From Maryland State Police:
On 09/26/2009 at approximately 0335 hours, Troopers from the Bel Air Barrack were directed to respond to 1007 Conowingo Road, Bel Air, MD for a report of a stabbing that had just occurred.
Upon arrival, Troopers found the V/C, Ronald Francis Gentry, W/M, DOB 08/15/1960 of the aforementioned address to have been stabbed in the left arm and bleeding profusely. The suspect, Bryan Thomas Hewitt, DOB 10/12/1983 also of the Conowingo Road address had gotten into a physical altercation with his girlfriend, Andrea Renee Young, W/F, DOB 8/10/1984, in their bedroom on the first floor of the residence, at which time, her sister, Elaina Marie Donahoo, W/F, DOB 12/3/1991 stepped in between Hewitt and his girlfriend. Donahoo was punched in the face and grabbed by the right arm and thrown to the ground. After hearing the commotion, the step-dad, Gentry, got out of bed and came downstairs in an attempt to restrain the suspect, Hewitt. As Gentry was attempting to stop Hewitt’s assault on his step-daughters, Hewitt immediately turned his aggression towards Gentry. Hewitt was armed with a knife and slashed at Gentry, striking him in an artery in the left bicep area.
Gentry was subsequently transported to Bayview Medical Center and is listed in critical but stable condition.
The suspect, who remained on scene, was immediately taken into custody and transported to the Bel Air Barrack. The suspect was charged with attempted murder, first degree assault, three counts of second degree assault and reckless endangerment.
Investigating Trooper: TFC A. Argenbright, IBM #4751
Assisted by: Cpl J. Gross, Criminal Investigation Section, IBM #4763
crime in other parts of the county that don’t end in “wood”, that is an eye opener!!!!.
yeah. blind squirrel and a nut theory comes to mind.
i am the victim- the girlfriend- and, it’s called.. drugs change people :/
I’m sure this has a recurring pattern, I’m sure this is not the first time the “victim” was attacked by this guy, it just happens to be the first time a nearby family member tries to stop the obvious abuse, and blam… things got out of hand… but in the long run, will the victim go back to the boyfriend, because he is sorry and promises never to do it again… so next year instead of attempt of murder, it’ll be a completed deed!
drea – once an abuser, always an abuser. Run away from him as fast as you can. You deserve better.
Wow I tell ya what, this one is a knee slapper. I know the suposid “Victom” and i use that term very loosly and what can I say…CLASSY!! You really out did yourself this time Drea, way to go!
your right, it was about the 12th attack, oct 5th we would have been together a year. i went to school with bryan.. ive known him since 6th grade, he had tried to date me since then too. i was the pretty popular girl in school though, years later our paths crossed, he seemed like a really nice guy–man let me tell you, people-are NOT what they seem-AT ALL. and no- I think this time, I am with my family, pressing charges-& since it hasn’t been a full year I can actually back count all other 12 accounts as well. :sigh: you have no idea how devistating this has been for me-as, it kinda came out of no where. Bryan and I are both bipolar, however he was taking meds and.. changed, he really did thou.. when he said he was trying.. he went to counseling and stopped drinking and started taking his meds, well he went to jail for 21days for a vop for a dui he had gotten before we were ever together. when he got out of jail, he just.. wasn’t that ‘new’ person anymore. i had moved from his house to my parents house while he was away, to take care of myself and our cat, etc.. but idk.. i was worried something like this would happen- i thought, if i stayed at my parents & he was there with me taht i would be safe, i felt safe there. and instead i put my whole family in jeopardy-trust me i have enough guilt for that. but-as much as his family wants to blame me for this.. im sorry that i didnt know he was doing heroin again im sorry that he lied to me and while i was sleeping.. went out w. his ex gf & started drinking & doing god only nkows what else & came home.. & began screaming in my face “Im not your bitch I’m not your bitch” I had JUST woke up I had no fkn idea wtf was wrong or what he was talking about.. :/ I never saw this coming. I guess I should of, but.. I’m a borderline