The Bel Air Candidates Forum is over, but some of the answers that attendees gave will fuel debate right up until Election Day – one week from today.
Four of the five active candidates for Bel Air Town Commissioner fielded 18 total questions generated by some of the approximately 60 people in attendance; the Bel Air Downtown Alliance, which sponsored the forum; and The Dagger, which moderated the event.
In brief, those questions included:
1. How would you solve downtown parking woes?
2. Have services grown with the town budget?
3. What’s the main area of concern for Bel Air?
4. How would you lure BRAC transplants to town?
5. Thoughts on a new town hall?
6. Do you support a cut-through of MacPhail Road?
7. Would you disband Bel Air Police Department to save money?
8. How would you attract new business to town?
9. Can you do anything about condition of halfway houses?
10. Are town administrators getting paid too much?
11. Are Bel Air police officers getting paid too little?
12. Can the town restrict noise levels at local bars?
13. How do you balance your opinion with desires of citizens?
14. Will Boulton and Gateway be getting a traffic light?
15. Would you support a term limit for commissioners?
16. What characteristics should a commissioner possess?
17. Can you promise you won’t run for higher office?
18. What’s your one priority if elected/re-elected?
Some highlights of the forum included:
– Dave Carey’s admission that after a few failed attempts at running for the House of Delegates, “it’s not in the cards” for him to seek higher office again.
– Rob Preston’s admission that he’s “leaving his options open” about seeking higher office, which may result in the inability to complete his term if re-elected.
– Carey broke rank with the other candidates and said he was against spending $180,000 to put a traffic light at Boulton and Gateway – especially at a time when the town just canceled its $3,500 Christmas party. While others spoke about the safety issues at that intersection, Carey said it was a lot of money to spend on a problem only 1,000 people have to deal with. Greg Adolph pointed out that was 10% of the town’s population and he wouldn’t ignore them.
– The closest thing to candidate confrontation occurred when Ricky Davis said he would stand up for 2 elderly women who asked the commissioners for the traffic light at Gateway and were told the money wouldn’t be there for 5-6 years. Preston said he was at the meeting and didn’t see Davis there, and recalled no such comment from any of the commissioners.
– Davis was the loudest. Adolph was the quietest. Carey did the most eye-rolling. Preston may have been the most poised and polished.
If you are interested in watching the event for yourself, get comfortable, because the video is pretty long:
As for what you didn’t see Monday night:
– Surreal Moment of the Night: One-time candidate Steve Testerman (whose name will still appear on next week’s ballot even though he has announced he has withdrawn from the race) somehow slipped into the back room while we were making last minute preparations with the 4 candidates participating in the forum. No one realized it until Carey asked, point blank, “Who’s that guy?” After he identified himself, I promptly escorted Testerman out of the room. I was then stunned when I asked him if he was still “in the election” and his answer to me was “I don’t know.” I guess he knows now.
– The no-show candidate Dave Mitchell was absent because he couldn’t get out of work Monday night. At one point, he wanted to send a proxy to stand-in and answer questions in his stead. Then he wanted to at least submit a statement to be read into the record. We ended up denying that request, as it would have presented his thoughts and views in a different context from the other candidates.
– Davis’ comment to me as he stepped down from the podium at the end of the forum: “Thanks, man. But way too long.” While I appreciate his candid criticism, the forum only ran from 7pm to 8:45pm. It was advertised as running from 7pm to 9pm. I wonder, if elected, how he’ll ever survive those budget planning sessions.
– There was a quorum of town commissioners present. In fact, all 5 Bel Air town commissioners were in town hall for the event. Also seen at the forum were Del. Susan McComas, former Harford County Councilman Mark Decker, and Maynard Edwards, 105.7FM DJ and co-host of The Ed Norris Show.
– Our Emmy Award-winning cameraman (honestly) pulled out all the stops with a dual-camera setup and production worthy of some of the hit television shows and movies on which he’s worked. He was a last-minute fill-in, who was interested in participating just because of his personal interest in some of issues impacting the town. While he prefers to go nameless, I couldn’t let the night pass without giving him a shoutout.
– For what it’s worth (and that probably means nothing), Preston and Davis left their empty water bottles on the dais where they had been sitting. Perhaps Preston knew he’d be back soon enough to pick up the trash. Perhaps both gentlemen know something I don’t about the sanitation service within town hall. Perhaps they both figured the moderator wouldn’t mind picking up their trash. He did.
So what was your favorite moment, comment, stretch-of-the-truth from Monday night’s candidates’ forum in Bel Air?
I wanted follow up to some of the non-answer answers, challenges to the facts used questions about why the candidates have changed positions.
I agree it was too long. Would have been better w/ a little more controversy. There were duplicate subjects covered with different questions which added to the length of the forum.
