “historical agreement” that wont help us long term.
Thats all that was done, what a waste of time!
Congrats to Mayor Bennett, he deserved to be reelected, now with a cooperating council they can do the things he promised the voters. I know him and he is a man of his word and convictions.
A man of Art Helton’s word to be correct!
And if you say that he will realy do what he says then where in for crap these next few years!
Exactly what did he promise? And are you saying that Garner & Landbeck are Bennett agenda supporters, since he already had the two old crows.
The Mayor and new council are to be congratulated on their election to office they have a daunting job ahead of them. Democracy is a beautiful thing and can only be accomplished by those who exercise their right to vote and speak at council meetings about their concerns and work with their elected officials.
It will be an especially difficult year for them with the City receiving $525,000 less from the state shared funding. Along with that shortfall, the white elephant/stadium expenses and the horrible economy making ends meet will be difficult and make it unlikely for the citizens to look for relief. Times are hard and everyone has to pull up their boot straps and get to work, cut back and be thankful we aren’t experiencing a depression.
Well as a combat veteran who was greeted upon my return from Afghanistan by Guess who??????? Mike Bennett. I find all of the statements about him baseless. I was very impressed by his warm welcome upon my return, so much that I gave him my prized Operation Enduring Freedom coin that was given to me by a senior US governmenatl official.
Although I know Mike Hiob and generaly like him, I do not agree with his politics or methods. We can find fault in anybody if you look hard and long enough, ” I Like Mike” ” MIKE BENNETT”.
Last night Aberdeen was once again sold to the highest bidder and we will all have to suffer through another two years of a puppet government. The irony of the situation is the story. You would think that a mayor that could pull off an impressive victory over a very credible challenger could use that same energy to creatively lead this city through the difficult times ahead. Instead you have what I would liken to a eunuch in a Harem. He sees allot going on but understands he had nothing to do with it.
I agree 100%
Welcome back.ES as a combat veteran, of Vietnam. I find Bennett to be a joke. Mike Bennett that is.oh my those haunting word’s of S.Fred. the people get the goverment they deserve.
Semper-Fi & Gary Owen
Vietnam Vet, I find your comments to be a joke. You keep typing the same thing, you should probably learn to back your arguments with more then someone is a joke. At least Al J Thong got creative in his slander.
Not slander but the truth and people like you and 900+ others arent open enough to realize it!
Again as I have said you all are using colorful language but not really saying anything of substance.
Shark tell us why you voted for Bennett? What has he done in the two years in office that made you want to re-elect him?
Jaws- Did I say something you believe to be untrue?
Not just me, check the newspaper this morning. Few more then just myself know the same thing.
Tell me Jaws, what do you know?
This election is good for the Harford GOP. Hiob was the dems new golden boy. Looks good, smiled, sold out to developers but voters saw through it. He can spend more time on his county job now..The Harford Council President and members should pay notice..
This is a confusing statement. Seems to me that Hiob was not considered an up and coming star by the Democratic establishment, and as such was most certainly not ‘the golden boy’ for local DEMs. The candidate supported by the Democratic Party in fact won, while on Dagger at least it seemed that Hiob was much more aligned with the Repugs, and he lost. In that way I suppose you could say this election was good for the DEMs.
In reality everybody lost out. To only get 1900 votes in a jurisdiction with 10 times that number of voters is a sad reflection of the times. Sadly the teabagger types out there are making government so hated (and lower socio-economic class citizens are so disconnected) that there is no longer any civic ‘sense of duty’ when it comes to voting. We REALLY need to promote the idea that elections are our most cherished freedom, at least as important as any other right granted by the constitution. Election days should be holidays, people must be willing to hear the calls and read the campaign literature; our public must be involved, literate, interested, and engaged for government to really work well. This is getting worse and worse in today’s society, and makes me fear for our political future.
The candidate supported by one of the democratic clubs won, not the entire Democratic Party. The local State Delegate, who happens to be a Democrat, supported Hiob.
And I thought local elections were party-free? When I vote locally, it shouldn’t matter. I’m sure I voted for both R’s and D’s yesterday.
I do agree that 1900 votes is pretty sad, but that has nothing to do with your reasons. That is the typical ammount of voters for the area. Two years ago had more voters, but alot more time and money were spent on campaigns back then.
Also, they are roughly 8000 registered voters in Aberdeen, not 19,000
Non-partisan does not mean that party affiliation is not to be considered; rather it simply means there is no party-orchestrated primary election.
I would argue that the Democratic clubs are a great way to be involved with the actual party. Certainly the majority of those that will run for office will be involved at the club level, and you are turning down your chance to make a real difference in local Democratic Party Platforms if you do not take advantage of the club(s).
Support from one of the elected Democrats does not mean somebody is a party Golden Boy in any case… and I think it is fair to say that Delegate Riley has quite an independent streak anyway. That being said, unlike the Repugs, the Democratic Party has always been a place for free-thinkers, and as such our party does not follow a strict party line. That is the privy of the Republican machine.
I did not realize that Aberdeen had so few registered voters. Somewhere along the path of the election I saw a number that suggested between 18,000 and 20,000 live within the Aberdeen election district, the number to which I was referring. It seems that either those numbers are incorrect, or we have a low registration rate in addition to a very low voter turnout.
the 18-20k registered voters in the Aberdeen “area” is probably accurate when you use surronding areas and include people outside city limits who can’t vote in the municipal election.
The issues that face the mayor and council should absolutely be non-partisan. While some decisions will overlap party ideals, all should be done in the best interest of their electorate, not any outside developers or other interests. While I didn’t agree with the anti-annexation vote two years ago, I appreciate the process as it allowed the people to decide and not 5 individuals.
The people however DO decide… that is the basis of a representative democracy! If the people of Aberdeen want direct democracy, then they need to change the ‘constitution’ of the town. I shudder whenever people use terms like ‘only 5 individuals make these decisions’ because you are basically telling people that their votes do not matter. This is so untrue! We made our decisions yesterday. The biggest problem is not our form of government, but the lack of participation in it. This is why we must fight back against the combination of teabagger type influence and voter apathy. Government and politics has got to become a civic responsibility… involvement does not make everything wonderful, but it makes everything much more transparent and fair.
ProudDemocrat is a closet Teabagger.
John S.
After reading this comment, I have two things to say to you.
One – You are ingnorant of the number of registered voters in Aberdeen. There are only 9,000 people in Aberdeen between 18-99 years old. I can’t dig up the number of voters, but 20% turnout is pretty good for a muni election. It is at least in line with Bel Air’s turnout.
Two- The Tea Parties have not accelerated a lack of interest in government, but have fostered a civic interest. People who never paid attention are now paying attention. The apparent corruption is what keeps people from the polls.
Many times people’s apathy about voting is a sign that they are happy with the status quo
You never miss an opportunity to reference sexual acts, do you?
Al is good with word’s. gotta give him credit, for that. let’s watch & see how this ”Joke” of a mayor takes us thru another tour off duty.