personality disorder- and, we.. tend to, protect ourselves and from being hurt, .. as a coping mechanism like- we go into denial, and its my way i realize that ive dealt with things i know i made alot of excuses for him in the path- but, i loved him and yes- i wanted to believe he could change bc i was a person that did change so im living proof that it CAN happen. :[ but.. idk, i guess some ppl- just cant. you have no idea how hard this has been on us all. my family is afraid to even go outside now-do you have any idea what its like to fear for your life like that on a daily basis to wonder wtf is going to happen when he gets out- bc.. his parents have the $ to pay that half a million $ bail.. they got money like that, they have a lawyer like that, and.. his older brother whos twice as big and twice as bad.. gets out of jail this month. he was facing like 45+ years to life or some shit and he served less than 2years and has the same lawyer. so – there is ALOT you all dont know in this situation, and like the family that wants to blame me as if theyre so perfect- when the mother told me months ago- if you ever hit him back or first he will hit you-again, he always did his twin sister- well why the hell did you not correct that when he was a child? o.O i m ean seriously.. and for being a drug and alcohol counselor as well.. you’d think all your children wouldn’t be.. addicts & a mess. at least i was born addicted. it wasn’t really my fault :/ and-at least I’m in recovery and *clean* regardless to what any hyprocrites want to think. :] I DO deserve better than this, and my life is already getting better each day without this bs in it anymore. I finally dont hate myself bc im not being constantly belittled. and i tried to leave before- several times, and i wasnt allowed- or let to, more less. so-as you all think its so easy to oh im just going to up and pack my shit and try to make it out the door past some one liek that.. yeaa.. ha, you keep telling yourself that. bc.. let me tell you-you do think alot when its not you and when your not in the panic of the time in situation and you actually are calm and can think and shit-but, when your in adrenealine mode like that and you aint got time but seconds to make a decision or choice- yea, its alot different. so walk a mile in my shoes before judging me first. i mean, if your gona talk- at least know wtf your talking about.
Hahahahaha yeah he went out with me cuz he didn’t want to be with you anymore…you called me the next day andrea! The next *** day! U even sent me a text from his phone THE NIGHT IT HAPPENED PRETENDING TO BE HIM! AND CHICK HE WAS DOWN FOR 3.5 YEARS NOT 2….GET IT RIGHT AND WHILE U WERE ON THE OUTSIDE POSTING I LOVE YOU *** ALL OVER HIS MYSPACE AND RUNNIN UR MOUTH U WERE MESSING WITH ANOTHER DUDE N GOT PREGNANT! AND BTW HOW *** DARE YOU BRING ME INTO THIS! PISS ROCKS! I EVEN TOLD HIM NOT TO GO BACK TO your house BUT HIM BEING MY BEST FRIEND I DROVE HIM BACK TO YOUR HOUSE! And I don’t want to hear u just woke up cuz u were blowing his phone up for 2 hours before he came home! AND HOW DARE YOU BRING HIS FAMILY INTO THIS YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY CAN AFFORD AND TO BRING HIS BROTHER INTO IT THAT’S EVEN LOWER! YOU CALL URSELF CLASSY BUT NO YOUR THE LOWEST FORM OF DIrt there is! You say u were clean but yet u smoked weed and shot up the ENTIRE time yalls were together! STOP TELLING LIES AND BE TRUE FOR ONCE IN YOU’RE LIFE!
First, I wouldn’t want to walk a mile in your shoes because your feet are very small and boy, would mine hurt afterward. Second, I think you have always deserved better. Third, I’d like you to keep in touch, if possible. Fourth, check out my website. I think you’ll like it. Fifth, I think you and I know what we could do with a fifth!
Yea.. ugh, I would consider to be a victim of domestic violence o.O
after being attacked 12 different times that I REMEMBER, plus this one.. & the fact I saw him stab someone before this- I’ve tried to leave before,.. He also has a prev. assault felony charge.. look up his record- and then look at mine, HMM.. considering I’ve never really dont shit in my whole life other than get an occasional speeding ticket..
And for someone that likes to talk shit, at least I’m classy- better than retarded, can’t even spell “supposed” right o.O wow-talk about out doing yourself & knee slappin’ haha.