Pretty clear that Preston has been reading the Dagger since his opening comments tried to negate the negative but seemingly accurate postings in previously articles.
Carey rolling his eyes and making faces was typically arrogant.
Given the huge rise in Town taxes they have approved since they’ve been in office together, I don’t think that either Carey or Preston made enough of an argument that they deserve another 4 years.
Hope the Aberdeen forum is a little spicier.
Based just on tonight’s event…not knowing half the candidates who posted…
Here’s my take on things…
Carey and Davis scored most points…based on answers that were to the point and from the heart…Especially Davis on the ‘noise issues’ and Shamrock residents…Hey…we’ve got four or five big holidays…fireworks on the Fourth…loud singing and bands on St. Pat’s Day and New Year’s Eve…days we celebrate…most of us at least.
So live with it…and that’s basically what the audience wanted to hear…some gut honest answer, instead of posing…and Davis said basically that…
it was the first time i’ve seen the two newcomers…i liked one, didn’t care for the other…
Davis hit the nail on the head a couple times, and was honest, not political…
Preston lost ground to Adolph…but Adolph comes across as aloof…
That Leaves David Mitchell…he’s the Working Man…and in keeping with his self-proclaimed Title…he was working tonight…..bullshit..
Some other observations…
Re: the issue of salaries of top echelon in the Town Hall and Dept. of Public Works building….
Comments were raised about the Town Administrator, Christopher Schlehr…$100,000 plus…a couple more knocking on that Payday Door as well…
Well here’s a question no one posed to the four candidates on the dais…
‘Why not cut Schlehr’s salary by 15%…yes, cut the salary, as a campaign promise…vow to cut the Town Administrator’s salary by 15%!!! The guy sitting next to me suggested a 50% cut in pay…and was serious…folks are hot about the over=paid heads running the town…
And you know what…none of them would quit…Schlehr knows he’s got the world by the ass…he’d take the cut to keep his job…and whomever made the suggestion would be a hero over night….
And why would Schlehr not say a word….because he couldn’t find a job with a salary even close to what it would be if it were cut…anywhere!!!That’s why.
Traffic light at Boulton and Gateway was a hot issue, and it looks like Town Hall is better left alone right now…maybe one day it could be re-located in the vacant BB&T bank building…makes sense.
I’d just cut them out completely. Time for new management.
I don’t think Adolph was aloof, I just think that he is more of a “bookworm” kind of guy and I don’t mean that in a negative way, that’s just his personality. I don’t know any other way to put it. Maybe I should say Davis seems to be more of a “people person”. (Sorry about the cliches). I wanted to punch Carey in the face if he rolled his eyes and gave any more prolonged sighs while the other candidates were answering. Didn’t show any respect to them or the audience for that matter. Preston–I just think he’s completely clueless. I’d rather someone appear to be more subdued in his responses but who really cares about the Town than to have someone like Preston give slick answers that the residents want to hear. Now I want to say that I am 100% with Mr. Lodgepole and the other townspeople who are sick and tired of the overpaid overblown administrators and their salaries. I submitted a question about that at the forum and mine wasn’t even read, so I know others are concerned too. I have stated on this website before that yes, experience counts for something, but not exorbitant salaries at the taxpayers expense. And thank you, Mr. Carey for pointing out that only one administrator make 6 figures, the other 5 are only in the $90K’s….. I have spoken to a few of the commissioners before about this and the attitude seems to be that you can’t take away something that has already been given. BULLCRAP! I want to see the salaries in line with what other administrators in towns of comparable size are making. And Mr. Carey can take the $3500 that was previously to be used for the employees’ Christmas party (whatever happened to everyone bringing in a dish?!) and use it as a downpayment on a red light for Gateway Drive. Bye bye Carey and Preston.
I wasn’t at the forum last night, but in regards to the light at Gateway Drive I have to say it seems a little problematic. There are already two traffic lights very close by (one getting out of Best Buy) and on the other side of the Bel Air Athletic Club, there is a light at Boulton and Tollgate. The traffic is gridlock around the holidays and you can’t even get in and out. I am not suggesting there isn’t a problem, but what about a roundabout instead? They seem to be working very well and not stopping traffic constantly and creating large backups.
I like the idea of these forums. I guess there was not enough time to answer all the submitted questions. Thanks to The Dagger all the candidates were featured in an article and stated there position on some of the issues. If your issue/question was not addressed, ask it here.
Gotta love Democracy!
Del. Riley: I think what I wrote about my question not being answered has been misinterpreted. My question was about the high salaries of the upper echelon. There WAS a question asked about the administrative salaries, but it was not the question I submitted as I included certain verbage which was not read aloud–my point being that I don’t think I am the only one concerned about the salaries, obviously someone else submitted a similar question on the same topic. Thank you for allowing me to clear up this matter and I love reading your points of view on The Dagger. I think it’s great that someone of your caliber takes the time to respond to the questions and comments of the readers and contributors on this website.