Aberdeen, be prepared for some major changes coming soon. I am not sure of the specifics (though I can give an educated guess) but I know he is ready to turn things upside down. Hold on for an interesting 2 years.
My other thought is how is the council dynamic going to be. The four councilpeople don’t necessarily all get along nor do they dislike each other but it seems an odd combination of people. I am glad Garner and Lambeck got in. Both are extremely intelligent people and I think they will add some balance to the otherwise tipped scale.
Sandi, what changes do you infer are coming and why did he wait to get re-elected to make changes? Couldnt he have done some of this turning things upside down in his first term? The reason things will be interesting in the next two years is that Aberdeen will see how much BRAC related business they will lose due to the anti-development thoughts of the mayor and council. Wait till the new water and sewer rates kick in when we get that good Harford County water!!!!
Like I said I am not sure on specifics so I am not going to write out my guesses only to be wrong. As to why he waited, only he can answer that. And just to set the record straight for anyone who isn’t sure. I did not vote for him, however, I have nothing against him as a person. He is a nice man from what I know of him. I just don’t agree with his politics. So there it is for those of you who lurk and just read posts. 🙂
Good thinking Sandy. I was considering asking A.P.D. to go on strike. until we can get a mayor & council to support them. Shark 22 must be the mayor’s Diaper changer.
Apparantly you don’t remember that in 2005 Hiob vehemently lobbied against the A.P.D. collective bargaining initiative saying it was too expensive. Now he is their best friend. Politics make such strange bedfellows. As was once said “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Greg- You may not remember but what Hiob was against is collective bargaining WITH binding arbitration. There is a difference in collective bargaining with and without binding arbitration. There is currently a bill that may be passed to allow all police departments collective bargaining anyway. All collective bargaining does is allows the police department a “seat at the table” per say.
Aberdeen police???? They got it made stealing from Aberdeen tax payers every day, by taking home cop cars and we the city have to pay for the gas! Most of them live outside Aberdeen. Who’s bright idea was that? Get rid of hem and use the HCSD. Save the tax payer money.
I don’t think the People are complaining,about the police officers useing a little gas .it’s just a perk that goes a long with the job.
Classic when you have nothing educated to say you switch to name calling.
EMT- I don’t know who you are but I do know that there are alot of citizens that read this and by identifying yourself as a family member of an APD officer, in my opinion, I think “we” need to take a step back and accept that Ruth will get re-elected until she stops running. She has a HUGE voter base and I don’t know of anyone in APD that thought she wouldn’t get re-elected. I too get very emotionally heated when talking about that woman but there are alot of citizens that read this and some already have a very negative view of the police department and we as family do not want to add fuel to that fire.
EMT if you are still reading, I hope you don’t abandon participating on the dagger due to the things that “The People” posts. This person obviously has an issue with police and is a ‘blind’ Elliot Supporter. They are posting to ‘stir the pot’ and its doubtful that they really represent any significant number of Dagger blog participators or Aberdeen residents. I share your frustration with the state of things in Aberdeen. The only way things will change is if people like you continue to be involved in anyway they can.
Best of luck to you with your pursuit of the Nursing profession…I have a special admiration for those that choose to pursue professions to help others.
This guy is a dirty cop. Ruth Elliott if you read this, you may want to talk to the APD about anger managment. These guys are out of control.
EMT 9091 The marjority of peace loveing people agree with you’ the officers I Have met on the sheriff’s department & A.P.D. have been respectfull & well spoken.
Why a council member would choose a personal vengence against the police department. and then use it as excuse to save money. is beyond me.
EMT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop using capital letters, it is not polite.
EMT and Z,
My Family has been involved with law enforcement for many years. Even in the Aberdeen Police Department. A matter a fact was Cheif of Police. If your working 2 jobs your probally a loser anyway. If your working 2 jobs to support your family that camendable. I think your a loser!!!!!! Anybody that talks like you, has anger issues. I would like to meet you. What is your name? I will tell you if you meet me, It will not be a good thing for you! I hate to get nasty, but somtimes they only way to stop a jerk is to make him! Have a great day both of you.
I have a few comments for you “the people”.
1) that post sounded very threatening. I think you should maybe take a deep breath and re-evaluate whether it is that important for you to make a point while writing like that.
2)would you perhaps be refering to Whitey? (sorry if I spelled that incorrectly) Would you like to explain the illegal things that happened during that administration or should we keep that under wraps too??
I wouldn’t have nearly as much of a problem with Ruth Elliot if she didn’t make comments about things in the PD that she has no idea about and if she was actually willing to learn about policies and how they SAVE the city money but she refuses to. You can only lead a councilperson to water but you cannot make them drink.
Go get em people. Do you ever attend council meetings? I’d like to meet you and talk about our mutual interests. Next council meeting just let it be known that you’re “looking for a virgin.”
You should run next time You have all the answers. Everthing sounds threatening to you. I don’t know how many times I read the same thing over and over from you. Who is Whitey? Referring to Ruth Elliott. Sandi you make comments that don’t make sense all the time. Its your view. Ruth Elliott can have her view also. This is why she always will get the vote. She’s right and your not. Enjoy!!
OK MR. the people says. I work two jobs do to paying, rent, car payment, car ins, cable, cell, bge, and food. I am stashing extra money so that when I reach the Nursing Program I will be able to take care of my bills and work less. If your family was Chief of Police must not have been someone who left much of an impact. Your grammer sucks, I can be a loser in your eyes, I dont have to deal with you or live with you. I do though feel sorry for the ones that do, you do seem like a real asshole. I dont have a family to take care of. I wouldnt give you my name if I had to. I have dealt with people like you, all big bad and rough wanna get in your face, matter a fact it was a someone my dad had put in jail for breaking the law. I AM A FEMALE and if you want to threaten me, you can do it all you want. You must have been the bad sheep of the family. Sorry to piss in your cornflakes pal, but i cant help but print your post and laugh as it is on my refrig every morning when I wake up. I hope I never cross paths with you and you are in need of some assistance, the way that I am raised I would help you. Your just in uneducated big talker with a bad boy attitude. So if you wanna beat up a girl you just let me know. Your really a man then and your probably acting your age which is probably your iq which is probably your shoe size. Ill pray for you and your anger issues. My you have a wonderful thanksgiving, a very merry christmas and my godbless and protect all your loved ones that have to live with you
EMT, Shut up. If you’re putting my blog on your Refrigerator; You are a loser and I win. Nice talkin. Dork!
well if im a LOSER then why do you take the time to read and respond to all my messages? how old are you? Hey did you and like a virgin ever meet up yet? Im sure the two of you will get a long just fine.
Aberdeen, at least for the next 2 years, will stay in the 20th century while other jurisdictions prosper in the 21st century. The voters, 900 of them, re-elected Mike Bennett to represent Art Helton. Based upon the make-up of the council, I think that Garner and Landbeck will be hard chargers and may even inspire Mike Bennett to do some thinking on his own. Elliott is Elliott and she isn’t going to change. Young needs to stop the babble and actually take a stand on an issue. I see a lot of 3-2 votes in the coming term.