Really? Drea you feed on the attention for some reason, you like people feeling sorry for you; and you enjoy arguing the fact that “you’re” a victim. Instead of letting this die down and being a little ashame of everything that’s happenning, you keep texting people and posting mass messages to let people know you’re on the news. Yes, you’re a victim of your own choices; if you have witnessed this guy do all these horrible things and you still stayed by his side and kept saying that “you love him” then you’re just as responsible. I know fir a fact you at first blamed your step dad for getting stabbed because he put his hands on your boyfriend first… Really?! I think it’s time fir you to wake up and smell reality.
um, i think anyone with eyes and a brain could see that I’m a ‘victim’ as well as my family.
yes-I said, if my stepdad hadn’t slapped him he probably wouldn’t of stabbed him. b/c i know bryan-his anger, ive endured it for a fkn year.
considering i was not allowed to fkn talk to anyone or hang out with anyone- yea, now that i can talk to my friends again and people that know me- yea i am letting them know-& letting them know exactly the kind of person no one realized he was. o.O By doing so-when he gets out I just might save ALOT of fkn ppl. but, sure- I’m just yakno.. seeking pitty and attention, ugh- wouldnt I of then announced each time he busted my lip open, blackened my eye, & he lied and told everyone it was for some excuse that was total bs but I didnt say anything-bc I loved him, and.. I did try to leave and, without a car- a phone- a house phone- that made it quite difficult to do i mean, oh wait if only i would of just thought to ask to use his cell- you know, bc he was SO gona let me call the police on him when he was fkn strangling me hanging me in the air over his head as I dangled feet from the ground. SURE!
Why dont you wake up and smell the reality- that, this shit is every fkn where, it’s even made front page of AOL & AIM’s opening screen.. everyones gona fkn see it- and I’d kinda rather them hear it from me, like- of me of said something to my friends, or people I thought were.. bc, those were the ppl I were announcing it to, or trying to at least- i dont care about every one else or if they feel “sorry” for me I dont want fkn ppl to feel sorry for me- I never have, unlike SOME ppl- which Im not even going to name names- & I KNOW whos writing these comments, but again I’m not naming names.
I simply just want ppl to be aware- and know- the truth. B/c I’m tired of excuses, and lies, being spread to cover up just how BAD this situation really is, & yes you are right I did it too, I was in denial, I made excuses for him, I stayed with him and gave him repeated chances when I shouldn’t of.. but- that was my decisions and my fault and I will have to live with the guilt and conscicences from my actions not you. but- this was an easy way for me to just say hey everyone- its over, im free- you can talk to me again, the nightmare is over. im okay, we’re all recovering and know- be aware- that.. this shit happens, know and be aware of who and how this person is. B/c I know this sure has changed a hell of alot of minds. I know it did mine.
Wow I cant wait for this Hewitt guy to go to court and whip this web page out as evidence. This girl is going on and on “look at me im a victim! Ive been attacked 12 times!” then wants to call herself classy!? heh real classy. And her major platform of defense was that someone didnt spell some words right!? heh And she sent mass text messages to people? I wonder how that text went maybe something like “Hey guys guess what, I got attakced for the 12th time woo hoo, check me out on the local news after the weather. Look for the ratty little girl with a dirty mouth, thats me!” She was also saying shes Bi-Polar which is a shame to ppl who truly suffer from the disease, cause what she really is, is just a loser that OBVIOUSLY makes excuses for everything. She didnt ask to be attacked 12 times yadda yadda cry me a river. I dont feel pitty for her at all, it seems to me she had this coming. No one feeds off negative attention like this that wasnt asking for trouble. I think its cool that she keeps checking up on this page and making comments after what people have said on here…just goes to show, some people never get over themselves do they?
when people get stabbed and nearly killed protecting their children, everyone needs to see past shallow arguements. women-and-community are only safe when this type of violence is ended. instead of bickering and accusations, we all should support a safe community. personalities and personal arguements dont matter here. dont accuse victims: strong response to violence through thoughtful community intervention/rehabilitation is the only answer.
what a fkn nut job. hope your step dad is alright
Drea, just a word of advice…when you’re the victim of a crime (or involved in a case somehow) it’s probably a bad idea to go on a public blog and talk about it.
How many times did I tell you to leave him over the past year? The first time he hit you, I told toy to leave. You’ve been letting yourself get abused by people for several years; mainly ever since highschool. Stop blaming yourself for the past and allowing yourself to be a ‘victim.’. I’ve always loved you, but you’ve been a ‘victim’ for far too long and in too many of the same situations.
Wake up. Change your outlook. Change your life.
Also when this kind of situation occurs, don’t go mouthing off about it online. He may very easily use this as evidence against you.
I just want to see you happy and safe. And the continued downward spiral in relation to the
men you date will never allow that to happen. How about taking a few years off and NOT having a boyfriend? You need to stop relying on others to fulfill your own happiness, or fill the holes. Find a way to do it yourself.