Sorry about that, Blue. We did get several very similar questions concerning salaries, salaries of those making more than $100,000, and general pay-scale concerns. I had to fold all of those into one question to be asked, and it’s possible that the nuance of your question was lost. As Del. Riley said, feel free to ask it again here, and thanks for coming out on Monday, it was a good first event for us.
The forum was interesting if not a little unfair. I knew that Carey and Preston were going to look better as far as background information. Davis and Adolph need to learn. That is not a bad thing. I think Adolph and Davis showed the intelligence and willingness needed to learn. That counts for a lot more than eye rolls and vague answers.
The video of last nights Bel Air Candidates Forum has now been posted. Scroll up on this article to view it.
“For the next four years, we are going
to have some tough times,” he said,
adding he thought the town made a
bad decision in agreeing to pay for the
new auditorium in Bel Air High School,
owned by the Harford County Board of
He said further cuts in state aid
may require the town to cut funding
to popular programs, like the Bel Air
Volunteer Fire Station and Bel Air
Recreation Committee.
Comments from Commissioner Carey in todays paper.
“For the next four years, we are going
to have some tough times,” he said,
adding he thought the town made a
bad decision in agreeing to pay for the
new auditorium in Bel Air High School,
owned by the Harford County Board of
He said further cuts in state aid
may require the town to cut funding
to popular programs, like the Bel Air
Volunteer Fire Station and Bel Air
Recreation Committee,
Carey must be living under a rock. I certainly don’t want someone who now decides that he wasted $1.5 million on a bad decision and who is going to make it up by shortchanging public safety and kids. For $1.5 million, you should have taken more time to make a decision Dave. THAT is what you were elected for? What did the money get us? More seats at $10,000 per seat?
Would you like to admit to any more F*** UPS?
Carey is going to get the crap beat out of him when he gets home. His wife manages Shiela Dixons campaign and even Shiela isn’t dumb enough to say something like this 6 days before an election. Take it easy on him Rachel!!
(PS- cut some of those $100K salaries first Dave, then dump on the kids and firemen.)
Now we know the “experience” he claims makes him the better candidate was completely overstated. I agree with bewildered, very stupid comment to make 6 days before you want people to trust more tax dollars with you.
Given the size of your mistake, how will you ever make that right with the taxpayers? Would your law firm keep you if you made a mistake like that? I think someone would be chasing you for a refund. Might want to get your running shoes ready.
Hot dog man gets my first vote and Adolph gets my second vote
Davis would be my third choice
The other two- its time to go!
Look apparently its more important to sell and consume beer in Bel Air these day’s. This is apparent with the demise of both Super Fresh and now Giant Food store. Harford mall has improved but is not even close to a decent mall. What happened to Besty the cow and Sears Outlet. I will tell you what happended the Town of Bel Air has been and is growing at a rate that is disturbing. While change and changing with the times is a good thing, be cautious of how much we all wish for because it may not turn out to be what you anticipated it to be. On the other hand change in the Town Commissioner’s should at this point be looked at as a good thing, its time to go!
Jacko: You may want to rethink your vote for Mitchell. I heard he’s the one who bought Betsy the cow, sent her to the old glue factory and she’s what’s in dem dogs he sells from his cart.
I agree with 151 proof, but I am deciding between Davis and Mitchell for my second vote, Adolph has my first vote
My question is other than Adolph what other canidate is not going bald?
And I hear that Mitchell and Davis are loose Cannons, so who the heck do I pick?
Capt. Defense: Rob Preston says if you vote for him, he’ll join the Hair Club for Men
I’m going with Adolph and Davis. Preston and Carey do not desreve my vote.
I too am going with Adolph and Davis. Preston and Carey have had their chance. As for Mitchell, he is the joke of the election. How can anyone take him as a serious candidate?
Dagger: Will you be endorsing any of the candidatess?
I too would be interested to hear the Dagger’s endorsements in the local elections. And more importantly, PLEASE tell your neighbors to VOTE. Local elections are so important. This is our chance to actually have a say.
We aren’t going to do any endorsements. Hiram’s comment below pretty much sums up why that is–we’d rather give you the best information possible to make your own decision. Endorsing a candidate is basically taking sides and that’s not what we’re here to do.
no need for Dagger and it’s so far esteemed crew to dabble in making the minds up for folks who can’t decide for themselves…the Dagger already did the highest possible Endorsement…they aired a forum where the candidates and the publice came face to face…body language, animation, answers, non-answers…it was all there..
to me it would be a big mistake to endorse…
Once Carey and Preston are gone, can you guess who is next?
Carey’s boy!! Haha He’s worse than Carey. I hear that a few VERY qualified people waited this one out so they can get him out in two years. All it takes is one – the other two aren’t going anywhere (for better or worse)
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