I’m not putting my home up for sale, yet, I’ll make that decision by January 2011 because we will all see the path that Aberdeen will be taking, bankrupt or prosperous, and I really really hope for prosperous.
Mr. Mayor and council, win me over, that’s your job. Let’s see the happy greeter job replaced with a grant writer. Let’s see the vacant commercial lots developed by someone other than Art Helton. Let’s see revenue out of Ripken Stadium instead of flushing money down the drain.
Saw all I needed to about Garner’s allegiance when his front yard was full of bennett and young signs, and I saw a truck with garner and young signs side by side. Appears he learned two years ago when he lost that he needed to join the helton team to get elected, and it worked.
Landbeck seems to be an independant thinker, and while I’m not a huge Elliott fan, she did start voting rationally and independantly in the past year, after stepping down as council president (which she is again, right?)
KJ-The ONLY sign in Garner’s yard was his own!!! His neighbor had had a Bennett sign in her yard. As for the Young sign I am clueless where you saw this one. Garner is a very strong, ethical man and the only “allegiance” he has is with the TRUTH! As for the vehicle you saw with both his and Young’s sign, that was just an independent voter that happen to support them both.
Coach, you may be right about the neighbor, and I’m willing to give Garner the benefit of the doubt as this will be his first year on the council.
I did not see his responses here on the Dagger, so I didn’t have much to go on other than what I was seeing. Hopefully he will be all you say the next two years.
Your right. Ripken Stadium needs to go. Sell it. Its a great deal for the Ripken family, but a bad deal for the tax payer in Aberdeen.
Thong, if you want to avoid topics by redirecting thats fine, a few things I know:
You think you are clever making nicknames for screen names.
The MAYOR has kept Ripken stadium from being foreclosed because the “hometown hero” left the city holding the bag.
The MAYOR approved numerous police requests for funding such as the new uniforms, car maintanance budget approval, etc. against the grain of the council.
The MAYOR has worked with local developers to start new projects to try and help stimulate the town economy.
The MAYOR raised most of his campaign funds from town businesses.
Enough for you so that you might actually answer my question or will you still just redirect or revert to name calling.
Shark I wouldn’t give credit to the mayor (and I don’t think that he would want any)regarding Ripken Stadium. Foreclosure would have been great then we, the tax payers, wouldn’t have to foot the bill. We are currently footing the bill and will continue to foot the bill, which increases yearly. If Mike Bennett would stand up to Tufton and take the bull by the horns I would gladly give him credit where credit is do, but nobody, including the Hiob or Kup, has given that stadium the attention that it is due.
If I remember correctly, it was Hiob who made a passionate last ditch effort to re-establish critical cuts from the police budget. I remember watching the cable broadcast because members of the PD addressed the council. That was the same night that Elliott wanted to come up with her own off the wall budget.
I wouldn’t call Art Helton a local developer, I would call him a developer from Darlington who has developed commercial properties in Aberdeen and has gotten tax breaks which translates to Art makes money and Aberdeen coffers remain dry.
As of October 10 Bennett had reported:
401 Market LLC (Art Helton) – $300
MacPhail Woods LLC (real estate development) – $1,000
Carsons Run LLC (Peter Bosworth) – $500
Morris and Ritchie Associates – $150
Ruth Ann Young – $30
Aaron Tomarchio – $30
I wouldn’t actually call these town businesses. We’ll see what the last report shows. Don’t get me wrong, money is money during an election so money from outside contributors raises eyebrows. It was used against Mike Hiob, he was criticized about money from outside developers.
Here is a little factoid for you, the receipts are right in city hall. 2 years ago, upon winning election Mike Bennett saw fit to spend over 20K of taxpayer money to replace 2 year old furniture because he didn’t want to sit in the same chair that Fred Simmons sat in. I did not find that to be fiscally responsible, I cannot forgive him for that, not one of his supporters has been able to justify it and Mike Bennett himself avoided an answer when I looked him square in the face. This is a new term and we can do nothing more than sit and watch, if the monkey shines start up, we, the tax payers, have a duty to step up, if the monkey shines don’t pop up, that would be great.
Not saying he wants credit, true it is actually cheaper for the city to pay the fine of foreclosing on the stadium then paying the loan off. The bank itself is in a tough spot because they will never forclose on such a specific use property. It is in their best interests to keep it open.
Not sure if we are thinking of the same meeting but the town council meeting I am referring to which I was in attendance had numerous police budget issues brought up that Mike Bennett voted for keeping.
Art Helton used to live in Aberdeen, and though it is true his residence is in Darlington which I don’t exactly consider far away, he does put a lot of money back into the town. As far as tax breaks go that is part of the territory in land development. My main problem with bringing Helton into these discussions is no matter what your opinion of him is he has money that he wants to put into developing property in town when he could take that business to more attractive areas. In this economy new development and construction from private developers is rare
Good research, should have checked percentages on that one.
Aware of the information being public. The furniture was a “monkey shine” item but in 2 years if that is the main complaint about out of the ordinary spending I am sorry but I have no problem with it.
Shark a fool and his Money are soon parted. in this case taxpayers money.let’s see how much more he can waste.
Out of all that was said in those posts and thats what you come back with? Give it up vietnam vet you have tried but you have failed.
I was never A quitter. you can’t put a failure in to office and expect any changes. I have noticed. he is ”speaking” to the people a bit more directly.
After council lesson’s. from Art Helton no doubt.
vietnam vet I will have to put this to an end because I cannot take reading your terrible typing and attempts at cleverness. MIKE BENNETT IS MAYOR, move on.
Shark 22 is it true your Daddy was a Draft dodger ?
Now I get it, you are one of those people, that comment spoke volumes about the type of person you are. Your whole life has revolved around something you did decades ago. I really feel sorry for you. Wish I wouldn’t have wasted my time with you today.
Shark injoy your Mayor. and don’t for get the baby powder.
I told you I feel sorry for you. I really do apoligize for picking on you today.
No need to feel sorry for me. the damage is done. freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. I payed a price. I don’t regret. agent orange congestive heart failure. it’s a fight for every breath I take.
Semper – fi & Gary Owen.
I was being sarcastic! Classic. You know nothing about me and yet you still make comments on assumptions. Done and done.
So Jaws you really don’t know anything.
You have absolutely no understanding of the stadium financing, how the contracts were devised, who made them, or the futile efforts that have been made to attempt to break them. And I have no intention on educating you.
This mayor has done several things to the officers but virtually nothing for them. Even if you can get past his lack of financial support and his lack of leadership to all city workers, he doesn’t support their activity on the street which has caused the really great officers to pull back and not risk a bogus complaint that could end their career.
Supporting someone who turns bars into strip centers is not working with or supporting developers. Embracing BRAC, a mandate of congress, and allowing houses and shopping centers to be built so that the influx of workers can live and shop where they work would be working with developers.
Bennett received a mother load of money from NHDC that didn’t have to be declared because they did mailers and signs on his behalf. All legal but slimey.