Gosh drea.. We all know that venting online over steps stabbing someone. What really is sad is that I could probably name everyone who left a brainless comment about this story and I haven’t even met them. At least your cheating/pedo ex justin had the nerve to leave his name. Abuse is never ok
Hey girl you know you drive me crazy
One look puts the rhythm in my hand
Still I’ll never understand why you hang around
I see what’s goin’ down
Cover up with make up in the mirror
Tell yourself it’s never gonna happen again
You cry alone & then he swears he loves you
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely down
I see what’s going down
I see the way you go and say you’re right again
Say you’re right again, heed my lecture
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
It’s coming round again
Do You feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I’ll tell you my friend, one day this worlds going to end
As your lies crumble down, A NEW LIFE SHE HAS FOUND.
Face down in the dirt she said, this doesn’t hurt
obviously, this girl is an insane loser and so was her boyfriend. its always surprising to realize that people of such low character and values even exist. is there any way to clean our streets of trash like this girl and her boyfriend?
mayland, obviously you dont know the people involved, and seem to be, sadly, a person completely without compassion. clean up your own trash.
Personally I say you need to get away from him too. If you don’t there’s nothing to say he can’t do it again since he already knows you not going anywhere.
wow, this is retarted, everyone who is saying shit about Drea needs to chill the fk out. But drea you shouldnt be posting mass messages about it, it seems like you want the attention. But for everyone else who is calling her trash (maryland) you need to grow up. So what if she wants attention, you dont know her life, maybe thats what she needs cause she obviously didnt get the right attention from her boyfriend and maybe she didnt get any from her family, so can you blame her for wanting attention. Everyone on this page needs to grow the fk up and read the story and flip to another one. no comments are needed.
Its amazing to me that it went on for so long without anyone doing anything about it , including you . Some could say your almost as much a culprit through your inaction as he was. It’s your life , only you can change it, so fucking do something about it. little thuglife boy hewitt deserves to get his rectum reamed as karma for all the people he has fucked over in his short pathetic life. you want a pat on the back cause the guys in blue finally came and took one of your problems away for you , well congrats. Stop feeling sorry about the past and move on.
The people involved in this are human filth. We need more God and less feces in our town.
You refer to people you probably have never met as “human filth” and “feces”. Then you claim that your town needs more God.
Seems like you could use a little more God yourself.
@Pike: LOL..Actually, I’m an athiest. True, I don’t know these monkeys, but from my line of work I know the bottomfeeding type – “teen Harfordfilth”. I only suggest these characterless maggots need more religion because thats the only hope for lowlifes like these losers. I’m just guessing their socio-economic background keeps them stupid and lacking in sufficient ethical-fiber to function without the moral guidelines of religion. I would never stoop so low as to be a sheeple myself. Besides, why do you care? What, are you their heroin dealer?
Actually, I need to ammend that statement. I believe in God, just not your god.
Our culture worships a god of personal isolation and selfish self-preservation…a man-god of vengence and war against other religions, a justification for ecological destruction. Who, but corporate-cows building angel-wings for demons could believe such nonsense?
My God is a Wolf-In-Wolf’s-Clothing…ecolgical unity, and cycles of reality breeding cultural co-creativity and mutual self-responsibility. Global-warming blizzards…that is the sound of my God talking.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. heh.
Ugh..hate to break it to ya, but no one cares about you-OR your “God”
or your opinion for that matter. Ha.
You know what you need to do? Get offline, get off the computer, and go get a life. That’s right-a life.
Those who judge will be judged on judgement day. So I’d have a little more mercy if I were you, considering your soul needs a little mercy itself & WILL beg for it. I say this-KNOWINGLY, because you are human..and like any other human, we sin & are unperfect-it is our nature. No one but God, can be perfect.
And you, you just define what trash truly is.
A person with out a life, without a heart, without a brain. Someone who is so bitter, so bored, with nothing better to do, they decide to go read about others lives, and doing so-they actually take time out of their lives to sit and think up of ways, words, to slander and put others down. Wow, who’s the loser again? Psychiatrists explain this is due to their own self lacking of esteem. Sad and pathetic, really.
But I think everyone already figured out what king of person you are, the minute you proudly spoke of being atheist and then going on about.. religious stereotypes and what not, trying to act intelligant when you just made yourself look that much stupider. It’s people like you that I pray for, the mentally deranged morons running loose in society. God help us all.
[chuckles] God bless you too??? [shrugs and walks off to read another article]