And the last thing you don’t know is how to show some respect to the Vet and who and what he represents and how much we all owe him and those who served with him. Swim away.
AJ Thong,
I have been following this banter since yesterday and even though I do not know the parties involved, I feel I need to express something. In no way did Shark insult anyone because they were a VET. Insults were flying, but Shark never disrepected the service that was given to our country. Perhaps, reading comprehension is not one of your stronger suits. If so, I know a few good programs at the community college that may help in this area.
Everyone is allowed their own opinion, that is why we love America, right? If you are so knowledgeable on what Aberdeen needs, why didn’t you RUN? Do you attend weekly counsel meetings? Do you participate in your city’s activites? Do you work in Aberdeen to help bring in more revune? WHAT DO YOU DO to help the city, besides complain about it’s mayor?
For those of you who do not like Bennett, you should have been campaigning for who you do like and explaining why….obviously, by the outcome of the election, you didn’t or you didn’t try hard enough.
For those of you who did vote for Bennett, good for you! You got the leader you wanted.
Glad it only took you a whole day to do research to respond.
As far as vietnam vet I don’t care about anyone who resorts to insults instead of trying to have a discussion. Secondly you know nothing about me and wether I served this country or not. Neither of you stopped to think that I got rude when he called my father a draft dodger.
To me your are just like VV, someone who can get on and comment about what other people are saying, and are incapable of your own independent thoughts. I will let you have another day before I check for a response or should I give you two?
Shark Al is still working for a liveing. you have to be ”polite” and give him time to respond.
Sorry fellas this has become boring and all we are doing is insulting each other. I wish you both luck in who you vote for next election. Feel free to say you won the debate or whatever will make you sleep better at night.
Wow Vet your old uniform must still fit because you did battle with a shark and turned him into a guppie.
I have been following this banter because it was funny as a bystander to read but I am going with this Shark person took the high road in this discussion. Vietnam Vet and Al J Thong you should try to keep it on topic next time and lose the personal attacks. You turned someone who was trying to debate politics into just another “computer tough guy” like yourselves, And no I didn’t vote for Bennett. I will save you the time of attacking me as I will not respond to any comments that follow.
Good evening, Charlie M.I’am pleased that Al & I have provided you with some entertainment. Politic’s do become boreing after a bit.
Sem -per- Fi
Hoib lost, Bennett won. Time to get over the boo-hooin and get on with buisness. Bottom line, if you don’t like the direction the City is going in go to a meeting and voice that. If enough people get involved at the Council meetings then Bennett won’t be able to carry out any personal agendas. If he does, take it to a referndum like the Wet Lands.
I voted for Hoib just like 738 other people did. I was a little put off by the BIG lighted billboard truck, but I believed he was best for the City. But to wine about it now is not helping anyone.
Just out of curiosity, what legislation do you think Mayor Bennett is going to ‘bring to the floor’ that represent his own personal agenda, and thus (in your terms) require a movement towards referendum?
Hiob lane annexation
God only knows the answer to that question. By the way Proud Democrat, are you really the secretary of the New Harford Democrat Club? You sure write and sound like her.
Um… interesting screen name, and no, I am male. I am a member of the New Harford DemocratIC Club, but am not an officer nor am I on the board (and do not want to be either). If however I write like the secreatry of the club, then I would think she has pretty cool political perspectives! 🙂
ProudDemocrat – How many members of the New Harford Democrat Club are closet Teabaggers?
John S.
And if the goal is to get more voters to the polls, try changing the cycle to be in line with the State and Federal elections.
For goodness sakes. Hiob lost!! So be it!!! If you think he was the right MAN for the job read the Aegis comments, page 13, Nov 4 issue. They said: “Hiob clearrly upset, declined to be interviewed.”. When he is not being a narcissist, he is acting like a baby! This is what you wanted to run the city???
One and Only give it a break – he went to be with his family – his son had worked very hard on the campaign – you and your comments are not necessary. I may not agree with Mike’s politics but I respect him for thinking of his family first.
The Aegis reporter was also seen coming out of the senior center before the results were announced and excitedly giving a thumbs-up to one of the winning council members. She then went for comment from the defeated who were still around. Her and her cameraman then immediately left, instead of being patient and waiting for the appropriate time to get a response.
Well at least the taxpayers won’t have to pay to remodel the office again.
What is the FOP’s take on the outcome of the election? They threw support at Simmons and lost. Then they were singled out for budget cuts. What about this election? Didn’t they support Hoib? What ramifications will that bring? Two years ago there were all kinds of threats made. What about now? The FOP has been really quiet.
Our lodge endorsed Mr. Hiob and Mrs. Landbeck. With that said, as President of the lodge I have congratulated all the winners via e-mail as I was out of town before, during, and after the election.
The Executive Board of the lodge will again reach out to the Mayor and Council in an attempt to work together.
Any and all further questions should be directed to the lodge e-mail.
Jason Neidig
Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128 (MD
Overheard last night: Bennett to Cpt Trabert, “the chief is out!” I kind of think that represents a personal agenda.
Wow, if that is true, the fact that it was said, combined with the fact that it was said on election night would lead one to believe it was one of the mayor’s top priorities. Pretty telling that a personal agenda like this was on the top of his list…you’d think with all that has been discussed there would be many more pressing, positive, constructive and necessary things to discuss.
Says something about character and priorities if you ask me.
Your most important words here: “IF that is true”.
I watched with keen interest as this election played out. I attended the candidates night held at the local legion and was a bit taken aback at the poor turnout. I also took notice that many of the attendees seemed 50+ in years and what things to be as they were “years ago”. I was surprised this morning when I woke up and saw that the incumbent mayor was elected for a second term. I was not very interested in local politics, but I saw enough to become a concerned citizen. As I drove around and saw the various signs on peoples lawns, I thought Hiob was going to be the new mayor.
From my prospective:
We need 4 year terms – hopefully the next 2 years will help Mayor Bennett in reshaping the fiscal plans for Aberdeen.
Commercial Development – We need to figure out how to bring more commercial property / development inside the city limits. Commercial property that is taxed means less tax burdens on the residents. Developing main-street & the Rt 40 corridor is not going to bring the tax base we need. Developing commercial space that will support research and development and brings jobs to Aberdeen will help.
Hotel Tax – We are loosing money everyday because we do not have a hotel tax. Someone please tell me why we do not have a hotel tax when we have at least 8 hotels in our city.
Annexation – This may not sit well with some but we need to control our development and bring this under the control and taxation of Aberdeen City Hall.
BRAC – As pretty as this city is, I don’t see too many folks from New Jersey moving into our city limits as part of BRAC. The school system is over crowded, and perceived by many to be below standard. Housing is dated and there are few areas that professionals would consider settling. I do see them moving to Bel Air, Bulle Rock, Falston, etc…how do we make our city enticing to them?
A.P.D – There are too many rumors of rolling their responsibilities up into the county. I love the fact that we have our own PD and would hate to see that responsibility abdicated to the county. I know if I call our PD they are seconds away. That to me is PRICELESS.
Change – As difficult as this is for many, change is inevitable, new communities will be developed in the open areas around APG because the role of APG is changing. People from outside your community will be moving here by the hundreds, if not thousands. We have got to figure a way of attracting them to this city – Parks, recreation schools etc….
Ripkin Stadium – I have lived here for a few years, arrived after it was build, but just found out the city own this property. I wonder how many other residents (new and old) do not know this. With ownership comes maintenance responsibility – ouch!!
I’m happy with the results for mayor. Stop crying about it. You should have done more to support your canidate. Get out and do something about it rather then spred your hatred over the net. Next time get fliers and go door to door, make calls, do something to get others to see your point of view. Or, better yet, if you think YOU have all of the answers run yourself! If some of you took 1/10 of the energy you use talking crap about this stuff and directed it towards something that could actually produce a result, imagine what you could do.
These type of forms are constructive in many ways with diverse thoughts and opinions. Some people would be better off looking here and reading things than just trusting their good old local papers slanted views and opinions.
The results are what they are. I supported Mike Hiob and am very disappointed he lost. Sad thing is – those of us who are raising young children have no voice in City Hall. Who will step up to be our voice? The Councilwoman who lives in my very own community is a joke. I too am sad to see the low turnout.
I think that there have been many good points brought up about teh low votor turnout. A lot of that can be laid to rest where it justly belongs. To the feet of parents and grandparents; I was taught at a very young age that voting was extremely important adn a responsibility. No matter the day or time ,even if it meant time off from work and standing in line you go do it. A lot of 40 and younger citizens never or seldom vote. That is where a change needs to be made. As for the results, congratulations to the winners, and to the loosers, thank you for wanting to be a part of the democratic process of this country, please stay active and keep pushing whomever is in office to do what is best.
Now the new council and mayor need to get to work, commercial properties bring needed jobs and taxes into the area without the burden on schools and other resources. Ripken Stadium needs to have the projects around it finished nad be able to do more events that can generate revenue to pay it’s bills. An upgraded MARC / transit station with adequate and secure parking to move people into and out of the city and APG needs to be planned and built; one that will encourage the public to visit and support businesses downtown. The biggest task will be organized, well planned growth that has all the open space and rec space as well as doing away with cookie cutter houses and postage stamp lots. A community that is a blend of rural with a touch of classic downtown Aberdeen. Good luck to all the public servants; and remember that is what you are.
Outstanding JD. You hit the nail on the head. The question is of course HOW is this going to be completed. Let’s see what the priorities are and where the agendas lay and let’s take the mayor and council to task if the ball doesn’t get rolling. A couple of the council folks may have a little trouble keeping up with the other two who seem to be hard chargers. I don’t expect fireworks at council meetings right away but planning sessions might be another story.
You are so right on your post, I do live in Harford County, but as for Ripkin, they don’t want any business there or any to come in, they refuse, I recall this one planner wanted to put several weddings there,but they always had some excuses,also a huge party once for a holiday, it was turned down as well. So Aberdeen will probably be waiting for many years to come for money from there, as far as the Hotel tax, It should be in place.
Can anyone say hole in the donut?…….
Isn’t the Beechtree development off of Route 7 and 159 is Perryman I think?? Hopefully they will get funds for the Rt. 40 Ostego intersection in HdG,0,3564501.story
Beechtree is on Aldino-Stepny Road just outside Aberdeen
Beechtree was on the old Seward farm at the end of Stepney road near where it joins Rt 7. About 2 miles from Rt 40 near Cook Motorcars. Mr. Seward sold his farm to the Knott group a few years before his wife passed away and he lived there till he passed. Then the group decided to not build houses and made it into a golf course. It would still make an excellent 9 hole Executive course with homes around it for young professionals if they would forgo all the extra houses. Especially being so close to the Rt 715 gate to APG.
Last night the next Aberdeen City Council was sworn in. My congratulations to Bruce Gardner and Sandy Landbeck on their successful bids for the Aberdeen City Council. You two have your jobs cut out for you as the council is already stacked against you. I was sorry to see Ron Kupferman leave and disappointed that Mrs. Todd didn’t make it. I am more than disappointed that Mike Hiob lost out in his bid to unseat the incumbent Mayor. It looks like Aberdeen will not expand it’s boundaries, Aberdeen will continue to pay $millions to Harford County for water and Harford county will continue to reap the revenue benefits of BRAC. I didn’t forget Ruth Elliott and Ruth Ann Young, ladies it was time to step down. You two made such a poor accounting at the Candidates Forum I thought the voters could sense it was time for a change. But I’m not surprise.I wrote previously that I was disappointed in the Mayor and City Council. My disappointment now rests squarely on the shoulders of those apathetic Aberdeen residents who chose not to come out and vote. 22% turnout, that’s disgusting. I crunched the numbers, Mayor Bennett received 52% of the ballots cast…that’s only 11.5% of the total number of voters in Aberdeen. That my friends is a “special interest group” headed by the puppet master himself. He was quoted in the newspaper last week intimating that the Mayor (see the strings?) was not happy with the Chief of Police, Randy Rudy and that a change was sure to occur. Yet, publically the Mayor has voiced no such notion. I noticed at last nights City Council meeting that the Mayor snubbed Chief Rudy as Rudy greeted the Mayor upon entering the Council chamber. Chief, we’re all pulling for you. And hey citizens of Aberdeen, What’s done is done.
George…really, only 11.5% support the current mayor. That’s eye opening to say the least! It really is just a special interest group in control of the town! Of course your 8.5% special interest group that wanted to defy the will of the voters on annexation from just two years ago lost out, didn’t it? What’s worse, control by 11.5% or 8.5%? By your mathematical logic, 78% of registered Aberdeen voters must support anarchy. Away with this municipal government, the voters think the county would run it better anyway, right?!?! BTW, how is it that Ruth Elliott always seems to be the top vote getter when analyzing any Aberdeen election? Hmmm.
Rudy isn’t the only one who needs to go!
Please expand, who else needs to go and why?
I thought that crime was down, isn’t this what we want from our police? Are there other problems at the APD that could effect responses should we need the police?
If someone can add some insight it would be appreciated. If we have concerns we can use the council as our forum.
Doubt you’ll get an honest response, RWinger, but I highly suspect that “Gone” is referring to someone he/she doesn’t “like”…and not likely someone that isn’t doing their job…
You’re right Gone. They ought to fire anyone who doesn’t do exactly like the Mayor wants. The majority of Aberdeen people voted for the Mayor so he should get his way. After two elections he ought to not have to run again but just sty as long as he and his friends want. Everybody knows what city empoloyees liked Hiob, so just fire all of them now.
Ruth Elliott is the only smart one out of the bunch. She should have run for mayor. Ruth,Ruth and The Mayor are the only people that were on the board that did not take money from “under the table” Special Interests groups”. Hiob took over $40,000.00 NO LIE!!! Mostly all from the Wetlands annexsation.
You are kidding right?
If you truly believe what you said…you’re an idiot.
WOW The People. Id like you to back up your information with actual facts please. Also you have some nerve calling people losers. Check your grammar and spelling. What are these “under the table interest groups” you speak of? I think you are out of your league, certainly with spelling and grammar, but quite possibly all together. Your name calling and childish outbursts are almost enjoyable though, you are such a big tough guy, calling everyone out, “meet me, blah blah, it wont be a good day for you” Who’s the one with anger issues?? Sounds to me like A.P.D has probably rained on your parade more than once. Do yourself a favor, go get a dictionary, thesaurus, or any local 6 year old and have them check your work before you post on here anymore.
BPB, WOW. Maybe you should check your grammar, use comas and periods where they should be used. If you take all of your time and over look everyones spelling on here, your a “LOSER”. Did I spell that ok? A.P.D. has never done anything to me. I think we as taxpayers have to foot the bill for whatever the A.P.D. wants and its not right. Did you know they have 46 cars and there all take home cars? Each car uses at least $100.00 a week gas. My math is much better!
Thats $239,200.00 a year. I have no problem if they are residents in the city, but most are not. Since you have all the answers, lets hear it.
Your math indicates that $239,200 a year is spent for gas.
Then why did last years budget indicate that the PD spent less than half of that amount on gas.
To: The people-you must be confused with your facts. I worked “closely” with the Mike Hiob campaign and can assure you of many things including the $40K you seem to think he received. I think you should step out of where ever you sitting and really look into getting some real facts. I think you have been reading the “hate” mail sent by the Art Helton club. Mayor Bennett not only received loads of “under the table” Special Interests groups” money but had his own mafia team working for him, they stole about 100 posted signs, many were in the back of Steve Johnson’s truck on election day, viewed by many folks, that’s just one slimy thing that was done by AH’s Mafia boys. You may think you’re right but you need to at least talk to people that have the real facts.
We’ll see what happens in the next two years with “special interest groups”
By the way the New Mayor has again made the statement that Chief Rudy needs to go. Get behind the chief. He is and has been doing a great job for Aberdeen. Do something positive folks, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE and THE CHIEF!
I’m glad you worked side by side with Mike. Mike works for the county. Maybe now, since he has extra time he can concentrate on doing a better “real job”. I agree Rudy has done a good job, but just remember when Fred Simmons was MAYOR they called Rudy his “mafia” where ever Fred went so did Rudy. Police and politics don’t ever work out. Policemen and women (Sandi) should not be on this blog. The FOP should not be on this blog. Codes of ethics. Facts are facts. Do you think Mike will tell you the truth? You know him better then I. Mike, Enjoy your time. I’m sure you’ll take some great vacations.
You know people, you would have been far better off letting people think that you’re an idiot , but not ranting on here and proving it.
Still a virgin, Like your name STAY ONE. I’m going to change my name to “Like a virgin”
The people: Are you for real? Women should not be on this blog? Police officers either? I am sincerely hoping that you are making what you think is some kind of a warped joke. If you are being serious, you are a disturbed individual.
Since you do not want the FOP or women on this blog discussing their views, how about the City Council hold an open Council meeting invite the FOP and women and actually engage them and allow them to speak . I think you would be surprised with the outcome.
I said Policemen or women. Referring to “Policewomen.” Don’t read to much into it, your brain may freeze.
How about the Council meeting?? Go ask Auntie Ruth.
Ruth…your chiming in I see
Ruth is way to smart to get on this blog.
Kind of an ironic statement from someone who spends quite a bit of time (morning and night) on this blog….what does that make you?
how much did ruth spend of our money in ocean city?
The people, you are joking right? If Ruth Elliott is the smart one of the bunch God help us all. Your comment that Hiob took over 40k in contributions with most coming from the Wetlands group is an outright lie.
Ask Smedly!!!! Mr. Hiob Was promised. Why else would he want the Wetlands to be annexed? Ask him about the deals when Freddy was Mayor. This includes annexing into the Aldino Apt. Mike, Tell us about the housing you wanted to put in at the airport also. True or not???? Remember everyone: devlopers have no problem spending the money, as long as they get thier way! See ya.
I have And will continue, to support our police A.P.D.I will not support the so called Mayor.
Hey VET! Happy Veterans Day!
Thank’s Dell I extend, that to other Vet’s that frequent the Dagger. and beyond. RichieC Dave Yenson RWinger.
Freedom Has A price. Sem-per-Fi & Gary Owen.
Right back at you Vet……Semper Fidelis
234 years old yesterday.
I’d have never thought that you were that old!
All Veterans are invited to a free spaghetti dinner given by the Jarrettsville Young Marines. You will be served by the finest young men and women, age 8-18, you have ever met. No alcohol will be served upstairs because of the ages of our Young Marines. The dinner is Thursday, come anytime between 7-8PM. Please bring a spouse or a friend. Our Young Marine’s try to find any way they can to tell out veterans how much we appreciate them, so please come if you can. The address is Jarrettsville VFW Post 8672 1714 Morse Rd. Jarrettsville, Md 21084
Right back at you Vet. If anyone can read this they need to thank a teacher but if they can read it in English they should thank a vet.
“Keep The Change!”
Gary Owen fly boy and God Bless those that didn’t make it back.
Good night Chesty where ever you are.
Webster defines the word assure as: to make sure or to make certain, to guarantee, to convince.
Therefore “Ol man”, since you: worked “closely” with Mike and company and can assure us of many things including the $40K you seemed to THINK he recieved. Wellllllllllllllllllllll, whats that all about. Are you indeed insuring us it is true??
I am sure ” the people” is speaking without any facts and unsubstantial statements like his/hers tends to create large clouds over his ray of credibility.
You need to choose your words wisely, especially when you say you “worked close”.
Arbitrator, I said Hiob took it. I did not say when. 4 years ago. With Fred. Mcgrady tried everything. Now he’s has even been banned from the golf course. I only state facts. Most of you on this blog were Hiob supporters. Get over that you all lost and your all losers. Let the real people of Aberdeen use this site to maybe talk about the good in Aberdeen. If you don’t like Aberdeen, move out. Aberdeen voters had a great turn out. Look at Bel Air, the biggest vote getter had 400 votes. That city is much bigger then our own and has twice as much Registered voters. Get over it all of you! Bennett,Elliott,Young,Gardner and Landbeck rule. Enjoy suckers!
Um, Aberdeen has a larger population than Bel Air. Use the internet as more than a soapbox and check your facts before you post. Otherwise you just sound silly.
Carry on…
TP-Mike H. did not take $40K in this election or in any past election, including the one 4 years ago. If you have facts or proof bring it forward, there are laws that to stop just that type thing, look at Baltimore’s current trial with it’s mayor over a few “gift cards”
As far as McGrady being banned from the golf course it is still private property. Here’s a side fact for you. The Aberdeen city administrator told the golf course owners they could NOT attend the council meetings as long as Mayor Bennett was in power, thats a public, citizen owned building.
Last comment- think you need to look at the population figures for Bel Air and Aberdeen. The RT24 corridor is not Bel Air so don’t get confused with all of the housing AROUND Bel Air, they are county and contribute nothing to the town. Sorry, they do contribute to traffic and school congestion. Aberdeen is heading in that same direction, BRAC is coming and houses will be built, Aberdeen schools will over crowd but Aberdeen tax base will get nothing.
Is the implication that the McGrady’s paid off Mike Hiob?
The people,
What are you talking about? Why would McGrady be banned from the golf course?
What Facts?
Smedly. My fault.
arbitrator- believe you misread what was written, reread.
I am proud to say I worked “closely” with Mike H. and will again support him if and when he runs for office again. As for the $40K it didn’t happen this election or any time in the past. For now Aberdeen has what it has, good, bad or ugly, we’ll see.
Perhaps in 2 years more then 1800 voters will get off their backsides and do what they should be doing, vote. For those that post here, mostly nagging comments well perhaps you will consider stepping up to the plate and put something back into the city, run for office!
I can tell the APD are afraid to post just by the FOP’s response. Could it be they have been gagged ordered? Didn’t this happen last election too?
What would you expect them to post about? Nothing they say is going to change anything and anything they do say will be twisted and criticized…if I were them I wouldn’t post anything about this election either. The results are in nothing to do now but wait and see what the next two years bring…more of the same is my guess. They are grown men and women and have survived (and in some cases thrived) under this and other mayors. They may have been treated better at different times, but its clear that anything they say will not help them so why would they say anything?
I’am inclined to Believe. the FOP will speak if and when they feel it’s nessasary. they have a job to do. First and for most.Protect and Serve.
Their “job” never stopped them before. Maybe it’s fear taking over. I know alot of them were really depending on Hiob getting in. Now they are scared.
Jason I do believe. heads up the FOP. I can assure you A.p.d.’s officers are not known to be cowardly. I have serious doubt’s about a gag order.
no i think that they are just dealing with life, changes and that things happen for a reason and they are being professional. Isnt that what you would do?
It was good to see many of the candidates from the recent Aberdeen municipal elections attend the Veteran Day observance at the Aberdeen VFW. In attendance were Mayor Mike Bennett, council President Mike Hiob, city councilpersons Elliott, Garner, Kuperman, Landbeck, and Young. The message I take from this is the elections are over, life goes on, and now is the time for all to work together for the benefit of the Aberdeen community.
11 hour, 11 day, 11 month was the beginning of Armistice Day, now Veterans Day. The end of the war “to end all wars”. As we know, unfortunately, that goal was not realized. Today threats to our freedoms and way of life are protected and preserved by our service men and women, your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you vets!
The People has once again made it greatly obvious that he has no education. Actually what you meant to write was “you’re a loser” so no, you are wrong. And yes I am aware that *they’re* all take home cars. I think it’s a great idea and having a police car in your neighborhood, it certainly is a crime deterrent. When the police drive their cars off duty it still looks as if they are working, giving Aberdeen the appearance of having many more police working than actually are, thus deterring crime further. Why aren’t you complaining about the state tax for the troopers who have take home cars they can drive state wide??? A.P.D isn’t perfect, but its far from the top of the list of problems that the city has.
Thank you, BPB, for correcting those atrocious errors in The People’s postings. My pet peeve is the “their/there” and “you’re/your” thing. He/she also states that we should be using “comas”. You just have to shake your head….
I bet you have such low Self-esteem you have to use spell check. You lost in the election get over it. What can a Aberdeen police car do in Baltimore? Nothing. At least a state car represents the state dummy. Let me make this clear “You’re a loser.” A.P.D. is unstable. I like Rudy, but the Fred Simmons years let him down. Mike knows what i’m talking about and you don’t. Let the real people use this website. I’m done with talking to another “LOSER” on this site.
Everyone “The People” is right on with what he/she is saying. “You go “The people”.
you say A.P.D is unstable how bout your lil threats hmmm. You need a hug and some love. You are obviously a very very disturbed lil person who has a lot of anger. A state car represents the state, a havre de grace car represents havre de grace, bel air represents bel air, hcso respresent the county, aberdeen represents aberdeen, the baltimore county car that is parked on the same road my parents is represents baltimore county, the perryville car represents perrvyille, it makes people feel a lil bit safer to know that they are living next door and not some out ragged cop basher like you. love ya xoxox
EMT, Isn’t your husband an Aberdeen cop? Does he not way about 300 lbs and is bald? xoxox Love ya
HEY The people
Are those things yours or did someone pay for them?
Hey the people, isn’t your wife a council person. Aren’t you the guy who looks like the offspring of the love scene from deliverance? Yea that cuckold!
NOPE wrong again buddy im not married : ) maybe youd like to hook up sometime though since your interested in my personal life see you at the next council meeting asshole, im a big girl so it will be hard to miss me.
my name is emily hince “EM”, -T is for Tank my nick name from high school CMW, soo if you want to know anymore about me just hit me up
No. I’m not married antone on the board. I look like Mel Gibson. It must be Sandi’ husband I’m talking about.
That’s “anyone” for my spelling asses.
“The people” I must thank you…the barbs going back and forth thanks to you are great entertainment. I kind of want to attend the next council meeting…between you, Emily aka “Tank” and “like a virgin” its bound to be much more interesting than the last few council meetings I have seen, though they have been entertaining for entirely different reasons.
I do kinda feel like the people and I have calmed down a bit, I have to chuckle when I re-read whats been posted. We are two people standing up for what we believe, I do though honestly hope he “mel’s” look a like, does have a wonderful holiday season. Im not a mean person who wishes the worst for anyone, we are all human. : )
lol. i am a female too..looks like “the people” is threatening two girls since his post was directed at “Z” too. i was always taught that when your opponent resorts to threats you have won the debate since they have no more credible facts to bring to the debate
Could be this debate, could inspire some interest in the Mayor & council.
“The people” I hope you are not a detective in any capacity. I am not involved or employed in law enforcement. Interesting that you jump to the conclusion that a woman must be a police officer to take issue with your comments. It tells me that you have some personal issues with the police and that you cannot take criticism.
Thank you for proving my point…threats and ultimatums are all you have to offer.
I will NOT “get off this blog”… sure do have an elevated opinion of yourself thinking you can tell other people to keep their opinions to themselves.
He spells so bad, maybe he is trying to say “peep-hole” not the people?!?!?
Could be. 🙂 I am not immune to a spelling error now and then, but even this dagger comment box puts a big ugly red line under a word if I spell it wrong!
Why do you people pick on spelling errors? You both have ZERO comebacks so, you pick on spelling? It was not as bad, as you make it. You both are just a bunch of babies crying. This guy probably has more education then all of you. I personally like what he writes. It sure got everyone attention. He does win.
Highly doubt the more educated part…
That said what kind of comebacks are necessary to unfounded claims, rants about a budget he knows nothing about and ‘facts and figures’ that have no basis in reality? Not to mention threats and name calling started by the poster you believe to have ‘won’ (whatever that is in this case)
To: The people says,
Wow you really sound out there!! You may have some good qualities and beliefs, but your comments bely logic and make you sound like a bigoted Klan member, who’s next on the agenda????????? If you have valid facts or disagreemenst, plese say them, but you lose serious credibility when you attack those personally on this site. The USA is one of the greates countries on earth, and yes we are all diverse and we all don’t look or think like you, thank god!! I am a staunch conservative and don’t agree wity liberal democrats or republicans, but please stop sounding like an idiot.
Town resident
“The People” as in the people spoke? Other than the obvious votes cast, can you tell me what the people said in this past election? Are they saying that they voted for a balanced budget? Are they saying that they voted for the leadership that could best lead the city through economically troubled times and still address the effects of the influx of workers following the BRAC? Did they say that they never want an independant water source? Did they say that there was fat in the police budget that could be cut without compromising public safety and losing our best and brightest officers to other jurisdictions? My family and I voted and we didn’t say any of those things.
Al nobody is complaining, about the fire department & there budget but yet they want to reduce a much needed service A.P.D. reduce the police presence. UP goes the crime rate.
As for Aberdeen fire department. a fine group of people. who I might add saved my bacon a time or two.
Isn’t the Fire Department incorporated? Meaning they are a buisness?
I voted and I did say those things. APD should not be immune from budget cuts. I don’t care what anyone says. If the city can’t afford 45 take home cars then there shouldn’t be 45 take home cars. If the city can’t afford all the police overtime, then the overtime should be cut. If the city can’t afford new uniforms (AGAIN) then the new uniforms should be cut. It’s common sense. But because most people on here are either APD officers or their family you get ridiculed and threatened for writting about cutting the APD budget. The police EVERYWHERE are getting their budgets cut, even fullough-days, but not APD! For some reason they should be the only police in the state who are exempt from budget cuts.
You really need to go to city hall and ask the right questions about how much the APD budget was cut. You could also talk to administrative folks they will be able to give you correct information. APD has and continues to take MAJOR budget hits under Mayor Art H & Bennett. Go get the facts before posting.
Would you prefer APD be eliminated and all policing in Aberdeen be done by the Sheriff’s Department? Then Aberdeen could be just like other jurisdiction, generally a 30 minute response time. Sheriff has good people but a large area to cover. Think about it!
As a matter of information – I’m far to old to be a police officer but support them in every way.
Yea, good old aberdeen’s finest. Just go to grumpy’s on a friday night and find awhole lot of them in there drunk, cursing and swearing. Then they drive home. Great role models, really something to look up to.
Yea, I would rather the sheriff take over aberdeen. They seem to be better trained and more professional than aberdeen’s drunks.
Would that be the Sheriff Deputies that were arrested in Baltimore City??
your such a no it all i love that in a mouth runner
There Human, they have to blow off steam. they have a lot of stress. I recall one Officer. that was known for his drinking. Did’nt make him any less a police officer.
He quietly retired.
i can name a few county that are too, why dont you place a formal complaint and let it be investigated. thats what grown up do, and follow up when you havent heard back. since your very interested in this.
Gone2-You talk about cars and uniforms and overtime. I was talking about public safety. You talk about police EVERYWHERE taking cuts. Aberdeen certainly isn’t everywhere. Its a city with 50% rental property, much of which is the remains of temporary WW1 and WW2 housing as well as an overdose of section 8 rentals. It is a city divided, not only by a radical disparity of income, but a city physically divided by a concrete structure. It is a fertile environment for gangs and the drugs and violent crimes they bring. I want my tax dollars spent keeping me and my family safe.
Gone2- Actually APD is facing the same budget cuts as the rest of the agencies in the state, and has been for some time. Also they will be experience anything from 4-10 furlough days at the end of this year. Furthemore, I guess you really dont care about police response time or actually deterring crime, which is exactly what take home cars are for. Do you ever wonder why Aberdeen doesnt have the crime that edgewood does???? Thats because we actually have police working!!! And your whole argument of “everyone one is cutting police budgets, so aberdeen should be cut too” wow great argument. People dont attack you because you criticize the police, they attack you because the points you make are stupid. O and I agree , WTF , aberdeen police goe to bars so they are drunks?? If you are there i guess you must be a drunk too. Great example.
Porter G, I invite you to come down to City Hall and review the records of the City Planning Commission, you will find a comprehensive and viable schedule of property annexations for the planned growth of this city, including the Wetlands golf course. The city has already annexed, successfully I might add, Twin Oaks,Northgate, Windemere and Hillsdale. Would you like to un-annex them and give ’em back to Harford County? What seems to be your objection? What ever, dosen’t matter as you say, the voters have spoken. It’s just sad that the city has the highest tax rate in the region and we’ve got so little to show for it. Hmmm, could be lack of fiscal responsibility. Whose responsible for that? Hmmm. The action or in-actions of the city council will be chronicalled on the web and on telecast for all to see and record. Hopefully their memories will be refreshed come next election.. Nuff said.
If that means McGrady won’t get in….sure!
I will second that. Aberdeen Voter!
I am a litle confused. Are you saying you changed your mind about Mr. Hiob?
Wow!! You were such a staunch ally, or at least I assumed that from many of your posts. Care to share!?!?
OK, Here is a question. Why does Harford Co., well Aberdeen high school, hold their proms in a Baltimore Co facility(martin’s east/west?) I heard( second generation rumor) that the tickets are running $100.00+. Why not keep the money(tax revenue) in Harford Co, more so Aberdeen????
Maybe because The only facility large enough (Ripken Stadium) jacks the price up on people. Sister was going to do her reception there. was quoted one price and wanted to sign a contract. Was told it was too early to (14 months) and to come back two months later. When she did the price went up $4,000. If they are that dishonest then who wants to deal with them.
Please note that there are two postings here which appear to be similar but aren’t. The original person using the handle was and still is I guess, “Ol Man”. This Johnny come lately is using “olman”. Huge difference. The latter is another Helton lackey from the appearance of it.
Here’s one for all you posters, do something positive. The Helton/Bennett team are again going to attempt to relieve Chief Rudy of his position as police chief. I understand it may start/occur Monday night AFTER the council meeting. Chief Rudy is and has been one of the pillars that support the city. His concern has always been with the safety of Aberdeen citizens. He has no HIDDEN agenda, is straight forward and far more honest then some folks sitting up front.
Please think about writing, calling or visiting your council to express your support for the chief and your displeasure at a mayor who because of some personal vendetta wants to remove your Chief of Police. Elections are again in 2 years but Chief Rudy’s removal will last well beyond. Just think about the crime rate in Aberdeen and decide how you feel about your Police Chief. Take action now.
John I would’nt expect to much action. from the Aberdeen voters they put a pathetic Mayor back in office.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who posts on this site!!!!
Thank you: Arbitrator I will second that.
Thanks to both of you and a return as well as the same to everyone else on this blog. By the way, what the heck are we doing here instead of getting ready for best durn Holiday in this great country.